Source code for omfit_classes.omfit_nc

    # framework is running
    from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
    # class is imported by itself
    if (
        'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
        or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
        or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
        from startup_choice import *

from omfit_classes.utils_math import is_uncertain

import numpy as np

with warnings.catch_warnings():
    # Have to trap this warning here to allow import outside of framework
    warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ImportWarning, message="can't resolve package.*")
    import netCDF4
from uncertainties.unumpy.core import nominal_values, std_devs

__all__ = ['OMFITnc', 'OMFITncData', 'OMFITncDataTmp']

[docs]class OMFITnc(SortedDict, OMFITobject): r""" OMFIT class used to interface with NETCDF files This class is based on the netCDF4 library which supports the following file formats: 'NETCDF4', 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC', 'NETCDF3_64BIT' NOTE: This class constains OMFITncData class objects. :param filename: filename passed to OMFITobject class :param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITobject class and the netCDF4.Dataset() method at loading """ def __init__(self, filename, **kw): OMFITobject.__init__(self, filename, **kw) SortedDict.__init__(self, sorted=True) self.dynaLoad = True self.warnIDL = False def __setitem__(self, k, v): if getattr(self, 'warnIDL', False): if'\W', k): printw( 'WARNING: [%s]: Only keys with alphanumeric and underscore ' 'characters are compatible with IDL NetCDF reader (`readnc`)' % k ) if re.match(r'[\d_]', k) and not k.endswith('__') and not k == '_globals': printw('WARNING: [%s]: Object keys must start with a letter to be ' 'compatible with IDL NetCDF reader (`readnc`)' % k) SortedDict.__setitem__(self, k, v)
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self, **kw): r""" Method used to load the content of the file specified in the .filename attribute :param \**kw: keyword dictionary which is passed to the netCDF4.Dataset function :return: None """ if not (len(self.filename) and os.path.exists(self.filename) and os.stat(self.filename).st_size): self['__format__'] = kw.pop('format', 'NETCDF3_CLASSIC') self['__dimensions__'] = SortedDict(sorted=True) return self.clear() with netCDF4.Dataset(self.filename, **kw) as f: self['__format__'] = f.file_format # global dataset attributes for uattr in f.ncattrs(): attr = str(uattr) self.setdefault('_globals', SortedDict()) try: self['_globals'][attr] = ast.literal_eval(repr(b2s(getattr(f, uattr)))) except Exception: self['_globals'][attr] = getattr(f, uattr) # load the dimensions self["__dimensions__"] = SortedDict(sorted=True) for udim in list(f.dimensions.keys()): dim = str(udim) self["__dimensions__"][dim] = f.dimensions[udim].__len__() # variables for uvar in f.variables: var = str(uvar) if '_unc_' in var: continue printd(var, topic='NetCDF') try: self[var] = OMFITncData(variable=uvar, filename=self.filename) self[var].dynaLoad = False self[var]['__dimensions__'] = tuple(map(str, f.variables[uvar].dimensions)) for attribute in f.variables[uvar].ncattrs(): self[var][b2s(attribute)] = f.variables[uvar].getncattr(attribute) self[var]['__dtype__'] = f.variables[uvar].dtype self[var]['__varid__'] = f.variables[uvar]._varid self[var].dynaLoad = True except Exception as _excp: self[var] = OMFITncData() self[var]['data'] = '>> error in OMFIT during load << ' + repr(_excp) warnings.warn('Variable ' + var + ' in file ' + self.filename + ' could not be loaded: %s' % repr(_excp)) self.warnIDL = True
def _check_need_to_save(self): """ Saving NetCDF files takes much longer than loading them. Since 99% of the times NetCDF files are not edited but just read, it makes sense to check if any changes was made before re-saving the same file from scratch. If the files has not changed, than one can just copy the "old" file with a system copy. :return: * 0 if data in the file is identical * 1 if some variables have been deleted * -1 if data in the file has been edited """ if not (len( and os.path.exists( and os.stat( return 1 else: printd('old file exists', topic='NetCDF') f = netCDF4.Dataset( # dimensions for udim in list(f.dimensions.keys()): dim = str(udim) if self["__dimensions__"][dim] != f.dimensions[udim].__len__(): printi(dim + ' was modified') return 1 printd('ok dimensions', topic='NetCDF') # globals A = set(self.get('_globals', SortedDict()).keys()) B = set(f.ncattrs()) if len(A) > len(B): printd('Globals were added', topic='NetCDF') return 1 if len(A) < len(B): printd('Globals were deleted', topic='NetCDF') return 1 if len(A.difference(B)): printd('Global names were edited', topic='NetCDF') return 1 if len(B.difference(A)): printd('Global names were edited', topic='NetCDF') return 1 printd('ok number of globals', topic='NetCDF') for uattr in f.ncattrs(): attr = str(uattr) try: value = ast.literal_eval(repr(getattr(f, uattr))) except Exception: value = getattr(f, uattr) if np.array(np.array(value) != np.array(self['_globals'][attr])).any(): printd('Gloabl ' + attr + ' was modified', topic='NetCDF') return 1 printd('ok globals', topic='NetCDF') # what variables A = set([k for k in self.keys(filter=hide_ptrn) if not isinstance(self[k], OMFITncDataTmp) and k != '_globals']) B = set(f.variables.keys()) if len(A) > len(B): printd('Variables were added', topic='NetCDF') return 1 if len(A) < len(B): printd('Variables were deleted', topic='NetCDF') return 1 if len(A.difference(B)): printd('Variable names were edited', topic='NetCDF') return 1 if len(B.difference(A)): printd('Variable names were edited', topic='NetCDF') return 1 printd('ok number of variables', topic='NetCDF') # variables content for uvar in list(f.variables.keys()): var = str(uvar) if self[var].dynaLoad: continue try: if len(self[var].diff(OMFITncData(f.variables[uvar]))[0]): printd('Variable ' + var + ' was modified', topic='NetCDF') return 1 except Exception as _excp: printd('Bad variable', topic='NetCDF') return -1 printd('ok variables', topic='NetCDF') return 0
[docs] @dynaSave def save(self, zlib=False, complevel=4, shuffle=True, quiet=False, force=False): """ Method used to save the content of the object to the file specified in the .filename attribute The zlib, complevel, and shuffle keywords are passed on to the createVariable method. :param zlib: default False, switch on netCDF compression. :param complevel: default 4, compression level (1=fastest, 9=slowest). :param shuffle: default True, shuffle data. :param quiet: default False, suppress output to the console. :param force: default False, force save from scratch/as new file. :return: None """ if (not self._check_need_to_save()) and (not force): return if not quiet: printi('The data in the NetCDF file has been edited. Saving from scratch... if file is big this may take some time.') printi('Zlib: %s complevel: %s shuffle: %s' % (zlib, complevel, shuffle)) # make sure to load the entire file before saving for var in list(self.keys()): if isinstance(self[var], OMFITncDataTmp) or not isinstance(self[var], OMFITncData): continue uvar = str(var) if self[var].dynaLoad: self[var].load() self[var].dynaLoad = False # start the actual saving f = netCDF4.Dataset(self.filename, 'w', format=self['__format__']) # dimensions for dim in self['__dimensions__']: f.createDimension(dim, self['__dimensions__'][dim]) # global dataset attributes if '_globals' in list(self.keys()): for attr in self['_globals']: uattr = str(attr) setattr(f, uattr, self['_globals'][attr]) # To properly track uncertainties, the actual fundamental uncertainties must be tracked # as well as the derivatives of each variable with respect to those uncertainties unc_vars = {} # variables for var in list(self.keys()): if isinstance(self[var], OMFITncDataTmp) or not isinstance(self[var], OMFITncData): continue uvar = str(var) # handle int64 if isinstance(np.atleast_1d(self[var]['data'])[0], np.int64): self[var]['data'] = np.int32(self[var]['data']) if self[var]['__dtype__'] is None: try: self[var]['__dtype__'] = np.atleast_1d(nominal_values(self[var]['data'])).dtype except ValueError: self[var]['__dtype__'] = np.atleast_1d(self[var]['data']).dtype if '__dimensions__' not in self[var] or self[var]['__dimensions__'] is None: shp = [] if np.iterable(self[var]['data']): tmp = np.array(self[var]['data']) # to make it into an array shp0 = list(tmp.shape) # shape of the array if self[var]['__dtype__'].name.lower().startswith('s'): # strings have one extra dimension shp0 += [max(list(map(lambda x: len(x), tmp.flatten())))] for dim in shp0: if 'OMFIT_size_' + str(dim) not in self['__dimensions__']: f.createDimension('OMFIT_size_' + str(dim), dim) self['__dimensions__']['OMFIT_size_' + str(dim)] = dim shp.append('OMFIT_size_' + str(dim)) self[var]['__dimensions__'] = tuple(shp) is_unc = is_uncertain(self[var]['data']) if uvar not in list(f.variables.keys()): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', UserWarning) # Avoids endian-ness warnings if self[var]['__dtype__'].name.lower().startswith('s'): f.createVariable(uvar, 'S1', self[var]['__dimensions__']) else: f.createVariable( uvar, self[var]['__dtype__'], self[var]['__dimensions__'], zlib=zlib, complevel=complevel, shuffle=shuffle ) if is_unc and np.iterable(self[var]['data']): printd('%s has uncertainties' % uvar) unc_vars = set() for unc in self[var]['data']: if not hasattr(unc, 'derivatives'): continue unc_vars |= set(unc.derivatives.keys()) if len(unc_vars): f.variables[uvar].setncattr('has_unc', 1) for unc_var in unc_vars: unc_var_ = repr(abs(unc_var._std_dev)) if unc_var_ not in list(f.variables.keys()): f.createVariable(unc_var_, float) f.variables[unc_var_][:] = unc_var._std_dev from uncertainties.unumpy.core import array_derivative var_unc_comp = '%s_unc_%s' % (var, unc_var_) printd(var_unc_comp) if var_unc_comp not in list(f.variables.keys()): f.createVariable(var_unc_comp, self[var]['__dtype__'], self[var]['__dimensions__']) f.variables[var_unc_comp][:] = array_derivative(self[var]['data'], unc_var) var_unc_tot = '%s_unc_tot' % var f.createVariable(var_unc_tot, self[var]['__dtype__'], self[var]['__dimensions__']) f.variables[var_unc_tot][:] = std_devs(self[var]['data']) tmp = self[var]['data'] if isinstance(tmp, str): tmp = list(tmp) f.variables[uvar][:] = tmp elif self[var]['__dtype__'].name.lower()[0] in ['s', 'b']: if len(np.shape(tmp)) == 0: tmp = [list(str(tmp))] else: tmp = list(map(list, tmp)) for k, item in enumerate(tmp): tmp[k] = tmp[k] + ([''] * (self['__dimensions__'][self[var]['__dimensions__'][-1]] - len(item))) f.variables[uvar][:] = tmp else: try: f.variables[uvar][:] = nominal_values(tmp) except Exception: printe(var, self[var]) raise for attribute in self[var]: if not re.match(hide_ptrn, attribute) and attribute not in ['data', '_FillValue']: f.variables[uvar].setncattr(attribute, self[var][attribute]) f.close() # update the link so that next time around the files are identical and we can skip the saving = self.filename
[docs]class OMFITncData(SortedDict): """ Class which takes care of converting netCDF variables into SortedDict to be used in OMFIT OMFITncData object are intended to be contained in OMFITnc objects :param variable: * if None then returns * if a netCDF4.Variable object then data is read from that variable * if anything else, this is used as the data * if a string and `filename` is set then this is the name of the variable to read from the file :param dimension: * Not used if variable is a netCDF4.Variable object or None * If None, then the dimension of the variable is automatically set * If not None sets the dimension of the variable * Ignored if `filename` is set :param dtype: * Not used if variable is a netCDF4.Variable object or None * If None, then the data type of the variable is automatically set * If not None sets the data type of the variable * Ignored if `filename` is set :param filename: * this is the filename from which variables will be read * if None then no dynamic loading """ def __init__(self, variable=None, dimension=None, varid=None, dtype=None, filename=None): SortedDict.__init__(self) self['__dimensions__'] = dimension self['__dtype__'] = dtype self['__varid__'] = varid self._filename = None self._attributes = {} if filename is not None and isinstance(variable, str): self._variable = variable self._filename = filename self.dynaLoad = True else: self.load(variable=variable, dimension=dimension, dtype=dtype)
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self, variable=None, dimension=None, dtype=None): try: f = None if self._filename is not None and isinstance(self._variable, str): f = netCDF4.Dataset(self._filename) variable = f.variables[self._variable] if variable is None: return elif isinstance(variable, netCDF4.Variable): variable.set_auto_maskandscale(False) try: if isinstance(variable['__dtype__'], type) and issubclass(variable['__dtype__'], str): self['data'] = variable.getValue() else: self['data'] = variable.getValue()[0] except Exception: self['data'] = variable[:] for attribute in variable.ncattrs(): printd(b2s(attribute), topic='NetCDF') self[b2s(attribute)] = variable.getncattr(attribute) # Take care of adding back in uncertainties if 'has_unc' in self and self['has_unc'] and f is not None: unc_val = self['data'] var_str = self._variable for var in list(f.variables.keys()): if not var.startswith('%s_unc_' % var_str): continue unc_var_ = var.split('_')[-1] if unc_var_ == 'tot': continue unc_var = ufloat_fromstr('0+/-%s' % unc_var_) unc_val = unc_val + f.variables[var][:] * unc_var self['data'] = unc_val self['__dimensions__'] = tuple(map(str, variable.dimensions)) self['__dtype__'] = variable.dtype self['__varid__'] = variable._varid # convert strings if isinstance(self['__dtype__'], type) and issubclass(self['__dtype__'], str): pass elif self['__dtype__'].name.lower()[0] in ['s', 'b']: if self['__dtype__'].name.lower()[0] == 'b': self['data'] = self['data'].astype(str) stLen = self['data'].shape[-1] tmp = np.reshape(self['data'], (-1, stLen)).tolist() for k, string in enumerate(tmp): tmp[k] = ''.join(string) self['data'] = np.reshape(np.array(tmp), self['data'].shape[:-1]) else: self['data'] = variable if isinstance(dimension, tuple): self['__dimensions__'] = dimension else: self['__dimensions__'] = None if dtype is not None: self['__dtype__'] = dtype else: self['__dtype__'] = None finally: if f is not None: f.close()
def __tree_repr__(self): dynaStatus = self.dynaLoad self.dynaLoad = False tmp = None if 'long_name' in self: tmp = self['long_name'] elif 'definition' in self: tmp = self['definition'] elif 'description' in self: tmp = self['description'] if tmp is not None: tmp = tmp.strip() if 'units' in self and len(self['units'].strip()): tmp += ' [' + self['units'].strip() + ']' if '__dimensions__' in self and self['__dimensions__'] is not None and len(self['__dimensions__']): tmp += ' (' + ','.join(self['__dimensions__']) + ')' values = tmp else: values = self.keys(filter=hide_ptrn) self.dynaLoad = dynaStatus return values, []
[docs]class OMFITncDataTmp(OMFITncData): """ Same class as OMFITncData but this type of object will not be saved into the NetCDF file. This is useful if one wants to create "shadow" NetCDF variables into OMFIT without altering the original NetCDF file. """ pass
############################################ if '__main__' == __name__: test_classes_main_header() tmp = OMFITnc(OMFITsrc + '/../samples/') tmp.load()