# framework is running
from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
# class is imported by itself
if (
'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
from startup_choice import *
import numpy as np
import scipy as scipy
from omfit_classes.omfit_ascii import OMFITascii
__all__ = ['OMFITcoils', 'OMFITfocuscoils', 'OMFITGPECcoils']
[docs]class OMFITcoils(SortedDict, OMFITascii):
OMFITobject used to interface with coils ascii files used in FOCUS and STELLOPT codes.
:param filename: filename passed to OMFITascii class
All additional key word arguments passed to OMFITascii
def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs):
OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kwargs)
self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad
def load(self):
"""Load the file and parse it into a sorted dictionary"""
with open(self.filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# allow class to be initialized with a new (empty) file
if len(lines) == 0:
# first three lines are global parameters
# only the first line has meanings
for i in range(1):
k, v = lines[i].split()
if v.isdigit():
self[k] = int(v)
self[k] = v
self['num_coils'] = 0
# find end of data
nlines = len(lines)
end_line = 3
for i in range(-1, -nlines, -1):
if lines[i].lstrip().lower().startswith('end'):
end_line = nlines + i
# if no 'end' detected, use the last line
if end_line == 3:
end_line = nlines
# find the start, stop of each coil
start = 3
check = 0
num_coil = 0
while start < end_line:
# defend against runaway while loops
check += 1
if check > 1e6:
raise RuntimeError("Found over 1e6 coils. That is too many!")
# read each coil
xyzc = []
for i in range(start, end_line):
xyzc.append(list(map(np.float, lines[i].split()[:4])))
if len(lines[i].split()) != 4: # detect new coil
group, name = lines[i].split()[4:6]
num_coil += 1
# assign labels for each coil, even they have the same names
if name not in self:
label = name # default name
for icoil in range(1, 10001):
label = '{:}_{:}'.format(name, icoil)
if label not in self:
if icoil == 10000:
raise OMFITexception('Only 10000 or fewer coils can have the same name.')
xyzc = np.array(xyzc)
self[label] = SortedDict()
self[label]['x'] = xyzc[:, 0]
self[label]['y'] = xyzc[:, 1]
self[label]['z'] = xyzc[:, 2]
self[label]['I'] = xyzc[0, 3] # coil current is just a float value
self[label]['group'] = int(group)
self[label]['name'] = name
start = i + 1
self['num_coils'] = num_coil # total number of coils
[docs] @dynaSave
def save(self):
"""Write the data in standard ascii format"""
with open(self.filename, 'w') as f:
# write the defining parameters
periods = list(self.keys())[0]
f.write('{:} {:}\n'.format(periods, self[periods])) # the first line with periods
f.write('{:} {:}\n'.format('begin', 'filament'))
f.write('{:} {:}\n'.format('mirror', 'NIL'))
# write each coil
for key, coil in list(self.items()):
if not isinstance(coil, dict):
for i in range(len(coil['x']) - 1):
f.write('{:23.15E}{:23.15E}{:23.15E}{:23.15E}\n'.format(coil['x'][i], coil['y'][i], coil['z'][i], coil['I']))
i = len(coil['x']) - 1
'{:23.15E}{:23.15E}{:23.15E}{:23.15E} {:>11} {:>11}\n'.format(
coil['x'][i], coil['y'][i], coil['z'][i], 0.0, coil['group'], coil['name']
[docs] @dynaLoad
def plot(self, ax=None, nd=3, cmap='coolwarm_r', vmin=None, vmax=None, colorbar=True, **kwargs):
Plot the coils in 3D, colored by their current values.
:param ax: Axes. Axis into which the plot will be made.
:param cmap: string. A valid matplolib color map name.
:param vmin: float. Minimum of the color scaling.
:param vmax: float. Maximum of the color scaling.
:param colorbar: bool. Draw a colorbar for the currents.
:param \**kwargs: dict. All other key word arguments are passed to the mplot3d plot function.
:return: list of Line3D objects. The line plotted for each coil.
if nd == 3:
projection = '3d'
projection = None
if ax is None:
# extra logic to handle OMFIT's auto-figure making when double-clicked in tree
f = pyplot.gcf()
if len(f.axes):
# normal situation in which existing figures should be respected and left alone
f, ax = pyplot.subplots(subplot_kw={'aspect': 'equal', 'projection': projection})
except NotImplementedError: # python3 matplolib did not have this for some reason
pyplot.close(pyplot.gcf()) # will have opened a figure than failed to set the aspect
f, ax = pyplot.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': projection})
# OMFIT (or the gcf needed to check OMFIT) made a empty figure for us
ax = f.use_subplot(111, projection=projection)
except NotImplementedError:
# aesthetics
if nd == 3:
ax.w_xaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
ax.w_yaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
ax.w_zaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
ax.set_xlabel('x (m)')
ax.set_ylabel('y (m)')
ax.set_zlabel('z (m)')
f = ax.get_figure()
# defaults
kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', 3)
if 'lw' in kwargs:
kwargs['linewidth'] = kwargs.pop('lw')
keys = list(self.keys())
curs, lines = [], []
bound = 0
for key, coil in list(self.items()):
if not isinstance(coil, dict):
if nd == 3:
lines.append(ax.plot(coil['x'], coil['y'], coil['z'], label=key, **kwargs)[0])
bound = max(bound, np.max(np.abs(np.hstack((coil['x'], coil['y'], coil['z'])))))
elif nd == 1:
r = np.sqrt(coil['x'] ** 2 + coil['y'] ** 2)
lines.append(ax.plot(r, coil['z'], label=key, **kwargs)[0])
bound = max(bound, np.max(np.abs(np.hstack((r, coil['z'])))))
raise OMFITexception("Only 3D and 1D plots are available")
# color by current
from omfit_classes.utils_plot import set_linearray
sm = set_linearray(lines, values=curs, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap)
if colorbar:
cb = f.colorbar(sm, ax=ax, shrink=0.8)
cb.set_label('Current (A)')
# force equal aspect
if nd == 3:
bound *= 0.6
ax.set_xlim(-bound, bound)
ax.set_ylim(-bound, bound)
ax.set_zlim(-bound, bound)
ax.auto_scale_xyz((-bound, bound), (-bound, bound), (-bound, bound))
return lines
[docs] @dynaLoad
def to_OMFITfocuscoils(self, filename, nfcoil=8, target_length=0, coil_type=1, coil_symm=0, nseg=None, i_flag=1, l_flag=0):
Convert to the OMFITfocuscoils ascii file format, which stores Fourier Harmonics
of the coils. These files have additional settings, which can be set using key
word arguments. Be sure to sync these with the focus input namelist!
:param filename: str. Name of new file
:param nfcoil: int. Number of harmonics in decomposition
:param target_length: float. Target length of coils. Zero targets the initial length.
:param coil_type: int.
:param coil_symm: int. 0 for no symmetry. 1 for toroidal symmetry matching the boundary bnfp.
:param nseg: int. Number of segments. Default (None) uses the number of segments in the original file
:param i_flag: int.
:param l_flag: int.
:return: OMFITcoils
coils = SortedDict()
ckeys = [k for k, v in self.items() if isinstance(v, dict)]
for i, key in enumerate(ckeys):
# decompose x,y,z
A = []
theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, len(self[key]['x']))
for t in theta:
A.append(np.ravel([(np.cos(m * t), np.sin(m * t)) for m in range(nfcoil + 1)]))
A = np.array(A)
csx = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, self[key]['x'], 1e-2)[0]
csy = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, self[key]['y'], 1e-2)[0]
csz = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, self[key]['z'], 1e-2)[0]
length = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.diff(self[key]['x']) ** 2 + np.diff(self[key]['y']) ** 2 + np.diff(self[key]['z']) ** 2))
# fill in info
coils[key] = SortedDict()
coils[key]['coil_type'] = coil_type # todo: learn what this is
coils[key]['coil_symm'] = coil_symm
if nseg is None:
coils[key]['nseg'] = len(self[key]['x']) - 1
coils[key]['nseg'] = nseg
coils[key]['current'] = self[key]['I']
coils[key]['i_flag'] = i_flag
coils[key]['length'] = length
coils[key]['l_flag'] = l_flag
if target_length < 0:
coils[key]['target_length'] = length
coils[key]['target_length'] = target_length
coils[key]['nfcoil'] = nfcoil
coils[key]['xc'] = csx[0::2]
coils[key]['xs'] = csx[1::2]
coils[key]['yc'] = csy[0::2]
coils[key]['ys'] = csy[1::2]
coils[key]['zc'] = csz[0::2]
coils[key]['zs'] = csz[1::2]
# Use the OMFIT class to create an empty file and then update it in memory
result = OMFITfocuscoils(filename)
return result
[docs] @dynaLoad
def to_OMFITGPECcoils(self, filename):
Convert OMFITcoils to the OMFITGPECcoils ascii file format, which writes x,y,z points
but no current information.
:param filename: str. Name of new file
:return: OMFITGPECcoils
# Use the OMFIT class to create an empty file and then update it in memory
result = OMFITGPECcoils(filename)
return result
[docs]class OMFITfocuscoils(SortedDict, OMFITascii):
OMFITobject used to interface with focus ascii files used to describe coils in native FOCUS
:param filename: filename passed to OMFITascii class
All additional key word arguments passed to OMFITascii
def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs):
OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kwargs)
self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad
def load(self):
"""Load the file and parse it into a sorted dictionary"""
with open(self.filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# allow class to be initialized with a new (empty) file
if len(lines) == 0:
ncoils = int(lines[1].strip())
for i in range(ncoils):
start = 2 + i * 14
ctype, csym, cname = lines[start + 2].split()
self[cname] = SortedDict()
self[cname]['coil_type'] = int(ctype)
self[cname]['coil_symm'] = int(csym)
keys = lines[start + 3].split()[1:]
vals = lines[start + 4].split()
self[cname]['nseg'] = int(vals[0])
self[cname]['current'] = float(vals[1])
self[cname]['i_flag'] = int(vals[2])
self[cname]['length'] = float(vals[3])
self[cname]['l_flag'] = int(vals[4])
self[cname]['target_length'] = float(vals[5])
self[cname]['nfcoil'] = int(lines[start + 6].strip())
for j, key in enumerate(['xc', 'xs', 'yc', 'ys', 'zc', 'zs']):
self[cname][key] = np.array(lines[start + 8 + j].split(), dtype=float)
[docs] @dynaSave
def save(self):
"""Write the data in standard ascii format"""
with open(self.filename, 'w') as f:
# write the total number
f.write(' # ncoils\n')
for i, key in enumerate(self.keys()):
f.write(' #--------------------------------------------\n')
f.write(' # coil_type coil_symm coil_name\n')
f.write(' {:12} {:12} {:>12}\n'.format(self[key]['coil_type'], self[key]['coil_symm'], key))
keys = ['nseg', 'current', 'i_flag', 'length', 'l_flag', 'target_length']
vals = [self[key][k] for k in keys]
f.write(' # {:>6} {:>18} {:>6} {:>18} {:>6} {:>18}\n'.format(*keys))
f.write(' {:6} {:18.9E} {:6} {:18.9E} {:6} {:18.9E}\n'.format(*vals))
f.write(' # nfcoil\n')
f.write(' {:12}\n'.format(self[key]['nfcoil']))
f.write(' # Fourier harmonics for coils ( xc; xs; yc; ys; zc; zs)\n')
for k in ['xc', 'xs', 'yc', 'ys', 'zc', 'zs']:
f.write((' {:23.15E}' * len(self[key][k]) + '\n').format(*self[key][k]))
[docs] @dynaLoad
def plot(self, bnfp=1, ax=None, cmap='coolwarm_r', vmin=None, vmax=None, colorbar=True, **kwargs):
Plot the coils in 3D, colored by their current values.
:param bnfp: int. Toroidal mode number of symmetry used if coil_symm is 1
:param ax: Axes. Axis into which the plot will be made.
:param cmap: string. A valid matplolib color map name.
:param vmin: float. Minimum of the color scaling.
:param vmax: float. Maximum of the color scaling.
:param colorbar: bool. Draw a colorbar for the currents.
:param \**kwargs: dict. All other key word arguments are passed to the mplot3d plot function.
:return: list of Line3D objects. The line plotted for each coil.
if ax is None:
# extra logic to handle OMFIT's auto-figure making when double-clicked in tree
f = pyplot.gcf()
if len(f.axes):
# normal situation in which existing figures should be respected and left alone
f, ax = pyplot.subplots(subplot_kw={'aspect': 'equal', 'projection': '3d'})
except NotImplementedError: # python3 matplolib did not have this for some reason
pyplot.close(pyplot.gcf()) # will have opened a figure than failed to set the aspect
f, ax = pyplot.subplots(subplot_kw={'projection': '3d'})
# OMFIT (or the gcf needed to check OMFIT) made a empty figure for us
ax = pyplot.subplot(111, projection='3d')
except NotImplementedError:
# aesthetics
ax.w_xaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
ax.w_yaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
ax.w_zaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
ax.set_xlabel('x (m)')
ax.set_ylabel('y (m)')
ax.set_zlabel('z (m)')
f = ax.get_figure()
curs, lines = [], []
bound = 0
for k, v in list(self.items()):
nseg = v['nseg']
eta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, nseg + 1, True)
ms = np.arange(v['nfcoil'] + 1)
x = np.real(np.sum((v['xc'] - 1j * v['xs'])[:, None] * np.exp(1j * ms[:, None] * eta), 0))
y = np.real(np.sum((v['yc'] - 1j * v['ys'])[:, None] * np.exp(1j * ms[:, None] * eta), 0))
z = np.real(np.sum((v['zc'] - 1j * v['zs'])[:, None] * np.exp(1j * ms[:, None] * eta), 0))
lines.append(ax.plot(x, y, z, label=k, **kwargs)[0])
bound = max(bound, np.max(np.abs(np.hstack((x, y, z)))))
if v['coil_symm'] == 1:
for isym in range(1, bnfp):
sx = np.real(x * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * isym / bnfp))
sy = np.real(y * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * isym / bnfp))
sz = z * 1.0
lines.append(ax.plot(sx, sy, sz, label=f'{k}_symm{isym}', **kwargs)[0])
bound = max(bound, np.max(np.abs(np.hstack((sx, sy, sz)))))
# color by current
from omfit_classes.utils_plot import set_linearray
sm = set_linearray(lines, values=curs, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap)
if colorbar:
cb = f.colorbar(sm, ax=ax, shrink=0.8)
cb.set_label('Current (A)')
# force equal aspect
bound *= 0.6
ax.set_xlim(-bound, bound)
ax.set_ylim(-bound, bound)
ax.set_zlim(-bound, bound)
ax.auto_scale_xyz((-bound, bound), (-bound, bound), (-bound, bound))
return lines
def _to_OMFITcoils(self, filename, bnfp=1, gpec_format=False):
Convert to the standard OMFITcoils ascii file format, which stores x,y,z,i points
by inverse Fourier transforming the FOCUS coil decompositions.
:param filename: str. Name of new file
:param bnfp: int. Toroidal mode number of symmetry used if coil_symm is 1
:param gpec_format: bool. Convert to OMFITGPECcoils ascii formatting instead
:return: OMFITcoils or OMFITGPECcoils
coils = SortedDict()
coils['periods'] = 1
coils['num_coils'] = len(list(self.keys()))
for i, (key, coil) in enumerate(list(self.items())):
nseg = coil['nseg']
eta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, nseg + 1, True)
ms = np.arange(coil['nfcoil'] + 1)
x = np.real(np.sum((coil['xc'] - 1j * coil['xs'])[:, None] * np.exp(1j * ms[:, None] * eta), 0))
y = np.real(np.sum((coil['yc'] - 1j * coil['ys'])[:, None] * np.exp(1j * ms[:, None] * eta), 0))
z = np.real(np.sum((coil['zc'] - 1j * coil['zs'])[:, None] * np.exp(1j * ms[:, None] * eta), 0))
coils[key] = SortedDict()
coils[key]['x'] = x
coils[key]['y'] = y
coils[key]['z'] = z
coils[key]['I'] = coil['current'] * 1.0
coils[key]['group'] = i + 1 # todo: can we get the group from FOCUS coils?
coils[key]['name'] = key
# if there is symmetry we need to add appropriately rotated coils
if coil['coil_symm'] == 1:
for isym in range(1, bnfp):
skey = f'{key}_symm{isym}'
coils[skey] = SortedDict()
coils[skey]['x'] = np.real(x * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * isym / bnfp))
coils[skey]['y'] = np.real(y * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * isym / bnfp))
coils[skey]['z'] = z * 1.0
coils[skey]['I'] = coil['current'] * 1.0
coils[skey]['group'] = i + 1 # todo: Confirm this should match for symm coils
coils[skey]['name'] = skey
# Use the OMFIT class to create an empty file and then update it in memory
if gpec_format:
result = OMFITGPECcoils(filename)
result = OMFITcoils(filename)
return result
[docs] def to_OMFITcoils(self, filename, bnfp=1):
Convert to the standard OMFITcoils ascii file format, which stores x,y,z,i points
by inverse Fourier transforming the FOCUS coil decompositions.
:param filename: str. Name of new file
:param bnfp: int. Toroidal mode number of symmetry used if coil_symm is 1
:param gpec_format: bool. Convert to OMFITGPECcoils ascii formatting instead
:return: OMFITcoils or OMFITGPECcoils
# Use a central functions so we do not duplicate complicated
# inverse Fourier transformation code
result = self._to_OMFITcoils(filename, bnfp=bnfp, gpec_format=False)
return result
[docs] @dynaLoad
def to_OMFITGPECcoils(self, filename):
Convert OMFITcoils to the OMFITGPECcoils ascii file format, which writes x,y,z points
but no current information.
:param filename: str. Name of new file
:param bnfp: int. Toroidal mode number of symmetry used if coil_symm is 1
:return: OMFITGPECcoils
# Use a central functions so we do not duplicate complicated
# inverse Fourier transformation code
result = self._to_OMFITcoils(filename, bnfp=bnfp, gpec_format=True)
return result
[docs]class OMFITGPECcoils(OMFITcoils):
Class that reads ascii GPEC .dat coil files and converts them to the standard coil file format used by
the FOCUS and STELLOPT codes.
NOTE: This will clobber the original ascii formatting!! Do not connect to original file paths!!
[docs] @dynaLoad
def load(self):
"""Load the file and parse it into a sorted dictionary"""
# read the ascii file
with open(self.filename, 'r') as f:
line1 = f.readline()
ncoil, s, nsec, nw = list(map(int, list(map(float, line1.split()))))
x, y, z = np.genfromtxt(self.filename, skip_header=1).T.reshape(3, ncoil, s, nsec)
c = nw
# fill in all the info needed for a coil file
coils = self
coils['periods'] = s # this isn't really right, but we need somewhere to store the info
coils['num_coils'] = ncoil
nc = 0
for i in range(ncoil):
for j in range(s):
key = 'coil_{:}'.format(nc)
coils[key] = SortedDict()
coils[key]['x'] = x[i, j, :]
coils[key]['y'] = y[i, j, :]
coils[key]['z'] = z[i, j, :]
coils[key]['I'] = nw # should be multiplied by nominal current
coils[key]['group'] = i + 1
coils[key]['name'] = os.path.split(self.filename)[-1].split('.')[0]
nc += 1
# coils['num_coils'] = nc # why was this here? already set ncoil above... why was this ncoil + 1?
except Exception:
[docs] @dynaSave
def save(self):
"""Write the data in standard ascii format"""
with open(self.filename, 'w') as f:
# write the defining parameters
ncoil = self['num_coils']
s = self['periods'] # hack storing this info here
nsec = len(self[list(self.keys())[-1]]['x'])
nw = self[list(self.keys())[-1]]['I']
if nsec < 1e4:
f.write('{:>5}{:>5}{:>5}{:8.2f}\n'.format(ncoil, s, nsec, nw)) # the first line with periods
f.write('{:>5}{:>5} {:}{:8.2f}\n'.format(ncoil, s, nsec, nw)) # the first line with periods
# write each coil x, y, z
for key, coil in list(self.items()):
if not isinstance(coil, dict):
for i in range(len(coil['x'])):
f.write('{:13.4e}{:13.4e}{:13.4e}\n'.format(coil['x'][i], coil['y'][i], coil['z'][i]))
[docs] @dynaLoad
def to_OMFITcoils(self, filename):
Convert to the standard OMFITcoils ascii file format, which stores x,y,z,i points.
:param filename: str. Name of new file
:return: OMFITcoils
# Use the OMFIT class to create an empty file and then update it in memory
result = OMFITcoils(filename)
# convert from gpec convention of coils with sections to standard individual coils convention
self['num_coils'] = self['num_coils'] * self['periods']
coils['periods'] = 1 # remove hack where gpec stores it's info about coil sections
return result