Source code for omfit_classes.omfit_gacode

    # framework is running
    from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
    # class is imported by itself
    if (
        'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
        or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
        or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
        from startup_choice import *

from omfit_classes.omfit_base import OMFITcollection
from omfit_classes.omfit_ascii import OMFITascii
from omfit_classes.utils_math import integz
from omfit_classes.omfit_gapy import OMFITgacode, OMFITinputprofiles, OMFITinputgacode
from omfit_classes.omfit_json import SettingsName

# Explicit imports
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate

    import pygacode.gyro.data_plot
    import pygacode.cgyro.data_plot
except ImportError:
    __all__ = []
    __all__ = ['OMFITgacode', 'OMFITtgyro', 'OMFITgyro', 'OMFITcgyro', 'OMFITneo', 'copy_gacode_module_settings']

    def om_fig(func):
        """This is a decorator to pass a clean figure to the gacode plot routines"""

        def new_func(*args, **kw):
            if 'fig' not in kw or kw['fig'] is None:
                kw['fig'] = pyplot.figure()
            return func(*args, **kw)

        return new_func

[docs] class OMFITtgyro(SortedDict, OMFITobject, """ Class used to interface with TGYRO results directory :param filename: directory where the TGYRO result files are stored. The data in this directory will be loaded upon creation of the object. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, **kw): kw['file_type'] = 'dir' OMFITobject.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.OMFITproperties.pop('file_type', 'dir') SortedDict.__init__(self, sorted=True) self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): filename = self.filename, filename, verbose=False) # The tgyrodata class operates on, this will be handled by __getattr__ self.update( delattr(self, 'data') # Add (derived) quantities # minor radius self['a'] = self['rmin'][0][1] / self['r/a'][0][1] # Derivative on sparse TGYRO grid: a*d(w0)/dr (Note conversion of c_s, below, from m/s to cm/s) self['a/dw0dr'] = -self['a*gamma_p/cs'] * (100 * self['c_s']) / self['a'] / self['rmaj/a'] # Rotation on sparse TGYRO grid: w0 (Note conversion of c_s, below, from m/s to cm/s) self['w0'] = self['M=wR/cs'] * (100 * self['c_s']) / (self['a'] * self['rmaj/a']) # Convergence if 'convergence' not in self: convergence_items = [] for item in list(self.keys()): if re.match('E([emp]flux_.*)', item): convergence_items.append(item) # new TGYRO format with multiple ions particle evolution if len(convergence_items): for k, item in enumerate(convergence_items): if k == 0: self['convergence'] = self[item].sum(axis=1) else: self['convergence'] += self[item].sum(axis=1) # old TGYRO format, with electron particle evolution else: if 'residual' not in self: self.get_residual() if 'convergence' not in self: self['convergence'] = self['residual'][1::2, :, :].sum(axis=0).sum(axis=1) # input.gacode is not used by TGYROData, so it may not be in the directory if os.path.exists(filename + os.sep + 'input.gacode'): tmp = OMFITinputgacode(filename + os.sep + 'input.gacode') tmp.load() self.dataProfiles = dict() self.dataProfiles.update(tmp) else: self.dataProfiles = None # if multiple input.gacode.XXX are found, read them in # the 0th profile is always input.gacode (if it is there, and it should!) # the last profiles is always (if it is there) input_gacode_evo = self['profiles_evolution'] = OMFITcollection() if os.path.exists(self.filename + os.sep + 'input.gacode'): input_gacode_evo[0] = OMFITinputgacode(self.filename + os.sep + 'input.gacode') tmp = glob.glob(self.filename + os.sep + 'input.gacode.[0-9]*') tmp = sorted(tmp, key=lambda x: int(x.split('.')[-1])) for k, item in enumerate(tmp): input_gacode_evo[k + 1] = OMFITinputgacode(item) if os.path.exists(self.filename + os.sep + ''): input_gacode_evo[len(input_gacode_evo)] = OMFITinputgacode(self.filename + os.sep + '') # parsing of 'out.tgyro.ped' if it exists and is filled with something if ( 'betan' not in self and os.path.exists(self.filename + os.sep + 'out.tgyro.ped') and os.stat(self.filename + os.sep + 'out.tgyro.ped').st_size ): with open(self.filename + os.sep + 'out.tgyro.ped', 'r') as f: tmp = f.readlines() data = np.array([list(map(float, x.split())) for x in tmp[2::3]]) for k, name in enumerate(tmp[0].split()): if name in ['r_top/a', 'betan', 'psi_top', 'p_top', 't_top', 'n_top']: self[name] = data[:, k] # parsing if os.path.exists(self.filename + os.sep + ''): with open(self.filename + os.sep + '', 'r') as f: self['run_log'] =
[docs] def plot_profiles_evolution(self, quantity=None, x='rho', ax=None, colors=None): """ plot evolution in input.gacode.XXX of the quantity :param quantity: quantity to be plotted (plots Te, Ti, ne, omega0 if `quantity is None`) :param x: x axis, typically `rho` or `rmin` :param ax: axis to plot in (only if `quantity is not None`) :param colors: """ if 'profiles_evolution' not in self: printw('input.gacode.{0...} files not in TGYRO output directory') return what = [['Te', 'Ti_1'], [], ['ne'] + ['ni_%d' % k for k in range(1, 11)], ['omega0']] if not quantity: fig = figure() for k, items in enumerate(what): colors0 = colors if colors is None: colors0 = list(default_colorblind_line_cycle) if not quantity: ax = pyplot.subplot(2, 2, k + 1) elif ax is None: ax = pyplot.gca() i = 0 for k1, item in enumerate(items): if quantity and item != quantity: continue itemName = item if re.match('.*_[0-9]+$', item): if int(item.split('_')[1]) in self['profiles_evolution'][0]['IONS']: ion = self['profiles_evolution'][0]['IONS'][int(item.split('_')[1])] itemName = item.split('_')[0][:-1] + ion[0] + ' ' + ion[3] else: continue color = colors0[i]['color'] ax.plot(nan, nan, color=color, label=itemName) ax.plot(nan, nan, color=color, ls='--', label=itemName + ' experiment') for line in list(self['profiles_evolution'].keys()): xx = self['profiles_evolution'][line][x] yy = self['profiles_evolution'][line][item].copy() ax.plot(xx, yy, color=color, alpha=(line + 1.0) / len(self['profiles_evolution'])) ax.plot(self['profiles_evolution'][0][x], self['profiles_evolution'][item][:, 0], color=color, ls='--') i += 1 try: ax.legend(loc=0).draggable(True) except Exception: pass if not quantity: pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 2) pyplot.semilogy(self['convergence'], color='k')
@dynaLoad def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr == 'data': return self # The TGYROdata class operates on elif attr == 'n_iterations': return['rho'].shape[0] - 1 else: raise AttributeError('bad attribute `%s`' % attr)
[docs] def get_residual(self): def get_gacode_residual(): fn = 'out.tgyro.residual' with open(self.dir + '/' + fn, 'r') as f: data = f.readlines() if len(data) == 0: if self.n_iterations == 0: print("WARNING: out.tgyro.residual is blank") return 0 raise OSError("out.tgyro.residual is blank") # Data dimensions nr = self.n_r nb = self.n_iterations + 1 nc = 1 + 2 * self.n_evolve numdata = np.zeros((nc, nb, nr - 1), dtype=float) cdata = np.zeros((nb), dtype=float) new_format = os.path.exists(self.dir + '/out.tgyro.profile_i1') nh = [1, 2][new_format] if not new_format: nr = nr - 1['convergence'] = [] for ib in range(nb): try: if new_format: tags = data[ib * (nr + nh)].split() # Contains overall residual cdata[ib] = float(data[ib * (nr + nh) + nh - 1].split(':')[1].split()[1]) except Exception: raise ValueError("out.tgyro.residual shorter than expected") for ir in range(nr - 1): row = data[ib * (nr + nh) + ir + nh].split() for ic in range(nc): numdata[ic, ib, ir] = row[ic]['convergence'] = cdata['residual'] = numdata return valid = False data = get_gacode_residual() if data is not 0: valid = True if not valid: # Data dimensions nr = self.n_r nb = self.n_iterations + 1 # 9 = 1+2*n_evolve, where n_evolve=4 (ti,te,ne,er) nc = 1 + 2 * self.n_evolve numdata = np.zeros((nc, nb, nr - 1), dtype=float)['residual'] = numdata * np.nan
[docs] def sprofile(self, what, nf0=201, x='r/a', verbose=False): """ This function returns smooth profiles on a uniform ['r/a', 'rho', 'rmin', 'rmaj/a'] grid :param what: what profile to return ['r/a', 'rho', 'rmin', 'rmaj/a', 'te', 'a/LTe', 'ne', 'a/Lne' , 'ti', 'a/LTi', 'ni', 'a/Lni', 'M=wR/cs'] :param nf0: number of points :param x: return profiles equally spaced in 'r/a', 'rho', 'rmin', 'rmaj/a' :param verbose: plotting of the `what` quantity :return: `what` quantity (nf0 x niterations) at the `x` locations Note: all TGYRO quantities are naturally defined over 'r/a' **example** >> tmp=OMFITtgyro('...') >> x='rho' >> y='te' >> pyplot.plot(tmp[x].T,tmp[y].T,'or') >> X=tmp.sprofile(x, nf0=201, x=x, verbose=False) >> Y=tmp.sprofile(y, nf0=201, x=x, verbose=False) >> pyplot.plot(X,Y,'b',alpha=0.25) """ n = self.n_iterations # rf0 contains the value of `x` uniformly spaced rf0 = np.linspace([x][0][0],[x][0][-1], int(nf0 *[x][0][-1])) if what == x: return rf0 # rf0 contains the value of r/a uniformly spaced in 'x' if x != 'r/a': rf0 = interpolate.interp1d([x][0],['r/a'][0])(rf0) if what in ['r/a', 'rho', 'rmin', 'rmaj/a']: return interpolate.interp1d(['r/a'][0],[what][0])(rf0) quantity = {'ne': 'a/Lne', 'te': 'a/Lte', 'w0': 'a/dw0dr'} quantityScaleLen = {'a/Lne': 'ne', 'a/Lte': 'te', 'w0': 'a/dw0dr'} for spec in range(1, 10): for quant in ['t', 'n']: quantity['%si%d' % (quant, spec)] = 'a/L%si%d' % (quant, spec) quantityScaleLen['a/L%si%d' % (quant, spec)] = '%si%d' % (quant, spec) pf0 = np.zeros((len(rf0), n)) for l in range(n): if what == 'w0': pf0[:, l] = interpolate.interp1d(['r/a'][0], integrate.cumtrapz([quantity[what]][l],['r/a'][l], initial=0), kind=1 )(rf0) pf0[:, l] = pf0[:, l] - pf0[-1, l] +[what][l][-1] elif what in quantity: pf0[:, l] = integz(['r/a'][l],[quantity[what]][l],['r/a'][l][-1],[what][l][-1], rf0 ) elif what in quantityScaleLen: pf0[:, l] = interpolate.interp1d(['r/a'][0],[what][l])(rf0) else: raise ValueError("Quantity '" + what + "' is not in %s" % repr(list(quantity.keys()) + list(quantity.values()))) if verbose: figure() plotc(rf0, pf0) pyplot.ylabel(what) pyplot.xlabel(r'$' + x + '$') return pf0
[docs] def jacobian(self, return_matrix=False): """ :param return_matrix: return jacobian as dictionary or matrix :return: dictionary with the jacobians of the last iteration as calculated by TGYRO """ data = {} with open(self.filename + os.sep + 'out.tgyro.jacobian', 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if line.startswith('r/a'): pass else: data.setdefault(line.split()[0], []).append(float(line.split()[1])) for k in data: data[k] = np.array(data[k]) if not return_matrix: return data else: neq = 0 X = [] Y = [] for ky, y in enumerate(['Qe', 'Qi', 'Ge', 'Pi']): for kx, x in enumerate(['zTe', 'zTi', 'zne', 'w0']): if 'd%s/d%s' % (y, x) in data: X.append(x) Y.append(y) neq += 1 neq = int(np.sqrt(neq)) X = unsorted_unique(X) Y = unsorted_unique(Y) d = np.zeros((neq, neq, len(self['rho'][0, :]) - 1)) for rr in range(len(self['rho'][0, :]) - 1): for ky, y in enumerate(Y): for kx, x in enumerate(X): d[ky, kx, rr] = data['d%s/d%s' % (y, x)][rr] for ky, y in enumerate(Y): n = abs(d[ky, ky, rr]) d[ky, :, rr] = d[ky, :, rr] / n d[:, ky, rr] = d[:, ky, rr] / n d[ky, ky, rr] = 1.0 return d
[docs] @dynaLoad def plot(self, **kw): """ This function plots ne, ni, te, ti for every iteration run by TGYRO :return: None """ pyplot.clf() pyplot.gcf().canvas.set_window_title('TGYRO results') # whatTgyroDict: # keys will be the titles of each subplot # ['name'][0] -> input.gacode variable name (output.dataProfiles) # ['name'][1] -> out.tgyro.* variable name (output.sprofile and in output.keys()) whatTgyroDict = SortedDict() whatTgyroDict['$n_e$'] = {'normalization': [1, 1e13], 'unit': '$10^{19}/m^3$', 'name': ['ne', 'ne']} whatTgyroDict['$n_{i1}$'] = {'normalization': [1, 1e13], 'unit': '$10^{19}/m^3$', 'name': ['ni_1', 'ni1']} whatTgyroDict['convergence'] = {} whatTgyroDict['$T_e$'] = {'normalization': [1, 1], 'unit': '$keV$', 'name': ['Te', 'te']} whatTgyroDict['$T_i$'] = {'normalization': [1, 1], 'unit': '$keV$', 'name': ['Ti_1', 'ti1']} whatTgyroDict[r'$\omega_0$'] = {'normalization': [1e3, 1e3], 'unit': '$krad/s$', 'name': ['omega0', 'w0']} for k, whatTgyro in enumerate(whatTgyroDict.keys()): pyplot.gcf() pyplot.subplot(2, 3, k + 1) if whatTgyro == 'convergence': pyplot.semilogy(self['convergence'], color='k') pyplot.xlim([0, len(self['convergence']) - 1]) pyplot.title('Convergence') continue if self.dataProfiles is not None: pyplot.plot( self.dataProfiles['rho'], self.dataProfiles[whatTgyroDict[whatTgyro]['name'][0]] / whatTgyroDict[whatTgyro]['normalization'][0], 'k--', linewidth=3, ) plotc( self.sprofile('rho', nf0=201, x='rho'), self.sprofile(whatTgyroDict[whatTgyro]['name'][1], nf0=201, x='rho') / whatTgyroDict[whatTgyro]['normalization'][1], ) pyplot.plot(self['rho'].T, self[whatTgyroDict[whatTgyro]['name'][1]].T / whatTgyroDict[whatTgyro]['normalization'][1], '.r') if k in [3, 4, 5]: pyplot.xlabel('$\\rho$') pyplot.title('%s [%s]' % (whatTgyro, whatTgyroDict[whatTgyro]['unit']))
[docs] def plotFigure(self, *args, **kw): """ This function plots ne, ni, te, ti for every iteration run by TGYRO :return: None """ pyplot.figure(*args) return self.plot(**kw)
[docs] def calcQ(self, it_index=-1): """ Calculate and return the fusion energy gain factor, Q, assuming D+T->alpha+neutron is the main reaction :param it_index: Indicates for which iteration to calculate Q """ # Factor of 5 in following is because total fusion power = 5*alpha power, correct for DT return ( (self['p_i_fus'][it_index, -1] + self['p_e_fus'][it_index, -1]) * 5 / (self['p_i_aux'][it_index, -1] + self['p_e_aux'][it_index, -1]) )
[docs] class OMFITgyro(SortedDict, OMFITobject, pygacode.gyro.data_plot.gyrodata_plot): """ Class used to interface with GYRO results directory This class extends the OMFITgyro class with the save/load methods of the OMFITpath class so that the save/load carries all the original files from the GYRO output :param filename: directory where the GYRO result files are stored. The data in this directory will be loaded upon creation of the object. :param extra_files: Any extra files that should be downloaded from the remote location :param test_mode: Don't raise an exception if out.gyro.t is not present (and abort loading at that point) """ def __init__(self, filename=None, extra_files=[], test_mode=False, **kw): if isinstance(filename, (list, tuple)): kw['tunnel'] = filename[2] kw['server'] = filename[1] filename = filename[0] if ',' not in filename: # output in alphabetical order # This is copied from an ls for reg01 with three fields for phi, A|| and Aperp as well as nl01 outputs = [ 'bin.gyro.field_rms', 'bin.gyro.gbflux_i', 'bin.gyro.gbflux_n', 'bin.gyro.kxkyspec', 'bin.gyro.moment_u', 'bin.gyro.moment_zero', 'gyrotest_flag', 'halt', 'input.gyro', 'input.gyro.gen', 'out.gyro.balloon_a', 'out.gyro.balloon_aperp', 'out.gyro.balloon_epar', 'out.gyro.balloon_phi', 'out.gyro.efficiency', 'out.gyro.error', 'out.gyro.freq', 'out.gyro.geometry_arrays', 'out.gyro.localdump', 'out.gyro.memory', 'out.gyro.phase_space', 'out.gyro.prec', 'out.gyro.profile', 'out.gyro.radial_op', '', '', 'out.gyro.t', 'out.gyro.timing', 'out.gyro.units', 'out.gyro.version', 'fieldeigen.out', ] # input.gacode outputs += ['input.gacode'] # Batch files outputs += ['batch.src', 'batch.out', 'batch.err'] outputs += extra_files filename = ','.join([filename + os.sep + x for x in outputs]) kw['file_type'] = 'dir' OMFITobject.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.OMFITproperties.pop('file_type', 'dir') SortedDict.__init__(self, sorted=True) self.test_mode = test_mode self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): filename = self.filename if os.path.exists(filename + '/input.gyro.gen'): self['input.gyro.gen'] = OMFITgacode(filename + '/input.gyro.gen') if os.path.exists(filename + '/'): self[''] = OMFITascii(filename + '/') if os.path.exists(filename + '/out.gyro.version'): self['out.gyro.version'] = OMFITascii(filename + '/out.gyro.version') if os.path.exists(filename + '/out.gyro.efficiency'): self['out.gyro.efficiency'] = OMFITascii(filename + '/out.gyro.efficiency') if os.path.exists(filename + '/batch.src'): self['batch.src'] = OMFITascii(filename + '/batch.src') if os.path.exists(filename + '/batch.out'): self['batch.out'] = OMFITascii(filename + '/batch.out') if os.path.exists(filename + '/batch.err'): self['batch.err'] = OMFITascii(filename + '/batch.err') if not os.path.exists(filename + '/out.gyro.t') and self.test_mode: self.dynaLoad = False printw('No out.gyro.t file: aborting the load') return, filename) # create keys from self attributes # add input.gacode as object to gyro class here if needed # common variables self['originalFilename'] = self.originalFilename self['profile'] = self.profile self['geometry'] = self.geometry self['n_r'] = self.profile['n_x'] self['n_bnd'] = self.profile['n_explicit_damp'] n_n = self.profile['n_n'] tor_n = self.profile['n0'] + self.profile['d_n'] * np.linspace(0, n_n - 1, n_n) self['tor_n'] = tor_n.astype(int) self['kyrhos'] = self.profile['kt_rho'] self['n_n'] = n_n self['n_theta_plot'] = self.profile['n_theta_plot'] self['r'] = self.profile['r'] self['t'] = self.t['(c_s/a)t'] self['n_time'] = self.t['n_time'] # units self['units'] = dict() self['units']['m_ref'] = self.units[0] # kg self['units']['b_unit'] = self.units[1] # T self['units']['a'] = self.units[2] # m self['units']['csD/a'] = self.units[3] # 1/s self['units']['csD'] = self.units[4] # m/s self['units']['Te'] = self.units[5] # keV self['units']['ne'] = self.units[6] # 10^19/m^3 self['units']['rho_sD'] = self.units[7] # m self['units']['chi_gBD'] = self.units[8] # m^2/s self['units']['Gamma_gBD'] = self.units[9] # 0.6244e22/m^2/s = MW/keV/m^2 self['units']['Q_gBD'] = self.units[10] # MW/m^2 self['units']['Pi_gBD'] = self.units[11] # Nm/m^2 self['units']['S_gBD'] = self.units[12] # MW/m^3 # tags self['tagfield'] = self.tagfield self['tagfieldtext'] = self.tagfieldtext[0 : self.profile['n_field']] self['tagmom'] = self.tagmom self['tagspec'] = self.tagspec # create a Boolean flag indicating whether run is linear or nonlinear if self.profile['nonlinear_flag'] == 0: self['nonlinear_run'] = False else: self['nonlinear_run'] = True if os.path.exists(self.filename + '/fieldeigen.out'): self['eigensolver'] = True else: self['eigensolver'] = False # fluctuations self['flucs'] = dict() # load other results based on whether run is nonlinear or linear (either initial value or eigen solver) if self['nonlinear_run']: # load n=0 and n>0 potential self['field_rms'] = dict() if hasattr(self, 'field_rms'): tmp = xarray.DataArray( self.field_rms / np.average(self['profile']['rho_s']), coords={'potential': ['n=0', 'n>0'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['potential', 't'], attrs={'comment': 'NL zonal and n>0 potential'}, ) self['field_rms']['n=0'] = tmp.isel(potential=0) self['field_rms']['n>0'] = tmp.isel(potential=1) # load fluxes vs. ky and time self['flux_t'] = dict() self['flux_ky'] = dict() self['flux_r'] = dict() self.read_gbflux_n() if hasattr(self, 'gbflux_n'): tmp = xarray.DataArray( self.gbflux_n, coords={ 'species': self['tagspec'], 'field': self['tagfieldtext'], 'moment': ['n', 'e', 'v', 's'], 'ky': self['kyrhos'], 't': self['t'], }, dims=['species', 'field', 'moment', 'ky', 't'], attrs={'comment': 'NL gyroBohm-normalized fluxes vs (ky,t)'}, ) self['flux_ky']['particle'] = tmp.isel(moment=0) self['flux_ky']['energy'] = tmp.isel(moment=1) self['flux_ky']['momentum'] = tmp.isel(moment=2) self['flux_t']['particle'] = self['flux_ky']['particle'].sum(dim='ky') self['flux_t']['energy'] = self['flux_ky']['energy'].sum(dim='ky') self['flux_t']['momentum'] = self['flux_ky']['momentum'].sum(dim='ky') self.read_gbflux_i() if hasattr(self, 'gbflux_i'): tmp = xarray.DataArray( self.gbflux_i, coords={ 'species': self['tagspec'], 'field': self['tagfieldtext'], 'moment': ['n', 'e', 'v', 's'], 'r': self['r'], 't': self['t'], }, dims=['species', 'field', 'moment', 'r', 't'], attrs={'comment': 'NL gyroBohm-normalized fluxes vs (r,t)'}, ) self['flux_r']['particle'] = tmp.isel(moment=0) self['flux_r']['energy'] = tmp.isel(moment=1) self['flux_r']['momentum'] = tmp.isel(moment=2) else: # load frequency self['freq'] = dict() if hasattr(self, 'freq'): self['freq']['omega'] = xarray.DataArray( self.freq['(a/c_s)w'], coords={'ky': self['kyrhos'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['ky', 't'] ) self['freq']['gamma'] = xarray.DataArray( self.freq['(a/c_s)gamma'], coords={'ky': self['kyrhos'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['ky', 't'] ) self['freq']['omega_err'] = xarray.DataArray( self.freq['err(a/c_s)w'], coords={'ky': self['kyrhos'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['ky', 't'] ) self['freq']['gamma_err'] = xarray.DataArray( self.freq['err(a/c_s)gamma'], coords={'ky': self['kyrhos'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['ky', 't'] ) # eigenvalue solver if self['eigensolver']: data = np.loadtxt(self.filename + '/fieldeigen.out') self['t'] = np.arange(data.shape[0]) self['n_time'] = data.shape[0] self['freq']['gamma'] = xarray.DataArray( np.atleast_2d(data[:, 0]), coords={'ky': self['kyrhos'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['ky', 't'], attrs={'comment': 'Eigenvalue growth rate'}, ) self['freq']['omega'] = xarray.DataArray( np.atleast_2d(data[:, 1]), coords={'ky': self['kyrhos'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['ky', 't'], attrs={'comment': 'Eigenvalue frequency'}, ) self['freq']['eigensolver_err'] = xarray.DataArray( np.atleast_2d(data[:, 3]), coords={'ky': self['kyrhos'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['ky', 't'], attrs={'comment': 'Eigensolver error'}, ) del self['freq']['gamma_err'] del self['freq']['omega_err'] # load ballooning modes if self['n_n'] == 1: try: self.read_balloon() n_p = self.profile['n_x'] / self.profile['box_multiplier'] n_ang = self.profile['n_theta_plot'] * n_p x_ball = -(1.0 + n_p) + 2.0 * n_p * np.arange(n_ang) / float(n_ang) # theta_balloon/pi self['balloon'] = {'theta_b_over_pi': x_ball} except Exception: self.balloon = dict() print('no ballooning mode files') if self['eigensolver']: balloon_field = np.zeros((int(n_ang), self['n_time']), dtype=complex) if 'balloon_phi' in self.balloon: balloon_field[:, -1] = self.balloon['balloon_phi'][:, 0, -1] self['balloon']['balloon_phi'] = xarray.DataArray( balloon_field, coords={'theta_b_over_pi': self['balloon']['theta_b_over_pi'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['theta_b_over_pi', 't'], ) if 'balloon_a' in self.balloon: balloon_field[:, -1] = self.balloon['balloon_a'][:, 0, -1] self['balloon']['balloon_apar'] = xarray.DataArray( balloon_field, coords={'theta_b_over_pi': self['balloon']['theta_b_over_pi'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['theta_b_over_pi', 't'], ) if 'balloon_aperp' in self.balloon: balloon_field[:, -1] = self.balloon['balloon_aperp'][:, 0, -1] self['balloon']['balloon_bpar'] = xarray.DataArray( balloon_field, coords={'theta_b_over_pi': self['balloon']['theta_b_over_pi'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['theta_b_over_pi', 't'], ) if 'balloon_epar' in self.balloon: balloon_field[:, -1] = self.balloon['balloon_epar'][:, 0, -1] self['balloon']['balloon_epar'] = xarray.DataArray( balloon_field, coords={'theta_b_over_pi': self['balloon']['theta_b_over_pi'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['theta_b_over_pi', 't'], ) else: if 'balloon_phi' in self.balloon: self['balloon']['balloon_phi'] = xarray.DataArray( self.balloon['balloon_phi'][:, 0, :], coords={'theta_b_over_pi': self['balloon']['theta_b_over_pi'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['theta_b_over_pi', 't'], ) if 'balloon_a' in self.balloon: self['balloon']['balloon_apar'] = xarray.DataArray( self.balloon['balloon_a'][:, 0, :], coords={'theta_b_over_pi': self['balloon']['theta_b_over_pi'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['theta_b_over_pi', 't'], ) if 'balloon_aperp' in self.balloon: self['balloon']['balloon_bpar'] = xarray.DataArray( self.balloon['balloon_aperp'][:, 0, :], coords={'theta_b_over_pi': self['balloon']['theta_b_over_pi'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['theta_b_over_pi', 't'], ) if 'balloon_epar' in self.balloon: self['balloon']['balloon_epar'] = xarray.DataArray( self.balloon['balloon_epar'][:, 0, :], coords={'theta_b_over_pi': self['balloon']['theta_b_over_pi'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['theta_b_over_pi', 't'], ) # load quasilinear flux weights self['qlflux_ky'] = dict() self.read_gbflux_i() if hasattr(self, 'gbflux'): gbflux = np.zeros((len(self['tagspec']), len(self['tagfieldtext']), 4, self['n_time'])) gbflux[:, :, :, -1] = self.gbflux[:, :, :, -1] if self['eigensolver']: tmp = xarray.DataArray( gbflux, coords={ 'species': self['tagspec'], 'field': self['tagfieldtext'], 'moment': ['n', 'e', 'v', 's'], 't': self['t'], }, dims=['species', 'field', 'moment', 't'], attrs={'comment': 'QL gyroBohm-normalized fluxes vs (t)'}, ) else: tmp = xarray.DataArray( self.gbflux, coords={ 'species': self['tagspec'], 'field': self['tagfieldtext'], 'moment': ['n', 'e', 'v', 's'], 't': self['t'], }, dims=['species', 'field', 'moment', 't'], attrs={'comment': 'QL gyroBohm-normalized fluxes vs (t)'}, ) self['qlflux_ky']['particle'] = tmp.isel(moment=0) self['qlflux_ky']['energy'] = tmp.isel(moment=1) self['qlflux_ky']['momentum'] = tmp.isel(moment=2) self['qlflux_ky']['exchange'] = tmp.isel(moment=3)
for item in dir(pygacode.gyro.data_plot.gyrodata_plot): func = getattr(pygacode.gyro.data_plot.gyrodata_plot, item) if item.startswith('plot') and 'fig' in inspect.getfullargspec(func).args: wrappedfunc = om_fig(func) setattr(OMFITgyro, item, wrappedfunc)
[docs] class OMFITcgyro(SortedDict, OMFITobject, pygacode.cgyro.data_plot.cgyrodata_plot): """ Class used to interface with CGYRO results directory :param filename: directory where the CGYRO result files are stored. The data in this directory will be loaded upon creation of the object. :param extra_files: Any extra files that should be downloaded from the remote location :param test_mode: Don't raise an exception if out.gyro.t is not present (and abort loading at that point) """ def __init__(self, filename=None, extra_files=[], test_mode=False, **kw): if isinstance(filename, (list, tuple)): kw['tunnel'] = filename[2] kw['server'] = filename[1] filename = filename[0] if not is_localhost(kw.get('server', 'localhost')): outputs = [ 'input.cgyro', 'input.cgyro.gen', 'out.cgyro.aparb', 'out.cgyro.bparb', 'out.cgyro.egrid', 'out.cgyro.equilibrium', 'out.cgyro.freq', 'out.cgyro.geo', 'out.cgyro.grids', 'out.cgyro.hosts', '', 'out.cgyro.ky_flux', 'out.cgyro.lky_flux_e', 'out.cgyro.lky_flux_n', 'out.cgyro.lky_flux_v', 'out.cgyro.memory', 'out.cgyro.mpi', 'out.cgyro.phib', 'out.cgyro.prec', 'out.cgyro.res_ver', 'out.cgyro.tag', 'out.cgyro.time', 'out.cgyro.timing', 'out.cgyro.version', ] # binary files outputs += [ 'bin.cgyro.aparb', 'bin.cgyro.bparb', 'bin.cgyro.freq', 'bin.cgyro.geo', 'bin.cgyro.kxky_apar', 'bin.cgyro.kxky_bpar', 'bin.cgyro.kxky_e', 'bin.cgyro.kxky_flux_e', 'bin.cgyro.kxky_n', 'bin.cgyro.kxky_phi', 'bin.cgyro.ky_flux', 'bin.cgyro.ky_cflux', 'bin.cgyro.ky_flux_e', 'bin.cgyro.ky_flux_n', 'bin.cgyro.ky_flux_v', 'bin.cgyro.phib', ] # input.gacode outputs += ['input.gacode'] # batch files outputs += ['batch.src', 'batch.out', 'batch.err'] outputs += extra_files filename = ','.join([filename + os.sep + x for x in outputs]) kw['file_type'] = 'dir' OMFITobject.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.OMFITproperties.pop('file_type', 'dir') SortedDict.__init__(self, sorted=True) self.test_mode = test_mode self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): filename = self.filename if os.path.exists(filename + '/input.cgyro.gen'): self['input.cgyro.gen'] = OMFITgacode(filename + '/input.cgyro.gen') if os.path.exists(filename + '/'): self[''] = OMFITascii(filename + '/') if os.path.exists(filename + '/out.cgyro.mpi'): self['out.cgyro.mpi'] = OMFITascii(filename + '/out.cgyro.mpi') if os.path.exists(filename + '/out.cgyro.version'): self['out.cgyro.version'] = OMFITascii(filename + '/out.cgyro.version') if os.path.exists(filename + '/batch.src'): self['batch.src'] = OMFITascii(filename + '/batch.src') if os.path.exists(filename + '/batch.out'): self['batch.out'] = OMFITascii(filename + '/batch.out') if os.path.exists(filename + '/batch.err'): self['batch.err'] = OMFITascii(filename + '/batch.err') if not os.path.exists(filename + '/out.cgyro.time') and self.test_mode: self.dynaLoad = False printw('No out.cgyro.time file: aborting the load') return, filename + '/') # common variables self['originalFilename'] = self.originalFilename self['n_r'] = self.n_radial self['n_n'] = self.n_n self['n_species'] = self.n_species self['n_field'] = self.n_field self['n_theta'] = self.n_theta self['n_energy'] = self.n_energy self['n_xi'] = self.n_xi self['m_box'] = self.m_box self['length'] = self.length self['n_global'] = self.n_global self['theta_plot'] = self.theta_plot self['kyrhos'] = self['kxrhos'] = self.kx self['t'] = self.t self['n_time'] = self.n_time self['field_tags'] = ['Phi', 'Apar', 'Bpar'][0 : self.n_field] self['species_tags'] = list(map(str, np.arange(self.n_species) + 1)) # units- need to test if out.cgyro.equilibrium loaded # most equilibrium parameters in self['input.cgyro.gen'] # what to do about gyroBohm units self['units'] = dict() if hasattr(self, 'b_unit'): self['units']['b_unit'] = self.b_unit # T self['units']['a'] = self.a_meters # m self['units']['vth_norm'] = self.vth_norm # m/s self['units']['Te_norm'] = self.temp_norm # keV self['units']['ne_norm'] = self.dens_norm # 10^19/m^3 self['units']['mass_norm'] = self.mass_norm # 10^-27 kg^-1? self['units']['rho_star'] = self.rho_star_norm self['units']['gamma_gb_norm'] = self.gamma_gb_norm # 10^19 m^-2 s^-1 self['units']['q_gb_norm'] = self.q_gb_norm # MW / m^2 self['units']['pi_gb_norm'] = self.pi_gb_norm # N / m self['units']['Z'] = self.z self['units']['mass'] = self.mass # relative to species 1 self['units']['dens'] = self.dens self['units']['temp'] = self.temp self['units']['dlnndr'] = self.dlnndr self['units']['dlntdr'] = self.dlntdr self['units']['nu'] = # create a Boolean flag indicating whether run is linear or nonlinear if self['input.cgyro.gen']['NONLINEAR_FLAG'] == 0: self['nonlinear_run'] = False else: self['nonlinear_run'] = True # fluctuations self['flucs'] = dict() # CGYRO always saves frequencies, even for NL runs self['freq'] = dict() if hasattr(self, 'freq'): # gamma and omega are arrays of size [n_n, n_time] tmp = xarray.DataArray( self.freq, coords={'type': ['omega', 'gamma'], 'ky': self['kyrhos'], 't': self['t']}, dims=['type', 'ky', 't'] ) self['freq']['omega'] = tmp.isel(type=0) self['freq']['gamma'] = tmp.isel(type=1) # load other results based on whether run is linear or nonlinear self.getflux() if self['nonlinear_run']: self['flux_t'] = dict() self['flux_ky'] = dict() if hasattr(self, 'ky_flux'): tmp = xarray.DataArray( self.ky_flux, coords={ 'species': self['species_tags'], 'moment': ['n', 'e', 'v'], 'field': self['field_tags'], 'ky': self['kyrhos'], 't': self['t'], }, dims=['species', 'moment', 'field', 'ky', 't'], attrs={'comment': 'NL gyroBohm-normalized fluxes'}, ) self['flux_ky']['particle'] = tmp.isel(moment=0) self['flux_ky']['energy'] = tmp.isel(moment=1) self['flux_ky']['momentum'] = tmp.isel(moment=2) self['flux_t']['particle'] = self['flux_ky']['particle'].sum(dim='ky') self['flux_t']['energy'] = self['flux_ky']['energy'].sum(dim='ky') self['flux_t']['momentum'] = self['flux_ky']['momentum'].sum(dim='ky') else: # load ballooning modes. IFF n_radial == 1, ZF test, otherwise standard finite-ky if self.n_radial == 1: ball_x = self.theta / np.pi label_x = 'theta_over_pi' else: ball_x = self.thetab / np.pi label_x = 'theta_b_over_pi' self['balloon'] = {label_x: ball_x} if hasattr(self, 'phib'): tmp = self.phib[0, :, :] + 1j * self.phib[1, :, :] self['balloon']['balloon_phi'] = xarray.DataArray( tmp, coords={label_x: self['balloon'][label_x], 't': self['t']}, dims=[label_x, 't'] ) if hasattr(self, 'aparb'): tmp = self.aparb[0, :, :] + 1j * self.aparb[1, :, :] self['balloon']['balloon_apar'] = xarray.DataArray( tmp, coords={label_x: self['balloon'][label_x], 't': self['t']}, dims=[label_x, 't'] ) if hasattr(self, 'bparb'): tmp = self.bparb[0, :, :] + 1j * self.bparb[1, :, :] self['balloon']['balloon_bpar'] = xarray.DataArray( tmp, coords={label_x: self['balloon'][label_x], 't': self['t']}, dims=[label_x, 't'] ) # load quasilinear flux weights self['qlflux_ky'] = dict() if hasattr(self, 'ky_flux'): tmp = xarray.DataArray( self.ky_flux, coords={ 'species': self['species_tags'], 'moment': np.arange(3), 'field': self['field_tags'], 'ky': self['kyrhos'], 't': self['t'], }, dims=['species', 'moment', 'field', 'ky', 't'], attrs={'comment': 'quasilinear weights'}, ) # to be compatible with GYRO convention remove the dim=ky for the single ky tmp = tmp.sum(dim='ky') self['qlflux_ky']['particle'] = tmp.isel(moment=0) self['qlflux_ky']['energy'] = tmp.isel(moment=1) self['qlflux_ky']['momentum'] = tmp.isel(moment=2) if len(tmp['moment']) == 4: self['qlflux_ky']['exchange'] = tmp.isel(moment=3)
for item in dir(pygacode.cgyro.data_plot.cgyrodata_plot): func = getattr(pygacode.cgyro.data_plot.cgyrodata_plot, item) if item.startswith('plot') and 'fig' in inspect.getfullargspec(func).args: wrappedfunc = om_fig(func) setattr(OMFITcgyro, item, wrappedfunc)
[docs] class OMFITneo(SortedDict, OMFITobject, """ Class used to interface with NEO results directory :param filename: directory where the TGYRO result files are stored. The data in this directory will be loaded upon creation of the object. """ def __init__(self, filename, **kw): kw['file_type'] = 'dir' OMFITobject.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.OMFITproperties.pop('file_type', 'dir') SortedDict.__init__(self, sorted=True) self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self):, self.filename) self['neo_results'] = SortedDict() for k in [ 'equil', 'expnorm', 'grid', 'phi', 'rotation', 'theory', 'theory_nclass', 'transport', 'transport_gv', 'transport_exp', ]: for key, v in list(getattr(self, k, {}).items()): if key in self['neo_results'] and np.all(np.atleast_1d(self['neo_results'][key] != v)): print('%s already added to neo_results' % key) self['neo_results'][key] = v self['neo_files'] = SortedDict() for k in list(self.keys()): prefixes = ('out.neo', 'input', 'out.expro', 'OMFIT_run_') if k.startswith(prefixes): self['neo_files'][k] = self[k] del self[k]
[docs] def copy_gacode_module_settings(root=None): """ Utility function to sync all GACODE modules to use the same working environment :param root: GACODE module to use as template (if None only sets module['SETTINGS']['SETUP']['branch']) """ from omfit_classes.omfit_base import OMFITexpression default_GACODE_branch = OMFITexpression( ''' server = root['SETTINGS']['REMOTE_SETUP']['serverPicker'] if is_server(server, ['iris', 'saturn']): return_variable = '/2022.17' elif is_server(server, ['omega']): return_variable = '/2022.17' elif is_server(server, 'portal'): return_variable = 'gacode' elif is_server(server, 'cori'): return_variable = '' else: raise ValueError(f'GACODE installation on {server} has not yet been updated to post_gacode') '''.strip() ) for module in ['TGYRO_GACODE', 'TGLF_GACODE', 'GYRO_GACODE', 'PROFILES_GEN_GACODE', 'NEO_GACODE']: if module not in OMFIT: OMFIT.loadModule(module, "OMFIT['%s']" % module, withSubmodules=False, quiet=True) OMFIT[module]['SETTINGS']['SETUP']['branch'] = copy.deepcopy(default_GACODE_branch) if root is None: continue print('Copying executable and branch settings from %s to %s' % (root.ID[:-7], module[:-7])) OMFIT[module]['SETTINGS']['SETUP']['branch'] = copy.deepcopy(root['SETTINGS']['SETUP']['branch']) for item in root['SETTINGS']['REMOTE_SETUP']: if not isinstance(root['SETTINGS']['REMOTE_SETUP'][item], dict): continue if item not in OMFIT[module]['SETTINGS']['REMOTE_SETUP']: OMFIT[module]['SETTINGS']['REMOTE_SETUP'][item] = SettingsName() for k in root['SETTINGS']['REMOTE_SETUP'][item]: if k in OMFIT[module]['SETTINGS']['REMOTE_SETUP']['iris']: OMFIT[module]['SETTINGS']['REMOTE_SETUP'][item][k] = copy.deepcopy(root['SETTINGS']['REMOTE_SETUP'][item][k]) else: OMFIT[module]['SETTINGS']['REMOTE_SETUP'][item]['environment'] = copy.deepcopy( root['SETTINGS']['REMOTE_SETUP'][item]['environment'] )
# OMFIT[module]['SETTINGS']['REMOTE_SETUP']['saturn']['executable'] = OMFIT[module]['SETTINGS']['REMOTE_SETUP']['iris'][ # 'executable' # ] ############################################ if '__main__' == __name__: test_classes_main_header() sample_files = glob.glob(OMFITsrc + '/../samples/input*') eligble_samples = [fn for fn in sample_files if not (fn.endswith('jbs') or '_omfit' in fn)] fn = eligble_samples[0] # Pick the first one f0 = OMFITgacode(fn) f0.load()