# -*-Python-*-
# Created by eldond at 2019-12-23 08:56
Contains supporting functions to back the efitviewer GUI
# framework is running
from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
# class is imported by itself
if (
'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
from startup_choice import *
import omas
from omas import ODS
from omfit_classes.omfit_base import OMFITtmp, OMFITmodule, OMFITtree
from omfit_classes.omfit_json import OMFITjson, OMFITsettings, SettingsName
from omfit_classes.omfit_omas_utils import (
from omfit_classes.omfit_formatter import omfit_formatter
from omfit_classes.utils_fusion import is_device
from omfit_classes.omfit_mds import translate_MDSserver
__all__ = ['efitviewer']
# Provide better plot limits than autoscale, which might cut off some external hardware like magnetic probes
default_plot_limits = {'DIII-D': {'x': [0.75, 2.75], 'y': [-1.75, 1.75]}, 'EAST': {'x': [0.55, 3.4], 'y': [-2.1, 2.1]}}
# List of features and the OMAS version required to use them
omas_features = {
'contour_quantity': '0.50.0',
'allow_fallback': '0.50.0',
'sf': '0.50.0',
'label_contours': '0.50.0',
'show_wall': '0.55.2',
'xkw': '0.52.2',
class EfitviewerDataError(doNotReportException, ValueError):
"""There is a problem with the data needed to make efitviewer work"""
# Shortcuts and utilities for defining key information, data structure, and shortcuts -----------------------------
[docs]def efitviewer():
"""Shortcut for launching efitviewer"""
def pick_output_location():
Selects efitviewer output folder for storing ODSs and settings
:return (string, string, dict-like, dict-like, dict-like, dict-like)
Location in the tree of the output folder
Location in the tree of the settings dictionary
Reference to output folder in the tree
Reference to efitviewer settings
Reference to settings in the local parent module or main OMFIT settings
Reference to main scratch area
default_out_loc = "OMFIT['efitviewer']"
scratch = OMFIT['scratch']
override_loc = scratch.get('efitviewer_out_loc', None)
# Resolve output location
if override_loc is None:
out_loc = default_out_loc
printd('No output_loc supplied; using default')
elif not (is_string(evalExpr(override_loc))):
out_loc = default_out_loc
printd('output_loc is not a string; using default loc instead')
out_loc = output_loc
printd('assuming user-supplied output_loc is valid')
# Make sure the output loc exists
the_split = out_loc.split('[')
locations = ['['.join(the_split[:i]) for i in range(1, len(the_split) + 1)]
for i in range(1, len(locations)):
key = locations[i].split('[')[-1].split(']')[0]
key = key.split(key[0])[1] # Remove quotes, regardless of whether ' or " is used
the_parent = eval(locations[i - 1])
if key not in the_parent:
if isinstance(the_parent, OMFITtmp):
# Items added under OMFITtmp should be OMFITtree
key_type = OMFITtree
elif isinstance(the_parent, OMFITjson):
# Items under OMFITjson should be SortedDict
key_type = SortedDict
elif isinstance(the_parent, OMFITsettings):
# Items under OMFITsettings should be SettingsName
key_type = SettingsName
elif type(the_parent).__name__ in ['OMFITmaintree']:
# OMFITmaintree might not be defined in this context
key_type = OMFITtree
elif type(the_parent).__name__ in ['OMFITtree', 'dict', 'SettingsName', 'SortedDict']:
# Copy class of parent if parent's class is appropriate
key_type = type(the_parent)
printd('pick_output_location(): copy parent type', topic='efitviewer')
# Otherwise, default to SortedDict
key_type = SortedDict
printd('pick_output_location(): we do not like this type; just use SortedDict', topic='efitviewer')
printd(f'pick_output_location(): type(parent)={type(the_parent)}&type(key)={key_type}', topic='efitviewer')
the_parent[key] = key_type()
out = eval(out_loc)
# Make sure settings are defined and load defaults if needed
if 'SETTINGS' not in out:
out['SETTINGS'] = OMFITsettings(os.sep.join([OMFITsrc, 'framework_guis', 'efitviewer_settings.txt']))
settings_loc = out_loc + "['SETTINGS']"
settings = eval(settings_loc)
# Also get a reference to parent module or main OMFIT settings
for loc in locations[::-1]:
ppm = eval(loc)
if (isinstance(ppm, OMFITmodule) and ('SETTINGS' in ppm)) or ('MainSettings' in ppm):
parent_settings = ppm['SETTINGS'] if 'SETTINGS' in ppm else ppm['MainSettings']
parent_settings = MainSettings
return out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch
def add_command_box_tab():
Adds a tab to the command box. Useful if the user wants output dumped to a new tab.
:return: int
Index of the new command box tab that has been added
number = len(OMFITaux['GUI'].command)
return number
# Data loading and related helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_load_cx_ods_kw(
Handles setting defaults for keywords to load_cx_ods()
Keeps load_cx_ods() simpler and allows isolated testing. load_cx_ods() is
called by GUI buttons, and OMFIT GUIs are difficult to test. So, this helps
accomplish some limited GUI testing.
:param kw: keywords passed to load_cx_ods
:return: tuple containing
gfile: OMFITgeqdsk or None
afile: OMFITaeqdsk or None
mfile: OMFITmeqdsk or None
kfile: OMFITkeqdsk or None
device: str
shot: int
efitid: str
no_empty: bool
minimal_eq_data: bool
ods_tag: str
if settings is None:
_, _, _, settings, _, _ = pick_output_location()
the_case = settings['cases'][index]
def_def_gfile = settings['cases'][0].setdefault('gfile', None)
def_def_afile = settings['cases'][0].setdefault('afile', None)
def_def_mfile = settings['cases'][0].setdefault('mfile', None)
def_def_kfile = settings['cases'][0].setdefault('kfile', None)
def_def_device = tokamak(settings['cases'][0].setdefault('device', None))
def_def_shot = evalExpr(settings['cases'][0].setdefault('shot', 0))
if index == 0:
ods_tag = 'efitviewer_ods'
def_device = def_def_device
def_shot = def_def_shot
def_gfile = def_def_gfile
def_afile = def_def_afile
def_mfile = def_def_mfile
def_kfile = def_def_kfile
ods_tag = 'efitviewer_ods_{}'.format(index)
def_device = the_case.setdefault('device', def_def_device)
def_shot = the_case.setdefault('shot', def_def_shot)
def_gfile = the_case.setdefault('gfile', def_def_gfile)
def_afile = the_case.setdefault('afile', def_def_afile)
def_mfile = the_case.setdefault('mfile', def_def_mfile)
def_kfile = the_case.setdefault('kfile', def_def_kfile)
if gfile is None:
gfile = def_gfile
if gfile == 'unused':
gfile = None
if afile is None:
afile = def_afile
if afile == 'unused':
afile = None
if mfile is None:
mfile = def_mfile
if mfile == 'unused':
mfile = None
if kfile is None:
kfile = def_kfile
if kfile == 'unused':
kfile = None
if device is None:
device = def_device
if shot is None:
shot = def_shot
if efitid is None:
efitid = the_case.setdefault('efit_tree', None)
if no_empty is None:
no_empty = settings.setdefault('no_empty', True)
if minimal_eq_data is None:
minimal_eq_data = settings.setdefault('minimal_eq_data', True)
return gfile, afile, mfile, kfile, device, shot, efitid, no_empty, minimal_eq_data, ods_tag
def read_gamk_file_strings(device, gfile, afile, mfile, kfile):
Processes inputs that could be strings containing locations instead of the actual target objects
:param device: str
:param gfile: str or OMFITgeqdsk
:param afile: str or OMFITaeqdsk
:param mfile: str or OMFITmeqdsk
:param kfile: str or OMFITkeqdsk
:return: tuple
gfile: OMFITgeqdsk or None
gfile_str: str or None
afile: OMFITaeqdsk or None
afile_str: str or None
mfile: OMFITmeqdsk or None
mfile_str: str or None
kfile: OMFITkeqdsk or None
kfile_str: str or None
result = []
for x in 'gamk':
varname = f'{x}file'
var = eval(varname)
if isinstance(var, str):
var_str = var
var = eval(var)
elif isinstance_str(var, f'OMFIT{x}eqdsk'):
var_str = f'<<YOUR {x.upper}-FILE FOR {device}:{var.filename}>>'
elif isinstance(var, dict):
var_str = f'<<A group of {x}EQDSK files for {device}>>'
var_str = None
result += [var, var_str]
return result
def load_cx_ods(
Puts an ODS with CX info in the tree
:param gfile,afile,mfile,kfile: OMFIT[g/a/m/k]eqdsk instance [optional if shot, t, and efitid are supplied]
Pass in 'unused' to prevent None from being used as an instruction to seek out a default value.
:param device: string
:param shot: int [ignored if gfile is supplied]
:param t: int [ignored if gfile is supplied]
Leave it as None to load minimal data for all slices,
or specify a single time to load just one complete slice
:param efitid: string [ignored if gfile is supplied]
:param index: int
Index of the ODS, for managing multi-shot overlays
:param no_empty: bool
Filter out equilibrium time-slices that have 0 current or 0 boundary outline points.
(this is passed to multi_efit_to_omas() via setup_hardware_overlay_cx())
:minimal_eq_data: bool
If the source is MDSplus, load only the minimal dataset needed to power the equilibrium cross section plot.
:return: ODS instance
printd(f' loading cx ods for index {index}', topic='omfit_efitviewer')
_, _, out, settings, _, _ = pick_output_location()
gfile, afile, mfile, kfile, device, shot, efitid, no_empty, minimal_eq_data, ods_tag = parse_load_cx_ods_kw(
gfile, gfile_str, afile, afile_str, mfile, mfile_str, kfile, kfile_str = read_gamk_file_strings(device, gfile, afile, mfile, kfile)
if gfile is None:
load_cmd = "setup_hardware_overlay_cx({}, {}, {}, efitid={}, default_load=False, no_empty={}, minimal_eq_data={})".format(
repr(device), repr(shot), repr(t), repr(efitid), no_empty, minimal_eq_data
ods = out[ods_tag] = setup_hardware_overlay_cx(
device, shot, t, efitid=efitid, default_load=False, quiet=True, no_empty=no_empty, minimal_eq_data=minimal_eq_data
ods['dataset_description.ids_properties.source'] = 'MDSplus'
printd(f' Using a gfile or set with type {type(gfile)} to setup cx data.', topic='omfit_efitviewer')
ods = out[ods_tag] = setup_hardware_overlay_cx(
load_cmd = "setup_hardware_overlay_cx({}, geqdsk={}, default_load=False, no_empty={}, minimal_eq_data={})".format(
repr(device), gfile_str, no_empty, minimal_eq_data
ods['dataset_description.ids_properties.source'] = gfile_str
settings['cases'][index]['instructions_for_loading_ods'] = load_cmd
if 'equilibrium' not in ods or 'time' not in ods['equilibrium']:
error_message = (
f'\nFailed to populate equilibrium data in the ODS.\n'
f'This can happen if the data are missing from the\n'
f'source database or if there is a connection problem.\n'
f'You can try "File" > "Reset SSH tunnels, database connections".\n'
f'If that does not work, please verify access to the database\n'
f'({translate_MDSserver(device, efitid)})\n'
f'and check that the shot ({device}#{shot}) has data for {efitid}.'
ods['dataset_description.ids_properties.comment'] = error_message
raise EfitviewerDataError(error_message)
return ods
def list_available_hardware_descriptors(device):
Determines which hardware systems have descriptor functions available.
That is, which systems can easily have their geometry loaded into an ODS?
:param device: string
:return: list of strings
List of formal IMAS names of hardware systems that can be easily loaded into an ODS by OMFIT
hw0 = 'setup_'
hw1 = '_hardware_description_'
available_hardware_d3d = [
a.split(hw1 + 'd3d')[0].split(hw0)[-1]
for a in omfit_classes.omfit_omas_d3d.__all__
if a.startswith(hw0) and a.endswith(hw1 + 'd3d')
available_hardware_east = [
a.split(hw1 + 'east')[0].split(hw0)[-1]
for a in omfit_classes.omfit_omas_east.__all__
if a.startswith(hw0) and a.endswith(hw1 + 'east')
available_hardware_kstar = [
a.split(hw1 + 'kstar')[0].split(hw0)[-1]
for a in omfit_classes.omfit_omas_kstar.__all__
if a.startswith(hw0) and a.endswith(hw1 + 'kstar')
available_hardware_general = [
a.split(hw1 + 'general')[0].split(hw0)[-1]
for a in omfit_classes.omfit_omas.__all__
if a.startswith(hw0) and a.endswith(hw1 + 'general')
if is_device(device, 'DIII-D'):
available_hardware = available_hardware_general + available_hardware_d3d
elif is_device(device, ['EAST', 'EAST_US']):
available_hardware = available_hardware_general + available_hardware_east
elif is_device(device, 'KSTAR'):
available_hardware = available_hardware_general + available_hardware_kstar
available_hardware = available_hardware_general
return available_hardware
def list_available_hardware_data(ods, systems=None):
Determines which systems appear to have valid geometry data in ODS and could probably be overlaid in efitviewer.
:param ods: ODS instance
:param systems: list of strings
List of formal IMAS names of hardware systems to consider in the search.
Defaults to all keys in top level ods.
:return: list of strings
List of formal IMAS names of hardware systems that look like they're ready to plot using data already in ods.
if systems is None:
systems = ods.keys()
return [system for system in systems if len(ods.search_paths('{}.*(geometry|position|position_control)'.format(system))) > 0]
def list_hardware_overlay_methods():
Determines which hardware systems can be overlaid natively by OMAS
:return: list of strings
List of formal IMAS names of hardware systems that have plot overlay methods built into OMAS
a1 = 'plot_'
a2 = '_overlay'
return [a[len(a1) : -len(a2)] for a in dir(ODS) if a.startswith(a1) and a.endswith(a2) and a != 'plot_overlay']
def setup_avail_systems(suppress_systems=['pulse_schedule']):
Makes sure keys in systems correspond to available plot overlays in ODS
Operates on the 0th ODS instance, not the different equilibrium overlays
:param suppress_systems: list of strings
Remove these systems from the list; their methods are redundant
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
systems = settings['systems']
if 'efitviewer_ods' in out:
ods = out['efitviewer_ods']
device = out['efitviewer_ods']['dataset_description.data_entry'].get('machine', tokamak(settings['cases'][0]['device']))
ods = None
device = tokamak(settings['cases'][0]['device'])
has_plot_method = list_hardware_overlay_methods()
has_loader_method = list_available_hardware_descriptors(device)
has_data = list_available_hardware_data(ods)
overlays = has_plot_method and (has_loader_method or has_data)
overlays = [overlay for overlay in overlays if overlay not in suppress_systems]
for k in list(systems.keys()):
if k not in overlays:
for overlay in overlays:
systems.setdefault(overlay, False)
# Special overlays ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def plot_scaled_boundary_overlay(
ax=None, device='ITER', mds_tree='', shot=0, time=0, scale=1 / 3.68, x_offset=0, y_offset=-0.88 / 3.68, **kw
Overlays the boundary of another device, including scaling and offsets
:param ax: Axes instance
:param device: string
:param mds_tree: string
:param shot: int
:param time: numeric
Time in ms
:param scale: float
:param x_offset: float
Horizontal offset after scaling (m)
:param y_offset: float
Vertical offset after scaling (m)
:param \**kw: Keywords to pass to plot()
:return: output from plot()
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
kw.pop('t', None) # t is ignored since we're choosing an overlay time from the settings under value
kw.pop('ods', None) # We don't need this,but we have to take it to have a consistent call signature
if ax is None:
ax = scratch.get('efitviewer_cx_ax', None)
if ax is None:
ax = gca()
if is_device(device, 'ITER'):
dat = np.genfromtxt(os.sep.join([OMFITsrc, '..', 'samples', 'iter_BL2010_Gribov.txt']), skip_header=3)
r = dat[:, 0] * abs(scale) + x_offset
z = dat[:, 1] * scale + y_offset
label = 'Scaled ITER'
eq_dat = read_basic_eq_from_mds(
g_file_quantities=['RBBBS', 'ZBBBS'],
it = closestIndex(eq_dat['time'], time)
r = eq_dat['RBBBS'][it, :] * scale + x_offset
z = eq_dat['ZBBBS'][it, :] * scale + y_offset
btime = eq_dat['time'][it]
label = 'Scaled {}#{} @ {}'.format(device, shot, btime)
kw.setdefault('label', label)
return ax.plot(r, z, **kw)
def plot_beam_emission_spectroscopy_overlay(ax=None, ods=None, **kw):
Overlays measurement positions for the Beam Emission Spectroscopy (BES) diagnostic for DIII-D
:param ax: Axes instance
:param ods: ODS instance (for confirming device and getting shot)
:param \**kw: Keywords to pass to plot, such as color, marker, etc.
:return: output from plot() call
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
if ods is None:
ods = out.get('efitviewer_ods', None)
if ods is None:
device = tokamak(ods['dataset_description.data_entry'].get('machine', settings['cases'][0]['device']))
if not is_device(device, 'DIII-D'):
printe('beam_emission_spectroscopy overlay supports DIII-D only, sorry. Aborting and deactivating.')
settings['special_systems']['beam_emission_spectroscopy'] = False
shot = ods['dataset_description.data_entry'].get('.pulse', evalExpr(settings['cases'][0]['shot']))
if ax is None:
ax = scratch.get('efitviewer_cx_ax', None)
if ax is None:
ax = gca()
kw.pop('t', None) # t is ignored for BES since the configuration doesn't change in time
kw.pop('value', None) # The BES activation flag doesn't carry special information that we need to consider
# noinspection PyBroadException
from omfit_classes.omfit_mds import OMFITmdsValue
r = OMFITmdsValue(device, shot=shot, TDI='BES_R').data() / 100.0
z = OMFITmdsValue(device, shot=shot, TDI='BES_Z').data() / 100.0
except Exception:
printe('BES data acquisition failed for {}#{}. Aborting and deactivating.'.format(device, shot))
settings['special_systems']['beam_emission_spectroscopy'] = False
report = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
kw.setdefault('marker', 's')
kw.setdefault('linestyle', ' ')
kw.setdefault('label', 'BES')
return ax.plot(r, z, **kw)
def plot_custom_script_overlay(ax=None, ods=None, defaultvars_keywords=None, **kw):
Calls a script to draw a custom overlay or set of overlays.
The script should use defaultVars() to accept the following keywords at minimum:
:param ax: Axes instance [optional]
If not provided, the custom script had better have a way of choosing.
The default axes when using the efitviewer GUI are referenced in scratch.get('efitviewer_cx_ax', None)
:param ods: ODS instance
:param defaultvars_keywords: dict
Keywords to pass to script's defaultVars()
:param \**kw: additional keywords accepted to avoid problems (ignored)
if ods is None:
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
ods = out.get('efitviewer_ods', None)
script_loc = kw.pop('script_loc', None)
if script_loc is None:
printe('Invalid script location. Cannot call custom script overlay.')
printd(' efitviewer lib plot_custom_script_overlay: script_loc = {}'.format(repr(script_loc)))
script = eval(script_loc)
if defaultvars_keywords is None:
defaultvars_keywords = {}
script.runNoGUI(ax=ax, ods=ods, **defaultvars_keywords)
def plot_alt_limiter_overlay(ax=None, **kw):
Plots an alternative limiter overlay
:param ax: Axes instance
:param kw: Additional keywords
:return: output from plot() call
# Extract kw
ignore_kw = ['t', 'value', 'labelevery', 'notesize', 'mask', 'ods'] # Unused
ignore_kw += ['retain_wall'] # This should be used elsewhere
for ikw in ignore_kw:
kw.pop(ikw, None)
scale = kw.pop('scale', 1.0)
alt_lim_loc = kw.pop('alt_limiter_data_loc', None)
alt_lim_data = kw.pop('alt_limiter_data_array', None)
# Get data
if alt_lim_data is None and alt_lim_loc is None:
return None
elif alt_lim_data is None:
alt_lim_data = eval(alt_lim_loc)
lim_name = alt_lim_loc.split("'")[-2]
lim_name = ''
r = alt_lim_data[:, 0] * scale
z = alt_lim_data[:, 1] * scale
# Set up plot
if ax is None:
ax = scratch.get('efitviewer_cx_ax', None)
if ax is None:
ax = gca()
kw.setdefault('label', 'Alternative limiter {}'.format(lim_name))
return ax.plot(r, z, **kw)
# Plot and plot related utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def plot_grid(fig=None, ax=None, enable=None, grid_kw=None):
:param fig: Figure instance
:param ax: Axes instance
:param enable: bool
:param grid_kw: dict
Keywords passed to grid
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
# Get default values
if fig is None:
fig = scratch.get('efitviewer_fig', None)
if enable is None:
enable = settings.setdefault('grid_enable', False)
if grid_kw is None:
grid_kw = settings.setdefault('grid_kw', {})
ax = get_axes(ax)
# Update grid
if enable:
ax.grid(enable, which='major', axis='both', **grid_kw)
ax.grid(False, which='major', axis='both')
# Make sure the update is actually drawn
if fig is not None:
def setup_special_contours(case=0, t=None, contour_quantity=None, spacing=None, decimal_places=3):
Finds contour levels in contour_quantity to give contours that obey settings in the dictionary called spacing
:param case: int
Which efitviewer case / ODS instance should be selected?
:param t: float
Time in s, to select a time slice in equilibrium data
Defaults to setting for the relevant case in efitviewer settings
:param contour_quantity: string
Quantity for output contour levels. Defaults to contour quantity in efitviewer settings.
:param spacing: dict
Spacing instructions; can contain:
quantity: string
R, psi, psi_n, S
amount: float array
in data units relevant to quantity
reference: string
Reference point.
For flux measurements, the reference is always the boundary & this setting is ignored.
For R, try outer_midplane. For S, try outer_lower_strike.
:param decimal_places: int
Round to this many decimal places
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
if case == 0:
ods = out['efitviewer_ods']
ods = out['efitviewer_ods_{}'.format(case)]
if t is None:
t = settings['cases'][case]['time'] / 1000.0
if contour_quantity is None:
contour_quantity = settings['contour_quantity']
if spacing is None:
spacing = settings['special_contour_spacing']
it = closestIndex(ods['equilibrium']['time'], t)
eq_slice = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][it]
eq_phi = eq_slice['profiles_1d']['phi']
eq_psi = eq_slice['profiles_1d']['psi']
eq_psi_n = np.linspace(0, 1, len(eq_psi))
cr = eq_slice['profiles_2d'][0]['grid']['dim1']
cz = eq_slice['profiles_2d'][0]['grid']['dim2']
if contour_quantity in ['psi', 'PSI']:
cq = eq_slice['profiles_2d'][0]['psi']
cq1d = eq_psi
elif contour_quantity.lower() in ['psin', 'psi_n', 'psi_norm']:
psi_bdry = eq_slice['global_quantities']['psi_boundary']
psi_axis = eq_slice['global_quantities']['psi_axis']
cq = (eq_slice['profiles_2d'][0]['psi'] - psi_axis) / (psi_bdry - psi_axis)
cq1d = eq_psi_n
elif contour_quantity in ['phi', 'PHI']:
cq = eq_slice['profiles_2d'][0]['phi']
cq1d = eq_phi
raise ValueError('Contour quantity {} is not yet supported for this operation, sorry.'.format(contour_quantity))
space_q = spacing.get('quantity', 'R')
space_a = np.atleast_1d(spacing.get('amount', np.array([0, 0.01])))
space_ref = spacing.get('reference', 'outer_midplane')
if space_q in ['R', 'Rmaj', 'R_major', 's', 'S']:
if space_ref.lower() in ['outer_midplane', 'omp']:
rmaxis = eq_slice['global_quantities.magnetic_axis.r']
zmaxis = eq_slice['global_quantities.magnetic_axis.z']
bdry_r = eq_slice['boundary.outline.r']
bdry_z = eq_slice['boundary.outline.z']
wr = bdry_r > rmaxis
r_omp = interp1d(bdry_z[wr], bdry_r[wr])(zmaxis)
ref_r = r_omp
ref_z = zmaxis
elif space_ref.lower() in ['outer_lower_strike']:
# omfit_omas.multi_efit_to_omas() loads strike points in a set order: low out, low in, up out, up in
ref_r = eq_slice['boundary.strike_point.0.r']
ref_z = eq_slice['boundary.strike_point.0.z']
except ValueError:
ref_r = ref_z = np.NaN
if np.isnan(ref_r) or np.isnan(ref_z):
raise ValueError('Outer lower strike point not defined; might be a limited or upper-biased shape or just missing from ODS')
elif space_ref.lower() in ['outer_upper_strike']:
# omfit_omas.multi_efit_to_omas() loads strike points in a set order: low out, low in, up out, up in
ref_r = eq_slice['boundary.strike_point.2.r']
ref_z = eq_slice['boundary.strike_point.2.z']
if np.isnan(ref_r) or np.isnan(ref_z):
raise ValueError('Outer upper strike point not defined; might be a limited or lower-biased shape or just missing from ODS')
raise ValueError('Unrecognized custom contour spacing reference: {}'.format(space_ref))
if space_q in ['R', 'Rmaj', 'R_major']:
dr = space_a
r = ref_r + dr
z = ref_z + dr * 0
elif space_q in ['S', 's']:
ds = space_a
wallr0 = ods['wall.description_2d.0.limiter.unit.0.outline.r']
wallz0 = ods['wall.description_2d.0.limiter.unit.0.outline.z']
# Upsample the wall so that the nearest point will be on the right surface. Since the wall has detailed
# features, the nearest point can be behind the true surface. For example, a strike point on the lower
# shelf might find a closest wall point in the pump duct under the shelf. To avoid locking onto such a
# point, put in lots of extra points along the wall contour instead.
idx = np.linspace(0, 1, len(wallr0))
new_idx = np.linspace(0, 1, 20 * len(wallr0))
wallr = interp1d(idx, wallr0)(new_idx)
wallz = interp1d(idx, wallz0)(new_idx)
ref_dist = np.sqrt((wallr - ref_r) ** 2 + (wallz - ref_z) ** 2)
ic = ref_dist.argmin()
# Figure out which way the wall goes
neighborhood = np.arange(ic - 3, ic + 3)
neighborhood = neighborhood[(neighborhood >= 0) & (neighborhood < len(wallr))]
if np.nanmean(np.diff(wallr[neighborhood])) > 0:
wall_dir = 1
wall_dir = -1
# Get wall coordinate
wall_ds = np.append(0, np.sqrt(np.diff(wallr) ** 2 + np.diff(wallz) ** 2))
wall_s = np.cumsum(wall_ds) * wall_dir
wall_s -= wall_s[ic]
# Get s coordinates of requested contour levels
if ref_r > wallr[ic]:
ref_s = ref_dist[ic]
ref_s = -ref_dist[ic]
s = ref_s + ds
# Get R-Z coordinates of requested contour levels
r = interp1d(wall_s, wallr)(s)
z = interp1d(wall_s, wallz)(s)
raise ValueError
# Translate R-Z coordinates into flux surface labels (like psi, etc)
contour_levels = (interp2d(cr, cz, cq.T, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.NaN)(r, z))[0]
elif space_q.lower() == 'psi':
psi_levels = eq_slice['global_quantities']['psi_boundary'] + space_a
contour_levels = interp1d(eq_psi, cq1d)(psi_levels)
elif space_q.lower() in ['psi_n', 'psin']:
psin_levels = 1 + space_a
contour_levels = interp1d(eq_psi_n, cq1d)(psin_levels)
raise ValueError('Unrecognized quantity for spacing contours: {}'.format(space_q))
return np.round(contour_levels, decimal_places)
def get_axes(ax=None, which='cx'):
Choose the best plot axes to use
:param ax: Axes instance or 2D array of Axes instances [optional]
If not specified, try to use efitviewer GUI's embedded axes. If those are not active, use gca().
:param which: str
cx: deal with cross section axes
profile: deal with array of profile axes
:return: Axes instance or 2D array of Axes instances
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
if which == 'cx' and not settings.get('show_cx', True):
printd(f'show_cx is off, so no cx_ax is needed. Returning None...', topic='efitviewer')
return None
if which == 'profile' and settings.get('profiles', {}).get('num_profiles', 0) < 1:
printd(f'num_profiles < 1, so no profile_axes are needed. Returning None...', topic='efitviewer')
if ax is None:
printd(f'plot_single_cx_ods(): trying to look up efitviewer axes for {which}...', topic='efitviewer')
if which == 'profile':
ax = scratch.get('efitviewer_profile_axs', None)
if ax is not None and len(ax.flatten()):
test_ax = ax[0, 0]
test_ax = None
ax = scratch.get('efitviewer_cx_ax', None)
test_ax = ax
printd(f'received some axes to check against the needs of {which}...', topic='efitviewer')
test_ax = ax
if which == 'profile':
if len(test_ax.flatten()):
test_ax = ax[0, 0]
test_ax = None
if test_ax is not None:
printd(f'testing whether {which} axes have a figure associated with them', topic='efitviewer')
# Check if ax is active
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/15311949/6605826
tk_figure_open = test_ax.figure.canvas.get_tk_widget().winfo_exists()
except Exception:
# I assume that get_tk_widget() will fail if the backend isn't tk
tk_figure_open = False
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/26485683/6605826
figure_window_open = test_ax.figure in list(map(pyplot.figure, pyplot.get_fignums()))
if (not tk_figure_open) and (not figure_window_open):
printd('plot_single_cx_ods(): efitviewer figure seems to have been closed', topic='efitviewer')
ax = None
if ax is None:
printd('plot_single_cx_ods(): using populate_efitviewer_figure()', topic='efitviewer')
fig = scratch['efitviewer_fig'] = pyplot.figure()
settings.setdefault('profiles', SettingsName())
cx_ax, profile_axs = populate_efitviewer_figure(
show_cx=settings.setdefault('show_cx', True),
num_profiles=settings['profiles'].setdefault('num_profiles', 0),
num_profile_cols=settings['profiles'].setdefault('num_profile_cols', 0),
profiles_sharex=settings['profiles'].setdefault('sharex', 'all'),
profiles_sharey=settings['profiles'].setdefault('sharey', 'none'),
**settings['profiles'].setdefault('gridspec_kw', {}),
if which == 'profile':
ax = profile_axs
ax = cx_ax
return ax
def save_subplot_layout(reset=False):
Either saves the current layout of subplots in the efitviewer figure, or erases prior records of fig layout
The saves are particular to each configuration (number of columns, CX on/off, number of profile plots).
:param reset: bool
Erase the last record instead of saving
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
show_cx = settings.get('show_cx', True)
ncol = settings.get('profiles', {}).get('num_profile_cols', 0)
if ncol == 0:
ncol = 1
tag = f'{"cx" if show_cx else ""}-{ncol}-{settings.get("profiles", {}).get("num_profiles", 0)}'
if reset:
settings['plot_style_kw'].setdefault('subplot_layout', SettingsName()).pop(tag, None)
layout = settings['plot_style_kw'].setdefault('subplot_layout', SettingsName()).setdefault(tag, SettingsName())
fig = scratch['efitviewer_fig']
for attr in ['wspace', 'hspace', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top']:
layout[attr] = getattr(fig.subplotpars, attr, None)
def plot_style_enforcement(ax=None, plot_style=None):
Applies efitviewers plot style settings to some axes
:param ax: Axes instance [optional]
Axes to modify; looks up efitviewer GUI axes or gca() if not specified
:param plot_style: dict-like [optional]
Settings to use for modifying axes appearance
# Unpack settings and axes reference
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
if plot_style is None:
plot_style = settings.get('plot_style_kw', {})
ax = get_axes(ax)
if ax is None:
fig = ax.figure
# Frame
frame_on = plot_style.setdefault('frame_on', True)
if frame_on is not None:
# Aspect ratio
aspect = plot_style.setdefault('axes_aspect', 'equal_box')
if aspect is not None:
if '_' in str(aspect):
aspect_ratio, adjustable = aspect.split('_')
elif is_numeric(aspect):
aspect_ratio = aspect
adjustable = None
aspect_ratio = aspect
adjustable = None
ax.set_aspect(aspect_ratio, adjustable=adjustable)
# Tick spacing
if plot_style.setdefault('tick_spacing', 0.25) is not None:
# Tick position
ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position(plot_style.setdefault('xtick_loc', 'both'))
ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position(plot_style.setdefault('ytick_loc', 'both'))
# Grid
plot_grid(fig=fig, ax=ax, enable=plot_style.setdefault('grid_enable', False), grid_kw=plot_style.setdefault('grid_kw', {}))
# Subplots layout
show_cx = settings.get('show_cx', True)
ncol = settings.get('profiles', {}).get('num_profile_cols', 0)
if ncol == 0:
ncol = 1
tag = f'{"cx" if show_cx else ""}-{ncol}-{settings.get("profiles", {}).get("num_profiles", 0)}'
layout = (
settings.setdefault('plot_style_kw', SettingsName()).setdefault('subplot_layout', SettingsName()).setdefault(tag, SettingsName())
# Annotations
if plot_style.setdefault('subplot_label', None) is not None:
font_size = settings.get('default_fontsize', None)
if font_size is None:
font_size = matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.labelsize']
start_at=plot_style.setdefault('subplot_label', 0),
corner=plot_style.setdefault('subplot_label_corner', [1, 1]),
# Main plotting functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def populate_efitviewer_figure(
fig, scratch, show_cx=True, num_profiles=0, num_profile_cols=0, profiles_sharex='all', profiles_sharey='none', **gridspec_kw
Adds subplots to the efitviewer figure
:param fig: Figure instance
Can be a standalone matplotlib figure, or an OMFITx.Figure GUI element
:param scratch: dict-like
Scratch space
:param show_cx: bool
Show the cross section subplot (otherwise just profiles are shown)
:param num_profiles: int
Number of panels for profile plots
:param num_profile_cols: int
Number of columns for profiles
:param profiles_sharex: str
Share the x axis between profiles. Options: 'none', 'all', 'row', 'col'.
:param profiles_sharey: str
Share the Y axis between profiles. Options: 'none', 'all', 'row', 'col'.
:param gridspec_kw: keywords to pass to gridspec.
width_ratios is especially useful; use it to set the relative widths of
columns by passing a numeric iterable matching the total number of
columns (including CX, if shown)
:return: tuple
Axes instance: axes for the cross section or None if not used
2D array of Axes instances, padded with None as needed: axes for the profiles
Padding with None would be needed for cases like 8 plots in a 3x3 arrangement,
where one panel would be blank.
# Set up the grid
if num_profiles > 0:
num_profile_cols_ = np.min([np.max([1, num_profile_cols]), num_profiles])
num_rows = int(np.max([np.ceil(num_profiles / float(num_profile_cols_)), 1]))
num_profile_cols_ = 0
num_rows = 1
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(num_rows, num_profile_cols_ + show_cx, **gridspec_kw)
except Exception:
gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(num_rows, num_profile_cols_ + show_cx)
report = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
printe('Gridspec keywords for setting up efitviewer profile plots were invalid and were ignored!')
printe('Gridspec keywords for setting up efitviewer profile plots were invalid and were ignored!')
if show_cx:
cx_ax = scratch['efitviewer_cx_ax'] = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0])
cx_ax = scratch['efitviewer_cx_ax'] = None
profile_axs = scratch['efitviewer_profile_axs'] = np.empty((num_rows, num_profile_cols_), dtype=object)
for i in range(num_rows):
for j in range(num_profile_cols_):
profile_axs[i, j] = None
for i in range(num_profiles):
row = i % num_rows
col = i // num_rows
fig_col = col + show_cx
if (i > 0) and profiles_sharex != 'none':
if profiles_sharex == 'all':
sharex = profile_axs[0, 0]
elif profiles_sharex == 'row':
sharex = profile_axs[row, 0]
elif profiles_sharex == 'col':
sharex = profile_axs[0, col]
sharex = None
if (i > 0) and profiles_sharey != 'none':
if profiles_sharey == 'all':
sharey = profile_axs[0, 0]
elif profiles_sharey == 'row':
sharey = profile_axs[row, 0]
elif profiles_sharey == 'col':
sharey = profile_axs[0, col]
sharey = None
profile_axs[row, col] = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, fig_col], sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey)
if (row < (num_rows - 1)) and (profiles_sharex in ['col', 'all']):
profile_axs[row, col].get_xaxis().set_visible(False)
if (col > 0) and profiles_sharey in ['row', 'all']:
profile_axs[row, col].get_yaxis().set_visible(False)
return cx_ax, profile_axs
def plot_cx_ods(ods_idx=None, odss=None, cases=None, **kw):
Wrapper for making multiple calls to plot_single_cx_ods()
Note that plot_single_cx_ods() calls plot_single_time_profile_set(),
so this is the umbrella for all CX and profile plots.
:param ods_idx: int or list of ints [optional]
You should probably let it do its default behavior, but you can override it if you need to.
:param odss: dict [optional]
Keys are int matching entries in ods_idx
Values are ODS instances.
This is for overriding ODSs in the tree to support some very specific operations and is
not recommended for most purposes.
:param cases: dict-like [optional]
Dictionary with entries foe each index in ods_idx specifying time (float or float array) and active (bool)
:param \**kw: Additional keywords passed to plot_single_cx_ods() for 0th case.
See docstring for plot_single_cx_ods.
If you have overridden ods with your own list, the first entry in the list gets all the keywords, and
subsequent entries get a subset.
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
printd('started plot_cx_ods...', topic='efitviewer')
if cases is None:
cases = settings['cases']
if ods_idx is None:
# Default automatic selection of ods indices to loop over
ods_idx = []
for idx in cases:
# Collect indices of active cases to overlay
if cases[idx].get('active', True) or idx == 0:
ods_idx += [idx]
if odss is None:
odss = {k: None for k in ods_idx}
tkw = kw.pop('t', None)
first_only = ['overlays', 'special_overlays', 'customization']
clear_first = kw.pop('clear_first', None)
kw2 = copy.copy(kw)
for fkw in first_only:
kw2.pop(fkw, None)
kw2['overlays'] = {}
kw2['special_overlays'] = {}
for i, idx in enumerate(tolist(ods_idx)):
# Special call for the primary ODS
printd('plot_single_cx_odx() call for equilibrium slice i={}, idx={}'.format(i, idx))
if len(tolist(ods_idx)) <= 1:
use_kw = kw
printd(' allowing overlay instructions in this call instead of doing separately at the end')
use_kw = kw2
printd(' no overlay instructions yet; must repeat at the end')
multi_cases=len(tolist(ods_idx)) > 1,
t=cases[idx].get('time', None) if tkw is None else tkw,
eq_active=cases[idx].get('active', True),
wall_active=cases[idx].get('wall', True),
clear_first=clear_first and (i == 0),
eqkw=cases[idx].get('eqkw', {}),
xkw=cases[idx].get('xkw', dict(marker='x')),
if len(tolist(ods_idx)) > 1:
# Diagnostic overlays from first ODS
printd(' extra overlay call at the end for diagnostics')
multi_cases=len(tolist(ods_idx)) > 1,
t=cases[0].get('time', None) if tkw is None else tkw,
def calc_btor_2d(ods, t_idx):
Calculates the toroidal magnetic field on the 2D grid
:param ods: ODS instance
:param t_idx: int
s = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][t_idx]
t = ods['equilibrium.time']
bcentr = interp1d(t, ods['equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0'])(s['time'])
rcentr = ods['equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.r0']
rgrid = s['profiles_2d.0.grid.dim1']
zgrid = s['profiles_2d.0.grid.dim2']
btvac = bcentr * rcentr / rgrid
btvac2d = btvac[:, np.newaxis] + zgrid[np.newaxis, :] * 0
psi1d = s['profiles_1d.psi']
f1d = s['profiles_1d.f']
psi2d = s['profiles_2d.0.psi']
f2d = interp1d(psi1d, f1d, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.NaN)(psi2d)
btor = f2d / rgrid[:, np.newaxis]
btor[np.isnan(btor)] = btvac2d[np.isnan(btor)]
s['profiles_2d.0.b_field_tor'] = btor
def calculate_j_toroidal(ods, t_idx, check_availability=False):
Calculates toroidal current density
:param ods: ODS instance
:param t_idx: int
:param check_availability: bool
Return a bool flag indicating whether the calculation is possible instead of doing the calculation
:return: 1D float array
from omfit_classes.fluxSurface import fluxSurfaces
scratch = pick_output_location()[5]
profiles_1d = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][t_idx]['profiles_1d']
profiles_2d = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][t_idx]['profiles_2d'][0]
global_quantities = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][t_idx]['global_quantities']
required_2d = ['psi']
required_1d = ['psi', 'f']
required_global = ['magnetic_axis.r']
is_available = all(
[r in profiles_1d for r in required_1d]
+ [r in profiles_2d for r in required_2d]
+ [r in global_quantities for r in required_global]
if check_availability:
return is_available
if (profiles_1d.get('r_outboard', None) is None) or (not len(profiles_1d['r_outboard'])) or np.all(np.isnan(profiles_1d['r_outboard'])):
define_r_outboard(ods, t_idx)
if (
(profiles_2d.get('b_field_tor', None) is None)
or (not len(profiles_2d['b_field_tor']))
or np.all(np.isnan(profiles_2d['b_field_tor']))
calc_btor_2d(ods, t_idx)
fluxtag = f"flux_surfaces_{ods['dataset_description.data_entry.machine']}#{ods['dataset_description.data_entry.pulse']}_{t_idx}"
fluxsurf = scratch[fluxtag] = fluxSurfaces(
levels=np.linspace(0, 1, len(profiles_1d['psi'])),
profiles_1d['j_tor'] = fluxsurf['avg']['Jt']
def define_r_outboard(ods, t_idx=None):
Given an ODS with an equilibrium, define the 1D profile quantity r_outboard is defined.
:param ods: ODS instance
:param t_idx: int
Index of the time slice to work on
profiles_1d = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][t_idx]['profiles_1d']
profiles_2d = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][t_idx]['profiles_2d'][0]
global_quantities = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][t_idx]['global_quantities']
r = profiles_2d['grid.dim1']
z = profiles_2d['grid.dim2']
psi2d = profiles_2d['psi']
rmaxis = global_quantities['magnetic_axis.r']
zmaxis = global_quantities['magnetic_axis.z']
zidx = abs(z - zmaxis).argmin()
rsel = r >= rmaxis
psi_omp = psi2d[rsel, zidx]
r_slice = r[rsel]
profiles_1d['r_outboard'] = interp1d(psi_omp, r_slice, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate')(profiles_1d['psi'])
def take_slice_of_2d(quantity, ods, t_idx):
Takes a 1D slice out of a 2D profile quantity
:param quantity: str
:param ods: ODS instance
:param t_idx: int
:return: 1D float array
profiles_1d = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][t_idx]['profiles_1d']
profiles_2d = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][t_idx]['profiles_2d'][0]
global_quantities = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][t_idx]['global_quantities']
if (profiles_1d.get('r_outboard', None) is None) or (not len(profiles_1d['r_outboard'])) or np.all(np.isnan(profiles_1d['r_outboard'])):
define_r_outboard(ods, t_idx)
rtar = profiles_1d['r_outboard']
ztar = global_quantities['magnetic_axis.z'] + 0 * rtar
return RectBivariateSpline(profiles_2d['grid.dim1'], profiles_2d['grid.dim2'], profiles_2d[quantity])(rtar, ztar, grid=False)
def get_quantity(quantity, ods, t_idx):
Intercept quantity request to calculate special quantities as needed
:param quantity: str
:param ods: ODS instance
:param t_idx: int
:return: 1D float array
profiles_1d = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][t_idx]['profiles_1d']
profiles_2d = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][t_idx]['profiles_2d'][0]
global_quantities = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][t_idx]['global_quantities']
if quantity == 'b_field_tor' and quantity not in profiles_2d:
calc_btor_2d(ods, t_idx)
if quantity == 'j_tor' and quantity not in profiles_1d and calculate_j_toroidal(ods, t_idx, check_availability=True):
calculate_j_toroidal(ods, t_idx)
if quantity == 'psi_norm':
q = (profiles_1d['psi'] - global_quantities['psi_axis']) / (global_quantities['psi_boundary'] - global_quantities['psi_axis'])
elif (quantity not in profiles_1d) and (quantity in profiles_2d):
q = take_slice_of_2d(quantity, ods, t_idx)
q = profiles_1d[quantity]
return q
def constraint_profile_mse_polarisation_angle(ods, t_idx=0, profile_x_quantity='R', ax=None, **plot_kw):
Plots a profile of the MSE polarization angle constraint
Each constraint profile plot function must accept these keywords: [ods, t_idx, profile_x_quantity, ax]
Each constraint profile plot function must be named exactly:
'constraint_profile_{name of constraint set in equilibrium}'
:param ods: ODS instance
:param t_idx: int
:param profile_x_quantity: str
:param ax: Axes instance
:param plot_kw: Addtional keywords passed to plot and errorbar
if ax is None:
# Only relevant for testing; otherwise a specific set of Axes within the
# profile axes set should always be provided by the calling function.
ax = gca()
mse_eq = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][t_idx]['constraints.mse_polarisation_angle']
nchan = len(mse_eq)
r = np.empty(nchan)
z = np.empty(nchan)
measured = np.empty(nchan)
measured_err = np.empty(nchan)
reconstructed = np.empty(nchan)
for ch in range(nchan):
r[ch] = ods[mse_eq[ch]['source']]['active_spatial_resolution.0.centre.r']
z[ch] = ods[mse_eq[ch]['source']]['active_spatial_resolution.0.centre.z']
measured[ch] = mse_eq[ch]['measured']
measured_err[ch] = mse_eq[ch]['measured_error_upper']
reconstructed[ch] = mse_eq[ch]['reconstructed']
if profile_x_quantity.lower() == 'r':
x = r
ax.set_xlabel('R / m')
elif profile_x_quantity.lower() == 'z':
x = z
ax.set_xlabel('Z / m')
profiles_1d = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][t_idx]['profiles_1d']
profiles_2d = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][t_idx]['profiles_2d'][0]
psi = RectBivariateSpline(profiles_2d['grid.dim1'], profiles_2d['grid.dim2'], profiles_2d['psi'])(r, z, grid=False)
x = interp1d(profiles_1d['psi'], get_quantity(profile_x_quantity, ods, t_idx), bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.NaN)(psi)
ax.set_ylabel('MSE pitch angle / radians')
pkw = copy.deepcopy(plot_kw)
for naughty in ['linestyle', 'marker', 'ls', 'label']:
pkw.pop(naughty, None)
a = ax.errorbar(x, measured, measured_err, marker='x', linestyle='', label='Measured', **pkw)
# Don't use the next color in the cycle or else these profile colors won't line up with equilibrium colors
pkw['color'] = associated_color(a[0].get_color())
ax.plot(x, reconstructed, marker='.', linestyle='', label='Reconstructed', **pkw)
def plot_single_time_profile_set(
ods=None, t_idx=0, profile_axs=None, profile_x_quantity=None, profile_y_quantities=None, gentle=False, **plotkw
Plots profiles for a single time-slice
This is normally called by plot_single_cx_ods()
:param ods: ODS() instance with the data
:param t_idx: int
:param profile_axs: 2D array of Axes instances
:param profile_x_quantity: str
:param profile_y_quantities: list of strings
:param gentle: bool
Report exceptions with print and ax.text instead of raising
:param plotkw: Additional keywords passed to plot and plot-related functions in constraint profiles
Could be passed to errorbar(), for example.
if profile_axs is None or profile_x_quantity is None:
settings = pick_output_location()[3]
profiles_1d = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][t_idx]['profiles_1d']
profiles_2d = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][t_idx]['profiles_2d'][0]
constraints = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][t_idx]['constraints']
global_quantities = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][t_idx]['global_quantities']
if (profile_x_quantity == 'r_outboard') and ('r_outboard' not in profiles_1d):
define_r_outboard(ods, t_idx)
# Sanitize plotkw
pkw = copy.deepcopy(plotkw)
for naughty in ['linewidths', 'colors', 'linestyles']:
pkw.pop(naughty, None)
for i, ax in enumerate(profile_axs.flatten()):
if profile_y_quantities[i] is None:
# Is it a constraint that needs a special function?
if (
(profile_y_quantities[i] not in profiles_1d)
and (profile_y_quantities[i] not in profiles_2d)
and (profile_y_quantities[i] in constraints)
constraint_profile_function_name = f'constraint_profile_{profile_y_quantities[i]}'
constraint_profile_function_name = None
if constraint_profile_function_name is None:
if constraint_profile_function_name is not None:
constraint_profile_function = eval(constraint_profile_function_name)
constraint_profile_function(ods=ods, t_idx=t_idx, profile_x_quantity=profile_x_quantity, ax=ax, **pkw)
ax.plot(get_quantity(profile_x_quantity, ods, t_idx), get_quantity(profile_y_quantities[i], ods, t_idx), **pkw)
except (KeyError, ValueError, NameError):
if gentle:
# Display the error instead of bringing the whole GUI down if the plot fails.
print('Error in plot_single_time_profile_set:')
report = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
# noinspection PyBroadException
ax.text(0.05, 0.95, report, ha='left', va='top', color='red')
except Exception:
printd('plot_single_cx_ods{}: Failed to properly report an exception!', topic='efitviewer')
if settings['profiles'].get('sharex', 'all') in ['all', 'col']:
if len(profile_axs[:, 0]) > 1:
for ax in profile_axs[:-1, :].flatten():
if settings['profiles'].get('sharey', 'none') in ['all', 'row']:
if len(profile_axs[0, :]) > 1:
for ax in profile_axs[:, 1:].flatten():
if len(np.shape(profile_axs)) > 1 and np.shape(profile_axs)[1] > 1 and settings['profiles'].setdefault('last_col_right_label', True):
for ax in profile_axs[:, -1].flatten():
def plot_single_cx_ods(
Plots efitviewer-style cross section with overlays
If data for an overlay are missing, they will be added before plotting.
This function also calls plot_single_time_profile_set() to add profiles to the figure.
:param cx_ax: Axes instance
Axes to draw cross section on.
:param profile_axs: 2D array containing Axes instances
Axes to use for drawing profiles.
Profiles disabled if set to None
Pad with None if necessary (e.g. 8 plots in a 3x3 arrangement with one missing).
:param ods_idx: int
For looking up which group of settings to use, & for looking up which ODS to use, if ods is not overridden.
:param multi_cases: bool
Set up for supporting multi-case overlay. Affects how some annotations are drawn.
Does not actually do multiple cases in this call.
:param ods: ODS instance
This is the source of data. At minimum, it should contain equilibrium data for plotting contours.
:param t: numeric scalar or iterable
Time slice(s) of interest (ms). Control multi-slice overlays by passing a list or array.
:param overlays: dict
Dictionary with keys matching standard hardware systems and bool keys to activate overlays of those systems
:param special_overlays: dict
Dictionary with keys matching special hardware overlays
Each function should accept ax, ods, t, and value
:param clear_first: bool
Clears Axes before plotting. Use for quickly updating the same plot embedded in a GUI.
:param gentle: bool
Prints exception reports instead of raising exceptions.
Use to prevent a whole GUI system from going down on a failed plot.
:param contour_quantity: string
Options: psi (poloidal mag flux), rho (sqrt of toroidal mag flux), or phi (toroidal mag flux)
:param allow_fallback: bool
If rho/psi/phi isn't available, allow fallback to something that is
:param levels: numeric iterable
Contour levels
:param contour_resample_factor: int
Upsample 2d data to improve contour smoothness
:param xlim: two element sorted numeric iterable
:param ylim: two element sorted numeric iterable
:param customization: dict-like
Each key should match the name of an overlay, like 'scaled_boundary' or 'gas_injection'.
The values should be dict-like and contain keywords and values to pass to the overlay
functions. Some of these keywords have been standardized, but others are specific
to individual plot overlay functions. The GUI will interpret function docstrings
to provide entries for setting these up properly.
:param default_fontsize: float
:param show_legend: int
0: prevent legend, even if it's a good idea
1: do legend even if other annotations could probably cover it
2: auto select: do legend for multi-cases only
:param show_cornernote: int
0: prevent cornernote, even if it's a good idea
1: do cornernote based on primary case even if it might be not be the best idea
(like if it mismatches with other cases that are also shown)
2: auto select: do cornernote for single case only
:param eq_active: bool
Equilibrium overlay active?
:param wall_active: bool
Wall overlay active / included in eq overlay?
:param profile_x_quantity: str
Quantity to use on the X-axes of the profile plots.
:param profile_y_quantities: list of strings
Quantities to show on the Y-axes of the profile plots. Must be at least as long as profile_axs.
:param plot_style_kw: dict-like
Settings for enforcing plot axes style
:param eqkw: dict-like
Customization options for equilibrium overlay contours and profile plots,
passed to plot for boundary & contour for flux surfaces and to profiles.
:param xkw: dict-like
Customization options for equilibrium overlay's x-point, such as marker, color, markersize, mew, ...
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
if ods is None:
printd('plot_single_cx_ods(): no ODS passed; must try to look up...', topic='efitviewer')
if ods_idx == 0:
ods_tag = 'efitviewer_ods'
ods_tag = 'efitviewer_ods_{}'.format(ods_idx)
ods = out.get(ods_tag, None)
printd('plot_single_cx_ods(): tried to get tag {} from {}'.format(ods_tag, out_loc), topic='efitviewer')
printd('plot_single_cx_ods(): ODS was received; no auto-lookup', topic='efitviewer')
ods_tag = None
if ods is None:
printd('plot_single_cx_ods(): ODS is still None after trying auto-lookup; aborting.', topic='efitviewer')
printd('plot_single_cx_ods(): ODS is okay now.', topic='efitviewer')
timing_ref = None # time.time() # If this is not None, timing information will be printed
if timing_ref is not None:
printe('-' * 80)
if clear_first and cx_ax is None and profile_axs is None:
fig = scratch.setdefault('efitviewer_fig', None)
if fig is None:
fig = scratch['efitviewer_fig'] = pyplot.gcf()
for ax in fig.axes:
show_cx=settings.setdefault('show_cx', True),
num_profiles=settings['profiles'].setdefault('num_profiles', 0),
num_profile_cols=settings['profiles'].setdefault('num_profile_cols', 0),
profiles_sharex=settings['profiles'].setdefault('sharex', 'all'),
profiles_sharey=settings['profiles'].setdefault('sharey', 'none'),
**settings['profiles'].setdefault('gridspec_kw', {}),
cx_ax = get_axes(cx_ax)
if isinstance(cx_ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes):
fig = cx_ax.figure
fig = None
profile_axs = get_axes(profile_axs, which='profile')
if fig is None and profile_axs is not None and isinstance(profile_axs[0, 0], matplotlib.axes.Axes):
fig = profile_axs[0, 0].figure
elif fig is None:
fig = scratch.get('efitviewer_fig', None)
if clear_first:
if cx_ax is not None:
if profile_axs is not None:
for ax in profile_axs.flatten():
if ax is not None:
# noinspection PyBroadException
if 'comment' in ods['dataset_description.ids_properties']:
ids_comment = 'There is a comment in the ODS:\n' + ods['dataset_description.ids_properties.comment']
ids_comment = ''
if 'equilibrium' not in ods:
raise EfitviewerDataError('No equilibrium data. Cannot plot.' + ids_comment)
if 'time' not in ods['equilibrium']:
raise EfitviewerDataError('No time in equilibrium; nothing to plot.' + ids_comment)
# Resolve keyword default values
if contour_quantity is None:
contour_quantity = settings.setdefault('contour_quantity', 'psi_norm')
if allow_fallback is None:
allow_fallback = settings.setdefault('allow_fallback', False)
if levels is None:
levels = settings['{}_levels'.format(contour_quantity)]
if contour_resample_factor is None:
contour_resample_factor = settings['contour_resample_factor']
if xlim is None:
xlim = settings['xlim']
if ylim is None:
ylim = settings['ylim']
if overlays is None:
overlays = settings['systems']
if special_overlays is None:
special_overlays = settings['special_systems']
if t is None:
t = evalExpr(settings['cases'][ods_idx]['time'])
if customization is None:
customization = settings['co_efv']
if default_fontsize is None:
default_fontsize = settings.get('default_fontsize', None)
if show_legend is None:
show_legend = settings.setdefault('show_legend', 2)
if show_cornernote is None:
show_cornernote = settings.setdefault('show_cornernote', 2)
if eq_active is None:
eq_active = settings['cases'][ods_idx]['active']
if wall_active is None:
wall_active = settings['cases'][ods_idx].get('wall', True)
settings.setdefault('profiles', SettingsName())
if profile_x_quantity is None:
profile_x_quantity = settings['profiles'].get('xaxis_quantity', None)
if profile_y_quantities is None:
profile_y_quantities = [settings['profiles'].get(f'yaxis_quantity_{i}', None) for i in range(len(profile_axs.flatten()))]
if plot_style_kw is None:
plot_style_kw = settings.setdefault('plot_style_kw', {})
if eqkw is None:
eqkw = settings['cases'][ods_idx].get('eqkw', {})
if xkw is None:
xkw = settings['cases'][ods_idx].get('xkw', {'marker': 'x'})
if timing_ref is not None:
print(time.time() - timing_ref, 'omfitlib efitviewer unpack stuff')
# Get machine and shot info
device = tokamak(ods['dataset_description.data_entry'].get('machine', settings.get('cases', {}).get(0, {}).get('device', None)))
shot = ods['dataset_description.data_entry'].get('pulse', evalExpr(settings.get('cases', {}).get(0, {}).get('shot', None)))
efitid = ods['dataset_description.ids_properties.comment'].split('EFIT tree = ')[-1]
except ValueError:
efitid = ''
if t is None:
printd('plot_single_cx_ods{}: t is None; aborting...', topic='efitviewer')
t = np.atleast_1d(t)
printd('ods_idx', ods_idx, 'ods_tag', ods_tag, 't', t)
# Gather overlay information as needed
for overlay, overlay_active in overlays.items():
'checking overlay {}; active = {}, in ods = {}, in pulse_schedule: {}'.format(
overlay, overlay_active, overlay in ods, overlay in ods['pulse_schedule']
if overlay_active and (overlay not in ods) and (overlay not in ods['pulse_schedule']):
printd(' Need to add missing overlay data: {}'.format(overlay))
add_hardware_to_ods(ods, device, shot, overlay)
if timing_ref is not None:
print(time.time() - timing_ref, 'omfitlib efitviewer add missing data')
# Plot equilibrium time-slice(s)
if eq_active:
printd('plot_single_cx_ods{}: this eq slice is active; trying to plot', topic='efitviewer')
it = None
for t_ in t:
if t_ is None:
it = 0
it = closestIndex(ods['equilibrium.time'] * 1000, t_)
# Set up keywords for equilibrium_CX
if multi_cases:
eqcx_label = 'eq#{}: {}#{} {} {:0.1f} ms'.format(ods_idx, device, shot, efitid, ods['equilibrium.time'][it] * 1000)
eqcx_label = 'Equilibrium {:0.1f} ms'.format(ods['equilibrium.time'][it] * 1000)
eqcx_label = eqkw.pop('label', eqcx_label)
eqcxkw = dict(
(not special_overlays.get('alt_limiter', False)) or customization.get('alt_limiter', {}).get('retain_wall', True)
and wall_active,
# Remove unsupported keywords based on omas version
for kw, ver in omas_features.items():
if compare_version(ver, omas.__version__) > 0:
# Version required to support this keyword is newer than the OMAS version in use, so skip.
eqcxkw.pop(kw, None)
if cx_ax is not None:
ods.plot_equilibrium_CX(**eqcxkw) # The call to draw the equilibrium contours
if profile_axs is not None:
elif cx_ax is not None:
printd('plot_single_cx_ods{}: this eq slice is INACTIVE; skipping eq plot', topic='efitviewer')
it = 0
if cx_ax is not None:
def overlay_customizations(ovls):
ovls = dict(ovls)
for ovl in ovls:
if ovls[ovl] and ovl in customization:
# Replace "True" w/ custom overlay instructions (if present) but first do some processing
custom = dict(customization[ovl])
for item in list(custom.keys()):
# Remove "None", since we were too busy to look up real defaults & they might not be None
if custom[item] is None:
if item == 't':
custom[item] = t * 1e-3
custom.pop(item, None)
if item.startswith('pass_in_keywords_'):
pikw = custom.pop(item, {})
# Special debugging
if ovl in ['position_control', 'pulse_schedule']:
custom['timing_ref'] = timing_ref
# Custom instructions ready
if len(custom):
ovls[ovl] = custom
ovls[ovl] = True
return ovls
# Plot hardware overlay(s)
overlays = overlay_customizations(overlays)
scratch['overlays'] = overlays
old_font_size = copy.copy(rcParams['font.size'])
if default_fontsize is not None:
rcParams['font.size'] = default_fontsize
except ValueError as exc:
printe(f"Could not set rcParams['font.size'] = {repr(default_fontsize)} " f"(default_fontsize), because of {exc}")
scratch['overlays'] = overlays
# Thomson scattering has a different default than others, so we must make sure blank is replaced by False
overlays.setdefault('thomson_scattering', False)
ods.plot_overlay(ax=cx_ax, **overlays) # The call to do the overlays
# Plot special hardware overlay(s)
special_overlays = overlay_customizations(special_overlays)
scratch['special_overlays'] = special_overlays
for so, soa in special_overlays.items():
if soa:
skw = soa if isinstance(soa, dict) else {}
function_name = 'plot_{}_overlay'.format(so)
special_function = eval(function_name)
except NameError:
printe('Unrecognized special overlay: {} has no function (expected {})'.format(so, function_name))
special_function(ax=cx_ax, ods=ods, **skw)
# Annotations and finishing touches
actually_show_legend = (multi_cases and (show_legend > 0)) or (show_legend == 1)
actually_show_cornernote = (not multi_cases and (show_cornernote > 0)) or (show_cornernote == 1)
if actually_show_legend:
if actually_show_cornernote:
shot='{} {}'.format(shot, efitid),
time='{:0.2f}'.format(ods['equilibrium.time'][it] * 1000) if len(t) == 1 else ' ',
if xlim is not None:
if ylim is not None:
if len(t) > 1:
plot_style_enforcement(ax=cx_ax, plot_style=plot_style_kw)
if default_fontsize is not None:
rcParams['font.size'] = old_font_size
# Make sure it draws
if fig is not None:
printd('plot_single_cx_ods{}: finished plot attempts with no exceptions to catch', topic='efitviewer')
except Exception:
printd('plot_single_cx_ods{}: exception while trying to plot...', topic='efitviewer')
if gentle:
# Display the error instead of bringing the whole GUI down if the plot fails.
print('Error in plot_cx:')
report = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
# noinspection PyBroadException
if cx_ax is None:
cx_ax = gca()
if clear_first:
cx_ax.text(0.05, 0.95, report, ha='left', va='top', color='red')
except Exception:
printd('plot_single_cx_ods{}: Failed to properly report an exception!', topic='efitviewer')
# Export ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def dump_plot_command_content():
Writes the contents of a script for reproducing the equilibrium cross section plot based on current settings
:return: string
Source code for a script that will reproduce the plot
import getpass
import socket
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
ods = out['efitviewer_ods']
device = tokamak(ods['dataset_description.data_entry'].get('machine', settings['cases'][0]['device']))
shot = ods['dataset_description.data_entry'].get('pulse', evalExpr(settings['cases'][0]['shot']))
case_defaults = dict(time=0, active=True, wall=True, eqkw={}, xkw=dict(marker='x'))
cases = {k: {kk: v.get(kk, case_defaults.get(kk, None)) for kk in v} for k, v in settings['cases'].items()}
overlays = {k: v for k, v in settings['systems'].items() if v}
special_overlays = {k: v for k, v in settings['special_systems'].items() if v}
all_ovl = copy.copy(overlays)
default_fontsize = settings.get('default_fontsize', None)
customization = {}
for k, v in settings['co_efv'].items():
if all_ovl.get(k, False):
customization[k] = {kk: vv for kk, vv in v.items() if (vv is not None) or (kk == 't')}
for kk in list(customization[k].keys()): # List first because the dict could change during the loop
if kk.startswith('pass_in') and len(customization[k][kk]) == 0:
# Remove empty pass_in_keywords / pass_in_args since they are nothing but clutter
customization[k].pop(kk, None)
# Create a string that contains load instructions so it evaluates into a dict containing ODS instances
load_instructions_dict = {index: settings['cases'][index].get('instructions_for_loading_ods', 'None') for index in settings['cases']}
load_instructions_string = {index: 'replace_{}'.format(index) for index in settings['cases']}
load_instructions_string = repr(load_instructions_string)
for index in settings['cases']:
load_instructions_string = load_instructions_string.replace("'replace_{}'".format(index), load_instructions_dict[index])
_, default_profile_y_quantities = find_profile_y_options()
contents = '''def plot_eq_cx():
Plots an equilibrium slice with a specific configuration of hardware overlay(s)
Automatically generated function output by efitviewer. Please save this file somewhere permanent to avoid losing it.
Generated {date:} by {user:} on {host:}
OMFIT version: {omfit_version:}
from omfit_classes.omfit_efitviewer import plot_cx_ods, populate_efitviewer_figure
device = {device:}
shot = {shot:}
cases = {cases:}
odss = {load_instructions:}
fig = pyplot.figure()
gridspec_kw = {gridspec_kw:}
cx_ax, profile_axs = populate_efitviewer_figure(
levels = {levels:}
customization = {customization:}
plot_style_kw=settings.setdefault('plot_style_kw', {}),
show_legend=settings.setdefault('show_legend', 2),
gridspec_kw=repr(settings['profiles'].get('gridspec_kw', {})),
show_cx=settings.get('show_cx', True),
num_profiles=settings['profiles'].get('num_profiles', 0),
num_profile_cols=settings['profiles'].get('num_profile_cols', 0),
profiles_sharex=repr(settings['profiles'].get('sharex', 'all')),
profiles_sharey=repr(settings['profiles'].get('sharey', 'none')),
profile_x_quantity=repr(settings['profiles'].get('xaxis_quantity', None)),
settings['profiles'].get(f'yaxis_quantity_{i}', default_profile_y_quantities[i])
for i in range(settings['profiles'].get('num_profiles', 0))
contents += '\nplot_eq_cx()'
contents = omfit_formatter(contents)
print('The following commands will generate the last saved equilibrium cross section plot:\n')
return contents
def dump_plot_command():
Writes a script for reproducing the equilibrium cross section plot based on current settings
:return: (OMFITpythonTask, string)
Reference to the script and its contents
from omfit_classes.omfit_python import OMFITpythonTask
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
ods = out['efitviewer_ods']
device = tokamak(ods['dataset_description.data_entry'].get('machine', settings['cases'][0]['device']))
shot = ods['dataset_description.data_entry'].get('pulse', evalExpr(settings['cases'][0]['shot']))
filename = settings.setdefault('export_script_filename', "saved_eq_cx_plot_{}_{}".format(device, shot))
ext = os.extsep + 'py'
if filename.endswith(ext):
filename = filename[: -len(ext)]
contents = dump_plot_command_content()
script = out[filename] = OMFITpythonTask(filename + ext, fromString=contents)
print("Script saved to out['{}']".format(filename))
return script, contents
def box_plot_command(number=None, location=None):
Puts commands for reproducing the plot into the command box
:param number: int
Index (not visible number) of the command box to edit.
Although normally an int, there are some special values:
None: get number from location instead
'new', 'New', or -1: create a new command box and use its number
:param location: string
Location in the tree where the command box number (not index) is stored
:return: string
String written to command box
if number is None:
number_plus_1 = eval(location)
number = number_plus_1 - 1 if is_numeric(number_plus_1) else number_plus_1
if str(number).lower().startswith('new') or (number is None) or (is_numeric(number) and number < 0):
number = add_command_box_tab()
assert is_numeric(number)
assert number >= 0
contents = dump_plot_command_content()
prior_cmd_box_contents = OMFITaux['GUI'].command[number].get()
printw('Contents of command box index {}, #{} prior to overwriting with plot script:'.format(number, number + 1))
printw('-' * 80)
printw('-' * 80)
printw('End of prior command box contents')
return contents
# GUI helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def add_case():
"""Extends the cases available for overlay by adding one case to the end"""
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
new_idx = np.max(list(settings['cases'].keys())) + 1
settings['cases'][int(new_idx)] = SettingsName() # new_idx must be int, not np.int64
def delete_case(idx):
Removes a case from the list
:param idx: int
Index of case to delete
:return: new_max: int
New maximum case index, in case you wanted to know
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
assert idx > 0, "You're not allowed to delete the primary case. Naughty!"
del settings['cases'][idx]
new_max = np.max(list(settings['cases'].keys()))
return new_max
def update_cx_time(location, index=None):
Updates list of times to use for overlays.
In this way, the plot can be updated to add/remove diagnostics without forgetting time-slice overlay setup.
:param location: string
Location in the OMFITtree of the setting that changed to trigger the overlay update
:param index: int
Index of the case to update
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
printd(f'update_cx_time: {location}, index={index}', topic='efitviewer')
new_time = eval(location)
if index is None:
index = int(location.split("['cases'][")[-1].split("]['time']")[0])
except ValueError:
index = int(location.split("scratch']['efitviewer_")[-1].split("_")[0])
except ValueError:
index = int(location.split("__scratch__']['efitviewer_")[-1].split("_")[0])
printd(f' update_cx_time: location = {location:}, index = {index:}', topic='efitviewer')
if settings['overlay']:
new_times = np.append(np.atleast_1d(settings['cases'].setdefault(index, SettingsName()).setdefault('time', None)), new_time)
new_times = np.atleast_1d(new_time)
settings['cases'].setdefault(index, SettingsName())['time'] = new_times
def update_gui_figure(location=None, **kw):
Handle updates to the figure embedded in the GUI while setting defaults for appropriate keywords
:param location: string
Location in the OMFITtree of the setting that changed to trigger the overlay update
:param \**kw: Additional keywords passed to plot_cx_ods
You can override defaults
printd('updating figure after changing location: {}'.format(location))
kw.setdefault('clear_first', True)
kw.setdefault('gentle', True)
def update_overlay(location):
Updates times when overlay changes; used to clear old overlays when exiting overlay mode
:param location: string
Location in the OMFITtree of the setting that changed to trigger the overlay update
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
overlay = eval(location)
if not overlay:
for idx in settings['cases']:
new_times = np.atleast_1d(settings['cases'][idx]['time'])[-1]
settings['cases'][idx]['time'] = new_times
def default_xylim(dev=None):
"""Updates current settings to match device defaults"""
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
if dev is None:
dev = out['efitviewer_ods']['dataset_description.data_entry.machine']
except (KeyError, ValueError):
dev = tokamak(settings['cases'][0]['device'])
default_xlim = default_plot_limits.get(dev, {}).get('x', None)
default_ylim = default_plot_limits.get(dev, {}).get('y', None)
settings['xlim'] = default_xlim
settings['ylim'] = default_ylim
def grab_xylim(decimals=None):
Grabs current figure limits and updates settings so updated plots will preserve limits
:param decimals: int
How many decimal places to retain while rounding
:return: xlim, ylim
They are loaded into settings, so catching the return is not necessary
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
if decimals is None:
decimals = settings.setdefault('xylim_grab_rounding_decimals', 3)
def proccess_lim(a):
if decimals is None or decimals < 0:
return a
return tuple([np.round(aa, decimals) if is_numeric(aa) else aa for aa in np.atleast_1d(a)])
ax = scratch.get('efitviewer_cx_ax', None)
if ax is not None:
xlim = proccess_lim(ax.get_xlim())
ylim = proccess_lim(ax.get_ylim())
settings['xlim'] = xlim
settings['ylim'] = ylim
xlim = ylim = None
return xlim, ylim
def load_contours():
Loads contours specified by custom_contour_spacing setup
:return: float array of contour levels
They are loaded into SETTINGS so you don't have to catch this, but you can, if you want to.
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
cq = settings['contour_quantity']
cq_in = dict(psi='psin').get(cq, cq)
spacing = settings['custom_contour_spacing']
levels = setup_special_contours(contour_quantity=cq_in, spacing=spacing)
settings['{}_levels'.format(cq)] = levels
return levels
def get_default_snap_list(device):
Guess default snap list based on device
:param device: str
:return: dict
guesses = {'EAST': {'EFIT_EAST': 'EFIT_EAST'}, 'KSTAR': {'EFIT01': 'EFIT01', 'EFITRT1': 'EFITRT1'}}
guesses['EAST_US'] = guesses['EAST']
for gd in guesses.keys():
if is_device(device, gd):
return guesses[gd]
return {}
def find_cq_options():
Determines what should be available as options for the contour quantity
:return: tuple
list: list of options (as strings)
str: name of the recommended default contour quantity
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
cq_opts = []
if 'psi' in out['efitviewer_ods']['equilibrium.time_slice[0].profiles_2d[0]']:
cq_opts += ['psi_norm', 'psi']
if 'psi' in out['efitviewer_ods']['equilibrium.time_slice[0].profiles_1d']:
# psi is used to interpolate, so 1d and 2d psi are both needed to support the 1d profiles.
# Here are some popular ones:
popular_from_1d = ['q', 'rho_tor', 'rho_tor_norm']
for pf1 in popular_from_1d:
if pf1 in out['efitviewer_ods']['equilibrium.time_slice[0].profiles_1d']:
cq_opts += [pf1]
if 'phi' in out['efitviewer_ods']['equilibrium.time_slice[0].profiles_2d[0]']:
cq_opts += ['phi']
if len(cq_opts):
default_contour_quantity = 'psi_norm' if 'psi_norm' in cq_opts else cq_opts[0]
default_contour_quantity = None
return cq_opts, default_contour_quantity
def find_profile_y_options(index=0, allow_2d=True, allow_constraints=True):
Finds a list of quantities that could go on the y axis of the profile plots
:param index: int
Index of time-slice to check in, in case different times have different availability (hopefully not)
:param allow_2d: bool
Allow 2D profiles to enter the list. These have to be sliced later to make 1D plots.
:param allow_constraints: bool
Allow constraint profiles to enter the list.
These have to have associated functions for interpreting constraint data properly.
:return: tuple
list: all options for y axis quantities
list: list of recommended defaults for each plot panel
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
yopts = [k for k, v in out['efitviewer_ods']['equilibrium']['time_slice'][index]['profiles_1d'].items() if isinstance(v, np.ndarray)]
if 'j_tor' not in yopts:
if index == 0:
ods = out['efitviewer_ods']
ods = out[f'efitviewer_ods_{index}']
if calculate_j_toroidal(ods, 0, check_availability=True):
yopts += ['j_tor']
if allow_2d:
yopts += [
k for k, v in out['efitviewer_ods']['equilibrium']['time_slice'][index]['profiles_2d.0'].items() if isinstance(v, np.ndarray)
if 'b_field_tor' not in yopts:
yopts += ['b_field_tor']
if allow_constraints:
for k in out['efitviewer_ods']['equilibrium']['time_slice'][index]['constraints']:
function_name = f'constraint_profile_{k}'
except NameError:
yopts += [k]
priorities = ['pressure', 'q', 'dpressure_dpsi', 'f_df_dpsi', 'phi']
ydefault = [p for p in priorities if p in yopts]
ydefault += [y for y in yopts if y not in ydefault]
ydefault += yopts
ydefault += [None] * 100
return yopts, ydefault
def setup_default_profiles(index=0):
"""Loads a group of settings that will probably make for good-looking & interesting profiles"""
out_loc, settings_loc, out, settings, parent_settings, scratch = pick_output_location()
# Axis quantities
desired_quantities = ['pressure', 'q', 'dpressure_dpsi', 'f_df_dpsi']
quantities = [dq for dq in desired_quantities if dq in out['efitviewer_ods']['equilibrium']['time_slice'][index]['profiles_1d']]
p = settings.setdefault('profiles', SettingsName())
p['xaxis_quantity'] = 'rho_tor_norm'
for i, q in enumerate(quantities):
p[f'yaxis_quantity_{i}'] = q
# Subplot counts
settings['show_cx'] = True
p['num_profiles'] = len(quantities)
p['num_profile_cols'] = square_subplots(len(quantities), just_numbers=True)[1]
# Figure arrangement: size, spacing, etc.
settings['figsize'] = (10, 8)
p['gridspec_kw'] = {'width_ratios': [1 + p['num_profile_cols']] + [1] * p['num_profile_cols']}
layout_tag = f"cx-{p['num_profiles']}-{p['num_profile_cols']}"
layout = (
settings.setdefault('plot_style_kw', SettingsName())
.setdefault('subplot_layout', SettingsName())
.setdefault(layout_tag, SettingsName())
layout.update(dict(wspace=0.16, left=0.03, right=0.92))