# framework is running
from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
# class is imported by itself
if (
'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
from startup_choice import *
from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import scipy.fftpack
from omfit_classes.omfit_ascii import OMFITascii
from omfit_classes.omfit_namelist import OMFITnamelist
from omfit_classes.omfit_nc import OMFITncData
from omfit_classes.omfit_osborne import OMFITpFile
from omfit_classes.omfit_eqdsk import fluxSurfaces
from omfit_classes.utils_math import fourier_boundary
__all__ = ['OMFIThelena', 'OMFITmishkamap', 'OMFIThelenaout', 'OMFIThelenainput']
[docs]class OMFIThelena(SortedDict, OMFITascii):
OMFIT class used to interface with Helena mapping file for ELITE
:param filename: filename passed to OMFIThelena class
:param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITobject class, not currently used
def __init__(self, filename, **kw):
OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw)
self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad
def load(self):
Method used to load the content of the file specified in the .filename attribute
:return: None
self.descriptions = SortedDict()
self.descriptions['0d'] = SortedDict()
self.descriptions['0d']['npsi'] = 'number of flux surfaces'
self.descriptions['0d']['nchi'] = 'number of points on each flux surface'
self.descriptions['1d'] = SortedDict()
self.descriptions['2d'] = SortedDict()
self.descriptions['1d']['psi'] = 'psi'
self.descriptions['1d']['dp'] = 'dp/dpsi'
self.descriptions['1d']['fpol'] = 'Poloidal current function'
self.descriptions['1d']['ffp'] = 'fpoldfpol/dpsi'
self.descriptions['1d']['d2pdpsi2'] = 'd2p/dpsi2'
self.descriptions['1d']['dffp'] = 'd(ffp)/dpsi'
self.descriptions['1d']['q'] = 'Safety factor'
self.descriptions['2d']['R'] = 'Major radius of grid points'
self.descriptions['2d']['Z'] = 'Height of grid points'
self.descriptions['2d']['Bp'] = 'Poloidal magnetic field on grid points'
self.descriptions['1d']['ne'] = 'Electron density'
self.descriptions['1d']['te'] = 'Electron temperature'
self.descriptions['1d']['nmainion'] = 'Main ion density'
self.descriptions['1d']['nimpurity'] = 'Main impurity density'
self.descriptions['1d']['ni'] = 'Total ion density'
self.descriptions['1d']['ti'] = 'Ion temperature'
self.descriptions['0d']['Zeff'] = 'Effective charge'
self.descriptions['0d']['Aimp'] = 'Atomic mass of the impurity species'
self.descriptions['0d']['Amain'] = 'Atomic mass of the main ion'
self.descriptions['0d']['Zimp'] = 'Charge number of the impurity species'
# There may be more impurity species, but let's stop here for now
self.units = SortedDict()
self.units['1d'] = SortedDict()
self.units['2d'] = SortedDict()
self.units['1d']['ne'] = '10^20/m^3'
self.units['1d']['te'] = 'KeV'
self.units['1d']['nmainion'] = '10^20/m^3'
self.units['1d']['nimpurity'] = '10^20/m^3'
self.units['1d']['ni'] = '10^20/m^3'
self.units['1d']['ti'] = 'KeV'
self.units['1d']['psi'] = 'Wb'
self.units['1d']['dp'] = 'Pa*mu0/Wb'
self.units['1d']['fpol'] = 'A?'
self.units['1d']['ffp'] = 'A^2/Wb'
self.units['1d']['dffp'] = 'A^2/Wb^2'
self.units['1d']['d2pdpsi2'] = 'Pa*mu0/Wb^2'
self.units['2d']['R'] = 'm'
self.units['2d']['Z'] = 'm'
self.units['1d']['q'] = ''
self.units['2d']['Bp'] = 'T'
self['0d'] = SortedDict()
self['1d'] = SortedDict()
self['2d'] = SortedDict()
for key in self.descriptions['1d'].keys():
self['1d'][key] = OMFITncData()
self['1d'][key]['data'] = np.array([0])
self['1d'][key]['description'] = self.descriptions['1d'][key]
self['1d'][key]['psinorm'] = np.array([0])
self['1d'][key]['units'] = self.units['1d'][key]
self['1d'][key]['derivative'] = np.array([0])
for key in self.descriptions['2d'].keys():
self['2d'][key] = OMFITncData()
self['2d'][key]['data'] = np.array([[0]])
self['2d'][key]['description'] = self.descriptions['2d'][key]
self['2d'][key]['units'] = self.units['2d'][key]
for key in self.descriptions['0d'].keys():
self['0d'][key] = OMFITncData()
self['0d'][key]['description'] = self.descriptions['0d'][key]
self['0d'][key]['data'] = 0
self['0d'][key]['units'] = ''
columns_map = 5
# read the file
f = os.path.getsize(self.filename)
if f == 0:
with open(self.filename, 'r') as file:
(self['0d']['npsi']['data'], self['0d']['nchi']['data']) = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1).astype(int)
mod1 = int(np.ceil(float(self['0d']['npsi']['data']) / columns_map - self['0d']['npsi']['data'] // columns_map))
nlines1 = int(float(self['0d']['npsi']['data']) / columns_map) + mod1
nlines2 = self['0d']['nchi']['data']
self['1d']['psi']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1)
psi_norm = self['1d']['psi']['data'] / self['1d']['psi']['data'][-1]
self['1d']['dp']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1)
self['1d']['d2pdpsi2']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1)
self['1d']['fpol']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1)
self['1d']['ffp']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1)
self['1d']['dffp']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1)
self['1d']['q']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1)
self['2d']['R']['data'] = self.read_2d_array(file, nlines1, nlines2)
self['2d']['Z']['data'] = self.read_2d_array(file, nlines1, nlines2)
self['2d']['Bp']['data'] = self.read_2d_array(file, nlines1, nlines2)
self['1d']['ne']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1) / 1e20
self['1d']['ne']['derivative'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1) / 1e20
self['1d']['te']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1) / 1e3
self['1d']['te']['derivative'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1) / 1e3
self['1d']['ti']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1) / 1e3
self['1d']['ti']['derivative'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1) / 1e3
self['1d']['nmainion']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1) / 1e20
self['1d']['nimpurity']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1) / 1e20
self['0d']['Zeff']['data'] = float(self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1))
self['0d']['Zimp']['data'] = float(self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1))
self['0d']['Aimp']['data'] = float(self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1))
self['0d']['Amain']['data'] = float(self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1))
for key in self['1d'].keys():
self['1d'][key]['psinorm'] = psi_norm
self['1d']['ni']['data'] = self['1d']['nmainion']['data'] + self['1d']['nimpurity']['data']
self['1d']['ni']['derivative'] = self['1d']['ne']['derivative'] * self['1d']['ni']['data'] / self['1d']['ne']['data']
[docs] @dynaSave
def save(self):
Method used to save the content of the object to the file specified in the .filename attribute
:return: None
order = [
d0_data = ['Zeff', 'Zimp', 'Aimp', 'Amain']
with open(self.filename, 'w') as f:
f.write('Mapping file\n')
f.write('%4i %4i\n' % (self['0d']['npsi']['data'], self['0d']['nchi']['data']))
for key in order:
f.write(key + ':\n')
if key in self['1d']:
if key in ['ne', 'nmainion', 'nimpurity']:
self.write_helena_mapping_lines(f, self['1d'][key]['data'] * 1e20)
elif key in ['te', 'ti']:
self.write_helena_mapping_lines(f, self['1d'][key]['data'] * 1e3)
self.write_helena_mapping_lines(f, self['1d'][key]['data'])
elif key in self['2d']:
self.write_helena_mapping_lines(f, self['2d'][key]['data'])
data = key[1:3]
if data == 'ne':
self.write_helena_mapping_lines(f, self['1d'][data]['derivative'] * 1e20)
self.write_helena_mapping_lines(f, self['1d'][data]['derivative'] * 1e3)
for key in d0_data:
f.write(key + ':\n')
f.write('%19.12g\n' % self['0d'][key]['data'])
return None
[docs] def plot(self):
Method used to plot all profiles, one in a different subplots
:return: None
nplot = len(self['1d'])
cplot = np.floor(np.sqrt(nplot) / 2.0) * 2
rplot = np.ceil(nplot * 1.0 / cplot)
pyplot.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.35, hspace=0.0)
for k, item in enumerate(self['1d']):
r = np.floor(k * 1.0 / cplot)
c = k - r * cplot
if k == 0:
ax1 = pyplot.subplot(rplot, cplot, r * (cplot) + c + 1)
ax = ax1
ax = pyplot.subplot(rplot, cplot, r * (cplot) + c + 1, sharex=ax1)
ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(-3, 3))
if 'psinorm' not in self['1d'][item]:
printi('Can\'t plot %s because no psinorm attribute' % item)
x = self['1d'][item]['psinorm']
pyplot.plot(x, self['1d'][item]['data'], '.-')
pyplot.text(0.5, 0.9, item, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', size='medium', transform=ax.transAxes)
if k < len(self['1d']) - cplot:
pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
pyplot.xlim(min(x), max(x))
[docs] def write_helena_mapping_lines(self, file, mat, title='', n=5):
Writes a matrix in the HELENA mapping line format
: param file : file to write the data
: param mat: Matrix to be written, can be 1 or 2 dimensional
: title : title for the data
: param n : number of columns
width = np.size(mat, 1)
except IndexError:
width = 1
length = np.size(mat, 0)
lines = []
for row in range(width):
mod1 = length % n
if width > 1:
slice = mat[:, row]
slice = mat
for column in range(length // n):
writeparam = slice[column * n : column * n + n]
lines.append(' '.join(str('%19.12g' % e) for e in writeparam) + '\n')
if mod1 > 0:
end_position = (length // n) * n
remain = slice[end_position:]
lines.append(' '.join(str('%19.12g' % e) for e in remain) + '\n')
for line in lines:
[docs] def read_nlines_and_split(self, file, n, read_title=True):
if read_title:
line = file.readline() # read title
b = []
for i in range(n):
ifl = file.readline()
a = ifl.split()
for arg in a:
return np.array(b)
[docs] def read_2d_array(self, file, n1, n2):
line = file.readline() # read title
b = []
for i in range(n2):
a = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, n1, read_title=False)
return np.transpose(b)
[docs] def Helena_to_pFile(self, pFilename=''):
Translate OMFIThelena class to pfile data structure
:param pFilename: pFile to which Helena data is overwritten
:return: pfile OMFITpFile structure that has ne, te and ti elements
d1_data_to_pfile = ['ne', 'te', 'ti', 'ni']
lines = []
pfile = OMFITpFile(pFilename)
for key in d1_data_to_pfile:
pfile[key] = self['1d'][key]
return pfile
[docs]class OMFITmishkamap(SortedDict, OMFITascii):
OMFIT class used to interface with the mapping file for MISHKA
:param filename: filename passed to OMFITmishkamap class
:param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITobject class, not currently used
def __init__(self, filename, **kw):
OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw)
self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad
def load(self):
Method used to load the content of the file specified in the .filename attribute
:return: None
# Set up descriptions and units for all 0d, 1d and 2d dictionary entries
self.descriptions = SortedDict()
self.descriptions['0d'] = SortedDict()
self.descriptions['0d']['npsi'] = 'number of flux surfaces'
self.descriptions['0d']['nchi'] = 'number of points on each flux surface'
self.descriptions['1d'] = SortedDict()
self.descriptions['ends'] = SortedDict()
self.descriptions['2d'] = SortedDict()
self.descriptions['1d']['cs'] = 'sqrt(psi)'
self.descriptions['1d']['q'] = 'Safety factor'
self.descriptions['ends']['dqsend'] = 'dq/ds in core and boundary'
self.descriptions['1d']['dqs'] = 'dq/ds'
self.descriptions['1d']['curj'] = 'current density'
self.descriptions['ends']['dcurj'] = 'dcurj/ds in core and boundary'
self.descriptions['1d']['chi'] = 'chi coordinate'
self.descriptions['2d']['GEM11'] = 'Grad psi ^ 2'
self.descriptions['2d']['GEM12'] = 'Grad psi x Grad chi'
self.descriptions['0d']['cpsurf'] = 'Normalised plasma current'
self.descriptions['0d']['radius'] = 'Geometric centre'
self.descriptions['2d']['GEM33'] = 'Grad phi ^ 2'
self.descriptions['0d']['Raxis'] = 'R on axis'
self.descriptions['1d']['p0'] = 'pressure'
self.descriptions['ends']['dpds'] = 'dp/ds in core and boundary'
self.descriptions['1d']['RBphi'] = 'Poloidal current function'
self.descriptions['ends']['dfds'] = 'df/ds in core and boundary'
self.descriptions['1d']['vx'] = 'Vacuum interface for psi'
self.descriptions['1d']['vy'] = 'Vacuum interface for chi'
self.descriptions['0d']['eps'] = 'Inverse aspect ratio'
self.descriptions['2d']['xout'] = 'Normalised R for grid points'
self.descriptions['2d']['yout'] = 'Normalised Z for grid points'
self.units = SortedDict()
self.units['1d'] = SortedDict()
self.units['2d'] = SortedDict()
self.units['ends'] = SortedDict()
self.units['1d']['cs'] = ''
self.units['1d']['chi'] = ''
self.units['1d']['p0'] = 'Pa'
self.units['1d']['q'] = ''
self.units['1d']['dqs'] = ''
self.units['1d']['curj'] = ''
self.units['1d']['RBphi'] = 'Tm'
self.units['1d']['vx'] = ''
self.units['1d']['vy'] = ''
self.units['2d']['GEM11'] = ''
self.units['2d']['GEM12'] = ''
self.units['2d']['xout'] = ''
self.units['2d']['yout'] = ''
self.units['2d']['GEM33'] = ''
self.units['ends']['dqsend'] = ''
self.units['ends']['dcurj'] = ''
self.units['ends']['dpds'] = 'Pa'
self.units['ends']['dfds'] = 'Tm'
# Initialise all the dictionaries with dummy parameters
self['0d'] = SortedDict()
self['1d'] = SortedDict()
self['2d'] = SortedDict()
self['ends'] = SortedDict()
for key in self.descriptions['1d'].keys():
self['1d'][key] = OMFITncData()
self['1d'][key]['data'] = np.array([0])
self['1d'][key]['description'] = self.descriptions['1d'][key]
self['1d'][key]['units'] = self.units['1d'][key]
for key in self.descriptions['2d'].keys():
self['2d'][key] = OMFITncData()
self['2d'][key]['data'] = np.array([[0]])
self['2d'][key]['description'] = self.descriptions['2d'][key]
self['2d'][key]['units'] = self.units['2d'][key]
for key in self.descriptions['0d'].keys():
self['0d'][key] = OMFITncData()
self['0d'][key]['description'] = self.descriptions['0d'][key]
self['0d'][key]['data'] = 0
self['0d'][key]['units'] = ''
for key in self.descriptions['ends'].keys():
self['ends'][key] = OMFITncData()
self['ends'][key]['data'] = np.array([0, 0])
self['ends'][key]['description'] = self.descriptions['ends'][key]
self['ends'][key]['units'] = self.units['ends'][key]
columns_map = 4
f = os.path.getsize(self.filename)
if f == 0:
# Fill dictionaries from the file
with open(self.filename, 'r') as file:
self['0d']['npsi']['data'] = int(self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1))
mod1 = int(np.ceil(float(self['0d']['npsi']['data'] + 1) / columns_map - (self['0d']['npsi']['data'] + 1) // columns_map))
nlines1 = int((self['0d']['npsi']['data'] + 1) / columns_map) + mod1
mod3 = int(np.ceil(float(self['0d']['npsi']['data']) / columns_map - (self['0d']['npsi']['data']) // columns_map))
nlines3 = int(self['0d']['npsi']['data'] // columns_map) + mod3
npsi = self['0d']['npsi']['data']
self['1d']['cs']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1)
psi_norm = self['1d']['cs']['data'] ** 2
self['1d']['q']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1)
self['ends']['dqsend']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1)
self['1d']['dqs']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines3)
self['1d']['curj']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1)
self['ends']['dcurj']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1)
self['0d']['nchi']['data'] = int(self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1))
mod2 = int(np.ceil((self['0d']['nchi']['data']) / columns_map - (self['0d']['nchi']['data']) // columns_map))
nlines2 = int((self['0d']['nchi']['data']) / columns_map) + mod2
nchi = self['0d']['nchi']['data']
self['1d']['chi']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines2)
self['2d']['GEM11']['data'] = self.read_2d_array(file, npsi, nchi)
self['2d']['GEM12']['data'] = self.read_2d_array(file, npsi, nchi)
(self['0d']['cpsurf']['data'], self['0d']['radius']['data']) = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1)
self['2d']['GEM33']['data'] = self.read_2d_array(file, npsi, nchi)
self['0d']['Raxis']['data'] = float(self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1))
self['1d']['p0']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1)
self['ends']['dpds']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1)
self['1d']['RBphi']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines1)
self['ends']['dfds']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1)
self['1d']['vx']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines2)
self['1d']['vy']['data'] = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines2)
self['0d']['eps']['data'] = float(self.read_nlines_and_split(file, 1))
self['2d']['xout']['data'] = self.read_2d_array(file, npsi, nchi)
self['2d']['yout']['data'] = self.read_2d_array(file, npsi, nchi)
[docs] @dynaSave
def save(self):
Method used to save the content of the object to the file specified in the .filename attribute
The variables need to be written in particular order and format for MISHKA.
:return: None
order = [
with open(self.filename, 'w') as f:
for key in order:
if key in self['0d']:
endline = True
if key == 'cpsurf':
endline = False
if key == 'npsi' or key == 'nchi':
f.write(' %i\n' % self['0d'][key]['data'])
self.write_mishka_mapping_lines(f, self['0d'][key]['data'], endline=endline)
elif key in self['1d']:
self.write_mishka_mapping_lines(f, self['1d'][key]['data'])
elif key in self['2d']:
self.write_mishka_mapping_lines(f, self['2d'][key]['data'])
elif key in self['ends']:
self.write_mishka_mapping_lines(f, self['ends'][key]['data'])
return None
[docs] def plot(self):
Method used to plot all profiles, one in a different subplots
:return: None
plots = []
for key in self['1d']:
if len(self['1d'][key]['data']) == int(self['0d']['npsi']['data']) + 1:
nplot = len(plots)
cplot = np.floor(np.sqrt(nplot) / 2.0) * 2
rplot = np.ceil(nplot * 1.0 / cplot)
pyplot.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.35, hspace=0.0)
for k, item in enumerate(plots):
r = np.floor(k * 1.0 / cplot)
c = k - r * cplot
if k == 0:
ax1 = pyplot.subplot(rplot, cplot, r * (cplot) + c + 1)
ax = ax1
ax = pyplot.subplot(rplot, cplot, r * (cplot) + c + 1, sharex=ax1)
ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(-3, 3))
x = self['1d']['cs']['data'] ** 2
pyplot.plot(x, self['1d'][item]['data'], '.-')
pyplot.text(0.5, 0.9, item, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', size='medium', transform=ax.transAxes)
if k < len(self['1d']) - cplot:
pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
pyplot.xlim(min(x), max(x))
# Plot all the metric elements in contour plots
numbchi = 20
w = self['0d']['nchi']['data']
step = w // numbchi
ax1 = pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 1)
pyplot.plot(self['2d']['xout']['data'][:, ::step], self['2d']['yout']['data'][:, ::step], '-k')
pyplot.title('Straight field line grid')
ax2 = pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 2)
x = self['2d']['xout']['data'].flatten()
y = self['2d']['yout']['data'].flatten()
z = self['2d']['GEM11']['data'].flatten()
pyplot.tricontourf(x, y, z)
ax3 = pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 3)
x = self['2d']['xout']['data'].flatten()
y = self['2d']['yout']['data'].flatten()
z = self['2d']['GEM12']['data'].flatten()
pyplot.tricontourf(x, y, z)
ax4 = pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 4)
x = self['2d']['xout']['data'].flatten()
y = self['2d']['yout']['data'].flatten()
z = self['2d']['GEM33']['data'].flatten()
pyplot.tricontourf(x, y, z)
[docs] def write_mishka_mapping_lines(self, file, mat, n=4, endline=True):
Writes a matrix in the MISHKA mapping line format
: param file : file to write the data
: param mat: Matrix to be written, can be 1 or 2 dimensional
: title : title for the data
: param n : number of columns
width = np.size(mat, 1)
except IndexError:
width = 1
length = np.size(mat, 0)
except IndexError: # scalar
if endline:
file.write(' %16.8e\n' % mat)
file.write('%16.8e' % mat)
lines = []
if width == 1: # 1D case
width = length
length = 1
for row in range(length):
mod1 = width % n
if length > 1:
slice = mat[row, :]
slice = mat
for column in range(width // n):
writeparam = slice[column * n : column * n + n]
lines.append(' '.join(str('%16.8e' % e) for e in writeparam))
if endline:
if mod1 > 0:
end_position = (width // n) * n
remain = slice[end_position:]
lines.append(' '.join(str('%16.8e' % e) for e in remain))
if endline:
for line in lines:
[docs] def read_nlines_and_split(self, file, n):
b = []
for i in range(n):
ifl = file.readline()
a = ifl.split()
for arg in a:
return np.array(b)
[docs] def read_2d_array(self, file, n1, n2, columns=4):
b = []
ntot = n1 * n2
mod = int(np.ceil(ntot / columns - ntot // columns))
nlines = ntot // columns + mod
a = self.read_nlines_and_split(file, nlines)
b = a.reshape(n1, n2)
return b
[docs]class OMFIThelenaout(SortedDict, OMFITascii):
OMFIT class used to interface with Helena output file
:param filename: filename passed to OMFITobject class
:param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITobject class
def __init__(self, filename, **kw):
OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw)
'''Data identifiers for stored 1D data in HELENA output file
Directory entry is string in the HELENA output file to find the array
The 1st element lists the 1d-array names in the following matrix
The 2nd element identifies the radial coordinate column
The 3rd eleement tells to what power the radial coordinate has to be raisesd to get poloidsal flux
The 4th element lists the data columns
The 5th element tells the end string
self.dataident1d = {}
self.dataident1d['VOL '] = [['volume', 'area'], [1], [1], [7, 9], '**********']
self.dataident1d['ALPHA'] = [['q', 'shear', 'alpha', 'ball'], [1], [1], [3, 5, 6, 8], '**********']
self.dataident1d['Pa'] = [['p', 'ne', 'Te', 'Ti', 'Jboot', 'Jtot', 's'], [0], [2], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 0], '*******']
self.dataident1d['JPHI'] = [['jz', 'circ'], [0], [2], [1, 2], '*******']
self.dataident1d['SIG'] = [['Fcirc', 'nue', 'nui', 'sig_spitzer', 'sig_neo'], [0], [2], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], '*******']
'''Data identifiers for stored 1D data in HELENA output file
Directory entry is string in the HELENA output file to find the
parameter that is the value of the directory entry
self.dataident0d = {}
self.dataident0d['TOTAL CURRENT'] = 'Ip'
self.dataident0d['MAGNETIC FIELD'] = 'Bt'
self.dataident0d['PSI ON BOUNDARY'] = 'psib'
self.dataident0d['POLOIDAL BETA'] = 'betap'
self.dataident0d['NORM. BETA'] = 'betan'
self.dataident0d['TOROIDAL BETA'] = 'betat'
self.dataident0d['INDUCTANCE'] = 'li'
self.dataident0d['ZEFF'] = 'Zeff'
self.dataident0d['MAJOR RADIUS'] = 'Rgeo'
self.dataident0d['RADIUS (a)'] = 'a'
self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad
def load(self):
Method used to load the content of the file specified in the .filename attribute
:return: None
# Set up descriptions and units for all 0d, 1d and dictionary entries
self.descriptions = SortedDict()
self.descriptions['0d'] = SortedDict()
self.descriptions['0d']['Ip'] = 'Plasma current'
self.descriptions['0d']['Bt'] = 'Vacuum toroidal field'
self.descriptions['0d']['Rgeo'] = 'Geometric Axis'
self.descriptions['0d']['a'] = 'Minor radius'
self.descriptions['0d']['betap'] = 'Poloidal beta'
self.descriptions['0d']['betat'] = 'Toroidal beta'
self.descriptions['0d']['betan'] = 'Normalised beta'
self.descriptions['0d']['li'] = 'Internal inductance'
self.descriptions['0d']['psib'] = 'Total poloidal flux'
self.descriptions['0d']['Zeff'] = 'Effective charge'
self.descriptions['1d'] = SortedDict()
self.descriptions['1d']['alpha'] = 'Normalised pressure gradient'
self.descriptions['1d']['p'] = 'Plasma pressure'
self.descriptions['1d']['jz'] = 'Flux surface averaged current density'
self.descriptions['1d']['q'] = 'Safety factor'
self.descriptions['1d']['shear'] = 'Magnetic shear'
self.descriptions['1d']['ball'] = 'Ballooning stability <1 unstable'
self.descriptions['1d']['ne'] = 'Electron density'
self.descriptions['1d']['Te'] = 'Electron temperature'
self.descriptions['1d']['Ti'] = 'Ion temperature'
self.descriptions['1d']['Jboot'] = 'Bootstrap current density'
self.descriptions['1d']['Jtot'] = 'Total parallel current density'
self.descriptions['1d']['circ'] = 'Flux surface circumference'
self.descriptions['1d']['Fcirc'] = 'Passing particle fraction'
self.descriptions['1d']['nue'] = 'Electron collisionality'
self.descriptions['1d']['nui'] = 'Ion collisionality'
self.descriptions['1d']['sig_spitzer'] = 'Spitzer resitivity'
self.descriptions['1d']['sig_neo'] = 'Neo-classical resistivity'
self.descriptions['1d']['volume'] = 'Plasma volume'
self.descriptions['1d']['area'] = 'Cross-section area'
self.descriptions['1d']['s'] = 'normalised radius (sqrt(psi))'
self.units = SortedDict()
self.units['0d'] = SortedDict()
self.units['0d']['Ip'] = 'MA'
self.units['0d']['Bt'] = 'T'
self.units['0d']['Rgeo'] = 'm'
self.units['0d']['a'] = 'm'
self.units['0d']['betap'] = ''
self.units['0d']['betat'] = ''
self.units['0d']['betan'] = ''
self.units['0d']['li'] = ''
self.units['0d']['psib'] = 'Wb/rad'
self.units['0d']['Zeff'] = ''
self.units['1d'] = SortedDict()
self.units['1d']['alpha'] = ''
self.units['1d']['p'] = 'Pa'
self.units['1d']['jz'] = 'A/m^2'
self.units['1d']['q'] = ''
self.units['1d']['shear'] = ''
self.units['1d']['ball'] = ''
self.units['1d']['ne'] = '10^19 m^-3'
self.units['1d']['Te'] = 'eV'
self.units['1d']['Ti'] = 'eV'
self.units['1d']['Jboot'] = 'A/m^2'
self.units['1d']['Jtot'] = 'A/m^2'
self.units['1d']['circ'] = 'm'
self.units['1d']['Fcirc'] = ''
self.units['1d']['nue'] = ''
self.units['1d']['nui'] = ''
self.units['1d']['sig_spitzer'] = ''
self.units['1d']['sig_neo'] = ''
self.units['1d']['volume'] = 'm^3'
self.units['1d']['area'] = 'm^2'
self.units['1d']['s'] = ''
# Initialise all the dictionaries with dummy parameters.
self['0d'] = SortedDict()
self['1d'] = SortedDict()
for key in self.descriptions['1d'].keys():
self['1d'][key] = OMFITncData()
self['1d'][key]['data'] = np.array([0])
self['1d'][key]['description'] = self.descriptions['1d'][key]
self['1d'][key]['psinorm'] = np.array([0])
self['1d'][key]['units'] = self.units['1d'][key]
for key in self.descriptions['0d'].keys():
self['0d'][key] = OMFITncData()
self['0d'][key]['description'] = self.descriptions['0d'][key]
self['0d'][key]['data'] = 0
self['0d'][key]['units'] = self.units['0d'][key]
# read the file
f = os.path.getsize(self.filename)
if f == 0:
# Reads the file content to the dictionaries.
# The dataident (0d and 1d) tells which strings are used to locate the data
with open(self.filename, 'r') as file:
while True:
line = file.readline()
if line == '':
for key in self.dataident1d:
if line.find(key) > -1:
self.read_1d_vectors(file, self.dataident1d[key])
for key in self.dataident0d:
if line.find(key) > -1:
self['0d'][self.dataident0d[key]] = OMFITncData()
self['0d'][self.dataident0d[key]]['description'] = self.descriptions['0d'][self.dataident0d[key]]
self['0d'][self.dataident0d[key]]['units'] = self.units['0d'][self.dataident0d[key]]
for num in line.split():
self['0d'][self.dataident0d[key]]['data'] = float(num)
except ValueError:
# not a number
self['1d']['volume']['data'] *= self['0d']['Rgeo']['data'] * self['0d']['a']['data'] ** 2
self['1d']['area']['data'] *= self['0d']['a']['data'] ** 2
self['0d']['Ip']['data'] /= 1000
self['0d']['betan']['data'] *= 100
self['1d']['Jboot']['data'] /= abs(self['0d']['Bt']['data'])
self['1d']['Jtot']['data'] /= abs(self['0d']['Bt']['data'])
[docs] def plot(self):
Method used to plot all profiles, one in a different subplots
:return: None
nplot = len(self['1d'])
cplot = np.floor(np.sqrt(nplot) / 2.0) * 2
rplot = np.ceil(nplot * 1.0 / cplot)
pyplot.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.35, hspace=0.0)
for k, item in enumerate(self['1d']):
r = np.floor(k * 1.0 / cplot)
c = k - r * cplot
if k == 0:
ax1 = pyplot.subplot(rplot, cplot, r * (cplot) + c + 1)
ax = ax1
ax = pyplot.subplot(rplot, cplot, r * (cplot) + c + 1, sharex=ax1)
ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(-3, 3))
if 'psinorm' not in self['1d'][item]:
printi('Can\'t plot %s because no psinorm attribute' % item)
x = self['1d'][item]['psinorm']
if item == 'nue' or item == 'nui':
pyplot.semilogy(x, self['1d'][item]['data'], '-')
pyplot.plot(x, self['1d'][item]['data'], '-')
pyplot.text(0.5, 0.9, item, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top', size='medium', transform=ax.transAxes)
if k < len(self['1d']) - cplot:
pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
pyplot.xlim(min(x), max(x))
[docs] def read_1d_vectors(self, f, dataident):
Method to read 1D vectors from HELENA output file.
param f: File to read the data. It is assumed that the file is at
the right position to start reading
param dataident: a list containing 4 elements:
[0] : names of the data to be read. The global 1d dictionary will use these names.
[1] : The column indicating the location of the psinorm vector
[2] : The exponent needed to produce psinorm :
1 = the data in file already is already psinorm
2 = the data is in sqrt(psinorm)
[3] : Column numbers for the data
[4] : A string indicating the end of data
mat = self.read_matrix(f, end=dataident[4])
index = 0
for key in dataident[0]:
self['1d'][key] = OMFITncData()
self['1d'][key]['data'] = mat[:, dataident[3][index]]
self['1d'][key]['psinorm'] = np.squeeze(mat[:, dataident[1]] ** dataident[2])
self['1d'][key]['description'] = self.descriptions['1d'][key]
self['1d'][key]['units'] = self.units['1d'][key]
index += 1
[docs] def read_matrix(self, f, end='*', separator=' '):
Method that reads a 2D ASCII matrix and turns it into a np array
Reads until the end string is found
line = f.readline()
eof = False
mat = []
while True:
line = f.readline()
if line == '':
eof = True
if (line.find(end) > -1) or (len(line.split()) == 0):
mat.append(np.fromstring(line, dtype='float', sep=separator))
return np.asarray(mat)
[docs] def update_aEQDSK(self, aEQDSK):
aEQDSK['volume'] = self['1d']['volume']['data'][-1]
aEQDSK['area'] = self['1d']['area']['data'][-1]
aEQDSK['betap'] = self['0d']['betap']['data']
aEQDSK['betan'] = self['0d']['betan']['data']
aEQDSK['betat'] = self['0d']['betat']['data']
aEQDSK['bt0vac'] = self['0d']['Bt']['data']
aEQDSK['rcencm'] = self['0d']['Rgeo']['data'] * 100
aEQDSK['bcentr'] = self['0d']['Bt']['data']
aEQDSK['ipmeas'] = self['0d']['Ip']['data'] * 1e6
aEQDSK['ipmhd'] = self['0d']['Ip']['data'] * 1e6
aEQDSK['aminor'] = self['0d']['a']['data'] * 100
aEQDSK['rcntr'] = self['0d']['a']['data'] * 100 + self['0d']['Rgeo']['data']
aEQDSK['qmin'] = min(self['1d']['q']['data'])
[docs] def p_jz_q_plot(self):
ax1 = pyplot.subplot(3, 1, 1)
pyplot.plot(self['1d']['p']['psinorm'], self['1d']['p']['data'])
pyplot.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
ax2 = pyplot.subplot(3, 1, 2, sharex=ax1)
pyplot.plot(self['1d']['jz']['psinorm'], self['1d']['jz']['data'])
pyplot.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
ax3 = pyplot.subplot(3, 1, 3, sharex=ax1)
pyplot.plot(self['1d']['q']['psinorm'], self['1d']['q']['data'])