# DO NOT EDIT - This file is automatically generated # Install OMFIT framework dependencies with `pip install -r OMFIT-source/install/requirements.txt` # Optional packages can be installed with `pip install -r OMFIT-source/install/optional.txt` # Note that if one of the requirements fails, then none of them will be installed # More info about OMFIT install: https://omfit.io/install.html # More info about PIP requirements file: https://pip.readthedocs.org/en/1.1/requirements.html aurorafusion>=2.1 #{'optional':'Used in ImpRad, STEP and CHEF modules'} bibtexparser>=0.6 #{'optional':'Keep track of papers that used OMFIT; also needed for omfit_bibtex class'} boto3>=1.5 #{'optional':'Download harvest objects stored on amazon servers'} botocore>=1.8 #{'optional':'Download harvest objects stored on amazon servers'} chaospy>=3.0.11,<=3.0.12 #{'optional':'Used to construct proxy functions for TGLF UQ'} corner>=2.0,<=2.1.0 #{'optional':'Make some beautiful corner plots'} csaps>=0.11 #{'optional':'Needed for profile fitting in CAKE'} Cython>=0.28 #{'optional':'An optimising static compiler for the Python and Cython languages'} dask>=0.17 #{'optional':'Needed for stable xarray import'} dicttoxml>=1.7 #{'optional':'EU/IM actors'} emcee>=2.2 #{'optional':'Gaussian processes fitting'} ffmpeg>=1.4 #{'optional':'Used to make animations from matplotlib'} gptools>=0.2 #{'optional':'Used in OMFITprofiles for profile fitting'} gpr1dfusion>=1.0 #{'optional':'gpr1dfusion'} imbalanced-learn>=0.3 #{'optional':'imbalanced-learn'} ipython>=5.4 #{'optional':'ipython'} matplotlib-label-lines>=0.3.9 #{'optional':'Better MARS-F eigenfunction plots'} mayavi>=4.5 #{'optional':'Make good 3d graphs; GPEC, M3D-C1, TRIP3D modules'} nlopt>=2.4 #{'optional':'to offer wide range of nonlinear optimizers'} numba>=0.38 #{'optional':'speed up numerically intensive python code'} oyaml>=1 #{'optional':'OMFIT uses yaml files in several places and it is nice to be able to maintain dict ordering.'} pidly>=0.2 #{'optional':'Start an interactive IDL<->python session; there are many fusion analysis codes already written in IDL'} psycopg2-binary>=2.7.3 #{'optional':'Osborne pedestal tools and OMFIT shape control store settings in postgresql databases'} pyAesCrypt>=6.0.0 #{'optional':'used for password-based encryption/decryption'} pygsheets>= #{'optional':'Used for interfacing with Google sheets in omfit_google_sheet.py'} PyPDF2>=1.26 #{'optional':'Allow embedding of files in PDFs'} tables>=3.4 #{'optional':'reading fast camera .cine files'} python-dateutil>=1.5 #{'optional':'Used for OMFIT statistics'} scikit-image>=0.13 #{'optional':'Used required by the python fidasim module'} scikit-learn>=0.24 #{'optional':'Used by several modules including KN1D and TGLF_scan'} scikit-optimize>=0.5 #{'optional':'Used for machine learning'} scikit-sparse>=0.4 #{'optional':'Used for profile fitting'} seaborn>=0.8 #{'optional':'SCOPE, M3D-C1, TUTORIAL modules'} Shapely>=0.6 #{'optional':'Find intersections of radiated power sightlines and first wall in PCS prad control module; Also needed in eqdsk utils'} sphinx>=1.6 #{'optional':'producing OMFIT documentation'} sphinx_bootstrap_theme>=0.5 #{'optional':'producing OMFIT documentation'} sphinxcontrib-bibtex>=1.0 #{'optional':'Producing GACODE documentation'} tensorflow<=2.6 #{'optional':'Leverage Google advancements in machine learning'} twine>=3 #{'optional':'Used for uploading standalone OMFIT classes to pypi'} unbaffeld==0.2.2 #{'optional':'Used for GPR fitting in OMFITprofiles'} wordcloud>=1.8 #{'optional':'OMFITstats module for module usage visualization'} xmltodict>=0.11 #{'optional':'OMFITxml'}