# framework is running
from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
# class is imported by itself
if (
'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
from startup_choice import *
from omfit_classes.omfit_ascii import OMFITascii
import xarray
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
__all__ = ['OMFITmars', 'OMFITnColumns', 'OMFITmarsProfile']
[docs]class OMFITmars(SortedDict, OMFITobject):
Class used to interface with MARS results directory
:param filename: directory where the MARS result files are stored
:param extra_files: Any extra files that should be loaded
:param Nchi: Poloidal grid resolution for real-space
def __init__(self, filename=None, extra_files=[], Nchi=None, **kw):
if Nchi is None:
Nchi = 200
printw(f'OMFITmars using default Nchi value of {Nchi}')
if isinstance(filename, (list, tuple)):
kw['tunnel'] = filename[2]
kw['server'] = filename[1]
filename = filename[0]
if ',' not in filename:
outputs = [
outputs += extra_files
filename = ','.join([filename + os.sep + x for x in outputs])
kw['file_type'] = 'dir'
OMFITobject.__init__(self, filename, **kw)
self.OMFITproperties.pop('file_type', 'dir')
self.OMFITproperties['Nchi'] = Nchi
self.sim = 'sim0'
self.dynaLoad = True
Reading methods, used to read MARS output files.
[docs] def read_RMZM(self, filename):
with open(filename) as fin:
x = [ii.strip() for ii in fin.readlines()]
RMZM_F = np.zeros((len(x), 4))
for ii, line in enumerate(x):
RMZM_F[ii] = line.split()
# Number of poloidal harmonics for equilibrium (RMZM)
Nm0 = int(RMZM_F[0, 0])
Ns1 = int(RMZM_F[0, 1])
Ns2 = int(RMZM_F[0, 2])
R0EXP = RMZM_F[0, 3]
B0EXP = RMZM_F[1, 3]
Ns = Ns1 + Ns2
NRATSURF = int(RMZM_F[1, 1])
Iratsurf = np.array(RMZM_F[2 : NRATSURF + 2, 1], int)
# s coordinate over full domain
s = np.array(RMZM_F[1 : Ns + 1, 0], float)
# s coordinate in plasma
sp = np.array(RMZM_F[1 : Ns1 + 1, 0], float)
# s coordinate in vacuum
svac = np.array(RMZM_F[Ns1 + 1 : Ns + 1, 0], float)
RM = np.array(RMZM_F[Ns + 1 :, 0] + RMZM_F[Ns + 1 :, 1] * 1j, complex)
ZM = np.array(RMZM_F[Ns + 1 :, 2] + RMZM_F[Ns + 1 :, 3] * 1j, complex)
RM = np.reshape(RM, (Nm0, Ns)).T
ZM = np.reshape(ZM, (Nm0, Ns)).T
RM[:, 1:] = 2 * RM[:, 1:]
ZM[:, 1:] = 2 * ZM[:, 1:]
Nchi = self.OMFITproperties['Nchi']
self[self.sim]['RM'] = xarray.DataArray(RM, dims=['s', 'm'], coords={'m': range(Nm0), 's': s})
self[self.sim]['ZM'] = xarray.DataArray(ZM, dims=['s', 'm'], coords={'m': range(Nm0), 's': s})
self[self.sim]['sp'] = xarray.DataArray(sp, dims=['sp'], coords={'sp': sp}, attrs={'Description': 's-coord in plasma domain'})
self[self.sim]['svac'] = xarray.DataArray(
svac, dims=['svac'], coords={'svac': svac}, attrs={'Description': 's-coord in vacuum domain'}
self[self.sim]['Iratsurf'] = xarray.DataArray(Iratsurf)
self[self.sim]['R0EXP'] = xarray.DataArray(R0EXP)
self[self.sim]['B0EXP'] = xarray.DataArray(B0EXP)
self[self.sim]['Ns1'] = xarray.DataArray(Ns1, attrs={'Description': 'Number of radial points in plasma'})
self[self.sim]['Ns2'] = xarray.DataArray(Ns2, attrs={'Description': 'Number of radial points in vacuum'})
self[self.sim]['Nm0'] = xarray.DataArray(Nm0, attrs={'Description': 'Number of poloidal harmonics for equilibrium'})
self[self.sim]['Nchi'] = xarray.DataArray(Nchi, attrs={'Description': 'Number of points along poloidal angle (from CHEASE)'})
return RM, ZM
[docs] def read_JPLASMA(self, filename, JNORM=1.0):
Read JPLASMA.OUT file corresponding to perturbed currents
:param filename: name of file
:param JNORM: normalization
JPLASMA = np.loadtxt(filename)
# Nm1 = Number of poloidal harmonics for stability (perturbed quantities, M1...M2)
Nm1, Ns, n, _, _, _ = map(int, JPLASMA[0, :])
Mm = JPLASMA[:Nm1, 1].astype(int)
JM1 = JPLASMA[Nm1:, 0] + 1j * JPLASMA[Nm1:, 1]
JM2 = JPLASMA[Nm1:, 2] + 1j * JPLASMA[Nm1:, 3]
JM3 = JPLASMA[Nm1:, 4] + 1j * JPLASMA[Nm1:, 5]
JM1 = np.reshape(JM1, (Nm1, Ns)).T
JM2 = np.reshape(JM2, (Nm1, Ns)).T
JM3 = np.reshape(JM3, (Nm1, Ns)).T
# Note that JM1 is defined at half-points, recompute at integer-points
x = np.asarray((self[self.sim]['s'][0:Ns] + self[self.sim]['s'][1 : Ns + 1]) * 0.5)
JM1new = copy.deepcopy(JM1)
JM1new[1:-1, :] = griddata(x.flatten(), JM1[0:-1, :], np.asarray(self[self.sim]['s'][1 : Ns - 1]).flatten(), method='cubic')
JM1new[0, :] = 0
JM1new[-1, :] = JM1new[-2, :]
JM1 = copy.deepcopy(JM1new)
# Patch first three points
JM1[0:3] = 0.0
JM2[0:3] = 0.0
JM3[0:3] = 0.0
# Remove surface currents
if True:
II = np.where((self[self.sim]['s'] > 0.9985) & (self[self.sim]['s'] <= 1.0))
JM1[II[0][:]] = 0
JM2[II[0][:]] = 0
JM3[II[0][:]] = 0
# get phase of JM2 for m=2 harmonic at rational surface Iratsurf(1)
# and modify phase to remove real part
if len(self[self.sim]['Iratsurf']):
from cmath import log
m0 = 2
I0 = int(self[self.sim]['Iratsurf'][0])
m1 = int(m0 - Mm[0] + 1)
p0 = -np.angle(JM2[I0 - 1, m1 - 1]) + np.pi / 2.0
f0 = np.exp(1j * p0)
JM1 = JM1 * f0
JM2 = JM2 * f0
JM3 = JM3 * f0
self['JPLASMA'] = xarray.Dataset()
self['JPLASMA']['JM1'] = xarray.DataArray(JM1, dims=['s', 'Mm'], coords={'s': self[self.sim]['s'][:Ns], 'Mm': Mm})
self['JPLASMA']['JM2'] = xarray.DataArray(JM2, dims=['s', 'Mm'], coords={'s': self[self.sim]['s'][:Ns], 'Mm': Mm})
self['JPLASMA']['JM3'] = xarray.DataArray(JM3, dims=['s', 'Mm'], coords={'s': self[self.sim]['s'][:Ns], 'Mm': Mm})
[docs] def read_BPLASMA(self, filename, BNORM=1.0):
Read BPLASMA.OUT file corresponding to perturbed magnetic field
:param filename: name of file
:param BNORM: normalization
spline_B23 = 1
BPLASMA = np.loadtxt(filename)
Nm1, Ns, n, _, _, _ = map(int, BPLASMA[0, :])
Mm = BPLASMA[:Nm1, 1].astype(int)
BM1 = BPLASMA[Nm1:, 0] + 1j * BPLASMA[Nm1:, 1]
BM2 = BPLASMA[Nm1:, 2] + 1j * BPLASMA[Nm1:, 3]
BM3 = BPLASMA[Nm1:, 4] + 1j * BPLASMA[Nm1:, 5]
BM1 = np.reshape(BM1, (Nm1, Ns)).T
BM2 = np.reshape(BM2, (Nm1, Ns)).T
BM3 = np.reshape(BM3, (Nm1, Ns)).T
BM1 = BM1[0:Ns, :] * BNORM
BM2 = BM2[0:Ns, :] * BNORM
BM3 = BM3[0:Ns, :] * BNORM
if spline_B23 == 2:
BM2[1:, :] = BM2[0:-1, :]
BM3[1:, :] = BM3[0:-1, :]
elif spline_B23 == 1:
x = np.asarray((self[self.sim]['s'][0 : Ns - 1] + self[self.sim]['s'][1:Ns]) * 0.5)
# B2
BM2new = copy.deepcopy(BM2)
BM2new[1:-1, :] = griddata(x.flatten(), BM2[0:-1, :], np.asarray(self[self.sim]['s'][1 : Ns - 1]).flatten(), method='cubic')
BM2new[0, :] = 0
BM2new[-1, :] = BM2new[-2, :]
BM2 = copy.deepcopy(BM2new)
# B3
BM3new = copy.deepcopy(BM3)
BM3new[1:-1, :] = griddata(x.flatten(), BM3[0:-1, :], np.asarray(self[self.sim]['s'][1 : Ns - 1]).flatten(), method='cubic')
BM3new[0, :] = 0
BM3new[-1, :] = BM3new[-2, :]
BM3 = copy.deepcopy(BM3new)
self['BPLASMA'] = xarray.Dataset()
self['BPLASMA']['BM1'] = xarray.DataArray(BM1, dims=['s', 'Mm'], coords={'s': self[self.sim]['s'][:Ns], 'Mm': Mm})
self['BPLASMA']['BM2'] = xarray.DataArray(BM2, dims=['s', 'Mm'], coords={'s': self[self.sim]['s'][:Ns], 'Mm': Mm})
self['BPLASMA']['BM3'] = xarray.DataArray(BM3, dims=['s', 'Mm'], coords={'s': self[self.sim]['s'][:Ns], 'Mm': Mm})
[docs] def read_XPLASMA(self, filename, XNORM=1.0):
Read XPLASMA.OUT file corresponding to perturbed plasma displacement
:param filename: name of file
:param XNORM: normalization
XPLASMA = np.loadtxt(filename)
# Here Ns is the number of grid points in plasma (what elsewhere is Ns1)
Nm1, Ns, n, _, _, _ = map(int, XPLASMA[0, :])
Mm = XPLASMA[:Nm1, 1].astype(int)
dPSIds = XPLASMA[Nm1 : Nm1 + Ns, 0]
T = XPLASMA[Nm1 : Nm1 + Ns, 3]
XM1 = XPLASMA[Nm1 + Ns :, 0] + 1j * XPLASMA[Nm1 + Ns :, 1]
XM2 = XPLASMA[Nm1 + Ns :, 2] + 1j * XPLASMA[Nm1 + Ns :, 3]
XM3 = XPLASMA[Nm1 + Ns :, 4] + 1j * XPLASMA[Nm1 + Ns :, 5]
XM1 = np.reshape(XM1, (Nm1, Ns)).T
XM2 = np.reshape(XM2, (Nm1, Ns)).T
XM3 = np.reshape(XM3, (Nm1, Ns)).T
XM1 = XM1[0:Ns, :] * XNORM
XM2 = XM2[0:Ns, :] * XNORM
XM3 = XM3[0:Ns, :] * XNORM
# Recalculate XM2 and XM3 at integer points (they are defined at half-points)
x = np.asarray((self[self.sim]['s'][0 : Ns - 1] + self[self.sim]['s'][1:Ns]) * 0.5)
# X2
XM2new = copy.deepcopy(XM2)
XM2new[1:-1, :] = griddata(x.flatten(), XM2[0:-1, :], np.asarray(self[self.sim]['s'][1 : Ns - 1]).flatten(), method='cubic')
XM2new[0, :] = 0
XM2new[-1, :] = XM2new[-2, :]
XM2 = copy.deepcopy(XM2new)
# X3
XM3new = copy.deepcopy(XM3)
XM3new[1:-1, :] = griddata(x.flatten(), XM3[0:-1, :], np.asarray(self[self.sim]['s'][1 : Ns - 1]).flatten(), method='cubic')
XM3new[0, :] = 0
XM3new[-1, :] = XM3new[-2, :]
XM3 = copy.deepcopy(XM3new)
# change central points of XM2 (see MacReadVPLASMA)
XM2[:, 0] = XM2[:, 2]
XM2[:, 1] = XM2[:, 2]
self['XPLASMA'] = xarray.Dataset()
# Displacement only defined within plasma, radial coordinate is 'sp'
self['XPLASMA']['XM1'] = xarray.DataArray(XM1, dims=['sp', 'Mm'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'Mm': Mm})
self['XPLASMA']['XM2'] = xarray.DataArray(XM2, dims=['sp', 'Mm'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'Mm': Mm})
self['XPLASMA']['XM3'] = xarray.DataArray(XM3, dims=['sp', 'Mm'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'Mm': Mm})
self[self.sim]['dPSIds'] = xarray.DataArray(dPSIds, dims=['sp'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp']})
self[self.sim]['T'] = xarray.DataArray(T, dims=['sp'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp']})
[docs] def read_RESULTS(self, filename):
with open(filename) as fin:
lines =
tmp = list(map(float, lines[-1].split()))
if len(tmp):
self[self.sim]['NITR'] = xarray.DataArray(tmp[1])
self[self.sim]['TALPHA1'] = xarray.DataArray(complex(tmp[2], tmp[3]))
self[self.sim]['EIG'] = xarray.DataArray(complex(tmp[4], tmp[5]), attrs={'Description': 'Output eigenvalue', 'units': '-'})
[docs] def read_PROFEQ(self, filename):
Read equilibrium quantities used for MARS calculation
Returns profiles in physical units, not MARS normalization
:param filename: name of MARS output file, usually PROFEQ.OUT
from scipy.constants import mu_0
R0 = self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values.astype(float)
B0 = self[self.sim]['B0EXP'].values.astype(float)
data = np.loadtxt(filename)
SY = [
('s_eq', 's equilibrium (no wall included)', None),
('q_prof', 'safety factor', None),
('j_prof', 'current density', B0 / (mu_0 * R0)),
('p_prof', 'pressure', B0 * B0 / mu_0),
('n_prof', 'density', None),
('v_prof', 'toroidal rotation', None),
('eta', 'resistivity=tau_A / tau_R = 1/S', None),
('Gamma', 'Gamma', None),
('visc_prof', 'viscosity', None),
('Ti_prof', 'Ti', None),
('Te_prof', 'Te', None),
('dpsi/ds', 'dpsi/ds', None),
('F', 'F', None),
('omega_*i', 'ion dia. drift freq.', None),
('omega_*e', 'e- dia. drift freq.', None),
('CSV', 'CSV', None),
('erot_prof', 'electron rotation', None),
('nu_i', 'ion eff. collisionality', None),
('nu_e', 'e- eff. collisionality', None),
('zeff', 'Z effective', None),
x = data[:, 0]
self['PROFEQ'] = xarray.Dataset()
for k, (name, des, units) in enumerate(SY):
if k < data.shape[1]:
y = np.array(data[:, k])
if units is not None:
y = y * units
self['PROFEQ'][name] = xarray.DataArray(y, dims=['s_eq'], coords={'s_eq': x}, attrs={'Description': des})
printw('%s information is missing from %s file' % (des, os.path.split(filename)[1]))
[docs] def read_FREQS(self, filename):
Reads all frequencies related to drift kinetic resonances
:param filename: name of MARS output file, usually FREQUENCIES.OUT
data = np.loadtxt(filename)
s = data[:, 0]
we = data[:, 1]
wsni = data[:, 2]
wsne = data[:, 3]
wsti = data[:, 4]
wste = data[:, 5]
awbp = data[:, 6]
awbt = data[:, 7]
awdi = data[:, 8]
awdi[0] = awdi[2]
awdi[1] = awdi[2]
awde = data[:, 9]
awda = data[:, 10]
awda[0] = awda[2]
awda[1] = awda[2]
fracp = data[:, 11]
fract = data[:, 12]
lam1 = data[:, 13]
lam0 = data[:, 14]
lam2 = data[:, 15]
awda1 = data[:, 16]
awda2 = data[:, 17]
# Storing data
self['FREQUENCIES'] = xarray.Dataset()
self['FREQUENCIES']['s'] = xarray.DataArray(s, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 's-coord for FREQUENCIES'})
self['FREQUENCIES']['we'] = xarray.DataArray(we, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'ExB velocity'})
self['FREQUENCIES']['wsni'] = xarray.DataArray(
wsni, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'Diamagnetic frequency - density gradient'}
self['FREQUENCIES']['wsti'] = xarray.DataArray(
wsti, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'Diamagnetic frequency - temp. gradient'}
self['FREQUENCIES']['awbt'] = xarray.DataArray(awbt, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'Bounce - trapped'})
self['FREQUENCIES']['awbp'] = xarray.DataArray(awbp, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'Bounce - passing'})
self['FREQUENCIES']['awdi'] = xarray.DataArray(awdi, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'Precession - th ions'})
self['FREQUENCIES']['awde'] = xarray.DataArray(awde, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'Precession - electrons'})
self['FREQUENCIES']['awda'] = xarray.DataArray(awda, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'Precession - hot'})
[docs] def read_TIMEEVOL(self, filename, ncase, NORM=False):
Reads time evolution output from time-stepping runs
:param filename: name of MARS output file, usually TIMEEVOL.OUT
:param ncase: input namelist variable defining type of MARS-* run
:param NORM: toggle normalization to physical units
if NORM:
from scipy.constants import mu_0
R0 = self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values.astype(float)
B0 = self[self.sim]['B0EXP'].values.astype(float)
TAUA0 = 1.0e-7 # Need to parse log_mars to get TAUA0!
xnorm = R0 * 1.0e3 # displacement [mm]
bnorm = B0 * 1.0e4 # b-field [Gauss]
cnorm = R0 * B0 / mu_0 # current [A]
tdnorm = (B0**2) / mu_0 / np.pi # torque density [N/m^2]
ttnorm = tdnorm * (R0**3) # total torque [Nm]
tmnorm = TAUA0 * 1.0e3 # time [ms]
unit_t = 'ms'
unit_b = 'Gauss'
unit_c = 'A'
unit_v = 'A.U.' # Implement voltage normalization
xnorm = 1.0
bnorm = 1.0
cnorm = 1.0
tdnorm = 1.0
ttnorm = 1.0
tmnorm = 1.0
unit_t = 'A.U.'
unit_b = 'A.U.'
unit_c = 'A.U.'
unit_v = 'A.U.' # Implement voltage normalization
# tmp = np.atleast_2d(loadtxt(filename, skiprows=0))
tmp = np.loadtxt(filename)
ncols = tmp.shape[1]
self['TIMEEVOL'] = xarray.Dataset()
if ncase == 3:
t = np.cumsum(tmp[:, 0]) * tmnorm
self['TIMEEVOL']['t'] = xarray.DataArray(
t, dims=['t'], coords={'t': t}, attrs={'Description': 'Time axis', 'Units': '%s' % unit_t}
# Point-like sensor signal
self['TIMEEVOL']['PSIS_re'] = xarray.DataArray(
tmp[:, 1] * bnorm, dims=['t'], coords={'t': t}, attrs={'Description': 'Sensor signal (Re)', 'Units': '%s' % unit_b}
self['TIMEEVOL']['PSIS_im'] = xarray.DataArray(
tmp[:, 2] * bnorm, dims=['t'], coords={'t': t}, attrs={'Description': 'Sensor signal (Im)', 'Units': '%s' % unit_b}
# Get number of columns where AIF is stored
midcols = tmp.shape[1] - 3
ncoil = midcols // 4
# Feedback current
istart = 3
for ii in range(ncoil):
self['TIMEEVOL']['AIF_%d_re' % ii] = xarray.DataArray(
tmp[:, istart + ii],
coords={'t': t},
attrs={'Description': 'Feedback current coil %s (Re)' % str(ii + 1), 'Units': '%s' % unit_c},
self['TIMEEVOL']['AIF_%d_im' % ii] = xarray.DataArray(
tmp[:, istart + ncoil + ii],
coords={'t': t},
attrs={'Description': 'Feedback current coil %s (Im)' % str(ii + 1), 'Units': '%s' % unit_c},
elif ncase == 4:
t = np.cumsum(tmp[:, 0]) * tmnorm
self['TIMEEVOL']['t'] = xarray.DataArray(
t, dims=['t'], coords={'t': t}, attrs={'Description': 'Time axis', 'Units': '%s' % unit_t}
# Point-like sensor signal
self['TIMEEVOL']['PSIS_re'] = xarray.DataArray(
tmp[:, 1] * bnorm, dims=['t'], coords={'t': t}, attrs={'Description': 'Sensor signal (Re)', 'Units': '%s' % unit_b}
self['TIMEEVOL']['PSIS_im'] = xarray.DataArray(
tmp[:, 2] * bnorm, dims=['t'], coords={'t': t}, attrs={'Description': 'Sensor signal (Im)', 'Units': '%s' % unit_b}
# Sensor noise
self['TIMEEVOL']['PSISNOISE_re'] = xarray.DataArray(
tmp[:, -2] * bnorm, dims=['t'], coords={'t': t}, attrs={'Description': 'Sensor noise (Re)', 'Units': '%s' % unit_b}
self['TIMEEVOL']['PSISNOISE_im'] = xarray.DataArray(
tmp[:, -1] * bnorm, dims=['t'], coords={'t': t}, attrs={'Description': 'Sensor noise (Im)', 'Units': '%s' % unit_b}
# Get number of columns where AVF & AIF are stored
midcols = tmp.shape[1] - 5
ncoil = midcols // 4
# Feedback voltages
istart = 3
for ii in range(ncoil):
self['TIMEEVOL']['AVF_%d_re' % ii] = xarray.DataArray(
tmp[:, istart + ii],
coords={'t': t},
attrs={'Description': 'Feedback voltage coil %s (Re)' % str(ii + 1), 'Units': '%s' % unit_v},
self['TIMEEVOL']['AVF_%d_im' % ii] = xarray.DataArray(
tmp[:, istart + ncoil + ii],
coords={'t': t},
attrs={'Description': 'Feedback voltage coil %s (Im)' % str(ii + 1), 'Units': '%s' % unit_v},
# Feedback currents
istart = 3 + 2 * ncoil
for ii in range(ncoil):
self['TIMEEVOL']['AIF_%d_re' % ii] = xarray.DataArray(
tmp[:, istart + ii],
coords={'t': t},
attrs={'Description': 'Feedback current coil %s (Re)' % str(ii + 1), 'Units': '%s' % unit_c},
self['TIMEEVOL']['AIF_%d_im' % ii] = xarray.DataArray(
tmp[:, istart + ncoil + ii],
coords={'t': t},
attrs={'Description': 'Feedback current coil %s (Im)' % str(ii + 1), 'Units': '%s' % unit_c},
print('NCASE=%s not implemented yet' % ncase)
[docs] def read_dWk_den(self, filename):
Reads perturbed kinetic energy density
:param filename: name of MARS output file, usually DWK_ENERGY_DENSITY.OUT
data = np.loadtxt(filename, comments='%')
NR = len(data[:, 0])
n = len(data[0, :]) // 10
blocks = np.split(data, n, axis=1)
self['DWK_ENERGY_DENSITY'] = xarray.Dataset()
self['DWK_ENERGY_DENSITY']['FULL_MATRIX'] = xarray.DataArray(data)
for l in range(len(blocks)):
CSM = blocks[l][:, 2]
KP = int(blocks[l][0, 0])
I = int(blocks[l][1, 1])
self['DWK_ENERGY_DENSITY']['%s_%s_REdwppara' % (KP, I)] = xarray.DataArray(
blocks[l][:, 4],
coords={'s': CSM},
attrs={'Description': 'Real parallel dWk for species = %s, type = %s' % (KP, I)},
self['DWK_ENERGY_DENSITY']['%s_%s_IMdwppara' % (KP, I)] = xarray.DataArray(
blocks[l][:, 5], dims=['s'], coords={'s': CSM}, attrs={'Description': f'Imag parallel dWk for species = {KP}, type = {I}'}
self['DWK_ENERGY_DENSITY']['%s_%s_REdwpperp' % (KP, I)] = xarray.DataArray(
blocks[l][:, 6], dims=['s'], coords={'s': CSM}, attrs={'Description': 'Real perp. dWk for specie = %s, type = %s' % (KP, I)}
self['DWK_ENERGY_DENSITY']['%s_%s_IMdwpperp' % (KP, I)] = xarray.DataArray(
blocks[l][:, 7],
coords={'s': CSM},
attrs={'Description': 'Imag. perp. dWk for specie = %s, type = %s' % (KP, I)},
self['DWK_ENERGY_DENSITY']['%s_%s_REdwk' % (KP, I)] = xarray.DataArray(
blocks[l][:, 8], dims=['s'], coords={'s': CSM}, attrs={'Description': 'Real total dWk for specie = %s, type = %s' % (KP, I)}
self['DWK_ENERGY_DENSITY']['%s_%s_IMdwk' % (KP, I)] = xarray.DataArray(
blocks[l][:, 9], dims=['s'], coords={'s': CSM}, attrs={'Description': 'Imag total dWk for specie = %s, type = %s' % (KP, I)}
[docs] def read_PROFNTV(self, filename):
# commented mu_0 might be needed in future extensions
# from scipy.constants import mu_0
# read data
prof = np.loadtxt(filename)
# profiles
rho = prof[:, 0] # radial coordinate
q = prof[:, 1] # safety factor
eps = prof[:, 2] # equivalent r/R0 in Shaing's theory
rhoi = prof[:, 3] # thermal ion density
nu = prof[:, 4] # collisionality, thermal ion or electron depending on ZCHARGE
wti = prof[:, 5] # thermal ion transit frequency
wB0 = prof[:, 6] # gradB precession drift frequency, depending on ZCHARGE
qwe = prof[:, 7] # ExB drift frequency, =q*omega_E
qws = prof[:, 8] # diamagnetic drift frequency, =q*omega_*p, depending on ZCHARGE
qwsT = prof[:, 9] # grad T drift frequency, =q*omega_*T, depending on ZCHARGE
dB = prof[:, 10] # surface averaged |dB|/B0
psi = rho**2
# some fix-ups
dB[0] = dB[2]
dB[1] = dB[2]
calculate "boundary"-frequencies between different NTV regimes
first for non-resonant NTV torque
nu < nu_n1 : nu-regime
nu_n1 < nu < nu_n2 : sqrt(nu)-regime
nu_n2 < nu < nu_n3 : 1/nu-regime
nu_n3 < nu : violation of assumptions in Shaing's NTV theory
nu_n1 = np.abs(qwe / q) * ((dB / eps) ** 2)
nu_n2 = np.abs(qwe / q)
nu_n3 = np.sqrt(eps) * wti
next for resonant NTV torque
nu < nu_r1 : superbanana-regime
nu_r1 < nu < nu_r2 : superbanana-plateau-regime
nu_r2 < nu < nu_r3 : 1/nu-regime
nu_r3 < nu : violation of assumptions in Shaing's NTV theory
nu_r1 = wB0 * ((dB / eps) ** 1.5)
nu_r2 = wB0 / eps
nu_r3 = np.sqrt(eps) * wti
self['PROFNTV'] = xarray.Dataset()
self['PROFNTV']['nu_n1'] = xarray.DataArray(
nu_n1, dims=['psi'], coords={'psi': psi}, attrs={'Description': 'nu < nu_n1 : nu-regime'}
self['PROFNTV']['nu_n2'] = xarray.DataArray(
nu_n2, dims=['psi'], coords={'psi': psi}, attrs={'Description': 'nu_n1 < nu < nu_n2 : sqrt(nu)-regime'}
self['PROFNTV']['nu_n3'] = xarray.DataArray(
nu_n3, dims=['psi'], coords={'psi': psi}, attrs={'Description': 'nu_n2 < nu < nu_n3 : 1/nu-regime'}
self['PROFNTV']['nu_r1'] = xarray.DataArray(
nu_r1, dims=['psi'], coords={'psi': psi}, attrs={'Description': 'nu < nu_r1 : superbanana-regime'}
self['PROFNTV']['nu_r2'] = xarray.DataArray(
coords={'psi': psi},
attrs={'Description': 'nu_r1 < nu < nu_r2 : superbanana-plateau-regime, nu_r2 < nu < nu_r3 : 1/nu-regime'},
self['PROFNTV']['nu'] = xarray.DataArray(
nu, dims=['psi'], coords={'psi': psi}, attrs={'Description': 'collisionality, thermal ion or electron depending on ZCHARGE'}
self['PROFNTV']['eps'] = xarray.DataArray(
eps, dims=['psi'], coords={'psi': psi}, attrs={'Description': 'equivalent r/R0 in Shaing theory'}
[docs] def read_TORQUENTV(self, filename):
Read TORQUENTV.OUT file containing NTV torque densities
torq = np.loadtxt(filename)
# get NTV torque densities
s = torq[:, 0] # radial mesh
TNTVtot = torq[:, 1] # total NTV torque density = ions + electrons
DPNTVTot = torq[:, 2] # particle flux due to total NTV torque
DPNTVi = torq[:, 3] # particle flux due to ion NTV torque
DPNTVe = torq[:, 4] # particle flux due to electron NTV torque
TNTVi = torq[:, 5] # NTV torque due to ions
TNTVe = torq[:, 6] # NTV torque due to electrons
self['TORQUENTV'] = xarray.Dataset()
self['TORQUENTV']['NTV_tot'] = xarray.DataArray(
TNTVtot, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'total NTV torque density = ions + electrons'}
self['TORQUENTV']['NTV_ion'] = xarray.DataArray(TNTVi, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'NTV torque due to ions'})
self['TORQUENTV']['NTV_el'] = xarray.DataArray(
TNTVe, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'NTV torque due to electrons'}
# Particle flux
self['TORQUENTV']['DP_NTV_tot'] = xarray.DataArray(
DPNTVTot, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'particle flux due to total NTV torque'}
self['TORQUENTV']['DP_NTV_ion'] = xarray.DataArray(
DPNTVi, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'particle flux due to ion NTV torque'}
self['TORQUENTV']['DP_NTV_el'] = xarray.DataArray(
DPNTVe, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'particle flux due to electron NTV torque'}
[docs] def read_NUSTAR(self, filename):
Read PROFNUSTAR.OUT file containing ion and electron effective collisionality
# read data
nu = np.loadtxt(filename)
s = nu[:, 0]
nui = nu[:, 1] # nu* ions
nue = nu[:, 2] # nu* electrons
self['NUSTAR'] = xarray.Dataset()
self['NUSTAR']['nustar_i'] = xarray.DataArray(
nui, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'nustar for ions calculated in MARS'}
self['NUSTAR']['nustar_e'] = xarray.DataArray(
nue, dims=['s'], coords={'s': s}, attrs={'Description': 'nustar for electrons calculated in MARS'}
'get' methods, calculate quantities from previously read data
[docs] def get_RZ(self):
convert RM and ZM into R and Z real space co-ordinates
Nm2 = self[self.sim]['Nm0'].values.astype(int)
Nchi = self[self.sim]['Nchi'].values.astype(int)
chi = np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi)
m = np.arange(0, Nm2, 1)
m = np.reshape(m, (len(m), 1))
chi = np.reshape(chi, (len(chi), 1))
expmchi = np.exp(m * chi.T * 1j)
R = np.real([self.sim]['RM'][:, 0:Nm2], expmchi))
Z = np.real([self.sim]['ZM'][:, 0:Nm2], expmchi))
self[self.sim]['R'] = xarray.DataArray(
R, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s']}
self[self.sim]['Z'] = xarray.DataArray(
Z, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s']}
return R, Z
[docs] def get_SurfS(self, rs, saveCarMadata=False):
Generate MacSurfS ASCII file containing control surface for Equivalent Surface Current workflow
:param rs: radius (r/a) of control surface picked from CHEASE vacuum mesh
:param saveCarMadata: flag to save MacDataS for CarMa coupling
if 'R' not in self[self.sim]:
II = np.argmin(abs(self[self.sim]['s'].values - rs))
tmp1 = np.array([self[self.sim]['R'].values[II - 1, :], self[self.sim]['Z'].values[II - 1, :]]).T
tmp2 = np.array([self[self.sim]['R'].values[II, :], self[self.sim]['Z'].values[II, :]]).T
RZrw_CarMa = np.array([(tmp1 + tmp2) / (2 * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values), tmp2 * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values])
RZrw_EF = tmp2 * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values
# Save and load into tree
np.savetxt('MacSurfS', RZrw_EF)
self['CouplingSurfS'] = {}
self['CouplingSurfS']['MacSurfS'] = OMFITascii('./MacSurfS')
self['CouplingSurfS']['Rs'] = self[self.sim]['R'].values[II, :]
self['CouplingSurfS']['Zs'] = self[self.sim]['Z'].values[II, :]
self['CouplingSurfS']['s'] = rs
if saveCarMadata:
np.savetxt('MacDataS', RZrw_CarMa)
self['CouplingDataS'] = {}
self['CouplingDataS']['MacDataS'] = OMFITascii('./MacDataS')
self['CouplingDataS']['RZrw_CarMa'] = RZrw_CarMa
return RZrw_EF, RZrw_CarMa
return RZrw_EF
[docs] def get_UnitVec(self, vacFlag=False, IIgrid=None):
Get unit vectors e_s and e_chi and jacobian from real space R,Z
:param vacFlag: flag to calculate metric elements in all domain (plasma+vacuum)
:param IIgrid: specify the radial mesh index to calculate vectors within
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
if 'R' not in self[self.sim]:
Ls = len(self[self.sim]['R'][:, 0])
Lchi = len(self[self.sim]['R'][0, :])
dRds = copy.deepcopy(self[self.sim]['R'].values)
dZds = copy.deepcopy(self[self.sim]['Z'].values)
dRdchi = copy.deepcopy(self[self.sim]['R'].values)
dZdchi = copy.deepcopy(self[self.sim]['Z'].values)
jacobian = copy.deepcopy(self[self.sim]['R'].values)
# Number of mesh points in plasma
Ns1 = self[self.sim]['Ns1'].values.astype(int)
# Number of mesh points in vacuum
Ns2 = self[self.sim]['Ns2'].values.astype(int)
# indexes of full domain: first couple is vacuum, second is plasma
domain = [(Ns1, Ns1 + Ns2), (0, Ns1)]
if isinstance(IIgrid, int):
II = IIgrid
II = Ns1
# Loop over vacuum and plasma
for ii, kk in domain:
if ii == Ns1:
printi('Partial derivatives in vacuum')
s0 = self[self.sim]['svac'].values
elif ii == 0:
printi('Partial derivatives in plasma')
s0 = self[self.sim]['sp'].values
printi('ERROR! Check Jacobian calculation')
II1 = ii
II2 = kk
R0 = self[self.sim]['R'].isel(s=range(II1, II2))
Z0 = self[self.sim]['Z'].isel(s=range(II1, II2))
Nchi = self[self.sim]['Nchi'].values.astype(int)
chi0 = np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi)
hs = 0.5 * ((s0[1:] - s0[:-1]).min())
hs = min(hs, 2e-5)
hchi = 0.5 * ((chi0[1:] - chi0[:-1]).min())
hchi = min(hchi, 1e-4)
s1 = s0 - hs
s2 = s0 + hs
chi1 = chi0 - hchi
chi2 = chi0 + hchi
# compute dR/ds using R(s,chi) and spline
R1 = np.zeros(np.shape(R0))
R2 = np.zeros(np.shape(R0))
for k in range(len(R0[0, :])):
R1[:, k] = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s0, R0[:, k], bbox=[s1[0], s0[-1]])(s1)
R2[:, k] = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s0, R0[:, k], bbox=[s0[0], s2[-1]])(s2)
dRds[II1:II2, :] = (R2 - R1) / (2.0 * hs)
# compute dZ/ds using Z(s,chi) and spline
Z1 = np.zeros(np.shape(Z0))
Z2 = np.zeros(np.shape(Z0))
for k in range(len(R0[0, :])):
Z1[:, k] = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s0, Z0[:, k], bbox=[s1[0], s0[-1]])(s1)
Z2[:, k] = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s0, Z0[:, k], bbox=[s0[0], s2[-1]])(s2)
dZds[II1:II2, :] = (Z2 - Z1) / (2.0 * hs)
# compute dR/dchi using R(s,chi) and spline
R1 = np.zeros(np.shape(R0))
R2 = np.zeros(np.shape(R0))
for k in range(len(R0[:, 0])):
R1[k, :] = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(chi0, R0[k, :], bbox=[chi1[0], chi0[-1]])(chi1)
R2[k, :] = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(chi0, R0[k, :], bbox=[chi0[0], chi2[-1]])(chi2)
R1[:, 0] = R1[:, -1]
R2[:, -1] = R2[:, 0]
dRdchi[II1:II2, :] = (R2 - R1) / (2.0 * hchi)
# compute dR/dchi using R(s,chi) and spline
Z1 = np.zeros(np.shape(Z0))
Z2 = np.zeros(np.shape(Z0))
for k in range(len(R0[:, 0])):
Z1[k, :] = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(chi0, Z0[k, :], bbox=[chi1[0], chi0[-1]])(chi1)
Z2[k, :] = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(chi0, Z0[k, :], bbox=[chi0[0], chi2[-1]])(chi2)
Z1[:, 0] = Z1[:, -1]
Z2[:, -1] = Z2[:, 0]
dZdchi[II1:II2, :] = (Z2 - Z1) / (2.0 * hchi)
# Calculate Jacobian
J = (self[self.sim]['R'].values) * (-dRdchi * dZds + dRds * dZdchi)
J[0, :] = J[1, :]
if vacFlag:
# Calculate metric elements in both plasma and vacuum
G11 = np.square(dRds) + np.square(dZds)
G12 = np.multiply(dRds, dRdchi) + np.multiply(dZds, dZdchi)
G22 = np.square(dRdchi) + np.square(dZdchi)
G22[0, :] = G22[1, :]
G33 = np.square(self[self.sim]['R'].values)
# Calculate metric elements inside the plasma
G11 = np.square(dRds[0:II, :]) + np.square(dZds[0:II, :])
G12 = np.multiply(dRds[0:II, :], dRdchi[0:II, :]) + np.multiply(dZds[0:II, :], dZdchi[0:II, :])
G22 = np.square(dRdchi[0:II, :]) + np.square(dZdchi[0:II, :])
G22[0, :] = G22[1, :]
G33 = np.square(self[self.sim]['R'].values[0:II, :])
# Store data
self['UnitVector'] = xarray.Dataset()
self['UnitVector']['dRds'] = xarray.DataArray(
dRds, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s']}
self['UnitVector']['dZds'] = xarray.DataArray(
dZds, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s']}
self['UnitVector']['dRdchi'] = xarray.DataArray(
dRdchi, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s']}
self['UnitVector']['dZdchi'] = xarray.DataArray(
dZdchi, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s']}
self['UnitVector']['Jacobian'] = xarray.DataArray(
J, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s']}
self['Metric'] = xarray.Dataset()
if vacFlag:
self['Metric']['G11'] = xarray.DataArray(
G11, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s']}
self['Metric']['G12'] = xarray.DataArray(
G12, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s']}
self['Metric']['G22'] = xarray.DataArray(
G22, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s']}
self['Metric']['G33'] = xarray.DataArray(
G33, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s']}
self['Metric']['G11'] = xarray.DataArray(
G11, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s'][0:II]}
self['Metric']['G12'] = xarray.DataArray(
G12, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s'][0:II]}
self['Metric']['G22'] = xarray.DataArray(
G22, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s'][0:II]}
self['Metric']['G33'] = xarray.DataArray(
G33, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'chi': np.linspace(np.pi * -1, np.pi, Nchi), 's': self[self.sim]['s'][0:II]}
return dRds, dZds, dRdchi, dZdchi, jacobian
[docs] def get_X123(self):
Inverse Fourier transorm of plasma displacement and projection along Chi and Phi
if 'UnitVector' not in self:
expmchi = np.exp(self['XPLASMA']['Mm'] * self[self.sim]['chi'] * 1j)
expmchi_inv = np.exp(-self[self.sim]['chi'] * self['XPLASMA']['Mm'] * 1j)
chione = np.ones((1, len(self[self.sim]['chi'])))
Ns1 = self[self.sim]['Ns1'].values
X1a =['XPLASMA']['XM1'].values, expmchi)
X2a =['XPLASMA']['XM2'].values, expmchi)
X3a =['XPLASMA']['XM3'].values, expmchi)
if np.size(self['Metric']['G22'], 0) != np.size(X1a, 0):
# Calculate X1 along e_s
X1 = X1a
# Calculate X2 along e_chi
dPSIds = np.array(self[self.sim]['dPSIds'].values).reshape((len(self[self.sim]['dPSIds'].values), 1))
J = self['UnitVector']['Jacobian'].isel(s=range(Ns1)).values
T = np.array(self[self.sim]['T'].values).reshape((len(self[self.sim]['T']), 1))
Bchi = np.divide(, chione), J)
Bphi = np.divide(, chione), np.square(self[self.sim]['R'].values[0:Ns1, :]))
B2 = np.multiply(np.square(Bchi), self['Metric']['G22']) + np.multiply(np.square(Bphi), self['Metric']['G33'])
X2 = (
np.divide(np.multiply(-X1, np.multiply(self['Metric']['G12'], np.square(Bchi))), B2)
+ np.divide(np.multiply(X2a, np.multiply(Bphi, self['Metric']['G33'])), B2)
- np.multiply(X3a, Bchi)
# Calculate X3 along e_phi
X3 = (
np.divide(np.multiply(-X1, np.multiply(self['Metric']['G12'], np.multiply(Bchi, Bphi))), B2)
+ np.divide(np.multiply(X2a, np.multiply(Bchi, self['Metric']['G22'])), B2)
- np.multiply(X3a, Bphi)
# Calculate normal plasma displacement
Xn = np.divide(np.multiply(X1a, J), np.sqrt(np.multiply(self['Metric']['G33'], self['Metric']['G22'])))
# Fourier transorm of Xn
XnM =, expmchi_inv) * (self[self.sim]['chi'].values[1] - self[self.sim]['chi'].values[0]) / (2 * np.pi)
# Radial coordinate name 's' is retained for compatibility, here 's' is 'sp' (within plasma)
self['XPLASMA']['Bchi'] = xarray.DataArray(
Bchi, dims=['sp', 'chi'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']}
self['XPLASMA']['Bphi'] = xarray.DataArray(
Bphi, dims=['sp', 'chi'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']}
self['XPLASMA']['B2'] = xarray.DataArray(B2, dims=['sp', 'chi'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['XPLASMA']['X1'] = xarray.DataArray(X1, dims=['sp', 'chi'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['XPLASMA']['X2'] = xarray.DataArray(X2, dims=['sp', 'chi'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['XPLASMA']['X3'] = xarray.DataArray(X3, dims=['sp', 'chi'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['XPLASMA']['Xn'] = xarray.DataArray(Xn, dims=['sp', 'chi'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['XPLASMA']['XnM'] = xarray.DataArray(XnM, dims=['sp', 'Mm'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'Mm': self['XPLASMA']['Mm']})
self['XPLASMA']['X1a'] = xarray.DataArray(
X1a, dims=['sp', 'chi'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']}
self['XPLASMA']['X2a'] = xarray.DataArray(
X2a, dims=['sp', 'chi'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']}
self['XPLASMA']['X3a'] = xarray.DataArray(
X3a, dims=['sp', 'chi'], coords={'sp': self[self.sim]['sp'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']}
[docs] def get_B123(self):
Inverse Fourier transorm of perturbed magnetic field and calculate Bn
if 'UnitVector' not in self:
# Check metric element size
# This is needed when IIgrid=None and NV(MARS) != NV(CHEASE)
II = np.size(self['BPLASMA']['BM1'], 0)
if np.size(self['Metric']['G22'], 0) != II:
print("WARNING: NV(MARS) != NV(CHEASE). Calculating metric elements with b-field radial grid size.")
# Define DFT matrices
expmchi = np.exp(self['BPLASMA']['Mm'] * self[self.sim]['chi'] * 1j)
expmchi_inv = np.exp(-self[self.sim]['chi'] * self['BPLASMA']['Mm'] * 1j)
chione = np.ones((1, len(self[self.sim]['chi'])))
# Calculate inverse Fourier transorm
B1 =['BPLASMA']['BM1'].isel(s=range(II)), expmchi)
B2 =['BPLASMA']['BM2'].isel(s=range(II)), expmchi)
B3 =['BPLASMA']['BM3'].isel(s=range(II)), expmchi)
# Calculate normal perturbeb magnetic field
Bn = np.divide(B1, np.multiply(np.sqrt(self['Metric']['G22']), self[self.sim]['R'].isel(s=range(II))))
# Fourier transorm of Bn
BnM =, expmchi_inv) * (self[self.sim]['chi'].values[1] - self[self.sim]['chi'].values[0]) / (2 * np.pi)
# Store data
self['BPLASMA']['B1'] = xarray.DataArray(B1, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'s': self['BPLASMA']['s'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['BPLASMA']['B2'] = xarray.DataArray(B2, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'s': self['BPLASMA']['s'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['BPLASMA']['B3'] = xarray.DataArray(B3, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'s': self['BPLASMA']['s'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['BPLASMA']['Bn'] = xarray.DataArray(Bn, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'s': self['BPLASMA']['s'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['BPLASMA']['BnM'] = xarray.DataArray(BnM, dims=['s', 'Mm'], coords={'s': self['BPLASMA']['s'], 'Mm': self['BPLASMA']['Mm']})
[docs] def get_J123(self):
Inverse Fourier transorm of perturbed current
if 'UnitVector' not in self:
# Check metric element size
# This is needed when IIgrid=None and NV(MARS) != NV(CHEASE)
II = np.size(self['JPLASMA']['JM1'], 0)
if np.size(self['Metric']['G22'], 0) != II:
print("WARNING: NV(MARS) != NV(CHEASE). Calculating metric elements with b-field radial grid size.")
# Define DFT matrices
expmchi = np.exp(self['JPLASMA']['Mm'] * self[self.sim]['chi'] * 1j)
expmchi_inv = np.exp(-self[self.sim]['chi'] * self['JPLASMA']['Mm'] * 1j)
chione = np.ones((1, len(self[self.sim]['chi'])))
# Calculate inverse Fourier transorm
J1 =['JPLASMA']['JM1'].isel(s=range(II)), expmchi)
J2 =['JPLASMA']['JM2'].isel(s=range(II)), expmchi)
J3 =['JPLASMA']['JM3'].isel(s=range(II)), expmchi)
# Store data
self['JPLASMA']['J1'] = xarray.DataArray(J1, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'s': self['JPLASMA']['s'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['JPLASMA']['J2'] = xarray.DataArray(J2, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'s': self['JPLASMA']['s'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['JPLASMA']['J3'] = xarray.DataArray(J3, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'s': self['JPLASMA']['s'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
[docs] def get_Bcyl(self):
Get B-field components in cylindrical coordinates
print('GET: calculating B-field cylindrical components')
if 'B1' not in self['BPLASMA']:
if 'R' not in self[self.sim]:
II = np.size(self['BPLASMA']['BM1'], 0)
J = self['UnitVector']['Jacobian'].isel(s=range(II))
dRds = self['UnitVector']['dRds'].isel(s=range(II))
dRdchi = self['UnitVector']['dRdchi'].isel(s=range(II))
dZds = self['UnitVector']['dZds'].isel(s=range(II))
dZdchi = self['UnitVector']['dZdchi'].isel(s=range(II))
R0 = self[self.sim]['R'].isel(s=range(II))
# Calculate Br,z,phi
Br = (self['BPLASMA']['B1'] * dRds + self['BPLASMA']['B2'] * dRdchi) / J
Br[0:2, :] = Br[2, :]
Bz = (self['BPLASMA']['B1'] * dZds + self['BPLASMA']['B2'] * dZdchi) / J
Bz[0:2, :] = Bz[2, :]
Bphi = (self['BPLASMA']['B3'] * R0) / J
Bphi[0:2, :] = Bphi[2, :]
self['BPLASMA']['Br'] = xarray.DataArray(Br, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'s': self['BPLASMA']['s'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['BPLASMA']['Bz'] = xarray.DataArray(Bz, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'s': self['BPLASMA']['s'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['BPLASMA']['Bphi'] = xarray.DataArray(
Bphi, dims=['s', 'chi'], coords={'s': self['BPLASMA']['s'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']}
[docs] def get_Xcyl(self):
Get displacement components in cylindrical coordinates
print('GET: calculating plasma displacement cylindrical components')
if 'X1' not in self['XPLASMA']:
if 'R' not in self[self.sim]:
II = np.size(self['XPLASMA']['XM1'], 0)
J = self['UnitVector']['Jacobian'].isel(s=range(II))
dRds = self['UnitVector']['dRds'].isel(s=range(II))
dRdchi = self['UnitVector']['dRdchi'].isel(s=range(II))
dZds = self['UnitVector']['dZds'].isel(s=range(II))
dZdchi = self['UnitVector']['dZdchi'].isel(s=range(II))
R0 = self[self.sim]['R'].isel(s=range(II))
# Calculate Xr,z,phi
Xr = self['XPLASMA']['X1'].values * dRds.values + self['XPLASMA']['X2'].values * dRdchi.values
Xr[0:2, :] = Xr[2, :]
Xz = self['XPLASMA']['X1'].values * dZds.values + self['XPLASMA']['X2'].values * dZdchi.values
Xz[0:2, :] = Xz[2, :]
Xphi = self['XPLASMA']['X3'].values * R0.values
Xphi[0:2, :] = Xphi[2, :]
self['XPLASMA']['Xr'] = xarray.DataArray(Xr, dims=['sp', 'chi'], coords={'sp': self['XPLASMA']['sp'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['XPLASMA']['Xz'] = xarray.DataArray(Xz, dims=['sp', 'chi'], coords={'sp': self['XPLASMA']['sp'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']})
self['XPLASMA']['Xphi'] = xarray.DataArray(
Xphi, dims=['sp', 'chi'], coords={'sp': self['XPLASMA']['sp'], 'chi': self[self.sim]['chi']}
[docs] def get_dWk(self, NFIT=3):
Calculate dWk components from DWK_ENERGY_DENSITY
:param NFIT: integral of energy density skips the first NFIT+1 points
print('GET: calculating dWk components')
if 'DWK_ENERGY_DENSITY' not in self:
NR = len(den[:, 0])
n = len(den[0, :]) // 10
blocks = np.split(den, n, axis=1)
DWK = np.zeros((n, 8))
for l in range(len(blocks)):
REdwppara = 0
IMdwppara = 0
REdwpperp = 0
IMdwpperp = 0
REdwk = 0
IMdwk = 0
# Storing KP (=1...NSPECIES, 0=total)
DWK[l, 0] = blocks[l][0, 0]
# Storing I (=1...5)
DWK[l, 1] = blocks[l][1, 1]
for j in range(NFIT + 1, NR):
REdwppara = REdwppara + blocks[l][j, 4] * blocks[l][j, 3]
IMdwppara = IMdwppara + blocks[l][j, 5] * blocks[l][j, 3]
REdwpperp = REdwpperp + blocks[l][j, 6] * blocks[l][j, 3]
IMdwpperp = IMdwpperp + blocks[l][j, 7] * blocks[l][j, 3]
REdwk = REdwk + blocks[l][j, 8] * blocks[l][j, 3]
IMdwk = IMdwk + blocks[l][j, 9] * blocks[l][j, 3]
DWK[l, 2] = REdwppara
DWK[l, 3] = IMdwppara
DWK[l, 4] = REdwpperp
DWK[l, 5] = IMdwpperp
DWK[l, 6] = REdwk
DWK[l, 7] = IMdwk
# Total dWk
K_tot = []
# Non-adiabatic Trapped precession Drift
K_I_NTD = []
K_e_NTD = []
# Non-adiabatic Trapped Bounce
K_I_NTB = []
K_e_NTB = []
# Non-adiabatic Passing
K_I_NP = []
K_e_NP = []
species = np.unique(DWK[:, 0])
Nspecies = len(species) - 1
self['DWK_COMPONENTS'] = xarray.Dataset()
self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['NSPECIES'] = Nspecies
for P in species:
if P == 0:
# Storing total kinetic contribution
(i,) = np.where(DWK[:, 0] == 0.0)
(j,) = np.where(DWK[i, 1] == 0.0)
K_tot = complex(DWK[i[j], 6], DWK[i[j], 7])
self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['K_tot'] = K_tot
if P == 1:
# ions
particle = 'I'
elif P == 2:
# electrons
particle = 'e'
elif P > 2:
# Other particle species
particle = str(P)
(l,) = np.where(DWK[:, 0] == P)
(p,) = np.where(DWK[l, 1] == 3.0)
(b,) = np.where(DWK[l, 1] == 4.0)
(d,) = np.where(DWK[l, 1] == 5.0)
if not p:
K_NP = complex(0.0, 0.0)
K_NP = complex(DWK[l[p], 6], DWK[l[p], 7])
if not b:
K_NTB = complex(0.0, 0.0)
K_NTB = complex(DWK[l[b], 6], DWK[l[b], 7])
if not d:
K_NTD = complex(0.0, 0.0)
K_NTD = complex(DWK[l[d], 6], DWK[l[d], 7])
self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['K_%s_NTD' % particle] = K_NTD
self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['K_%s_NTB' % particle] = K_NTB
self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['K_%s_NP' % particle] = K_NP
[docs] def get_BatSurf(self, rsurf, kdR=False):
Calculate normal and tangential components of BPLASMA on given surface (e.g. wall)
Calculate Fourier decomposition of Bn,t,phi
Method used in CarMa Forward Coupling
:param rsurf: normalized radius of surface
:param kdR: flag for alternative calculation of unit vectors (default=False)
print('GET: calculating B-field on r=%s surface' % (rsurf))
if 'B1' not in self['BPLASMA']:
if 'R' not in self[self.sim]:
if 'Br' not in self['BPLASMA']:
mm = self['BPLASMA']['Mm'].values
# Find wall surface index
IIsurf = np.argmin(np.abs(self[self.sim]['s'].values - rsurf))
Rw = self[self.sim]['R'].isel(s=IIsurf)
Zw = self[self.sim]['Z'].isel(s=IIsurf)
Cw = self[self.sim]['chi'].values
R = self[self.sim]['R']
Z = self[self.sim]['Z']
Tw = np.arctan2(Zw - Z[0, 0], Rw - R[0, 0])
KK = np.where(np.diff(Tw) < -np.pi)[0]
if (len(KK) == 1) & (2 * KK > len(Tw)):
Tw[KK[0] + 1 :] = Tw[KK[0] + 1 :] + 2 * np.pi
if (len(KK) == 1) & (2 * KK < len(Tw)):
Tw[0 : KK[0]] = Tw[0 : KK[0]] - 2 * np.pi
Tw = np.sort(Tw)
JJ = np.argsort(Tw)
Bwr = self['BPLASMA']['Br'].isel(s=IIsurf)
Bwz = self['BPLASMA']['Bz'].isel(s=IIsurf)
Bwphi = self['BPLASMA']['Bphi'].isel(s=IIsurf)
except IndexError:
print('ERROR: Selected index is out of BPLASMA calculation domain')
# clean Tw,Rw,Zw,Bwr,Bwz,Bwphi
[Tw, JJ] = np.unique(Tw, return_index=True)
Rw = Rw[JJ]
Zw = Zw[JJ]
Cw = Cw[JJ]
Bwr = Bwr[JJ]
Bwz = Bwz[JJ]
Bwphi = Bwphi[JJ]
# get Gauss quadrature points for Fourier decomposition
z, w = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(2)
x0 = (Tw[:-1] + Tw[1:]) * 0.5
h2 = np.diff(Tw) * 0.5
xx = z[:, np.newaxis] * h2[np.newaxis, :] + np.ones(z.shape)[:, np.newaxis] * x0[np.newaxis, :]
wh = w[:, np.newaxis] * h2[np.newaxis, :]
xx = xx.reshape(-1, 1)
wh = wh.reshape(-1, 1)
if kdR == True:
# Fourier decompose (Rw,Zw) in Tw-angle
expmt = np.exp(-1j * xx * mm) / (2 * np.pi)
Rx = scipy.interpolate.pchip(Tw, Rw)(xx) * wh
Zx = scipy.interpolate.pchip(Tw, Zw)(xx) * wh
Rm =, expmt)
Zm =, expmt)
# compute (dR/dTw,dZ/dTw) via Fourier harmonics
expmt = np.exp(1j * mm * Tw[:, np.newaxis])
dR = 1j * * Rm, expmt.T)
dZ = 1j * * Zm, expmt.T)
# res = [dR(:) dZ(:)]
dR = np.squeeze(dR.real)
dZ = np.squeeze(dZ.real)
# another way to compute dR,dZ
dRT = np.diff(Rw) / np.diff(Tw)
x = (Tw[1:] + Tw[0:-1]) * 0.5
x = np.concatenate([[x[-1] - 2 * np.pi], x, [x[0] + 2 * np.pi]])
dRT = np.concatenate([[dRT[-1]], dRT, [dRT[0]]])
dR = scipy.interpolate.pchip(x, dRT)(Tw)
dZT = np.diff(Zw) / np.diff(Tw)
dZT = np.concatenate([[dZT[-1]], dZT, [dZT[0]]])
dZ = scipy.interpolate.pchip(x, dZT)(Tw)
# compute physical Bn & Bt from Bwr & Bwz
nA = np.sqrt(dR**2 + dZ**2)
Bn = (Bwr * dZ - Bwz * dR) / nA
Bt = (Bwr * dR + Bwz * dZ) / nA
# Fourier decompose Bn, Bt & Bphi along Tw angle
expmt = np.exp(-1j * xx * mm) / (2 * np.pi)
Bnx = scipy.interpolate.pchip(Tw, Bn.values)(xx) * wh
Btx = scipy.interpolate.pchip(Tw, Bt.values)(xx) * wh
Bpx = scipy.interpolate.pchip(Tw, Bwphi.values)(xx) * wh
Bnm =, expmt).T
Btm =, expmt).T
Bpm =, expmt).T
# Store results
self['BPLASMA']['Bn_s'] = xarray.DataArray(Bn, dims=['Tw'], coords={'Tw': Tw})
self['BPLASMA']['Bt_s'] = xarray.DataArray(Bt, dims=['Tw'], coords={'Tw': Tw})
self['BPLASMA']['Bphi_s'] = xarray.DataArray(Bwphi, dims=['Tw'], coords={'Tw': Tw})
self['BPLASMA']['Bnm_s'] = xarray.DataArray(np.squeeze(Bnm), dims=['Mm'], coords={'Mm': self['BPLASMA']['Mm']})
self['BPLASMA']['Btm_s'] = xarray.DataArray(np.squeeze(Btm), dims=['Mm'], coords={'Mm': self['BPLASMA']['Mm']})
self['BPLASMA']['Bpm_s'] = xarray.DataArray(np.squeeze(Bpm), dims=['Mm'], coords={'Mm': self['BPLASMA']['Mm']})
return Bnm, Btm, Bpm
[docs] @dynaLoad
def load(self):
self[self.sim] = xarray.Dataset()
mapper = OrderedDict(
('RMZM_F.OUT', self.read_RMZM),
('RMZM_F', self.read_RMZM),
('JPLASMA.OUT', self.read_JPLASMA),
('JPLASMA', self.read_JPLASMA),
('RESULT.OUT', self.read_RESULTS),
('RESULT', self.read_RESULTS),
('BPLASMA.OUT', self.read_BPLASMA),
('BPLASMA', self.read_BPLASMA),
('PROFEQ.OUT', self.read_PROFEQ),
('PROFEQ', self.read_PROFEQ),
('XPLASMA.OUT', self.read_XPLASMA),
('XPLASMA', self.read_XPLASMA),
('DWK_ENERGY_DENSITY.OUT', self.read_dWk_den),
('PROFNTV.OUT', self.read_PROFNTV),
for item in mapper:
if os.path.exists(self.filename + os.sep + item):
mapper[item](self.filename + os.sep + item)
except Exception as _excp:
print(f'Problem parsing {item}: {_excp}')
Plotting methods
[docs] def plot_RMZM(self, fig=None):
Plot RM-ZM grid
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax1 = pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 1)
ax1.plot(self[self.sim]['s'], np.real(self[self.sim]['RM']))
ax2 = pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 2)
ax2.plot(self[self.sim]['s'], np.imag(self[self.sim]['RM']))
ax3 = pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 3)
ax3.plot(self[self.sim]['s'], np.real(self[self.sim]['ZM']))
ax4 = pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 4)
ax4.plot(self[self.sim]['s'], np.imag(self[self.sim]['ZM']))
[docs] def plot_RZ(self, fig=None):
Plot R-Z grid
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = pyplot.subplot(1, 1, 1)
Ns = self[self.sim]['Ns1'].values.astype(int) + self[self.sim]['Ns2'].values.astype(int)
Rplot = self[self.sim]['R'][0:Ns, :].values
Zplot = self[self.sim]['Z'][0:Ns, :].values
ax.plot(Rplot.T * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values, Zplot.T * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values, 'g-')
ax.plot(Rplot * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values, Zplot * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values, 'b-')
ax.set_xlabel('R [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Z [m]')
[docs] def plot_SurfS(self, fig=None):
Plot surface stored in ['CouplingSurfS']
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = pyplot.subplot(1, 1, 1)
Ns = self[self.sim]['Ns1'].values.astype(int) + self[self.sim]['Ns2'].values.astype(int)
Ns1 = self[self.sim]['Ns1'].values.astype(int)
Rtot = self[self.sim]['R'][0:Ns, :].values
Ztot = self[self.sim]['Z'][0:Ns, :].values
if 'CouplingSurfS' not in self:
Rs = self['CouplingSurfS']['Rs']
Zs = self['CouplingSurfS']['Zs']
Rplasma = self[self.sim]['R'][Ns1, :].values
Zplasma = self[self.sim]['Z'][Ns1, :].values
# Plot all surfaces
ax.plot(Rtot.T * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values, Ztot.T * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values, color='g')
# Plot SurfS
ax.plot(Rs * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values, Zs * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values, linewidth=3, color='r')
Rplasma * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values, Zplasma * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values, linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2, color='b'
ax.set_xlabel('R [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Z [m]')
[docs] def plot_JPLASMA(self, Mmax=5, fig=None):
Plot perturbed current components j1,j2,j3
The MARS variable "J*j" is shown, not the physical quantity "j"
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
from labellines import labelLine, labelLines
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = None
label = 'JPLASMA'
MM = self[label]['Mm'].values
labelstring = [str(m) for m in MM]
for k, c in enumerate(['JM1', 'JM2', 'JM3']):
ax = ax1 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 2 * k + 1, sharex=ax)
ax1.plot(self[label]['s'], np.real(self[label][c]))
for i, line in enumerate(ax1.lines):
lines1 = ax1.get_lines()
labelLines(lines1[np.abs(np.min(MM)) + 1 : np.abs(np.min(MM)) + Mmax + 1], xvals=(0.0, 1.0), align=False)
ax1.set_title('Re($J\cdot j^%d_m$)' % (k + 1), y=0.8)
ax2 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 2 * (k + 1), sharex=ax)
ax2.plot(self[label]['s'], np.imag(self[label][c]))
for i, line in enumerate(ax2.lines):
lines2 = ax2.get_lines()
labelLines(lines2[np.abs(np.min(MM)) + 1 : np.abs(np.min(MM)) + Mmax + 1], xvals=(0.0, 1.0), align=False)
ax2.set_title('Im($J\cdot j^%d_m$)' % (k + 1), y=0.8)
[docs] def plot_FREQUENCIES(self, fig=None):
Plot frequencies related to drift kinetic resonances
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = pyplot.subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.plot(self[label]['s'], self[label]['we'], 'k-', label=r'$\omega_E$')
ax.plot(self[label]['s'], self[label]['wsni'] + self[label]['wsti'], 'g-', label=r'$\omega_*^{thi}$')
ax.plot(self[label]['s'], self[label]['awbt'], 'b-', label=r'$\omega_b^{thi}$')
ax.plot(self[label]['s'], self[label]['awdi'], 'r-', label=r'$\omega_d^{thi}$')
ax.plot(self[label]['s'], self[label]['awda'], 'r--', label=r'$\omega_d^{hot}$')
[docs] def plot_BPLASMA(self, Mmax=5, fig=None):
Plot perturbed field components b1,b2,b3
The MARS variable "J*b" is shown, not the physical quantity "b"
:param Mmax: upper poloidal harmonic for labeling
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
from labellines import labelLine, labelLines
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = None
label = 'BPLASMA'
MM = self[label]['Mm'].values
labelstring = [str(m) for m in MM]
for k, c in enumerate(['BM1', 'BM2', 'BM3']):
ax = ax1 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 2 * k + 1, sharex=ax)
ax1.plot(self[label]['s'], np.real(self[label][c]))
for i, line in enumerate(ax1.lines):
lines1 = ax1.get_lines()
labelLines(lines1[np.abs(np.min(MM)) + 1 : np.abs(np.min(MM)) + Mmax + 1], xvals=(0.0, 1.0), align=False)
ax1.set_title('Re($J\cdot b^%d_m$)' % (k + 1), y=0.8)
ax2 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 2 * (k + 1), sharex=ax)
ax2.plot(self[label]['s'], np.imag(self[label][c]))
for i, line in enumerate(ax2.lines):
lines2 = ax2.get_lines()
labelLines(lines2[np.abs(np.min(MM)) + 1 : np.abs(np.min(MM)) + Mmax + 1], xvals=(0.0, 1.0), align=False)
ax2.set_title('Im($J\cdot b^%d_m$)' % (k + 1), y=0.8)
[docs] def plot_XPLASMA(self, Mmax=5, fig=None):
Plot plasma displacement components X1,X2,X3
:param Mmax: upper poloidal harmonic for labeling
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
from labellines import labelLine, labelLines
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = None
label = 'XPLASMA'
MM = self[label]['Mm'].values
labelstring = [str(m) for m in MM]
for k, c in enumerate(['XM1', 'XM2', 'XM3']):
ax1 = pyplot.subplot(3, 2, 2 * k + 1, sharex=ax)
ax1.plot(self[label]['sp'], np.real(self[label][c]))
for i, line in enumerate(ax1.lines):
lines1 = ax1.get_lines()
labelLines(lines1[np.abs(np.min(MM)) + 1 : np.abs(np.min(MM)) + Mmax + 1], xvals=(0.0, 1.0), align=False)
ax1.set_title('Re($X^%d_m$)' % (k + 1), y=0.8)
ax2 = pyplot.subplot(3, 2, 2 * (k + 1), sharex=ax)
ax2.plot(self[label]['sp'], np.imag(self[label][c]))
for i, line in enumerate(ax2.lines):
lines2 = ax2.get_lines()
labelLines(lines2[np.abs(np.min(MM)) + 1 : np.abs(np.min(MM)) + Mmax + 1], xvals=(0.0, 1.0), align=False)
ax2.set_title('Im($X^%d_m$)' % (k + 1), y=0.8)
[docs] def plot_Xn(self, fig=None):
Plot normal plasma displacement
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = pyplot.subplot(1, 1, 1)
label = 'XPLASMA'
if 'R' not in self[self.sim]:
if 'Xn' not in self[label]:
Irat = self[self.sim]['Iratsurf']
# Plasma displacement defined within plasma boundary
Ns1 = self[self.sim]['Ns1'].values
R = self[self.sim]['R'].isel(s=range(Ns1)) * self[self.sim]['R0EXP']
Z = self[self.sim]['Z'].isel(s=range(Ns1)) * self[self.sim]['R0EXP']
C = np.real(self[label]['Xn'])
pc = ax.pcolormesh(R, Z, C, cmap='jet', antialiased=True)
for I in Irat.values:
ax.plot(R[I, :], Z[I, :], linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2, color='w')
ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
fig.colorbar(pc, ax=ax)
ax.set_xlabel('R [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Z [m]')
[docs] def plot_Bn(self, II=False, fig=None):
Plot normal field perturbation
:param II: plot up to II radial grid index (default is plasma boundary)
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = pyplot.subplot(1, 1, 1)
label = 'BPLASMA'
if 'R' not in self[self.sim]:
if 'Bn' not in self[label]:
Irat = self[self.sim]['Iratsurf']
# Pick last s-grid point for Bn plotting
if II:
Ns = II
Ns = self[self.sim]['Ns1'].values
R = self[self.sim]['R'].isel(s=range(Ns)) * self[self.sim]['R0EXP']
Z = self[self.sim]['Z'].isel(s=range(Ns)) * self[self.sim]['R0EXP']
C = np.real(self[label]['Bn'].isel(s=range(Ns)))
pc = ax.pcolormesh(R, Z, C, cmap='jet', antialiased=True)
for I in Irat.values:
ax.plot(R[I, :], Z[I, :], linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2, color='w')
ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
fig.colorbar(pc, ax=ax)
ax.set_xlabel('R [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Z [m]')
[docs] def plot_BrzSurf(self, II=False, rsurf=False, fig=None):
Plot Br Bz (cyl. coords.) along specified surface
:param II: plot on II radial grid index (default is plasma boundary)
:param rsurf: normalized radius of surface
:param fig: specify target figure
# Pick last s-grid point for Bn plotting
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
if II:
Ns = II
elif rsurf:
# Find surface index
Ns = np.argmin(np.abs(self[self.sim]['s'].values - rsurf))
Ns = self[self.sim]['Ns1'].values
R = (self[self.sim]['R'].values) * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values
Z = (self[self.sim]['Z'].values) * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values
Rw = R[Ns, :]
Zw = Z[Ns, :]
Tw = np.arctan2(Zw - Z[0, 0], Rw - R[0, 0]) * (180 / np.pi)
KK = np.where(np.diff(Tw) < -180)[0]
if (len(KK) == 1) & (2 * KK > len(Tw)):
Tw[KK[0] + 1 :] = Tw[KK[0] + 1 :] + 360
if (len(KK) == 1) & (2 * KK < len(Tw)):
Tw[0 : KK[0]] = Tw[0 : KK[0]] - 360
Tw = np.sort(Tw)
JJ = np.argsort(Tw)
label = 'BPLASMA'
BR = self[label]['Br'].values
BZ = self[label]['Bz'].values
ax1 = pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 1)
ax1.plot(Tw, np.real(BR[Ns, JJ]), linewidth=2)
ax1.set_ylabel('Re($\delta B_R$)')
ax2 = pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 2)
ax2.plot(Tw, np.imag(BR[Ns, JJ]), linewidth=2)
ax2.set_ylabel('Im($\delta B_R$)')
ax3 = pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 3)
ax3.plot(Tw, np.real(BZ[Ns, JJ]), linewidth=2)
ax3.set_ylabel('Re($\delta B_Z$)')
ax3.set_xlabel('GEOM angle')
ax4 = pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 4)
ax4.plot(Tw, np.imag(BZ[Ns, JJ]), linewidth=2)
ax4.set_ylabel('Im($\delta B_Z$)')
ax4.set_xlabel('GEOM angle')
fig.suptitle(r'$B_r$, $B_z$ vs poloidal angle at s(%s)=%s' % (Ns, self[self.sim]['s'][Ns].values))
[docs] def plot_BrzAbs(self, fig=None):
Plot |B| along poloidal angle at plasma surface
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = pyplot.subplot(1, 1, 1)
Ns = self[self.sim]['Ns1'].values
chi = self[self.sim]['chi'].values
label = 'BPLASMA'
AmpB = np.sqrt(abs(self[label]['Br'].values) ** 2 + abs(self[label]['Bz'].values) ** 2 + abs(self[label]['Bphi'].values) ** 2)
ax.plot(chi * 180 / np.pi, AmpB[Ns, :], linewidth=2)
ax.set_ylabel('$|\delta B|$')
ax.set_xlabel('Poloidal angle $[\circ]$')
[docs] def plot_BrzMap(self, fig=None):
Plot |B| (R,Z) map inside plasma
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = pyplot.subplot(1, 1, 1)
Ns = self[self.sim]['Ns1'].values
label = 'BPLASMA'
Br = self[label]['Br'].isel(s=range(Ns)).values
Bz = self[label]['Bz'].isel(s=range(Ns)).values
Bphi = self[label]['Bphi'].isel(s=range(Ns)).values
AmpB = np.sqrt(abs(Br) ** 2 + abs(Bz) ** 2 + abs(Bphi) ** 2)
R = self[self.sim]['R'].isel(s=range(Ns)) * self[self.sim]['R0EXP']
Z = self[self.sim]['Z'].isel(s=range(Ns)) * self[self.sim]['R0EXP']
pc = ax.pcolormesh(R, Z, AmpB, cmap='jet', antialiased=True)
ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
fig.colorbar(pc, ax=ax)
ax.set_title('$|\delta B|$')
ax.set_xlabel('R [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Z [m]')
[docs] def plot_XrzMap(self, fig=None):
Plot |X| (R,Z) map inside plasma
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
Ns = self[self.sim]['Ns1'].values
label = 'XPLASMA'
ax = fig.use_subplot(1, 1, 1)
Xr = self[label]['Xr'].isel(sp=range(Ns)).values.real
# Xz = self[label]['Xz'].isel(sp=range(Ns)).values
# Xphi = self[label]['Xphi'].isel(sp=range(Ns)).values
# AmpX = np.sqrt(abs(Xr) ** 2 + abs(Xz) ** 2 + abs(Xphi) ** 2) * self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values * 1.0e3
R = self[self.sim]['R'].isel(s=range(Ns)) * self[self.sim]['R0EXP']
Z = self[self.sim]['Z'].isel(s=range(Ns)) * self[self.sim]['R0EXP']
pc = ax.pcolormesh(R, Z, Xr, cmap='jet', antialiased=True)
ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
fig.colorbar(pc, ax=ax)
ax.set_title('Radial displacement $X_r$')
ax.set_xlabel('R [m]')
ax.set_ylabel('Z [m]')
[docs] def plot_dWkDen(self, fig=None):
Plot total dWk energy density profiles
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = pyplot.subplot(1, 1, 1)
csm = self[label]['s']
dWki_re = self[label]['0_0_REdwk']
dWki_im = self[label]['0_0_IMdwk']
pyplot.plot(csm, dWki_re, 'bo-', label=r'Re($\delta W_k$) total')
pyplot.plot(csm, dWki_im, 'rs--', label=r'Im($\delta W_k$) total')
ax.set_ylabel('dWk energy density')
[docs] def plot_dWkComp(self, fig=None):
Plot dWk components (integral of energy density)
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = pyplot.subplot(1, 1, 1)
labels = ['NTD', 'NTB', 'NP']
ions = [self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['K_I_NTD'], self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['K_I_NTB'], self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['K_I_NP']]
electrons = [self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['K_e_NTD'], self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['K_e_NTB'], self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['K_e_NP']]
if NSPECIES > 2:
SP_DICT = {}
for II in range(NSPECIES - 2):
# +2 to skip ions and electrons, +1 to start counting from 1
P = II + 2 + 1
SP_DICT[P] = [
self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['K_%s_NTD' % float(P)],
self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['K_%s_NTB' % float(P)],
self['DWK_COMPONENTS']['K_%s_NP' % float(P)],
x = np.arange(len(labels))
width = 0.35 - width / 2, ions, width, label='Ions') + width / 2, electrons, width, label='Electrons')
if NSPECIES > 2:
for II in range(NSPECIES - 2):
P = II + 2 + 1 - width / 2, SP_DICT[P], width, label='Specie %s' % P)
[docs] def plot_BntpSurf(self, fig=None):
Plot Bn, Bt, Bphi on surface calculated by get_BatSurf
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
Tw = self['BPLASMA']['Tw']
ax1 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 1)
ax1.plot(Tw * 180 / np.pi, np.real(self['BPLASMA']['Bn_s']), 'b-')
ax2 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 2)
ax2.plot(Tw * 180 / np.pi, np.imag(self['BPLASMA']['Bn_s']), 'b-')
ax3 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 3)
ax3.plot(Tw * 180 / np.pi, np.real(self['BPLASMA']['Bt_s']), 'b-')
ax4 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 4)
ax4.plot(Tw * 180 / np.pi, np.imag(self['BPLASMA']['Bt_s']), 'b-')
ax5 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 5)
ax5.plot(Tw * 180 / np.pi, np.real(self['BPLASMA']['Bphi_s']), 'b-')
ax5.set_xlabel(r'$\theta$ [$^{\circ}$]')
ax6 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 6)
ax6.plot(Tw * 180 / np.pi, np.imag(self['BPLASMA']['Bphi_s']), 'b-')
ax6.set_xlabel(r'$\theta$ [$^{\circ}$]')
[docs] def plot_BntpSurfMm(self, fig=None):
Plot poloidal Fourier harmonics of Bn, Bt, Bphi on surface calculated by get_BatSurf
:param fig: specify target figure
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
Tw = self['BPLASMA']['Tw']
ax1 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 1)
ax1.plot(self['BPLASMA']['Mm'], np.real(self['BPLASMA']['Bnm_s']), 'bo')
ax2 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 2)
ax2.plot(self['BPLASMA']['Mm'], np.imag(self['BPLASMA']['Bnm_s']), 'bo')
ax3 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 3)
ax3.plot(self['BPLASMA']['Mm'], np.real(self['BPLASMA']['Btm_s']), 'bo')
ax4 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 4)
ax4.plot(self['BPLASMA']['Mm'], np.imag(self['BPLASMA']['Btm_s']), 'bo')
ax5 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 5)
ax5.plot(self['BPLASMA']['Mm'], np.real(self['BPLASMA']['Bpm_s']), 'bo')
ax6 = fig.use_subplot(3, 2, 6)
ax6.plot(self['BPLASMA']['Mm'], np.imag(self['BPLASMA']['Bpm_s']), 'bo')
[docs] def plot_BatSurf3D(self, fig=None, rsurf=1.0, ntor=-1):
Plot Bn on surface calculated by get_BatSurf, normalized and reconstructed in (chi,phi) real space
:param fig: specify target figure
:param rsurf: normalized surface radius for plotting, default is plasma boundary
:param n: toroidal mode number for inverse Fourier transorm in toroidal angle
from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib.colors import BoundaryNorm
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
Bn = self['BPLASMA']['Bn_s']
except KeyError:
raise ('ERROR: calculate B on surface before plotting')
Tw = self['BPLASMA']['Tw']
phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, self[self.sim]['Nchi'].values)
expnphi = np.exp(1j * ntor * phi)
Bna = np.real([:, np.newaxis], Bn.values[np.newaxis, :])).T / np.max(np.abs(Bn.values))
[pp, cc] = np.meshgrid(phi, Tw)
pp = pp * 180 / np.pi
cc = cc * 180 / np.pi
# Find surface index
IIsurf = np.argmin(np.abs(self[self.sim]['s'].values - rsurf))
levels = MaxNLocator(nbins=25).tick_values(Bna.min(), Bna.max())
cmap = pyplot.get_cmap('jet')
norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True)
ax0 = pyplot.gca()
cf = ax0.contourf(pp, cc, Bna, levels=levels, cmap=cmap)
cf2 = ax0.contour(cf, levels=cf.levels[::2], colors='k')
cbar = fig.colorbar(cf, ax=ax0)'[A.U.]')
ax0.set_title(r'$B_{n}$ n=%s - at r/a = %s' % (ntor, str(self[self.sim]['s'][IIsurf].values)))
ax0.set_xlabel(r'$\Phi [^\circ]$')
ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\Theta [^\circ]$')
# Find index of HFS, LFS, TOP, BOT
k = self[self.sim]['R'].isel(s=IIsurf).argmin(dim='chi').values
chi_HFS = Tw[k] * 180 / np.pi
k = self[self.sim]['R'].isel(s=IIsurf).argmax(dim='chi').values
chi_LFS = Tw[k] * 180 / np.pi
k = self[self.sim]['Z'].isel(s=IIsurf).argmin(dim='chi').values
chi_bot = Tw[k] * 180 / np.pi
k = self[self.sim]['Z'].isel(s=IIsurf).argmax(dim='chi').values
chi_top = Tw[k] * 180 / np.pi
ax0.text(10, chi_HFS, 'HFS', bbox={'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 1.0, 'pad': 5})
ax0.text(10, chi_LFS, 'LFS', bbox={'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 1.0, 'pad': 5})
ax0.text(10, chi_top, 'TOP', bbox={'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 1.0, 'pad': 5})
ax0.text(10, chi_bot, 'BOT', bbox={'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 1.0, 'pad': 5})
[docs] def plot_Bwarp(self, fig=None, rsurf=1.0):
Visualize B-field perturbation on specific surface
:param fig: specify target figure
:param rsurf: normalized surface radius for plotting, default is plasma boundary
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
if 'Br' not in self['BPLASMA']:
# Find surface index
IIsurf = np.argmin(np.abs(self[self.sim]['s'].values - rsurf))
Rw = self[self.sim]['R'].isel(s=IIsurf)
Zw = self[self.sim]['Z'].isel(s=IIsurf)
Bwr = self['BPLASMA']['Br'].isel(s=IIsurf)
Bwz = self['BPLASMA']['Bz'].isel(s=IIsurf)
except IndexError:
print('ERROR: Selected index is out of BPLASMA calculation domain')
B0 = self[self.sim]['B0EXP'].values
R0 = self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values
h = B0 / self[self.sim]['Ns1'].values
Bwr_r = np.real(Bwr)
Bwz_r = np.real(Bwz)
Bt = np.sqrt(Bwr_r**2 + Bwz_r**2)
Bt[np.where(Bt == 0.0)] = 1.0
R1 = Rw + h * Bwr_r / Bt
Z1 = Zw + h * Bwz_r / Bt
R2 = np.vstack((Rw, R1))
Z2 = np.vstack((Zw, Z1))
pyplot.plot(Rw * R0, Zw * R0, 'c-')
pyplot.plot(R2 * R0, Z2 * R0, 'b-')
pyplot.xlabel('R [m]')
pyplot.ylabel('Z [m]')
[docs] def plot_Xwarp(self, fig=None, rsurf=1.0):
Visualize displacement perturbation on specific surface
:param fig: specify target figure
:param rsurf: normalized surface radius for plotting, default is plasma boundary
from matplotlib import pyplot
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
if 'Xr' not in self['XPLASMA']:
# Find wall surface index
IIsurf = np.argmin(np.abs(self[self.sim]['s'].values - rsurf))
Rw = self[self.sim]['R'].isel(s=IIsurf)
Zw = self[self.sim]['Z'].isel(s=IIsurf)
Xwr = self['XPLASMA']['Xr'].isel(sp=IIsurf)
Xwz = self['XPLASMA']['Xz'].isel(sp=IIsurf)
except IndexError:
print('ERROR: Selected index is out of XPLASMA calculation domain')
B0 = self[self.sim]['B0EXP'].values
R0 = self[self.sim]['R0EXP'].values
h = R0 / self[self.sim]['Ns1'].values
Xwr_r = np.real(Xwr)
Xwz_r = np.real(Xwz)
Xt = np.sqrt(Xwr_r**2 + Xwz_r**2)
Xt[np.where(Xt == 0.0)] = 1.0
R1 = Rw + h * Xwr_r / Xt
Z1 = Zw + h * Xwz_r / Xt
R2 = np.vstack((Rw, R1))
Z2 = np.vstack((Zw, Z1))
pyplot.plot(Rw * R0, Zw * R0, 'c-')
pyplot.plot(R2 * R0, Z2 * R0, 'b-')
pyplot.xlabel('R [m]')
pyplot.ylabel('Z [m]')
return R1, Z1
[docs] def plot_PROFNTV(self, fig=None):
Plot "boundary"-frequencies between different NTV regimes
:param fig: specify target figure
from labellines import labelLines
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.gca()
pyplot.semilogy(self['PROFNTV']['psi'], self['PROFNTV']['nu_n1'], 'b:', linewidth=1, label=r'$|\omega_E| (\delta B /\epsilon)^{2}$')
pyplot.semilogy(self['PROFNTV']['psi'], self['PROFNTV']['nu_n2'], 'b--', linewidth=2, label=r'$|\omega_E|$')
pyplot.semilogy(self['PROFNTV']['psi'], self['PROFNTV']['nu_n3'], 'b-', linewidth=3, label=r'$\sqrt{\epsilon}\omega_{ti}$')
self['PROFNTV']['psi'], self['PROFNTV']['nu_r1'], 'r:', linewidth=1, label=r'$\omega_{B0}(\delta B /\epsilon)^{3/2}$'
pyplot.semilogy(self['PROFNTV']['psi'], self['PROFNTV']['nu_r2'], 'r--', linewidth=2, label=r'$\omega_{B0} / \epsilon$')
pyplot.semilogy(self['PROFNTV']['psi'], self['PROFNTV']['nu'] / self['PROFNTV']['eps'], 'k-', linewidth=4, label=r'$\nu /\epsilon$')
lines = ax.get_lines()
labelLines(lines, yoffsets=0.01, align=False, backgroundcolor="none")
pyplot.ylabel(r'$freq. / \epsilon$ for NTV regimes [rad/s]')
[docs] def plot_NUSTAR(self, fig=None, kplot=2):
Plot effective collisionality for ions and electrons
:param fig: specify target figure
:param kplot: =2 to use logscale, =1 to use linear y-axis
from labellines import labelLines
if fig is None:
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.gca()
if kplot == 2:
pyplot.semilogy(self['NUSTAR']['s'], self['NUSTAR']['nustar_i'], 'r--', linewidth=3, label=r'$\nu^*$ ions')
pyplot.semilogy(self['NUSTAR']['s'], self['NUSTAR']['nustar_e'], 'b-', linewidth=3, label=r'$\nu^*$ electrons')
pyplot.plot(self['NUSTAR']['s'], self['NUSTAR']['nustar_i'], 'r--', linewidth=3, label=r'$\nu^*$ ions')
pyplot.plot(self['NUSTAR']['s'], self['NUSTAR']['nustar_e'], 'b-', linewidth=3, label=r'$\nu^*$ electrons')
[docs]class OMFITnColumns(SortedDict, OMFITascii):
OMFIT class used to interface with n-columns input files
:param filename: filename passed to OMFITascii class
:param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITascii class
def __init__(self, filename, **kw):
OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw)
self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad
def load(self):
with open(self.filename, 'r') as f:
header = f.readline()
if not len(header):
tmp = np.atleast_2d(np.loadtxt(self.filename, skiprows=1))
self['x'] = tmp[:, 0]
for k in range(1, tmp.shape[1]):
self['y_%d' % k] = tmp[:, k]
[docs] @dynaSave
def save(self):
with open(self.filename, 'w') as f:
if not len(self):
f.write('0 0')
tmp = np.vstack(list(self.values())).T
shape = list(tmp.shape)
shape[1] = shape[1] - 1
f.write(' '.join(map(str, shape)) + '\n')
for k in range(tmp.shape[0]):
f.write(' '.join(['%5.9e' % x for x in tmp[k, :]]) + '\n')
[docs] def plot(self):
from matplotlib import pyplot
tmp = np.vstack(list(self.values())).T
fignum = pyplot.get_fignums()[-1]
for k in range(tmp.shape[1]):
# condition to avoid plotting first columnt vs. itself
if k == 0:
pyplot.figure(k + fignum)
pyplot.plot(tmp[:, 0], tmp[:, k])
[docs]class OMFITmarsProfile(OMFITnColumns):
if '__main__' == __name__:
if os.path.exists('/home/pigatto/Work_2020/RFX-mod2/OUTPUTS/'):
tmp = OMFITmars('/home/pigatto/Work_2020/RFX-mod2/OUTPUTS/')
from matplotlib import pyplot