Source code for omfit_classes.omfit_mds

    # framework is running
    from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
    # class is imported by itself
    if (
        'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
        or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
        or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
        from startup_choice import *

from omfit_classes.omfit_data import *
from omfit_classes.utils_math import *
from omfit_classes import utils_fusion

    import MDSplus
except Exception as _excp:
    MDSplus = mdsplus_data = None
    warnings.warn('No `MDSplus` support: ' + repr(_excp))
        # Old versions of MDSplus
        mdsplus_data =
    except AttributeError:
        # New versions
        mdsplus_data =

import tqdm
import time
import numpy as np
from uncertainties.unumpy import uarray, std_devs, nominal_values
import weakref
import xarray

# JET:

__all__ = [

D3D_mds_server_trename_selector = {'': 'atlas', 'lbo': 'orion'}

# dictionary to translate mnemonic names to MDSplus servers stored in MainSettings['SERVER']
_MDSserverDict = {
    'atlas': 'atlas',
    '': 'atlas',
    'orion': 'orion',
    '': 'orion',
    'DIII-D': D3D_mds_server_trename_selector,
    'gat': D3D_mds_server_trename_selector,
    'D3D': D3D_mds_server_trename_selector,
    '': 'mdsplus_dev_gat',
    'jet_mdsplus': 'jet_mdsplus',
    '': 'jet_mdsplus',
    'jet': 'jet_mdsplus',
    'transpgrid': 'transpgrid',
    '': 'transpgrid',
    'transp': 'transpgrid',
    'skylark': 'skylark',
    '': 'skylark',
    'pppl': 'skylark',
    'NSTX': 'skylark',
    'NSTX-U': 'skylark',
    'NSTXU': 'skylark',
    'mst_mdsplus': 'mst_mdsplus',
    '': 'mst_mdsplus',
    'mst': 'mst_mdsplus',
    'alcdata': 'alcdata',
    '': 'alcdata',
    'Alcator': 'alcdata',
    'CMOD': 'alcdata',
    'PSFC': 'alcdata',
    'MIT': 'alcdata',
    'alcdata': 'alcdata',
    'alcdata-new': 'alcdata',
    'tcvdata': 'tcv_mdsplus',
    '': 'tcv_mdsplus',
    'TCV': 'tcv_mdsplus',
    'EAST': 'mds_ipp_ac_cn',
    'EAST_GA': 'eastdata',
    'EAST_US': 'eastdata',
    'KSTAR': 'kstar_mds',
    'kstar_mds': 'kstar_mds',
    'AUG': 'aug_mdsplus',
    'ASDEX': 'aug_mdsplus',
    'aug_mdsplus': 'aug_mdsplus',
    'ST40': 'smaug',

# from MainSettings['SERVER'] server to MDSplus top tree name
_topLevelMDStreename = {
    'orion': 'D3D',
    'atlas': 'D3D',
    'skylark': 'NSTX',
    'alcdata': 'CMOD',
    'jet_mdsplus': 'JET',
    'eastdata': 'EAST',
    'mds_ipp_ac_cn': 'EAST',
    'mst_mdsplus': 'MST',
    'aug_mdsplus': 'ASDEX',
    'transpgrid': 'TRANSP',
    'smaug': 'ST40',

my_ip_address = [get_ip()]

def runFunctionCatchExceptions(func, *args, **kwargs):
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
    except Exception as message:
        return "exception", message

    return "RESULT", result

def runFunctionWithTimeout(func, *args, **kwargs):
    timeout = 10  # s
    import threading, time

    class InterruptableThread(threading.Thread):
        def __init__(self):
            self.result = None

        def run(self):
            self.result = runFunctionCatchExceptions(func, *args, **kwargs)

    it = InterruptableThread()

    if it.is_alive():
        return False, None

    if it.result[0] == "exception":
        raise it.result[1]

    return True, it.result[1]

# raise error of the tree cannot be opened in 5 seconds
def safeOpenTree(conn, tree, shot, server=None):
    if conn is None:
        printw('MDSplus connection was unsuccesful, trying to reconnect')
        conn = safeMDSConnect(server)

    finished, _ = runFunctionWithTimeout(conn.openTree, tree, shot)
    if not finished:
            'Opening of MDSplus tree took more than 10s. It is probably caused by a dead MDSplus connection, trying to open a new connection'
        conn = safeMDSConnect(server)
        safeOpenTree(conn, tree, shot)

# raise error of the tree cannot be connected in 5 seconds
def safeMDSConnect(server):
    if server is None:  # prevents infinite recursion if safeOpenTree calls safeOpenTree again and connection fails
        raise OMFITexception('MDSplus connection was unsuccesful')

    finished, conn = runFunctionWithTimeout(MDSplus.Connection, server)

    if not finished or conn is None:
        raise OMFITexception('MDSplus connection was unsuccesful')

    return conn

def ip_check_reset():
    """reset connections when IP changes, this is necessary to avoid long timeout hardcoded in C part of MDSplus"""
    current_ip = get_ip()
    if my_ip_address[0] != current_ip:
        printw('Reset SSH connections because IP address has changed from {} to {}.'.format(repr(my_ip_address[0]), repr(current_ip)))
        my_ip_address[0] = current_ip

[docs]def translate_MDSserver(server, treename): """ This function maps mnemonic names to real MDSplus servers :param server: mnemonic MDSplus name (eg. device name, like DIII-D) :param treename: this is to allow selection of a server depending on the treename that is accessed """ if '.' in server: if ':' not in server: server = server + ':8000' return server server = utils_fusion.tokamak(server) if server.split(':')[0] not in list(OMFIT['MainSettings']['SERVER'].keys()): scoreTable = [] for item in list(_MDSserverDict.keys()): m = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, item.lower(), server.lower()) match = _MDSserverDict[item] if isinstance(match, dict): match = match.get(treename, match['']) scoreTable.append([m.ratio(), item, match]) # return best match scores = list(map(eval, np.array(scoreTable)[:, 0])) if max(scores) > 0.80: server = scoreTable[np.array(scores).argmax()][2] else: raise OMFITexception( "Server '" + server + "' was not recognized.\nYou need to add '" + server + "' to the list of servers in OMFIT['MainSettings']['SERVER']" ) try: server = OMFIT['MainSettings']['SERVER'][server]['MDS_server'] except KeyError: pass if ':' not in server: server = server + ':8000' # MDSserver info consists of server with port server = ':'.join(parse_server(server)[2:]) return server
def mds_connection_cache_ID_generator(action, server, treename, shot): """ This function returns a tuple that is used determine if a MDSplus connection should be reused """ return action, server
[docs]def tunneled_MDSserver(MDSserver, quiet=True, forceRemote=False): if ':' not in MDSserver: raise ValueError('MDS server `%s` is not in the format hostname:port' % MDSserver) # check if ip has changed to avoid long timeout in MDSplus API ip_check_reset() # all caching is done based on MDSserver0 MDSserver0 = MDSserver # skip this if connection is cached if forceRemote or MDSserver0 not in OMFITaux.setdefault('MDSserverReachable', {}): # find server in list of supported servers username, password, server, port = parse_server(MDSserver, default_username='') tunnel = '' for item in OMFIT['MainSettings']['SERVER']: if isinstance(OMFIT['MainSettings']['SERVER'][item], dict): if 'MDS_server' in OMFIT['MainSettings']['SERVER'][item]: if parse_server(OMFIT['MainSettings']['SERVER'][item]['MDS_server'])[2] == server: MDSserver = OMFIT['MainSettings']['SERVER'][item]['MDS_server'] tunnel = OMFIT['MainSettings']['SERVER'][item].get('tunnel', '') break # if username is provided, then must use MDSplus with SSH protocol username, password, server, port = parse_server(MDSserver, default_username='') if len(username): MDSserver = 'ssh://%s@%s' % (username, server) OMFITaux['MDSserverReachable'][MDSserver0] = OMFITmdsConnectionBase(quiet=quiet).test_connection(MDSserver) # if direct connection fails, use tunneling MDSserver_w_tunnel = MDSserver if not OMFITaux['MDSserverReachable'][MDSserver0] and tunnel: # handle server tunneling (this function does already buffering) try: ssh_path = SERVER['localhost'].get('ssh_path', None) except NameError: ssh_path = None username, server, port = setup_ssh_tunnel( assemble_server(username, '', server, port), tunnel, forceTunnel=True, forceRemote=False, allowEmptyServerUsername=True, ssh_path=ssh_path, ) if not len(username): MDSserver_w_tunnel = '%s:%s' % (server, port) else: MDSserver_w_tunnel = 'ssh://%s@%s:%s' % (username, server, port) # automatically add ssh-tunneled-servers to _topLevelMDStreename _topLevelMDStreename[MDSserver0] = _topLevelMDStreename.get(MDSserver_w_tunnel, MDSserver_w_tunnel) return _topLevelMDStreename.get(MDSserver0, MDSserver0)
[docs]def MDSplusConnection(server, cached=True, quiet=True): """ Return a low-level MDSplus.Connection object to the specified MDSplus server taking care of establising a tunneled connection if necessary :param server: MDSplus server to connect to (also interprets machine names) :param cached: whether to return an existing connection to the MDSplus server if one already exists :param quiet: verbose or not :return: MDSplus.Connection object """ server0 = translate_MDSserver(server, '') tunneled_server = tunneled_MDSserver(server0, quiet=quiet) if cached: tmp = OMFITmdsConnectionBase(quiet=quiet) mds_connection_cache_ID = ('connection', tunneled_server, None, None) if mds_connection_cache_ID not in tmp: tmp[mds_connection_cache_ID] = safeMDSConnect(tunneled_server) return tmp[mds_connection_cache_ID] else: return safeMDSConnect(tunneled_server)
[docs]class OMFITmdsObjects(object): def __init__(self, server, treename, shot, quiet=True): # these are the server, treename and shot exactly as input by the user if server in ['None', 'none']: server = None self.server = evalExpr(server) if treename in ['None', 'none']: treename = None self.treename = evalExpr(treename) if shot in ['None', 'none']: shot = None if isinstance(shot, str): shot = int(shot) self.shot = evalExpr(shot) # self server0, treename0 and shot0 that will be used internally by OMFIT # can fail if called when loading a saved mds object prior to the MainSettings server expressions # self.interpret_id() self.quiet = quiet
[docs] def idConn(self): return f'{self.treename} #{self.shot} @ {self.server}'
[docs] def idConnStr(self): outstr = '' if self.treename: outstr += str(self.treename) + ' ' if self.shot: outstr += "#" + str(self.shot) + ' ' if self.server: outstr += "@ " + str(self.server) return outstr.strip()
[docs] def interpret_id(self): # this function maps the user defined server, treename and shot to the ones that are actually used by by OMFIT # handle treename treename = self.treename if treename is not None: try: treename = str(evalExpr(treename)) except Exception: pass treename = treename.upper() # handle shot shot = self.shot if shot is not None: try: shot = str(evalExpr(shot)) except Exception: pass # server, tree, shot as used in OMFIT self.shot0 = shot self.treename0 = treename self.server0 = translate_MDSserver(self.server, treename) return self.server0, self.treename0, self.shot0
# End of class OMFITmdsObjects
[docs]class OMFITmds(SortedDict, OMFITmdsObjects): """ This class returns the structure of an MDSplus tree. Objects within this tree are OMFITmdsValue objects :param server: string MDSplus server or Tokamak device (e.g. `` or `DIII-D`) :param treename: string MDSplus tree :param shot: int MDSplus shot :param subtree: string subtree :param caching: bool OMFITmdsValue use caching system or not :param quiet: bool print when retrieving data from MDSplus """ def __init__(self, server, treename, shot, subtree='', caching=True, quiet=False): SortedDict.__init__(self, caseInsensitive=True) OMFITmdsObjects.__init__(self, server, treename, shot) self.dynaLoad = True self.subtree = evalExpr(subtree) self.caching = evalExpr(caching) self.quiet = quiet
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): """ Load the MDSplus tree structure """ # handle ssh connection if not hasattr(self, 'server0'): self.interpret_id() tunneled_server = tunneled_MDSserver(self.server0, quiet=self.quiet) # retrieve data structure if id changes if not self.quiet: printi("Retrieving tree structure from MDSplus: " + self.idConnStr()) tmp = OMFITmdsConnectionBase(quiet=self.quiet).mdsvalue( tunneled_server, self.treename0, self.shot0, r'getnci("%s\***","FULLPATH")' % self.subtree ) # traverse all of the tree for fullPath in np.atleast_1d(tmp): fullTopPath = re.sub(r'(?i)^' + self.treename + "::TOP.", '', b2s(fullPath).lstrip('\\')) path = [_f for _f in re.split(':|\\\\|\\.', fullTopPath.strip()) if _f] subpath = '\\' + self.treename + "::TOP" tr = self for sub in path: subpath = subpath + '.' + sub if sub not in tr: tr[sub] = OMFITmdsValue( server=self.server0, treename=self.treename0, shot=self.shot0, TDI=subpath, caching=self.caching, quiet=self.quiet ) tr = tr[sub] # travel to the subtree if self.subtree: subtrees = self.subtree.split(':') for subtree in subtrees: tmp = self[subtree] del self[subtree] self.update(tmp) return
def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + ','.join(map(repr, [self.server, self.treename, self.shot])) + ')' def __tree_repr__(self): return self.idConnStr(), [] def __save_kw__(self): return {'server': self.server, 'shot': self.shot, 'treename': self.treename, 'subtree': self.subtree, 'caching': self.caching}
# End of class OMFITmds _special1 = [] def mds_usage(data): if isinstance(data, str): return 'text' elif isinstance(data, (int, float, np.integer, np.floating)): return 'numeric' else: return 'signal'
[docs]class OMFITmdsConnection(object): """ This class that provides a convenient interface to the OMFITmdsConnectionBaseClass Specifically it allows specifiying series of commands (mdsvalue, write, write_dataset, tcl, test_connection) without having to re-type the server for each command. """ def __init__(self, server, *args, **kw): server0 = translate_MDSserver(server, '') self.tunneled_server = tunneled_MDSserver(server0, quiet=kw.get('quiet', True)) self.OMFITmdsConnectionBase = OMFITmdsConnectionBase(*args, **kw)
[docs] def mdsvalue(self, treename, shot, what, timeout=None): return self.OMFITmdsConnectionBase.mdsvalue(server=self.tunneled_server, treename=treename, shot=shot, what=what, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def write(self, treename, shot, node, data, error=None, units=None): return self.OMFITmdsConnectionBase.write( server=self.tunneled_server, treename=treename, shot=shot, node=node, data=data, error=error, units=units )
[docs] def write_dataset(self, treename, shot, subtree, xarray_dataset, quantities=None, translator=None): return self.OMFITmdsConnectionBase.write_dataset( server=self.tunneled_server, treename=treename, shot=shot, subtree=subtree, xarray_dataset=xarray_dataset, quantities=quantities, translator=translator, )
[docs] def create_model_tree(self, treename, subtree, data, clear_subtree=False): return self.OMFITmdsConnectionBase.create_model_tree( server=self.tunneled_server, treename=treename, subtree=subtree, data=data, clear_subtree=clear_subtree )
[docs] def tcl(self, tcl): return self.OMFITmdsConnectionBase.tcl(server=self.tunneled_server, tcl=tcl)
[docs] def test_connection(self): return self.OMFITmdsConnectionBase.test_connection(server=self.tunneled_server)
# End of class OMFITmdsConnection class OMFITmdsConnectionBaseClass(SortedDict): """ This class handles the low-level connection to a MDSplus server Internally the class makes use of a caching system to reuse connections that are already open NOTE: do not use this class directly, instead make use of OMFITmdsConnectionBase, which can safely handle MDSplus connections in parallel processes. """ def __init__(self, quiet=True, timeout=-1): """ :param quiet: bool Suppresses some informational print statements about MDSplus connections being opened / used / checked :param timeout: int Timeout setting passed to MDSplus.Connection.get(), in ms. -1 seems to disable timeout. Only works for newer MDSplus versions, such as 7.84.8. """ SortedDict.__init__(self, limit=100) self.quiet = quiet if compare_version(getattr(MDSplus, '__version__', '0.0.0'), '7.84.0') < 0 and timeout != -1: printw( 'WARNING: Older versions of MDSplus ignore the timeout keyword. Your setting of {} ms probably will ' 'not be respected by MDSplus version {}'.format(timeout, getattr(MDSplus, '__version__', '0.0.0')) ) self.timeout = timeout self.last_open_tree = {} def mdsvalue(self, server, treename, shot, what, timeout=None): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message=r"tostring\(\) is deprecated\. Use tobytes\(\) instead\.", category=DeprecationWarning) timeout = self.timeout if timeout is None else timeout tmp = re.findall('[\'"].*[\'"]', what) if len(tmp) and '\\' not in what and '(' not in what: signal = tmp[0] pre, post = what.split(signal) signal = tmp[0].strip('\'"') elif '=' in what: try: pre, signal = what.split('=') pre = pre + '=' post = '' except ValueError: signal = what pre = '' post = '' else: signal = what pre = '' post = '' mds_connection_cache_ID = mds_connection_cache_ID_generator('read', server, treename, shot) # try twice, the second time reconnect to server for fallback in range(2): try: if fallback or mds_connection_cache_ID not in self: if fallback: printi('* Re-connecting to: ' + server) time.sleep(np.random.rand()) printd('* Connecting to: ' + server, topic='MDS') self[mds_connection_cache_ID] = safeMDSConnect(server) self.last_open_tree = {} if treename is None and shot is not None: self.last_open_tree = {} try: signal = b2s(self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get('findsig("' + signal + '",_fstree)', timeout=timeout).value) treename = b2s(self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get('_fstree', timeout=timeout).value) except Exception: pass if what is not None: if shot is not None: if treename is not None and treename.upper() == 'PTDATA': printd('* Retrieving remote data ' + pre + 'ptdata2("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, topic='MDS') queryResult = mdsplus_data( self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get(pre + 'ptdata2("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, timeout=timeout) ) elif treename is not None and treename.upper() == 'LOCAL_PTDATA': printd('* Retrieving local data ' + pre + 'ptdata2("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, topic='MDS') queryResult = mdsplus_data(MDSplus.TdiExecute(pre + 'ptdata2("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post)) elif treename is not None and treename.upper() == 'PSEUDO': printd('* Retrieving data ' + pre + 'pseudo("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, topic='MDS') queryResult = mdsplus_data( self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get(pre + 'pseudo("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, timeout=timeout) ) elif treename is not None and treename.upper() == 'JETPPF': if '@' not in signal: signal = 'jetppf@' + signal directory, signal = signal.split('@') printd('* Retrieving data ' + pre + 'jet("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, topic='MDS') queryResult = mdsplus_data( self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get( 'ppfuid("' + directory + '");' + pre + 'jet("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, timeout=timeout ) ) elif treename is not None: # Open new tree only if it not already opened, or it it was opened more than 60s before (because of timeout) opentree, openshot, opentime = self.last_open_tree.get(mds_connection_cache_ID, ['', 0, 0]) if opentree != treename or int(shot) != openshot or opentime < time.time() - 60: safeOpenTree(self[mds_connection_cache_ID], treename, int(shot), server) self.last_open_tree[mds_connection_cache_ID] = treename, int(shot), time.time() try: queryResult = mdsplus_data(self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get(pre + signal + post, timeout=timeout)) printd(f'* Retrieving data {treename} for shot {shot}', topic='MDS') except MDSplus.MdsException as _excp: self.last_open_tree[mds_connection_cache_ID] = ['', 0, 0] if 'Node Not Found' in repr(_excp): return _special1 elif 'No data available for this node' in repr(_excp): return _special1 else: raise else: try: queryResult = mdsplus_data(self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get(what, timeout=timeout)) printd('* Retrieving data signal', topic='MDS') # everything below this line in this `else` statement is obsolescent except Exception as _excp: printd(repr(_excp), topic='MDS') if 'jet' in server: if '@' not in signal: signal = 'jetppf@' + signal directory, signal = signal.split('@') queryResult = mdsplus_data( self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get( 'ppfuid("' + directory + '");' + pre + 'jet("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, timeout=timeout, ) ) printd('* Retrieving data ' + pre + 'jet("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, topic='MDS') printd( f"Use of treename=None for `{signal}` is deprecated; Please specify treename='JETPPF'", topic='MDS' ) else: try: try: queryResult = mdsplus_data( self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get( pre + 'ptdata2("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, timeout=timeout ) ) if queryResult is not None and len(queryResult) == 1 and queryResult[0] == 0: raise Exception('Try local PTDATA') printd( '* Retrieving remote data ' + pre + 'ptdata2("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, topic='MDS', ) printd( f"Use of treename=None for `{signal}` is deprecated; Please specify treename='PTDATA'", topic='MDS', ) except Exception as _excp: try: queryResult = mdsplus_data( MDSplus.TdiExecute(pre + 'ptdata2("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post) ) printd( '* Retrieving local data ' + pre + 'ptdata2("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, topic='MDS', ) printd( f"Use of treename=None for `{signal}` is deprecated; Please specify treename='LOCAL_PTDATA'", topic='MDS', ) except Exception: if 'Try local PTDATA' in repr(_excp): pass else: raise _excp except Exception as _excp: printd(repr(_excp), topic='MDS') try: queryResult = mdsplus_data( self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get( pre + 'pseudo("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, timeout=timeout ) ) printd('* Retrieving data ' + pre + 'pseudo("' + signal + '",' + shot + ')' + post, topic='MDS') printd( f"Use of treename=None for `{signal}` is deprecated; Please specify treename='PSEUDO'", topic='MDS', ) except Exception as _excp: printd(repr(_excp), topic='MDS') raise MDSplus.MdsException( 'Failed to retrieve data from PTDATA/LOCAL_PTDATA/PSEUDO: server=`%s` shot=`%s` what=`%s` [ %s ]' % (server, shot, what, repr(_excp)) ) else: try: printd('* ' + what, topic='MDS') try: queryResult = mdsplus_data(self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get(what, timeout=timeout)) if queryResult is not None and len(queryResult) == 1 and queryResult[0] == 0: raise Exception('Try local TDI') except Exception as _excp: try: queryResult = mdsplus_data(MDSplus.TdiExecute(what)) except Exception: if 'Try local TDI' in repr(_excp): pass else: raise _excp except Exception: raise MDSplus.MdsException( 'Failed to execute operation: server=`%s` treename=`%s` what=`%s`' % (server, treename, what) ) printd('* Querying ' + what + " -> " + str(type(queryResult)), topic='MDS') return queryResult else: return None break # fallback loop except MDSplus.MdsException as _excp: if fallback: raise def write(self, server, treename, shot, node, data, error=None, units=None): """ Write the data to MDSplus :param server: The MDSplus server :param treename: The MDSplus tree :param shot: The pulse number of the tree to write to :param subtree: The location in the tree to write to :param data: data to be written. If an xarray.DataArray its dimensions and units will also be written :param error: error to be written (ignored if data is DataArray) :param units: units to be written (ignored if data is DataArray) :param quantities: list of quantities to write """ mds_connection_cache_ID = mds_connection_cache_ID_generator('write', server, treename, shot) if mds_connection_cache_ID not in self: self[mds_connection_cache_ID] = safeMDSConnect(server) safeOpenTree(self[mds_connection_cache_ID], treename, shot) conn = self[mds_connection_cache_ID] # generate TDI expression for writing data to MDSplus text = [] arg = [] if isinstance(data, xarray.DataArray): for var in [''] + reversed(list(data.dims)): # reversed so default plotting (double-click) in OMFIT GUI works item = data[var] txt = '$' if 'units' in item.attrs: txt = 'build_with_units(%s,%s)' % (txt, item.attrs['units']) if is_uncertain(item.values): txt = 'build_with_error(%s,%s)' % (txt, txt) arg.extend([nominal_values(item.values), std_devs(item.values)]) else: arg.append(item.values) text.append(txt) txt = 'make_signal(%s,*,%s)' % (text[0], ','.join(text[1:])) else: txt = '$' if units: txt = 'build_with_units(%s,"%s")' % (txt, units) if error: txt = 'build_with_error(%s,%s)' % (txt, txt) arg.extend([data, error]) else: arg.append(data) try: conn.put(node, txt, *arg) except Exception as _excp: raise _excp.__class__(f'\n{node} {txt}\n' + str(_excp)) def write_dataset(self, server, treename, shot, subtree, xarray_dataset, quantities=None, translator=None): """ Write the contents of xarray_dataset to MDSplus, with smart referencing of dimensions :param server: The MDSplus server :param treename: The MDSplus tree :param shot: The pulse number of the tree to write to :param subtree: The location in the tree to write to :param xarray_dataset: An xarray Dataset to write to subtree :param quantities: list of quantities to write :param translator: a function that translates nodes from their dataset value to a string shorter than 12 chars """ if translator is None: translator = lambda x: x mds_connection_cache_ID = mds_connection_cache_ID_generator('write', server, treename, shot) if mds_connection_cache_ID not in self: self[mds_connection_cache_ID] = safeMDSConnect(server) # create pulse from model tree self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get(f"tcl('set tree {treename}')") self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get(f"tcl('create pulse {shot}')") self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get(f"tcl('write')") self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get(f"tcl('close')") # open tree safeOpenTree(self[mds_connection_cache_ID], treename, shot) if subtree: self[mds_connection_cache_ID].setDefault(subtree) conn = self[mds_connection_cache_ID] # subselect list of quantities from dims dim_quantities = list(xarray_dataset.dims.keys()) if quantities is not None: dim_quantities = [k for k in dim_quantities if k in quantities] # assign dimensions for dim in tqdm.tqdm(dim_quantities, file=sys.stdout): item = xarray_dataset[dim] arg = [] txt = '$' if 'units' in item.attrs: txt = 'build_with_units(%s,"%s")' % (txt, item.attrs['units']) if is_uncertain(item.values): txt = 'build_with_error(%s,%s)' % (txt, txt) arg.extend([nominal_values(item.values), std_devs(item.values)]) else: if item.values.dtype == 'object': printw(f"\nCasting {dim} to float array: It has dtype='object' but is_uncertain == False") # OMFITprofiles have scripts that creates dtype='object' DataArrays with no uncertainty. # Need to cast to float arg.append(item.values.astype(float)) else: arg.append(item.values) try: conn.put(f'{translator(dim)}', txt, *arg) except Exception as _excp: print(f'Translator is: {translator(dim)}', txt, *arg) raise _excp.__class__(f'\n\\{dim} {txt}\n' + str(_excp)) # subselect list of quantities from variables var_quantities = list(xarray_dataset.data_vars.keys()) # note for future: omfit_profiles depends on var_quantities being ordered! (or the coords and units it gets back will be all jumbled). if quantities is not None: var_quantities = [k for k in var_quantities if k in quantities] # assign variables for var in tqdm.tqdm(var_quantities, file=sys.stdout): item = xarray_dataset[var] arg = [] txt = '$' if 'units' in item.attrs: txt = 'build_with_units(%s,"%s")' % (txt, item.attrs['units']) if is_uncertain(item.values): txt = 'build_with_error(%s,%s)' % (txt, txt) arg.extend([nominal_values(item.values), std_devs(item.values)]) else: if item.values.dtype == 'object': printw(f"\nCasting {var} to float array: It has dtype='object' but is_uncertain == False") arg.append(item.values.astype(float)) else: arg.append(item.values) txt = 'make_signal(%s,*,%s)' % (txt, ','.join([translator(dim) for dim in reversed(item.dims)])) try: conn.put(f'{translator(var)}', txt, *arg) except Exception as _excp: raise _excp.__class__(f'\n\\{var} {txt}\n' + str(_excp)) return dim_quantities + var_quantities def create_model_tree(self, server, treename, subtree, data, clear_subtree=False): """ Create new nodes OMFIT.subtree.<data.keys()> on server :param server: The MDSplus server (OMFIT serverish) :param treename: In which MDSplus tree to create the model trees :param subtree: The string describing the code or workflow, e.g. "ONETWO" (less than twelve characters) :param clear_subtree: Whether to clear the subtree node """ if len(treename) > 12: raise ValueError('MDSplus treename can only be 12 characters long: ' + treename) if len(subtree) > 12: raise ValueError('MDSplus path parts can only be 12 characters long: ' + subtree) def traverse(me, path): if isinstance(me, Dataset) or isinstance(me, OMFITdataset): kids = me.variables elif isinstance(me, dict): kids = me.keys() path.append(None) for kid in tqdm.tqdm(kids, file=sys.stdout): path[-1] = kid # is deleting of the nodes necessary? # tcl = f"delete node {'.'.join(path)} /confirm" # self.tcl(server, tcl) tcl = f"add node {'.'.join(path)} /usage={mds_usage(me[kid])}" self.tcl(server, tcl) if isinstance(me[kid], dict): traverse(me[kid], copy.deepcopy(path)) self.tcl(server, f'edit {treename}/shot=-1') if subtree: if clear_subtree: self.tcl(server, f'delete node {subtree} /confirm') self.tcl(server, f'add node {subtree} /usage=structure') traverse(data, [subtree]) else: traverse(data, []) self.tcl(server, 'write') self.tcl(server, 'close') def tcl(self, server, tcl): mds_connection_cache_ID = mds_connection_cache_ID_generator('tcl', server, None, None) # try twice, the second time reconnect to server for fallback in range(2): try: if fallback or mds_connection_cache_ID not in self: if fallback: printi('* Re-connecting to: ' + server) printd('* Connecting to: ' + server, topic='MDS') self[mds_connection_cache_ID] = safeMDSConnect(server) return self[mds_connection_cache_ID].get("tcl(" + repr(tcl) + ")") except MDSplus.MdsException as _excp: if fallback: raise def test_connection(self, test_server): username, password, server, port = parse_server(test_server) if test_connection(username, server, port): try: safeMDSConnect(test_server) return True except Exception as _excp: if 'Error connecting to' in str(_excp): return False else: raise return False _OMFITmdsConnectionBaseObjects = {} def OMFITmdsConnectionBase(*args, **kw): """ returns OMFITmdsConnectionBaseClass objects, in a way that is safe for each parallel process """ tmp = '_'.join(map(str, OMFITaux.setdefault('prun_process', []))) if tmp not in _OMFITmdsConnectionBaseObjects: _OMFITmdsConnectionBaseObjects[tmp] = OMFITmdsConnectionBaseClass(*args, **kw) return _OMFITmdsConnectionBaseObjects[tmp] def close_mds_connections(): """ MDSplus does not have a way to close connections (essentially these are closed when they are garbage collected) This can lead to many connections to stay open on the server side. This function deletes the connection from the OMFIT connections cache, and calls the garbage collector. """ if len(_OMFITmdsConnectionBaseObjects): for tmp in list(_OMFITmdsConnectionBaseObjects.keys()): _OMFITmdsConnectionBaseObjects[tmp].clear() _OMFITmdsConnectionBaseObjects.clear() gc.collect() class OMFITcaching(SortedDict): def __init__(self, type, cachesDir=True, limit=1000): """ :param type: string with cache type :param cachesDir: directory to use for off-line storage of data If `True` it defaults to OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['cachesDir'] If `False`, then off-line caching is disabled If a string, then that value is used :param limit: limit number of elements for in-memory caching """ SortedDict.__init__(self, limit=limit) self._cachesDir = cachesDir self.type = type def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self: return b2s(SortedDict.__getitem__(self, key)) else: cachesDir = self.cachesDir if cachesDir: directory, filename = os.path.split(os.sep.join([cachesDir] + list(map(str, key)))) filename = omfit_hash(filename, 10) + '.pkl' if os.path.exists(directory + os.sep + filename): try: with open(directory + os.sep + filename, 'rb') as f: value = pickle.load(f) except Exception: os.remove(directory + os.sep + filename) raise KeyError('%s cache error: %s' % (self.type, key)) SortedDict.__setitem__(self, key, b2s(value)) return b2s(value) raise KeyError('%s cache miss: %s' % (self.type, key)) else: raise KeyError('%s cache miss: %s' % (self.type, key)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): cachesDir = self.cachesDir if cachesDir: directory, filename = os.path.split(os.sep.join([cachesDir] + list(map(str, key)))) filename = omfit_hash(filename, 10) + '.pkl' if not os.path.exists(directory): try: os.makedirs(directory) except FileExistsError: pass with open(directory + os.sep + filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(value, f) SortedDict.__setitem__(self, key, b2s(value)) return b2s(value) @property def cachesDir(self): if self._cachesDir is True: cachesDir = OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP'].get('cache_directory', False) if cachesDir is True: cachesDir = locals().get('OMFITglobaltmpDir', '/tmp/' + os.environ.get('USER', 'user')) + '/OMFITcache/' elif cachesDir and not isinstance(cachesDir, str): raise Exception( "OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['MDS_cache_dir'] can only be a string with a directory or `True` or `False`" ) else: cachesDir = self._cachesDir if cachesDir: return os.path.abspath(cachesDir + os.sep + self.type) def purge(self): self.clear() cachesDir = self.cachesDir if cachesDir and os.path.exists(cachesDir): shutil.rmtree(cachesDir, ignore_errors=True) def __popup_menu__(self): return [['Purge %s cache' % self.type, self.purge]] # End of class OMFITcaching __HDD_MDS_cache__ = OMFITcaching(type='MDS')
[docs]def OMFITmdsCache(cachesDir=_special1, limit=_special1): """ Utility function to manage OMFIT MDSplus cache :param cachesDir: directory to use for off-line storage of data If `True` it defaults to OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['cachesDir'] If `False`, then off-line MDSplus caching is disabled If a string, then that value is used :param limit: limit number of elements for in-memory caching NOTE: off-line caching can be achieved via: >> # off-line caching controlled by OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['cachesDir'] >> OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['cachesDir'] = '/path/to/where/MDS/cache/data/resides' >> OMFITmdsCache(cachesDir=True) >> >> # off-line caching for this OMFIT session to specific folder >> OMFITmdsCache(cachesDir='/path/to/where/MDS/cache/data/resides') >> >> # purge off-line caching (clears directory based on `cachesDir`) >> OMFITmdsCache().purge() >> >> # disable off-line caching for this OMFIT session >> OMFITmdsCache(cachesDir=False) >> >> # disable default off-line caching >> OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['cachesDir']=False """ if cachesDir is not _special1: __HDD_MDS_cache__._cachesDir = cachesDir if limit is not _special1: __HDD_MDS_cache__.limit = limit return __HDD_MDS_cache__
[docs]class OMFITmdsValue(dict, OMFITmdsObjects): r""" This class provides access to MDSplus value and allows execution of any TDI commands. The MDSplus value data, dim_of units, error can be accessed by the methods defined in this class. This class is capable of ssh-tunneling if necessary to reach the MDSplus server. Tunneling is set based on OMFIT['MainSettings']['SERVER'] :param server: MDSplus server or Tokamak device (e.g. `` or `DIII-D`) :param treename: MDSplus tree (None or string) :param shot: MDSplus shot (integer or string) :param TDI: TDI command to be executed :param quiet: print if no data is found :param caching: if False turns off caching system, else behaviour is set by OMFITmdsCache :param timeout: int Timeout setting passed to MDSplus.Connection.get(), in ms. -1 seems to disable timeout. Only works for newer MDSplus versions, such as 7.84.8. >> tmp=OMFITmdsValue(server='DIII-D', treename='ELECTRONS', shot=145419, TDI='\\ELECTRONS::TOP.PROFILE_FITS.ZIPFIT.EDENSFIT') >> x=tmp.dim_of(0) >> >> pyplot.plot(x,y.T) To resample data on the server side, which can be much faster when dealing with large data and slow connections, provide t_start, t_end, and dt in the system's time units (ms or s). For example, to get stored energy from EFIT01 from 0 to 5000 ms at 50 ms intervals (DIII-D uses time units of ms; some other facilities like KSTAR use seconds): >> wmhd = OMFITmdsValue(server='DIII-D', shot=154749, treename='EFIT01', TDI=r'resample(\WMHD, 0, 5000, 50)') The default resample function uses linear interpolation. To override it and use a different method, see To access DIII-D PTDATA, set `treename='PTDATA'` and use the `TDI` keyword to pass signal to be retrieved. Note: PTDATA `ical` option can be passed by setting the `shot` keyword as a string with the shot number followed by the ical option separated by comma. e.g. shot='145419,1' >> tmp=OMFITmdsValue('DIII-D', treename='PTDATA', shot=145419, TDI='ip') >> x=tmp.dim_of(0) >> >> pyplot.plot(x,y) """ def __init__(self, server, treename=None, shot=None, TDI=None, quiet=False, caching=True, timeout=-1): dict.__init__(self) OMFITmdsObjects.__init__(self, server, treename, shot) self.TDI = TDI self.quiet = quiet self.caching = caching self.timeout = timeout if compare_version(getattr(MDSplus, '__version__', '0.0.0'), '7.84.0') < 0 and timeout != -1: printw( 'WARNING: Older versions of MDSplus ignore the timeout keyword. Your setting of {} ms probably will ' 'not be respected by MDSplus version {}'.format(timeout, getattr(MDSplus, '__version__', '0.0.0')) ) # DATA (can be overridden by subclassing --> _base_data) def data(self): """ :return: array with the data """ return self._base_data() def _base_data(self): self._fetch_data() if not hasattr(self, '_data') or self._data is _special1: return return copy.deepcopy(self._data) # DIM_OF
[docs] def dim_of(self, index): """ :param index: index of the dimension :return: array with the dimension of the MDSplus data for its dimension `index` """ self._fetch_dim_of() if not hasattr(self, '_data') or self._data is _special1: return return copy.deepcopy(self._dim_of.get(int(index), None))
[docs] def units(self): """ :return: string of the units of the MDSplus data """ self._fetch_units() if not hasattr(self, '_data') or self._data is _special1: return return copy.deepcopy(self._units)
[docs] def units_dim_of(self, index): """ :param index: : index of the dimension :return: string of the units of the MDSplus dimension `index` """ self._fetch_units_dim_of() if not hasattr(self, '_data') or self._data is _special1: return return copy.deepcopy(self._units_dim_of.get(int(index), None))
# ERROR (can be overridden by subclassing --> _base_error) def error(self): """ :return: array with the error """ return self._base_error() def _base_error(self): self._fetch_error() if not hasattr(self, '_data') or self._data is _special1: return return copy.deepcopy(self._error) # ERROR_DIM_OF
[docs] def error_dim_of(self, index): """ :param index: index of the dimension :return: array with the dimension of the MDSplus error for its dimension `index` """ self._fetch_error_dim_of() if not hasattr(self, '_data') or self._data is _special1: return return copy.deepcopy(self._error_dim_of.get(int(index), None))
[docs] def xarray(self): """ :return: DataArray with information from this node """ if not self.check(): raise ValueError('No data in %s on %s' % (self.TDI, self.idConnStr())) data = e = self.error() if e is not None and e.size and b2s(e[0]) != '': data = uarray(data, np.abs(e)) dims = ['dim_%d' % k for k in range(data.ndim)] clist = [] elist = [] evalid = [] for k, c in enumerate(dims): clist.append(self.dim_of(k)) e = self.error_dim_of(k) if e and len(e) and e[0] != '': clist[k] = uarray(clist[k], np.abs(e)) elist.append(e) else: elist.append(np.zeros(np.shape(clist[k]))) # this is meant to fix order of the dims array to match the order dimensions of the data array, # which can be reversed because of the MDSplus package implementation. # it can handle the case where any dimension array is actually multidimensional (with the same shape as the data array) idims = np.arange(len(dims)) if data.shape != tuple([len(k) if np.ndim(k) == 1 else k.shape[ik] for ik, k in enumerate(clist)]): dims = dims[::-1] idims = idims[::-1] clist = clist[::-1] elist = elist[::-1] evalid = evalid[::-1] coords = {} for index, dim, arr in zip(idims, dims, clist): if np.ndim(arr) == 1: ck = dim coords[dim] = ([dim], arr, {'units': self.units_dim_of(index)}) else: coords[dim + '_val'] = (dims, arr, {'units': self.units_dim_of(index)}) xdata = DataArray(data, dims=dims, coords=coords, attrs={'units': self.units()}) return xdata
@property def MDSconn(self): # The .MDSconn attribute establishes a MDSplus connection (if not already connected) and returns it # NOTE: use of weakrefs is necessary for deepcopying OMFITmdsValue objects if not hasattr(self, '_MDSconn') or self._MDSconn() is None: self._MDSconn = weakref.ref(OMFITmdsConnectionBase(quiet=self.quiet, timeout=self.timeout)) return self._MDSconn() # --------- def _cached_fetch(self, variable_cache_ID, TDI): action, server0, treename0, shot0, var = variable_cache_ID ID = (server0, shot0, treename0, var, TDI) data = _special1 building_cache = False caching = self.caching and OMFITmdsCache().cachesDir if caching: try: data = __HDD_MDS_cache__[ID] except KeyError: pass if caching and data is not _special1: printd('MDS cache hit : %s' % (ID,), topic='MDS') else: if not caching: printd('MDS cache skip: %s' % (ID,), topic='MDS') else: printd('MDS cache miss: %s' % (ID,), topic='MDS') tunneled_server = tunneled_MDSserver(server0, quiet=self.quiet) mds_connection_cache_ID = mds_connection_cache_ID_generator(action, tunneled_server, treename0, shot0) if mds_connection_cache_ID not in list(self.MDSconn.keys()) or not hasattr(self, '_data'): # connect to MDSplus data = self.MDSconn.mdsvalue(tunneled_server, treename0, shot0, TDI, timeout=self.timeout) printd('* Connect and retrieve data ' + TDI, topic='MDS') else: # already connected try: data = mdsplus_data(self.MDSconn[mds_connection_cache_ID].get(TDI, timeout=self.timeout)) if self.treename is None and data is not None and len(data) == 1 and data[0] == 0: raise Exception('Try local PTDATA') printd('* Retrieving remote data ' + TDI, topic='MDS') except Exception as _excp: try: data = mdsplus_data(MDSplus.TdiExecute(TDI)) printd('* Retrieving local data ' + TDI, topic='MDS') except Exception: if 'Try local PTDATA' in repr(_excp): pass else: raise _excp # return None if there is no data if data is _special1: data = None else: data = b2s(data) if caching: __HDD_MDS_cache__[ID] = data building_cache = True return copy.copy(data), building_cache # DATA (and checks if data is in the node) def _fetch_data(self): # unique variable identifier on the server side if not hasattr(self, 'server0'): self.interpret_id() var = omfit_hash(str((self.server0, self.treename0, self.shot0, self.TDI)), 10) variable_cache_ID = ('read', self.server0, self.treename0, self.shot0, var) # fetch data if not hasattr(self, '_data') or self._data is _special1: tmp, building_cache = self._cached_fetch(variable_cache_ID, '_s{}={}'.format(var, self.TDI)) if tmp is _special1: if not self.quiet: printi('No data in node ' + self.TDI) elif tmp is not None: self._data = np.atleast_1d(tmp) if building_cache: # HDD cache must be complete for each OMFITmdsValue self._fetch_units() self._fetch_dim_of() self._fetch_units_dim_of() self._fetch_error() self._fetch_error_dim_of() return variable_cache_ID, var # DIM_OF def _fetch_dim_of(self): variable_cache_ID, var = self._fetch_data() if not hasattr(self, '_data') or self._data is _special1: return if not hasattr(self, '_dim_of'): self._dim_of = {} for k in range(len(self._data.shape)): self._dim_of[k] = None try: self._dim_of[k], building_cache = self._cached_fetch(variable_cache_ID, 'dim_of(_s' + var + ',' + str(k) + ')') if self._dim_of[k] is not None: self._dim_of[k] = np.atleast_1d(self._dim_of[k]) except Exception: pass # UNITS def _fetch_units(self): variable_cache_ID, var = self._fetch_data() if not hasattr(self, '_data') or self._data is _special1: return if not hasattr(self, '_units'): self._units = None try: self._units, building_cache = self._cached_fetch(variable_cache_ID, 'units(_s' + var + ')') except Exception: pass # UNITS_DIM_OF def _fetch_units_dim_of(self): variable_cache_ID, var = self._fetch_data() if not hasattr(self, '_data') or self._data is _special1: return if not hasattr(self, '_units_dim_of'): self._units_dim_of = {} for k in range(len(self._data.shape)): try: self._units_dim_of[k], building_cache = self._cached_fetch( variable_cache_ID, 'units(dim_of(_s' + var + ',' + str(k) + '))' ) except Exception: pass # ERROR def _fetch_error(self): variable_cache_ID, var = self._fetch_data() if not hasattr(self, '_data') or self._data is _special1: return if not hasattr(self, '_error'): self._error = None try: self._error, building_cache = self._cached_fetch(variable_cache_ID, 'error_of(_s' + var + ')') if self._error is not None: self._error = np.atleast_1d(self._error) except Exception: pass # ERROR_DIM_OF def _fetch_error_dim_of(self): variable_cache_ID, var = self._fetch_data() self._fetch_error() if not hasattr(self, '_data') or self._data is _special1: return if not hasattr(self, '_error_dim_of'): self._error_dim_of = {} if self._error is not None: for k in range(len(self._error.shape)): self._error_dim_of[k] = None try: self._error_dim_of[k], building_cache = self._cached_fetch( variable_cache_ID, 'error_of(dim_of(_s' + var + ',' + str(k) + '))' ) if self._error_dim_of[k] is not None: self._error_dim_of[k] = np.atleast_1d(self._error_dim_of[k]) except Exception: pass # ---------
[docs] def write(self, xarray_data): """ write data to node :param xarray_data: multidimensional data to be written to MDSplus node in the format of an xarray.DataArray :return: outcome of MDSplus.put command """ # handle ssh connection and expressions if not hasattr(self, 'server0'): self.interpret_id() tunneled_server = tunneled_MDSserver(self.server0, quiet=self.quiet) # write to MDSplus node return self.MDSconn.write(tunneled_server, self.treename0, self.shot0, self.TDI, xarray_data)
# --------- def __str__(self): return str( def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + ','.join(map(repr, [self.server, self.treename, self.shot, self.TDI])) + ')'
[docs] def fetch(self): """ Connect to MDSplus server and fetch ALL data: data, units, dim_of, units_dim_of, error, error_dim_of :return: None """ self._fetch_data() self._fetch_units() self._fetch_dim_of() self._fetch_units_dim_of() self._fetch_error() self._fetch_error_dim_of()
def __call__(self): """ Connect to MDSplus server and fetch the data :return: None """ return self._base_data() def _slice(self, data, cut_value=None, cut_dim=0, interp='nearest', bounds_error=True): if cut_dim > len(np.atleast_1d(self._data).shape) - 1: raise MDSplus.MdsInvalidEvent('cut_dim > than number of data dimensions') if len(data.shape) == 1: return interpolate.interp1d(self.dim_of(0), data, kind=interp, bounds_error=bounds_error)(cut_value) if len(data.shape) == 2: if cut_dim == 0: return interpolate.interp1d(self.dim_of(0), data, kind=interp, bounds_error=bounds_error)(cut_value) if cut_dim == 1: return interpolate.interp1d(self.dim_of(1), data.T, kind=interp, bounds_error=bounds_error)(cut_value)
[docs] def data(self, cut_value=None, cut_dim=0, interp='nearest', bounds_error=True): """ :param cut_value: value of dimension `cut_dim` along which to perform the cut :param cut_dim: dimension along which to perform the cut :param interp: interpolation of the cut: nearest, linear, cubic :param bounds_error: whether an error is raised if `cut_value` exceeds the range of `dim_of(cut_dim)` :return: If `cut_value` is None then return the MDS data. If `cut_value` is not None, then return data value at `cut_value` for dimension `cut_dim` """ data = self._base_data() if cut_value is None or data is None: return data else: return self._slice(data, cut_value=cut_value, cut_dim=cut_dim, interp=interp, bounds_error=bounds_error)
[docs] def error(self, cut_value=None, cut_dim=0, interp='nearest', bounds_error=True): """ :param cut_value: value of dimension `cut_dim` along which to perform the cut :param cut_dim: dimension along which to perform the cut :param interp: interpolation of the cut: nearest, linear, cubic :param bounds_error: whether an error is raised if `cut_value` exceeds the range of `dim_of(cut_dim)` :return: If `cut_value` is None then return the MDS error. If `cut_value` is not None, then return error value at `cut_value` for dimension `cut_dim` """ error = self._base_error() if cut_value is None or error is None: return error else: return self._slice(error, cut_value=cut_value, cut_dim=cut_dim, interp=interp, bounds_error=bounds_error)
@property def help(self): return self.idConnStr() + " : " + str(self.TDI) def __tree_repr__(self): if not hasattr(self, '_data') or self._data is _special1: values = [, []] else: values = [, ['MDSactive']] return values def __save_kw__(self): return { 'server': self.server, 'shot': self.shot, 'treename': self.treename, 'TDI': self.TDI, 'quiet': self.quiet, 'caching': self.caching, }
[docs] def check(self, check_dim_of=0, debug=False): """ Checks whether a valid result has been obtained or not (could be missing data, bad pointname, etc.) :param check_dim_of: int if check_dim_of >= 0: check that .dim_of(check_dim_of) is valid else: disable additional check :param debug: bool Return a dictionary containing all the flags and relevant information instead of a single bool :return: bool or dict False if a data problem is detected, otherwise True. If `debug` is true: dict containing debugging information relating to the final flag """ try: data = self._base_data() except Exception: # It is appropriate for this exception to be broad since it is checking if the thing worked. if debug: return dict(data_failed_early=True) return False if np.size(data) == 1: # do not check the timebase for scalers check_dim_of = -1 # If treename is None, the MDS wrapper can check DIII-D's PTDATA system. A failed call here returns data = [0]. if self.treename is None: bad_ptdata = len(np.atleast_1d(data)) == 1 and np.atleast_1d(data)[0] == 0 else: bad_ptdata = False # If treename is not None, data are looked for in MDS and a failure returns data = None. # Also check [None], just in case. bad_mdsdata = data is None or (len(np.atleast_1d(data)) == 1 and np.atleast_1d(data)[0] is None) # If resampling is used, None can be replaced by 'bad resample signal in' if self.TDI.startswith('resample'): bad_resample = (len(np.atleast_1d(data)) == 1) and (np.atleast_1d(data)[0] == 'bad resample signal in') else: bad_resample = False if check_dim_of >= 0: try: cdim = self.dim_of(check_dim_of) except Exception: if debug: return dict(data_failed_early=False, dim_failed=True) return False # If treename is None, the MDS wrapper can check DIII-D's PTDATA system. Failed call here returns data=[0]. if self.treename is None: bad_ptdim = len(np.atleast_1d(cdim)) == 1 and np.atleast_1d(data)[0] == 0 else: bad_ptdim = False # If treename is not None, data are looked for in MDS and a failure returns data = None. bad_mdsdim = cdim is None or (len(np.atleast_1d(cdim)) == 1 and np.atleast_1d(cdim)[0] is None) else: bad_mdsdim = False bad_ptdim = False cdim = None result = not (bad_mdsdata or bad_resample or bad_ptdata or bad_mdsdim or bad_ptdim) if debug: return dict( result=result, bad_mdsdata=bad_mdsdata, bad_resample=bad_resample, bad_ptdata=bad_ptdata, bad_mdsdim=bad_mdsdim, bad_ptdim=bad_ptdim, check_dim_of=check_dim_of, data_failed_early=False, dim_failed=False, data=data, cdim=cdim, ) else: return result
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kw): """ plot method based on xarray :return: current axes """ from matplotlib import pyplot tmp = self.xarray() tmp.plot(*args, **kw) coords = list(tmp.coords.keys()) if len(tmp.coords) == 1 and 'units' in tmp[coords[0]].attrs: pyplot.gca().set_xlabel(tmp[coords[0]].attrs['units']) elif len(tmp.coords) == 2: if 'units' in tmp[coords[0]].attrs: pyplot.gca().set_xlabel(tmp[coords[0]].attrs['units']) if 'units' in tmp[coords[1]].attrs: pyplot.gca().set_ylabel(tmp[coords[1]].attrs['units']) return pyplot.gca()
# End of class OMFITmdsValue
[docs]def available_efits_from_mds(scratch_area, device, shot, list_empty_efits=False, default_snap_list=None, format='{tree}'): """ Attempts to lookup a list of available EFITs from MDSplus Works for devices that store EFITs together in a group under a parent tree, such as: EFIT (parent tree) |- EFIT01 (results from an EFIT run) |- EFIT02 (results from another run) |- EFIT03 |- ... If the device's MDSplus tree is not arranged like this, it will fail and return []. Requires a single MDSplus call :param scratch_area: dict Scratch area for storing results to reduce repeat calls. Mainly included to match call sigure of available_efits_from_rdb(), since OMFITmdsValue already has caching. :param device: str Device name :param shot: int Shot number :param list_empty_efits: bool List all EFITs includeing these without any data :param default_snap_list: dict [optional] Default set of EFIT treenames. Newly discovered ones will be added to the list. :param format: str Instructions for formatting data to make the EFIT tag name. Provided for compatibility with available_efits_from_rdb() because the only option is '{tree}'. :return: (dict, str) Dictionary keys will be descriptions of the EFITs Dictionary values will be the formatted identifiers. For now, the only supported format is just the treename. If lookup fails, the dictionary will be {'': ''} or will only contain default results, if any. String will contain information about the discovered EFITs """ # Basic setup printd(f'Searching for available EFITs in MDS for device = {device}, shot = {shot}', topic='available_EFITs') if default_snap_list is None: default_snap_list = {'': ''} snap_list = copy.deepcopy(default_snap_list) help_info = '' scratch_area.setdefault('searched_in', []) scratch_area['searched_in'] += ['mds'] efit_group_parent_treename = { # None means that EFITs for this device are not organized under a single parent 'DIII-D': None, 'EAST': None, 'KSTAR': ['EFIT'], 'NSTX': ['LRDFIT', 'EFIT'], } efit_group_parent_treename['NSTXU'] = efit_group_parent_treename['NSTX'] treenames = efit_group_parent_treename.get(utils_fusion.tokamak(device), None) # Complain about problems if treenames is None: printd(f" No rule for looking up all EFITs from MDSplus for {device}.", topic='available_EFITs') scratch_area['available_efits_from_mds_success'] = False return snap_list, help_info else: printd(f' EFITs for {device} should be stored in treename = {treenames}.', topic='available_EFITs') if format != '{tree}': raise NotImplementedError( 'Custom formatting of available EFIT results is not available when searching for EFITs in MDSplus. ' 'Please use format="{tree}" intead.' ) efits = [] # in case that there are multiple trees with EFIT subtrees for treename in treenames: # Try to gather valid EFITs TDI = r'_y = getnci("\\' + treename + '::TOP.*.RESULTS","minpath");' if not list_empty_efits: TDI += r'_s = getnci("\\' + treename + '::TOP.*.RESULTS.GEQDSK:GTIME","length") > 0;' TDI += r'PACK(_y,_s)' mds = OMFITmdsValue(device, shot=shot, treename=treename, TDI=TDI) if mds.check(): efits += [d.split('.')[1] for d in] if len(efits): help_info = f'Found list of EFITs in MDSplus for {device}#{shot}.' printd(f' Found EFITs in MDSplus for {device}: {efits}', topic='available_EFITs') # Format the results for tree in efits: snap_list[f"[{tree}]"] = format.format(tree=tree) scratch_area['available_efits_from_mds_success'] = True else: printd(f' Failed to lookup list of EFITs in MDSplus for {device}#{shot}.', topic='available_EFITs') scratch_area['available_efits_from_mds_success'] = False help_info = f'Failed to locate any EFITs in MDSplus for {device}#{shot}' return snap_list, help_info
# ================== # Signal interpreter # ================== known_units = {} def get_dss_thom_units(shot, ch=None, pointname=None, latex_form=False): """ Defines units for signals DS*THOM* These are not listed in PTDATA but it is easy to figure them out and they shouldn't be left blank :param shot: int :param ch: int Supply channel number, as the logical channels in detachment control can be Te or ne. :param pointname: string Used to determine channel number, if ch is None :param latex_form: bool Format string with LaTeX (better for use in plots) :return: string """ if ch is None: ch = int((re.findall(r'\d+', pointname))[0]) assert 1 <= ch <= 4, 'PCS detachment control uses logical TS channels 1-4, so ch {} is invalid'.format(ch) m = OMFITmdsValue(server='DIII-D', shot=shot, treename=None, TDI='DSITHOM{}Q'.format(ch)) return 'eV' if np.median( == 1 else '10$^{19}$m$^{-3}$' if latex_form else '1e19 m^-3' def get_dss_radp_units(shot, pointname=None, latex_form=False): """ Defines units for DS*RADP* signals These are not listed in PTDATA but they can be determined fairly easily; they should not be left blank :param shot: int :param pointname: string :param latex_form: bool (unused, but provided for consistency) :return: string """ printd('keyword latex_form to get_dss_radp_units with value {} is ignored'.format(latex_form)) if'DS[ST]RADP[G]*[1-4].*', pointname, re.IGNORECASE): m = OMFITmdsValue(server='DIII-D', shot=shot, treename=None, TDI='DSIRADP_CONVERT') convert = if m.check() else 0 if'DS[ST]RADPG[1-4].*', pointname, re.IGNORECASE): # The groups are MW or AU, depending on conversion # Technically, unconverted units are W, but they lose their meaning in the sum, so use AU to avoid confusion return 'MW' if convert else 'AU' elif'DSSTRADP\+', pointname, re.IGNORECASE): # Individual channels are W or MW return 'MW' if convert else 'AU' elif pointname.upper().startswith('PCBOLO'): return 'V' else: printe('Unrecognized radp pointname {}'.format(pointname)) return '' def get_gas_command_units(shot=None, pointname=None, latex_form=False): """ Determines units of a gas command Not returned by PTDATA calls, but not exactly unknown, either. :param shot: int :param pointname: string :param latex_form: bool :return: string """ printd( 'keywords shot, pointname, and latex_form to get_gas_command_units with ' 'values {}, {}, {} are ignored'.format(shot, pointname, latex_form) ) return 'V'
[docs]def read_vms_date(vms_timestamp): """ Interprets a VMS date VMS dates are ticks since 1858-11-17 00:00:00, where each tick is 100 ns Unix ticks are seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT or 1969-12-31 16:00:00 This function may be useful because MDSplus dates, at least for KSTAR, are recorded as VMS timestamps, which are not understood by datetime. :param vms_timestamp: unsigned int :return: datetime.datetime """ import datetime epoch = 0.0 vms_epoc = datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime(year=1858, month=11, day=17)) return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(vms_timestamp / 1e7 - (epoch - vms_epoc))
[docs]def interpret_signal(server=None, shot=None, treename=None, tdi=None, scratch=None): """ Interprets a signal like abc * def by making multiple MDSplus calls. MDSplus might be able to interpret expressions like abc*def by itself, but sometimes this doesn't work (such as when the data are really in PTDATA?) You might also have already cached or want to cache abc and def locally because you need them for other purposes. :param server: string The name of the MDSplus server to connect to :param shot: int Shot number to query :param treename: string or None Name of the MDSplus tree. None is for connecting to PTDATA at DIII-D. :param tdi: string A pointname or expression containing pointnames Use 'testytest' as a fake pointname to avoid connecting to MDSplus during testing :param scratch: dict-like [optional] Catch intermediate quantities for debugging by providing a dict :return: (array, array, string/None, string/None) x: independent variable y: dependent variable as a function of x units: units of y or None if not found xunits: units of x or None if not found """ def printq(*args): """printd with consistent topic assignment""" return printd(*args, topic='interpret_signal') printq('interpreting signal server {server:}, shot {shot:}, treename {treename:}, tdi {tdi:}'.format(**locals())) if tdi is None: printq('done interpreting signal (early exit)') return None, None, None, None tdis = re.split(r'[\*\+\-\/]', tdi) printq(' tdis {}'.format(tdis)) # Set defaults x = None ys = [] units = [] xu = None bad_xu = bad = [[], '', None, 'none', 'None'] # Loop through individual signals in the product and gather each for i, td in enumerate(tdis): try: _ = float(td) except ValueError: can_be_number = False else: can_be_number = True if td is None or server is None or shot is None or can_be_number: ys += [None] units += [''] printq(' skip fetching & interp for {} (i = {}, can_be_number = {})'.format(td, i, can_be_number)) continue m = OMFITmdsValue(server=server, treename=treename, shot=shot, TDI=td.strip()) if not m.check(): printw('Warning: bad MDS data for {}#{}, tree {}, {}'.format(server, shot, treename, td)) return None, None, '', '' x1 = m.dim_of(0).astype(float) y1 = u1 = b2s(m.units()) xu1 = m.units_dim_of(0) if scratch is not None: scratch['mds{}'.format(i)] = m scratch['tdi{}'.format(i)] = td scratch['x{}'.format(i)] = x1 scratch['y{}'.format(i)] = y1 printq(' signal interpreter found units {} and xunits {} for {}'.format(repr(u1), repr(xu1), td)) # Resolve x units if (xu in bad_xu) and (xu1 not in bad_xu): printq(' signal interpreter updating xunits from {} to {}'.format(repr(xu), repr(xu1))) xu = xu1 else: if xu != xu1: # OH NO if xu1 in bad: printw('Signal {} has bad X units ({}) that do not match other signals.'.format(td, repr(xu1))) elif xu not in bad: printe( 'ERROR! X units of {} do not match established x units for {}! This case is probably junk! ' 'Analysis will proceed to facilitate debugging.'.format(td, tdi) ) else: printq(' old and potential new xunits are both bad: {} and {}'.format(repr(xu), repr(xu1))) # Resolve x data. This is simple: the first non-None data become THE x data. if x is None: x = x1 # Resolve y data. Copy the 1st entry. Subsequent entries may have to be interpolated. if not len(ys): ys += [y1] else: if np.array_equal(x, x1): ys += [y1] else: ys += [interp1d(x1, y1, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.NaN)(x)] # Resolve y units. We have to assemble a string with all the units we caught. if not u1.strip(): # Handle units for recognized signals that don't have units stored in MDSplus/PTDATA u1 = known_units.get(td, '') printq(' signal interpreter updated {} units to {} using known_units dictionary'.format(td, u1)) if not u1.strip() and'DS[STI]THOM[1-4].*', td): u1 = get_dss_thom_units(shot, pointname=td) printq(' signal interpreter updated {} units to {} using get_dss_thom_units()'.format(td, u1)) elif not u1.strip() and'[GD]AC.*', td): u1 = get_gas_command_units(shot, pointname=td) printq(' signal interpreter updated {} units to {} using get_gas_command_units()'.format(td, u1)) units += [u1] printq(' after {}, units are now {} and xunits are {}'.format(td, repr(units), repr(xu))) # Done with this entry. New data should be multiplied into y. # Should now have a list of y arrays and a list of units. Time to combine them. instruction = copy.copy(tdi) final_units = copy.copy(tdi) for i, td in enumerate(tdis): printq( ' updating instruction / final units for i = {}, td = {}, instruction = {}, final_units = {}'.format( i, td, instruction, final_units ) ) if ys[i] is not None: instruction = instruction.replace(td, 'ys[{}]'.format(i)) final_units = final_units.replace(td, units[i]) else: final_units = final_units.replace(td, '') printq('instruction to be evaluated: {}'.format(instruction)) y = eval(instruction) if isinstance(scratch, dict): scratch['x'] = x scratch['raw_units'] = copy.copy(final_units) # Cleanup units final_units = final_units.strip() ops = '*/+-' # Remove any leading/trailing operators while np.any([final_units.startswith(a) or final_units.endswith(a) for a in ops]): for a in ops: printq(' signal interpreter units cleanup on {}...'.format(repr(final_units))) if final_units.startswith(a): final_units = final_units[1:].strip() if final_units.endswith(a): final_units = final_units[:-1].strip() printq(' signal interpreter units cleanup finished: {}'.format(repr(final_units))) printq('Done interpreting signal. Shape(y)={}, x range: {},{} {}'.format(np.shape(y), np.nanmin(x), np.nanmax(x), xu)) return x, y, final_units if final_units is None else final_units.strip(), xu if xu is None else xu.strip()
# ====================== # backward compatibility # ====================== mdsValue = OMFITmdsValue
[docs]def solveMDSserver(server): server = translate_MDSserver(server, '') server = SERVER[server]['MDS_server'] server = parse_server(server)[2] return server
############################################ if '__main__' == __name__: test_classes_main_header() # Turn cache on and off OMFITmdsCache(False) OMFITmdsCache(True) # Initialize a class instance without connecting; should be very fast mdsstring = '.cer.cerauto.vertical.channel33:time' OMFITmdsValue(server='D3D', treename='IONS', shot=171646, TDI=mdsstring)