Source code for omfit_classes.omfit_genray

    # framework is running
    from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
    # class is imported by itself
    if (
        'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
        or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
        or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
        from startup_choice import *

from omfit_classes.omfit_nc import OMFITnc
from omfit_classes.fluxSurface import *

__all__ = ['OMFITgenray']

[docs]class OMFITgenray(OMFITnc):
[docs] def pr(self, inp): out = inp.T.copy() # out[np.where(self,['wr']['data'].T==0)]=np.nan # out[np.where(self,['wr']['data'].T is nan)]=np.nan return out
[docs] def slow_fast(self): n_par =['wnpar']['data']) n_per =['wnper']['data']) S =['cweps11']['data']) S = S[:, :, 0] + 1.0j * S[:, :, 1] D =['cweps12']['data']) D = (D[:, :, 0] + 1.0j * D[:, :, 1]) / -1.0j P =['cweps33']['data']) P = P[:, :, 0] + 1.0j * P[:, :, 1] R = S + D L = S - D A = S B = R * L + P * S - P * n_par**2 - S * n_par**2 C = P * (R * L - 2 * S * n_par**2 + n_par**4) n_per2_f = (B - np.sqrt(B**2 - 4 * A * C)) / (2 * A) n_per2_s = (B + np.sqrt(B**2 - 4 * A * C)) / (2 * A) tmp = np.zeros((n_per2_s.shape[0], n_per2_s.shape[1], 2)) tmp[:, :, 0] = abs(n_per2_s - n_per**2) tmp[:, :, 1] = abs(n_per2_f - n_per**2) slow_fast = np.argmin(tmp, 2) * 1.0 return slow_fast
[docs] def to_omas(self, ods=None, time_index=0, new_sources=True, n_rho=201): """ translate GENRAY class to OMAS data structure :param ods: input ods to which data is added :param time_index: time index to which data is added :param new_sources: wipe out existing sources :return: ODS """ from omas import ODS, omas_environment if ods is None: ods = ODS() if new_sources or 'core_sources.source' not in ods: ods['core_sources']['source'] = ODS() s = 0 else: s = len(ods['core_sources']['source']) freq = self['freqcy']['data'] / 1e9 ergs_to_J = 1e-7 cm_to_m = 1e-2 with omas_environment(ods, cocosio=5): if self['freqcy']['data'] < 100e6: ods[f'core_sources.source.{s}.identifier.description'] = f"GENRAY IC heating source at {freq:3.3f} GHz" ods[f'core_sources.source.{s}'] = 'GENRAY IC' ods[f'core_sources.source.{s}.identifier.index'] = 5 # IC elif self['freqcy']['data'] < 1e9: ods[f'core_sources.source.{s}.identifier.description'] = f"GENRAY Helicon heating source at {freq:3.3f} GHz" ods[f'core_sources.source.{s}'] = 'GENRAY Helicon' ods[f'core_sources.source.{s}.identifier.index'] = 5 # Helicon elif self['freqcy']['data'] < 10e9: ods[f'core_sources.source.{s}.identifier.description'] = f"GENRAY LH heating source at {freq:3.3f} GHz" ods[f'core_sources.source.{s}'] = 'GENRAY LH' ods[f'core_sources.source.{s}.identifier.index'] = 4 # LH else: ods[f'core_sources.source.{s}.identifier.description'] = f"GENRAY EC heating source at {freq:3.3f} GHz" ods[f'core_sources.source.{s}'] = 'GENRAY EC' ods[f'core_sources.source.{s}.identifier.index'] = 3 # ECH source = ods[f'core_sources.source.{s}.profiles_1d'][time_index] source['j_parallel'] = self['s_cur_den_onetwo']['data'] / (cm_to_m**2) # from A/cm^2 to A/m^2 source['electrons']['energy'] = self['powden_e']['data'] * ergs_to_J / (cm_to_m**3) # from erg/cm^3/s to J/m^3/s source['total_ion_energy'] = self['powden_i']['data'] * ergs_to_J / (cm_to_m**3) # from erg/cm^3/s to J/m^3/s rho = np.linspace(0, 1, n_rho) rho_genray = self['rho_bin_center']['data'] source['grid']['rho_tor_norm'] = rho source['j_parallel'] = interp1e(rho_genray, source['j_parallel'])(rho) source['electrons']['energy'] = interp1e(rho_genray, source['electrons']['energy'])(rho) source['total_ion_energy'] = interp1e(rho_genray, source['total_ion_energy'])(rho) return ods
[docs] def plot(self, gEQDSK=None, showSlowFast=False): with'default'): fig = pyplot.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(16, 8) ax0 = pyplot.subplot(131) if gEQDSK is None: gEQDSK = {} gEQDSK['RHORZ'] = self['eqdsk_psi']['data'] gEQDSK['R'] = self['eqdsk_r']['data'] gEQDSK['Z'] = self['eqdsk_z']['data'] n = 10 flx = fluxSurfaces( Rin=self['eqdsk_r']['data'], Zin=self['eqdsk_z']['data'], PSIin=self['eqdsk_psi']['data'], Btin=self['eqdsk_psi']['data'] * 0, levels=n, quiet=True, cocosin=1, ) for k in range(n): pyplot.plot(flx['flux'][k]['R'], flx['flux'][k]['Z'], 'k', linewidth=0.5) pyplot.xlabel('R') pyplot.ylabel('Z') else: gEQDSK.plot(only2D=True) flx = gEQDSK['fluxSurfaces'] pyplot.title('Ray trajectories') rho = self['rho_bin_center']['data'] powden = self['powden']['data'] powden_e = self['powden_e']['data'] powden_i = self['powden_i']['data'] powtot_e = self['powtot_e']['data'] powtot_i = self['powtot_i']['data'] powtot = self['power_total']['data'] cur_parallel = self['s_cur_den_parallel']['data'] curtotal_parallel = self['parallel_cur_total']['data'] powden = powden / 1e7 # ergs/sec/cm^3 to W/cm^3 = MW/m^3 powden_e = powden_e / 1e7 # ergs/sec/cm^3 to W/cm^3 = MW/m^3 powden_i = powden_i / 1e7 # ergs/sec/cm^3 to W/cm^3 = MW/m^3 powtot_elec = powtot_e / 1e7 / 1e6 # from ergs/sec to W, and to MW powtot_ions = powtot_i / 1e7 / 1e6 powtot = powtot / 1e7 / 1e6 cur_parallel = cur_parallel / 1e2 # from A/cm^2 to MA/m^2 curtotal_parallel = curtotal_parallel / 1e3 # from A to kA npar = self['wnpar']['data'].flatten() wr_vals = self['wr']['data'].flatten() wz_vals = self['wz']['data'].flatten() wphi_vals = self['wphi']['data'].flatten() rho_ray = self['spsi']['data'].flatten() btot_ray = self['sbtot']['data'].flatten() dpol = self['ws']['data'].flatten() dpol = dpol / 1e2 # from cm to m wr_vals = wr_vals / 1e2 # from cm to m wz_vals = wz_vals / 1e2 # from cm to m raypower = self['delpwr']['data'].flatten() raypower = raypower / 1e7 / 1e6 # from ergs/sec to W, and to MW deriv_raypower = abs(np.gradient(raypower, dpol)) # in MW/m deriv_raypower[np.isinf(deriv_raypower)] = 0 dpolmax = max(dpol) wr_vals[wr_vals == 0] = np.nan wz_vals[wz_vals == 0] = np.nan wphi_vals[wphi_vals == 0] = np.nan dpol[dpol == 0] = np.nan ray_Te = self['ste']['data'].flatten() vpar = 3e10 / abs(npar) vthe = 4.19e7 * np.sqrt(2 * ray_Te * 1e3) # ray_Te was in keV, using sqrt(2Te/m) as thermal velocity # ax0 = pyplot.subplot(131) pyplot.scatter(wr_vals, wz_vals, c='k', edgecolor='None', s=deriv_raypower / max(deriv_raypower) * 200, marker=',', alpha=0.1) myplot = pyplot.scatter(wr_vals, wz_vals, c=(raypower / max(raypower)), cmap='rainbow', edgecolor='None', marker='.') pyplot.xlabel('R (m)') pyplot.ylabel('Z (m)') pyplot.title('Ray trajectory') pyplot.axis('image') pyplot.colorbar(myplot, ax=ax0, norm=raypower, label='Power in ray (MW)') ax0 = pyplot.subplot(232) angles = np.arange(0, 6.3, 0.05) pyplot.scatter( wr_vals * np.cos(wphi_vals), wr_vals * np.sin(wphi_vals), c='k', edgecolor='None', s=deriv_raypower / max(deriv_raypower) * 200, marker=',', alpha=0.1, ) myplot = pyplot.scatter( wr_vals * np.cos(wphi_vals), wr_vals * np.sin(wphi_vals), c=(raypower / max(raypower)), cmap='rainbow', edgecolor='None', marker='.', ) Rmax_psin1 = max(flx['geo']['Rmax_centroid']) R_psin0 = min(flx['geo']['Rmax_centroid']) Rmin_psin1 = min(flx['geo']['Rmin_centroid']) pyplot.plot(Rmax_psin1 * np.cos(angles), Rmax_psin1 * np.sin(angles), 'k') pyplot.plot(R_psin0 * np.cos(angles), R_psin0 * np.sin(angles), 'k', linestyle='dashed') pyplot.plot(Rmin_psin1 * np.cos(angles), Rmin_psin1 * np.sin(angles), 'k') pyplot.xlabel('X (m)') pyplot.ylabel('Y (m)') pyplot.title('Ray trajectory') pyplot.axis('image') pyplot.colorbar(myplot, ax=ax0, norm=raypower, label='Power in ray (MW)') ax = pyplot.subplot(235) ax.clear() pyplot.plot(rho, powden, label='Total {:.2f} MW'.format(powtot), linewidth=1.5) pyplot.plot(rho, powden_e, label='Electrons {:.2f} MW'.format(powtot_elec), linewidth=1.5) pyplot.plot(rho, powden_i, label='Ions {:.2f} MW'.format(powtot_ions), linewidth=1.5) pyplot.legend(fontsize='medium', framealpha=0.2, frameon=0, loc='upper left') pyplot.xlabel('$\\rho$') pyplot.ylabel('Power density (MW/m$^3$)') pyplot.axis('tight') ax2 = ax.twinx() pyplot.plot(rho, cur_parallel, color='darkorange', label='$J_\parallel$ {:.1f} kA'.format(curtotal_parallel), linewidth=1.5) pyplot.ylabel('$J_\parallel$ (MA/m$^2$)') pyplot.title('$P_{abs}$ & CD') pyplot.legend(fontsize='medium', framealpha=0.2, frameon=0, loc='upper right') pyplot.axis('tight') ax3 = pyplot.subplot(233) ax3.clear() pyplot.plot(dpol, npar, c='r', label='Rainbow line: $n_\parallel$', linewidth=0) pyplot.scatter(dpol, npar, c='k', edgecolor='none', marker='.', s=deriv_raypower / max(deriv_raypower) * 1000, alpha=0.1) pyplot.scatter(dpol, npar, c=(raypower / max(raypower)), cmap='rainbow', edgecolor='none', marker='.') pyplot.xlabel('Distance along ray (m)') pyplot.ylabel('$n_\parallel$') ax4 = ax3.twinx() pyplot.plot(dpol, vpar / vthe, c='g', label='Green line: $v_\\parallel/v_{th,e}$', linewidth=0) pyplot.scatter(dpol, vpar / vthe, c='g', edgecolor='none', marker='.', s=deriv_raypower / max(deriv_raypower) * 1000, alpha=0.1) pyplot.plot(dpol, vpar / vthe, c='g') pyplot.ylabel('$v_\\parallel/v_{th,e}$') pyplot.xlim(0, dpolmax) pyplot.title('Green line: $v_\\parallel/v_{th,e}$ Rainbow line: $n_\parallel$') pyplot.axis('tight') ax5 = pyplot.subplot(236) pyplot.plot(vpar / vthe, deriv_raypower, c='b') pyplot.xlabel('$v_\\parallel/v_{th,e}$') pyplot.ylabel('Ray absorption (MW/m)') pyplot.xlim(0, 5) pyplot.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4, left=0.03, wspace=0.4, right=0.95)