Source code for omfit_classes.omfit_harvest

    # framework is running
    from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
    # class is imported by itself
    if (
        'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
        or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
        or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
        from startup_choice import *

from omfit_classes.harvest_lib import *
import numpy as np

__all__ = [
    'harvest_nc',  # from harvest_lib

[docs]class OMFITharvest(SortedDict): def __init__(self, table=None, convertDecimal=True, **kw): SortedDict.__init__(self) kw['table'] = table kw['convertDecimal'] = convertDecimal if 'Limit' in kw: kw['limit'] = kw.pop('Limit') kw.setdefault('limit', None) = kw self._client = None self.dynaLoad = True def _connect(self): self._client = boto3.resource(service_name='dynamodb', **boto_credentials())
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): if not self._client: self._connect() self.clear() # get tables if['table'] is None: try: for table in [str( for k in self._client.tables.all()]:['table'] = table self[table] = OMFITharvest(** finally:['table'] = None # get records else: for k, item in enumerate(self._get_table(** if item: self[k] = item
def _paginated_scan(self, verbose=True, **kw): import random from botocore.exceptions import ClientError table = kw.pop('table',['table']) limit = kw.pop('limit','limit', None)) if isinstance(table, str): table = self._client.Table(table) if verbose: print('Starting to fetch data from table `%s`' % t0 = time.time() items = [] readDB = 0.0 scan_generator = None locked = False t0 = t1 = time.time() while readDB >= 0 and (limit is None or len(items) < limit): try: if scan_generator is None: kw['Limit'] = 1 scan_generator = table.scan(ReturnConsumedCapacity='TOTAL', **kw) else: ReadCapacityUnits = table.provisioned_throughput['ReadCapacityUnits'] if 'Limit' not in kw: kw['Limit'] = max([len(scan_generator['Items']), CapacityUnits]) elif np.floor(CapacityUnits) > ReadCapacityUnits: if not locked: kw['Limit'] = max([kw['Limit'] / 2.0, kw['Limit'] * ReadCapacityUnits / CapacityUnits]) else: kw['Limit'] -= 1 elif np.floor(CapacityUnits) < ReadCapacityUnits: kw['Limit'] += 1 locked = True kw['Limit'] = max([1, int(kw['Limit'])]) scan_generator = table.scan(ExclusiveStartKey=scan_generator['LastEvaluatedKey'], ReturnConsumedCapacity='TOTAL', **kw) CapacityUnits = scan_generator['ConsumedCapacity']['CapacityUnits'] items.extend(scan_generator['Items']) readDB = 0.0 if 'LastEvaluatedKey' not in scan_generator: readDB = -1 if verbose: print( 'new:%d total:%d (%1.1f capacity - %3.1f records/second)' % (len(scan_generator['Items']), len(items), CapacityUnits, len(scan_generator['Items']) / (time.time() - t1)) ) t1 = time.time() except ClientError as _excp: if 'ResourceNotFoundException' in str(_excp): raise readDB += random.random() if readDB > 3: raise if verbose: print('wait %3.3f seconds' % readDB) time.sleep(readDB) if verbose: print('Fetching data took %g seconds' % (time.time() - t0)) if is_int(limit): return items[:limit] return items def _get_table(self, **kw): convertDecimal = kw.pop('convertDecimal',['convertDecimal']) items = self._paginated_scan(**kw) if convertDecimal: for item in items: for d in item: if isinstance(item[d], decimal.Decimal) and not d.startswith('_hash'): item[d] = float(item[d]) if isinstance(item[d], list): item[d] = np.array(list(map(float, item[d]))) return items def __getstate__(self): return {'kw':, 'dynaLoad': self.dynaLoad}, list(self.items()) def __setstate__(self, tmp): self.__dict__.update(tmp[0]) for key, value in tmp[1]: self[key] = self._setLocation(key, value) def _repr(self): line = [] for k, v in list( if (k == 'table' and v is None) or (k == 'convertDecimal' and v == True): continue line.append('%s=%s' % (k, repr(v))) return ', '.join(line) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "(%s)" % (self._repr()) def __tree_repr__(self): if len(self._repr()): return self._repr(), []
[docs]class OMFITharvestS3(SortedDict): def __init__( self, table, verbose=-1, limit=None, long_term_storage=True, by_column=True, skip_underscores=True, numpy_arrays=False, **kw ): SortedDict.__init__(self) = { 'table': table, 'verbose': verbose, 'limit': limit, 'long_term_storage': long_term_storage, 'by_column': by_column, 'skip_underscores': skip_underscores, 'numpy_arrays': numpy_arrays, } self.dynaLoad = True self._client = None def _connect(self): import boto3 self._client = boto3.client('s3', **boto_credentials())
[docs] def long_term_storage(self): if isinstance(['long_term_storage'], str): directory =['long_term_storage'] elif['long_term_storage']: directory = ( os.path.split(tolist(OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['projectsDir'])[0].rstrip(os.sep))[0] + os.sep + 'harvestS3storage' ) else: directory = OMFITtmpDir + os.sep + 'harvestS3storage' if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) return directory
[docs] def list_items(self): if not self._client: self._connect() table =['table'].strip() if '/' not in table: table += '/' paginator = self._client.get_paginator('list_objects') operation_parameters = {'Bucket': 'gadb-harvest', 'Prefix': table} files = [] page_iterator = paginator.paginate(**operation_parameters) for page in page_iterator: if 'Contents' in page: for item in page['Contents']: if re.match(r'.*[0-9]+-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$', item['Key']): files.append(item['Key']) if['verbose'] > 1: printi('harvestS3 list: ' + item['Key']) else: if['verbose'] > 1: printw('harvestS3 list: ' + item['Key']) else: raise ValueError('There are no S3 items that match: ' +['table']) return files
[docs] def get(self, key): limit = 1e10 if['limit'] and['limit'] >= 0: limit =['limit'] - len(self) if limit <= 0: return [] filename = self.long_term_storage() + os.sep + key if not os.path.exists(os.path.split(filename)[0]): os.makedirs(os.path.split(filename)[0]) # get details of the file if['verbose'] > 1: printi('harvestS3 querying %s' % key) response = self._client.get_object(Bucket='gadb-harvest', Key=key) # if the file is already in long-term storage directory if os.path.exists(filename) and os.stat(filename).st_size == response['ContentLength']: if['verbose'] > 0: printi('harvestS3 lts %s (%s)' % (key, sizeof_fmt(response['ContentLength']))) objs = OMFITpickle(filename, 'filename', limit, False) # if the file needs to be downloaded else: if['verbose'] > 0: printi('harvestS3 fetching %s (%s)' % (key, sizeof_fmt(response['ContentLength']))) pkl = response['Body'].read() with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(pkl) objs = OMFITpickle(pkl, 'string', limit, False) # convert lists to np arrays if['numpy_arrays']: for item in objs: for key in item: if isinstance(item[key], list): item[key] = np.array(item[key]) return objs
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): """ Download the data and unpack the nested pickle files """ objs = [] files = sorted(self.list_items()) if['limit'] and['limit'] >= 0: files = files[:['limit']] elif['limit'] and['limit'] < 0: files = files[['limit'] :] if['verbose'] == -1: ascii_progress_bar(0, 0, len(files) - 1, newline=False, mess='harvestS3 [%d] %s' % (0, '---')) for k, key in enumerate(files): objs.extend(self.get(key)) if['verbose'] == -1: ascii_progress_bar(k + 1, 0, len(files), newline=False, mess='harvestS3 [%d] %s' % (len(objs), key)) if['limit'] and len(objs) >=['limit']: break self.clear() if['by_column']: self.update(self.get_array_form(var=None, datain=objs)) else: self.update({k: v for k, v in enumerate(objs)})
[docs] def get_array_form(self, var=None, datain=None): """ Iterate over the table rows to get the values of :param var: or all variables if :param var: is ``None`` :param var: Parameter to return (accumulated over all rows) or all variables if ``None`` """ if datain is None: datain = self if['by_column'] and datain is None and len(self) and not is_int(list(self.keys())[0]): if var is None: return {key: value for key, value in list(self.items()) if not['skip_underscores'] or not key.startswith('_')} elif var in self and isinstance(var, str): return self[var] data = {} for i in range(len(datain)): for k in set(list(datain[i].keys()) + list(data.keys())): if var is None and['skip_underscores'] and k.startswith('_'): continue if k in datain[i]: val = datain[i][k] else: val = None if var is None: if k in data: data[k].append(val) else: data[k] = [None] * i data[k].append(val) elif var == k: if k in data: data[k].append(val) else: data[k] = [None] * i data[k].append(val) for k in data: try: data[k] = np.array(data[k], dtype=float) except ValueError: data[k] = np.array(data[k]) if var is None: return data else: return data[k]
def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "(%s)" % (', '.join(['%s=%s' % (x, repr([x])) for x in])) def __tree_repr__(self): if self.dynaLoad: counts = '?' elif not len(self): counts = '!' elif['by_column']: counts = str(len(list(self.values())[0])) else: counts = str(len(self)) return ['%s (%s)' % (['table'], counts), []] def __getstate__(self): tmp = SortedDict.__getstate__(self) tmp[0].pop('_client', None) return tmp def __setstate__(self, tmp): SortedDict.__setstate__(self, tmp) self._client = None def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
[docs]def dynamo_to_S3(table, pickle_main_directory=os.environ['HOME'] + os.sep + 'harvest_database', upload=True, **kw): r""" This function fetches data in a OMFITharvest databases and saves it as OMFITharvestS3 pickle files :param table: dynamodb table to query :param pickle_main_directory: where to save the pickled files :param upload: upload pickle files to harvest S3 server :param \**kw: keyword arguments passed to the OMFITharvest call :return: list of strings with filenames that were created """ verbose = kw.get('verbose', True) if isinstance(table, str): DB = OMFITharvest(table=table, **kw) else: DB = table table =['table'] pickle_main_directory = os.path.abspath(pickle_main_directory) def force_symlink(file1, file2): try: os.symlink(file1, file2) except OSError as _excp: if _excp.errno == errno.EEXIST: os.remove(file2) os.symlink(file1, file2) max_file_size_bytes = 10 * 1024 * 1024 # 10 MB for k, key in enumerate(sorted(list(DB.keys()), key=lambda x: DB[x]['_date'])): data = DB[key] tag = data.get('_tag', None) if tag is None: tag = '__untagged__' protocol = 'DYN' directory = os.sep.join([pickle_main_directory, table, tag, protocol]) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) current = directory + os.sep + 'current' hash = directory + os.sep + 'hash' hash_history = {} if hash not in hash_history and os.path.exists(hash): hash_history[hash] = tolist(OMFITpickle(hash)) else: hash_history[hash] = [] if data['_hash_values'] in hash_history[hash]: if verbose: printw('skipped (%3.3f): %d' % (k / float(len(DB)), data['_hash_values'])) continue else: if verbose: printi('added (%3.3f): %d' % (k / float(len(DB)), data['_hash_values'])) now_filename = directory + os.sep + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(data['_date']).strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f") if os.path.exists(current) and os.stat(current).st_size > max_file_size_bytes: os.remove(current) if not os.path.exists(current): open(now_filename, 'wb').close() force_symlink(now_filename, current) with open(os.path.realpath(current), 'ab') as file_data: pickle.dump(data, file_data) with open(hash, 'ab') as file_hash: pickle.dump(data['_hash_values'], file_hash) hash_history[hash].append(data['_hash_values']) files = glob.glob(pickle_main_directory + '/%s/*/*/*' % table) if upload: for filename in files: upload_harvestS3pickle(filename) return files
[docs]def upload_harvestS3pickle(filename): """ Upload pickle file to harvest S3 """ import boto3 s3connection = boto3.resource('s3', **boto_credentials()) bucket = s3connection.Bucket('gadb-harvest') if os.path.split(filename)[1] != 'current': filename.split('/')[-4:] table, tag, protocol, file = filename.split('/')[-4:] s3key = os.sep.join([table, tag, protocol, file]) printi('Uploading %s to S3' % s3key) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: bucket.put_object(Key=s3key,, Metadata={'table': table, 'tag': tag}, ACL='public-read')
_harvest_send = harvest_send
[docs]def harvest_send(*args, **kw): return _harvest_send(*args, process=evalExpr, **kw)
harvest_send.__doc__ = _harvest_send.__doc__ # ======================== # Bug fix for boto3 # ======================== # from boto3.dynamodb import types # _create_decimal=types.DYNAMODB_CONTEXT.create_decimal # def create_decimal(value): # try: # return _create_decimal(value) # except Exception: # return _create_decimal(0) # types.DYNAMODB_CONTEXT.create_decimal=create_decimal