'''save/load from ASCII routines
from .omas_utils import *
from .omas_core import ODS, ODC, force_imas_type
def identify_imas_type(value):
if isinstance(value, (str, numpy.bytes_, numpy.str_)):
dtype = dict(type='50 (CHAR_DATA)', dim=1, size=(len(value),))
elif isinstance(value, (float, numpy.floating)):
dtype = dict(type='52 (DOUBLE_DATA)', dim=0)
elif isinstance(value, (int, numpy.integer)):
dtype = dict(type='51 (INTEGER_DATA)', dim=0)
elif isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray):
if 'str' in value.dtype.name:
dtype = dict(type='50 (CHAR_DATA)', dim=len(value.shape), size=value.shape)
elif 'float' in value.dtype.name:
dtype = dict(type='52 (DOUBLE_DATA)', dim=len(value.shape), size=value.shape)
elif 'int' in value.dtype.name:
dtype = dict(type='51 (INTEGER_DATA)', dim=len(value.shape), size=value.shape)
raise ValueError(str(value.dtype.name) + ' is not a valid IMAS data type')
elif isinstance(value, ODS):
dtype = dict(dim=len(value))
raise ValueError(str(type(value)) + ' is not a valid IMAS data type')
return dtype
imas_nan = -9e40
def imas_fmt(value):
if isinstance(value, (float, numpy.floating)):
if numpy.isnan(value):
return '%5.16e' % imas_nan
return '%5.16e' % value
return '%s' % value
def imas_eval(value):
tmp = ast.literal_eval(value)
if tmp == imas_nan:
return numpy.nan
return tmp
def imas_ascii_key_sorter(keys, ods_has_location):
new_order = [
if ods_has_location:
for key in reversed(new_order):
if key in keys:
keys.insert(0, keys.pop(keys.index(key)))
return keys
# ---------------------------
# save and load OMAS to ASCII
# ---------------------------
[docs]def save_omas_ascii(ods, filename, machine=None, pulse=None, run=None, dir=None):
Save an ODS to ASCII (follows IMAS ASCII_BACKEND convention)
:param ods: OMAS data set
:param filename: filename or file descriptor to save to
use `None` to save IDSs to multiple files based on machine, pulse, run
:param machine: machine name to build filename for saving IDSs to multiple files
:param pulse: pulse number to build filename for saving IDSs to multiple files
:param run: run number to build filename for saving IDSs to multiple files
:param dir: directory where to save multiple IDSs files
if filename is None and machine is not None and pulse is not None and run is not None:
for ds in ods:
filename = f'{machine}_{pulse}_{run}_{ds}.ids'
if dir:
filename = dir + os.sep + filename
save_omas_ascii(ods[ds], filename, machine=None, pulse=None, run=None)
elif filename is not None and machine is None and pulse is None and run is None:
raise ValueError('Either `filename` or `machine, pulse, run` can be specified')
printd('Saving OMAS data to ASCII: %s' % filename, topic='ascii')
ascii_string = []
for path in imas_ascii_key_sorter(ods.pretty_paths(include_structures=True), ods.location):
value = ods[path]
if isinstance(value, ODS) and not isinstance(value.omas_data, list):
value = force_imas_type(value)
info = identify_imas_type(value)
tokens = []
if ods.location:
tokens.append(ods.location + '.' + path.replace('.', '/'))
tokens.append(path.replace('.', '/'))
if 'type' in info:
tokens.append(' type: ' + info['type'])
if 'dim' in info:
tokens.append(' dim: %d' % info['dim'])
if 'size' in info:
tokens.append(' size: %s' % (' '.join(map(str, info['size']))))
if isinstance(value, ODS):
elif not isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray):
elif len(value.shape) == 1:
tokens.append(' '.join(map(imas_fmt, value)))
elif len(value.shape) == 2:
for row in value.T:
tokens.append(' '.join(map(imas_fmt, row)))
raise ValueError(f'{path} not implemented ASCII support for number of dimensions >2')
ascii_string = '\n'.join(ascii_string)
if isinstance(filename, str):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f = filename
[docs]def load_omas_ascii(
filename, machine=None, pulse=None, run=None, dir=None, consistency_check=True, imas_version=omas_rcparams['default_imas_version']
Load an ODS from ASCII (follows IMAS ASCII_BACKEND convention)
:param filename: filename or file descriptor to load from
use `None` to load IDSs from multiple files based on machine, pulse, run
:param machine: machine name to build filename for loading IDSs from multiple files
:param pulse: pulse number to build filename for loading IDSs from multiple files
:param run: run number to build filename for loading IDSs from multiple files
:param dir: directory from where to load multiple IDSs files
:param consistency_check: verify that data is consistent with IMAS schema
:param imas_version: imas version to use for consistency check
:return: OMAS data set
if filename is None and machine is not None and pulse is not None and run is not None:
filename = f'{machine}_{pulse}_{run}_*.ids'
if dir:
filename = dir + os.sep + filename
ods = ODS(consistency_check=True, imas_version=omas_rcparams['default_imas_version'])
for filename in glob.glob(filename):
ods.update(load_omas_ascii(filename, machine=None, pulse=None, run=None))
return ods
elif filename is not None and machine is None and pulse is None and run is None:
raise ValueError('Either `filename` or `machine, pulse, run` can be specified')
printd('Loading OMAS data from ASCCI: %s' % filename, topic='ascii')
if isinstance(filename, str):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
ascii_string = f.read()
ascii_string = filename.read()
tokens = OrderedDict()
value_lines = 0
path = None
token = None
for line in ascii_string.split('\n'):
if path is None:
path = line.strip().replace('/', '.')
tokens[path] = token = {'path': path}
elif value_lines:
token.setdefault('value', []).append(line)
value_lines -= 1
if value_lines == 0:
path = None
elif line.startswith(' type: '):
token['type'] = line.split('type:')[1].strip()
elif line.startswith(' dim: '):
token['dim'] = int(line.split('dim:')[1].strip())
elif line.startswith(' size: '):
token['size'] = tuple(map(int, line.split('size:')[1].strip().split()))
# scalar INT or FLOAT
if 'type' in token and 'dim' in token and token['dim'] == 0:
value_lines = 1
# string
elif 'type' in token and token['type'] == '50 (CHAR_DATA)' and 'dim' in token and token['dim'] == 1 and 'size' in token:
value_lines = 1
# 1D arrays
elif 'type' in token and 'dim' in token and token['dim'] == 1 and 'size' in token:
value_lines = 1
# 2D arrays
elif 'type' in token and 'dim' in token and token['dim'] == 2 and 'size' in token:
value_lines = token['size'][1]
elif 'type' not in token and 'dim' in token:
value_lines = 0
path = None
ods = ODS(imas_version=imas_version, consistency_check=consistency_check)
for token in tokens.values():
path = token['path']
# scalar INT or FLOAT
if 'type' in token and 'dim' in token and token['dim'] == 0:
value = imas_eval(token['value'][0])
# string
elif 'type' in token and token['type'] == '50 (CHAR_DATA)' and 'dim' in token and token['dim'] == 1:
value = token['value'][0]
# 1D arrays
elif 'type' in token and 'dim' in token and token['dim'] == 1 and 'size' in token:
value = numpy.array(list(map(imas_eval, token['value'][0].split())))
# 2D arrays
elif 'type' in token and 'dim' in token and token['dim'] == 2 and 'size' in token:
value = numpy.array([list(map(imas_eval, row.split())) for row in token['value']]).T
elif 'type' not in token and 'dim' in token:
ods[path] = value
return ods
[docs]def through_omas_ascii(ods, method=['function', 'class_method'][1], one_or_many_files=['one', 'many'][1]):
Test save and load OMAS ASCII
:param ods: ods
:return: ods
if one_or_many_files == 'one':
filename = omas_testdir(__file__) + os.sep + 'test.ids'
machine = None
pulse = None
run = None
dir = None
if method == 'function':
filename = None
filename = 'ascii'
machine = 'TEST'
pulse = 1
run = 0
dir = omas_testdir(__file__)
ods = copy.deepcopy(ods) # make a copy to make sure save does not alter entering ODS
if method == 'function':
save_omas_ascii(ods, filename, machine, pulse, run, dir)
ods1 = load_omas_ascii(filename, machine, pulse, run, dir)
ods.save(filename, machine, pulse, run, dir)
ods1 = ODS().load(filename, machine, pulse, run, dir)
return ods1