# framework is running
from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
# class is imported by itself
if (
'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
from startup_choice import *
import omfit_classes.utils_math
from omfit_classes.utils_math import (
from omfit_classes.utils_base import printw
import omas
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.path import Path
from scipy import integrate, interpolate, constants
from omas import ODS, omas_environment
__all__ = [
[docs]class fluxSurfaceTraces(SortedDict):
[docs] def deploy(self, filename=None, frm='arrays'):
import omfit_classes.namelist
if filename is None:
printi('Specify filename to deploy fluxSurfaceTraces')
if frm.lower() == 'namelist':
tmp = NamelistFile()
tmp.filename = filename
nn = namelist.NamelistName()
nn['Nsurf'] = len(self)
npts = []
for k in self:
nn['Npoints'] = npts
tmp['dimensions'] = nn
for k in self:
nn = namelist.NamelistName()
nn['psi'] = self[k]['psi']
nn['q'] = self[k]['q']
nn['P'] = self[k]['P']
nn['R'] = self[k]['R']
nn['Z'] = self[k]['Z']
nn['l'] = np.hstack((0, np.sqrt(np.diff(self[k]['R']) ** 2 + np.diff(self[k]['Z']) ** 2)))
tmp['flux_' + str(k)] = nn
R = np.array([])
Z = np.array([])
l = np.array([])
psi = np.array([])
q = np.array([])
P = np.array([])
npts = np.array([])
for k in self:
npts = np.hstack((npts, len(self[k]['R'])))
psi = np.hstack((psi, self[k]['psi']))
q = np.hstack((q, self[k]['q']))
P = np.hstack((P, self[k]['P']))
l = np.hstack((l, np.hstack((0, np.sqrt(np.diff(self[k]['R']) ** 2 + np.diff(self[k]['Z']) ** 2)))))
Z = np.hstack((Z, self[k]['Z']))
R = np.hstack((R, self[k]['R']))
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
#line (1) number of flux surfaces
#line (2) number of points per flux surface
#line (3) psi for each flux surface
#line (4) q for each flux surface
#line (5) pressure for each flux surface
#line (6) R for each flux surface
#line (7) Z for each flux surface
#line (8) l for each flux surface
+ '\n'
savetxt(f, np.array([len(self)]), fmt='%d')
savetxt(f, np.reshape(npts, (1, -1)), fmt='%d')
savetxt(f, np.reshape(psi, (1, -1)))
savetxt(f, np.reshape(q, (1, -1)))
savetxt(f, np.reshape(P, (1, -1)))
savetxt(f, np.vstack((R, Z, l)))
[docs] def load(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
k = 9
n = np.fromstring(lines[k], dtype=int, sep=' ')
k += 1
psi = np.fromstring(lines[k], dtype=float, sep=' ')
k += 1
q = np.fromstring(lines[k], dtype=float, sep=' ')
k += 1
P = np.fromstring(lines[k], dtype=float, sep=' ')
k += 1
r = np.fromstring(lines[k], dtype=float, sep=' ')
k += 1
z = np.fromstring(lines[k], dtype=float, sep=' ')
k += 1
l = np.fromstring(lines[k], dtype=float, sep=' ')
k = 0
for start, stop in zip(*(np.cumsum(n) - n, np.cumsum(n))):
self[k] = SortedDict()
self[k]['psi'] = psi[k]
self[k]['q'] = q[k]
self[k]['P'] = P[k]
self[k]['R'] = r[start:stop]
self[k]['Z'] = z[start:stop]
self[k]['l'] = l[start:stop]
k = k + 1
return self
def fluxGeo(inputR, inputZ, lcfs=False, doPlot=False):
Calculate geometric properties of a single flux surface
:param inputR: R points
:param inputZ: Z points
:param lcfs: whether this is the last closed flux surface (for sharp feature of x-points)
:param doPlot: plot geometric measurements
:return: dictionary with geometric quantities
# Cast as arrays
inputR = np.array(inputR)
inputZ = np.array(inputZ)
# Make sure the flux surfaces are closed
if inputR[0] != inputR[1]:
inputRclose = np.hstack((inputR, inputR[0]))
inputZclose = np.hstack((inputZ, inputZ[0]))
inputRclose = inputR
inputZclose = inputZ
inputR = inputR[:-1]
inputR = inputZ[:-1]
# This is the result
geo = SortedDict()
# These are the extrema indices
imaxr = np.argmax(inputR)
iminr = np.argmin(inputR)
imaxz = np.argmax(inputZ)
iminz = np.argmin(inputZ)
# Test for lower null
lonull = False
# Find the slope on either side of min(z)
ind1 = (iminz + 1) % len(inputZ)
ind2 = (iminz + 2) % len(inputZ)
loslope1 = (np.diff(inputZ[[ind1, ind2]]) / np.diff(inputR[[ind1, ind2]]))[0]
ind1 = (iminz - 1) % len(inputZ)
ind2 = (iminz - 2) % len(inputZ)
loslope2 = (np.diff(inputZ[[ind1, ind2]]) / np.diff(inputR[[ind1, ind2]]))[0]
# If loslope1*loslope2==-1, then it is a perfect x-point, test against -0.5 as a threshold
if loslope1 * loslope2 < -0.5 and len(inputZ) > 20:
lcfs = lonull = True
geo['lonull'] = lonull
# Test for upper null
upnull = False
# Find the slope on either side of max(z)
ind1 = (imaxz + 1) % len(inputZ)
ind2 = (imaxz + 2) % len(inputZ)
upslope1 = (np.diff(inputZ[[ind1, ind2]]) / np.diff(inputR[[ind1, ind2]]))[0]
ind1 = (imaxz - 1) % len(inputZ)
ind2 = (imaxz - 2) % len(inputZ)
upslope2 = (np.diff(inputZ[[ind1, ind2]]) / np.diff(inputR[[ind1, ind2]]))[0]
# If upslope1*upslope2==-1, then it is a perfect x-point, test against -0.5 as a threshold
if upslope1 * upslope2 < -0.5 and len(inputZ) > 20:
lcfs = upnull = True
geo['upnull'] = upnull
# Find the extrema points
if lcfs:
r_at_max_z, max_z = inputR[imaxz], inputZ[imaxz]
r_at_min_z, min_z = inputR[iminz], inputZ[iminz]
z_at_max_r, max_r = inputZ[imaxr], inputR[imaxr]
z_at_min_r, min_r = inputZ[iminr], inputR[iminr]
r_at_max_z, max_z = parabolaMaxCycle(inputR, inputZ, imaxz, bounded='max')
r_at_min_z, min_z = parabolaMaxCycle(inputR, inputZ, iminz, bounded='min')
z_at_max_r, max_r = parabolaMaxCycle(inputZ, inputR, imaxr, bounded='max')
z_at_min_r, min_r = parabolaMaxCycle(inputZ, inputR, iminr, bounded='min')
dl = np.sqrt(np.ediff1d(inputR, to_begin=0) ** 2 + np.ediff1d(inputZ, to_begin=0) ** 2)
geo['R'] = 0.5 * (max_r + min_r)
geo['Z'] = 0.5 * (max_z + min_z)
geo['a'] = 0.5 * (max_r - min_r)
geo['eps'] = geo['a'] / geo['R']
geo['per'] = np.sum(dl)
geo['surfArea'] = 2 * np.pi * np.sum(inputR * dl)
geo['kap'] = 0.5 * ((max_z - min_z) / geo['a'])
geo['kapu'] = (max_z - z_at_max_r) / geo['a']
geo['kapl'] = (z_at_max_r - min_z) / geo['a']
geo['delu'] = (geo['R'] - r_at_max_z) / geo['a']
geo['dell'] = (geo['R'] - r_at_min_z) / geo['a']
geo['delta'] = 0.5 * (geo['dell'] + geo['delu'])
geo['zoffset'] = z_at_max_r
# squareness (Luce,T.C. PPCF 55.9 2013 095009)
for quadrant in ['zetaou', 'zetaol', 'zetaiu', 'zetail']:
if quadrant == 'zetaou':
R0 = r_at_max_z
Z0 = z_at_max_r
r = inputR - R0
z = inputZ - Z0
A = max_r - R0
B = max_z - Z0
th = 3 * np.pi / 2.0 + np.arctan(B / A)
i = np.where((r <= 0) | (z <= 0))
elif quadrant == 'zetaol':
R0 = r_at_min_z
Z0 = z_at_max_r
r = inputR - R0
z = inputZ - Z0
A = max_r - R0
B = -(Z0 - min_z)
th = 3 * np.pi / 2.0 + np.arctan(B / A)
i = np.where((r <= 0) | (z >= 0))
elif quadrant == 'zetaiu':
R0 = r_at_max_z
Z0 = z_at_max_r
r = inputR - R0
z = inputZ - Z0
A = -(R0 - min_r)
B = max_z - Z0
th = 1 * np.pi / 2.0 + np.arctan(B / A)
i = np.where((r >= 0) | (z <= 0))
elif quadrant == 'zetail':
R0 = r_at_min_z
Z0 = z_at_max_r
r = inputR - R0
z = inputZ - Z0
A = -(R0 - min_r)
B = -(Z0 - min_z)
th = 1 * np.pi / 2.0 + np.arctan(B / A)
i = np.where((r >= 0) | (z >= 0))
# remove points in other quadrants
r[i] = np.nan
z[i] = np.nan
if np.sum(~np.isnan(r)) < 2 or np.sum(~np.isnan(z)) < 2:
# rotate points by 45 degrees
r1 = r * np.cos(th) + z * np.sin(th)
z1 = -r * np.sin(th) + z * np.cos(th)
# remove points in lower half midplane
r1[np.where(z1 < 0)] = np.nan
z1[np.where(z1 < 0)] = np.nan
if np.sum(~np.isnan(r1)) < 2 or np.sum(~np.isnan(z1)) < 2:
# fit a parabola to find location of max shifted-rotated z
ix = np.nanargmin(abs(r1))
ixp = np.mod(np.array([-1, 0, 1]) + ix, len(r1))
a, b, D = parabola(r1[ixp], z1[ixp])
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
D = interp1e(r1[~np.isnan(r1)], z1[~np.isnan(z1)])(0)
# ellipsis
C = np.sqrt((A * np.cos(np.pi / 4.0)) ** 2 + (B * np.sin(np.pi / 4.0)) ** 2)
# square
E = np.sqrt(A**2 + B**2)
# squareness
geo[quadrant] = (D - C) / (E - C)
# Testing
if doPlot:
t = arctan(z / r * np.sign(A) * np.sign(B))
pyplot.plot(R0 + r, Z0 + z)
pyplot.plot(R0 + D * np.sin(-th), Z0 + D * np.cos(-th), 'o')
pyplot.plot(R0 + np.array([0, A]), Z0 + np.array([0, B]))
C = np.sqrt((np.cos(-th) / B) ** 2 + (np.sin(-th) / A) ** 2)
pyplot.plot(R0 + A * np.cos(t), Z0 + B * np.sin(t), '--')
pyplot.plot(R0 + A, Z0 + B, 'd')
pyplot.plot(R0 + A * np.cos(np.pi / 4.0), Z0 + B * np.sin(np.pi / 4.0), 's')
pyplot.plot(R0 + np.array([0, A, A, 0, 0]), Z0 + np.array([0, 0, B, B, 0]), 'k')
def rmin_rmax_at_z(r, z, z_c):
tmp = line_intersect(np.array([r, z]).T, np.array([[np.min(r), np.max(r)], [z_c, z_c]]).T)
return tmp[0, 0], tmp[1, 0]
r_c, z_c = centroid(inputR, inputZ)
if np.allclose(inputRclose, np.mean(inputRclose)) and np.allclose(inputZclose, np.mean(inputZclose)):
r_m, r_p = np.mean(inputRclose), np.mean(inputRclose)
r_m, r_p = rmin_rmax_at_z(inputRclose, inputZclose, z_c)
geo['R_centroid'] = r_c
geo['Z_centroid'] = z_c
# Also known as R_min, R_max in the midplane
geo['Rmin_centroid'] = r_m
geo['Rmax_centroid'] = r_p
rmaj = (r_p + r_m) / 2.0
rmin = (r_p - r_m) / 2.0
r_s = rmaj + rmin * np.cos(0.25 * np.pi + np.arcsin(geo['delta']) / np.sqrt(2.0))
z_p, z_m = rmin_rmax_at_z(inputZ, inputR, r_s)
geo['zeta'] = -0.25 * np.pi + 0.5 * (np.arcsin((z_p - z_c) / (geo['kap'] * rmin)) + np.arcsin((z_c - z_m) / (geo['kap'] * rmin)))
return geo
[docs]class fluxSurfaces(SortedDict):
Trace flux surfaces and calculate flux-surface averaged and geometric quantities
Inputs can be tables of PSI and Bt or an OMFITgeqdsk file
def __init__(
:param Rin: (ignored if gEQDSK!=None) array of the R grid mesh
:param Zin: (ignored if gEQDSK!=None) array of the Z grid mesh
:param PSIin: (ignored if gEQDSK!=None) PSI defined on the R/Z grid
:param Btin: (ignored if gEQDSK!=None) Bt defined on the R/Z grid
:param Rcenter: (ignored if gEQDSK!=None) Radial location where the vacuum field is defined ( B0 = F[-1] / Rcenter)
:param F: (ignored if gEQDSK!=None) F-poloidal
:param P: (ignored if gEQDSK!=None) pressure
:param rlim: (ignored if gEQDSK!=None) array of limiter r points (used for SOL)
:param zlim: (ignored if gEQDSK!=None) array of limiter z points (used for SOL)
:param gEQDSK: OMFITgeqdsk file or ODS
:param resolution: if `int` the original equilibrium grid will be multiplied by (resolution+1), if `float` the original equilibrium grid is interpolated to that resolution (in meters)
:param forceFindSeparatrix: force finding of separatrix even though this may be already available in the gEQDSK file
:param levels: levels in normalized psi. Can be an array ranging from 0 to 1, or the number of flux surfaces
:param map: array ranging from 0 to 1 which will be used to set the levels, or 'rho' if flux surfaces are generated based on gEQDSK
:param maxPSI: (default 0.9999)
:param calculateAvgGeo: Boolean which sets whether flux-surface averaged and geometric quantities are automatically calculated
:param quiet: Verbosity level
:param \**kw: overwrite key entries
>> OMFIT['test']=OMFITgeqdsk(OMFITsrc+'/../samples/g133221.01000')
>> # copy the original flux surfaces
>> flx=copy.deepcopy(OMFIT['test']['fluxSurfaces'])
>> # to use PSI
>> mapping=None
>> # to use RHO instead of PSI
>> mapping=OMFIT['test']['RHOVN']
>> # trace flux surfaces
>> flx.findSurfaces(np.linspace(0,1,100),mapping=map)
>> # to increase the accuracy of the flux surface tracing (higher numbers --> smoother surfaces, more time, more memory)
>> flx.changeResolution(2)
>> # plot
>> flx.plot()
# initialization by ODS
if isinstance(gEQDSK, ODS):
return self.from_omas(gEQDSK)
from omas import define_cocos
self.quiet = quiet
self.forceFindSeparatrix = forceFindSeparatrix
self.calculateAvgGeo = calculateAvgGeo
self.levels = levels
self.resolution = resolution
if gEQDSK is None:
if not self.quiet:
printi('Flux surfaces from tables')
if cocosin is None:
# Eventually this should raise an error but just warn now
# raise ValueError("Define cocosin for input equilibrium values")
printw("cocosin not defined. Should be specified, but assuming COCOS 1 for now")
self.cocosin = 1
self.cocosin = cocosin
self.Rin = Rin
self.Zin = Zin
self.PSIin = PSIin
self.Btin = Btin
self['RCENTR'] = Rcenter
if F is not None:
self.F = F
if P is not None:
self.P = P
self.sep = None
self.open_sep = None
self.flx = None
self.PSIaxis = None
self.forceFindSeparatrix = True
self.rlim = rlim
self.zlim = zlim
self.cocosin = gEQDSK.cocos
if not self.quiet:
printi('Flux surfaces from %dx%d gEQDSK' % (gEQDSK['NW'], gEQDSK['NH']))
self.Rin = np.linspace(0, gEQDSK['RDIM'], gEQDSK['NW']) + gEQDSK['RLEFT']
self.Zin = np.linspace(0, gEQDSK['ZDIM'], gEQDSK['NH']) - gEQDSK['ZDIM'] / 2.0 + gEQDSK['ZMID']
self.PSIin = gEQDSK['PSIRZ']
self.F = gEQDSK['FPOL']
self.P = gEQDSK['PRES']
self.Btin = gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['Bt']
self['R0'] = gEQDSK['RMAXIS']
self['Z0'] = gEQDSK['ZMAXIS']
self.sep = np.vstack((gEQDSK['RBBBS'], gEQDSK['ZBBBS'])).T
self.open_sep = None
self.PSIaxis = gEQDSK['SIMAG']
self.flx = gEQDSK['SIBRY']
self.rlim = gEQDSK['RLIM']
self.zlim = gEQDSK['ZLIM']
# At the end of the following section:
# forceFindSeparatrix = None means that existing separatrix is likely to be ok
# forceFindSeparatrix = True means that new separtrix should be found
# forceFindSeparatrix = False means that old separtrix should be left alone
if forceFindSeparatrix is None:
psiSep = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, self.PSIin).ev(gEQDSK['ZBBBS'], gEQDSK['RBBBS'])
cost = np.sqrt(np.var(psiSep)) / abs(self.flx)
if cost > 1.0e-2 and self.forceFindSeparatrix is None:
self.forceFindSeparatrix = 'check'
if cost > 5.0e-2:
printi("Normalized variance of PSI at separatrix ['RBBBS'],['ZBBBS'] points is " + format(cost * 100, '6.3g') + '%')
self.forceFindSeparatrix = True
cost = abs((self.flx - np.mean(psiSep)) / (self.flx - self.PSIaxis))
if cost > 1.0e-2 and self.forceFindSeparatrix is None:
self.forceFindSeparatrix = 'check'
if cost > 5.0e-2:
"Relative error between ['SIBRY'] and average value of PSI at separatrix ['RBBBS'],['ZBBBS'] points is "
+ format(cost * 100, '6.3g')
+ '%'
self.forceFindSeparatrix = True
if self.PSIaxis < self.flx:
self.flx = np.min(psiSep)
if self.PSIaxis > self.flx:
self.flx = np.max(psiSep)
self._cocos = define_cocos(self.cocosin)
# setup level mapping
if isinstance(map, str):
if map == 'rho' and gEQDSK is not None: = gEQDSK['RHOVN']
if not self.quiet:
printi('Levels based on rho ...')
else: = None
if not self.quiet:
printi('Levels based on psi ...')
elif map is not None:
if not self.quiet:
printi('Levels based on user provided map ...') = map
else: = None
if not self.quiet:
printi('Levels based on psi ...')
self.maxPSI = maxPSI
self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad
def load(self):
if self.forceFindSeparatrix is not False:
if self.forceFindSeparatrix == 'check':
# check if the flux surface at PSI=1 (using the original PSI definition) is actually valid
if not len(self._findSurfaces(levels=[1.0])):
printi('Forcing find of new separatrix!')
self.quiet = False
self.forceFindSeparatrix = True
if self.forceFindSeparatrix is True:
if self.levels is not None:
def _findAxis(self):
if not self.quiet:
printi('Find magnetic axis ...')
if not hasattr(self, 'R'):
# limit search of the axis to a circle centered in the center of the domain
if 'R0' not in self or 'Z0' not in self:
Raxis = (self.R[0] + self.R[-1]) / 2.0
Zaxis = (self.Z[0] + self.Z[-1]) / 2.0
dmax = (self.R[-1] - self.R[0]) / 2.0
Raxis = self['R0']
Zaxis = self['Z0']
dmax = (self.R[-1] - self.R[0]) / 2.0 / 1.5
RR, ZZ = np.meshgrid(self.R - Raxis, self.Z - Zaxis)
DD = np.sqrt(RR**2 + ZZ**2) < dmax
tmp = self.PSI.copy()
tmp[np.where(DD == 0)] = np.nan
# figure out sign (fitting paraboloid going inward)
ri0 = np.argmin(abs(self.R - Raxis))
zi0 = np.argmin(abs(self.Z - Zaxis))
n = np.min([ri0, zi0, len(self.R) - ri0, len(self.Z) - zi0])
ax = 0
for k in range(1, n)[::-1]:
ri = (ri0 + np.array([-k, 0, +k, 0, 0])).astype(int)
zi = (zi0 + np.array([0, 0, 0, +k, -k])).astype(int)
ax, bx, ay, by, c = paraboloid(self.R[ri], self.Z[zi], tmp[zi, ri])
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
if ax > 0:
# look for the minimum
m = np.nanargmin(tmp)
# look for the maximum
m = np.nanargmax(tmp)
Zmi = int(m / self.PSI.shape[1])
Rmi = int(m - Zmi * self.PSI.shape[1])
# pick center points based on the grid
self.PSIaxis = self.PSI[Zmi, Rmi]
self['R0'] = self.R[Rmi]
self['Z0'] = self.Z[Zmi]
# fit paraboloid in the vicinity of the grid-based center
ri = (Rmi + np.array([-1, 0, +1, 0, 0])).astype(int)
zi = (Zmi + np.array([0, 0, 0, +1, -1])).astype(int)
ax, bx, ay, by, c = paraboloid(self.R[ri], self.Z[zi], self.PSI[zi, ri])
self['R0_interp'] = -bx / (2 * ax)
self['Z0_interp'] = -by / (2 * ay)
# forceFindSeparatrix also controls whether PSI on axis should be redefined
if self.forceFindSeparatrix is not False:
# set as the center value of PSI (based on R0 and Z0)
PSIaxis_found = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Z, self.R, self.PSI).ev(self['Z0_interp'], self['R0_interp'])
if self.PSIaxis is None:
self.PSIaxis = self.PSI[Zmi, Rmi]
elif self.flx is not None:
self.PSI = (self.PSI - PSIaxis_found) / abs(self.flx - PSIaxis_found) * abs(self.flx - self.PSIaxis) + self.PSIaxis
# understand sign of the current based on curvature of psi
if not hasattr(self, 'sign_Ip'):
self.sign_Ip = np.sign(ax) * self._cocos['sigma_Bp']
# tmp[np.isnan(tmp)]=5
# contour(self.Rin,self.Zin,tmp)
# pyplot.plot(self['R0'],self['Z0'],'or')
# pyplot.plot(self['R0_interp'],self['Z0_interp'],'ob')
def _findSurfaces(self, levels, usePSI=False):
signTheta = self._cocos['sigma_RpZ'] * self._cocos['sigma_rhotp'] # +! is clockwise
if not hasattr(self, 'PSI'):
if usePSI:
levels_psi = np.array(levels)
levels = (levels_psi - self.PSIaxis) / ((self.flx - self.PSIaxis) * self.maxPSI)
levels_psi = np.array(levels) * (self.flx - self.PSIaxis) * self.maxPSI + self.PSIaxis
CS = contourPaths(self.R, self.Z, self.PSI, levels_psi)
lines = SortedDict()
for k, item1 in enumerate(CS):
line = []
if levels_psi[k] == self.PSIaxis:
# axis
line = np.array([self['R0'], self['Z0']]).reshape((1, 2))
elif len(item1):
# all others
index = np.argsort([len(k1.vertices) for k1 in item1])
if item1[-1] in index:
index.insert(0, index.pop(item1[-1]))
for k1 in index:
path = item1[k1]
r = path.vertices[:, 0]
z = path.vertices[:, 1]
if np.any(np.isnan(r * z)):
r[0] = r[-1] = (r[0] + r[-1]) * 0.5
z[0] = z[-1] = (z[0] + z[-1]) * 0.5
t = np.unwrap(np.arctan2(z - self['Z0'], r - self['R0']))
t -= np.mean(t)
l = np.linspace(0, 1, len(t))
X = max(abs(integrate.cumtrapz(integrate.cumtrapz(t, l, initial=0), l)))
if not len(line) or X > Xmax:
orientation = int(np.sign((z[0] - self['Z0']) * (r[1] - r[0]) - (r[0] - self['R0']) * (z[1] - z[0])))
if orientation != 0:
line = path.vertices[:: signTheta * orientation, :]
line = path.vertices
Xmax = X
lines[levels[k]] = line
del self.PSI
del self.R
del self.Z
return lines
[docs] @dynaLoad
def findSurfaces(self, levels=None, map=None):
Find flux surfaces at levels
:param levels: defines at which levels the flux surfaces will be traced
* None: use levels defined in gFile
* Integer: number of levels
* list: list of levels to find surfaces at
:param map: psi mapping on which levels are defined (e.g. rho as function of psi)
signTheta = self._cocos['sigma_RpZ'] * self._cocos['sigma_rhotp'] # +! is clockwise
t0 =
if not hasattr(self, 'sep'):
if np.iterable(levels):
levels = list(levels)
elif is_int(levels) and not isinstance(levels, bool):
levels = list(np.linspace(0, 1, int(levels)))
if 'levels' not in self:
levels = list(np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.Rin)))
levels = self['levels']
if map is not None: = map
if is not None:
levels = scipy.interpolate.PchipInterpolator(, np.linspace(0, 1,, extrapolate=True)(levels).tolist()
levels[0] = 0.0
levels[-1] = 1.0
if not self.quiet:
printi('Tracing flux surfaces ...')
levels_psi = np.array(levels) * (self.flx - self.PSIaxis) * self.maxPSI + self.PSIaxis
lines = self._findSurfaces(levels)
self['levels'] = np.zeros((len(levels)))
self['flux'] = fluxSurfaceTraces() = 0
for k, item1 in reverse_enumerate(lines.keys()):
self['flux'][k] = SortedDict()
self['flux'][k]['psi'] = levels_psi[k]
self['levels'][k] = levels[k]
line = lines[item1]
if k == 0:
# axis
imaxr = np.argmax(self['flux'][k + 1]['R'])
z_at_max_r, max_r = parabolaMaxCycle(self['flux'][k + 1]['Z'], self['flux'][k + 1]['R'], imaxr)
iminr = np.argmin(self['flux'][k + 1]['R'])
z_at_min_r, min_r = parabolaMaxCycle(self['flux'][k + 1]['Z'], self['flux'][k + 1]['R'], iminr)
imaxz = np.argmax(self['flux'][k + 1]['Z'])
r_at_max_z, max_z = parabolaMaxCycle(self['flux'][k + 1]['R'], self['flux'][k + 1]['Z'], imaxz)
iminz = np.argmin(self['flux'][k + 1]['Z'])
r_at_min_z, min_z = parabolaMaxCycle(self['flux'][k + 1]['R'], self['flux'][k + 1]['Z'], iminz)
a = 0.5 * (max_r - min_r)
kap = 0.5 * ((max_z - min_z) / a)
simplePath = Path(np.vstack((self['flux'][k + 1]['R'], self['flux'][k + 1]['Z'])).T)
if simplePath.contains_point((self['R0_interp'], self['Z0_interp'])):
self['R0'] = self['R0_interp']
self['Z0'] = self['Z0_interp']
r = a * 1e-3
t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, len(self['flux'][k + 1]['R']))
self['flux'][k]['R'] = r * np.cos(t) + self['R0']
self['flux'][k]['Z'] = -signTheta * kap * r * np.sin(t) + self['Z0']
# all others
if len(line):
self['flux'][k]['R'] = line[:, 0]
self['flux'][k]['Z'] = line[:, 1]
elif hasattr(self, 'sep') and k == len(levels) - 1:
# If you are here, it is because the EFIT separatrix turned out to be not so precise
printi('Forcing find of new separatrix!')
self['flux'][k]['R'] = self.sep[:, 0]
self['flux'][k]['Z'] = self.sep[:, 1]
'Bad flux surface! #' + str(k) + " This is likely to be a bad equilibrium, which does not satisfy Grad-Shafranov..."
# pyplot.plot(path.vertices[:,0],path.vertices[:,1],'b')
# pyplot.plot(self.sep[:,0],self.sep[:,1],'r')
self['flux'][k]['R'] = self['flux'][k + 1]['R'].copy()
self['flux'][k]['Z'] = self['flux'][k + 1]['Z'].copy() += 1
# if lcfs does not close it's likely because we trusted external value of flux surface flux (e.g. from gEQDSK)
# so we need to force re-finding of flux surfaces
if (self['flux'][ - 1]['R'][0] != self['flux'][ - 1]['R'][-1]) | (
self['flux'][ - 1]['Z'][0] != self['flux'][ - 1]['Z'][-1]
if not self.quiet:
printi(' > Took {:}'.format( - t0))
# These quantities can take a lot of space, depending on the resolution
# They are deleted, and if necessary re-generated on demand
def _changeResolution(self, resolution):
# PSI is the table on which flux surfaces are generated.
# By increasing its resolution, the contour path becomes more and more smooth.
# This is much better than doing a spline interpolation through a rough path.
self.resolution = resolution
if self.resolution == 0:
self.R = self.Rin
self.Z = self.Zin
self.PSI = self.PSIin
elif is_int(self.resolution):
if self.resolution > 0:
if not self.quiet:
printi(f'Increasing tables resolution by factor of {2 ** (self.resolution)} ...')
nr = len(self.Rin)
nz = len(self.Zin)
for k in range(self.resolution):
nr = nr + nr - 1
nz = nz + nz - 1
self.R = np.linspace(min(self.Rin), max(self.Rin), nr)
self.Z = np.linspace(min(self.Zin), max(self.Zin), nz)
self.PSI = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, self.PSIin)(self.Z, self.R)
elif self.resolution < 0:
if not self.quiet:
printi(f'Decreasing tables resolution by factor of {2 ** abs(self.resolution)} ...')
resolution = 2 ** abs(self.resolution)
self.R = self.Rin[::resolution]
self.Z = self.Zin[::resolution]
self.PSI = self.PSIin[::resolution, ::resolution]
elif is_float(self.resolution):
if not self.quiet:
printi(f'Interpolating tables to {self.resolution} [m] resolution ...')
self.R = np.linspace(min(self.Rin), max(self.Rin), int(np.ceil((max(self.Rin) - min(self.Rin)) / self.resolution)))
self.Z = np.linspace(min(self.Zin), max(self.Zin), int(np.ceil((max(self.Zin) - min(self.Zin)) / self.resolution)))
self.PSI = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, self.PSIin)(self.Z, self.R)
self.dd = np.sqrt((self.R[1] - self.R[0]) ** 2 + (self.Z[1] - self.Z[0]) ** 2)
if not self.quiet:
printi(f'Grid diagonal resolution: {self.dd} [m]')
[docs] @dynaLoad
def changeResolution(self, resolution):
:param resolution: resolution to use when tracing flux surfaces
* integer: multiplier of the original table
* float: grid resolution in meters
def _findSeparatrix(self, accuracy=3):
# separatrix is found by looking for the largest closed path enclosing the magnetic axis
signTheta = self._cocos['sigma_RpZ'] * self._cocos['sigma_rhotp'] # +! is clockwise
if not hasattr(self, 'PSI'):
if not self.quiet:
printi('Find separatrix ...')
# use of self.PSIaxis is more robust than relying on
# min an max, which can fail when coils are working hard
# and poloidal flux from plasma is weak
if self.sign_Ip * self._cocos['sigma_Bp'] > 0:
# PSI increases with minor radius
flxm = self.PSIaxis # np.nanmin(self.PSI)
flxM = np.nanmax(self.PSI)
flxm = self.PSIaxis # np.nanmax(self.PSI)
flxM = np.nanmin(self.PSI)
# pyplot.plot(self['R0'],self['Z0'],'or') #<< DEBUG axis
kdbgmax = 50
flx_found = None
forbidden = []
sep = None
open_sep = None
for kdbg in range(kdbgmax):
flx = (flxM + flxm) / 2.0
line = []
paths = contourPaths(self.R, self.Z, self.PSI, [flx])[0]
for path in paths:
# if there is not Nan and the path closes
if (
not np.isnan(path.vertices[:]).any()
and np.allclose(path.vertices[0, 0], path.vertices[-1, 0])
and np.allclose(path.vertices[0, 1], path.vertices[-1, 1])
path.vertices[0, 0] = path.vertices[-1, 0] = (path.vertices[0, 0] + path.vertices[-1, 0]) * 0.5
path.vertices[0, 1] = path.vertices[-1, 1] = (path.vertices[0, 1] + path.vertices[-1, 1]) * 0.5
simplePath = Path(path.vertices)
if (
np.max(simplePath.vertices[:, 0]) > self['R0']
and np.min(simplePath.vertices[:, 0]) < self['R0']
and np.max(simplePath.vertices[:, 1]) > self['Z0']
and min(simplePath.vertices[:, 1]) < self['Z0']
and simplePath.contains_point((self['R0'], self['Z0']))
and not any([simplePath.contains_point((Rf, Zf)) for Rf, Zf in forbidden])
dR = path.vertices[1, 0] - path.vertices[0, 0]
dZ = path.vertices[1, 1] - path.vertices[0, 1]
orientation = int(np.sign((path.vertices[0, 1] - self['Z0']) * dR - (path.vertices[0, 0] - self['R0']) * dZ))
line = path.vertices[:: signTheta * orientation, :]
Rf = np.mean(path.vertices[:, 0])
Zf = np.mean(path.vertices[:, 1])
# do not add redundant forbidden points
if any([simplePath.contains_point((Rf, Zf)) for Rf, Zf in forbidden]):
# do not add forbidden that encompass the current separatrix
elif sep is not None and Path(sep).contains_point((Rf, Zf)):
# pyplot.plot(Rf,Zf,'xm') #<< DEBUG plot, showing additional forbiddent points
forbidden.append([Rf, Zf])
if len(line):
# pyplot.plot(line[:,0],line[:,1],'r') #<< DEBUG plot, showing convergence
# stop condition
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sep / self['R0'], line / self['R0'], accuracy)
except Exception:
sep = line
flx_found = flx
flxm = flx
open_sep = paths
flxM = flx
# for path in paths:
# pyplot.plot(path.vertices[:,0],path.vertices[:,1],'b') #<< DEBUG plot, showing convergence
# do not store new separatrix if it hits edges of computation domain
if (
(np.abs(np.min(sep[:, 0]) - np.min(self.R)) < 1e-3)
or (np.abs(np.max(sep[:, 0]) - np.max(self.R)) < 1e-3)
or (np.abs(np.min(sep[:, 1]) - np.min(self.Z)) < 1e-3)
or (np.abs(np.max(sep[:, 1]) - np.max(self.Z)) < 1e-3)
self.forceFindSeparatrix = False
self.sep = sep
self.open_sep = open_sep
# pyplot.plot(sep[:,0],sep[:,1],'k',lw=2) #<< DEBUG plot, showing separatrix
# printd(flxm,flxM,flx,flxm-flxM,kdbg) #<< DEBUG print, showing convergence
if self.flx is None:
self.flx = flx_found
elif self.PSIaxis is not None:
self.PSI = (self.PSI - self.PSIaxis) / abs(flx_found - self.PSIaxis) * abs(self.flx - self.PSIaxis) + self.PSIaxis
if self.open_sep:
outer_midplane_distance = []
for k, path in enumerate(self.open_sep):
ix = np.where(path.vertices[:, 0] > self['R0'])[0]
if not len(ix):
outer_midplane_distance.append(min(abs(path.vertices[ix, 1] - self['Z0'])))
ix = np.argmin(outer_midplane_distance)
# pyplot.plot(self.open_sep[ix].vertices[:,0],self.open_sep[ix].vertices[:,1],'m') #<< DEBUG plot, showing open field separatrix
self.open_sep = self.open_sep[ix].vertices
if kdbg == kdbgmax - 1:
printw('Finding of last closed flux surface aborted after %d iterations!!!' % kdbgmax)
def _calcBrBz(self):
RR, ZZ = np.meshgrid(self.Rin, self.Zin)
[dPSIdZ, dPSIdR] = np.gradient(self.PSIin, self.Zin[1] - self.Zin[0], self.Rin[1] - self.Rin[0])
Br = self._cocos['sigma_RpZ'] * self._cocos['sigma_Bp'] * dPSIdZ / (RR * ((2 * np.pi) ** self._cocos['exp_Bp']))
Bz = -self._cocos['sigma_RpZ'] * self._cocos['sigma_Bp'] * dPSIdR / (RR * ((2 * np.pi) ** self._cocos['exp_Bp']))
return Br, Bz
def _BrBzAndF(self):
t0 =
if not self.quiet:
printi('Find Br, Bz, F on flux surfaces ...')
RR, ZZ = np.meshgrid(self.Rin, self.Zin)
# F=Bt*R is a flux surface quantity
if not hasattr(self, 'F'):
# if F is not present, find it through the Btin table
F = self._surfMean(self.Btin * RR)
# if F is present
F = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np.linspace(0, 1, self.F.size), self.F)(self['levels'])
for k in range(
self['flux'][k]['F'] = F[k]
if self['RCENTR'] is None:
printw('Using magnetic axis as RCENTR of vacuum field ( BCENTR = Fpol[-1] / RCENTR)')
self['RCENTR'] = self['R0']
self['BCENTR'] = self['flux'][ - 1]['F'] / self['RCENTR']
# if P is present
if hasattr(self, 'P'):
P = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np.linspace(0, 1, self.P.size), self.P)(self['levels'])
for k in range(
self['flux'][k]['P'] = P[k]
# if PPRIME is present
if hasattr(self, 'PPRIME'):
PPRIME = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np.linspace(0, 1, self.PPRIME.size), self.PPRIME)(self['levels'])
for k in range(
self['flux'][k]['PPRIME'] = PPRIME[k]
# if FFPRIM is present
if hasattr(self, 'FFPRIM'):
FFPRIM = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(np.linspace(0, 1, self.FFPRIM.size), self.FFPRIM)(self['levels'])
for k in range(
self['flux'][k]['FFPRIM'] = FFPRIM[k]
# calculate Br and Bz magnetic fields
Br, Bz = self._calcBrBz()
[dBrdZ, dBrdR] = np.gradient(Br, self.Zin[2] - self.Zin[1], self.Rin[2] - self.Rin[1])
[dBzdZ, dBzdR] = np.gradient(Bz, self.Zin[2] - self.Zin[1], self.Rin[2] - self.Rin[1])
[dBtdZ, dBtdR] = np.gradient(self.Btin, self.Zin[2] - self.Zin[1], self.Rin[2] - self.Rin[1])
[dRBtdZ, dRBtdR] = np.gradient(RR * self.Btin, self.Zin[2] - self.Zin[1], self.Rin[2] - self.Rin[1])
Jt = self._cocos['sigma_RpZ'] * (dBrdZ - dBzdR) / (4 * np.pi * 1e-7)
# calculate flux expansion
Brfun = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, Br)
Bzfun = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, Bz)
Jtfun = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, Jt)
self.fluxexpansion = []
self.dl = []
self.fluxexpansion_dl = []
self.int_fluxexpansion_dl = []
for k in range(
np.sqrt(np.ediff1d(self['flux'][k]['R'], to_begin=0.0) ** 2 + np.ediff1d(self['flux'][k]['Z'], to_begin=0.0) ** 2)
self['flux'][k]['Br'] = Brfun.ev(self['flux'][k]['Z'], self['flux'][k]['R'])
self['flux'][k]['Bz'] = Bzfun.ev(self['flux'][k]['Z'], self['flux'][k]['R'])
modBp = np.sqrt(self['flux'][k]['Br'] ** 2 + self['flux'][k]['Bz'] ** 2)
self.fluxexpansion.append(1 / modBp)
self.fluxexpansion_dl.append(self.fluxexpansion[k] * self.dl[k])
self['flux'][k]['Jt'] = Jtfun.ev(self['flux'][k]['Z'], self['flux'][k]['R'])
if not self.quiet:
printi(' > Took {:}'.format( - t0))
def _crop(self):
Eliminate points on the PSI map that are outside of the limiter surface.
if self.rlim is not None and self.zlim is not None and len(self.rlim) > 3 and len(self.zlim) > 3:
if not self.quiet:
printi('Cropping tables ...')
if self.rlim is not None and self.zlim is not None:
if np.any(np.isnan(self.rlim)) or np.any(np.isnan(self.zlim)):
printw('fluxsurfaces: rlim/zlim arrays contain NaNs')
bbox = [min(self.rlim), max(self.rlim), min(self.zlim), max(self.zlim)]
limits = [
max([np.argmin(abs(self.R - bbox[0])) - 1, 0]),
min([np.argmin(abs(self.R - bbox[1])) + 1, len(self.R) - 1]),
max([np.argmin(abs(self.Z - bbox[2])) - 1, 0]),
min([np.argmin(abs(self.Z - bbox[3])) + 1, len(self.Z) - 1]),
self.PSI = self.PSI[limits[2] : limits[3], limits[0] : limits[1]]
self.R = self.R[limits[0] : limits[1]]
self.Z = self.Z[limits[2] : limits[3]]
[docs] @dynaLoad
def resample(self, npts=None, technique='uniform', phase='Xpoint'):
resample number of points on flux surfaces
:param npts: number of points
:param technique: 'uniform','separatrix','pest'
:param phase: float for poloidal angle or 'Xpoint'
if npts is None or np.iterable(npts):
npts = self.sep.size
if technique == 'separatrix':
elif technique == 'uniform':
self._resample(npts, phase)
elif technique == 'pest':
th = self._straightLineTheta(npts)
self._resample(th, phase)
def _resample(self, npts=None, phase='Xpoint'):
Resampling will lead inaccuracies of the order of the resolution
on which the flux surface tracing was originally done
signTheta = self._cocos['sigma_RpZ'] * self._cocos['sigma_rhotp'] # +! is clockwise
# pyplot.subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal')
if not self.quiet:
printi('Resampling flux surfaces ...')
if npts is None:
# maintain angles, direction and angle of separatrix
theta0 = -signTheta * np.arctan2(self.sep[:, 1] - self['Z0'], self.sep[:, 0] - self['R0'])
thetaXpoint = theta0[0]
per_ = 1
if phase == 'Xpoint':
# X-point as the location of minimum Bp along the separatrix
# indexXpoint = np.argmin(
# RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, self.Bpin).ev(self.sep[:, 1], self.sep[:, 0])
# )
# thetaXpoint = np.arctan2(self.sep[indexXpoint, 1] - self['Z0'], self.sep[indexXpoint, 0] - self['R0'])
# X-point as the location of minimum angle between two adjacent segments of the separatrix
a = np.vstack((np.gradient(self.sep[:-1, 0]), np.gradient(self.sep[:-1, 1]))).T
b = np.vstack(
np.gradient(np.hstack((self.sep[1:-1, 0], self.sep[0, 0]))),
np.gradient(np.hstack((self.sep[1:-1, 1], self.sep[0, 1]))),
gr = (a[:, 0] * b[:, 0] + a[:, 1] * b[:, 1]) / np.sqrt(np.sum(a**2, 1)) / np.sqrt(np.sum(b**2, 1))
t = -signTheta * np.arctan2(self.sep[:, 1] - self['Z0'], self.sep[:, 0] - self['R0'])
thetaXpoint = t[np.argmin(gr)]
per_ = 0
thetaXpoint = phase
per_ = 1
if not np.iterable(npts):
theta0 = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, npts) + thetaXpoint
for k in range(
if self['levels'][k] == 1:
per = per_
per = 1
t = np.unwrap(-signTheta * np.arctan2(self['flux'][k]['Z'] - self['Z0'], self['flux'][k]['R'] - self['R0']))
if np.iterable(npts):
if np.iterable(npts[0]):
theta0 = npts[k]
theta0 = npts
# force 'X axis' to be monotonically increasing
if t[0] > t[1]:
t = -t
theta = -theta0
theta = theta0
index = np.argsort((theta[:-1] + thetaXpoint) % (2 * np.pi) - thetaXpoint)
index = np.hstack((index, index[0]))
theta = np.unwrap(theta[index])
index = np.argsort((t[:-1] + thetaXpoint) % (2 * np.pi) - thetaXpoint)
index = np.hstack((index, index[0]))
t = np.unwrap(t[index])
for item in ['R', 'Z', 'Br', 'Bz']:
if item in self['flux'][k]:
self['flux'][k][item] = self['flux'][k][item][index]
# These quantities are periodic (per=1);
# however per=0 can be used to allow discontinuity of derivatives at X-point
tckp = interpolate.splrep(t, self['flux'][k][item], k=3, per=1) # per=per)
self['flux'][k][item] = interpolate.splev((theta - t[0]) % max(t - t[0]) + t[0], tckp, ext=0)
self['flux'][k][item][-1] = self['flux'][k][item][0]
def _straightLineTheta(self, npts=None):
signTheta = self._cocos['sigma_RpZ'] * self._cocos['sigma_rhotp']
if not self.quiet:
printi('Evaluating straight line theta ...')
if 'avg' not in self:
theta = []
for k in range(
if npts is None:
npts_ = self['flux'][k]['R'].size
npts_ = npts
# t_ is the uniformly sampled straight-line theta
t_ = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, npts_)
if self['levels'][0] == 0 and k == 0:
# thetaStraight is the calculated straigthline theta
signBp = signTheta * np.sign(
(self['flux'][k]['Z'] - self['Z0']) * self['flux'][k]['Br']
- (self['flux'][k]['R'] - self['R0']) * self['flux'][k]['Bz']
Bp = signBp * np.sqrt(self['flux'][k]['Br'] ** 2 + self['flux'][k]['Bz'] ** 2)
Bt = self['flux'][k]['F'] / self['flux'][k]['R']
thetaStraight = np.unwrap(np.cumsum(self.dl[k] * Bt / (abs(Bp) * self['avg']['q'][k] * self['flux'][k]['R'])))
# t is the real theta angle
t = np.unwrap(-signTheta * np.arctan2(self['flux'][k]['Z'] - self['Z0'], self['flux'][k]['R'] - self['R0']))
# enforce 'X axis' (thetaStraight) to be monotonically increasing
if thetaStraight[0] > thetaStraight[1]:
thetaStraight = -thetaStraight
if t[0] > t[1]:
t = -t
# to use periodic spline I need to make my 'y' periodic, this is done by defining tDelta, that is the difference
# between the straigthline and the real theta
tDelta = (t - t[0]) - (thetaStraight - thetaStraight[0])
# the interpolation should be strictly monotonic. Enforcing continuity to the fifth derivative (k=5) is very likely to ensure that.
tckp = interpolate.splrep(thetaStraight, tDelta, k=5, per=True)
tDeltaInt = interpolate.splev(
(t_ - thetaStraight[0]) % max(thetaStraight - thetaStraight[0]) + thetaStraight[0], tckp, ext=2
# now t0 represents the real thetas at which I get uniform straightline theta sampling
# t0 is equal to the uniformly sampled straigthline theta plus the interpolated tDelta angle and some phase constants
t0 = tDeltaInt + t_ + t[0] - thetaStraight[0]
if t[0] < t[1]:
t0 = -t0
t = -t
# if k==self['levels'].size-1:
# pyplot.figure()
# pyplot.plot(
# thetaStraight,tDelta,'o',
# (t_-thetaStraight[0])%max(thetaStraight-thetaStraight[0])+thetaStraight[0],tDeltaInt,'.-r',
# )
# pyplot.figure()
# pyplot.plot(
# thetaStraight,t,'o',
# t_,t0,'.-r',
# )
if self['levels'][0] == 0:
if theta[1][0] < theta[1][-1]:
theta[0] = np.linspace(min(theta[1]), min(theta[1]) + 2 * np.pi, np_)
theta[0] = np.linspace(min(theta[1]) + 2 * np.pi, min(theta[1]), np_)
return theta
[docs] def surfAvg(self, function=None):
Flux surface averaged quantity for each flux surface
:param function: function which returns the value of the quantity to be flux surface averaged at coordinates r,z
:return: array of the quantity fluxs surface averaged for each flux surface
>> def test_avg_function(r, z):
>> return RectBivariateSplineNaN(Z, R, PSI, k=1).ev(z,r)
t0 =
if not self.calculateAvgGeo:
# define handy function for flux-surface averaging
def flxAvg(k, input):
return np.sum(self.fluxexpansion_dl[k] * input) / self.int_fluxexpansion_dl[k]
# if user wants flux-surface averaging of a specific function, then calculate and return it
if function is not None:
if 'avg' not in self:
if not self.quiet:
printi('Flux surface averaging of user defined quantity ...')
avg = np.zeros((
for k in range(
avg[k] = flxAvg(k, function(self['flux'][k]['R'], self['flux'][k]['Z']))
return avg
self['avg'] = SortedDict()
self['geo'] = SortedDict()
self['midplane'] = SortedDict()
self['geo']['psi'] = self['levels'] * (self.flx - self.PSIaxis) + self.PSIaxis
self['geo']['psin'] = self['levels']
# calculate flux surface average of typical quantities
if not self.quiet:
printi('Flux surface averaging ...')
for item in [
self['avg'][item] = np.zeros((
for k in range(
Bp2 = self['flux'][k]['Br'] ** 2 + self['flux'][k]['Bz'] ** 2
signBp = (
* self._cocos['sigma_RpZ']
* np.sign(
(self['flux'][k]['Z'] - self['Z0']) * self['flux'][k]['Br']
- (self['flux'][k]['R'] - self['R0']) * self['flux'][k]['Bz']
Bp = signBp * np.sqrt(Bp2)
Bt = self['flux'][k]['F'] / self['flux'][k]['R']
B2 = Bp2 + Bt**2
B = np.sqrt(B2)
bratio = B / np.max(B)
self['flux'][k]['Bmax'] = np.max(B)
# self['avg']['psi'][k] = flxAvg(k, function(self['flux'][k]['R'],self['flux'][k]['Z']) )
self['avg']['R'][k] = flxAvg(k, self['flux'][k]['R'])
self['avg']['a'][k] = flxAvg(k, np.sqrt((self['flux'][k]['R'] - self['R0']) ** 2 + (self['flux'][k]['Z'] - self['Z0']) ** 2))
self['avg']['R**2'][k] = flxAvg(k, self['flux'][k]['R'] ** 2)
self['avg']['1/R'][k] = flxAvg(k, 1.0 / self['flux'][k]['R'])
self['avg']['1/R**2'][k] = flxAvg(k, 1.0 / self['flux'][k]['R'] ** 2)
self['avg']['Bp'][k] = flxAvg(k, Bp)
self['avg']['Bp**2'][k] = flxAvg(k, Bp2)
self['avg']['Bp*R'][k] = flxAvg(k, Bp * self['flux'][k]['R'])
self['avg']['Bp**2*R**2'][k] = flxAvg(k, Bp2 * self['flux'][k]['R'] ** 2)
self['avg']['Btot'][k] = flxAvg(k, B)
self['avg']['Btot**2'][k] = flxAvg(k, B2)
self['avg']['Bt'][k] = flxAvg(k, Bt)
self['avg']['Bt**2'][k] = flxAvg(k, Bt**2)
self['avg']['vp'][k] = (
* self._cocos['sigma_Bp']
* np.sign(self['avg']['Bp'][k])
* self.int_fluxexpansion_dl[k]
* (2.0 * np.pi) ** (1.0 - self._cocos['exp_Bp'])
self['avg']['q'][k] = (
* self._cocos['sigma_Bp']
* self['avg']['vp'][k]
* self['flux'][k]['F']
* self['avg']['1/R**2'][k]
/ ((2 * np.pi) ** (2.0 - self._cocos['exp_Bp']))
self['avg']['hf'][k] = flxAvg(k, (1.0 - np.sqrt(1.0 - bratio) * (1.0 + bratio / 2.0)) / bratio**2)
# these quantites are calculated from Bx,By and hence are not that precise
# if information is available about P, PPRIME, and F, FFPRIM then they will be substittuted
self['avg']['ip'][k] = self._cocos['sigma_rhotp'] * np.sum(self.dl[k] * Bp) / (4e-7 * np.pi)
self['avg']['Jt'][k] = flxAvg(k, self['flux'][k]['Jt'])
self['avg']['Jt/R'][k] = flxAvg(k, self['flux'][k]['Jt'] / self['flux'][k]['R'])
self['avg']['F'][k] = self['flux'][k]['F']
if hasattr(self, 'P'):
self['avg']['P'][k] = self['flux'][k]['P']
elif 'P' in self['avg']:
del self['avg']['P']
if hasattr(self, 'PPRIME'):
self['avg']['PPRIME'][k] = self['flux'][k]['PPRIME']
elif 'PPRIME' in self['avg']:
del self['avg']['PPRIME']
if hasattr(self, 'FFPRIM'):
self['avg']['FFPRIM'][k] = self['flux'][k]['FFPRIM']
elif 'FFPRIM' in self['avg']:
del self['avg']['FFPRIM']
## The circulating particle fraction calculation has been converted from IDL to python
## following the which is widely used at DIII-D
## Formula 4.54 of S.P. Hirshman and D.J. Sigmar 1981 Nucl. Fusion 21 1079
# x=np.array([0.0387724175, 0.1160840706, 0.1926975807, 0.268152185, 0.3419940908, 0.4137792043, 0.4830758016, 0.549467125, 0.6125538896, 0.6719566846, 0.7273182551, 0.7783056514, 0.8246122308, 0.8659595032, 0.9020988069, 0.9328128082, 0.9579168192, 0.9772599499, 0.9907262386, 0.9982377097])
# w=np.array([0.0775059479, 0.0770398181, 0.0761103619, 0.074723169, 0.0728865823, 0.0706116473, 0.0679120458, 0.0648040134, 0.0613062424, 0.057439769, 0.0532278469, 0.0486958076, 0.0438709081, 0.0387821679, 0.0334601952, 0.0279370069, 0.0222458491, 0.0164210583, 0.0104982845, 0.004521277])
# lmbd = 1-x**2
# weight = 2.*w*np.sqrt(1. - lmbd)
# denom = np.zeros((len(lmbd)))
# for n in range(len(lmbd)):
# denom[n] = flxAvg(k, np.sqrt(1.-lmbd[n]*bratio) )
# integral=np.sum(weight*lmbd/denom)
# self['avg']['fc'][k] =0.75*self['avg']['Btot**2'][k]/np.max(B)**2*integral
# The above calculation is exactly equivalent to the Lin-Lu form of trapped particle fraction
# article: Y.R. Lin-Liu and R.L. Miller, Phys. of Plamsas 2 (1995) 1666
h = self['avg']['Btot'][k] / self['flux'][k]['Bmax']
h2 = self['avg']['Btot**2'][k] / self['flux'][k]['Bmax'] ** 2
# Equation 4
ftu = 1.0 - h2 / (h**2) * (1.0 - np.sqrt(1.0 - h) * (1.0 + 0.5 * h))
# Equation 7
ftl = 1.0 - h2 * self['avg']['hf'][k]
# Equation 18,19
self['avg']['fc'][k] = 1 - (0.75 * ftu + 0.25 * ftl)
grad_parallel = np.diff(B) / self.fluxexpansion_dl[k][1:] / B[1:]
self['avg']['grad_term'][k] = np.sum(self.fluxexpansion_dl[k][1:] * grad_parallel**2) / self.int_fluxexpansion_dl[k]
# q on axis by extrapolation
if self['levels'][0] == 0:
x = self['levels'][1:]
y = self['avg']['q'][1:]
self['avg']['q'][0] = y[1] - ((y[1] - y[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])) * x[1]
for k in range(
self['flux'][k]['q'] = self['avg']['q'][k]
if 'P' in self['avg'] and 'PPRIME' not in self['avg']:
self['avg']['PPRIME'] = deriv(self['geo']['psi'], self['avg']['P'])
if 'F' in self['avg'] and 'FFPRIM' not in self['avg']:
self['avg']['FFPRIM'] = self['avg']['F'] * deriv(self['geo']['psi'], self['avg']['F'])
if 'PPRIME' in self['avg'] and 'FFPRIM' in self['avg']:
self['avg']['Jt/R'] = (
* (self['avg']['PPRIME'] + self['avg']['FFPRIM'] * self['avg']['1/R**2'] / (4 * np.pi * 1e-7))
* (2.0 * np.pi) ** self._cocos['exp_Bp']
# calculate currents based on Grad-Shafranov if pressure information is available
# TEMPORARILY DISABLED: issue at first knot when looking at Jeff which is near zero on axis
if False and 'PPRIME' in self['avg'] and 'F' in self['avg'] and 'FFPRIM' in self['avg']:
self['avg']['dip/dpsi'] = (
* self['avg']['vp']
* (self['avg']['PPRIME'] + self['avg']['FFPRIM'] * self['avg']['1/R**2'] / (4e-7 * np.pi))
/ ((2 * np.pi) ** (1.0 - self._cocos['exp_Bp']))
self['avg']['ip'] = integrate.cumtrapz(self['avg']['dip/dpsi'], self['geo']['psi'], initial=0)
self['avg']['dip/dpsi'] = deriv(self['geo']['psi'], self['avg']['ip'])
self['avg']['Jeff'] = (
* self._cocos['sigma_rhotp']
* self['avg']['dip/dpsi']
* self['BCENTR']
/ (self['avg']['q'] * (2 * np.pi) ** (1.0 - self._cocos['exp_Bp']))
self['CURRENT'] = self['avg']['ip'][-1]
# calculate geometric quantities
if not self.quiet:
printi(' > Took {:}'.format( - t0))
if not self.quiet:
printi('Geometric quantities ...')
t0 =
for k in range(
geo = fluxGeo(self['flux'][k]['R'], self['flux'][k]['Z'], lcfs=(k == ( - 1)))
for item in sorted(geo):
if item not in self['geo']:
self['geo'][item] = np.zeros((
self['geo'][item][k] = geo[item]
self['geo']['vol'] = np.abs(self.volume_integral(1))
self['geo']['cxArea'] = np.abs(self.surface_integral(1))
self['geo']['phi'] = (
* self._cocos['sigma_rhotp']
* integrate.cumtrapz(self['avg']['q'], self['geo']['psi'], initial=0)
* (2.0 * np.pi) ** (1.0 - self._cocos['exp_Bp'])
# self['geo']['bunit']=(abs(self['avg']['q'])/self['geo']['a'])*( deriv(self['geo']['a'],self['geo']['psi']) )
self['geo']['bunit'] = deriv(self['geo']['a'], self['geo']['phi']) / (2.0 * np.pi * self['geo']['a'])
# fix geometric quantities on axis
if self['levels'][0] == 0:
self['geo']['delu'][0] = 0.0
self['geo']['dell'][0] = 0.0
self['geo']['delta'][0] = 0.0
self['geo']['zeta'][0] = 0.0
self['geo']['zetaou'][0] = 0.0
self['geo']['zetaiu'][0] = 0.0
self['geo']['zetail'][0] = 0.0
self['geo']['zetaol'][0] = 0.0
# linear extrapolation
x = self['levels'][1:]
for item in ['kapu', 'kapl', 'bunit']:
y = self['geo'][item][1:]
self['geo'][item][0] = y[1] - ((y[1] - y[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])) * x[1]
self['geo']['kap'][0] = 0.5 * self['geo']['kapu'][0] + 0.5 * self['geo']['kapl'][0]
# calculate rho only if levels start from 0
self['geo']['rho'] = np.sqrt(np.abs(self['geo']['phi'] / (np.pi * self['BCENTR'])))
# the values of phi, rho have meaning only if I can integrate from the first flux surface on...
if 'phi' in self['geo']:
del self['geo']['phi']
if 'rho' in self['geo']:
del self['geo']['rho']
# calculate betas
if 'P' in self['avg']:
Btvac = self['BCENTR'] * self['RCENTR'] / self['geo']['R'][-1]
self['avg']['beta_t'] = abs(
self.volume_integral(self['avg']['P']) / (Btvac**2 / 2.0 / 4.0 / np.pi / 1e-7) / self['geo']['vol'][-1]
i = self['CURRENT'] / 1e6
a = self['geo']['a'][-1]
self['avg']['beta_n'] = self['avg']['beta_t'] / abs(i / a / Btvac) * 100
Bpave = self['CURRENT'] * (4 * np.pi * 1e-7) / self['geo']['per'][-1]
self['avg']['beta_p'] = abs(
self.volume_integral(self['avg']['P']) / (Bpave**2 / 2.0 / 4.0 / np.pi / 1e-7) / self['geo']['vol'][-1]
# the values of rhon has a meaning only if I have the value at the lcfs
if 'rho' in self['geo'] and self['levels'][ - 1] == 1.0:
self['geo']['rhon'] = self['geo']['rho'] / max(self['geo']['rho'])
# fcap, f(psilim)/f(psi)
self['avg']['fcap'] = np.zeros((
for k in range(
self['avg']['fcap'][k] = self['flux'][ - 1]['F'] / self['flux'][k]['F']
# hcap, fcap / <R0**2/R**2>
self['avg']['hcap'] = self['avg']['fcap'] / (self['RCENTR'] ** 2 * self['avg']['1/R**2'])
# RHORZ (linear extrapolation for rho>1)
def ext_arr_linear(x, y):
dydx = (y[-1] - y[-2]) / (x[-1] - x[-2])
extra_x = (x[-1] - x[-2]) * np.r_[1:1000] + x[-1]
extra_y = (x[-1] - x[-2]) * np.r_[1:1000] * dydx + y[-1]
x = np.hstack((x, extra_x))
y = np.hstack((y, extra_y))
return [x, y]
[new_psi_mesh0, new_PHI] = ext_arr_linear(self['geo']['psi'], self['geo']['phi'])
PHIRZ = interpolate.interp1d(new_psi_mesh0, new_PHI, kind='linear', bounds_error=False)(self.PSIin)
RHORZ = np.sqrt(abs(PHIRZ / np.pi / self['BCENTR']))
# gcap <(grad rho)**2*(R0/R)**2>
dRHOdZ, dRHOdR = np.gradient(RHORZ, self.Zin[2] - self.Zin[1], self.Rin[2] - self.Rin[1])
dPHI2 = dRHOdZ**2 + dRHOdR**2
dp2fun = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, dPHI2)
self['avg']['gcap'] = np.zeros((
for k in range(
self['avg']['gcap'][k] = (
np.sum(self.fluxexpansion_dl[k] * dp2fun.ev(self['flux'][k]['Z'], self['flux'][k]['R']) / self['flux'][k]['R'] ** 2)
/ self.int_fluxexpansion_dl[k]
self['avg']['gcap'] *= self['RCENTR'] ** 2 # * self['avg']['1/R**2']
# linear extrapolation
x = self['levels'][1:]
for item in ['gcap', 'hcap', 'fcap']:
y = self['avg'][item][1:]
self['avg'][item][0] = y[1] - ((y[1] - y[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])) * x[1]
if 'rhon' in self['geo']:
del self['geo']['rhon']
# midplane quantities
self['midplane']['R'] = self['geo']['R'] + self['geo']['a']
self['midplane']['Z'] = self['midplane']['R'] * 0 + self['Z0']
Br, Bz = self._calcBrBz()
self['midplane']['Br'] = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, Br).ev(self['midplane']['Z'], self['midplane']['R'])
self['midplane']['Bz'] = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, Bz).ev(self['midplane']['Z'], self['midplane']['R'])
signBp = -self._cocos['sigma_rhotp'] * self._cocos['sigma_RpZ'] * np.sign(self['midplane']['Bz'])
self['midplane']['Bp'] = signBp * np.sqrt(self['midplane']['Br'] ** 2 + self['midplane']['Bz'] ** 2)
self['midplane']['Bt'] = []
for k in range(
self['midplane']['Bt'].append(self['flux'][k]['F'] / self['midplane']['R'][k])
self['midplane']['Bt'] = np.array(self['midplane']['Bt'])
# ============
# extra infos
# ============
self['info'] = SortedDict()
# Normlized plasma inductance
# * calculated using {Inductive flux usage and its optimization in tokamak operation T.C.Luce et al.} EQ (A2,A3,A4)
# * ITER IMAS li3
ip = self['CURRENT']
vol = self['geo']['vol'][-1]
dpsi = np.abs(np.gradient(self['geo']['psi']))
r_axis = self['R0']
a = self['geo']['a'][-1]
if self['RCENTR'] is None:
printw('Using magnetic axis as RCENTR of vacuum field ( BCENTR = Fpol[-1] / RCENTR)')
r_0 = self['R0']
r_0 = self['RCENTR']
kappa_x = self['geo']['kap'][-1] # should be used if
kappa_a = vol / (2.0 * np.pi * r_0 * np.pi * a * a)
correction_factor = (1 + kappa_x**2) / (2.0 * kappa_a)
Bp2_vol = 0
for k in range( # loop over the flux surfaces
Bp = np.sqrt(self['flux'][k]['Br'] ** 2 + self['flux'][k]['Bz'] ** 2)
dl = np.sqrt(np.ediff1d(self['flux'][k]['R'], to_begin=0) ** 2 + np.ediff1d(self['flux'][k]['Z'], to_begin=0) ** 2)
Bpl = np.sum(Bp * dl * 2 * np.pi) # integral over flux surface
Bp2_vol += Bpl * dpsi[k] # integral over dpsi (making it <Bp**2> * V )
circum = np.sum(dl) # to calculate the length of the last closed flux surface
li_from_definition = Bp2_vol / vol / constants.mu_0 / constants.mu_0 / ip / ip * circum * circum
# li_3_TLUCE is the same as li_3_IMAS (by numbers)
# ali_1_EFIT is the same as li_from_definition
self['info']['internal_inductance'] = {
"li_from_definition": li_from_definition,
"li_(1)_TLUCE": li_from_definition / circum / circum * 2 * vol / r_0 * correction_factor,
"li_(2)_TLUCE": li_from_definition / circum / circum * 2 * vol / r_axis,
"li_(3)_TLUCE": li_from_definition / circum / circum * 2 * vol / r_0,
"li_(1)_EFIT": circum * circum * Bp2_vol / (vol * constants.mu_0 * constants.mu_0 * ip * ip),
"li_(3)_IMAS": 2 * Bp2_vol / r_0 / ip / ip / constants.mu_0 / constants.mu_0,
# EFIT current normalization
self['info']['J_efit_norm'] = (
(self['RCENTR'] * self['avg']['1/R']) * self['avg']['Jt'] / (self['CURRENT'] / self['geo']['cxArea'][-1])
# open separatrix
if self.open_sep is not None:
self['info']['open_separatrix'] = self.sol(levels=[1], open_flx={1: self.open_sep})[0][0]
except Exception as _excp:
printw('Error tracing open field-line separatrix: ' + repr(_excp))
self['info']['open_separatrix'] = _excp
ros = self['info']['open_separatrix']['R']
istrk = np.array([0, -1] if ros[-1] > ros[0] else [-1, 0]) # Sort it so it goes inner, then outer strk pt
self['info']['rvsin'], self['info']['rvsout'] = ros[istrk]
self['info']['zvsin'], self['info']['zvsout'] = self['info']['open_separatrix']['Z'][istrk]
# primary xpoint
i = np.argmin(np.sqrt(self['flux'][ - 1]['Br'] ** 2 + self['flux'][ - 1]['Bz'] ** 2))
self['info']['xpoint'] = np.array([self['flux'][ - 1]['R'][i], self['flux'][ - 1]['Z'][i]])
# identify sol regions (works for single x-point >> do not do this for double-X-point or limited cases)
if (
'rvsin' in self['info']
and 'zvsin' in self['info']
and np.sign(self.open_sep[0, 1]) == np.sign(self.open_sep[-1, 1])
and self.open_sep[0, 1] != self.open_sep[-1, 1]
and self.open_sep[0, 0] != self.open_sep[-1, 0]
rx, zx = self['info']['xpoint']
# find minimum distance between legs of open separatrix used to estimate circle radius `a`
k = int(len(self.open_sep) // 2)
r0 = self.open_sep[:k, 0]
z0 = self.open_sep[:k, 1]
r1 = self.open_sep[k:, 0]
z1 = self.open_sep[k:, 1]
d0 = np.sqrt((r0 - rx) ** 2 + (z0 - zx) ** 2)
i0 = np.argmin(d0)
d1 = np.sqrt((r1 - rx) ** 2 + (z1 - zx) ** 2)
i1 = np.argmin(d1) + k
a = np.sqrt((self.open_sep[i0, 0] - self.open_sep[i1, 0]) ** 2 + (self.open_sep[i0, 1] - self.open_sep[i1, 1]) ** 2)
a *= 3
# circle
t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 101)[:-1]
r = a * np.cos(t) + rx
z = a * np.sin(t) + zx
# intersect open separatrix with small circle around xpoint
circle = line_intersect(np.array([self.open_sep[:, 0], self.open_sep[:, 1]]).T, np.array([r, z]).T)
if len(circle) == 4:
# always sort points so that they are in [inner_strike, outer_strike, outer_midplane, inner_midplane] order
circle0 = circle - np.array([rx, zx])[np.newaxis, :]
# clockwise for upper Xpoint
if zx > 0 and np.sign(circle0[0, 0] * circle0[1, 1] - circle0[1, 0] * circle0[0, 1]) > 0:
circle = circle[::-1]
# counter clockwise for lower Xpoint
elif zx < 0 and np.sign(circle0[0, 0] * circle0[1, 1] - circle0[1, 0] * circle0[0, 1]) < 0:
circle = circle[::-1]
# start numbering from inner strike wall
index = np.argmin(np.sqrt((circle[:, 0] - self['info']['rvsin']) ** 2 + (circle[:, 1] - self['info']['zvsin']) ** 2))
circle = np.vstack((circle, circle))[index : index + 4, :]
for k, item in enumerate(['xpoint_inner_strike', 'xpoint_outer_strike', 'xpoint_outer_midplane', 'xpoint_inner_midplane']):
self['info'][item] = circle[k]
except IndexError:
printe('Error parsing %s' % item)
# regions are defined at midway points between the open separatrix points
regions = circle + np.diff(np.vstack((circle, circle[0])), axis=0) / 2.0
for k, item in enumerate(['xpoint_private_region', 'xpoint_outer_region', 'xpoint_core_region', 'xpoint_inner_region']):
self['info'][item] = regions[k]
except IndexError:
printe('Error parsing %s' % item)
# logic for secondary xpoint evaluation starts here
# find where Bz=0 on the opposite side of the primary X-point: this is xpoint2_start
Bz_sep = self['flux'][ - 1]['Bz'].copy()
mask = self['flux'][ - 1]['Z'] * np.sign(self['info']['xpoint'][1]) > 0
Bz_sep[mask] = np.nan
index = np.nanargmin(abs(Bz_sep))
xpoint2_start = [self['flux'][ - 1]['R'][index], self['flux'][ - 1]['Z'][index]]
# trace Bz=0 contour and find the contour line that passes closest to xpoint2_start: this is the rz_divider line
Bz0 = contourPaths(self.Rin, self.Zin, Bz, [0], remove_boundary_points=True, smooth_factor=1)[0]
d = []
for item in Bz0:
d.append(np.min(np.sqrt((item.vertices[:, 0] - xpoint2_start[0]) ** 2 + (item.vertices[:, 1] - xpoint2_start[1]) ** 2)))
rz_divider = Bz0[np.argmin(d)].vertices
# evaluate Br along rz_divider line and consider only side opposite side of the primary X-point
Br_divider = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, Br).ev(rz_divider[:, 1], rz_divider[:, 0])
mask = (rz_divider[:, 1] * np.sign(self['info']['xpoint'][1])) < -abs(self['info']['xpoint'][1]) / 10.0
Br_divider = Br_divider[mask]
rz_divider = rz_divider[mask, :]
if abs(rz_divider[0, 1]) > abs(rz_divider[-1, 1]):
rz_divider = rz_divider[::-1, :]
Br_divider = Br_divider[::-1]
# secondary xpoint where Br flips sign
tmp = np.where(np.sign(Br_divider) != np.sign(Br_divider)[0])[0]
if len(tmp):
ix = tmp[0]
self['info']['xpoint2'] = (rz_divider[ix - 1, :] + rz_divider[ix, :]) * 0.5
self['info']['xpoint2'] = None
# limiter
if (
hasattr(self, 'rlim')
and self.rlim is not None
and len(self.rlim) > 3
and hasattr(self, 'zlim')
and self.zlim is not None
and len(self.zlim) > 3
self['info']['rlim'] = self.rlim
self['info']['zlim'] = self.zlim
if not self.quiet:
printi(' > Took {:}'.format( - t0))
[docs] def surface_integral(self, what):
Cross section integral of a quantity
:param what: quantity to be integrated specified as array at flux surface
:return: array of the integration from core to edge
return integrate.cumtrapz(self['avg']['vp'] * self['avg']['1/R'] * what, self['geo']['psi'], initial=0) / (2.0 * np.pi)
[docs] def volume_integral(self, what):
Volume integral of a quantity
:param what: quantity to be integrated specified as array at flux surface
:return: array of the integration from core to edge
return integrate.cumtrapz(self['avg']['vp'] * what, self['geo']['psi'], initial=0)
def _surfMean(self, what):
tmp = np.zeros((
whatfun = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, what)
for k in range(
pt = int(np.ceil(self['flux'][k]['R'].size / 8.0))
whatSamples = whatfun.ev(self['flux'][k]['Z'][::pt], self['flux'][k]['R'][::pt])
tmp[k] = np.mean(whatSamples)
return tmp
[docs] @dynaLoad
def plot(self, only2D=False, info=False, label=None, **kw):
from matplotlib import pyplot
if not self.quiet:
printi('Plotting ...')
if not only2D:
tmp = []
if 'geo' in self:
tmp = ['geo_' + item for item in self['geo'].keys()]
if 'avg' in self:
tmp.extend(['avg_' + item for item in self['avg'].keys()])
nplot = len(tmp)
cplot = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(nplot) / 2.0) * 2)
rplot = int(np.ceil(nplot * 1.0 / cplot))
pyplot.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.35, hspace=0.0)
for k, item in enumerate(tmp):
r = int(np.floor(k * 1.0 / cplot))
c = k - r * cplot
if k == 0:
ax1 = pyplot.subplot(rplot, cplot + 2, r * (cplot + 2) + c + 1 + 2)
ax = ax1
ax = pyplot.subplot(rplot, cplot + 2, r * (cplot + 2) + c + 1 + 2, sharex=ax1)
ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(-3, 3))
if item[:3] == 'avg' and item[4:] in self['avg']:
pyplot.plot(self['levels'], self['avg'][item[4:]])
'< ' + item[4:] + ' >',
elif item[:3] == 'geo' and item[4:] in self['geo']:
pyplot.plot(self['levels'], self['geo'][item[4:]])
0.5, 0.8, item[4:], horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', size='medium', transform=ax.transAxes
if label is not None:
if k < len(tmp) - cplot:
pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
pyplot.subplot(1, int((cplot + 2) // 2), 1)
r = []
z = []
# Br=[]
# Bz=[]
for k in range([:: max([1, ( - 1) // (33 - 1)])]:
r = np.hstack((r, self['flux'][k]['R'], np.nan))
z = np.hstack((z, self['flux'][k]['Z'], np.nan))
# Br=np.hstack((Br,self['flux'][k]['Br'],np.nan))
# Bz=np.hstack((Bz,self['flux'][k]['Bz'],np.nan))
pyplot.plot(r, z, markeredgewidth=0)
pyplot.plot(self['R0'], self['Z0'], '+', color=pyplot.gca().lines[-1].get_color())
if 'info' in self:
if 'rlim' in self['info'] and 'zlim' in self['info']:
pyplot.plot(self['info']['rlim'], self['info']['zlim'], 'k')
if (
'open_separatrix' in self['info']
and isinstance(self['info']['open_separatrix'], SortedDict)
and 'R' in self['info']['open_separatrix']
and 'Z' in self['info']['open_separatrix']
self['info']['open_separatrix']['R'], self['info']['open_separatrix']['Z'], color=pyplot.gca().lines[-1].get_color()
if info:
for item in self['info']:
if item.startswith('xpoint'):
line = pyplot.plot(self['info'][item][0], self['info'][item][1], marker='.')
pyplot.text(self['info'][item][0], self['info'][item][1], item, color=line[0].get_color())
# pyplot.quiver(r,z,Br,Bz,pivot='middle',units='xy')
r = []
z = []
if 'sol' in self:
for k in range(len(self['sol'])):
r = np.hstack((r, self['sol'][k]['R'], np.nan))
z = np.hstack((z, self['sol'][k]['Z'], np.nan))
pyplot.plot(r, z, markeredgewidth=0, alpha=0.5, color=pyplot.gca().lines[-1].get_color())
[docs] def rz_miller_geometry(self, poloidal_resolution=101):
return R,Z coordinates for all flux surfaces from miller geometry coefficients in geo
# based on gacode/gapy/src/gapy_geo.f90
:param poloidal_resolution: integer with number of equispaced points in toroidal angle, or array of toroidal angles
:return: 2D arrays with (R, Z) flux surface coordinates
if isinstance(poloidal_resolution, int):
t0 = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, poloidal_resolution)
t0 = poloidal_resolution
x = np.arcsin(self['geo']['delta'])
# R
a = t0[:, np.newaxis] + x[np.newaxis, :] * np.sin(t0[:, np.newaxis])
r0 = self['geo']['R'][np.newaxis, :] + self['geo']['a'][np.newaxis, :] * np.cos(a)
# Z
a = t0[:, np.newaxis] + self['geo']['zeta'][np.newaxis, :] * np.sin(2 * t0[:, np.newaxis])
z0 = self['geo']['Z'][np.newaxis, :] + self['geo']['kap'][np.newaxis, :] * self['geo']['a'][np.newaxis, :] * np.sin(a)
return r0, z0
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
[docs] @dynaLoad
def sol(self, levels=31, packing=3, resolution=0.01, rlim=None, zlim=None, open_flx=None):
Trace open field lines flux surfaces in the SOL
:param levels: where flux surfaces should be traced
* integer number of flux surface
* list of levels
:param packing: if `levels` is integer, packing of flux surfaces close to the separatrix
:param resolution: accuracy of the flux surface tracing
:param rlim: list of R coordinates points where flux surfaces intersect limiter
:param zlim: list of Z coordinates points where flux surfaces intersect limiter
:param open_flx: dictionary with flux surface rhon value as keys of where to calculate SOL (passing this will not set the `sol` entry in the flux-surfaces class)
:return: dictionary with SOL flux surface information
# pack more surfaces near the separatrix
if is_int(levels):
R = np.array([self['R0'], max(self.Rin)])
tmp = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, self.PSIin).ev(R * 0 + self['Z0'], R)
tmp = max((tmp - self.PSIaxis) / ((self.flx - self.PSIaxis) * self.maxPSI))
levels = pack_points(levels + 2, -1, packing)
levels = (levels - min(levels)) / (max(levels) - min(levels)) * (tmp - 1) + 1
levels = levels[1:-1]
if rlim is None and len(self.rlim) > 3:
rlim = self.rlim
if zlim is None and len(self.zlim) > 3:
zlim = self.zlim
if rlim is None or zlim is None:
dd = 0.01
rlim = [min(self.Rin) + dd, max(self.Rin) - dd, max(self.Rin) - dd, min(self.Rin) + dd, min(self.Rin) + dd]
zlim = [min(self.Zin) + dd, min(self.Zin) + dd, max(self.Zin) - dd, max(self.Zin) - dd, min(self.Zin) + dd]
rlim = copy.deepcopy(rlim)
zlim = copy.deepcopy(zlim)
store_SOL = False
if open_flx is None:
store_SOL = True
# SOL requires higher resolution
# find SOL fied lines
open_flx = self._findSurfaces(levels=levels)
# midplane
Rm = np.array([self['R0'], max(self.Rin)])
Zm = Rm * 0 + self['Z0']
SOL = SortedDict()
for k, level in enumerate(open_flx.keys()):
SOL[k] = SortedDict()
SOL[k]['psi'] = level * (self.flx - self.PSIaxis) * self.maxPSI + self.PSIaxis
SOL[k]['rhon'] = level
SOL[k]['R'] = open_flx[level][:, 0]
SOL[k]['Z'] = open_flx[level][:, 1]
max_mid = line_intersect(np.array([Rm, Zm]).T, np.array([rlim, zlim]).T)
if len(max_mid):
max_mid = max_mid[0]
printw('fluxsurfaces: there is no intersection between the horizontal line at the magnetic axis Z and the limiter')
max_mid = [max(Rm), np.argmax(Rm)]
def line_split(x1, x2):
inter_midp, index_midp = line_intersect(x1, x2, True)
index_midp = index_midp[0][0]
inter_midp = inter_midp[0]
if inter_midp[0] > max_mid[0]:
return None
inter_wall, index_wall = line_intersect(x1, np.array([rlim, zlim]).T, True)
i = np.array([k[0] for k in index_wall]).astype(int)
i1 = int(np.where(i == i[np.where(i < index_midp)[0]][-1])[0][0])
i2 = int(np.where(i == i[np.where(i >= index_midp)[0]][0])[0][0])
legs = (
np.vstack((x1[: index_wall[i1][0], :], inter_wall[i1])),
np.vstack(([inter_wall[i1]], x1[index_wall[i1][0] + 1 : index_midp, :], [inter_midp])),
np.vstack(([inter_midp], x1[index_midp + 1 : index_wall[i2][0], :], [inter_wall[i2]])),
np.vstack(([inter_wall[i2]], x1[index_wall[i2][0] + 1 :, :])),
if legs[1][-2][1] < legs[2][1][1]:
legs = [np.flipud(legs[3]), np.flipud(legs[2]), np.flipud(legs[1]), np.flipud(legs[0])]
# pyplot.plot(legs[0][:,0],legs[0][:,1],'b.')
# pyplot.plot(legs[1][:,0],legs[1][:,1],'rx')
# pyplot.plot(legs[2][:,0],legs[2][:,1],'b.')
# pyplot.plot(legs[3][:,0],legs[3][:,1],'rx')
# print(map(len,legs))
return legs
Br, Bz = self._calcBrBz()
Brfun = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, Br)
Bzfun = RectBivariateSplineNaN(self.Zin, self.Rin, Bz)
valid_levels = []
sol_levels = []
for k in range(len(SOL)):
legs = line_split(np.array([SOL[k]['R'], SOL[k]['Z']]).T, np.array([Rm, Zm]).T)
except IndexError:
for k1 in range(k, len(SOL)):
del SOL[k1]
if legs is not None:
r = SOL[k]['R'] = np.hstack((legs[0][:-1, 0], legs[1][:-1, 0], legs[2][:-1, 0], legs[3][:, 0]))
z = SOL[k]['Z'] = np.hstack((legs[0][:-1, 1], legs[1][:-1, 1], legs[2][:-1, 1], legs[3][:, 1]))
w1 = len(legs[0][:-1, 0])
ii = len(legs[0][:-1, 0]) + len(legs[1][:-1, 0])
w2 = len(legs[0][:-1, 0]) + len(legs[1][:-1, 0]) + len(legs[2][:-1, 0])
SOL[k]['Br'] = Brfun.ev(z, r)
SOL[k]['Bz'] = Bzfun.ev(z, r)
Bt = np.abs(self['BCENTR'] * self['RCENTR'] / r)
Bp = np.sqrt(SOL[k]['Br'] ** 2 + SOL[k]['Bz'] ** 2)
dp = np.sqrt(np.gradient(r) ** 2 + np.gradient(z) ** 2)
pitch = np.sqrt(1 + (Bt / Bp) ** 2)
s = np.cumsum(pitch * dp)
s = np.abs(s - s[ii])
SOL[k]['s'] = s
for item in SOL[k]:
if isinstance(SOL[k][item], np.ndarray):
SOL[k][item] = SOL[k][item][w1 : w2 + 1]
SOL[k]['mid_index'] = ii - w1
SOL[k]['rho'] = SOL[k]['rhon'] * self['geo']['rho'][-1]
SOLV = SortedDict()
for k, v in enumerate(valid_levels):
SOLV[k] = SOL[v]
if store_SOL:
self['sol'] = SOLV
self['sol_levels'] = np.array([s['psi'] for s in SOLV.values()])
return SOL, sol_levels
[docs] @dynaLoad
def to_omas(self, ods=None, time_index=0):
translate fluxSurfaces class to OMAS data structure
:param ods: input ods to which data is added
:param time_index: time index to which data is added
:return: ODS
if ods is None:
ods = ODS()
cocosio = self.cocosin
# align psi grid
psi = self['geo']['psi']
if 'equilibrium.time_slice.%d.profiles_1d.psi' % time_index in ods:
with omas_environment(ods, cocosio=cocosio):
m0 = psi[0]
M0 = psi[-1]
m1 = ods['equilibrium.time_slice.%d.profiles_1d.psi' % time_index][0]
M1 = ods['equilibrium.time_slice.%d.profiles_1d.psi' % time_index][-1]
psi = (psi - m0) / (M0 - m0) * (M1 - m1) + m1
coordsio = {'equilibrium.time_slice.%d.profiles_1d.psi' % time_index: psi}
# add fluxSurfaces quantities
with omas_environment(ods, cocosio=cocosio, coordsio=coordsio):
eq1d = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']
glob = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index]['global_quantities']
eq1d['rho_tor_norm'] = self['geo']['rhon']
eq1d['rho_tor'] = self['geo']['rho']
eq1d['r_inboard'] = self['geo']['R'] - self['geo']['a']
eq1d['r_outboard'] = self['geo']['R'] + self['geo']['a']
eq1d['volume'] = self['geo']['vol']
eq1d['triangularity_upper'] = self['geo']['delu']
eq1d['triangularity_lower'] = self['geo']['dell']
# eq1d['average_outer_squareness'] = self['geo']['zeta'] # IMAS does not have a placeholder for this quantity yet
eq1d['squareness_lower_inner'] = self['geo']['zeta'] # self['geo']['zetail']
eq1d['squareness_upper_inner'] = self['geo']['zeta'] # self['geo']['zetaiu']
eq1d['squareness_lower_outer'] = self['geo']['zeta'] # self['geo']['zetaol']
eq1d['squareness_upper_outer'] = self['geo']['zeta'] # self['geo']['zetaou']
eq1d['trapped_fraction'] = 1.0 - self['avg']['fc']
eq1d['surface'] = self['geo']['surfArea']
eq1d['q'] = self['avg']['q']
eq1d['pressure'] = self['avg']['P']
eq1d['phi'] = self['geo']['phi']
eq1d['j_tor'] = self['avg']['Jt/R'] / self['avg']['1/R']
eq1d['gm9'] = self['avg']['1/R']
eq1d['gm8'] = self['avg']['R']
eq1d['gm5'] = self['avg']['Btot**2']
eq1d['gm2'] = self['avg']['gcap'] / self['RCENTR'] ** 2
eq1d['gm1'] = self['avg']['1/R**2']
eq1d['f'] = self['avg']['F']
eq1d['elongation'] = 0.5 * (self['geo']['kapu'] + self['geo']['kapl'])
eq1d['dvolume_drho_tor'] = deriv(self['geo']['rho'], self['geo']['vol'])
eq1d['dvolume_dpsi'] = deriv(self['geo']['psi'], self['geo']['vol'])
eq1d['dpsi_drho_tor'] = deriv(self['geo']['rho'], self['geo']['psi'])
eq1d['darea_drho_tor'] = deriv(self['geo']['rho'], self['geo']['cxArea'])
eq1d['darea_dpsi'] = deriv(self['geo']['psi'], self['geo']['cxArea'])
tmp = [
np.sqrt(self['flux'][k]['Br'] ** 2 + self['flux'][k]['Bz'] ** 2 + (self['flux'][k]['F'] / self['flux'][k]['R']) ** 2)
for k in self['flux']
eq1d['b_field_min'] = np.array([np.min(v) for v in tmp])
eq1d['b_field_max'] = np.array([np.max(v) for v in tmp])
eq1d['b_field_average'] = np.array([np.mean(v) for v in tmp])
eq1d['area'] = self['geo']['cxArea']
eq1d['geometric_axis.r'] = self['geo']['R']
eq1d['geometric_axis.z'] = self['geo']['Z']
eq1d['centroid.r'] = self['geo']['R_centroid']
eq1d['centroid.z'] = self['geo']['Z_centroid']
eq1d['centroid.r_max'] = self['geo']['Rmax_centroid']
eq1d['centroid.r_min'] = self['geo']['Rmin_centroid']
glob['beta_normal'] = self['avg']['beta_n'][-1]
glob['beta_tor'] = self['avg']['beta_t'][-1]
glob['beta_pol'] = self['avg']['beta_p'][-1]
glob['magnetic_axis.r'] = eq1d['geometric_axis.r'][0]
glob['magnetic_axis.z'] = eq1d['geometric_axis.z'][0]
glob['li_3'] = self['info']['internal_inductance']['li_(3)_IMAS']
glob['area'] = self['geo']['cxArea'][-1]
return ods
[docs] def from_omas(self, ods, time_index=0):
populate fluxSurfaces class from OMAS data structure
:param ods: input ods to which data is added
:param time_index: time index to which data is added
:return: ODS
eq = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index]
eq1d = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']
psin = eq1d['psi']
psin = (psin - min(psin)) / (max(psin) - min(psin))
if 'profiles_2d.0.b_field_tor' not in eq:
rlim = 'wall.description_2d.%d.limiter.unit.0.outline.r' % time_index
zlim = 'wall.description_2d.%d.limiter.unit.0.outline.z' % time_index
if rlim in ods and zlim in ods:
rlim = ods[rlim]
zlim = ods[zlim]
rlim = zlim = None
Rin=eq['profiles_2d.0.r'][:, 0],
Zin=eq['profiles_2d.0.z'][0, :],
[docs]def boundaryShape(
Function used to generate boundary shapes based on `T. C. Luce, PPCF, 55 9 (2013)`
Direct Python translation of the IDL program /u/luce/idl/
:param a: minor radius
:param eps: aspect ratio
:param kapu: upper elongation
:param lkap: lower elongation
:param delu: upper triangularity
:param dell: lower triangularity
:param zetaou: upper outer squareness
:param zetaiu: upper inner squareness
:param zetail: lower inner squareness
:param zetaol: lower outer squareness
:param zoffset: z-offset
:param upnull: toggle upper x-point
:param lonull: toggle lower x-point
:param npts: int
number of points (per quadrant)
:param doPlot: plot boundary shape construction
:param newsq: A 4 element array, into which the new squareness values are stored
:return: tuple with arrays of r,z,zref
>> boundaryShape(a=0.608,eps=0.374,kapu=1.920,kapl=1.719,delu=0.769,dell=0.463,zetaou=-0.155,zetaiu=-0.255,zetail=-0.174,zetaol=-0.227,zoffset=0.000,upnull=False,lonull=False,doPlot=True)
ukap = kapu
lkap = kapl
utri = delu
ltri = dell
uosq = zetaou
uisq = zetaiu
lisq = zetail
losq = zetaol
amin = a
newsq[0:4] = [uosq, uisq, lisq, losq]
if is_int(npts):
ang = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, (npts * 4 + 1))
ang = npts
i1 = np.where((ang >= 0 * np.pi / 2.0) & (ang < 1 * np.pi / 2.0))
i2 = np.where((ang >= 1 * np.pi / 2.0) & (ang < 2 * np.pi / 2.0))
i3 = np.where((ang >= 2 * np.pi / 2.0) & (ang < 3 * np.pi / 2.0))
i4 = np.where((ang >= 3 * np.pi / 2.0) & (ang < 4 * np.pi / 2.0))
ang1 = ang[i1]
ang2 = ang[i2]
ang3 = ang[i3]
ang4 = ang[i4]
rsr2 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2.0)
cc = 1.0 - rsr2
if uosq < -1.0 * rsr2:
uosq = -1.0 * rsr2
if uisq < -1.0 * rsr2:
uisq = -1.0 * rsr2
if lisq < -1.0 * rsr2:
lisq = -1.0 * rsr2
if losq < -1.0 * rsr2:
losq = -1.0 * rsr2
# n1=-alog(2.)/alog(uosq*cc+rsr2)
n1 = -np.log(2.0) / np.log(uosq * cc + rsr2)
# r1=amin*(1./eps-utri)+amin*(1.+utri)*cos(ang1)
r1 = amin * (1.0 / eps - utri) + amin * (1.0 + utri) * np.cos(ang1) ** (2.0 / n1)
# z1=zoffset+amin*ukap*sin(ang1) ^(2./n1)
z1 = zoffset + amin * ukap * np.sin(ang1) ** (2.0 / n1)
# z1ref=zoffset+amin*ukap*sin(ang1)
z1ref = zoffset + amin * ukap * np.sin(ang1)
# n2=-alog(2.)/alog(uisq*cc+rsr2)
n2 = -np.log(2.0) / np.log(uisq * cc + rsr2)
# r2=amin*(1./eps-utri)-amin*(1.-utri)*abs(cos(ang2))
r2 = amin * (1.0 / eps - utri) - amin * (1.0 - utri) * abs(np.cos(ang2)) ** (2.0 / n2)
# z2=zoffset+amin*ukap*sin(ang2) ^(2./n2)
z2 = zoffset + amin * ukap * np.sin(ang2) ** (2.0 / n2)
# z2ref=zoffset+amin*ukap*sin(ang2)
z2ref = zoffset + amin * ukap * np.sin(ang2)
if upnull:
## f=findgen(99)/100.+0.01
f = np.linspace(0.01, 1, 100)
## n=findgen(99)/25.+1.04
n = np.linspace(1.04, 5, 100)
## h1=1.-(1.-uosq)*cc
h1 = 1.0 - (1.0 - uosq) * cc
## h2=1.-(1.-uisq)*cc
h2 = 1.0 - (1.0 - uisq) * cc
## a1=amin*(1.+utri)
a1 = amin * (1.0 + utri)
## a2=amin*(1.-utri)
a2 = amin * (1.0 - utri)
## b=amin*ukap
b = amin * ukap
## if (utri ge 0.) then c1=utri-1. else c1=-1./(1.+utri)
c1 = utri - 1 if utri >= 0 else -1.0 / (1.0 + utri)
## if (utri ge 0.) then c2=-1./(1.-utri) else c2=-1.*(1.+utri)
c2 = -1.0 / (1.0 - utri) if utri >= 0.0 else -1.0 * (1.0 + utri)
## y1q1=fltarr(99,99)
y1q1 = np.zeros((100, 100))
## y2q1=fltarr(99,99)
y2q1 = np.zeros((100, 100))
## y1q2=fltarr(99,99)
y1q2 = np.zeros((100, 100))
## y2q2=fltarr(99,99)
y2q2 = np.zeros((100, 100))
## for i=0,98 do begin
for i in range(y1q1.shape[0]):
## for j=0,98 do begin
for j in range(y1q1.shape[1]):
## y1q1(i,j)=(f(i)+h1*(1.-f(i))) ^n(j)+(1.-f(i) ^n(j))*h1 ^n(j)-1.
y1q1[j, i] = (f[i] + h1 * (1.0 - f[i])) ** n[j] + (1.0 - f[i] ** n[j]) * h1 ** n[j] - 1.0
## y2q1(i,j)=f(i) ^(n(j)-1.)*(f(i)*(c1+b/a1)-b/a1)-c1
y2q1[j, i] = f[i] ** (n[j] - 1.0) * (f[i] * (c1 + b / a1) - b / a1) - c1
## y1q2(i,j)=(f(i)+h2*(1.-f(i))) ^n(j)+(1.-f(i) ^n(j))*h2^n(j)-1.
y1q2[j, i] = (f[i] + h2 * (1.0 - f[i])) ** n[j] + (1.0 - f[i] ** n[j]) * h2 ** n[j] - 1.0
## y2q2(i,j)=f(i) ^(n(j)-1.)*(f(i)*(c2+b/a2)-b/a2)-c2
y2q2[j, i] = f[i] ** (n[j] - 1.0) * (f[i] * (c2 + b / a2) - b / a2) - c2
## endfor
## endfor
## contour,y1q1,f,n,/overplot,level=[0.0],path_xy=xy1q1,path_info=info,closed=0,/path_data_coords
xy1q1 = contourPaths(f, n, y1q1, [0], remove_boundary_points=True)[0][0].vertices
## contour,y2q1,f,n,/overplot,level=[0.0],path_xy=xy2q1,path_info=info,closed=0,/path_data_coords
xy2q1 = contourPaths(f, n, y2q1, [0], remove_boundary_points=True)[0][0].vertices
## contour,y1q2,f,n,/overplot,level=[0.0],path_xy=xy1q2,path_info=info,closed=0,/path_data_coords
xy1q2 = contourPaths(f, n, y1q2, [0], remove_boundary_points=True)[0][0].vertices
## contour,y2q2,f,n,/overplot,level=[0.0],path_xy=xy2q2,path_info=info,closed=0,/path_data_coords
xy2q2 = contourPaths(f, n, y2q2, [0], remove_boundary_points=True)[0][0].vertices
## y1q1sol=interpol(xy1q1(1,*),xy1q1(0,*),f)
y1q1sol = np.interp(f, xy1q1[:, 0], xy1q1[:, 1])
## y2q1sol=interpol(xy2q1(1,*),xy2q1(0,*),f)
y2q1sol = np.interp(f, xy2q1[:, 0], xy2q1[:, 1])
## y1q2sol=interpol(xy1q2(1,*),xy1q2(0,*),f)
y1q2sol = np.interp(f, xy1q2[:, 0], xy1q2[:, 1])
## y2q2sol=interpol(xy2q2(1,*),xy2q2(0,*),f)
y2q2sol = np.interp(f, xy2q2[:, 0], xy2q2[:, 1])
## maxdiffq1=max(y1q1sol-y2q1sol)
maxdiffq1 = max(y1q1sol - y2q1sol)
## mindiffq1=min(y1q1sol-y2q1sol)
mindiffq1 = min(y1q1sol - y2q1sol)
## maxdiffq2=max(y1q2sol-y2q2sol)
maxdiffq2 = max(y1q2sol - y2q2sol)
## mindiffq2=min(y1q2sol-y2q2sol)
mindiffq2 = min(y1q2sol - y2q2sol)
## if (maxdiffq1/mindiffq1 lt 0.) then begin
if maxdiffq1 / mindiffq1 < 0.0:
## y12q1sol=min(abs(y1q1sol-y2q1sol),imin)
y12q1sol = min(abs(y1q1sol - y2q1sol))
imin = np.argmin(abs(y1q1sol - y2q1sol))
## fsolq1=f(imin)
fsolq1 = f[imin]
## nsolq1=y1q1sol(imin)
nsolq1 = y1q1sol[imin]
## gsolq1=(1.-fsolq1^nsolq1)^(1./nsolq1)
gsolq1 = (1.0 - fsolq1**nsolq1) ** (1.0 / nsolq1)
## endif else begin
## if (maxdiffq1 gt 0.) then begin
if maxdiffq1 > 0:
## y1new=(f[94]+h1*(1.-f[94]))^y2q1sol[94]+(1.-f[94]^y2q1sol[94])*h1^y2q1sol[94]-1.
y1new = (f[94] + h1 * (1.0 - f[94])) ** y2q1sol[94] + (1.0 - f[94] ** y2q1sol[94]) * h1 ** y2q1sol[94] - 1.0
## y2new=f[94]^(y2q1sol[94]-1.)*(f[94]*(c1+b/a1)-b/a1)-c1
y2new = f[94] ** (y2q1sol[94] - 1.0) * (f[94] * (c1 + b / a1) - b / a1) - c1
## while (y1new gt y2new) do begin
while y1new > y2new:
## h1=h1-0.01
h1 = h1 - 0.01
## y1new=(f[94]+h1*(1.-f[94]))^y2q1sol[94]+(1.-f[94]^y2q1sol[94])*h1^y2q1sol[94]-1.
y1new = (f[94] + h1 * (1.0 - f[94])) ** y2q1sol[94] + (1.0 - f[94] ** y2q1sol[94]) * h1 ** y2q1sol[94] - 1.0
## endwhile
## fsolq1=f[94]
fsolq1 = f[94]
## nsolq1=y2q1sol[94]
nsolq1 = y2q1sol[94]
## gsolq1=(1.-fsolq1^nsolq1)^(1./nsolq1)
gsolq1 = (1.0 - fsolq1**nsolq1) ** (1.0 / nsolq1)
## endif else begin
## y1new=(f[4]+h1*(1.-f[4]))^y2q1sol[4]+(1.-f[4]^y2q1sol[4])*h1^y2q1sol[4]-1.
y1new = (f[4] + h1 * (1.0 - f[4])) ** y2q1sol[4] + (1.0 - f[4] ** y2q1sol[4]) * h1 ** y2q1sol[4] - 1.0
## y2new=f[4]^(y2q1sol[4]-1.)*(f[4]*(c1+b/a1)-b/a1)-c1
y2new = f[4] ** (y2q1sol[4] - 1.0) * (f[4] * (c1 + b / a1) - b / a1) - c1
## while (y1new lt y2new) do begin
while y1new < y2new:
## h1=h1+0.01
h1 = h1 + 0.01
## y1new=(f[4]+h1*(1.-f[4]))^y2q1sol[4]+(1.-f[4]^y2q1sol[4])*h1^y2q1sol[4]-1.
y1new = (f[4] + h1 * (1.0 - f[4])) ** y2q1sol[4] + (1.0 - f[4] ** y2q1sol[4]) * h1 ** y2q1sol[4] - 1.0
## endwhile
## fsolq1=f[4]
fsolq1 = f[4]
## nsolq1=y2q1sol[4]
nsolq1 = y2q1sol[4]
## gsolq1=(1.-fsolq1^nsolq1)^(1./nsolq1)
gsolq1 = (1.0 - fsolq1**nsolq1) ** (1.0 / nsolq1)
## endelse
## sqnew1=1.-(1.-h1)/cc
sqnew1 = 1.0 - (1.0 - h1) / cc
newsq[0] = sqnew1
## endelse
## alpha1=a1/(1.-fsolq1)
alpha1 = a1 / (1.0 - fsolq1)
## beta1=b/gsolq1
beta1 = b / gsolq1
## y1=beta1*(1.-((r1-amin*(1./eps+1.))/alpha1+1.)^nsolq1)^(1./nsolq1)
y1 = beta1 * (1.0 - ((r1 - amin * (1.0 / eps + 1.0)) / alpha1 + 1.0) ** nsolq1) ** (1.0 / nsolq1)
## z1=y1+zoffset
z1 = y1 + zoffset
## if (maxdiffq2/mindiffq2 lt 0.) then begin
if maxdiffq2 / mindiffq2 < 0.0:
## y12q2sol=min(abs(y1q2sol-y2q2sol),imin)
y12q2sol = min(abs(y1q2sol - y2q2sol))
imin = np.argmin(abs(y1q2sol - y2q2sol))
## fsolq2=f(imin)
fsolq2 = f[imin]
## nsolq2=y1q2sol(imin)
nsolq2 = y1q2sol[imin]
## gsolq2=(1.-fsolq2^nsolq2)^(1./nsolq2)
gsolq2 = (1.0 - fsolq2**nsolq2) ** (1.0 / nsolq2)
## endif else begin
## if (maxdiffq2 gt 0.) then begin
if maxdiffq2 > 0.0:
## y1new=(f[94]+h2*(1.-f[94]))^y2q2sol[94]+(1.-f[94]^y2q2sol[94])*h2^y2q2sol[94]-1.
y1new = (f[94] + h2 * (1.0 - f[94])) ** y2q2sol[94] + (1.0 - f[94] ** y2q2sol[94]) * h2 ** y2q2sol[94] - 1.0
## y2new=f[94]^(y2q2sol[94]-1.)*(f[94]*(c2+b/a2)-b/a2)-c2
y2new = f[94] ** (y2q2sol[94] - 1.0) * (f[94] * (c2 + b / a2) - b / a2) - c2
## while (y1new gt y2new) do begin
while y1new > y2new:
## h2=h2-0.01
h2 = h2 - 0.01
## y1new=(f[94]+h2*(1.-f[94]))^y2q2sol[94]+(1.-f[94]^y2q2sol[94])*h2^y2q2sol[94]-1.
y1new = (f[94] + h2 * (1.0 - f[94])) ** y2q2sol[94] + (1.0 - f[94] ** y2q2sol[94]) * h2 ** y2q2sol[94] - 1.0
## endwhile
## fsolq2=f[94]
fsolq2 = f[94]
## nsolq2=y2q2sol[94]
nsolq2 = y2q2sol[94]
## gsolq2=(1.-fsolq2^nsolq2)^(1./nsolq2)
gsolq2 = (1.0 - fsolq2**nsolq2) ** (1.0 / nsolq2)
## endif else begin
## y1new=(f[4]+h2*(1.-f[4]))^y2q2sol[4]+(1.-f[4]^y2q2sol[4])*h2^y2q2sol[4]-1.
y1new = (f[4] + h2 * (1.0 - f[4])) ** y2q2sol[4] + (1.0 - f[4] ** y2q2sol[4]) * h2 ** y2q2sol[4] - 1.0
## y2new=f[4]^(y2q2sol[4]-1.)*(f[4]*(c2+b/a2)-b/a2)-c2
y2new = f[4] ** (y2q2sol[4] - 1.0) * (f[4] * (c2 + b / a2) - b / a2) - c2
## while (y1new lt y2new) do begin
while y1new < y2new:
## h2=h2+0.01
h2 = h2 + 0.01
## y1new=(f[4]+h2*(1.-f[4]))^y2q2sol[4]+(1.-f[4]^y2q2sol[4])*h2^y2q2sol[4]-1.
y1new = (f[4] + h2 * (1.0 - f[4])) ** y2q2sol[4] + (1.0 - f[4] ** y2q2sol[4]) * h2 ** y2q2sol[4] - 1.0
## endwhile
## fsolq2=f[4]
fsolq2 = f[4]
## nsolq2=y2q2sol[4]
nsolq2 = y2q2sol[4]
## gsolq2=(1.-fsolq2^nsolq2)^(1./nsolq2)
gsolq2 = (1.0 - fsolq2**nsolq2) ** (1.0 / nsolq2)
## endelse
## sqnew2=1.-(1.-h2)/cc
sqnew2 = 1.0 - (1.0 - h2) / cc
newsq[1] = sqnew2
## endelse
## alpha2=a2/(1.-fsolq2)
alpha2 = a2 / (1.0 - fsolq2)
## beta2=b/gsolq2
beta2 = b / gsolq2
## y2=beta2*(1.-(1.+(amin*(1./eps-1.)-r2)/alpha2)^nsolq2)^(1./nsolq2)
y2 = beta2 * (1.0 - (1.0 + (amin * (1.0 / eps - 1.0) - r2) / alpha2) ** nsolq2) ** (1.0 / nsolq2)
## z2=y2+zoffset
z2 = y2 + zoffset
## endif
# n3=-alog(2.)/alog(lisq*cc+rsr2)
n3 = -np.log(2.0) / np.log(lisq * cc + rsr2)
# r3=amin*(1./eps-ltri)-amin*(1.-ltri)*abs(cos(ang(180:269)))
r3 = amin * (1.0 / eps - ltri) - amin * (1.0 - ltri) * abs(np.cos(ang3)) ** (2.0 / n3)
# z3=zoffset-amin*lkap*abs(sin(ang(180:269))) ^(2./n3)
z3 = zoffset - amin * lkap * abs(np.sin(ang3)) ** (2.0 / n3)
# z3ref=zoffset+amin*lkap*sin(ang(180:269))
z3ref = zoffset + amin * lkap * np.sin(ang3)
# n4=-alog(2.)/alog(losq*cc+rsr2)
n4 = -np.log(2.0) / np.log(losq * cc + rsr2)
# r4=amin*(1./eps-ltri)+amin*(1.+ltri)*cos(ang(270:359))
r4 = amin * (1.0 / eps - ltri) + amin * (1.0 + ltri) * abs(np.cos(ang4)) ** (2.0 / n4)
# z4=zoffset-amin*lkap*abs(sin(ang(270:359))) ^(2./n4)
z4 = zoffset - amin * lkap * abs(np.sin(ang4)) ** (2.0 / n4)
# z4ref=zoffset+amin*lkap*sin(ang(270:359))
z4ref = zoffset + amin * lkap * np.sin(ang4)
if lonull:
# f=findgen(99)/100.+0.01
f = np.arange(99) / 100.0 + 0.01
# n=findgen(99)/25.+1.04
n = np.arange(99) / 25.0 + 1.04
# h4=1.-(1.-losq)*cc
h4 = 1.0 - (1.0 - losq) * cc
# h3=1.-(1.-lisq)*cc
h3 = 1.0 - (1.0 - lisq) * cc
# a4=amin*(1.+ltri)
a4 = amin * (1.0 + ltri)
# a3=amin*(1.-ltri)
a3 = amin * (1.0 - ltri)
# b=amin*lkap
b = amin * lkap
# if (ltri ge 0.) then c4=ltri-1. else c4=-1./(1.+ltri)
c4 = ltri - 1.0 if (ltri >= 0.0) else -1.0 / (1.0 + ltri)
# if (ltri ge 0.) then c3=-1./(1.-ltri) else c3=-1.*(1.+ltri)
c3 = -1.0 / (1.0 - ltri) if (ltri >= 0.0) else -1.0 * (1.0 + ltri)
# y1q4=fltarr(99,99)
y1q4 = np.zeros((99, 99))
# y2q4=fltarr(99,99)
y2q4 = np.zeros((99, 99))
# y1q3=fltarr(99,99)
y1q3 = np.zeros((99, 99))
# y2q3=fltarr(99,99)
y2q3 = np.zeros((99, 99))
# for i=0,98 do begin
for i in range(len(f)):
# for j=0,98 do begin
for j in range(len(n)):
# y1q4(i,j)=(f(i)+h4*(1.-f(i))) ^n(j)+(1.-f(i) ^n(j))*h4 ^n(j)-1.
y1q4[j, i] = (f[i] + h4 * (1.0 - f[i])) ** n[j] + (1.0 - f[i] ** n[j]) * h4 ** n[j] - 1.0
# y2q4(i,j)=f(i) ^(n(j)-1.)*(f(i)*(c4+b/a4)-b/a4)-c4
y2q4[j, i] = f[i] ** (n[j] - 1.0) * (f[i] * (c4 + b / a4) - b / a4) - c4
# y1q3(i,j)=(f(i)+h3*(1.-f(i))) ^n(j)+(1.-f(i) ^n(j))*h3 ^n(j)-1.
y1q3[j, i] = (f[i] + h3 * (1.0 - f[i])) ** n[j] + (1.0 - f[i] ** n[j]) * h3 ** n[j] - 1.0
# y2q3(i,j)=f(i) ^(n(j)-1.)*(f(i)*(c3+b/a3)-b/a3)-c3
y2q3[j, i] = f[i] ** (n[j] - 1.0) * (f[i] * (c3 + b / a3) - b / a3) - c3
# endfor
# endfor
# contour,y1q4,f,n,/overplot,level=[0.0],path_xy=xy1q4,path_info=info,closed=0,/path_data_coords
xy1q4 = contourPaths(f, n, y1q4, [0], remove_boundary_points=True)[0][0].vertices
# contour,y2q4,f,n,/overplot,level=[0.0],path_xy=xy2q4,path_info=info,closed=0,/path_data_coords
xy2q4 = contourPaths(f, n, y2q4, [0], remove_boundary_points=True)[0][0].vertices
# contour,y1q3,f,n,/overplot,level=[0.0],path_xy=xy1q3,path_info=info,closed=0,/path_data_coords
xy1q3 = contourPaths(f, n, y1q3, [0], remove_boundary_points=True)[0][0].vertices
# contour,y2q3,f,n,/overplot,level=[0.0],path_xy=xy2q3,path_info=info,closed=0,/path_data_coords
xy2q3 = contourPaths(f, n, y2q3, [0], remove_boundary_points=True)[0][0].vertices
# y1q4sol=interpol(xy1q4(1,*),xy1q4(0,*),f)
y1q4sol = np.interp(f, xy1q4[:, 0], xy1q4[:, 1])
# y2q4sol=interpol(xy2q4(1,*),xy2q4(0,*),f)
y2q4sol = np.interp(f, xy2q4[:, 0], xy2q4[:, 1])
# y1q3sol=interpol(xy1q3(1,*),xy1q3(0,*),f)
y1q3sol = np.interp(f, xy1q3[:, 0], xy1q3[:, 1])
# y2q3sol=interpol(xy2q3(1,*),xy2q3(0,*),f)
y2q3sol = np.interp(f, xy2q3[:, 0], xy2q3[:, 1])
# maxdiffq4=max(y1q4sol-y2q4sol)
maxdiffq4 = max(y1q4sol - y2q4sol)
# mindiffq4=min(y1q4sol-y2q4sol)
mindiffq4 = min(y1q4sol - y2q4sol)
# maxdiffq3=max(y1q3sol-y2q3sol)
maxdiffq3 = max(y1q3sol - y2q3sol)
# mindiffq3=min(y1q3sol-y2q3sol)
mindiffq3 = min(y1q3sol - y2q3sol)
# if (maxdiffq4/mindiffq4 lt 0.) then begin
if maxdiffq4 / mindiffq4 < 0.0:
# y12q4sol=min(abs(y1q4sol-y2q4sol),imin)
y12q4sol = min(abs(y1q4sol - y2q4sol))
imin = np.argmin(abs(y1q4sol - y2q4sol))
# fsolq4=f(imin)
fsolq4 = f[imin]
# nsolq4=y1q4sol(imin)
nsolq4 = y1q4sol[imin]
# gsolq4=(1.-fsolq4 ^nsolq4) ^(1./nsolq4)
gsolq4 = (1.0 - fsolq4**nsolq4) ** (1.0 / nsolq4)
# endif else begin
# if (maxdiffq4 gt 0.) then begin
if maxdiffq4 > 0.0:
# y1new=(f(94)+h4*(1.-f(94))) ^y2q4sol(94)+(1.-f(94) ^y2q4sol(94))*h4 ^y2q4sol(94)-1.
y1new = (f[94] + h4 * (1.0 - f[94])) ** y2q4sol[94] + (1.0 - f[94] ** y2q4sol[94]) * h4 ** y2q4sol[94] - 1.0
# y2new=f(94) ^(y2q4sol(94)-1.)*(f(94)*(c4+b/a4)-b/a4)-c4
y2new = f[94] ** (y2q4sol[94] - 1.0) * (f[94] * (c4 + b / a4) - b / a4) - c4
# while (y1new gt y2new) do begin
while y1new > y2new:
# h4=h4-0.01
h4 = h4 - 0.01
# y1new=(f(94)+h4*(1.-f(94))) ^y2q4sol(94)+(1.-f(94) ^y2q4sol(94))*h4 ^y2q4sol(94)-1.
y1new = (f[94] + h4 * (1.0 - f[94])) ** y2q4sol[94] + (1.0 - f[94] ** y2q4sol[94]) * h4 ** y2q4sol[94] - 1.0
# endwhile
# fsolq4=f(94)
fsolq4 = f[94]
# nsolq4=y2q4sol(94)
nsolq4 = y2q4sol[94]
# gsolq4=(1.-fsolq4 ^nsolq4) ^(1./nsolq4)
gsolq4 = (1.0 - fsolq4**nsolq4) ** (1.0 / nsolq4)
# endif else begin
# y1new=(f(4)+h4*(1.-f(4))) ^y2q4sol(4)+(1.-f(4) ^y2q4sol(4))*h4 ^y2q4sol(4)-1.
y1new = (f[4] + h4 * (1.0 - f[4])) ** y2q4sol[4] + (1.0 - f[4] ** y2q4sol[4]) * h4 ** y2q4sol[4] - 1.0
# y2new=f(4) ^(y2q4sol(4)-1.)*(f(4)*(c4+b/a4)-b/a4)-c4
y2new = f[4] ** (y2q4sol[4] - 1.0) * (f[4] * (c4 + b / a4) - b / a4) - c4
# while (y1new lt y2new) do begin
while y1new < y2new:
# h4=h4+0.01
h4 = h4 + 0.01
# y1new=(f(4)+h4*(1.-f(4))) ^y2q4sol(4)+(1.-f(4) ^y2q4sol(4))*h4 ^y2q4sol(4)-1.
y1new = (f[4] + h4 * (1.0 - f[4])) ** y2q4sol[4] + (1.0 - f[4] ** y2q4sol[4]) * h4 ** y2q4sol[4] - 1.0
# endwhile
# fsolq4=f(4)
fsolq4 = f[4]
# nsolq4=y2q4sol(4)
nsolq4 = y2q4sol[4]
# gsolq4=(1.-fsolq4 ^nsolq4) ^(1./nsolq4)
gsolq4 = (1.0 - fsolq4**nsolq4) ** (1.0 / nsolq4)
# endelse
# sqnew4=1.-(1.-h4)/cc
sqnew4 = 1.0 - (1.0 - h4) / cc
newsq[3] = sqnew4
# endelse
# alpha4=a4/(1.-fsolq4)
alpha4 = a4 / (1.0 - fsolq4)
# beta4=b/gsolq4
beta4 = b / gsolq4
# y4=-1.*(beta4*(1.-((r4-amin*(1./eps+1.))/alpha4+1.) ^nsolq4) ^(1./nsolq4))
y4 = -1.0 * (beta4 * (1.0 - ((r4 - amin * (1.0 / eps + 1.0)) / alpha4 + 1.0) ** nsolq4) ** (1.0 / nsolq4))
# z4=y4+zoffset
z4 = y4 + zoffset
# if (maxdiffq3/mindiffq3 lt 0.) then begin
if maxdiffq3 / mindiffq3 < 0.0:
# y12q3sol=min(abs(y1q3sol-y2q3sol),imin)
y12q3sol = min(abs(y1q3sol - y2q3sol))
imin = np.argmin(abs(y1q3sol - y2q3sol))
# fsolq3=f(imin)
fsolq3 = f[imin]
# nsolq3=y1q3sol(imin)
nsolq3 = y1q3sol[imin]
# gsolq3=(1.-fsolq3 ^nsolq3) ^(1./nsolq3)
gsolq3 = (1.0 - fsolq3**nsolq3) ** (1.0 / nsolq3)
# endif else begin
# if (maxdiffq3 gt 0.) then begin
if maxdiffq3 > 0.0:
# y1new=(f(94)+h3*(1.-f(94))) ^y2q3sol(94)+(1.-f(94) ^y2q3sol(94))*h3 ^y2q3sol(94)-1.
y1new = (f[94] + h3 * (1.0 - f[94])) ** y2q3sol[94] + (1.0 - f[94] ** y2q3sol[94]) * h3 ** y2q3sol[94] - 1.0
# y2new=f(94) ^(y2q3sol(94)-1.)*(f(94)*(c3+b/a3)-b/a3)-c3
y2new = f[94] ** (y2q3sol[94] - 1.0) * (f[94] * (c3 + b / a3) - b / a3) - c3
# while (y1new gt y2new) do begin
while y1new > y2new:
# h3=h3-0.01
h3 = h3 - 0.01
# y1new=(f(94)+h3*(1.-f(94))) ^y2q3sol(94)+(1.-f(94) ^y2q3sol(94))*h3 ^y2q3sol(94)-1.
y1new = (f[94] + h3 * (1.0 - f[94])) ** y2q3sol[94] + (1.0 - f[94] ** y2q3sol[94]) * h3 ** y2q3sol[94] - 1.0
# endwhile
# fsolq3=f(94)
fsolq3 = f[94]
# nsolq3=y2q3sol(94)
nsolq3 = y2q3sol[94]
# gsolq3=(1.-fsolq3 ^nsolq3) ^(1./nsolq3)
gsolq3 = (1.0 - fsolq3**nsolq3) ** (1.0 / nsolq3)
# endif else begin
# y1new=(f(4)+h3*(1.-f(4))) ^y2q3sol(4)+(1.-f(4) ^y2q3sol(4))*h3 ^y2q3sol(4)-1.
y1new = (f[4] + h3 * (1.0 - f[4])) ** y2q3sol[4] + (1.0 - f[4] ** y2q3sol[4]) * h3 ** y2q3sol[4] - 1.0
# y2new=f(4) ^(y2q3sol(4)-1.)*(f(4)*(c3+b/a3)-b/a3)-c3
y2new = f[4] ** (y2q3sol[4] - 1.0) * (f[4] * (c3 + b / a3) - b / a3) - c3
# while (y1new lt y2new) do begin
while y1new < y2new:
# h3=h3+0.01
h3 = h3 + 0.01
# y1new=(f(4)+h3*(1.-f(4))) ^y2q3sol(4)+(1.-f(4) ^y2q3sol(4))*h3 ^y2q3sol(4)-1.
y1new = (f[4] + h3 * (1.0 - f[4])) ** y2q3sol[4] + (1.0 - f[4] ** y2q3sol[4]) * h3 ** y2q3sol[4] - 1.0
# endwhile
# fsolq3=f(4)
fsolq3 = f[4]
# nsolq3=y2q3sol(4)
nsolq3 = y2q3sol[4]
# gsolq3=(1.-fsolq3 ^nsolq3) ^(1./nsolq3)
gsolq3 = (1.0 - fsolq3**nsolq3) ** (1.0 / nsolq3)
# endelse
# sqnew3=1.-(1.-h3)/cc
sqnew3 = 1.0 - (1.0 - h3) / cc
newsq[2] = sqnew3
# endelse
# alpha3=a3/(1.-fsolq3)
alpha3 = a3 / (1.0 - fsolq3)
# beta3=b/gsolq3
beta3 = b / gsolq3
# y3=-1.*(beta3*(1.-(1.+(amin*(1./eps-1.)-r3)/alpha3) ^nsolq3) ^(1./nsolq3))
y3 = -1.0 * (beta3 * (1.0 - (1.0 + (amin * (1.0 / eps - 1.0) - r3) / alpha3) ** nsolq3) ** (1.0 / nsolq3))
# z3=y3+zoffset
z3 = y3 + zoffset
# r= [r1,r2,r3,r4]
r = np.hstack((r1, r2, r3, r4))
# z= [z1,z2,z3,z4]
z = np.hstack((z1, z2, z3, z4))
# zref= [z1ref,z2ref,z3ref,z4ref]
zref = np.hstack((z1ref, z2ref, z3ref, z4ref))
if doPlot:
pyplot.plot(r, z, '-')
return r, z, zref
[docs]class BoundaryShape(SortedDict):
Class used to generate boundary shapes based on `T. C. Luce, PPCF, 55 9 (2013)`
def __init__(
:param a: minor radius
:param eps: inverse aspect ratio (a/R)
:param kapu: upper elongation
:param kapl: lower elongation
:param delu: upper triangularity
:param dell: lower triangularity
:param zetaou: upper outer squareness
:param zetaiu: upper inner squareness
:param zetail: lower inner squareness
:param zetaol: lower outer squareness
:param zoffset: z-offset
:param upnull: toggle upper x-point
:param lonull: toggle lower x-point
:param rbbbs: R boundary points
:param zbbbs: Z boundary points
:param rlim: R limiter points
:param zlim: Z limiter points
:param npts: int
number of points (per quadrant)
:param doPlot: plot boundary shape
:return: tuple with arrays of r,z,zref
>> BoundaryShape(a=0.608,eps=0.374,kapu=1.920,kapl=1.719,delu=0.769,dell=0.463,zetaou=-0.155,zetaiu=-0.255,zetail=-0.174,zetaol=-0.227,zoffset=0.000,doPlot=True)
if gEQDSK is not None:
rbbbs = gEQDSK['RBBBS']
zbbbs = gEQDSK['ZBBBS']
rlim = gEQDSK['RLIM']
zlim = gEQDSK['ZLIM']
self['RBBBS'] = rbbbs
self['ZBBBS'] = zbbbs
self['RLIM'] = rlim
self['ZLIM'] = zlim
if rbbbs is None or zbbbs is None:
if upnull is None:
upnull = False
if lonull is None:
lonull = False
self['upnull'] = upnull
self['lonull'] = lonull
if rbbbs is not None and zbbbs is not None:
self.sameBoundaryShapeAs(rbbbs=rbbbs, zbbbs=zbbbs, upnull=upnull, lonull=lonull)
self['a'] = a
self['eps'] = eps
self['kapu'] = kapu
self['kapl'] = kapl
self['delu'] = delu
self['dell'] = dell
self['zetaou'] = zetaou
self['zetaiu'] = zetaiu
self['zetail'] = zetail
self['zetaol'] = zetaol
self['zoffset'] = zoffset
def _calc(self, npts=90):
kw = {}
argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(boundaryShape)
for k in argspec.args:
if k in self:
kw[k] = self[k]
newsq = np.zeros(4)
r, z, zref = boundaryShape(npts=npts, newsq=newsq, **kw)
for si, sq in enumerate(['zetaou', 'zetaiu', 'zetail', 'zetaol']):
self[sq] = newsq[si]
if 'r' not in self or len(r) != len(self['r']):
self['r'] = r
self['r'][:] = r
if 'z' not in self or len(z) != len(self['z']):
self['z'] = z
self['z'][:] = z
if 'zref' not in self or len(zref) != len(self['zref']):
self['zref'] = zref
self['zref'][:] = zref
# bounds
rsr2 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2.0)
self['bounds'] = SortedDict()
self['bounds']['a'] = [self['a'] / 2.0, self['a'] * 2]
self['bounds']['eps'] = [self['eps'] / 2.0, self['eps'] * 2]
self['bounds']['kapu'] = [0.5, 2.5]
self['bounds']['kapl'] = [0.5, 2.5]
self['bounds']['delu'] = [-1 + 1e-9, 1 - 1e-9]
self['bounds']['dell'] = [-1 + 1e-9, 1 - 1e-9]
self['bounds']['zetaou'] = [-rsr2, rsr2]
self['bounds']['zetaiu'] = [-rsr2, rsr2]
self['bounds']['zetail'] = [-rsr2, rsr2]
self['bounds']['zetaol'] = [-rsr2, rsr2]
self['bounds']['zoffset'] = [-self['a'], self['a']]
return r, z, zref
[docs] def plot(self, fig=None):
from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib.widgets import CheckButtons, Button, TextBox, Slider
orig = SortedDict()
for k in self['bounds'].keys() + ['upnull', 'lonull']:
orig[k] = self[k]
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.gcf()
ax = pyplot.subplot(1, 2, 1)
line_rz, line_bbbs, line_lim = self._plot(ax)
def update(varName=None):
pv = {}
if translator.get(varName, varName) in self:
pv[translator.get(varName, varName)] = not self[translator.get(varName, varName)]
for varName in self['bounds'].keys():
pv[varName] = ctrl[varName].val
except IndexError:
line_rz[0].set_data(self['r'], self['z'])
if 'rootGUI' in OMFITaux and OMFITaux['rootGUI']:
translator = {
'eps': 'a/R',
'zoffset': 'z_{\\rm offset}',
'kapu': '\\kappa_{\\rm U}',
'kapl': '\\kappa_{\\rm L}',
'delu': '\\delta_{\\rm U}',
'dell': '\\delta_{\\rm L}',
'zetaou': '\\zeta_{\\rm OU}',
'zetaiu': '\\zeta_{\\rm IU}',
'zetaol': '\\zeta_{\\rm OL}',
'zetail': '\\zeta_{\\rm IL}',
'Upper X point': 'upnull',
'Lower X point': 'lonull',
ax_ctrl = {}
ctrl = {}
for k, varName in enumerate(
['a', 'eps', 'zoffset'] + ['kapu', 'delu', 'zetaou', 'zetaiu'] + ['kapl', 'dell', 'zetail', 'zetaol'] + ['upnull', 'lonull']
if varName not in ['upnull', 'lonull']:
ax_ctrl[varName] = pyplot.axes(
[0.6, 0.1 + k / float(len(self['bounds']) + 2) * 0.85, 0.3, 0.9 / float(4 + len(self['bounds'].keys()))]
limits = self['bounds'][varName]
ctrl[varName] = Slider(
ax_ctrl[varName], '$%s$' % translator.get(varName, varName), limits[0], limits[1], valinit=self[varName]
check_ax = pyplot.axes([0.58, 0.02, 0.3, 3 / float(4 + len(self['bounds'].keys()))])
ctrl['null'] = CheckButtons(check_ax, ['Upper X point', 'Lower X point'], [self['upnull'], self['lonull']])
if 'RBBBS' in self and 'ZBBBS' in self and self['RBBBS'] is not None and self['ZBBBS'] is not None:
bt_ax = pyplot.axes([0.75, 0.13, 0.15, 0.6 / float(4 + len(self['bounds'].keys()))])
ctrl['measure'] = Button(bt_ax, 'measure')
def measure(dummy=None):
print('measuring boundary...')
for varName in self['bounds'].keys():
ctrl[varName].val = self[varName]
bt_ax = pyplot.axes([0.75, 0.07, 0.15, 0.6 / float(4 + len(self['bounds'].keys()))])
ctrl['fit'] = Button(bt_ax, 'fit')
def fit(dummy=None):
print('fitting boundary...')
for varName in self['bounds'].keys():
ctrl[varName].val = self[varName]
return ax
def _plot(self, ax=None):
from matplotlib import pyplot
if ax is None:
ax = pyplot.gca()
line_bbbs = None
if 'RBBBS' in self and 'ZBBBS' in self and self['RBBBS'] is not None and self['ZBBBS'] is not None:
line_bbbs = ax.plot(self['RBBBS'], self['ZBBBS'], '--')
line_lim = None
if 'RLIM' in self and 'ZLIM' in self and self['RLIM'] is not None and self['ZLIM'] is not None:
line_lim = ax.plot(self['RLIM'], self['ZLIM'], '-', color='k', linewidth=1.5)
line_rz = ax.plot(self['r'], self['z'], '-')
return line_rz, line_bbbs, line_lim
[docs] def sameBoundaryShapeAs(self, rbbbs=None, zbbbs=None, upnull=None, lonull=None, gEQDSK=None, verbose=None, npts=90):
Measure boundary shape from input
:param rbbbs: array of R points to match
:param zbbbs: array of Z points to match
:param upnull: upper x-point
:param lonull: lower x-point
:param gEQDSK: input gEQDSK to match (wins over rbbbs and zbbbs)
:param verbose: print debug statements
:param npts: int
Number of points
:return: dictionary with parameters to feed to the boundaryShape function
[a, eps, kapu, kapl, delu, dell, zetaou, zetaiu, zetail, zetaol, zoffset, upnull, lonull]
if gEQDSK is not None:
rbbbs = gEQDSK['RBBBS']
zbbbs = gEQDSK['ZBBBS']
if rbbbs is None and 'RBBBS' in self:
rbbbs = self['RBBBS']
if zbbbs is None and 'ZBBBS' in self:
zbbbs = self['ZBBBS']
self['RBBBS'] = rbbbs
self['ZBBBS'] = zbbbs
# measure
geo = fluxGeo(rbbbs, zbbbs, True)
kapu = (max(zbbbs) - geo['Z']) / geo['a']
kapl = (geo['Z'] - min(zbbbs)) / geo['a']
p = np.array(
geo['a'], # 0 a
geo['a'] / geo['R'], # 1 eps
geo['kapu'], # 2 ku
geo['kapl'], # 3 kl
geo['delu'], # 4 du
geo['dell'], # 5 dl
geo['zetaou'], # 6 dou
geo['zetaiu'], # 7 diu
geo['zetail'], # 8 dil
geo['zetaol'], # 9 dol
) # 10 z
argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(boundaryShape)
# update keys
kw = OrderedDict()
for k in range(len(p)):
kw[argspec.args[k]] = p[k]
if verbose:
print(argspec.args[k].ljust(8) + ': % 3.3f <-- % 3.3f --> % 3.3f' % (b[k][0], p[k], b[k][1]))
self['upnull'] = geo['upnull']
self['lonull'] = geo['lonull']
return kw
[docs] def fitBoundaryShape(self, rbbbs=None, zbbbs=None, upnull=None, lonull=None, gEQDSK=None, verbose=None, precision=1e-3, npts=90):
Fit boundary shape from input
:param rbbbs: array of R points to match
:param zbbbs: array of Z points to match
:param upnull: upper x-point
:param lonull: lower x-point
:param gEQDSK: input gEQDSK to match (wins over rbbbs and zbbbs)
:param verbose: print debug statements
:param doPlot: visualize match
:param precision: optimization tolerance
:param npts: int
Number of points
:return: dictionary with parameters to feed to the boundaryShape function
[a, eps, kapu, kapl, delu, dell, zetaou, zetaiu, zetail, zetaol, zoffset, upnull, lonull]
if gEQDSK is not None:
rbbbs = gEQDSK['RBBBS']
zbbbs = gEQDSK['ZBBBS']
if rbbbs is None and 'RBBBS' in self:
rbbbs = self['RBBBS']
if zbbbs is None and 'ZBBBS' in self:
zbbbs = self['ZBBBS']
self['RBBBS'] = rbbbs
self['ZBBBS'] = zbbbs
if upnull is None and self['upnull'] is not None:
upnull = self['upnull']
if lonull is None and self['lonull'] is not None:
lonull = self['lonull']
self['upnull'] = upnull
self['lonull'] = lonull
rbbbs = rbbbs[:: int(len(rbbbs) // 200) + 1]
zbbbs = zbbbs[:: int(len(zbbbs) // 200) + 1]
rnrm = np.nanmax(rbbbs) - np.nanmin(rbbbs)
znrm = np.nanmax(zbbbs) - np.nanmin(zbbbs)
def _sameShape(p):
r, z, zref = boundaryShape(*p, upnull=upnull, lonull=lonull, doPlot=False, npts=npts0)
ax = 1
dR = ((r[np.newaxis, :] - rbbbs[:, np.newaxis]) / rnrm) ** 2
dZ = ((z[np.newaxis, :] - zbbbs[:, np.newaxis]) / znrm) ** 2
cost = nansum(np.min(np.sqrt(dR + dZ), ax)) ** 2
if verbose:
print('%3.3e' % cost, map(lambda x: '%+3.3f' % x, p))
return cost
# initial guess
self.sameBoundaryShapeAs(rbbbs, zbbbs)
p = []
for k in ['a', 'eps', 'kapu', 'kapl', 'delu', 'dell', 'zetaou', 'zetaiu', 'zetail', 'zetaol', 'zoffset']:
p = np.array(p)
# fit
npts0 = 100
tmp = scipy.optimize.minimize(_sameShape, p, method='Nelder-Mead', options={'xtol': precision, 'ftol': 1e-10})
p = tmp['x']
argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(boundaryShape)
kw = OrderedDict()
for k in range(len(p)):
kw[argspec.args[k]] = p[k]
if verbose:
print(argspec.args[k].ljust(8) + ': % 3.3f <-- % 3.3f --> % 3.3f' % (b[k][0], p[k], b[k][1]))
return kw
[docs]def rz_miller(a, R, kappa=1.0, delta=0.0, zeta=0.0, zmag=0.0, poloidal_resolution=101):
return R,Z coordinates for all flux surfaces from miller geometry coefficients in input.profiles file
based on gacode/gapy/src/gapy_geo.f90
:param a: minor radius
:param R: major radius
:param kappa: elongation
:param delta: triandularity
:param zeta: squareness
:param zmag: z offset
:param poloidal_resolution: integer with number of equispaced points in toroidal angle, or array of toroidal angles
:return: 1D arrays with (R, Z) flux surface coordinates
if isinstance(poloidal_resolution, int):
t0 = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, poloidal_resolution)
t0 = poloidal_resolution
# R
tmp = t0 + np.arcsin(delta) * np.sin(t0)
r0 = R + a * np.cos(tmp)
# Z
tmp = t0 + zeta * np.sin(2 * t0)
z0 = zmag + kappa * a * np.sin(tmp)
return r0, z0
[docs]def miller_derived(rmin, rmaj, kappa, delta, zeta, zmag, q):
Originally adapted by A. Tema from FORTRAN of gacode/shared/GEO/GEO_do.f90
:param rmin: minor radius
:param rmaj: major radius
:param kappa: elongation
:param delta: triangularity
:param zeta: squareness
:param zmag: z magnetic axis
:param q: safety factor
:return: dictionary with volume, grad_r0, bp0, bt0
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# here the Generalize Miller-type parametrization is implemented.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This part should be turned in a function, and consitute the basis of the EXPRO mapping.
GEO_ntheta_in = 1001 # number of theta interpolation nodes use less if slow. use odd number.!
n_theta = GEO_ntheta_in
pi_2 = 8.0 * np.arctan(1.0)
i = range(0, n_theta - 1)
d_theta = pi_2 / (n_theta - 1)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compute fundamental geometric quantities (basic derivatives like dl/dt) and metric elements (g_tt).
thetav = [-0.5 * pi_2 + (i - 1) * d_theta for i in range(n_theta - 1)]
theta0 = thetav[-1]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Generalized Miller-type parameterization
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# nexp is the grid size
nexp = len(rmin)
GEO_delta_in = delta
GEO_rmin_in = rmin.copy()
GEO_rmaj_in = rmaj
GEO_drmaj_in = deriv(GEO_rmin_in, GEO_rmaj_in) # dR_0/dr
GEO_s_delta_in = GEO_rmin_in * deriv(GEO_rmin_in, GEO_delta_in) # r*d(delta)/dr
GEO_zeta_in = zeta
GEO_zmag_in = zmag # geo_zoffset
GEO_kappa_in = kappa # geo_kap
GEO_dzmag_in = deriv(GEO_rmin_in, zmag) # dz_0/dr
GEO_s_kappa_in = (GEO_rmin_in / GEO_kappa_in) * deriv(GEO_rmin_in, GEO_kappa_in) # (r/kappa) d(kappa)/dr
GEO_s_zeta_in = GEO_rmin_in * deriv(GEO_rmin_in, GEO_zeta_in) # r d(zeta)/dr
GEO_q_in = q
GEO_grad_r0 = []
GEO_volume = []
GEO_bp0 = []
GEO_bt0 = []
for kk in range(nexp):
# ! A
# ! dA/dtheta
# ! d^2A/dtheta^2
x = np.arcsin(GEO_delta_in[kk])
a = [theta + x * np.sin(theta) for theta in thetav]
a_t = [1.0 + x * np.cos(theta) for theta in thetav]
a_tt = [-x * np.sin(theta) for theta in thetav]
a_t2 = [element**2 for element in a_t]
# ! R(theta)
# ! dR/dr
# ! dR/dtheta
# ! d^2R/dtheta^2
bigr = GEO_rmaj_in[kk] + GEO_rmin_in[kk] * np.cos(a)
bigr_r = GEO_drmaj_in[kk] + np.cos(a) - GEO_s_delta_in[kk] / np.cos(x) * np.sin(theta0) * np.sin(a)
bigr_t = -GEO_rmin_in[kk] * np.array(a_t * np.sin(a))
# bigr_t2=[element**2 for element in bigr_t]
bigr_tt = -GEO_rmin_in[kk] * np.array(a_t2 * np.cos(a)) - GEO_rmin_in[kk] * np.array(a_tt * np.sin(a))
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# ! A
# ! dA/dtheta
# ! d^2A/dtheta^2
a = [theta + GEO_zeta_in[kk] * np.sin(2 * theta) for theta in thetav]
a_t = [1.0 + 2 * GEO_zeta_in[kk] * np.cos(2 * theta) for theta in thetav]
a_tt = [-4 * GEO_zeta_in[kk] * np.sin(2 * theta) for theta in thetav]
a_t2 = [element**2 for element in a_t]
# ! Z(theta)
# ! dZ/dr
# ! dZ/dtheta
# ! d^2Z/dtheta^2
bigz = GEO_zmag_in[kk] + GEO_kappa_in[kk] * GEO_rmin_in[kk] * np.sin(a)
bigz_r = (
+ GEO_kappa_in[kk] * (1.0 + GEO_s_kappa_in[kk]) * np.sin(a)
+ GEO_kappa_in[kk] * GEO_s_zeta_in[kk] * np.cos(a) * np.sin(2 * theta0)
bigz_t = GEO_kappa_in[kk] * GEO_rmin_in[kk] * np.cos(a) * a_t
# bigz_t2=[element**2 for element in bigz_t]
bigz_tt = -GEO_kappa_in[kk] * GEO_rmin_in[kk] * np.sin(a) * a_t2 + GEO_kappa_in[kk] * GEO_rmin_in[kk] * np.cos(a) * a_tt
g_tt = bigr_t**2 + bigz_t**2
jac_r = bigr * (bigr_r * bigz_t - bigr_t * bigz_r)
if rmin[kk] == 0:
grad_r = bigr * 0 + 1
grad_r = bigr * np.sqrt(g_tt) / jac_r
l_t = np.sqrt(g_tt)
# 1/(du/dl)
# r_c=l_t**3/(bigr_t*bigz_tt-bigz_t*bigr_tt)
# ! cos(u)
# bigz_l= bigz_t/l_t
# nsin=(bigr_r*bigr_t+bigz_r*bigz_t)/l_t
# ---------------------------------------------
# Loop integral (1 to n_theta-1) to compute f
# This Step above is the only justification why we carried all the poloidal points.
# Since we just need bp0,bt0,grad_r0 at theta =0, we needed the others angles for the INTEGRAL HERE.!
ccc = np.sum(l_t[:-1] / (bigr[:-1] * grad_r[:-1]))
if rmin[kk] == 0:
f = 0
f = GEO_rmin_in[kk] / (ccc * d_theta / pi_2)
# ---------------------------------------------
# ! bt (toroidal field, Bt)
# ! bp (poloidal field, Bp)
# ! b (total field, B)
bt = f / bigr
bp = (GEO_rmin_in[kk] / GEO_q_in[kk]) * grad_r / bigr
# b(i) = GEO_signb_in*np.sqrt(bt(i)**2+bp(i)**2)
GEO_grad_r0.append(grad_r[int(n_theta // 2) + 1])
# !
# ! pre-factor of 0.5 comes from triangular element in phi-direction:
# ! dV = (0.5*R*dphi)*(R*dZ)
# !
GEO_volume.append(0.5 * pi_2 * np.sum(bigz_t * bigr**2) * d_theta)
if rmin[kk] == 0:
GEO_bp0.append(bp[int(n_theta // 2) + 1])
GEO_bt0.append(bt[int(n_theta // 2) + 1])
GEO_bt0[0] = interp1e(rmin[1:], GEO_bt0[1:])(0)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# END OF Generalized Miller-type parameterization: Rememeber to transform it into a function so that
# it will be the staring point of the EXPRO mapping.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
quantities = {}
for item in ['GEO_volume', 'GEO_grad_r0', 'GEO_bt0', 'GEO_bp0']:
quantities[re.sub('^GEO_', '', item)] = np.array(eval(item))
return quantities
# OMAS extra_structures
_extra_structures = {
'equilibrium': {
'equilibrium.time_slice[:].profiles_1d.centroid': {
"data_type": "structure",
"documentation": "geometric information of the flux surfaces centroid",
"full_path": "equilibrium/time_slice(itime)/profiles_1d/centroid",
'equilibrium.time_slice[:].profiles_1d.centroid.r_max': {
"full_path": "equilibrium/time_slice(itime)/profiles_1d/centroid.r_max(:)",
"coordinates": ['equilibrium.time_slice[:].profiles_1d.psi'],
"data_type": "FLT_1D",
"description": "centroid r max",
"units": 'm',
'equilibrium.time_slice[:].profiles_1d.centroid.r_min': {
"full_path": "equilibrium/time_slice(itime)/profiles_1d/centroid.r_min(:)",
"coordinates": ['equilibrium.time_slice[:].profiles_1d.psi'],
"data_type": "FLT_1D",
"description": "centroid r min",
"units": 'm',
'equilibrium.time_slice[:].profiles_1d.centroid.r': {
"full_path": "equilibrium/time_slice(itime)/profiles_1d/centroid.r(:)",
"coordinates": ['equilibrium.time_slice[:].profiles_1d.psi'],
"data_type": "FLT_1D",
"description": "centroid r",
"units": 'm',
'equilibrium.time_slice[:].profiles_1d.centroid.z': {
"full_path": "equilibrium/time_slice(itime)/profiles_1d/centroid.z(:)",
"coordinates": ['equilibrium.time_slice[:].profiles_1d.psi'],
"data_type": "FLT_1D",
"description": "centroid z",
"units": 'm',
omas.omas_utils._structures = {}
omas.omas_utils._structures_dict = {}
if not hasattr(omas.omas_utils, '_extra_structures'):
omas.omas_utils._extra_structures = {}
for _ids in _extra_structures:
for _item in _extra_structures[_ids]:
_extra_structures[_ids][_item]['lifecycle_status'] = 'omfit'
omas.omas_utils._extra_structures.setdefault(_ids, {}).update(_extra_structures[_ids])
if '__main__' == __name__:
from matplotlib import pyplot
from omfit_classes.omfit_eqdsk import OMFITgeqdsk
OMFIT['test'] = OMFITgeqdsk(OMFITsrc + '/../samples/g146102.00465')