Source code for omfit_classes.omfit_ionorb

    # framework is running
    from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
    # class is imported by itself
    if (
        'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
        or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
        or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
        from startup_choice import *

from omfit_classes.omfit_ascii import OMFITascii

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['OMFITionorbConfig', 'OMFITionorbBirth', 'OMFITionorbHits', 'OMFITionorbFull']

[docs]class OMFITionorbConfig(SortedDict, OMFITascii): """ OMFIT class used to read/write IONORB configuration file :param filename: filename :param kw: additional parameters passed to the OMFITascii class """ def __init__(self, filename, **kw): SortedDict.__init__(self) OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: lines ='\n') for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or not len(line): continue else: tmp = line.split(' ') self[tmp[0]] = ' '.join(tmp[1:]) try: self[tmp[0]] = eval(self[tmp[0]]) except Exception: pass
[docs] @dynaSave def save(self): txt = '' for item in self: if isinstance(self[item], (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): txt += item + ' ' + ', '.join(map(str, self[item])) + '\n' else: txt += item + ' ' + str(self[item]) + '\n' with open(self.filename, 'w') as f: f.write(txt)
[docs]class OMFITionorbBirth(SortedDict, OMFITascii): """ OMFIT class used to read/write IONORB birth list or profiles :param filename: filename :param kw: additional parameters passed to the OMFITascii class """ def __init__(self, filename, **kw): SortedDict.__init__(self) OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.dynaLoad = True columns = ['R[m]', 'Phi[Rad]', 'z[m]', 'v_R[m/s]', 'v_phi[m/s]', 'v_z[m/s]']
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): conversion = {'m': 'mass', 'q': 'charge', 'notshine': 'fracpinjdepo', 'nels': 'npart'} with open(self.filename, 'Ur') as f: lines ='\n') self['header'] = [] for i, l in enumerate(lines): if l[0] == '#': self['header'].append(l) continue if l.startswith('<start-of-data>'): break k, v = l.split() k = conversion.get(k, k) self[k] = v data = np.fromstring('\n'.join(lines[i + 1 :]), sep=' ').reshape(-1, len(self.columns)) for k, name in enumerate(self.columns): self[name.split('[')[0]] = data[:, k]
[docs] @dynaSave def save2(self): txt = '# ionorb birth profile source\n' txt += '# version: v2\n' txt += 'm %5.5f\n' % self['mass'] txt += 'q %5.5f\n' % self['charge'] txt += 'notshine %d\n' % self['fracpinjdepo'] txt += 'nels %5.3f\n' % self['npart'] txt += ' ' + ' '.join([x.ljust(13) for x in self.columns]) + '\n' txt += '<start-of-data>\n' data = np.array([self[name.split('[')[0]] for name in self.columns]).T data_string = [] for row in range(data.shape[0]): data_string.append(' ' + ' '.join(['% 8.6e' % x for x in data[row, :]])) txt += '\n'.join(data_string) with open(self.filename, 'w') as f: f.write(txt)
[docs]class OMFITionorbHits(SortedDict, OMFITascii): """ OMFIT class used to read the IONORB hits file :param filename: filename :param kw: additional parameters passed to the OMFITascii class """ def __init__(self, filename, **kw): SortedDict.__init__(self) OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.dynaLoad = True columns = ['ID', 'Time[s]', 'Step', 'Wall_Idx', 'R[m]', 'Phi[Rad]', 'z[m]', 'v_R[m/s]', 'v_phi[m/s]', 'v_z[m/s]']
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: lines ='\n') data = np.array([list(map(float, line.split())) for line in lines[1:]]) for k, name in enumerate(self.columns): self[name.split('[')[0]] = data[:, k]
[docs] def plot(self, **kw): kw.setdefault('ls', '') kw.setdefault('marker', 'x') pyplot.plot(self['R'], self['z'], **kw)
[docs]class OMFITionorbFull(SortedDict, OMFITascii): """ OMFIT class used to read the Full Orbit file output by the ionorbiter code :param filename: filename :param kw: additional parameters passed to the OMFITascii class """ def __init__(self, filename, **kw): SortedDict.__init__(self) OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.dynaLoad = True columns = ['Time[s]', 'Step', 'R[m]', 'Phi[Rad]', 'z[m]']
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: lines ='\n') data = np.array([list(map(float, line.split())) for line in lines[1:]]) for k, name in enumerate(self.columns): self[name.split('[')[0]] = data[:, k]