Source code for omfit_classes.omfit_matrix

    # framework is running
    from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
    # class is imported by itself
    if (
        'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
        or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
        or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
        from startup_choice import *

from omfit_classes.omfit_path import OMFITpath

import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd

__all__ = ['OMFITmatrix']

[docs]class OMFITmatrix(SortedDict, OMFITpath): """ OMFITmatrix leverages both xarray and pandas as an efficient way of storing matrices to file. Internally, the data is stored as an xarray.DataArray under self['data']. """ def __init__(self, filename, bin=None, zip=None, **kw): r""" :param filename: path to file. :param bin: def None, filetype is unknown, if True, NetCDF, if False, ASCII. :param zip: def None, compression is unknown, if False, switched off, if True, on. :param \**kw: keywords for OMFITpath.__init__() """ SortedDict.__init__(self) OMFITpath.__init__(self, filename, **kw) self.OMFITproperties['bin'] = bin self.OMFITproperties['zip'] = zip self.dynaLoad = True def __tree_repr__(self): r = 'FILE: %s (%s' % (os.path.split(self.filename)[1], sizeof_fmt(self.filename, ' ')) try: assert self.OMFITproperties['bin'] is not None if self.OMFITproperties['zip']: r += ', ' + ('zlibbed' if self.OMFITproperties['bin'] else 'gzipped') else: r += ', plain' r += ' ' + ('NetCDF' if self.OMFITproperties['bin'] else 'ASCII') except Exception: pass r += ')' try: assert np.shape(self['data']) r += ' DATA: ' + 'x'.join(['{:,}'.format(s) for s in np.shape(self['data'])]) except Exception: pass return r, []
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self, bin=None, zip=None, xrkw={}, **pdkw): r""" :param bin: def None, load through xarray first, then through pandas, if True, xarray only, if False, pandas only. :param zip: def False, compression is switched off, if True, on. :param xrkw: keywords for xarray.open_dataarray() :param \**pdkw: keywords for pandas.read_csv() :return bin, zip: resulting values for binary, zipped. """ # allow creation of empty files if not os.path.exists(self.filename) or not os.path.getsize(self.filename): self['data'] = None return None, None # load defaults if bin is None: bin = self.OMFITproperties['bin'] if zip is None: zip = self.OMFITproperties['zip'] # read NetCDF through xarray try: if bin is False: raise Exception('binary only') xrkw.setdefault('engine', 'netcdf4') self['data'] = xr.open_dataarray(self.filename, **xrkw) self['data'].values self['data'].close() bin = True try: zip = self['data'].encoding['zlib'] except Exception: zip = False # read ASCII through pandas except Exception as e: if bin is True or not np.any([m in repr(e) for m in ['binary only', 'NetCDF: Unknown file format']]): raise pdkw.setdefault('header', None) pdkw.setdefault('delim_whitespace', True) pdkw.setdefault('index_col', False) pdkw.setdefault('compression', 'gzip' if zip else None) self['data'] = xr.DataArray(pd.read_csv(self.filename, **pdkw)) bin = False zip = pdkw['compression'] == 'gzip' finally: # save defaults self.OMFITproperties['bin'] = bin self.OMFITproperties['zip'] = zip return bin, zip
[docs] @dynaSave def save(self, bin=None, zip=None, xrkw={}, **pdkw): r""" :param bin: def None, save through xarray first, then pandas, if True, xarray only, if False, pandas only. :param zip: def False, compression is switched off, if True, on. :param xrkw: keywords for xarray.to_netcdf() :param \**pdkw: keywords for pandas.to_csv() :return bin, zip: resulting values for binary, zipped. """ if self.dynaLoad: return None, None # load defaults if bin is None: bin = self.OMFITproperties['bin'] if zip is None: zip = self.OMFITproperties['zip'] # save NetCDF through xarray try: if bin is False: raise Exception('binary only') self['data'].encoding = {'zlib': bool(zip), 'shuffle': bool(zip), 'complevel': int(bool(zip))} self['data'].to_netcdf(self.filename, **xrkw) self['data'].close() bin = True # save ASCII through pandas except Exception as e: if bin is True or str(e) != 'binary only': raise pdkw.setdefault('header', None) pdkw.setdefault('sep', ' ') pdkw.setdefault('index', False) pdkw.setdefault('compression', 'gzip' if zip else None) pdkw.setdefault('na_rep', 'nan') self['data'].to_pandas().to_csv(self.filename, **pdkw) bin = False finally: # save defaults self.OMFITproperties['bin'] = bin self.OMFITproperties['zip'] = bool(zip) return bin, zip
[docs] def close(self, **kw): r""" :param \**kw: keywords for """ if self.dynaLoad: return**kw) SortedDict.clear(self) self.dynaLoad = True