Source code for omfit_classes.omfit_gapy

# file processed by 2to3
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from builtins import map, filter, range

    # framework is running
    from .startup_choice import *
except (ValueError, SystemError):  # catch error in Python2.x
    # class is imported by itself
    from startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:  # catch error in Python3.x
    # class is imported by itself
    if (
        'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
        or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
        or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
        from startup_choice import *

from omfit_classes.omfit_ascii import OMFITascii
from omfit_classes.fluxSurface import fluxSurfaces, miller_derived
from omfit_classes.utils_math import deriv, calcz, integz, interp1e, atomic_element
from omfit_classes.utils_fusion import fast_heating, fusion_power
from omfit_classes import namelist

# Explicit imports
from omfit_classes.gapy import Gapy

import numpy as np
import omas
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy import integrate, constants

__all__ = ['OMFITgacode', 'OMFITinputprofiles', 'OMFITinputgacode']

# OMAS source mapper used
# i_vol, d_dvol indicate if volume integrated or density source
# IMAS identifier.index: see core_sources.source[:].identifier at
# NOTE: the first identifier.index is what is used when generating ODSs
# NOTE: here a identifier.index==-1 means `catch all` when reading from ODSs
# NOTE: pow_ie, q_ie has an extra factor of 2 in normalization to avoid double counting ion and electron source
omas_source_mapper = {
    # ============================================================
    # volume integrated source densities
    # ============================================================
    'pow_e_fus': ['i_vol', [6], [(+1, '', 1e6)]],
    'pow_i_fus': ['i_vol', [6], [(+1, 'total_ion_energy', 1e6)]],
    'pow_e_brem': ['i_vol', [8], [(-1, '', 1e6)]],
    'pow_e_sync': ['i_vol', [9], [(-1, '', 1e6)]],
    'pow_e_line': ['i_vol', [10], [(-1, '', 1e6)]],
    'pow_ei': ['i_vol', [11], [(-1, '', 2e6), (+1, 'total_ion_energy', 2e6)]],
    'pow_e_aux': ['i_vol', [100, -1], [(+1, '', 1e6)]],
    'pow_i_aux': ['i_vol', [100, -1], [(+1, 'total_ion_energy', 1e6)]],
    'flow_wall': ['i_vol', [108, -1], [(+1, 'electrons.particles', 0.624e22)]],
    'flow_beam': ['i_vol', [2], [(+1, 'electrons.particles', 0.624e22)]],
    'flow_mom': ['i_vol', [2, -1], [(+1, 'momentum_tor', 1.0)]],
    # ============================================================
    # source densities
    # ============================================================
    'qohme': ['d_dvol', [7], [(+1, '', 1e6)]],
    'qbeame': ['d_dvol', [2], [(+1, '', 1e6)]],
    'qbeami': ['d_dvol', [2], [(+1, 'total_ion_energy', 1e6)]],
    'qrfe': ['d_dvol', [3, -1], [(+1, '', 1e6)]],
    'qrfi': ['d_dvol', [5, -1], [(+1, 'total_ion_energy', 1e6)]],
    'qfuse': ['d_dvol', [6], [(+1, '', 1e6)]],
    'qfusi': ['d_dvol', [6], [(+1, 'total_ion_energy', 1e6)]],
    'qbrem': ['d_dvol', [8], [(-1, '', 1e6)]],
    'qsync': ['d_dvol', [9], [(-1, '', 1e6)]],
    'qline': ['d_dvol', [10], [(-1, '', 1e6)]],
    'qei': ['d_dvol', [11], [(-1, '', 2e6), (+1, 'total_ion_energy', 2e6)]],
    'qione': ['d_dvol', [602], [(+1, '', 1e6)]],
    'qioni': ['d_dvol', [602], [(+1, 'total_ion_energy', 1e6)]],
    'qcxi': ['d_dvol', [305], [(+1, 'total_ion_energy', 1e6)]],
    'qpar_wall': ['d_dvol', [108, -1], [(+1, 'electrons.particles', 0.624e22)]],
    'qpar_beam': ['d_dvol', [2], [(+1, 'electrons.particles', 0.624e22)]],
    'qmom': ['d_dvol', [2, -1], [(+1, 'momentum_tor', 1.0)]],

sources_internal_list = [6, 8, 9, 10, 11]

map_d_i = {
    '': 'electrons.power_inside',
    'total_ion_energy': 'total_ion_power_inside',
    'electrons.particles': 'electrons.particles_inside',
    'momentum_tor': 'torque_tor_inside',

[docs]class OMFITgacode(SortedDict, OMFITascii): r""" OMFIT class used to interface with GAcode input.XXX files This class supports .gen, .extra, .geo, .profiles file .plot() method is available for .profiles files :param GACODEtype: force 'profiles' parsing input.profiles format or use `None` for autodetection based on file name :param filename: filename passed to OMFITascii class :param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITascii class """ def __init__(self, filename=None, GACODEtype=None, **kw): kw['GACODEtype'] = GACODEtype SortedDict.__init__(self) OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) # parse .gen files if re.match(r'input\.profiles\.gen.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.gen$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]): pass # parse input.profiles.extra files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'extra' or re.match(r'input\.profiles\.extra.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.extra$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.GACODEtype = 'extra' self.__class__ = OMFITinputprofiles OMFITinputprofiles.init_profiles_names(self) # parse input.profiles.geo files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'geo' or re.match(r'input\.profiles\.geo.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.geo', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.GACODEtype = 'geo' self.__class__ = OMFITinputprofiles OMFITinputprofiles.init_profiles_names(self) # parse input.profiles files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'profiles' or re.match(r'input\.profiles.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.profiles$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.GACODEtype = 'profiles' self.__class__ = OMFITinputprofiles OMFITinputprofiles.init_profiles_names(self) # parse input.gacode files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'gacode' or re.match(r'input\.gacode.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.gacode$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.__class__ = OMFITinputgacode self.GACODEtype = 'gacode' self.dynaLoad = True @property def GACODEtype(self): return self.OMFITproperties.get('GACODEtype', None) @GACODEtype.setter def GACODEtype(self, value): self.OMFITproperties['GACODEtype'] = value
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): """ Method used to load the content of the file specified in the .filename attribute :return: None """ self.clear() if self.filename is None or not os.stat(self.filename).st_size: return with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: lines = if len(lines): lines = lines.split('\n') lines = [line.strip() for line in lines] for h, line in enumerate(lines): if not len(line): continue if line[0] != '#': break self['__header_' + format(h, '04d') + '__'] = line # parse input.profiles.gen files (allowing for DIR directives of tgyro) if re.match(r'input\.profiles\.gen.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.gen$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]): ndir = 0 for line in lines: if not len(line): continue if ' ' not in line: ndir = int(line) self['DIR'] = SortedDict() continue else: item = line.split()[0] key = line.split()[-1] if ndir > 0: if len(line.strip().split()) == 2: self['DIR'][item] = int(key) else: self['DIR'][item] = [int(line.split()[1]), line.split()[2]] + line.split()[3:] if 'X=' not in self['DIR'][item][1]: # uniform distribution of points self['DIR'][item][1] = float(self['DIR'][item][1]) if self['DIR'][item][1] == -1: self['DIR'][item][1] = -1 else: self[key] = namelist.interpreter(item) # parse input.profiles.extra files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'extra' or re.match(r'input\.profiles\.extra.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.extra$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.GACODEtype = 'extra' self.__class__ = OMFITinputprofiles OMFITinputprofiles.init_profiles_names(self) OMFITinputprofiles.load(self) # parse input.profiles.geo files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'geo' or re.match(r'input\.profiles\.geo.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.geo', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.GACODEtype = 'geo' self.__class__ = OMFITinputprofiles OMFITinputprofiles.init_profiles_names(self) OMFITinputprofiles.load(self) # parse input.profiles files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'profiles' or re.match(r'input\.profiles.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.profiles$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.GACODEtype = 'profiles' self.__class__ = OMFITinputprofiles OMFITinputprofiles.init_profiles_names(self) OMFITinputprofiles.load(self) # parse XXX files else: # allow parsing of DIR directives as used in TGYRO with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: DIR = SortedDict() while True: line = f.readline() if re.match('DIR .* [0-9]*', line): dp = line.strip().split() if len(dp) == 3: DIR[dp[1]] = int(dp[2]) else: DIR[dp[1]] = [int(dp[2])] + dp[3:] DIR[dp[1]] = float(DIR[dp[1]][2]) else: break tmp = lines if len(DIR): tmp = lines[len(DIR) :] self['DIR'] = DIR # normal parsing for h, line in enumerate(tmp): if not len(line) or '#' in line[0]: self['__header_' + format(h, '04d') + '__'] = line else: self[line.split('=')[0].strip()] = namelist.interpreter(line.split('=')[1])
[docs] @dynaSave def save(self): """ Method used to save the content of the object to the file specified in the .filename attribute :return: None """ if ( self.GACODEtype == 'extra' or re.match(r'input\.profiles\.extra.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.extra$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.GACODEtype = 'extra' self.__class__ = OMFITinputprofiles OMFITinputprofiles.init_profiles_names(self) return # parse input.profiles.geo files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'geo' or re.match(r'input\.profiles\.geo.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.geo', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.GACODEtype = 'geo' self.__class__ = OMFITinputprofiles OMFITinputprofiles.init_profiles_names(self) return # parse input.profiles files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'profiles' or re.match(r'input\.profiles.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.profiles$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.GACODEtype = 'profiles' self.__class__ = OMFITinputprofiles OMFITinputprofiles.init_profiles_names(self) return # parse input.profiles files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'gacode' or re.match(r'input\.gacode.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.gacode$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.GACODEtype = 'gacode' self.__class__ = OMFITinputgacode return # save XXX files else: header_ptrn = re.compile(r'^__header_.*__$') header = [] for item in list(self.keys()): if re.match(header_ptrn, item): header.append(self[item]) if len(header): header.append('') with open(self.filename, 'w') as f: # save XXX.gen files (allowing for DIR directives of tgyro) if re.match(r'input\.profiles\.gen.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match( r'.*\.gen$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1] ): for key in [k for k in list(self.keys()) if k != 'DIR']: f.write(namelist.encoder(self[key]) + ' ' + str(key) + '\n') # write DIR directives at the end of the file as necessary for tgyro if 'DIR' in self: f.write(str(len(self['DIR'])) + '\n') for key in list(self['DIR'].keys()): f.write(str(key) + ' ' + ' '.join(map(str, tolist(self['DIR'][key]))) + '\n') # save XXX files else: # write DIR directives at the top of the file as necessary for tgyro if 'DIR' in list(self.keys()): for dir in self['DIR']: if len(tolist(self['DIR'][dir])) > 1 and self['DIR'][dir][1] != -1: try: self['DIR'][dir][1] = 'X=%f' % float(self['DIR'][dir][1]) except ValueError: pass f.write('DIR ' + dir + ' ' + ' '.join(map(str, tolist(self['DIR'][dir])[:2])) + '\n') # write header for ii, item in enumerate(self.keys()): if not isinstance(self[item], np.ndarray) and not isinstance(self[item], dict): if not re.match(hide_ptrn, item): f.write(item + '=' + namelist.encoder(self[item]) + '\n') else: if self[item] or not ii == len(self) - 1: f.write(self[item] + '\n')
@dynaLoad def __getattr__(self, attr): # backward compatibility with older nomenclature of methods # that used `input_profile_` prefix for methods that were # meant to work only for `input.profiles` files. attr0 = attr if 'input_profiles_' in attr: attr = re.sub('input_profiles_', '', attr) if hasattr(self, attr): printw(self.__class__.__name__ + '.%s() is deprecated. Use .%s() instead' % (attr0, attr)) return getattr(self, attr) raise AttributeError('bad attribute `%s`' % attr0)
class _gacode_profiles(object): """ GACODE profiles maniputlation methods to be shared between OMFITinputprofiles and OMFITinputgacode classes """ def init_profiles_names(self): self.profNames = {} self.extraNames = {} self.profNames[0] = [ ['rho', 'rmin', 'rmaj', 'q', 'kappa'], ['delta', 'Te', 'ne', 'z_eff', 'omega0'], ['flow_mom', 'pow_e', 'pow_i', 'pow_ei', 'zeta'], ['flow_beam', 'flow_wall', 'zmag', 'ptot', 'polflux'], ['ni_1', 'ni_2', 'ni_3', 'ni_4', 'ni_5'], ['Ti_1', 'Ti_2', 'Ti_3', 'Ti_4', 'Ti_5'], ['vtor_1', 'vtor_2', 'vtor_3', 'vtor_4', 'vtor_5'], ['vpol_1', 'vpol_2', 'vpol_3', 'vpol_4', 'vpol_5'], ['pow_e_aux', 'pow_i_aux', 'pow_e_fus', 'pow_i_fus', 'pow_e_sync'], ['pow_e_brem', 'pow_e_line', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL'], ] self.extraNames[0] = [ 'bunit', 's', 'drmaj', 'dzmag', 'sdelta', 'skappa', 'szeta', 'dlnnedr', 'dlntedr', 'dlnnidr_1', 'dlnnidr_2', 'dlnnidr_3', 'dlnnidr_4', 'dlnnidr_5', 'dlntidr_1', 'dlntidr_2', 'dlntidr_3', 'dlntidr_4', 'dlntidr_5', 'dlnptotdr', 'drdrho', 'w0p', 'vol', 'volp', 'cs', 'rhos', 'ni_new', 'dlnnidr_new', 'grad_r0', 'ave_grad_r', 'bp0', 'bt0', 'gamma_e', 'gamma_p', 'mach', ] self.profNames[1] = [ ['rho', 'rmin', 'polflux', 'q', 'omega0'], ['rmaj', 'zmag', 'kappa', 'delta', 'zeta'], ['ne', 'Te', 'ptot', 'z_eff', 'NULL'], ['ni_1', 'ni_2', 'ni_3', 'ni_4', 'ni_5'], ['ni_6', 'ni_7', 'ni_8', 'ni_9', 'ni_10'], ['Ti_1', 'Ti_2', 'Ti_3', 'Ti_4', 'Ti_5'], ['Ti_6', 'Ti_7', 'Ti_8', 'Ti_9', 'Ti_10'], ['vtor_1', 'vtor_2', 'vtor_3', 'vtor_4', 'vtor_5'], ['vtor_6', 'vtor_7', 'vtor_8', 'vtor_9', 'vtor_10'], ['vpol_1', 'vpol_2', 'vpol_3', 'vpol_4', 'vpol_5'], ['vpol_6', 'vpol_7', 'vpol_8', 'vpol_9', 'vpol_10'], ['flow_beam', 'flow_wall', 'flow_mom', 'NULL', 'NULL'], ['pow_e', 'pow_i', 'pow_ei', 'pow_e_aux', 'pow_i_aux'], ['pow_e_fus', 'pow_i_fus', 'pow_e_sync', 'pow_e_brem', 'pow_e_line'], ] self.extraNames[1] = [ 'bunit', 's', 'drmaj', 'dzmag', 'sdelta', 'skappa', 'szeta', 'dlnnedr', 'dlntedr', 'dlnnidr_1', 'dlnnidr_2', 'dlnnidr_3', 'dlnnidr_4', 'dlnnidr_5', 'dlnnidr_6', 'dlnnidr_7', 'dlnnidr_8', 'dlnnidr_9', 'dlnnidr_10', 'dlntidr_1', 'dlntidr_2', 'dlntidr_3', 'dlntidr_4', 'dlntidr_5', 'dlntidr_6', 'dlntidr_7', 'dlntidr_8', 'dlntidr_9', 'dlntidr_10', 'dlnptotdr', 'drdrho', 'w0p', 'vol', 'volp', 'cs', 'rhos', 'ni_new', 'dlnnidr_new', 'grad_r0', 'ave_grad_r', 'bp0', 'bt0', 'gamma_e', 'gamma_p', 'mach', ] self.profNames[2] = [ ['rho', 'rmin', 'polflux', 'q', 'omega0'], ['rmaj', 'zmag', 'kappa', 'delta', 'zeta'], ['ne', 'Te', 'ptot', 'z_eff', 'NULL'], ['ni_1', 'ni_2', 'ni_3', 'ni_4', 'ni_5'], ['ni_6', 'ni_7', 'ni_8', 'ni_9', 'ni_10'], ['Ti_1', 'Ti_2', 'Ti_3', 'Ti_4', 'Ti_5'], ['Ti_6', 'Ti_7', 'Ti_8', 'Ti_9', 'Ti_10'], ['vtor_1', 'vtor_2', 'vtor_3', 'vtor_4', 'vtor_5'], ['vtor_6', 'vtor_7', 'vtor_8', 'vtor_9', 'vtor_10'], ['vpol_1', 'vpol_2', 'vpol_3', 'vpol_4', 'vpol_5'], ['vpol_6', 'vpol_7', 'vpol_8', 'vpol_9', 'vpol_10'], ['flow_beam', 'flow_wall', 'flow_mom', 'sbcx', 'sbeame'], ['pow_e', 'pow_i', 'pow_ei', 'pow_e_aux', 'pow_i_aux'], ['pow_e_fus', 'pow_i_fus', 'pow_e_sync', 'pow_e_brem', 'pow_e_line'], ] self.extraNames[2] = self.extraNames[1] self.profNames[3] = [ ['rho', 'rmin', 'polflux', 'q', 'omega0'], ['rmaj', 'zmag', 'kappa', 'delta', 'zeta'], ['ne', 'Te', 'ptot', 'z_eff', 'NULL'], ['ni_1', 'ni_2', 'ni_3', 'ni_4', 'ni_5'], ['ni_6', 'ni_7', 'ni_8', 'ni_9', 'ni_10'], ['Ti_1', 'Ti_2', 'Ti_3', 'Ti_4', 'Ti_5'], ['Ti_6', 'Ti_7', 'Ti_8', 'Ti_9', 'Ti_10'], ['vtor_1', 'vtor_2', 'vtor_3', 'vtor_4', 'vtor_5'], ['vtor_6', 'vtor_7', 'vtor_8', 'vtor_9', 'vtor_10'], ['vpol_1', 'vpol_2', 'vpol_3', 'vpol_4', 'vpol_5'], ['vpol_6', 'vpol_7', 'vpol_8', 'vpol_9', 'vpol_10'], ['flow_beam', 'flow_wall', 'flow_mom', 'NULL', 'NULL'], ['pow_e', 'pow_i', 'pow_ei', 'pow_e_aux', 'pow_i_aux'], ['pow_e_fus', 'pow_i_fus', 'pow_e_sync', 'pow_e_brem', 'pow_e_line'], ['sbeame', 'sbcx', 'sscxl', 'NULL', 'NULL'], ] self.extraNames[3] = [ 'bunit', 's', 'drmaj', 'dzmag', 'sdelta', 'skappa', 'szeta', 'dlnnedr', 'dlntedr', 'dlnnidr_1', 'dlnnidr_2', 'dlnnidr_3', 'dlnnidr_4', 'dlnnidr_5', 'dlnnidr_6', 'dlnnidr_7', 'dlnnidr_8', 'dlnnidr_9', 'dlnnidr_10', 'dlntidr_1', 'dlntidr_2', 'dlntidr_3', 'dlntidr_4', 'dlntidr_5', 'dlntidr_6', 'dlntidr_7', 'dlntidr_8', 'dlntidr_9', 'dlntidr_10', 'dlnptotdr', 'drdrho', 'w0p', 'vol', 'volp', 'cs', 'rhos', 'ni_new', 'dlnnidr_new', 'grad_r0', 'ave_grad_r', 'bp0', 'bt0', 'gamma_e', 'gamma_p', 'mach', 'ip', 'sdlnnedr', 'sdlntedr', 'sdlnnidr_1', 'sdlnnidr_2', 'sdlnnidr_3', 'sdlnnidr_4', 'sdlnnidr_5', 'sdlnnidr_6', 'sdlnnidr_7', 'sdlnnidr_8', 'sdlnnidr_9', 'sdlnnidr_10', 'sdlntidr_1', 'sdlntidr_2', 'sdlntidr_3', 'sdlntidr_4', 'sdlntidr_5', 'sdlntidr_6', 'sdlntidr_7', 'sdlntidr_8', 'sdlntidr_9', 'sdlntidr_10', 'nuee', ] self.latest_version = self.version = 3 # fmt: off self.profNamesPretty = \ {'NULL' : ('' ,'' ,'[null]'), 'rho' : ('{\\hat \\rho}' ,'' ,'rho(-)'), 'rmin' : ('a' ,'m' ,'rmin(m)'), 'rmaj' : ('R_0' ,'m' ,'rmaj(m)'), 'q' : ('q' ,'' ,'q(-)'), 'kappa' : ('\\kappa' ,'' ,'kappa(-)'), 'delta' : ('\\delta' ,'' ,'delta(-)'), 'Te' : ('T_e' ,'keV' ,'Te(keV)'), 'ne' : ('n_e' ,'10^{19}/m^3' ,'ne(10^19/m^3)'), 'z_eff' : ('Z_\\mathrm{eff}' ,'' ,'zeff(-)'), 'omega0' : ('\\omega_0' ,'rad/s' ,'omega0(rad/s)'), 'flow_mom' : ('S_\\mathrm{\\omega}' ,'Nm' ,'flow_mom(Nm)'), 'sbcx' : ('sbcx' ,'1/m^3/s' ,'sbcx(/m^3/s)'), 'sbeame' : ('sbeame' ,'1/m^3/s' ,'sbeame(/m^3/s)'), 'sscxl' : ('sscxl' ,'1/m^3/s' ,'sscxl(/m^3/s)'), 'pow_e' : ('P_e' ,'MW' ,'pow_e(MW)'), 'pow_i' : ('P_i' ,'MW' ,'pow_i(MW)'), 'pow_ei' : ('P_{ei}' ,'MW' ,'pow_ei(MW)'), 'zeta' : ('\\zeta' ,'' ,'zeta(-)'), 'flow_beam' : ('S_\\mathrm{n,beam}' ,'kW/eV' ,'flow_beam(kW/eV)'), 'flow_wall' : ('S_\\mathrm{n,wall}' ,'kW/eV' ,'flow_wall(kW/eV)'), 'zmag' : ('Z_0' ,'m' ,'zmag(m)'), 'ptot' : ('p_\\mathrm{total}' ,'Pa' ,'ptot(Pa)'), 'polflux' : ('\\psi' ,'Wb/rad' ,'polflux(Wb/rad)'), 'pow_e_aux' : ('P_{e,\\rm aux}' ,'MW' ,'pow_e_aux(MW)'), 'pow_i_aux' : ('P_{i,\\rm aux}' ,'MW' ,'pow_i_aux(MW)'), 'pow_e_fus' : ('P_{e,\\rm fus}' ,'MW' ,'pow_e_fus(MW)'), 'pow_i_fus' : ('P_{i,\\rm fus}' ,'MW' ,'pow_i_fus(MW)'), 'pow_e_sync' : ('P_{e,\\rm sync}' ,'MW' ,'pow_e_sync(MW)'), 'pow_e_brem' : ('P_{e,\\rm brem}' ,'MW' ,'pow_e_brem(MW)'), 'pow_e_line' : ('P_{e,\\rm line}' ,'MW' ,'pow_e_line(MW)'), # extra (needs units) 'bunit' : ('B_\\mathrm{unit}' ,'T' ,''), 's' : ('s' ,'' ,''), 'drmaj' : ('dR_0/dr' ,'' ,''), 'dzmag' : ('dZ_0/dr' ,'' ,''), 'sdelta' : ('s_\\delta' ,'' ,''), 'skappa' : ('s_\\kappa' ,'' ,''), 'szeta' : ('s_\\zeta' ,'' ,''), 'dlnnedr' : ('-dln(n_e)/dr' ,'1/m' ,''), 'dlntedr' : ('-dln(T_e)/dr' ,'1/m' ,''), 'dlnptotdr' : ('-dln(p_\\mathrm{tot})/dr' ,'1/m' ,''), 'drdrho' : ('dr/d\\rho' ,'' ,''), 'w0p' : ('d(\\omega_0)/dr' ,'rad/s/m' ,''), 'vol' : ('V' ,'m^3' ,''), 'volp' : ('dV/dr' ,'m^2' ,''), 'cs' : ('c_\\mathrm{s}' ,'m/s' ,''), 'rhos' : ('\\rho_\\mathrm{s,unit}' ,'m' ,''), 'ni_new' : ('n_i' ,'10^{19}/m^3' ,''), # [Corrected for quasin.] 'dlnnidr_new': ('-dln(n_i)/dr' ,'1/m' ,''), # [Corrected for quasin.] 'grad_r0' : ('|\\nabla_r|_{\\theta=0}' ,'' ,''), 'ave_grad_r' : ('<|\\nabla_r|>' ,'' ,''), 'bp0' : ('B_p|_{\\theta=0}' ,'T' ,''), 'bt0' : ('B_t|_{\\theta=0}' ,'T' ,''), 'gamma_e' : ('r/q d(\\omega_0)/dr' ,'rad/s' ,''), 'gamma_p' : ('R_0 d(\\omega_0)/dr' ,'rad/s' ,''), 'mach' : ('R_0 \\omega_0/c_s' ,'' ,''), #jbs 'expro_rho' : ('\\rho' ,'' ,''), 'jbs_err' : ('j_\\mathrm{bs,err}' ,'MA/m^2' ,''), 'jbs_neo' : ('j_\\mathrm{bs,neo}' ,'MA/m^2' ,''), 'jbs_sauter' : ('j_\\mathrm{bs,sauter}' ,'MA/m^2' ,''), 'jbs_nclass' : ('j_\\mathrm{bs,nclass}' ,'MA/m^2' ,''), 'jbs_koh' : ('j_\\mathrm{bs,koh}' ,'MA/m^2' ,''), #expro 'fpol' : ('F' ,'T*m' ,''), 'jbs' : ('j_\\mathrm{bs}' ,'MA/m^2' ,''), 'jbstor' : ('j_\\mathrm{bs,tor}' ,'MA/m^2' ,''), 'jnb' : ('j_\\mathrm{nb}' ,'MA/m^2' ,''), 'johm' : ('j_\\mathrm{oh}' ,'MA/m^2' ,''), 'jrf' : ('j_\\mathrm{rf}' ,'MA/m^2' ,''), 'nuee' : ('\\nu_{ee}' ,'1/s' ,''), 'qbeame' : ('Q_{e,nb}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qbeami' : ('Q_{i,nb}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qbrem' : ('Q_{brem}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qcxi' : ('Q_{cxi}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qei' : ('Q_{ei}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qfuse' : ('Q_{e,fus}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qfusi' : ('Q_{i,fus}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qione' : ('Q_{ione}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qioni' : ('Q_{ioni}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qline' : ('Q_{line}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qmom' : ('Q_{mom}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qohme' : ('Q_{e,oh}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qpar_beam' : ('Q_{beam,par}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qpar_wall' : ('Q_{wall,par}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qrfe' : ('Q_{e,rf}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qrfi' : ('Q_{i,rf}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'qsync' : ('Q_{sync}' ,'W/m^3' ,''), 'sigmapar' : ('\\sigma_{\\parallel}' ,'S' ,''), 'surf' : ('A' ,'m^2' ,''), } for _k in range(0, 11): self.profNamesPretty['ni_%d'%_k] = ('n_{i,%d}'%_k ,'10^{19}/m^3' ,'ni_%d(10^19/m^3)'%_k) self.profNamesPretty['Ti_%d'%_k] = ('T_{i,%d}'%_k ,'keV' ,'Ti_%d(keV)'%_k) self.profNamesPretty['vtor_%d'%_k] = ('v_{\\varphi,%d}'%_k ,'m/s' ,'vtor_%d(m/s)'%_k) self.profNamesPretty['vpol_%d'%_k] = ('v_{\\theta,%d}'%_k ,'m/s' ,'vpol_%d(m/s)'%_k) self.profNamesPretty['dlntidr_%d'%_k] = ('-dln(T_{i,%d})/dr'%_k ,'1/m' ,'') self.profNamesPretty['dlnnidr_%d'%_k] = ('-dln(n_{i,%d})/dr'%_k ,'1/m' ,'') for g in ['cos','scos','sin','ssin']: self.profNamesPretty['shape_%s%d'%(g,_k)] = ('%s%d'%(g,_k) ,'' ,'') # fmt: on def plot(self, what=None, only2D=False, axs={}, pretty_names=True, **kw): r""" Plot all profiles entries as function of rho :param what: list of quantities to plot. All quantities are plotted if set to None. :param only2D: plot 2D flux surfaces based on miller geometry coefficients :param axs: dictionary with axes for each of the quantities to be plotted :param pretty_names: use pretty names for subplots :param \**kw: extra arguments passed to plot functions :return: dictionary with all the plot axes that have been used """ inputaxs = axs axs = {} if self.GACODEtype == 'geo': return self.plot_geo(**kw) import matplotlib from matplotlib import pyplot if only2D: ax = kw.pop('ax', None) if ax is None: ax = pyplot.gca() r, z = self.rz_geometry() ax.plot(r[:, 0], z[:, 0], **kw) kw['color'] = ax.lines[-1].get_color() ax.plot(r[:, 1:], z[:, 1:], **kw) ax.set_aspect('equal') return ax if what is None: what = sorted( [ item for item in list(self.keys()) if isinstance(self[item], np.ndarray) and item != 'rho' and not np.all(self[item] == 0.0) ], key=lambda x: x.lower(), ) else: what = tolist(what, None) nplot = len(what) cplot = max([np.floor(np.sqrt(nplot)), 1.0]) rplot = np.ceil(nplot / cplot) pyplot.gcf().subplots_adjust(wspace=0.35, hspace=0.0) interactive = matplotlib.is_interactive() try: if interactive: pyplot.ioff() for k, item in enumerate(what): if len(inputaxs): if item in inputaxs: ax = inputaxs[item] else: continue else: # cplot is used in other calculations so use another variable to cast to int. # one for rplot is done for consistency plot_cols = int(cplot) plot_rows = int(rplot) if k == 0: ax1 = ax = pyplot.subplot(plot_rows, plot_cols, k + 1) else: ax = pyplot.subplot(plot_rows, plot_cols, k + 1, sharex=ax1) axs[item] = ax r = np.floor(k * 1.0 / cplot) c = k - r * cplot ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(-3, 3)) if 'rho' in self: x = self['rho'] ax.set_xlabel('$\\rho$') elif 'drdrho' in self: x = integrate.cumtrapz(1.0 / self['drdrho'], initial=0) x = x / max(x) ax.set_xlabel('$\\rho$') else: x = np.arange(len(self[item])) ax.set_xlabel('Array element') ax.plot(x, self[item], **kw) if 0 == self[item].min() == self[item].max(): ax.set_yticks([0]) text = item if pretty_names: if not hasattr(self, 'profNamesPretty'): self.init_profiles_names() text = '$' + self.profNamesPretty[item][0] + '~[' + self.profNamesPretty[item][1] + ']$' ax.text(0.5, 0.9, text, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', size='medium', transform=ax.transAxes) if k >= len(what) - cplot: pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=True) pyplot.xlim(min(x), max(x)) finally: if interactive: pyplot.ion() pyplot.draw() return axs def plot_geo(self, **kw): """ Plot equilibrum based on fourier representation """ import matplotlib from matplotlib import pyplot kw.pop('only2D', None) ax = kw.pop('ax', None) if ax is None: ax = pyplot.gca() r, z = self.rz_geometry() ax.plot(r[:, 0], z[:, 0], **kw) kw['color'] = ax.lines[-1].get_color() ax.plot(r[:, 1:], z[:, 1:], **kw) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xlabel('R') ax.set_ylabel('Z') return ax def calc_ptot(self, in_place=False): """ Calculates ptot from species densities and temperatures :param in_place: update z_eff array :return: calculated ptot array """ ptot = [] for item in ['e'] + ['i_%d' % i for i in range(1, 11)]: if 'n' + item in self and 'T' + item in self: ptot.append(self['n' + item] * self['T' + item] * 1e3 * constants.e * 1e19) ptot = np.sum(ptot, 0) if in_place: self['ptot'] = ptot return ptot def calc_zeff(self, use_ne=True, in_place=False): """ Calculates z_eff from species densities and charges Two ways of calculating z_eff are identical when plasma is quasineutral but different otherwise * z_eff=np.sum(ni*Zi**2)/ne * z_eff=np.sum(ni*Zi**2)/np.sum(ni*Zi) :param use_ne: use z_eff=np.sum(ni*Zi**2)/ne :param in_place: update z_eff array :return: z_eff array """ num = [] den = [] for k in self['IONS']: num.append(self['ni_%d' % k] * self['IONS'][k][1] ** 2) den.append(self['ni_%d' % k] * self['IONS'][k][1]) if use_ne: z_eff = np.sum(num, 0) / self['ne'] else: z_eff = np.sum(num, 0) / np.sum(den, 0) if in_place: self['z_eff'] = z_eff return z_eff def calc_pow_aux(self, in_place=False): """ Calculates electron and ion auxiliary sources as the difference between total sources and the other known individual components :param in_place: Update pow_e_aux and pow_i_aux arrays :return: pow_e_aux, pow_i_aux arrays """ pow_e_aux = self['pow_e'] - (-self['pow_ei'] + self['pow_e_fus'] - self['pow_e_sync'] - self['pow_e_brem'] - self['pow_e_line']) pow_i_aux = self['pow_i'] - (self['pow_ei'] + self['pow_i_fus']) if in_place: self['pow_e_aux'] = pow_e_aux self['pow_i_aux'] = pow_i_aux return pow_e_aux, pow_i_aux def calc_pow(self, in_place=False): """ Calculates electron and ion sources as the difference between total sources and the other known individual components :param in_place: Update pow_e_aux and pow_i_aux arrays :return: pow_e_aux, pow_i_aux arrays """ pow_e = self['pow_e_aux'] - self['pow_ei'] + self['pow_e_fus'] - self['pow_e_sync'] - self['pow_e_brem'] - self['pow_e_line'] pow_i = self['pow_i_aux'] + self['pow_ei'] + self['pow_i_fus'] if in_place: self['pow_e'] = pow_e self['pow_i'] = pow_i return pow_e, pow_i def checks(self): """ runs a series of consistency checks on gacode profiles file """ problems = [] for item in ['pow_e_line', 'pow_e_sync', 'pow_e_brem']: if (self[item] < 0).any(): problems.append(item + ' is negative (should always be positive)') for item in self: if isinstance(self[item], np.ndarray) and np.any(np.isnan(self[item])): problems.append(item + ' has NaNs') if np.any(np.abs(self['zeta']) > np.sqrt(2) / 2.0): problems.append('abs(zeta) is not between 0 and 0.7') if len(problems): printw('Possible problems found with gacode profiles file:') printw('\n'.join(map(lambda x: ' * ' + x, problems))) self['N_ION'] = len(self['IONS']) def ion_names(self, fast_last=False): """ returns the ion names in gacode profiles file with the format `['D','C','D[fast]']` for example :param fast_last: return fast ions last :return: list with strings with ion names """ ion_names = [self['IONS'][k][0] for k in self['IONS']] numd_ion_names = [] for k in list(self['IONS'].keys()): ion = self['IONS'][k][0] if self['IONS'][k][3] == 'fast': ion += '[fast]' count = 1 for x in numd_ion_names: if ion in x: count += 1 if count > 1: ion += '#' + str(count) numd_ion_names.append(ion) # additional sorting thermal/fast if requested if fast_last: fast_last = [] for k in numd_ion_names: if '[fast]' not in k: fast_last.append(k) for k in numd_ion_names: if '[fast]' in k: fast_last.append(k) return fast_last else: return numd_ion_names def reorder_ions(self, reordered_ions, verbose=True): """ Reorder ions in gacode profiles file by sorting their ['ni', 'Ti', 'vtor', 'vpol'] entries NOTE: This method operates in place :param reordered_ions: list of ion names or numbers (as per .ion_names() method) If reordered_ions is None, then nothing is done. :param verbose: print when ions are reordered :return: self (modified) """ if reordered_ions is None: return self numd_ion_names = self.ion_names() # convert integers to ion names reordered_ion_names = copy.deepcopy(reordered_ions) for k, item in enumerate(reordered_ions): if isinstance(reordered_ions[k], int): reordered_ion_names[k] = numd_ion_names[item - 1] # check that ions are only reordered if len(self['IONS']) != len(reordered_ion_names): raise OMFITexception('You can only reorder the ions. Valid ions name are: %s' % numd_ion_names) if set(numd_ion_names) != set(reordered_ion_names): raise OMFITexception('Valid ions name for reordering are: %s' % numd_ion_names) if tuple(reordered_ion_names) != tuple(numd_ion_names): # update 'ni', 'Ti', 'vtor', 'vpol' quantities new = {} ion_quants = ['ni', 'Ti', 'vtor', 'vpol'] for i, ion in enumerate(reordered_ion_names): for k in ion_quants: new[k + '_%d' % (i + 1)] = self[k + '_%d' % (numd_ion_names.index(ion) + 1)] self.update(new) # update IONS dictionary new = {} for i, ion in enumerate(reordered_ion_names): new[i + 1] = self['IONS'][numd_ion_names.index(ion) + 1] self['IONS'].update(new) if verbose: printi('Reodered gacode profiles ions to: %s' % reordered_ion_names) return self def add_ion( self, ion_num, ion, Z, A, ni=None, concentration=0, thermal=True, aoLn=None, isl_mul=None, isl_add=None, aoLn_from=None, z_eff=None, remove_density_from_ion=1, temperature_and_velocities_from_ion=1, verbose=True, ): """ Add ion to a gacode profiles file. When an ion is added, its 'ni', 'Ti', 'vtor', 'vpol' quantities are set. The ion density profile of the added ion can be set in different ways: 1. as user defined density profile 2. as user defined normalized inverse scale lenght + concentration 3. copy density profile from other ion and modify it by isl_mul and isl_add 4. target Zeff NOTE: this method operates in place :param ion_num: insert new ion as this number :param ion: ion name :param Z: ion charge :param A: ion mass :param ni: ion density profile :param concentration: ion concentration nX/ne :param thermal: thermal or fast ion :param aoLn: (optional) normalized inverse scale length of the ion density profile Necessary for impurity transport studies when you need a finite gradient for computing D, V. If set, then the profile has the average concentration set at the boundary rho=1 :param isl_mul: (optional) multiply the inverse scale length of the ion density profile as specified by aoLn_from :param isl_add: (optional) add to the inverse scale length of the ion density profile as specified by aoLn_from :param aoLn_from: (optional) specify a species to take the density profile from as starting point for the added profile (as a string or as an index) :param z_eff: (optional) add ion to reach a certain z_eff :param remove_density_from_ion: ion name or number from which to steal density (numbering before adding the new ion) :param temperature_and_velocities_from_ion: ion name or number from which the temperature and velocities are copied from (numbering before adding the new ion) :return: self (modified) """ numd_ion_names = self.ion_names() if isinstance(remove_density_from_ion, int): remove_density_from_ion = numd_ion_names[remove_density_from_ion - 1] remove_density_from_ion_num = numd_ion_names.index(remove_density_from_ion) + 1 if isinstance(temperature_and_velocities_from_ion, int): temperature_and_velocities_from_ion = numd_ion_names[temperature_and_velocities_from_ion - 1] temperature_and_velocities_from_ion_num = numd_ion_names.index(temperature_and_velocities_from_ion) + 1 if verbose: if isl_mul is not None and isl_add is not None and aoLn_from is not None: if isinstance(aoLn_from, int): aoLn_from = numd_ion_names[aoLn_from - 1] printi('Adding ion based on %s' % aoLn_from) else: printi('Adding ion %s' % ion) printi('Copying ion temperature from ni_%d %s' % (temperature_and_velocities_from_ion_num, temperature_and_velocities_from_ion)) printi('Removing ion charge density from ni_%d %s' % (remove_density_from_ion_num, remove_density_from_ion)) # ion density directly provided by the user if ni is not None: pass # calculate ion density to match given Z_eff elif z_eff is not None: z_eff_start = self.calc_zeff() ni = self['ne'] * (z_eff - z_eff_start) / float(Z) ** 2 if np.any(ni < 0): raise ValueError('requested z_eff leads to negative ion density') # ion density as concentration of electron density elif aoLn is None and aoLn_from is None: ni = self['ne'] * concentration # generate ion density profile by else: # modifying the inverse scale length of an existing profile of species aoLn by adding/multiplying if isl_add is not None and isl_mul is not None and aoLn_from is not None: if isinstance(aoLn_from, int): aoLn_from = numd_ion_names[aoLn_from - 1] aoLn_from_num = numd_ion_names.index(aoLn_from) + 1 rmin = self['rmin'] n = self['ni_%d' % aoLn_from_num] # Calculate the inverse scale length and then modify it by multiplying or adding a factor, isl = calcz(rmin, n) * isl_mul + isl_add # Integrate the inverse scale length profile to generate a new density profile # NOTE: start integration from the core outward ni = concentration * integz(rmin, isl, rmin[0], n[0], rmin) # user given inverse scale length aoLn else: rmin = self['rmin'] isl = np.zeros_like(rmin) + aoLn * rmin[-1] isl[0] = 0.0 ni = integz(rmin, isl, rmin[0], 1, rmin) ni -= ni[-1] - 1.0 ni *= np.mean(self['ne']) * concentration Z_del = self['IONS'][remove_density_from_ion_num][1] self['ni_%d' % remove_density_from_ion_num] -= (Z / float(Z_del)) * ni # Check for negative density values if np.min(self['ni_%d' % remove_density_from_ion_num]) < 0: printw( 'WARNING: species addition resulted in negative density values for %s! Negative values were set to zero.' % 'ni_%d' % remove_density_from_ion_num ) self['ni_%d' % remove_density_from_ion_num][self['ni_%d' % remove_density_from_ion_num] < 0] = 0.0 # new ion tmp = {} tmp['ni_%d' % ion_num] = ni tmp['Ti_%d' % ion_num] = self['Ti_%d' % temperature_and_velocities_from_ion_num] tmp['vtor_%d' % ion_num] = self['vtor_%d' % temperature_and_velocities_from_ion_num] tmp['vpol_%d' % ion_num] = self['vpol_%d' % temperature_and_velocities_from_ion_num] # Add the ion to the IONS list by reverse shifting every ion with number>=ion_num up one # Also must shift other ion properties in gacode profiles file for i in list(reversed(list(range(ion_num, len(self['IONS']) + 1)))): self['IONS'][i + 1] = self['IONS'].pop(i) self['ni_%d' % (i + 1)] = self['ni_%d' % i] self['Ti_%d' % (i + 1)] = self['Ti_%d' % i] self['vtor_%d' % (i + 1)] = self['vtor_%d' % i] self['vpol_%d' % (i + 1)] = self['vpol_%d' % i] # Update ion data self.update(tmp) self['IONS'][ion_num] = [ion, int(Z), float(A), ['fast', 'therm'][thermal]] self['IONS'].sort() self['N_ION'] = len(self['IONS']) # make z_eff self consistent self['z_eff'] = self.calc_zeff() # There are occurances where the stafile (i.e. ONETWO example) can mess this one self['z_eff'][self['z_eff'] < 1] = 1.0 # update ptot self['ptot'] = self.calc_ptot() return self def del_ion(self, ion, add_density_to_ion=1, verbose=True): """ Remove ion from a gacode profiles file. When an ion is removed, its 'ni', 'Ti', 'vtor', 'vpol' quantities are set to zero. NOTE: this method operates in place :param ion: ion name or number as per .ion_names() :param add_density_to_ion: ion name or number to which to add the density of the ion that is being removed :param verbose: print when ion is removed :return: self (modified) """ numd_ion_names = self.ion_names() if isinstance(ion, int): ion = numd_ion_names[ion - 1] if isinstance(add_density_to_ion, int): add_density_to_ion = numd_ion_names[add_density_to_ion - 1] ion_num = numd_ion_names.index(ion) + 1 add_density_to_ion_num = numd_ion_names.index(add_density_to_ion) + 1 if ion_num == add_density_to_ion_num: add_density_to_ion_num += 1 # The ion's charge and density if verbose: printi('Removing ion %s' % ion) printi('Adding ion charge density to ni_{} {}'.format(add_density_to_ion_num, numd_ion_names[add_density_to_ion_num - 1])) Z_del = self['IONS'][ion_num][1] Z_add = self['IONS'][add_density_to_ion_num][1] ni_del = self['ni_%d' % ion_num] self['ni_%d' % add_density_to_ion_num] += (Z_del * ni_del) / float(Z_add) # Change the number of all following ions (i.e. if we remove ion 2 of 3, rename 3->2) for i in range(ion_num, len(self['IONS'])): self['IONS'][i] = self['IONS'][i + 1] self['ni_%d' % i] = self['ni_%d' % (i + 1)].copy() self['Ti_%d' % i] = self['Ti_%d' % (i + 1)].copy() self['vtor_%d' % i] = self['vtor_%d' % (i + 1)].copy() self['vpol_%d' % i] = self['vpol_%d' % (i + 1)].copy() if 'dlnnidr_%d' % (i + 1) in self: self['dlnnidr_%d' % i] = self['dlnnidr_%d' % (i + 1)].copy() if 'dlntidr_%d' % (i + 1) in self: self['dlntidr_%d' % i] = self['dlntidr_%d' % (i + 1)].copy() # Remove all evidence of the discarded ion ion_num = len(self['IONS']) del self['ni_{}'.format(ion_num)] del self['Ti_{}'.format(ion_num)] del self['vtor_{}'.format(ion_num)] del self['vpol_{}'.format(ion_num)] if 'dlnnidr_{}'.format(ion_num) in self: del self['dlnnidr_{}'.format(ion_num)] if 'dlntidr_{}'.format(ion_num) in self: del self['dlntidr_{}'.format(ion_num)] del self['IONS'][ion_num] self['N_ION'] = len(self['IONS']) # make z_eff self consistent self['z_eff'] = self.calc_zeff() # There are occurances where the stafile (i.e. ONETWO example) can can mess this one self['z_eff'][self['z_eff'] < 1] = 1.0 # update ptot self['ptot'] = self.calc_ptot() return self def merge_DT(self, raise_no_DT=True, verbose=True): """ merge thermal deuterium (D) and tritium (T) species into a single (DT) species with Z=1 and A=2.5 :param raise_no_DT: raise exception if D and T species are not found :param verbose: print to stdout """ names = self.ion_names() if 'T' in names and 'D' in names: if names.index('D') > names.index('T'): H1 = 'D' H2 = 'T' else: H2 = 'D' H1 = 'T' self.del_ion(H1, H2) self['IONS'][names.index(H2) + 1] = ['DT', 1, 2.5, 'therm'] elif 'D' not in names and raise_no_DT: raise OMFITexception('gacode profiles does not have D species') elif 'T' not in names and raise_no_DT: raise OMFITexception('gacode profiles does not have T species') self.enforce_quasineutrality(verbose=verbose) def remove_fast(self, only_He=False, raise_no_fast=True, verbose=True): """ delete all fast ions :param only_He: keep helium ash or not :param raise_no_fast: raise exception if there are no fast ions :param verbose: print to stdout """ names = self.ion_names(fast_last=True) self.reorder_ions(names) no_fast = True for item in names[::-1]: if '[fast]' in item and (not only_He or item.startswith('He')): no_fast = False self.del_ion(item, names[0], verbose=verbose) if no_fast and raise_no_fast: raise OMFITexception('gacode profiles does not have fast ion species') self.enforce_quasineutrality(verbose=verbose) def remove_impurities(self, keep_He=True, raise_no_imp=True, verbose=True): """ remove all impurity species, that is thermal ions with Z>1 (or Z>2 if keep_He is True) :param keep_He: keep Helium ions :param raise_no_imp: raise exception if there are no impurity species :param verbose: print to stdout """ if keep_He: keep_He = 2 else: keep_He = 1 names = self.ion_names() no_imp = True for item in names[::-1]: if self['IONS'][names.index(item) + 1][-1] == 'therm' and self['IONS'][names.index(item) + 1][1] > keep_He: no_imp = False self.del_ion(item, names[0], verbose=verbose) if no_imp and raise_no_imp: raise OMFITexception('gacode profiles does not have impurity species') self.enforce_quasineutrality(verbose=verbose) def lump_impurities(self, impurity_symbol, z_eff=None, keep_He=True, verbose=True): """ lump all impurity species into a single one :param impurity_symbol: impurity symbol :param z_eff: target Zeff :param keep_He: keep He impurities untouched :param verbose: print to stdout """ if z_eff is None: self.enforce_quasineutrality(verbose=verbose) z_eff = self['z_eff'] # remove all impurities self.remove_impurities(keep_He=keep_He, raise_no_imp=False) # add the requested impurity species to match a given Zeff imp = list(atomic_element(symbol=impurity_symbol).values())[0] self.add_ion(len(self.ion_names()) + 1, impurity_symbol, imp['Z'], imp['A'], z_eff=z_eff) self.enforce_quasineutrality(verbose=verbose) names = self.ion_names(fast_last=True) self.reorder_ions(names) def remove_dummy_ions(self): """ Remove trailing ion species in gacode profiles that have no density or temperature NOTE: N_ION and IONS are set and trimmed accordingly """ for k in reversed(list(range(1, 11))): if np.sum(self['ni_%d' % k] * self['Ti_%d' % k]) == 0: if self['N_ION'] > k: self['N_ION'] = k else: break self['N_ION'] = k for k in range(self['N_ION'] + 1, 11): if k in self['IONS']: del self['IONS'][k] def enforce_quasineutrality(self, ion=1, balanced_DT=True, verbose=True): """ Modify ion density and electron densities to make the plasma quasineutral. NOTE: this method operates in place NOTE: this method will also update Zeff and ptot :param ion: ion name or number as per .ion_names() :param balanced_DT: if ion is `D` or `T` in a DT plasma, then make plasma quasineutral by equally splitting differences on D and T ions :param verbose: print to stdout :return: self (modified) """ # identify ion numd_ion_names = self.ion_names() if isinstance(ion, int): ion = numd_ion_names[ion - 1] ion_num = numd_ion_names.index(ion) + 1 # get weighted ion densities ne = self['ne'] zarr = [] sum_nizi = ne * 0 nizi = {} for i, k in enumerate(list(self['IONS'].keys()), 1): Z = self['IONS'][k][1] nizi['ni_%d' % i] = self['ni_%d' % i] * Z sum_nizi += nizi['ni_%d' % i] # warning message ratio = max((abs(ne - sum_nizi) / ne)[:-1]) * 100 if ratio > 0.1 and verbose: printw('Starting profiles violated quasineutrality by %3.3f%% of electron density' % ratio) # update main ions density to ensure quasineutrality # handle balanced DT if ion in ['D', 'T'] and 'D' in numd_ion_names and 'T' in numd_ion_names and balanced_DT: d_ind = numd_ion_names.index('D') + 1 t_ind = numd_ion_names.index('T') + 1 Z = 1.0 assert float(self['IONS'][d_ind][1]) == float(self['IONS'][t_ind][1]) == Z old = np.min([self['ni_%d' % d_ind], self['ni_%d' % t_ind]], 0) delta = ne - sum_nizi delta_ni = delta.copy() / float(Z) condition = np.min(np.vstack((self['ni_%d' % d_ind], self['ni_%d' % d_ind])), 0) + delta_ni / 2.0 delta_ni[condition < 0] = 0.0 delta_ne = -delta.copy() delta_ne[condition > 0] = 0.0 self['ni_%d' % d_ind] += delta_ni / 2.0 self['ni_%d' % t_ind] += delta_ni / 2.0 ratio = max(abs(delta_ni / 2.0 / old)[:-1]) * 100 if np.any(condition > 0) and ratio > 0.1 and verbose: printi('Modified D-T densities by a maximum of %3.3f%% each to enforce quasineutrality' % ratio) # handle single ion else: Z = float(self['IONS'][ion_num][1]) ind_key = 'ni_%d' % ion_num delta = ne - sum_nizi delta_ni = delta.copy() / float(Z) condition = self[ind_key] + delta_ni delta_ni[condition < 0] = 0.0 delta_ne = -delta.copy() delta_ne[condition > 0] = 0.0 self[ind_key] += delta_ni ratio = max(abs(delta_ni / (self[ind_key] - delta_ni))[:-1]) * 100 if np.any(condition > 0) and ratio > 0.1 and verbose: printi('Modified %s density by a maximum of %3.3f%% to enforce quasineutrality' % (ion, ratio)) # making the plasma quasineutral may require modifying the electron density to avoid negative ion densities self['ne'] += delta_ne ratio = max(abs(delta_ne / (self['ne'] - delta_ne))[:-1]) * 100 if np.any(condition < 0) and ratio > 0.1 and verbose: printw('Modified electron density by a maximum of %3.3f%% to enforce quasineutrality' % ratio) # update zeff self['z_eff'] = self.calc_zeff() # update total pressure self['ptot'] = self.calc_ptot() return self def volume(self): """ return volume of each flux surface """ if 'vol' in self: return self['vol'] return miller_derived(self['rmin'], self['rmaj'], self['kappa'], self['delta'], self['zeta'], self['zmag'], self['q'])['volume'] def volume_integral(self, quantity): """ Integrate a quantity over the plasma volume :param quantity: if string, it integrates quantity in gacode profiles, else one must pass an array on the same grid of profiles in gacode profiles file :return: array of integrated quantity from axis to edge """ if isinstance(quantity, str) and quantity in self: quantity = self[quantity] return integrate.cumtrapz(np.gradient(self.volume()) * quantity, initial=0) def monotonic(self, pivot=0, fast_ions=False, minimum_z=0.01): """ Force densities and temperatures are monotonically decreasing from core to edge NOTE: might want to call self.enforce_quasineutrality() afterwards :param pivot: rho value (between 0 and 1) where the profiles will match the original ones :param fast_ions: apply monotonic transformation also to fast-ions :param minimum_z: minimum inverse scale-length value """ for item in self: if item[0] in ['n', 'T'] and np.sum(self[item]) != 0 and item != 'nuee' and item != 'TIME': if item[1] == 'i' and self['IONS'][int(item.split('_')[1])][3] == 'fast' and not fast_ions: continue z = calcz(self['rho'], self[item]) z[z < minimum_z] = minimum_z self[item] = integz(self['rho'], z, pivot, interp1d(self['rho'], self[item])(pivot), self['rho']) def shot_time(self): """ :return: tuple shot and time as written in the gacode profiles header (None if they cannot be found) """ shot = None for p in [0, 1]: for k, v in list(self.items()): if not k.startswith('__header'): continue if 'SHOT NUMBER' in v: shot = int(v.split(':')[-1]) elif shot is not None and str(shot) in v: try: time = int(re.sub('([0-9]+).*', r'\1', v.split(str(shot))[1].strip('.').strip())) except Exception: continue return shot, time return shot, None def rz_geometry(self, poloidal_resolution=101): """ Return R,Z coordinates for all flux surfaces from either fourier, ham, or miller geometry representation :param poloidal_resolution: integer with number of equispaced points in toroidal angle, or array of toroidal angles :return: 2D arrays with (R, Z) flux surface coordinates """ if 'ar' in self: r, z = self.rz_fourier_geometry(poloidal_resolution=poloidal_resolution) elif 'shape_cos0' in self: r, z = self.rz_ham_geometry(poloidal_resolution=poloidal_resolution) else: r, z = self.rz_miller_geometry(poloidal_resolution=poloidal_resolution) return r, z def rz_miller_geometry(self, poloidal_resolution=101): """ return R,Z coordinates for all flux surfaces from miller geometry coefficients in gacode profiles file based on gacode/gapy/src/gapy_geo.f90 :param poloidal_resolution: integer with number of equispaced points in toroidal angle, or array of toroidal angles :return: 2D arrays with (R, Z) flux surface coordinates """ if isinstance(poloidal_resolution, int): t0 = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, poloidal_resolution) else: t0 = poloidal_resolution x = np.arcsin(self['delta']) # R a = t0[:, np.newaxis] + x[np.newaxis, :] * np.sin(t0[:, np.newaxis]) r0 = self['rmaj'][np.newaxis, :] + self['rmin'][np.newaxis, :] * np.cos(a) # Z a = t0[:, np.newaxis] + self['zeta'][np.newaxis, :] * np.sin(2 * t0[:, np.newaxis]) z0 = self['zmag'][np.newaxis, :] + self['kappa'][np.newaxis, :] * self['rmin'][np.newaxis, :] * np.sin(a) return r0, z0 def rz_fourier_geometry(self, poloidal_resolution=101): """ return R,Z coordinates for all flux surfaces from fourier geometry representation in gacode profiles file :param poloidal_resolution: integer with number of equispaced points in toroidal angle, or array of toroidal angles :return: 2D arrays with (R, Z) flux surface coordinates """ ar = copy.deepcopy(self['ar']) ar[:, 0] = ar[:, 0] / 2.0 br = self['br'] az = copy.deepcopy(self['az']) az[:, 0] = az[:, 0] / 2.0 bz = self['bz'] if isinstance(poloidal_resolution, int): x = np.linspace(0, 1, poloidal_resolution) else: x = poloidal_resolution XN = x[:, np.newaxis] * np.arange(ar.shape[1]) r = np.zeros((len(x), ar.shape[0])) z = np.zeros((len(x), az.shape[0])) for l in range(ar.shape[0]): r[:, l] = np.sum(ar[l, :] * np.cos(2 * np.pi * XN) + br[l, :] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * XN), 1) z[:, l] = np.sum(az[l, :] * np.cos(2 * np.pi * XN) + bz[l, :] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * XN), 1) return r, z def rz_ham_geometry(self, poloidal_resolution=101): """ return R,Z coordinates for all flux surfaces from ham geometry representation in gacode profiles file :param poloidal_resolution: integer with number of equispaced points in toroidal angle, or array of toroidal angles :return: 2D arrays with (R, Z) flux surface coordinates """ rmaj = self['rmaj'] zmaj = self['zmag'] r = self['rmin'] k = self['kappa'] s1 = np.arcsin(self['delta']) s2 = -self['zeta'] s3 = self['shape_sin3'] c0 = self['shape_cos0'] c1 = self['shape_cos1'] c2 = self['shape_cos2'] c3 = self['shape_cos3'] if isinstance(poloidal_resolution, int): t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, poloidal_resolution) else: t = poloidal_resolution x = rmaj[np.newaxis, :] + r[np.newaxis, :] * np.cos( t[:, np.newaxis] + c0[np.newaxis, :] + s1[np.newaxis, :] * np.sin(t[:, np.newaxis]) + c1[np.newaxis, :] * np.cos(t[:, np.newaxis]) + s2[np.newaxis, :] * np.sin(2 * t[:, np.newaxis]) + c2[np.newaxis, :] * np.cos(2 * t[:, np.newaxis]) + s3[np.newaxis, :] * np.sin(3 * t[:, np.newaxis]) + c3[np.newaxis, :] * np.cos(3 * t[:, np.newaxis]) ) y = zmaj[np.newaxis, :] + k[np.newaxis, :] * r[np.newaxis, :] * np.sin(t[:, np.newaxis]) return x, y def convert_kxky(self, kx, ky, rho, theta=0.0, poloidal_resolution=101, make_plot=False): """ Translate dimensionless kx, ky wavenumbers into physical inverse-lengths. kx ~ kn*rhos (normal to flux surfaces) ky ~ kb*rhos (binormal to flux surfaces) References, [1] Candy et al. GYRO Technical Guide (2014) [2] Candy et al. "A high-accuracy..." (2016) [3] Ruiz Ruiz et al. "Interpreting radial..." (2022) :arg kx: normalized radial wavenumber :arg ky: normalized binormal wavenumber :arg rho: radial location at which to provide the scale factors :param theta: poloidal angle theta at which to provide scale factors. if theta=-1 use UDS + theta=0 limit. :param poloidal_resolution: res of theta grid, passed to self.rz_geometry() :param make_plot: (bool) imports matplotlib.pyplot and makes an array of debugging plots. :return kn: wavenumber in the direction normal to flux-surfaces. (np array) [nkx, nky] :return kb: wavenumber in the binormal direction. (np array) [nky] """ # if trying to convert at one value of kx or ky, if isinstance(kx, float) or isinstance(kx, int): kx = np.array([kx]) if isinstance(ky, float) or isinstance(ky, int): ky = np.array([ky]) r = self["rmin"] q = self["q"] t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, poloidal_resolution) # rz_geometry() method provides R(r,\theta) and Z(r, \theta) # parameterizations of the flux surfaces. shapes are [poloidal_res, radial_grid] RR, ZZ = self.rz_geometry(poloidal_resolution=poloidal_resolution) # np.gradient returns a list of np arrays corresponding to the derivative w.r.t each dimension. # e.g. gradRR[0] is dR/d\theta with shape: [pol_res., grid_size] # gradRR[1] is dR/dr with the same shape. gradRR = np.gradient(RR, t, r) gradZZ = np.gradient(ZZ, t, r) # Compute the Jacobian determinant, eq. 2.50 [1] # Jr = R* ( dR/dr*dZ/dth - dR/dth*dZ/dr ) Jr = RR * (gradRR[1] * gradZZ[0] - gradRR[0] * gradZZ[1]) # the following are magnitudes of gradients, grad_r = RR / Jr * np.sqrt(gradRR[0] ** 2 + gradZZ[0] ** 2) # cf. eq. 2.51 [1] grad_theta = RR / Jr * np.sqrt(gradRR[1] ** 2 + gradZZ[1] ** 2) grad_r_dot_grad_theta = -((RR / Jr) ** 2) * (gradRR[0] * gradRR[1] + gradZZ[0] * gradZZ[1]) # The Clebsch-angle, alpha = phi + nu(r, theta) is used in this calculation. # We will need derivatives of alpha w.r.t. (r, theta) --> compute nu(r,theta). # The integral for nu(r, theta) is derived from eq. 2.9 and 2.6 [1] integrand = Jr / (RR**2) I_psi_p = 2 * np.pi * q / np.trapz(integrand, t, axis=0) # I/psi' from scipy.integrate import cumulative_trapezoid nu = -1 * I_psi_p * cumulative_trapezoid(integrand, t, initial=0, axis=0) # gradient of \nu(r, theta) coordiante over (r, theta) dnu_dtheta, dnu_dr = np.gradient(nu, t, r) # [d\nu/d\theta, d\nu/dr] # Compute: grad(alpha) \cdot grad(r) galpha_dot_gr = dnu_dr * np.square(grad_r) + dnu_dtheta * grad_r_dot_grad_theta # With all of these geometric [r, theta] arrays we can perform the mapping, # cf. equations 54, 55 in [2] rmin_at_rho = interp1d(self["rho"], r)(rho) rmin_ind = np.argmin(abs(r - rmin_at_rho)) t_ind = np.argmin(abs(t - theta)) q_at_rho = interp1d(self["rho"], q)(rho) # point at which to evaluate subsequent interpolants. if theta == -1: rt_eval = [0.0, rmin_at_rho] else: rt_eval = [theta, rmin_at_rho] from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator term1 = RegularGridInterpolator((t, r), galpha_dot_gr / grad_r)(rt_eval) term2 = RegularGridInterpolator((t, r), grad_r)(rt_eval) # Final Equation converting (kx, ky) --> kn (Normal direction) # if theta = -1 use the theta=0; up-down-symmetric (UDS) limit. kn = kx * term2 # (nkx,) if theta != -1: # Generally kn is a function of kx AND ky... so kn should become 2D, print("INFO: (convert_kxky) for theta != 0; kn is 2D (Nkx, Nky)") kn = np.atleast_2d(kn).T + rmin_at_rho * ky / q_at_rho * term1 # [nkx, nky] # The ky --> k_binormal equation is more complicated, # start with grad(alpha) X grad(r) gtheta_cross_gr = RR / Jr gphi_cross_gr = 1 / Jr * np.sqrt(gradRR[0] ** 2 + gradZZ[0] ** 2) gradalpha_cross_gradr = np.sqrt(dnu_dtheta**2 * gtheta_cross_gr**2 + gphi_cross_gr**2) # We also need the magnitude of grad\nu grad_alpha = np.sqrt( 1 / RR**2 + grad_r**2 * dnu_dr**2 + 2 * grad_r_dot_grad_theta * dnu_dr * dnu_dtheta + grad_theta**2 * dnu_dtheta**2 ) # Then we can compute the ky multiplier, term1 = galpha_dot_gr**2 / (grad_r * gradalpha_cross_gradr) term2 = grad_r * grad_alpha**2 / (gradalpha_cross_gradr) term1 = RegularGridInterpolator((t, r), term1)(rt_eval) term2 = RegularGridInterpolator((t, r), term2)(rt_eval) # Final Equation mapping (kx, ky) --> kb kb = rmin_at_rho / q_at_rho * ky * (term1 - term2) # [nky] # Remove the rho_s,unit multiplier, rho_sunit = interp1d(self["rho"], self["rhos"])(rho) * 100 # cm print(f"INFO: (convert_kxky) rho_s,unit = {rho_sunit:.3f} [cm] at rho = {rho}") # --- --- --- --- --- --- --- kn, kb = kn / rho_sunit, kb / rho_sunit # --- --- --- --- --- --- --- # Courtesy calculation of rho_s,D cs = interp1d(self["rho"], self["cs"])(rho) * 100 # [cm/s] ~ sqrt(Te/mD) Btot = interp1d(self["rho"], self["bt0"])(rho) # [T] OmegaD = 4.79e7 * Btot # NRL formulary, [rad/s] rho_s = cs / OmegaD print(f"INFO: (convert_kxky) rho_s,D = {rho_s:.3f} [cm] at rho = {rho}") if make_plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, num="convert_kxky: debugging plots", figsize=(11, 5)) gs = axs[0, 0].get_gridspec() for a in axs[:, 0]: a.remove() ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0]) # plot the flux-surface, ax0.plot(RR[:, rmin_ind], ZZ[:, rmin_ind], 'b-', label=fr"$\rho={rho}$") ax0.plot(RR[t_ind, rmin_ind], ZZ[t_ind, rmin_ind], 'r o', ms=10) skip = 5 # The vector at each point is dR/dr, dZ/dr ax0.quiver( RR[::skip, rmin_ind], ZZ[::skip, rmin_ind], gradRR[1][::skip, rmin_ind], gradZZ[1][::skip, rmin_ind], color="g", zorder=2, label=r"$[dR/dr,dZ/dr]$", ) ax0.quiver( RR[::skip, rmin_ind], ZZ[::skip, rmin_ind], gradRR[0][::skip, rmin_ind], gradZZ[0][::skip, rmin_ind], color="r", scale=5, zorder=2, label=r"$[dR/d\theta,dZ/d\theta]$", ) ax0.set_aspect("equal") for k in ["right", "top"]: ax0.spines[k].set_visible(False) ax0.set_xlabel("R [m]") ax0.set_ylabel("Z [m]") axs = axs.flatten("F")[2:] # benchmark against q(r) axs[0].plot(r, q, label="q") axs[0].plot(rmin_at_rho, q_at_rho, 'r o', ms=10) axs[0].plot(r, -1 * nu[-1, :] / (2 * np.pi), label=r'$-\nu/2\pi$') axs[0].legend() axs[0].set_xlabel("rmin") axs[0].set_ylabel("q") # multipliers, axs[1].plot(self["rho"], self["grad_r0"], 'b--', label="GA['grad_r0']") axs[1].plot(self["rho"], grad_r[0, :], 'c-', label=r"$|\nabla r|_{\theta=0}$") axs[1].plot(self["rho"], grad_r[t_ind, :], 'b-', lw=2, label=rf"$|\nabla r|_{{\theta={theta*180/np.pi:.1f}^\circ}}$") axs[1].axvline(rho, ls='--') axs[1].axhline(1.0, ls='-', color='k') axs[1].set_xlabel(r"$\rho$") # and the theta = 0, UDS limit ky multiplier, ky_mult = -1 * np.sqrt(1 / RR[0, :] ** 2 + dnu_dtheta[0, :] ** 2 / (r * self["kappa"]) ** 2) * r / q axs[1].plot(self["rho"], ky_mult, 'm-', label=r"lim UDS,$\theta=0$: $-r/q(b\times \nabla r/|\nabla r|)\cdot\nabla \alpha$") term1 = galpha_dot_gr**2 / (grad_r * gradalpha_cross_gradr) term2 = grad_r * grad_alpha**2 / (gradalpha_cross_gradr) ky_mult_general = r / q * (term1[t_ind, :] - term2[t_ind, :]) axs[1].plot( self["rho"], ky_mult_general, 'r-', lw=2, label=rf"$-r/q(b\times \nabla r/|\nabla r|)\cdot\nabla \alpha|_{{\theta={theta*180/np.pi:.1f}^\circ}}$", ) axs[1].legend() # kx vs. kn - NOTE: if theta != 0 this is 2D axs[2].set_prop_cycle('color',, 1, len(ky)))) axs[2].plot(kx, kn, '-o', ms=4) axs[2].plot([min(kx), max(kx)], [min(kx), max(kx)], 'k--', label="kn=kx") axs[2].axhline(0, ls=':', color="k") axs[2].axvline(0, ls=":", color="k") axs[2].set_xlabel("input: kx") axs[2].set_ylabel("output: kn [1/cm]") # ky vs. kb axs[3].plot(ky, kb, '-o') axs[3].plot([min(ky), max(ky)], [min(ky), max(ky)], 'k--', label="kb=ky") axs[3].set_xlabel("input: ky") axs[3].set_ylabel("output: kb [1/cm]") fig.tight_layout() return kn, kb def from_omas(self, ods, time_index=0, clear=True): """ Translate OMAS data structure to gacode profiles file :param time_index: time index to extract data from :param clear: clear gacode profiles content prior populating it :return: self """ from omas import ODS, omas_environment cocosio = 2 # GACODE uses COCOS 2 rho = ods['core_profiles.profiles_1d.%d.grid.rho_tor_norm' % time_index] rho = rho[rho <= 1] coordsio = {'core_profiles.profiles_1d.%d.grid.rho_tor_norm' % time_index: rho} if ( 'equilibrium.time_slice.%d.profiles_1d.psi' % time_index in ods and 'equilibrium.time_slice.%d.profiles_1d.rho_tor_norm' % time_index in ods ): with omas_environment(ods, cocosio=cocosio): psi1D = interp1e( ods['equilibrium.time_slice.%d.profiles_1d.rho_tor_norm' % time_index], ods['equilibrium.time_slice.%d.profiles_1d.psi' % time_index], )(rho) coordsio['equilibrium.time_slice.%d.profiles_1d.psi' % time_index] = psi1D with omas_environment(ods, cocosio=cocosio, coordsio=coordsio): prof1d = ods['core_profiles.profiles_1d'][time_index] eq = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index] eq1d = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d'] if clear: self.clear() else: # only clear headers for item in list(self.keys()): if re.match(comment_ptrn, item): del self[item] # This is a fresh file, so turn off dynaLoad self.dynaLoad = False self['__header_0000__'] = '# gacode profiles - Generated by OMFIT via OMAS on ' + now() self['__header_0001__'] = '#' self['__header_0002__'] = '# IONS : Name Z Mass' self['__header_0003__'] = '#' self['IONS'] = SortedDict() self['N_ION'] = 0 self['N_EXP'] = 0 if 'core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0' in ods: self['BT_EXP'] = ods['core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0'][time_index] elif 'equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0' in ods: self['BT_EXP'] = ods['equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0'][time_index] if 'global_quantities.ip' in eq: self['IP_EXP'] = eq['global_quantities.ip'] / 1e6 if 'core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.r0' in ods: self['RVBV'] = ods['core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.r0'] * ods['core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0'][time_index] elif 'equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.r0' in ods: self['RVBV'] = ods['equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.r0'] * ods['equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0'][time_index] self['ARHO_EXP'] = 0 self['rho'] = prof1d['grid.rho_tor_norm'] self['N_EXP'] = len(self['rho']) # zero out arrays for item in np.array(self.profNames[self.latest_version]).flatten(): if item not in ['NULL', 'rho']: self[item] = self['rho'] * 0.0 # polflux is in Wb/rad, so actually psi_ref in COCOS 2 # should be zero on-axis self['polflux'] = eq1d['psi'] - eq1d['psi'][0] try: if 'centroid' not in eq1d: raise LookupError('OMAS centroid not available') self['rmin'] = 0.5 * (eq1d['centroid.r_max'] - eq1d['centroid.r_min']) self['rmin'][0] = 0.0 self['rmaj'] = 0.5 * (eq1d['centroid.r_max'] + eq1d['centroid.r_min']) self['kappa'] = eq1d['elongation'] self['delta'] = 0.5 * (eq1d['triangularity_lower'] + eq1d['triangularity_upper']) if np.all( [ k in eq1d for k in ['squareness_upper_outer', 'squareness_upper_inner', 'squareness_lower_outer', 'squareness_lower_inner'] ] ): self['zeta'] = 0.25 * ( eq1d['squareness_upper_outer'] + eq1d['squareness_upper_inner'] + eq1d['squareness_lower_outer'] + eq1d['squareness_lower_inner'] ) else: self['zeta'] = self['kappa'] * 0.0 self['zmag'] = eq1d['centroid.z'] self['q'] = eq1d['q'] except (LookupError, TypeError): # if the geometric quantities are missing, then we have no choice but to trace the flux surfaces psin = eq1d['psi'] psin = (psin - min(psin)) / (max(psin) - min(psin)) tmp = fluxSurfaces( Rin=eq['profiles_2d'][0]['r'][:, 0], Zin=eq['profiles_2d'][0]['z'][0, :], PSIin=eq['profiles_2d'][0]['psi'].T, Btin=eq['profiles_2d'][0]['b_field_tor'].T, Rcenter=eq['global_quantities.magnetic_axis.r'], F=eq1d['f'], P=eq1d['pressure'], levels=psin, cocosin=cocosio, quiet=True, ) tmp.dynaLoad = False if 'global_quantities.psi_boundary' in eq: tmp.forceFindSeparatrix = False tmp._findAxis() tmp.flx = eq['global_quantities.psi_boundary'] # tmp.PSIaxis = eq['global_quantities.psi_axis'] tmp.load() self['rmin'] = tmp['geo']['a'] self['rmaj'] = tmp['geo']['R'] self['kappa'] = tmp['geo']['kap'] self['delta'] = tmp['geo']['delta'] self['zeta'] = tmp['geo']['zeta'] self['zmag'] = tmp['geo']['Z'] self['q'] = tmp['avg']['q'] if "phi" in eq1d: self['ARHO_EXP'] = np.sqrt(2 * abs(eq1d['phi'][-1] / np.pi / 2 / self['BT_EXP'])) else: # use apprixmation if phi isn't there self['ARHO_EXP'] = np.sqrt(self['kappa'][-1]) * self['rmin'][-1] self['ne'] = prof1d['electrons.density_thermal'] / 1e19 self['Te'] = prof1d['electrons.temperature'] / 1e3 derived = miller_derived(self['rmin'], self['rmaj'], self['kappa'], self['delta'], self['zeta'], self['zmag'], self['q']) R = self['rmaj'] + self['rmin'] Bp = derived['bp0'] Bt = derived['bt0'] i = 0 self['ptot'] = prof1d['electrons.density_thermal'] * prof1d['electrons.temperature'] * constants.e for therm_fast, density in [('therm', 'density_thermal'), ('fast', 'density_fast')]: for k in range(len(prof1d['ion'])): if len(prof1d['ion']) and density in prof1d['ion'][k] and np.sum(np.abs(prof1d['ion'][k][density])) > 0: i += 1 A = prof1d['ion'][k]['element'][0]['a'] Z_N = Z = prof1d['ion'][k]['element'][0]['z_n'] if 'z_ion' in prof1d['ion'][k]: Z = prof1d['ion'][k]['z_ion'] if 'label' in prof1d['ion'][k]: label = prof1d['ion'][k]['label'].strip().split()[0] else: try: label = list(atomic_element(A=A, Z=Z_N).values())[0]['symbol'] except ValueError: label = 'LUMPED' self['IONS'][i] = self['ni_%d' % i] = [label, Z, A, therm_fast] self['ni_%d' % i] = prof1d['ion'][k][density] / 1e19 if therm_fast == 'therm': self['Ti_%d' % i] = prof1d['ion'][k]['temperature'] / 1e3 self['ptot'] += prof1d['ion'][k]['density_thermal'] * prof1d['ion'][k]['temperature'] * constants.e if 'ion.%d.rotation.parallel_stream_function' % k in prof1d: kpol = prof1d['ion.%d.rotation.parallel_stream_function' % k] omegp = -Bt * kpol / R self['vpol_%d' % i] = kpol * Bp if 'ion.%d.rotation.perpendicular' % k in prof1d: omgvb = prof1d['ion.%d.rotation.perpendicular' % k] elif ('rotation_frequency_tor_sonic' in prof1d) and ('ion.%d.rotation.diamagnetic' % k in prof1d): omgvb = prof1d['rotation_frequency_tor_sonic'] - prof1d['ion.%d.rotation.diamagnetic' % k] else: self['vtor_%d' % i] = 0.0 * R continue self['vtor_%d' % i] = R * (omgvb - omegp) else: self['vpol_%d' % i] = 0.0 * R else: self['Ti_%d' % i] = ( ( (2 * prof1d['ion'][k]['pressure_fast_perpendicular'] + prof1d['ion'][k]['pressure_fast_parallel']) / prof1d['ion'][k]['density_fast'] ) / constants.e / 1e3 ) self['ptot'] += 2 * prof1d['ion'][k]['pressure_fast_perpendicular'] + prof1d['ion'][k]['pressure_fast_parallel'] # Set finite temperature when density ~0 for TGYRO splines navg = np.mean(prof1d['ion'][k]['density_fast']) self['Ti_%d' % i][np.where(prof1d['ion'][k]['density_fast'] < 1e-6 * navg)] = np.mean(self['Ti_%d' % i]) self['N_ION'] = i self['z_eff'] = prof1d['zeff'] if 'rotation_frequency_tor_sonic' in prof1d: self['omega0'] = prof1d['rotation_frequency_tor_sonic'] elif 'omega0' in prof1d: self['omega0'] = prof1d['omega0'] else: self['omega0'] = prof1d['zeff'] * 0.0 # ============= # Core Sources # ============= if 'core_sources' not in ods: printw('`core_sources` data not found in supplied ODS. Skip populating gacode profiles sources!') else: def d_dvol(y): return deriv(src['grid.volume'], y) def i_vol(y): return integrate.cumtrapz(y, src['grid.volume'], initial=0) source = ods['core_sources.source'] for ks in range(len(source)): identifier = source[ks][''] id_index = source[ks].get('identifier.index', None) # decide how to map data in OMAS to input.gacode # two passes: first try a matching index, second use the catch-all [-1] candidates = [] for t in range(2): for item in omas_source_mapper: type, possible_id_index, details = omas_source_mapper[item] if id_index is not None and ((t == 0 and id_index in possible_id_index) or (t > 0 and -1 in possible_id_index)): if isinstance(self, OMFITinputprofiles) and type == 'i_vol': candidates.append(item) elif isinstance(self, OMFITinputgacode) and type == 'd_dvol': candidates.append(item) if not len(candidates): printe('Unrecognized source: %s of IMAS type index %d' % (identifier, id_index)) continue src = source[ks]['profiles_1d'][time_index] coordsio2 = copy.deepcopy(coordsio) coordsio2['core_sources.source.%d.profiles_1d.%d.grid.rho_tor_norm' % (ks, time_index)] = rho with omas_environment(ods, cocosio=cocosio, coordsio=coordsio2): # NOTE: input.profiles sources are volume integrated # NOTE: input.gacode sources are the not (though the derived integrated value is also available) if 'volume' in src['grid']: vol = src['grid.volume'] else: try: vol = interp1d( ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']['rho_tor_norm'], ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']['volume'], )(rho) except Exception: vol = None accounted = [] for candidate in candidates: type, possible_id_index, details = omas_source_mapper[candidate] for sign, location, norm in details: ilocation = map_d_i[location] # check if source density is available if location not in accounted and location in src and np.sum(np.abs(src[location])) > 0: if candidate not in self: self[candidate] = self['rho'] * 0.0 if isinstance(self, OMFITinputgacode): self[candidate] += sign * src[location] / norm print('%d) %s %s= %s[%s]/%g' % (ks, candidate, ['-', '+'][int(sign > 0)], identifier, location, norm)) elif isinstance(self, OMFITinputprofiles): self[candidate] += sign * i_vol(src[location]) / norm print( '%d) %s %s= i_vol(%s[%s])/%g' % (ks, candidate, ['-', '+'][int(sign > 0)], identifier, location, norm) ) accounted.append(location) # alternatively get it from integrated source elif location not in accounted and ilocation in src and np.sum(np.abs(src[ilocation])) > 0: if candidate not in self: self[candidate] = self['rho'] * 0.0 if isinstance(self, OMFITinputgacode): self[candidate] += sign * d_dvol(src[ilocation]) / norm print( '%d) %s %s= d_dvol(%s[%s])/%g' % (ks, candidate, ['-', '+'][int(sign > 0)], identifier, ilocation, norm) ) elif isinstance(self, OMFITinputprofiles): self[candidate] += sign * src[ilocation] / norm print('%d) %s %s= %s[%s]/%g' % (ks, candidate, ['-', '+'][int(sign > 0)], identifier, ilocation, norm)) accounted.append(location) # set the GACODEtype self.GACODEtype = 'profiles' # update all derived quantities self.consistent_derived() # run checks self.checks() return self def to_omas(self, ods=None, time_index=0, update=['core_profiles', 'equilibrium', 'core_sources']): """ Translate gacode profiles file to OMAS data structure :param ods: input ods to which data is added :param time_index: time index to which data is added :update: list of IDS to update from gacode profiles :return: ODS """ from omas import ODS, omas_environment if ods is None: ods = ODS() cocosio = 2 # GACODE is COCOS 2 # setup coordsio for automatic interpolation coordsio = { 'core_profiles.profiles_1d.%d.grid.rho_tor_norm' % time_index: self['rho'], 'equilibrium.time_slice.%d.profiles_1d.psi' % time_index: self['polflux'], } for i, s in enumerate(omas_source_mapper): coordsio['core_sources.source.%d.profiles_1d.%d.grid.rho_tor_norm' % (i, time_index)] = self['rho'] # generate ODS with omas_environment(ods, cocosio=cocosio, coordsio=coordsio): eq = ods['equilibrium.time_slice'][time_index] # ============= # Equilibrium # ============= if 'equilibrium' in update: eq['global_quantities.magnetic_axis.b_field_tor'] = self['BT_EXP'] if 'IP_EXP' in self: eq['global_quantities.ip'] = self['IP_EXP'] * 1e6 ods.set_time_array('core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0', time_index, self['BT_EXP']) ods.set_time_array('equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.b0', time_index, self['BT_EXP']) if 'RVBV' in self: ods['core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.r0'] = self['RVBV'] / self['BT_EXP'] ods['equilibrium.vacuum_toroidal_field.r0'] = ods['core_profiles.vacuum_toroidal_field.r0'] r, z = self.rz_geometry() eq['boundary.outline.r'] = r[:, -1] eq['boundary.outline.z'] = z[:, -1] eq['profiles_1d.rho_tor_norm'] = self['rho'] eq['profiles_1d.psi'] = self['polflux'] eq['profiles_1d.elongation'] = self['kappa'] eq['profiles_1d.triangularity_upper'] = self['delta'] eq['profiles_1d.triangularity_lower'] = self['delta'] eq['profiles_1d.squareness_upper_outer'] = self['zeta'] eq['profiles_1d.squareness_upper_inner'] = self['zeta'] eq['profiles_1d.squareness_lower_outer'] = self['zeta'] eq['profiles_1d.squareness_lower_inner'] = self['zeta'] eq['profiles_1d.r_outboard'] = self['rmaj'] + self['rmin'] eq['profiles_1d.r_inboard'] = self['rmaj'] - self['rmin'] eq['profiles_1d.centroid.r_max'] = self['rmaj'] + self['rmin'] eq['profiles_1d.centroid.r_min'] = self['rmaj'] - self['rmin'] eq['profiles_1d.centroid.z'] = self['zmag'] eq['profiles_1d.q'] = self['q'] # geometry info derived = miller_derived(self['rmin'], self['rmaj'], self['kappa'], self['delta'], self['zeta'], self['zmag'], self['q']) R = self['rmaj'] + self['rmin'] Bp = derived['bp0'] + np.finfo(float).eps # prevent division by zero Bt = derived['bt0'] # ============= # Core Profiles # ============= if 'core_profiles' in update: prof1d = ods['core_profiles.profiles_1d'][time_index] prof1d['grid.rho_tor_norm'] = self['rho'] prof1d['grid.volume'] = derived['volume'] prof1d['electrons.density_thermal'] = self['ne'] * 1e19 prof1d['electrons.temperature'] = self['Te'] * 1e3 if 'ion' in prof1d: prof1d['ion'].clear() ions = {} for i, ion in enumerate(self['IONS'].values()): i += 1 ion_name, Z_ion, A, therm_fast = ion if ion_name not in ions: ions[ion_name] = len(ions) k = ions[ion_name] if ion_name.lower() in ['lumped']: ion_details = {'symbol': ion_name, 'Z_ion': Z_ion, 'Z': Z_ion, 'A': A} else: ion_details = list(atomic_element(symbol=ion_name, Z_ion=Z_ion).values())[0] prof1d['ion'][k]['label'] = ion_details['symbol'] prof1d['ion'][k]['z_ion'] = ion_details['Z_ion'] prof1d['ion'][k]['multiple_states_flag'] = 0 prof1d['ion'][k]['element'][0]['atoms_n'] = 1 prof1d['ion'][k]['element'][0]['z_n'] = ion_details['Z'] prof1d['ion'][k]['element'][0]['a'] = ion_details['A'] if therm_fast == 'therm': density = 'density_thermal' else: density = 'density_fast' prof1d['ion'][k][density] = self['ni_%d' % i] * 1e19 if therm_fast == 'therm': prof1d['ion'][k]['temperature'] = self['Ti_%d' % i] * 1e3 # only send rotations to OMAS if non-zero if np.any(self['vpol_%d' % i] != 0.0) or np.any(self['vtor_%d' % i] != 0.0): kpol = self['vpol_%d' % i] / Bp omeg = self['vtor_%d' % i] / R omegp = -kpol * Bt / R prof1d['ion'][k]['rotation.parallel_stream_function'] = kpol prof1d['ion'][k]['rotation.perpendicular'] = omeg + omegp prof1d['ion'][k]['rotation.diamagnetic'] = self['omega0'] - omeg - omegp else: prof1d['ion'][k]['pressure_fast_perpendicular'] = ( self['Ti_%d' % i] / 3.0 * prof1d['ion'][k]['density_fast'] * constants.e * 1e3 ) prof1d['ion'][k]['pressure_fast_parallel'] = ( self['Ti_%d' % i] / 3.0 * prof1d['ion'][k]['density_fast'] * constants.e * 1e3 ) prof1d['zeff'] = self['z_eff'] prof1d['rotation_frequency_tor_sonic'] = self['omega0'] # ============= # Core Sources # ============= if 'core_sources' in update or 'core_sources-internal' in update or 'core_sources-aux' in update: source = ods['core_sources.source'] if 'core_sources' in update: source.clear() if 'core_sources-internal' in update: for s in range(len(source) - 1, -1, -1): if source[s]['identifier.index'] in sources_internal_list: del source[s] if 'core_sources-aux' in update: for s in range(len(source) - 1, -1, -1): if source[s]['identifier.index'] not in sources_internal_list: del source[s] volume = derived['volume'] def d_dvol(y): return deriv(source[s]['profiles_1d'][time_index]['grid.volume'], y) def i_vol(y): return integrate.cumtrapz(y, source[s]['profiles_1d'][time_index]['grid.volume'], initial=0) for identifier in omas_source_mapper: type, possible_id_index, details = omas_source_mapper[identifier] id_index = possible_id_index[0] if 'core_sources' not in update and not ('core_sources-internal' in update and 'core_sources-aux' in update): if 'core_sources-aux' in update and id_index in sources_internal_list: continue if 'core_sources-internal' in update and id_index not in sources_internal_list: continue if type == 'd_dvol' and isinstance(self, OMFITinputprofiles): continue elif type == 'i_vol' and isinstance(self, OMFITinputgacode): continue s = len(source) source[s]['profiles_1d'][time_index]['grid.volume'] = volume source[s][''] = identifier source[s]['identifier.index'] = id_index src = source[s]['profiles_1d'][time_index] for sign, location, norm in details: ilocation = map_d_i[location] # split collisional_equipartition between ions and electrons if id_index == 11: norm = norm / 2.0 # we write both source densities as well as integrated values if location not in src: src[location] = volume * 0.0 if ilocation not in src: src[ilocation] = volume * 0.0 if type == 'd_dvol': src[location] += sign * self[identifier] * norm src[ilocation] += sign * i_vol(self[identifier]) * norm elif type == 'i_vol': src[location] += sign * d_dvol(self[identifier]) * norm src[ilocation] += sign * self[identifier] * norm # ============= # Summary # ============= if 'ptransp' in self: if 'power_loss' not in ods['summary.global_quantities']: ods['summary.global_quantities.power_loss.value'] = [self['ptransp'] * 1e6] else: ods['summary.global_quantities.power_loss.value'][time_index] = self['ptransp'] * 1e6 if 'vol' in self: norm = 1e19 * 1e3 * constants.e total_pressure = self['ne'] * self['Te'] * norm ion_names = self.ion_names() for idx, ion in enumerate(ion_names): idx += 1 if 'fast' in ion.lower(): continue else: total_pressure += self[f'ni_{idx}'] * self[f'Ti_{idx}'] * norm if 'energy_thermal' not in ods['summary.global_quantities']: ods['summary.global_quantities.energy_thermal.value'] = [3 / 2 * np.trapz(total_pressure, x=self['vol'])] else: ods['summary.global_quantities.energy_thermal.value'][time_index] = 3 / 2 * np.trapz(total_pressure, x=self['vol']) return ods def __save_kw__(self): """ :return: kw dictionary used to save the attributes to be passed when reloading from OMFITsave.txt """ tmp = self.OMFITproperties.copy() if 'GACODEtype' in self.OMFITproperties and self.OMFITproperties['GACODEtype'] is None: tmp.pop('GACODEtype') return tmp def __popup_menu__(self): menu = [] if self.GACODEtype in ['profiles', 'geo']: menu.append(['Plot flux surfaces', lambda: self.plot(only2D=True)]) if self.GACODEtype == 'profiles': menu.append(['Consistency checks', self.checks]) return menu def calcQ(self): """ Calculate and return the fusion energy gain factor, Q, assuming D+T->alpha+neutron is the main reaction """ # Factor of 5 in following is because total fusion power = 5*alpha power, correct for DT return (self['pow_i_fus'][-1] + self['pow_e_fus'][-1]) * 5 / (self['pow_i_aux'][-1] + self['pow_e_aux'][-1]) def calc_powei_fusion(self, in_place=False): """ calculate pow_e_fus and pow_i_fus given profiles :param in_place: update qfusi, qfusi, pow_e_fus and pow_i_fus :return: tuple with pow_e_fus, pow_i_fus, qfuse, qfusi """ ion_names = self.ion_names() if 'DT' in ion_names: k = ion_names.index('DT') + 1 Ti = self['Ti_%d' % k] * 1e3 nD = self['ni_%d' % k] * 1e19 / 2.0 nT = self['ni_%d' % k] * 1e19 / 2.0 elif 'D' in ion_names and 'T' in ion_names: k = ion_names.index('D') + 1 Ti = self['Ti_%d' % k] * 1e3 nD = self['ni_%d' % k] * 1e19 k = ion_names.index('T') + 1 nT = self['ni_%d' % k] * 1e19 Ti += self['Ti_%d' % k] * 1e3 Ti /= 2.0 else: k = 1 Ti = self['Ti_%d' % k] * 1e3 nD = self['ni_%d' % k] * 1e19 / 2.0 nT = self['ni_%d' % k] * 1e19 / 2.0 # fusion power qfus = fusion_power(nD, nT, Ti) pfus = self.volume_integral(qfus) # calculate alpha heating partion betweek electrons and ions ni = [] zi = [] mi = [] for k, name in enumerate(self.ion_names()): if self['IONS'][k + 1][-1] == 'therm': ni.append(self['ni_%d' % (k + 1)]) zi.append(self['IONS'][k + 1][1]) mi.append(self['IONS'][k + 1][2]) ne = self['ne'] Te = self['Te'] frac_ai = fast_heating(np.array(ni), zi, mi, ne, Te * 1e3, 3.5e6, 4 * constants.proton_mass) pow_e_fus = pfus * (1 - frac_ai) / 1e6 pow_i_fus = pfus * frac_ai / 1e6 qfuse = qfus * (1 - frac_ai) / 1e6 qfusi = qfus * frac_ai / 1e6 if in_place: self['pow_e'] = self['pow_e'] - self['pow_e_fus'] + pow_e_fus self['pow_e_fus'] = pow_e_fus self['pow_i'] = self['pow_i'] - self['pow_i_fus'] + pow_i_fus self['pow_i_fus'] = pow_i_fus self['qfuse'] = qfuse self['qfusi'] = qfusi return pow_e_fus, pow_i_fus, qfuse, qfusi def to_gen(self, input_profiles_version=-1): ''' Generate input.XXX.gen file :param input_profiles_version: version of the input.profiles format to use (-1 uses latest) ''' tmp = _gacode_profiles() tmp.init_profiles_names() if input_profiles_version == -1: input_profiles_version = self.latest_version txt = [ f''' {self.get('SHOT', 0)} SHOT {len(self['IONS'])} N_ION {self['N_EXP']} N_EXP {self.get('BT_EXP', 0.0)} BT_EXP {self.get('IP_EXP', 0.0)} IP_EXP {self.get('RVBV', 0.0)} RVBV {self['ARHO_EXP']} ARHO_EXP '''.strip() ] for row in tmp.profNames[input_profiles_version]: for k in row: if k == 'NULL' or k not in self: txt.append('\n'.join(map(lambda x: '%10.10e' % x, self['rho'] * 0.0))) else: txt.append('\n'.join(map(lambda x: '%10.10e' % x, self[k]))) tmp = OMFITascii(os.path.split(self.filename)[1] + '.gen') tmp.write('\n'.join(txt)) return tmp
[docs]class OMFITinputprofiles(OMFITgacode, _gacode_profiles): def __init__(self, filename=None, GACODEtype=None, **kw): OMFITgacode.__init__(self, filename, GACODEtype=GACODEtype, **kw) self.init_profiles_names()
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): """ Method used to load the content of the file specified in the .filename attribute :return: None """ self.clear() if self.filename is None or not os.stat(self.filename).st_size: return with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: lines = if len(lines): lines = lines.split('\n') lines = [line.strip() for line in lines] for h, line in enumerate(lines): if not len(line): continue if line[0] != '#': break self['__header_' + format(h, '04d') + '__'] = line # parse input.profiles.extra files if ( self.GACODEtype == 'extra' or re.match(r'input\.profiles\.extra.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.extra$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.__class__ = OMFITinputprofiles self.GACODEtype = 'extra' for line in lines: if re.match('# Each vector has length', line): length = int(re.findall('# Each vector has length (.*)', line)[0]) data = np.genfromtxt(self.filename, comments='#', invalid_raise=True) data = np.reshape(data, (-1, length)) # always create all of the entries for var in self.extraNames[self.latest_version]: self[var] = np.zeros(length) # identify version (from latest to oldest) self.version = self.latest_version for k in list(self.extraNames.keys())[::-1]: if len(self.extraNames[k]) == data.shape[0]: self.version = k extraNames = self.extraNames[self.version] for k, entry in enumerate(extraNames[: data.shape[0]]): self[entry] = data[k] # parse input.profiles.geo files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'geo' or re.match(r'input\.profiles\.geo.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.geo', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.__class__ = OMFITinputprofiles self.GACODEtype = 'geo' data = np.genfromtxt(self.filename, comments='#', invalid_raise=True) length = data[0] data = np.reshape(data[1:], (-1, int(length) + 1, 4)) for k, entry in enumerate(['ar', 'br', 'az', 'bz']): self[entry] = data[:, :, k] # parse input.profiles files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'profiles' or re.match(r'input\.profiles.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.profiles$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): self.__class__ = OMFITinputprofiles self.GACODEtype = 'profiles' def parse_ion_line(x): try: return [x[0], int(x[1]), float(x[2]), x[3].strip('[]')] except Exception: return [x[0], int(x[1]), float(x[2]), 'thermal?'] header_ptrn = re.compile(r'^__header_.*__$') ions = self['IONS'] = SortedDict() startIons = False kk = 0 for k in list(self.keys()): if re.match(header_ptrn, k): if startIons: if len(self[k]) > 1: kk += 1 ions[kk] = parse_ion_line([x for x in self[k].split() if x][1:5]) del self[k] else: break elif re.match(r'\W*\bIONS\b\W*:\W*Name\W+Z\W+Mass\b', self[k]): startIons = True self[k] = '>>>IONS<<<' elif 'IONS : ' in self[k]: ion_names = self[k].split(':')[1].split() ions_list = [] for ion in map(lambda x: str(x).upper(), ion_names): kk += 1 if ion not in ions_list: therm_fast = 'therm' else: therm_fast = 'fast' if ion == 'H': ions[kk] = [ion, '1', '1', therm_fast] elif ion == 'D': ions[kk] = [ion, '1', '2', therm_fast] elif ion == 'T': ions[kk] = [ion, '1', '3', therm_fast] elif ion == 'HE': ions[kk] = [ion, '2', '4', therm_fast] elif ion == 'LI': ions[kk] = [ion, '3', '6', therm_fast] elif ion == 'C': ions[kk] = [ion, '6', '12', therm_fast] else: raise ValueError('%s is not yet programmed up' % ion) ions[kk] = parse_ion_line(ions[kk]) ions_list.append(ion) self[k] = '>>>IONS<<<' break # this substitution is done for backwards compatibility towards old scripts for k in list(self.keys()): if re.match(header_ptrn, k) and self[k] == '>>>IONS<<<': self[k] = '# IONS : ' + ' '.join([ions[i][0].lower() for i in list(ions.keys())]) break # parse header entries row = 0 for line in lines: row = row + 1 if re.match(r'#\s*rho.*rmin.*[(polflux)|(rmaj)].*q.*[(omega0)|(kappa)].*', line): break if not len(line) or '#' in line[0]: continue line = line.split('#')[0] # remove any inline comment self[line.split('=')[0]] = namelist.interpreter(line.split('=')[1]) # load raw data d = StringIO(str('\n'.join(lines[row:]))) data = np.loadtxt(d) # always create all of the entries for k1, line in enumerate(self.profNames[self.latest_version]): for k2, var in enumerate(line): self[var] = np.zeros(self['N_EXP']) # identify version self.version = self.latest_version if 'Ti_10' not in ''.join(lines): self.version = 0 elif 'sbcx' not in ''.join(lines): self.version = 1 vars_input_profiles = self.profNames[self.version] # load for k1, line in enumerate(vars_input_profiles): if self['N_EXP'] * (k1 + 1) > data.shape[0]: break for k2, var in enumerate(line): self[var] = data[self['N_EXP'] * k1 : self['N_EXP'] * (k1 + 1), k2] if 'NULL' in self: del self['NULL'] # run consistency checks self.checks() else: raise ValueError('OMFITinputprofiles class cannot load this file type: %s' % self.filename)
[docs] @dynaSave def save(self): """ Method used to save the content of the object to the file specified in the .filename attribute :return: None """ header_ptrn = re.compile(r'^__header_.*__$') header = [] for item in list(self.keys()): if re.match(header_ptrn, item): header.append(self[item]) if len(header): header.append('') with open(self.filename, 'w') as f: # save input.profiles.extra files if ( self.GACODEtype == 'extra' or np.all([k in self for k in self.extraNames]) or re.match(r'input\.profiles\.extra.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.extra$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): f.write('\n'.join(header)) for entry in self.extraNames[self.latest_version]: np.savetxt(f, self[entry], fmt=' % .7E') # save input.profiles.geo files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'geo' or re.match(r'input\.profiles\.geo.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.geo', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): if header[-1] == '': header.pop() header.append('%13d\n' % (self['az'].shape[1] - 1)) f.write('\n'.join(header)) for i in range(len(self['ar'].flat)): for k in ['ar', 'br', 'az', 'bz']: f.write('% .13E\n' % self[k].flat[i]) # save input.profiles files elif ( self.GACODEtype == 'profiles' or np.all([k in self.profNames for k in list(self.keys())]) or re.match(r'input\.profiles.*$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) or re.match(r'.*\.profiles$', os.path.split(self.filename)[1]) ): # if there are no comments, we are generating an input.profiles file from scratch if not len(header): self.insert(0, '__header_0000__', '# IONS : ') # write header (handling ions) ions_found = False for ii, item in enumerate(self.keys()): if re.match(header_ptrn, item) and 'IONS : ' in self[item]: ions_found = True f.write('# IONS : Name Z Mass\n') for k in self['IONS']: f.write( '# %s %d %g [%s]\n' % (self['IONS'][k][0].ljust(10), self['IONS'][k][1], self['IONS'][k][2], self['IONS'][k][3]) ) elif not isinstance(self[item], np.ndarray) and not isinstance(self[item], dict): if not re.match(hide_ptrn, item): f.write(item + '=' + str(self[item]) + '\n') else: if self[item] or not ii == len(self) - 1: f.write(self[item] + '\n') if not ions_found: raise RuntimeError('No header line in input.profile contains IONS comment! Cannot save.') # write for block in self.profNames[self.latest_version]: f.write('#\n') tmp = [] for item in block: item = self.profNamesPretty[item][2] tmp.append(item + ' ' * (16 - len(item))) f.write('#' + ''.join(tmp)[:-1] + '\n') for k in range(self['rho'].size): tmp = [] for item in block: if item != 'NULL': data = self[item][k] else: data = 0.0 tmp.append(format(data, ' < 16.7E')) f.write(''.join(tmp).rstrip() + '\n') else: raise ValueError('OMFITinputprofiles class cannot save this file type: %s' % self.filename)
[docs] def sort(self): keys = sorted(list(self.keys()), key=lambda x: x.lower()) for item in ['torfluxa', 'current', 'rcentr', 'bcentr', 'TIME', 'SHOT', 'N_EXP', 'IONS']: if item in keys: keys.pop(keys.index(item)) keys = [item] + keys tmp = {} tmp.update(self) self.clear() for item in keys: self[item] = tmp[item]
[docs] def consistent_derived(self): """ Enforce consistency the same way input.gacode format would :return: self """ self.calc_ptot(in_place=True) self.calc_pow(in_place=True) return self
[docs] def inputgacode(self): """ return a OMFITinputgacode object from the data contained in this object :return: OMFITinputgacode """ ods = self.to_omas() return OMFITinputgacode('input.gacode').from_omas(ods)
[docs]class OMFITinputgacode(SortedDict, OMFITascii, Gapy, _gacode_profiles): def __init__(self, filename=None, input_profiles_compatibility_mode=True, **kw): if not os.path.basename(filename).startswith('input.gacode'): raise TypeError('Filename must start with input.gacode to be parsed by this class') SortedDict.__init__(self) if not input_profiles_compatibility_mode: kw['input_profiles_compatibility_mode'] = input_profiles_compatibility_mode OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.init_profiles_names() self.GACODEtype = 'gacode' self.dynaLoad = True @property def input_profiles_compatibility_mode(self): return self.OMFITproperties.get('input_profiles_compatibility_mode', True) @input_profiles_compatibility_mode.setter def input_profiles_compatibility_mode(self, value): self.OMFITproperties['input_profiles_compatibility_mode'] = value
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): if not os.stat(self.filename).st_size: return self content = if not all([k in content for k in ['nion', 'name', 'type', 'masse', 'mass', 'ze', 'z']]): raise OMFITexception('This does not appear to be an input.gacode file') # This is especially possible if input.gacode was formed from an input.profiles that was missing some information if 'rho' in content and 'polflux' in content and ('current' not in content or 'bcentr' not in content): raise OMFITexception('Cowardly refusing to attempt to use gapy to load input.gacode without bcentr and current info') self.clear() if self.filename is None or not os.stat(self.filename).st_size: return Gapy.load(self)
[docs] @dynaLoad def sort(self): Gapy.sort(self)
[docs] @dynaSave def save(self):
def __getitem__(self, key): # Mimic old input.profiles arrays full of zeros if key not in self and any(key.startswith(k) for k in ['ni_', 'Ti_', 'vtor_', 'vpol_']): return SortedDict.__getitem__(self, 'ne') * 0.0 # print a warning and return 0 if these quantities are requested if key not in self and key in ['sbcx', 'sbeame']: return SortedDict.__getitem__(self, 'ne') * 0.0 # return the requested quantity return SortedDict.__getitem__(self, key)
[docs] def inputprofiles(self, via_omas=False): """ return a OMFITinputprofiles object from the data contained in this object :param via_omas: make the transformation via OMAS :return: OMFITinputprofiles """ if via_omas: ods = self.to_omas() return OMFITinputprofiles('input.profiles').from_omas(ods) else: tmp = OMFITinputprofiles('input.profiles') tmp.load() # to remove dynaLoad for block in [['IONS', 'N_EXP', 'N_ION', 'BT_EXP', 'IP_EXP', 'ARHO_EXP', 'RVBV']] + tmp.profNames[tmp.latest_version]: for item in block: if item in ['NULL']: continue elif item not in self: tmp[item] = self['rho'] * 0.0 else: tmp[item] = self[item] return tmp
[docs] def inputtglf(self, irhos=None, inputtglf_objects=True): """ Evaluate TGLF input parameters at given radii :param irho: indices of desired input.tglf files. If None, return for all radii. :param inputtglf_objects: if true create OMFITinputglf objects else use simple dictionaries :return: dictionary of input.tglf objects for each grid point in this object """ e = 4.8032e-10 k = 1.6022e-12 me = 9.1094e-28 mi = self['IONS'][1][2] * 1.6726e-24 c = 2.9979e10 m_to_cm = 1e2 T_to_Gauss = 1e4 a = self['rmin'][-1] * m_to_cm rmin = self['rmin'] * m_to_cm one = np.ones(len(rmin)) one_int = np.ones(len(rmin), dtype=int) q = self['q'] Te = self['Te'] * 1e3 ne = self['ne'] * 1e13 bunit = T_to_Gauss * self['bunit'] input_tglf = {} signb = np.sign(self['BT_EXP']) signq = np.sign(self['q']) input_tglf['SIGN_BT'] = -signb * one_int input_tglf['SIGN_IT'] = -signb * signq * one_int input_tglf['NS'] = (self['N_ION'] + 1) * one_int input_tglf['MASS_1'] = me / mi * one input_tglf['TAUS_1'] = 1.0 * one input_tglf['AS_1'] = 1.0 * one input_tglf['ZS_1'] = -1 * one input_tglf['RLNS_1'] = a / m_to_cm * self['dlnnedr'] input_tglf['RLTS_1'] = a / m_to_cm * self['dlntedr'] c_s = np.sqrt(k * Te / mi) input_tglf['VPAR_1'] = -input_tglf['SIGN_IT'] * self['mach'] input_tglf['VPAR_SHEAR_1'] = -input_tglf['SIGN_IT'] * (a / c_s) * self['gamma_p'] AS_ions = 0.0 for i in range(2, self['N_ION'] + 2): input_tglf['MASS_' + str(i)] = self['IONS'][i - 1][2] // self['IONS'][1][2] * one input_tglf['ZS_' + str(i)] = self['IONS'][i - 1][1] * one input_tglf['TAUS_' + str(i)] = self['Ti_' + str(i - 1)] / self['Te'] input_tglf['AS_' + str(i)] = self['ni_' + str(i - 1)] / self['ne'] input_tglf['VPAR_' + str(i)] = -input_tglf['SIGN_IT'] * self['mach'] input_tglf['VPAR_SHEAR_' + str(i)] = -input_tglf['SIGN_IT'] * (a / c_s) * self['gamma_p'] input_tglf['RLNS_' + str(i)] = a / m_to_cm * self['dlnnidr_' + str(i - 1)] input_tglf['RLTS_' + str(i)] = a / m_to_cm * self['dlntidr_' + str(i - 1)] AS_ions += input_tglf['AS_' + str(i)] input_tglf['BETAE'] = 8.0 * np.pi * ne * k * Te / bunit**2 loglam = 24.0 - np.log(np.sqrt(ne) / (Te)) input_tglf['XNUE'] = a / c_s * np.sqrt(self['IONS'][1][2]) * e**4 * np.pi * ne * loglam / (np.sqrt(me) * (k * Te) ** 1.5) input_tglf['ZEFF'] = zeff = self['z_eff'] rho_s = c_s / (e * np.abs(bunit) / (mi * c)) input_tglf['DEBYE'] = 7.43e2 * np.sqrt(Te / (ne)) / rho_s input_tglf['VEXB_SHEAR'] = self['gamma_e'] * (a / c_s) input_tglf['RMIN_LOC'] = self['rmin'] * m_to_cm / a input_tglf['RMAJ_LOC'] = self['rmaj'] * m_to_cm / a input_tglf['ZMAJ_LOC'] = self['zmag'] * m_to_cm / a input_tglf['DRMINDX_LOC'] = 1.0 * one input_tglf['DRMAJDX_LOC'] = self['drmaj'] input_tglf['DZMAJDX_LOC'] = self['dzmag'] input_tglf['Q_LOC'] = np.abs(q) input_tglf['KAPPA_LOC'] = self['kappa'] input_tglf['S_KAPPA_LOC'] = self['skappa'] input_tglf['DELTA_LOC'] = self['delta'] input_tglf['S_DELTA_LOC'] = self['sdelta'] input_tglf['ZETA_LOC'] = self['zeta'] input_tglf['S_ZETA_LOC'] = self['szeta'] press = self['ptot'] Pa_to_dyn = 10.0 dpdr = np.gradient(press * Pa_to_dyn, rmin) dqdr = np.gradient(q, rmin) input_tglf['P_PRIME_LOC'] = np.zeros(rmin.shape) # avoid division by zero input_tglf['P_PRIME_LOC'][1:] = signq[1:] * q[1:] / (rmin[1:] / a) ** 2 * rmin[1:] / bunit[1:] ** 2 * dpdr[1:] input_tglf['P_PRIME_LOC'][0] = input_tglf['P_PRIME_LOC'][1] s = rmin / q * dqdr input_tglf['Q_PRIME_LOC'] = np.zeros(rmin.shape) # avoid division by zero input_tglf['Q_PRIME_LOC'][1:] = q[1:] ** 2 * a**2 / rmin[1:] ** 2 * s[1:] input_tglf['Q_PRIME_LOC'][0] = input_tglf['Q_PRIME_LOC'][1] q_gb = ne * k * Te * c_s * (rho_s / a) ** 2 * 1.0e-7 if irhos is None: irhos = np.arange(len(self['rho'])) irhos = np.atleast_1d(irhos) all_tglfs = SortedDict() for irho in irhos: rho = self['rho'][irho] if inputtglf_objects: all_tglfs[rho] = OMFITgacode(GACODEtype='tglf', filename='input.tglf') else: all_tglfs[rho] = dict() for item in input_tglf: all_tglfs[rho][item] = input_tglf[item][irho] return all_tglfs
# OMAS extra_structures # omega0 is kept for backward compatibility _extra_structures = { 'core_profiles': { "core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].omega0": { "coordinates": ["core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm"], "data_type": "FLT_1D", "documentation": "Plasma rotation", "full_path": "core_profiles/profiles_1d(itime)/omega0(:)", "data_type": "FLT_1D", "units": "rad/s", "cocos_signal": "TOR", }, "core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].rotation.perpendicular": { "coordinates": ["core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm"], "data_type": "FLT_1D", "documentation": "ion perpendicular VxB rotation", "full_path": "core_profiles/profiles_1d(itime)/ion(i1)/rotation/perpendicular(:)", "data_type": "FLT_1D", "units": "rad/s", "cocos_signal": "TOR", }, "core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].rotation.diamagnetic": { "coordinates": ["core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm"], "data_type": "FLT_1D", "documentation": "ion diamagnetic rotation", "full_path": "core_profiles/profiles_1d(itime)/ion(i1)/rotation/diamagnetic(:)", "data_type": "FLT_1D", "units": "rad/s", "cocos_signal": "TOR", }, "core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].ion[:].rotation.parallel_stream_function": { "coordinates": ["core_profiles.profiles_1d[:].grid.rho_tor_norm"], "data_type": "FLT_1D", "documentation": "ion parallel stream function", "full_path": "core_profiles/profiles_1d(itime)/ion(i1)/rotation/parallel_stream_function(:)", "data_type": "FLT_1D", "units": "rad/s" # no COCOS transformation }, } } omas.omas_utils._structures = {} omas.omas_utils._structures_dict = {} if not hasattr(omas.omas_utils, '_extra_structures'): omas.omas_utils._extra_structures = {} for _ids in _extra_structures: for _item in _extra_structures[_ids]: _extra_structures[_ids][_item]['lifecycle_status'] = 'omfit' omas.omas_utils._extra_structures.setdefault(_ids, {}).update(_extra_structures[_ids]) ############################################ if '__main__' == __name__: test_classes_main_header() import warnings warnings.simplefilter("error") if False: print('=' * 20) from pygacode.test import test_install print('=' * 20) # make a copy of the sample input.gacode in the current working directory OMFITascii(OMFITsrc + '/../samples/input.gacode').deploy('input.gacode') # check from_omas and to_omas tmp = OMFITinputgacode('input.gacode') ods = tmp.to_omas() tmp0 = OMFITinputgacode('input.gacode0') tmp0.from_omas(ods) if False: # plot from matplotlib import pyplot axs = tmp.plot(pretty_names=False) tmp0.plot(color='r', axs=axs, pretty_names=False)