Source code for omfit_classes.omfit_csv

    # framework is running
    from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
    # class is imported by itself
    if (
        'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
        or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
        or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
        from startup_choice import *

from omfit_classes.omfit_ascii import OMFITascii

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['OMFITcsv']

_defaults = {
    'delimiter': None,
    'comments': ['#', '!', '%'],
    'fmt': '%.18e',
    'missing_values': ['nan', 'NAN', "N/A", "???"],
    'filling_values': np.nan,

[docs]class OMFITcsv(SortedDict, OMFITascii): r""" OMFIT class used to interface with Comma Separated Value files This class makes use of the np.genfromtxt and np.savetxt methods :param filename: filename passed to OMFITascii class :param delimiter: delimiter character that is used to separate the values :param comments: charachter or list of characters that will be recognized as comments :param fmt: format used to save the data to file :param missing_values: The set of strings corresponding to missing data :param filling_values: The set of values to be used as default when the data are missing :param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITascii class """ def __init__( self, filename, delimiter=_defaults['delimiter'], comments=_defaults['comments'], fmt=_defaults['fmt'], missing_values=_defaults['missing_values'], filling_values=_defaults['filling_values'], **kw, ): OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) SortedDict.__init__(self) if delimiter == ' ': delimiter = None for k in _defaults: self.OMFITproperties.setdefault(k, eval(k)) self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): """ Method used to load the content of the file specified in the .filename attribute :return: None """ with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: lines = # try to find out what is the comment used # and use pound as the default comment style if not isinstance(self.OMFITproperties['comments'], str): for comment in self.OMFITproperties['comments']: if comment in lines: self.OMFITproperties['comments'] = comment break if not isinstance(self.OMFITproperties['comments'], str): self.OMFITproperties['comments'] = self.OMFITproperties['comments'][0] self['data'] = np.array([]) try: self['data'] = np.genfromtxt( self.filename, delimiter=self.OMFITproperties['delimiter'], comments=self.OMFITproperties['comments'], missing_values=self.OMFITproperties['missing_values'], filling_values=self.OMFITproperties['filling_values'], invalid_raise=True, ) except Exception as _excp: try: tmpFile = [] other = [] nonochar = re.sub(r'[0-9\n\r\+-\. \teEdD' + re.escape(self.OMFITproperties['delimiter']) + ']', '', string.printable) with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if'[' + nonochar + ']', line) is None: tmpFile.append(line) else: other.append(line) tmp = OMFITascii('') with open(tmp.filename, 'w') as f: f.writelines(tmpFile) try: self['data'] = np.genfromtxt( tmp.filename, delimiter=self.OMFITproperties['delimiter'], missing_values=self.OMFITproperties['missing_values'], filling_values=self.OMFITproperties['filling_values'], invalid_raise=True, ) except Exception: self['data'] = np.genfromtxt( tmp.filename, delimiter=self.OMFITproperties['delimiter'], skip_header=1, missing_values=self.OMFITproperties['missing_values'], filling_values=self.OMFITproperties['filling_values'], invalid_raise=True, ) with open(tmp.filename, 'r') as f: header = f.readline() with open(tmp.filename, 'w') as f: f.writelines(header) self['header'] = np.genfromtxt( tmp.filename, delimiter=self.OMFITproperties['delimiter'], missing_values=self.OMFITproperties['missing_values'], filling_values=self.OMFITproperties['filling_values'], invalid_raise=True, ) self['other'] = other except Exception: self['data'] = np.genfromtxt( self.filename, delimiter=self.OMFITproperties['delimiter'], comments=self.OMFITproperties['comments'], missing_values=self.OMFITproperties['missing_values'], filling_values=self.OMFITproperties['filling_values'], invalid_raise=False, ) self['data'] = np.atleast_2d(self['data']) # if there is no delimiter, then it's a vertical array and data should be transposed if (self.OMFITproperties['delimiter'] is None and ' ' not in lines) or ( self.OMFITproperties['delimiter'] is not None and self.OMFITproperties['delimiter'] not in lines ): self['data'] = self['data'].T
[docs] @dynaSave def save(self): """ Method used to save the content of the object to the file specified in the .filename attribute :return: None """ if self.OMFITproperties['delimiter'] is None: np.savetxt(self.filename, self['data'], fmt=self.OMFITproperties['fmt']) else: np.savetxt(self.filename, self['data'], delimiter=self.OMFITproperties['delimiter'], fmt=self.OMFITproperties['fmt'])
def __save_kw__(self): """ :return: kw dictionary used to save the attributes to be passed when reloading from OMFITsave.txt """ tmp = self.OMFITproperties.copy() for k in _defaults: if self.OMFITproperties[k] is _defaults[k] or self.OMFITproperties[k] == _defaults[k]: tmp.pop(k) return tmp