Source code for omas.omas_nc

'''save/load from NC routines


from .omas_utils import *
from .omas_core import ODS, ODC, dynamic_ODS

# --------------------------------------------
# save and load OMAS with NetCDF
# --------------------------------------------
[docs]def save_omas_nc(ods, filename, **kw): """ Save an ODS to NetCDF file :param ods: OMAS data set :param filename: filename to save to :param kw: arguments passed to the netCDF4 Dataset function """ printd('Saving to %s' % filename, topic='nc') from netCDF4 import Dataset odsf = ods.flat() with Dataset(filename, 'w', **kw) as dataset: for item in odsf: dims = [] data = numpy.asarray(odsf[item]) std = None if is_uncertain(odsf[item]): std = std_devs(data) data = nominal_values(data) for k in range(len(numpy.asarray(odsf[item]).shape)): dims.append('dim_%d' % (data.shape[k])) if dims[-1] not in dataset.dimensions: dataset.createDimension(dims[-1], data.shape[k]) if std is None: dataset.createVariable(item, data.dtype, dims)[:] = data else: dataset.createVariable(item, data.dtype, dims)[:] = data dataset.createVariable(item + '_error_upper', data.dtype, dims)[:] = std
def get_ds_item(dataset, item): """ Convenience function for loading OMAS data stored in a NC file variable Handles arrays, scalars, strings, and uncertain quantities :param dataset: nc dataset :param item: variable name :return: data """ if dataset.variables[item].shape: # arrays if item + '_error_upper' in dataset.variables.keys(): tmp = uarray(numpy.array(dataset.variables[item]), numpy.array(dataset.variables[item + '_error_upper'])) else: tmp = numpy.array(dataset.variables[item]) else: # uncertain scalars if item + '_error_upper' in dataset.variables.keys(): tmp = ufloat(dataset.variables[item][0].item(), dataset.variables[item + '_error_upper'][0].item()) else: try: # scalars tmp = dataset.variables[item][0].item() except AttributeError: # strings tmp = dataset.variables[item][0] return tmp
[docs]def load_omas_nc(filename, consistency_check=True, imas_version=omas_rcparams['default_imas_version'], cls=ODS): """ Load ODS or ODC from NetCDF file :param filename: filename to load from :param consistency_check: verify that data is consistent with IMAS schema :param imas_version: imas version to use for consistency check :param cls: class to use for loading the data :return: OMAS data set """ printd('Loading from %s' % filename, topic='nc') from netCDF4 import Dataset ods = cls(imas_version=imas_version, consistency_check=False) with Dataset(filename, 'r') as dataset: for item in dataset.variables.keys(): if item.endswith('_error_upper'): continue ods.setraw(p2l(item), get_ds_item(dataset, item)) ods.consistency_check = consistency_check return ods
class dynamic_omas_nc(dynamic_ODS): """ Class that provides dynamic data loading from NC file This class is not to be used by itself, but via the method. """ def __init__(self, filename): = {'filename': filename} self.dataset = None = False def open(self): printd('Dynamic open %s' %, topic='dynamic') from netCDF4 import Dataset self.dataset = Dataset(['filename'], 'r') = True return self def close(self): printd('Dynamic close %s' %, topic='dynamic') self.dataset.close() self.dataset = None = False return self def __getitem__(self, key): if not raise RuntimeError('Dynamic link broken: %s' % printd('Dynamic read %s: %s' % (['filename'], key), topic='dynamic') return get_ds_item(self.dataset, key) def __contains__(self, key): if not raise RuntimeError('Dynamic link broken: %s' % return key in self.dataset.variables def keys(self, location): return numpy.unique( [convert_int(k[len(location) :].lstrip('.').split('.')[0]) for k in self.dataset.variables.keys() if k.startswith(location)] )
[docs]def through_omas_nc(ods, method=['function', 'class_method'][1]): """ Test save and load NetCDF :param ods: ods :return: ods """ filename = omas_testdir(__file__) + '/' ods = copy.deepcopy(ods) # make a copy to make sure save does not alter entering ODS if method == 'function': save_omas_json(ods, filename) ods1 = load_omas_json(filename) else: ods1 = ODS().load(filename) return ods1