Source code for omfit_classes.omfit_python

    # framework is running
    from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
    # class is imported by itself
    if (
        'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
        or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
        or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
        from startup_choice import *

from omfit_classes.omfit_base import _OMFITnoSave, all_pylab_imports, relativeLocations
from omfit_classes.omfit_ascii import OMFITascii
from omfit_classes.utils_base import _streams, sleep
from omfit_classes import utils_base
from contextlib import contextmanager
import threading
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy as np
import traceback

__all__ = [

# ------------------------------------
# Backward compatibility in modules scripts
# ------------------------------------
def xrange(*args, **kw):
    return range(*args, **kw)

def unichr(*args, **kw):
    return chr(*args, **kw)

# in python2 str and unicode were a subclass of basestring
basestring = str

class unicode(str):
    def __new__(cls, content):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
            warnings.warn("Initialization of deprecated class `{}`".format(cls.__name__), category=DeprecationWarning)
        return str.__new__(cls, content.upper())

# ------------------------------------
# Namespaces
# ------------------------------------
class OMFITnamespace(dict, _OMFITnoSave):
    Same class of dict, but is not saved when a project is saved
    This class is used to handle namespaces, which should not alter the ._OMFITparent, ._OMFITkeyName of objects which are used within of the namespace


OMFITconsoleDict = OMFITnamespace()  # console namespace
OMFITscriptsDict = OMFITnamespace()  # last script execution namespace
OMFITreloadedDict = OMFITnamespace()

# ------------------------------------
# Script execution within the OMFIT world
# ------------------------------------
global ExecDiagPtr

def _lock_OMFIT_preferences(f):
    def f_locked(*args, **kw):
        # backup matplotlib.rcparams
        backend_backup = matplotlib.get_backend()
        cBackup = {}
        with warnings.catch_warnings():

        # apply user plot customizations
        if 'PlotAppearance' in OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']:
            for key in OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['PlotAppearance']:
                    if key in ['startup_style']:
                    elif key in ['lines.cmap']:
                        if OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['PlotAppearance'][key][0] == 'blind':
                            pyplot.rc('axes', prop_cycle=default_colorblind_line_cycle)
                        matplotlib.rcParams[key] = OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['PlotAppearance'][key]
                except Exception as _excp:
                    printw("OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['PlotAppearance'][%s] has issues: %s" % (key, repr(_excp)))

        # backup np numerical exceptions
        npBackp = np.seterr(all='warn')

            # context manager for warnings
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                return f(*args, **kw)

            # restore np numerical exceptions
            # restore matplotlib.rcparams
            if backend_backup != matplotlib.get_backend():
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                for key in cBackup:
                        matplotlib.rcParams[key] = cBackup[key]
                    except Exception:
                        pass  # some may fail? `dvipnghack` does

    return f_locked

[docs]@_lock_OMFIT_preferences def execGlobLoc(obj, userDict, inputDict, persistentDict, runDict, prerun='', postrun=''): """ This fucntion is used to execute python strings or OMFITpython objects The `defaultVars` function sets the variables defaults in the running script Note that use of this function will enforce that all the variables that are passed to the script are defaulted to some value using this function. :param obj: _OMFITpython object to be executed :param userDict: dictionary containing variables passed by the user to be placed in the namespace :param inputDict: dictionary containing variables to be placed in the namespace :param persistentDict: dictionary containing variables to be placed in the namespace. This dictionary will be updated with the resulting variables and will be returned e.g. OMFITconsoleDict :param runDict: This dictionary will be updated with the resulting variables. e.g. OMFITscriptsDict :param prerun: string which is prepended to the object to be run :param postrun: string which is appended to the object to be run :return: updated persistentDict """ # execute string or _OMFITpython objects if isinstance(obj, str): filename = '<string>' execString = obj elif isinstance(obj, _OMFITpython): filename = obj.filename with open(filename, 'r') as _f: execString = else: raise OMFITexception('execGlobLoc can execute either <strings> or OMFITpython objects') # move some special keywords away from the userDict for k in [ 'compoundGUI', 'noGUI', 'defaultVarsGUI', 'headerGUI', 'footerGUI', 'nprocs', 'process_id', 'nsteps', 'step_id', 'IDE', 'step_name', ]: if k in userDict: inputDict[k] = userDict[k] del userDict[k] elif k in ['process_id', 'step_id']: inputDict[k] = 0 elif k in ['step_name']: inputDict[k] = '0' elif k in ['nprocs', 'nsteps']: inputDict[k] = 1 else: inputDict[k] = None inputDict['is_prun'] = bool(len(OMFITaux['prun_process'])) # IDE interface inputDict['IDE'] = SERVER # define execution namespace GlobLoc = {} GlobLoc['GlobLoc'] = GlobLoc GlobLoc.update(all_pylab_imports) GlobLoc.update(globals()) GlobLoc.update(inputDict) GlobLoc.update(userDict) GlobLoc.update(persistentDict) runDict.clear() def get_OMFITlib_module(fullname): if 'root' not in GlobLoc or 'LIB' not in GlobLoc['root'] or fullname not in GlobLoc['root']['LIB']: raise ImportError(fullname) elif not fullname.startswith('OMFITlib_'): raise OMFITexception("OMFIT module library files should be in root['LIB']['OMFITlib_...']") if isinstance(GlobLoc['root']['LIB'][fullname], OMFITpythonTask): filename = GlobLoc['root']['LIB'][fullname].filename class OMFITmodule_lib(object): pass mod = OMFITmodule_lib() mod.__dict__.update(GlobLoc) if '__all__' in mod.__dict__: del mod.__dict__['__all__'] with open(filename) as _f: exec_string = exec(compile(exec_string, filename, 'exec'), mod.__dict__) for item in list(mod.__dict__.keys()): if ( item not in GlobLoc and inspect.isclass(mod.__dict__[item]) and issubclass(mod.__dict__[item], (OMFITobject, SortedDict)) ): printe( '%s is being removed from the namespace: classes inheriting from OMFITobject or SortedDict are not supported in OMFITlib_ files' % item ) del mod.__dict__[item] return mod import import importlib.machinery class OMFITimporter( def create_module(self, spec): fullname = return get_OMFITlib_module(fullname) def exec_module(self, module): pass class DependencyInjectorFinder( def __init__(self, loader): self._loader = loader def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None): if ( 'root' in GlobLoc and 'LIB' in GlobLoc['root'] and fullname in GlobLoc['root']['LIB'] and isinstance(GlobLoc['root']['LIB'][fullname], OMFITpythonTask) ): return importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec(fullname, self._loader) elif fullname.startswith('OMFITlib_'): raise OMFITexception("OMFIT module library files should be in root['LIB']['OMFITlib_...']") return None # import hook to sys.meta_path this_importer = DependencyInjectorFinder(OMFITimporter()) sys.meta_path.insert(0, this_importer) # define defaultVars if isinstance(obj, OMFITpythonPlot): def defaultVars(**varDict): fig = varDict.pop('fig', None) if fig is None: fig = pyplot.gcf() userDict['fig'] = varDict['fig'] = fig return _defaultVars(userDict, inputDict, GlobLoc, **varDict) else: def defaultVars(**varDict): return _defaultVars(userDict, inputDict, GlobLoc, **varDict) GlobLoc['defaultVars'] = defaultVars # override input def input(prompt=''): from omfit_classes.OMFITx import inputbox return inputbox(prompt) GlobLoc['input'] = input GlobLoc['__file__'] = filename # set default debug topic based on module name def _printd(*args, **kw): kw.setdefault('topic', GlobLoc['rootName']) return printd(*args, **kw) _printd.__doc__ = printd.__doc__ GlobLoc['printd'] = _printd # define environment that enables dynamic switching of execution namespace @contextmanager def namespace_environment(location): """ This environment allows execution of code as if the code was at the location specified by the user :param location: OMFIT tree location :return: tree location namespace """ if isinstance(location, str): location = eval(location) loc = relativeLocations(location) bkp_namespace = {} for item in loc: if item in GlobLoc: bkp_namespace[item] = GlobLoc[item] GlobLoc.update(loc) try: yield loc finally: for item in loc: if item in bkp_namespace: GlobLoc[item] = bkp_namespace[item] else: del GlobLoc[item] GlobLoc['namespace_environment'] = namespace_environment # execution diagram import time if isinstance(obj, (OMFITpythonTask, OMFITpythonPlot)): global ExecDiagPtr if ExecDiagPtr is ExecDiag: del ExecDiag[:] ExecDiagPtrOld = ExecDiagPtr ExecDiagPtr = [] ExecDiagPtrOld.append({'filename': filename, 'time': time.time(), 'memory': memuse(as_bytes=True), 'child': ExecDiagPtr}) # execute try: if len(prerun): exec(compile(prerun, 'prerun', "exec"), GlobLoc) try: exec(compile(execString, filename, "exec"), GlobLoc) finally: if len(postrun): exec(compile(postrun, 'postrun', "exec"), GlobLoc) # return whole execution return GlobLoc except EndOMFITpython: return GlobLoc finally: # find what variables were actually defined within the script for k in list(GlobLoc.keys()): if k in ['defaultVars', 'input', 'GlobLoc', 'namespace_environment'] and k in GlobLoc and GlobLoc[k] is eval(k): continue elif k in ['printd'] and GlobLoc[k] is eval('_' + k): continue elif k in ['ExecDiagPtr']: continue elif k in list(OMFITreloadedDict.keys()): del OMFITreloadedDict[k] elif not ( (k in all_pylab_imports and id(GlobLoc[k]) == id(all_pylab_imports[k])) or (k in globals() and id(GlobLoc[k]) == id(globals()[k])) or (k in inputDict and id(GlobLoc[k]) == id(inputDict[k])) or (k in userDict and id(GlobLoc[k]) == id(userDict[k])) ): persistentDict[k] = GlobLoc[k] runDict.update(persistentDict) # remove OMFITlib_ imports from sys.module cache and restore original import system if this_importer in sys.meta_path: for item in list(sys.modules.keys()): if item.startswith('OMFITlib_'): del sys.modules[item] sys.meta_path.remove(this_importer) # update last seen activity OMFITaux['lastActivity'] = time.time() # update execution diagram if isinstance(obj, OMFITpythonTask): if len(ExecDiagPtrOld): ExecDiagPtrOld[-1]['time'] = time.time() - ExecDiagPtrOld[-1]['time'] memory = memuse(as_bytes=True) if memory > 0: ExecDiagPtrOld[-1]['memory'] = memory - ExecDiagPtrOld[-1]['memory'] else: ExecDiagPtrOld[-1]['memory'] = 'N/A' ExecDiagPtr = ExecDiagPtrOld
[docs]def defaultVars(**kw): r""" Function used to setup default variables in an OMFIT script (of type OMFITpythonTask, OMFITpythonTest, OMFITpythonGUI, or OMFITpythonPlot) Really the magic function that allows OMFIT scripts to act as a function :param \**kw: keyword parameter dictionary with default value :return: dictionary with variables passed by the user To be used as dfv = defaultVars(var1_i_want_to_define=None, var2_i_want_to_define=None) and then later in the script, one can use var1_i_want_to_define or var2_i_want_to_define Implications of python passing variables by reference are noted in """
def _defaultVars(_userDict, _inputDict, _GlobLoc, **varDict): """ :param userDict: dictionary containing variables passed by the user to be placed in the namespace :param inputDict: dictionary containing variables to be placed in the namespace :param _GlobLoc: execution dictionary to be updated :param varDict: variables accepted by defaultVars :return: dictioinary with variables used """ # passsing `strict_defaultVars=False` disables check of what user passes to the script strict_defaultVars = _userDict.pop('strict_defaultVars', True) # setting `strict_defaultVars=False` in defaultVars disables check of what user passes to the script strict_defaultVars = varDict.pop('strict_defaultVars', strict_defaultVars) if len(set(_userDict.keys()).difference(set(varDict.keys()))): var = set(_userDict.keys()).difference(set(varDict.keys())) txt = 'Unexpected argument `%s` passed to OMFIT script.\nSupported defaultVars are `%s`.' % ( ', '.join(var), ', '.join(varDict.keys()), ) if strict_defaultVars: raise ValueError(txt) else: printw(txt) if len(set(_userDict.keys()).intersection(set(_inputDict.keys()))): var = set(_userDict.keys()).intersection(set(_inputDict.keys())) printw('Reserved argument passed to OMFIT script: ' + ','.join(var)) if len(set(varDict.keys()).intersection(set(_inputDict.keys()))): var = set(varDict.keys()).intersection(set(_inputDict.keys())) printw('Reserved argument to defaultVars: ' + ','.join(var)) # display GUI for setting defaultVars if _inputDict['defaultVarsGUI']: for var in list(_userDict.keys()): varDict[var] = _userDict[var] finished = tk.BooleanVar() finished.set(False) aborted = tk.BooleanVar() aborted.set(False) def _repr(location): if isinstance(location, np.ndarray) and len(location.shape) == 1: return repr(np.atleast_1d(location).tolist()) else: return repr(location) def _Entry(parent, data, object=False): value = tk.StringVar() valueOrig = tk.StringVar() e = ttk.Entry(parent, textvariable=value, width=50) e.pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.X) valueOrig.set(_repr(data)) value.set(_repr(data)) if object: # remove quotes for v in [value, valueOrig]: f = v.get()[0] l = v.get()[-1] if f == l and f in ['"', "'"]: v.set(v.get()[1:-1]) def update_value(): if object: try: tmp = eval(value.get()) valueOrig.set(value.get()) except Exception as _excp: if value.get().endswith('from memory>'): valueOrig.set(value.get()) pass else: tmp = eval(value.get()) data = eval(valueOrig.get()) if isinstance(tmp, list) and isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and len(data.shape) == 1: tmp = np.atleast_1d(tmp) valueOrig.set(_repr(tmp)) checkKeyPressed() e.bind(sequence="<Return>", func=lambda event=None: update_value()) e.bind(sequence="<KP_Enter>", func=lambda event=None: update_value()) def checkKeyPressed(event=None): try: try: if object: eval(value.get()) == eval(valueOrig.get()) else: _repr(eval(value.get())) == _repr(eval(valueOrig.get())) e.config(background='white') except Exception as _excp: if object and value.get().endswith('from memory>'): e.config(background='white') else: e.config(background='salmon1') except Exception: pass e.bind(sequence="<Key>", func=lambda event=None: e.after(1, checkKeyPressed)) def escape(event=None): value.set(valueOrig.get()) checkKeyPressed() e.bind(sequence="<Escape>", func=lambda event=None: e.after(1, escape)) return value def onReturn(event=None): for var in list(varDict.keys()): if var in value: if var in objDict and value[var].get() == '<%s from memory>' % varDict[var].__class__.__name__: _userDict[var] = varDict[var] else: _userDict[var] = eval(value[var].get()) top.update_idletasks() finished.set(True) top.update_idletasks() def onEscape(event=None): top.update_idletasks() finished.set(True) top.update_idletasks() def onAbort(event=None): top.update_idletasks() aborted.set(True) finished.set(True) top.update_idletasks() if len(OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows']) and OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][-1] is not None: top = ttk.Frame(OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][-1]) top.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.NO, fill=tk.BOTH) else: top = tk.Toplevel(OMFITaux['rootGUI']) top.transient(OMFITaux['rootGUI']) top.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", 'break') value = {} objDict = {} for var in sorted(list(varDict.keys()), key=lambda x: str(x).lower()): frm = ttk.Frame(top) ttk.Label(frm, text=var + ' = ').pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=tk.NO, fill=tk.X) try: if isinstance(varDict[var], OMFITtypes) or isinstance(varDict[var], OMFITtree): objDict[var] = treeLocation(varDict[var])[-1] if objDict[var] == '': objDict[var] = '<%s from memory>' % varDict[var].__class__.__name__ value[var] = _Entry(frm, objDict[var], object=True) elif _repr(eval(_repr(varDict[var]))) == _repr(varDict[var]): value[var] = _Entry(frm, varDict[var]) else: raise except Exception: cls = '' if hasattr(varDict[var], '__class__'): cls = '<' + varDict[var].__class__.__name__ + '> ' ttk.Label(frm, text=cls + 'object not editable in GUI').pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=tk.NO, fill=tk.NONE) frm.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.X, padx=5) frm = ttk.Frame(top) ttk.Button(frm, text='Continue >>', command=onReturn).pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.X) ttk.Button(frm, text='Abort', command=onAbort).pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=tk.NO) frm.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.X) top.bind("<Escape>", onEscape) top.update_idletasks() top.wait_variable(finished) top.destroy() if _inputDict['defaultVarsGUI'] and aborted.get(): raise EndAllOMFITpython('Aborted by user in defaultVars') for var in list(varDict.keys()): if var not in _userDict: if var.startswith('**'): varDict.update(varDict[var]) _userDict.update(varDict[var]) if var in _userDict: del _userDict[var] if var in varDict: del varDict[var] else: _userDict[var] = varDict[var] else: if var.startswith('**'): _userDict.update(_userDict[var]) varDict.update(_userDict[var]) if var in _userDict: del _userDict[var] if var in varDict: del varDict[var] else: varDict[var] = _userDict[var] _GlobLoc.update(_userDict) return varDict ExecDiag = [] global ExecDiagPtr ExecDiagPtr = ExecDiag
[docs]def OMFITworkDir(root=None, server=''): """ This is a convenience function which returns the string for the working directory of OMFIT modules (remote or local). The returned directory string is compatible with parallel running of modules. The format used is: [server_OMFIT_working_directory]/[projectID]/[mainsettings_runID]/[module_tree_location]-[module_runid]/[p_multiprocessing_folder]/ :param root: root of the module (or string) :param server: remote server. If empty string or None, then the local working directory is returned. :return: directory string """ # speedup: evaluate expressions server = evalExpr(server) dir = '' if server: server0, server = SERVER.handleServer(server) # local or remote if not server or server not in OMFIT['MainSettings']['SERVER']: dir = OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['workDir'].rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep # local does not need project name, since every OMFIT # instance already works in its own unique directory else: dir = SERVER[server]['workDir'].rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep # projectID if 'projectID' in OMFIT['MainSettings']['EXPERIMENT'] and OMFIT['MainSettings']['EXPERIMENT']['projectID'] != None: dir += OMFIT['MainSettings']['EXPERIMENT']['projectID'] + os.sep elif OMFIT.filename: tmp = re.sub(os.sep + r'OMFITsave\.txt$', '', OMFIT.filename) tmp = re.sub(r'\.zip$', '', tmp) tmp = os.path.split(tmp)[-1] dir += tmp + os.sep # project runid (ok, even without a project name) if OMFIT['MainSettings']['EXPERIMENT']['runid'] != None: dir += str(OMFIT['MainSettings']['EXPERIMENT']['runid']) + os.sep # tree location across modules with runid if isinstance(root, str): dir += root.strip(os.sep) + os.sep elif root is not OMFIT: locations = relativeLocations(root, dependencies=False) tmp = [] for k in range(1, len(locations['OMFITmodulesName'])): modName = parseLocation(locations['OMFITmodulesName'][k])[-1].replace(" ", "") runid = '' if locations['OMFITmodules'][k]['SETTINGS']['EXPERIMENT']['runid'] != None: runid = '-' + str(locations['OMFITmodules'][k]['SETTINGS']['EXPERIMENT']['runid']) tmp.append(modName + runid) dir += '__'.join(tmp) + os.sep # parallelism if not len(OMFITaux['prun_process']): dir += 'p0' + os.sep else: dir += 'p' + '_'.join(map(str, OMFITaux['prun_process'])) + os.sep dir = dir.replace(',', '') return dir
[docs]def for_all_modules(doThis='', deploy=False, skip=False, these_modules_only=None): """ This is a utility function (to be used by module developers) which can be used to execute the same command on all of the modules Note that this script will overwrite the content of your OMFIT tree. :param doThis: python script to execute. In this script the following variables are defined ``root`` contains the reference to the current module being processed, ``moduleID`` the moduleID, ``rootName`` the location of the module in the tree ``moduleFile`` the module filename :param deploy: save the modules back on their original location :param skip: skip modules that are already in the tree :param these_modules_only: list of modules ID to process (useful for development of `doThis`) :return: None """ moduleList = OMFIT.availableModules(quiet=True) if these_modules_only is None: these_modules_only = sorted(list(moduleList.keys()), key=lambda x: x.lower()) else: these_modules_only = [moduleFile for moduleFile in moduleList if moduleList[moduleFile]['ID'] in these_modules_only] for moduleFile in these_modules_only: printi('--== PROCESSING: ' + moduleFile + ' ==--') moduleID = moduleList[moduleFile]['ID'] rootName = "OMFIT['%s']" % moduleID if not skip or moduleID not in OMFIT: OMFIT.loadModule( moduleList[moduleFile]['path'], location=rootName, withSubmodules=False, availableModulesList=moduleList, checkLicense=False ) root = eval(rootName) exec(doThis, globals(), locals()) if deploy: printi('Deploying to:' + moduleList[moduleFile]['path']) module.deploy_module(moduleList[moduleFile]['path'], zip=False)
[docs]def import_all_private(module_str): """ This function is used to import all private attributes from a module Can be used in a script like this:: >> locals().update(import_all_private('omfit_classes.OMFITx')) """ for _item in dir(eval(module_str)): exec('from %s import %s' % (module_str, _item), globals(), locals()) return locals()
[docs]def import_mayavi(verbose=True): """ This function attempts to import mayavi, mayavi.mlab while avoiding known institutional installation pitfalls as well as known tk vs qt backend issues. :param verbose: bool. Prints a warning message if mayavi can't be imported :return: obj. mayavi if it was successfully imported, None if not """ mayavi = None _streams.backup() try: if is_localhost(['ltserv', 'abacus', 'ukstar']): raise ImportError("IPPCZ, NFIR mayavi - vtk have consistency conflicts") with parallel_environment(): import mayavi, mayavi.mlab except Exception as _excp: if verbose: printw("WARNING: The 3D plotting module 'mayavi' is not supported by this python distribution") finally: _streams.restore() return mayavi
# --------------------- # OMFIT pythons # --------------------- class _OMFITpython(OMFITascii): """Python script""" _header = '''""" This script <fill in purpose> defaultVars parameters ---------------------- :param kw1: kw1 can be passed to this script as <path to script>.run(kw1='hello') """ defaultVars(kw1=None) print(kw1) ''' def __init__(self, filename, **kw): OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) if not os.stat(self.filename).st_size: with open(self.filename, 'w') as f: f.write("#-*-Python-*-\n# Created by " + os.environ['USER'] + " at " + + "\n\n") if 'OMFITlib_' not in os.path.split(filename)[1]: f.write(self._header) if ( 'MainSettings' in OMFIT and 'SETUP' in OMFIT['MainSettings'] and OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP'].get('format_python_on_load', False) ): self.format() self._done_tidy = False def _create_backup_copy(self): """ Hard-link script to backup scripts folder """ if not os.path.exists(OMFITscriptsBackupDir): os.makedirs(OMFITscriptsBackupDir) hashed_filename = ( OMFITscriptsBackupDir + os.sep + os.path.splitext(os.path.split(self.filename)[1])[0] + '__' + str(omfit_hash(self.filename, 10)) + '.py' ) if os.path.exists(hashed_filename): os.remove(hashed_filename) try:, hashed_filename) printd('Created script backup copy of `%s` to `%s`' % (self.filename, hashed_filename), topic='backup_scripts') except OSError as _excp: warnings.warn('OMFIT is unable to create script backup copies') printd( 'Unable to produce script backup copy of `%s` to `%s`: %s' % (self.filename, hashed_filename, repr(_excp)), topic='backup_scripts', ) hashed_filename = None # cleanup: keep only the most recent n backedup files n = 1000 files = [f for f in glob.glob(OMFITscriptsBackupDir + "/*") if os.path.exists(f)] files.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(x)) files = list(reversed(files)) for k in reversed(list(range(n, len(files)))): printd('Backup file %s has been removed' % files[k], topic='backup_scripts') os.remove(files[k]) return hashed_filename def _tidy(self, force=False): """ Perform Python code cleanup """ if force or not hasattr(self, '_done_tidy') or not self._done_tidy: printd('called tidy on ' + self.filename, topic='framework') with open(self.filename, 'r') as fh: s = new_s = [] for si in s.splitlines(): new_s.append(si.rstrip()) new_s = '\n'.join(new_s).rstrip() + '\n' for old_name, new_name in list(OMFIT_backward_compatibility_mapper.items()): new_s = new_s.replace(old_name, new_name) if new_s != s: with open(self.filename, 'w') as fh: fh.write(new_s) self._done_tidy = True if ( 'MainSettings' in OMFIT and 'SETUP' in OMFIT['MainSettings'] and OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP'].get('format_python_on_load', False) ): self.format() def format(self, verbose=False): """ Apply OMFIT file formatting standard :param verbose: print if python script is formatted """ tmp = omfit_file_formatter(self.filename, overwrite=True) if verbose: if tmp is False: printi(os.path.basename(self.filename) + ' was already properly formatted') elif tmp is None: printw(os.path.basename(self.filename) + ' was not formatted to avoid GitHub conflicts') else: printi(os.path.basename(self.filename) + ' is now formatted') def __run__(self, _relLoc=None, _OMFITscriptsDict=True, _OMFITconsoleDict=False, prerun='', postrun='', **kw): oldDir = os.getcwd() if _relLoc is None: _relLoc = relativeLocations(self) # change working directory to the module if ( 'root' in _relLoc and 'SETTINGS' in _relLoc['root'] and 'SETUP' in _relLoc['root']['SETTINGS'] and 'workDir' in _relLoc['root']['SETTINGS']['SETUP'] ): workdir = str(_relLoc['root']['SETTINGS']['SETUP']['workDir']) if not os.path.exists(workdir): os.makedirs(workdir) os.chdir(workdir) lastRunModule_bkp = OMFITaux['lastRunModule'] if 'rootName' in _relLoc: OMFITaux['lastRunModule'] = _relLoc['rootName'] try: if _OMFITscriptsDict: tmp = execGlobLoc( self, userDict=kw, inputDict=_relLoc, persistentDict={}, runDict=OMFITscriptsDict, prerun=prerun, postrun=postrun ) elif _OMFITconsoleDict: tmp = execGlobLoc( self, userDict=kw, inputDict=_relLoc, persistentDict=OMFITconsoleDict, runDict={}, prerun=prerun, postrun=postrun ) else: tmp = execGlobLoc(self, userDict=kw, inputDict=_relLoc, persistentDict={}, runDict={}, prerun=prerun, postrun=postrun) OMFITaux['lastRunModule'] = lastRunModule_bkp return tmp except EndOMFITpython: pass finally: os.chdir(oldDir) _update_alarm = []
[docs]class OMFITpythonTask(_OMFITpython): """Python script for OMFIT tasks""" def __init__(self, filename, **kw): _OMFITpython.__init__(self, filename, **kw) def __call__(self, **kw): return**kw) def _startGUI(self, **kw): kw.setdefault('noGUI', False) if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is None: kw['noGUI'] = True if len(OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows']): IcreatedIt = False else: IcreatedIt = time.time() OMFITaux['haltWindow'] = None if not OMFIT_is_in_debug_mode and OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is not None and OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['show_halt_window']: OMFITaux['haltWindow'] = subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, OMFITsrc + '/', str(os.getpid()), re.sub("#", r"\#", OMFITaux['session_color'])] ).pid if kw['noGUI']: OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'] = [None] else: OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'] = [tk.Toplevel()] OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][0].withdraw() OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][0].resizable(tk.YES, tk.NO) OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][0].transient(OMFITaux['rootGUI']) OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][0].wm_title('Execution of OMFIT workflow...') OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][0].protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", 'break') if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is None or kw['noGUI'] or OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][-1] is None: OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'].append(None) else: OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'].append(ttk.Frame(OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][-1], borderwidth=2, relief=tk.GROOVE)) text = treeLocation(self)[-1] if not text: text = os.path.split(str(self.filename))[1] frame = OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][-1] ttk.Label(frame, text=text).pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.X) frame.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH, padx=5, pady=5) if IcreatedIt: OMFITaux['rootGUI'].update_idletasks() tk_center(OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][0], OMFITaux['rootGUI']) OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][0].deiconify() for item in _update_alarm: OMFITaux['rootGUI'].after_cancel(_update_alarm.pop()) if IcreatedIt: OMFITaux['rootGUI'].update_idletasks() else: _update_alarm.append(OMFITaux['rootGUI'].after(100, OMFITaux['rootGUI'].update_idletasks)) noGUI = OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][-1] is None return IcreatedIt, noGUI def _endGUI(self, IcreatedIt, success=True): if IcreatedIt and OMFITaux['haltWindow'] is not None: try: os.kill(OMFITaux['haltWindow'], 9) except Exception: pass OMFITaux['haltWindow'] = None if not len(OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows']): printd('Could not find pythonRunWindows in _endGUI.') elif OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][-1] is None: OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'].pop() if IcreatedIt: OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'].pop() else: frame = OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'].pop() frame.destroy() if IcreatedIt: OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'].pop().destroy() if success: _streams['HIST'].write( 'Done @ ' +'%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S') + ' took {:.3f} s\n'.format(time.time() - IcreatedIt) ) # GUIs will be updated only when there are no more pythonRunWindows open if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is not None: OMFITaux['rootGUI'].event_generate("<<update_GUI>>") # make a tree update at the end of each execution if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is not None: OMFITaux['rootGUI'].event_generate("<<update_treeGUI>>") for item in _update_alarm: OMFITaux['rootGUI'].after_cancel(_update_alarm.pop()) if IcreatedIt: OMFITaux['rootGUI'].update_idletasks() else: _update_alarm.append(OMFITaux['rootGUI'].after(100, OMFITaux['rootGUI'].update_idletasks))
[docs] def run(self, **kw): IcreatedIt = True success = False try: IcreatedIt, noGUI = self._startGUI(**kw) if IcreatedIt: start_mem = 0 try: import psutil except ImportError: pass else: start_mem = float(psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss) printd('Starting memory=%d' % start_mem, topic='gc') # Multithreading disabled until further notice (see issue #4564) if False and not kw.get('defaultVarsGUI', False) and IcreatedIt and not noGUI: # Array used to keep a reference of OMFITpythonTask return result = [] # Call method to execute __run__ on a new thread thread = threaded_logic(self.__run__, result, **kw) # Wait for the thread to finish while thread not in done_thread: sleep(0.1) # Remove thread from done array and join done_thread.remove(thread) thread.join() # Assign result from thread if result[0] == 'OK': result = result[1] else: raise result[1] else: result = self.__run__(**kw) success = True return result finally: self._endGUI(IcreatedIt, success=success) if IcreatedIt: if start_mem > 0: end_mem = float(psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss) printd('Ending memory=%d' % end_mem, topic='gc') if (end_mem - start_mem) / start_mem > 0.1: printd('Running gc.collect', topic='gc') import gc gc.collect()
[docs] def runNoGUI(self, **kw): """ This method allows execution of the script without invoking TkInter commands Note that the TkInter commands will also be discarded for the OMFITpython scipts that this method calls """ kw['noGUI'] = True return**kw)
[docs] def estimate_nprocs_from_available_memory(self): """ This method estimates how many prun processes will fit into the memory of the current system. It returns one core less than possible to have a safety margin as processes that do not have enough memory will completely freeze the session. """ import psutil process = psutil.Process() used_mem = process.memory_info().rss free_mem = psutil.virtual_memory()._asdict()['free'] nprocs = (free_mem / used_mem) - 1 return nprocs
[docs] def prun_auto_proc(self, nsteps, resultNames, **kw): nprocs = self.estimate_nprocs_from_available_memory() return self.prun(nsteps, nprocs, resultNames, **kw)
[docs] def prun( self, nsteps, nprocs, resultNames, noGUI=False, prerun='', postrun='', result_type=None, runIDs=None, runlabels=None, no_mpl_pledge=False, **kw, ): r""" Parallel execution of OMFITpythonTasks. >> a=OMFIT['test'].prun(10,5,'a',prerun="OMFIT['c']=a",a=np.arange(5)*2+0.5) :param nsteps: number of calls :param nprocs: number of simultaneous processes; if None, then check SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE, and then OMP_NUM_THREADS, and finally use 4; the actual number of processors will always be checked against self.estimate_nprocs_from_available_memory and use the that if less :param resultNames: name, or list of names with the variables that will be returned at the end of the execution of each script :param noGUI: Disable GUI with gray/blue/green boxes showing progress of parallel run :param prerun: string that is executed before each parallel execution (useful to set entries in the OMFIT tree) :param postrun: string that is executed after each parallel execution (useful to gather entries from the OMFIT tree) :param result_type: class of the object that will contain the `prun` results (e.g. `OMFITtree`, `OMFITcollection`, `OMFITmcTree`) :param runIDs: list of strings used to name and retrieve the runs (use numbers by default) :param runlabels: list of strings used to display the runs (same as runIDs by default) :param no_mpl_pledge: User pledges not to call any matplotlib plotting commands as part of their scripts. The prun will thus not need to swithch the matplotlib backend, which would close any open figures. :param \**kw: additional keywords will appear as local variables in the user script Local variables that are meant to change between different calls to the script should be passed as lists of length `nsteps` :return: Dictionary containing the results from each script execution """ if result_type is None: result_type = OMFITtree if nsteps < 1: return result_type() if ( OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is None or len(OMFITaux['prun_process']) or (len(OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows']) and OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][-1] is None) ): noGUI = True # backward compatibility runNoGUI = noGUI # human-readable run IDs and labels customids = True if runIDs is None else False if runIDs is None: step_name = list(range(nsteps)) else: step_name = runIDs if runlabels is None: step_label = step_name else: step_label = runlabels # set number of processors to reasonable default if not set if nprocs is None: nprocs = int(os.environ.get('SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE', os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS', '4')).split(',')[0].split('(')[0]) max_nprocs = self.estimate_nprocs_from_available_memory() if nprocs > max_nprocs and not bool(os.environ.get('OMFIT_ALLOW_VIRTUAL_MEM', '')): nprocs = max_nprocs if nprocs <= 1: nprocs = 1 # if there are nested parallel loops, make only the outermost parallel # if len(OMFITaux['prun_process']): # nprocs=1 myname = treeLocation(self)[-1] if not myname: myname = os.path.split(self.filename)[-1] printi('Starting parallel execution of ' + myname) try: if not noGUI: IcreatedIt, _ = self._startGUI() stopSpawning = tk.BooleanVar() def onAbort(): stopSpawning.set(True) for k in range(nprocs): printe(k, p[k]) if p[k] is not None and p[k].is_alive(): try: os.kill(p[k].pid, signal.SIGTERM) except OSError: pass bt_abort = ttk.Button(OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][-1], text="Abort all", command=onAbort) bt_abort.pack() top0 = ttk.Frame(OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'][-1]) top0.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH) top = ttk.Frame(top0), anchor="s", relx=0.5, rely=1.0) progress = ttk.Progressbar(top, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, mode='determinate') progress['value'] = 0 progress['maximum'] = nsteps progress.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=100, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=tk.E + tk.W + tk.N + tk.S) maxr = 0 maxc = 0 n = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(nsteps))) labels = [None] * nsteps for step in range(nsteps): r = int(step // n) c = step - r * n labels[step] = ttk.Label(top, text=str(step_label[step])[:16], width=20 if customids else 8, state=tk.DISABLED) labels[step].grid(row=r + 1, column=c, padx=1, pady=1) maxr = max([r + 1, maxr]) maxc = max([c + 1, maxc]) top0.update_idletasks() top0.configure( width=maxc * (labels[step].winfo_width() + 2), height=maxr * (labels[step].winfo_height() + 2) + progress.winfo_height() + 10, ) steps = list(range(nsteps)) results = result_type() nprocs = int(nprocs) step = [None] * nprocs p = [None] * nprocs p_alive = [0] * nprocs allDone = [0] def runProcess(nprocs, process_id, nsteps, step_id, kw): whatHappened = '' OMFITaux['pythonRunWindows'] = [None] OMFITaux['prun_process'].append(process_id) OMFITaux['prun_nprocs'].append(nprocs) try: # force different seed initialization for random processes # here we purposly use Python's native __hash__ function # which returns an integer pylab.seed(omfit_numeric_hash(str(time.time()), 10) * (step_id + 1) % 4294967295) kw.update( { 'nprocs': nprocs, 'process_id': process_id, 'nsteps': nsteps, 'step_id': step_id, 'step_name': str(step_name[step_id]), } ) if len(prerun): kw['strict_defaultVars'] = False tmp = self.__run__(prerun=prerun, postrun=postrun, **kw) process_results = OMFITtree() if resultNames: if isinstance(resultNames, str): process_results = tmp[resultNames] else: for resultName in resultNames: process_results[resultName] = tmp[resultName] retcode = 0 except Exception as _excp: process_results = _excp etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() excpStack = traceback.format_exception(etype, value, tb) whatHappened = '\n' + '\n'.join(excpStack) + '\n' retcode = -1 # pickle process results filename = OMFITcwd + os.sep + 'pickle_' + '_'.join(map(str, OMFITaux['prun_process'])) try: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump( [retcode, process_results, sys.stdout.getvalue(), sys.stderr.getvalue() + whatHappened], # actual results f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, ) except Exception as exc: printe('Failed to pickle results:', repr(exc)) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump( [retcode, exc, sys.stdout.getvalue(), sys.stderr.getvalue() + whatHappened], # resulting exception f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, ) def pManager(progressBarToggle): for k in range(nprocs): if p[k] is not None: p_alive[k] = int(p[k].is_alive()) else: p_alive[k] = 0 # retrieval while np.any([(p_alive[kk] == 0 and step[kk] is not None) for kk in range(len(p_alive))]): k = [(p_alive[kk] == 0 and step[kk] is not None) for kk in range(len(p_alive))].index(True) # unpickle process results excp = '' try: filename = OMFITcwd + os.sep + 'pickle_' + '_'.join(map(str, OMFITaux['prun_process'] + [k])) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: retcode, results[step_name[step[k]]], stdout, stderr = pickle.load(f) os.remove(filename) except Exception as _excp: results[step_name[step[k]]] = _excp retcode = -1 stdout = [] stderr = [] excp = repr(_excp) if not noGUI: if retcode: labels[step[k]].config(background='indianRed1') else: labels[step[k]].config(background='chartreuse3') _streams['INFO'].write('===============================\n') _streams['INFO'].write('--> STEP {s} OF {n}\n'.format(s=step[k] + 1, n=nsteps)) _streams['INFO'].write('===============================\n') if stdout: _streams['PROGRAM_OUT'].write(''.join(stdout) + '\n') if stderr: _streams['PROGRAM_ERR'].write(''.join(stderr) + '\n') if excp: _streams['STDERR'].write(excp + '\n') step[k] = None p[k] = None # start new while len(steps) and not np.all(p_alive): k = p_alive.index(0) if nsteps <= nprocs: step[k] = steps.pop(0) else: # shuffle run step for load balancing purposes step[k] = steps.pop(pylab.randint(len(steps))) # generate input dictionary kw0 = {} for kk in list(kw.keys()): try: if isinstance(kw[kk], str): raise TypeError() kw0[kk] = kw[kk][step[k]] except Exception: kw0[kk] = kw[kk] with parallel_environment(mpl_backend=not no_mpl_pledge): p[k] = multiprocessing.Process(target=runProcess, args=(nprocs, k, nsteps, step[k], kw0)) p[k].start() p_alive[k] = int(p[k].is_alive()) if not noGUI: text = str(step_label[step[k]])[:16] if nprocs < nsteps or customids: text += ' (%d)' % k labels[step[k]].config(background='dodger blue', text=text, state=tk.NORMAL) # check if everything was all done if allDone[0] == 0 and not len(steps) and not np.any([step[kk] is not None for kk in range(len(p_alive))]): allDone[0] = 1 # stop spawning if Abort all if not noGUI and stopSpawning.get(): allDone[0] = -1 while len(steps): steps.pop() return if not noGUI: progress['value'] = nsteps - len(steps) - np.sum(p_alive) * progressBarToggle # toggle between completed and active processes in progressBar progressBarToggle = False # while there are still some steps to be run or there are processes running T = time.time() while allDone[0] == 0: sleep(0.01) pManager(progressBarToggle) if time.time() - T > 0.5: progressBarToggle = not progressBarToggle T = time.time() finally: if not noGUI: top.destroy() self._endGUI(IcreatedIt) if allDone[0] > 0: myname = treeLocation(self)[-1] if not myname: myname = os.path.split(self.filename)[-1] printi('Ended parallel execution of ' + myname) sorted_results = result_type() for item in step_name: sorted_results[item] = results[item] return sorted_results else: raise EndAllOMFITpython('\n\n---> Aborted by user <---\n\n')
[docs] def opt( self, actuators, targets, reset=None, prerun='', postrun='', method='hybr', tol=None, options={'xtol': 1e-2, 'eps': 1e-2}, postfail='', reset_on_fail=True, **kw, ): r""" Execute OMFITpythonTask using inside scipy.optimize.root Optimizes actuators to achieve targets Any tree location in the reset list is reset on each call to self Tree will be in the state after the final run of self, whether the optimizer converges or not. If there is an exception, tree is reset using the reset list. *See regression/ for example usage :arg actuators: dictionary of actuator dictionaries with the following keys 'set': function or string tree location to set as actuator 'init': initial value for actuator :arg targets: dictionary of target dictionaries with the following keys 'get': function or string tree location to get current value 'target': value to target 'tol': (optional) absolute tolerance of target value :param reset: list of tree locations to be reset on each iteration of optimization :param prerun: string that is executed before each execution of self *useful for setting entries in the OMFIT tree :param postrun: string that is executed after each execution of self *useful for gathering entries from the OMFIT tree :param method: keyword passed to scipy.optimize.root :param tol: keyword passed to scipy.optimize.root :param options: keyword passed to scipy.optimize.root :param postfail: string that is executed if execution of self throws an error *useful for gathering entries from the OMFIT tree :param reset_on_fail: reset the tree if an exception or keyboard interrupt occurs :param \**kw: additional keywords passed to :return: OptimizeResult output of scipy.optimize.root, Convergence history of actuators, targets, and errors """ # setup and store local namespace to pass into vector_opt _relLoc = relativeLocations(self) cache = {'x': None, 'errors': None} resets = {} convergence = {'actuators': {}, 'targets': {}, 'error': []} for actuator in list(actuators.keys()): convergence['actuators'][actuator] = [] for target in list(targets.keys()): convergence['targets'][target] = [] def vector_opt(x, resets, cache, convergence): locals().update(_relLoc) # return cached values if same as last iteration try: cached = (x == cache['x']).all() except AttributeError: cached = x == cache['x'] if cached: printi("Using cached values") return copy.deepcopy(cache['errors']) # reset tree as necessary def reset_tree(resets): locals().update(_relLoc) for loc in list(resets.keys()): if loc == 'root': # can't reset root itself, so traverse and deepcopy for key in _relLoc['root']: if key not in resets[loc]: del _relLoc['root'][key] else: _relLoc['root'][key] = copy.deepcopy(resets[loc][key]) else: exec(loc + "=copy.deepcopy(resets[loc])", globals(), locals()) return reset_tree(resets) try: # set actuator values for i, actuator in enumerate(actuators.keys()): convergence['actuators'][actuator].append(x[i]) set_act = actuators[actuator]['set'] if callable(set_act): # set as function set_act(x[i]) else: # set as tree location exec(set_act + " = x[i]", globals(), locals()) # run self with current values x of actuators exec(prerun, globals(), locals()), **kw) exec(postrun, globals(), locals()) # calculate error from targets errors = [] for target in list(targets.keys()): current = targets[target]['get'] if callable(current): current = current() else: current = eval(current) convergence['targets'][target].append(current) errors.append(targets[target]['target'] - current) errors = np.array(errors) convergence['error'].append(errors) cache['x'] = copy.deepcopy(x) cache['errors'] = copy.deepcopy(errors) for i, target in enumerate(list(targets.keys())): if 'tol' not in targets[target]: continue if abs(errors[i]) <= targets[target]['tol']: # We've found a root within tol, so set to zero errors[i] = 0.0 return errors except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt): exec(postfail, globals(), locals()) if reset_on_fail: # ensure tree returns to workable state if there's an exception reset_tree(resets) raise # get initial guesses x0 = [] for actuator in list(actuators.keys()): x0.append(actuators[actuator]['init']) # setup reset if reset is not None: root = _relLoc['root'] for loc in reset: resets[loc] = copy.deepcopy(eval(loc)) # optimize from scipy import optimize sol = optimize.root(vector_opt, x0, (resets, cache, convergence), method=method, tol=tol, options=options) # convert convergence values to np.ndarray convergence['error'] = np.array(convergence['error']) for actuator in list(convergence['actuators'].keys()): convergence['actuators'][actuator] = np.array(convergence['actuators'][actuator]) for i, target in enumerate(list(convergence['targets'].keys())): convergence['targets'][target] = np.array(convergence['targets'][target]) if 'tol' in targets[target]: # restore to actual error values err = targets[target]['target'] - convergence['targets'][target] convergence['error'][:, i] = err sol['fun'][i] = err[-1] opt_sol = OMFITjson('opt_sol.json') opt_sol.update(sol) opt_conv = OMFITjson('opt_conv.json') opt_conv.update(convergence) return opt_sol, opt_conv
[docs] def importCode(self, **kw): """ Executes the code and returns it as newly generated module >> myLib=OMFIT['test'].importCode() >> print myLib.a """ import types module = types.ModuleType('OMFITpythonTask_' + str(id(self))) module.__dict__.update(self.__run__(**kw)) return module
[docs]class OMFITpythonGUI(_OMFITpython): """Python script for OMFIT gui""" def __init__(self, filename, **kw): _OMFITpython.__init__(self, filename, **kw)
[docs] def run(self, _relLoc=None, **kw): # allow only one GUI instance from this OMFITpythonGUI object if kw.pop('singleGUIinstance', True): for item in list(OMFITx._GUIs.keys()): if id(self) == id(OMFITx._GUIs[item].pythonFile): OMFITx._clearClosedGUI(OMFITx._GUIs[item].top) if _relLoc is None: _relLoc = relativeLocations(self) oldDir = os.getcwd() try: OMFITx.GUI(self, _relLoc, **kw) finally: os.chdir(oldDir) # make a tree update at the end of each execution if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is not None: OMFITaux['rootGUI'].event_generate("<<update_treeGUI>>") OMFITaux['rootGUI'].update_idletasks()
def __call__(self, **kw):**kw)
[docs]class OMFITpythonPlot(_OMFITpython): """ Python script for OMFIT plots. Differently from the OMFITpythonTask class, the OMFITpythonPlot will not refresh the OMFIT GUIs though the OMFIT tree GUI itself will still be updated. Use .plot() method for overplotting (called by pressing <Shift-Return> in the OMFIT GUI) Use .plotFigure() method for plotting in new figure (called by pressing <Return> in the OMFIT GUI) When a single script should open more than one figure, it's probably best to use objects of the class :class:`OMFITpythonTask` and manually handling oveplotting and opening of new figures. To use a OMFITpythonTask object for plotting, it's useful to call the .runNoGUI method which prevents update of the GUIs that are open. """ _header = '''""" This script <fill in purpose> defaultVars parameters ---------------------- param fig: None or matplotlib Figure instance. If None, a new figure will be created and assigned to 'fig' in this scripts namespace. """ defaultVars(fig=None) ''' def __init__(self, filename, **kw): _OMFITpython.__init__(self, filename, **kw) def __call__(self, **kw): return self.plot(**kw)
[docs] def run(self, **kw): printw( os.path.split(self.filename)[1] + ': .run() method will be discontinued for OMFITpythonPlot objects.\nPlease use .plot() or .plotFigure() instead.' ) return self.plot(**kw)
[docs] def runNoGUI(self, **kw): printw( os.path.split(self.filename)[1] + ': .runNoGUI() method will be discontinued for OMFITpythonPlot objects. \nPlease use .plot() or .plotFigure() instead.' ) return self.plot(**kw)
[docs] def plot(self, **kw): r""" Execute the script and open a new figure only if no figure was already open. Effectively, this will result in an overplot. This method is called by pressing <Shift-Return> in the OMFIT GUI. :param \**kw: keywords passed to the script """ oldDir = os.getcwd() try: kw['noGUI'] = True return self.__run__(**kw) finally: if hasattr(OMFITaux['rootGUI'], 'event_generate'): OMFITaux['rootGUI'].event_generate("<<update_treeGUI>>") OMFITaux['rootGUI'].update_idletasks() os.chdir(oldDir)
[docs] def plotFigure(self, *args, **kw): r""" Execute the script and open a new figure. Effectively, this will result in a new figure. This method is called by pressing <Return> in the OMFIT GUI. :param \*args: arguments passed to the figure() command :param \**kw: keywords passed to the script """ if 'fig' in kw: fig = kw.pop('fig') else: fig = pyplot.figure(*args) return self.plot(fig=fig, **kw)
[docs]class OMFITpythonTest(OMFITpythonTask): """ Python script for OMFIT regression tests """ def __init__(self, filename, **kw): if not os.path.exists(filename): if os.path.dirname(filename) == '': src_dir = f'{os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))}/../..' reg_dir = f'{src_dir}/regression/' if os.access(reg_dir, os.W_OK) and not os.path.exists(f'{src_dir}/public'): filename = reg_dir + filename kw['modifyOriginal'] = True if not os.path.exists(filename): name = 'test_'.join(os.path.basename(filename[:-3]).split('test_')[1:]) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(self._header.format(name=name)) OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) if not os.path.basename(filename).startswith('test_') or not os.path.basename(filename).endswith('.py'): raise OMFITexception( f'Invalid filename: `{filename}` OMFITpythonTest objects filename must start with `test_` and have .py extension' ) if not os.stat(self.filename).st_size: with open(self.filename, 'w') as f: name = 'test_'.join(os.path.basename(filename[:-3]).split('test_')[1:]) f.write(self._header.format(name=name)) self._done_tidy = False _header = '''""" labels: ['framework', 'classes', 'modules', 'gui', 'short', 'medium', 'long', ...] modules: ['EFIT', '...'] options: # How different options in labels affect running parameters - labels: ['-gui'] params: {{allow_gui: False}} ************************************** Do not delete separator above. Docstring about what this regression test goes here. :param someVariable: explain variables passed to defaultVars here """ from omfit_classes.omfit_testing import OMFITtest, manage_tests, standard_test_keywords standard_test_keywords['run_tests'] = __name__ in ['__main__', 'omfit_classes.omfit_python'] dfv = defaultVars(**standard_test_keywords) class Test_{name}(OMFITtest): def test_case1(self): """first test goes here""" pass def test_case2(self): """second test goes here""" pass if dfv.pop('run_tests'): manage_tests(Test_{name:}, **dfv) '''
[docs] def tests_list(self): """ :return: list of available tests """ these = [] with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: lines = for line in lines.split('\n'): if line.startswith(' def test_'): these.append(line.split('(')[0].split('def ')[1]) return these
[docs]class parallel_environment(object): """ This environment is used as part of OMFITpythonTask.prun to make it safe for multiprocessing """ def __init__(self, mpl_backend=None): if mpl_backend and not isinstance(mpl_backend, str): mpl_backend = 'agg' self.mpl_backend = mpl_backend def __enter__(self): if self.mpl_backend: self.old_mpl_backend = matplotlib.get_backend() pyplot.switch_backend(self.mpl_backend) self.streams_bkp = {} self.streams_bkp.update(_streams) sys.stdout = StringIO() sys.stderr = StringIO() for k in _streams: if 'ERR' in k: _streams[k] = sys.stderr else: _streams[k] = sys.stdout return self.streams_bkp def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): _streams.update(self.streams_bkp) _streams['STDOUT'].write(sys.stdout.getvalue()) _streams['STDERR'].write(sys.stderr.getvalue()) sys.stdout.close() sys.stderr.close() sys.stdout = _streams['STDOUT'] sys.stderr = _streams['STDERR'] if self.mpl_backend: pyplot.switch_backend(self.old_mpl_backend)
# --------------------- # threading # --------------------- # Arrays to keep track of active and dead threads logic_thread = [] done_thread = [] # Create new thread and run command in it
[docs]def threaded_logic(function, result, *args, **kw): def threaded_function(): if not isinstance(result, list) or len(result): raise Exception('threaded_logic result must be an empty list') try: result[:] = ['OK', function(*args, **kw)] except (Exception, EndOMFITpython, EndAllOMFITpython) as _excp: result[:] = ['ERROR', _excp] finally: logic_thread.remove(threading.current_thread()) done_thread.append(threading.current_thread()) if len(logic_thread) > 2: # Limit number of threads print('Wait for previous OMFIT task to complete') return else: # Create new Thread and run selected method in it thread = threading.Thread(target=threaded_function) # Add new thread to active array logic_thread.append(thread) logic_thread[-1].start() # Return Thread so active tasks can be displayed on the GUI return thread
# --------------------- # Documentation # ---------------------
[docs]class omfit_pydocs(SortedDict): def __init__(self): SortedDict.__init__(self) def _buildGUI(self, parent, topLevel=True): self._buildDocs() self.parent = parent if topLevel: = top = tk.Toplevel(parent) top.withdraw() top.transient(parent) top.wm_title("OMFIT HELP window") top.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.destroy) top.bind(f'<{ctrlCmd()}-h>', lambda event=None: self.destroy()) else: = top = parent frm = ttk.Frame(top) frm.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.NO, fill=tk.X) ttk.Label(frm, text='Look for :').pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=tk.NO, fill=tk.NONE, padx=5, pady=5) self.e = ttk.Entry(frm) self.e.pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.X, padx=5, pady=5) self.b = ttk.Button(frm, text="Online API documentation", command=lambda event=None: openInBrowser('')) self.b.pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=tk.NO, fill=tk.NONE, padx=5, pady=5) def doSomething(event=None): tab_selected =['text'] for k in self.t: self.t[k].pack_forget() if tab_selected == 'Documentation': self.t['Documentation'].pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH, padx=5, pady=5) elif tab_selected == 'Attributes': self.t['Attributes'].pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH, padx=5, pady=5) elif tab_selected == 'Source code': self.t['Source'].pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH, padx=5, pady=5) elif tab_selected == 'Related': self.t['Related'].pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH, padx=5, pady=5) self.notebook = ttk.Notebook(top) self.notebook.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.NO, fill=tk.X) self.notebook.add(ttk.Frame(top), text='Documentation') self.notebook.add(ttk.Frame(top), text='Attributes') self.notebook.add(ttk.Frame(top), text='Source code') self.notebook.add(ttk.Frame(top), text='Related') self.notebook.bind("<<NotebookTabChanged>>", doSomething) self.t = {} self.t['Documentation'] = tk.ScrolledText( top, wrap=tk.NONE, undo=tk.TRUE, maxundo=-1, relief=tk.GROOVE, border=1, height=24, font=OMFITfont(family='courier') ) self.t['Attributes'] = tk.ScrolledText( top, wrap=tk.NONE, undo=tk.TRUE, maxundo=-1, relief=tk.GROOVE, border=1, height=24, percolator=False, font=OMFITfont(family='courier'), ) self.t['Source'] = tk.ScrolledText( top, wrap=tk.NONE, undo=tk.TRUE, maxundo=-1, relief=tk.GROOVE, border=1, height=24, percolator=True, font=OMFITfont(family='courier'), ) self.t['Related'] = tk.ScrolledText( top, wrap=tk.NONE, undo=tk.TRUE, maxundo=-1, relief=tk.GROOVE, border=1, height=24, font=OMFITfont(family='courier') ) if topLevel: for item in self.t: self.t[item].set(f'\n\n\t\tUse <{ctrlCmd()}-h> to show/hide this help window') if topLevel: menubar = tk.Menu(top) for item in list(self.keys()): submenu = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=False) if isinstance(self[item], list): for subitem in self[item]: submenu.add_command(label=subitem, command=lambda subitem=subitem: self(subitem)) elif isinstance(self[item], dict): for subitem in self[item]: if self[item][subitem] is None: submenu.add_command(label=subitem, command=lambda subitem=subitem: self(subitem)) else: sub_menu = tk.Menu(submenu, tearoff=False) for sub_item in self[item][subitem]: sub_menu.add_command(label=sub_item, command=lambda sub_item=sub_item: self(sub_item)) submenu.add_cascade(label=subitem, menu=sub_menu) menubar.add_cascade(label=re.sub('Documentation: ', '', item), menu=submenu, underline=0) top.config(menu=menubar) self.e.bind('<Return>', lambda event=None: self(self.e.get())) self.e.bind('<KP_Enter>', lambda event=None: self(self.e.get())) if topLevel: self.e.bind(f'<{ctrlCmd()}-h>', lambda event=None: self.destroy()) for k in self.t: self.t[k].bind(f'<{ctrlCmd()}-h>', lambda event=None: self.destroy()) def _buildDocs(self): tmp = list( [inspect.getmodule(x).__name__ + '.' + x.__name__ for x in tuple(OMFITtypes + OMFITdictypes + [OMFITmdsValue, OMFITexpression])] ) tmp.sort(key=lambda x: str(x).lower()) tmpd = OrderedDict() if True: # sort my file where it is contained for item in tmp: items = item.split('.') if items[0] == 'omfit_classes': tmpd.setdefault(items[1], []) tmpd[items[1]].append(items[-1]) else: tmpd[items[-1]] = None else: # sort by base class for item in tmp: items = item.split('.') assigned = False for test in ['OMFITascii', 'OMFITobject', 'SortedDict']: if issubclass(eval(items[-1]), eval(test)): assigned = True tmpd.setdefault(test, []) tmpd[test].append(items[-1]) break if not assigned: tmpd[items[-1]] = None self['Documentation: Classes'] = tmpd self['Documentation: Tasks'] = ['OMFITx.' + k.__name__ for k in OMFITaux['OMFITxTASK_functions']] self['Documentation: Tasks'].extend(['defaultVars', 'OMFITworkDir']) self['Documentation: GUIs'] = ['OMFITx.' + k.__name__ for k in OMFITaux['OMFITxGUI_functions']] self['Documentation: Plots'] = list(set([k.__name__ for k in OMFITaux['OMFITplot_functions']])) self['Documentation: Utils'] = list(set([k.__name__ for k in OMFITaux['OMFITutil_functions']])) self['Documentation: Math'] = list(set([k.__name__ for k in OMFITaux['OMFITmath_functions']])) self['Documentation: Fusion'] = ['utils_fusion.' + k.__name__ for k in OMFITaux['OMFITfusion_functions']] for item in self: if isinstance(self[item], list): self[item].sort(key=lambda x: str(x).lower())
[docs] def destroy(self): return 'break'
def __call__(self, item=special1): helpstring, item, item_str, related, source, attributes = self._helpstring(item) if not hasattr(self, 'parent') and item is not special1: tag_print(helpstring, tag='HELP') else: if item is not special1: self.e.delete(0, tk.END) self.e.insert(0, item_str) self.t['Documentation'].set(helpstring) self.t['Attributes'].set(attributes) self.t['Source'].set(source) self.t['Related'].set(related) self.e.focus_set() if isinstance(, tk.Toplevel): def _helpstring(self, item=special1): helpstring = '' item_str = '' related = '' if item is not special1: if isinstance(item, str): item_str = item try: if item_str in ['.'.join(x) for x in list(omfit_classes.omfit_dmp.originals.keys())]: item = omfit_classes.omfit_dmp.originals[tuple(item_str.split('.'))] else: item = eval(item_str) except Exception: item = special1 elif hasattr(item, '__name__'): item_str = item.__name__ if item is not special1: helpstring = '' if not (inspect.ismodule(item) or inspect.isclass(item) or inspect.isfunction(item) or inspect.ismethod(item)): helpstring = "\n\n%s is an object of type %s\n\n\n" % (repr(item_str), type(item)) item = type(item) helpstring += '\n'.join(re.sub('\b.', '', pydoc.render_doc(item)).split('\n')[1:]).strip() else: item = None helpstring = "\n\n%s is not defined within the OMFIT realm" % repr(item_str) # reverse documentation lookup with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning) docs = {} for k in list(globals().keys()): if hasattr(globals()[k], '__doc__'): try: docs[str(globals()[k].__doc__)] = str(k) except Exception: pass for kk in dir(globals()[k]): try: docs[str(getattr(globals()[k], kk).__doc__)] = str(k) + '.' + str(kk) except Exception: pass direct = set([d for d in list(globals().keys()) if item_str.lower() in d.lower()]) inverse = set([docs[d] for d in list(docs.keys()) if item_str.lower() in d.lower()]) inverse = inverse.difference(direct) direct = direct.difference(set([item_str])) inverse = inverse.difference(set([item_str])) n = 30 if len(direct): related += '=' * n + "\nPerhaps you were looking for:\n" + '=' * n + '\n ' related += '\n '.join([('*' * (x.count('.') + 1)).rjust(2) + ' ' + x for x in sorted(direct)]) + '\n\n' if len(inverse): related += '=' * n + "\nRelated topics:\n" + '=' * n + '\n ' tmp = [k for k in sorted(inverse) if '.' not in k] if len(tmp): related += '\n '.join([('*' * (x.count('.') + 1)).rjust(2) + ' ' + x for x in tmp]) + '\n ' tmp = [k for k in sorted(inverse) if '.' in k] if len(tmp): related += '\n '.join([('*' * (x.count('.') + 1)).rjust(2) + ' ' + x for x in tmp]) + '\n ' if not len(related): related = '\n\n\tWe could not find any topic related to %s' % repr(item_str) try: source = '# excerpt from: ' + inspect.getsourcefile(item) source = '#' * len(source) + '\n' + source + '\n' + '#' * len(source) + '\n\n' except Exception: source = '' try: source += inspect.getsource(item) except Exception: source = "\n\n\tWe couldn`t find the source code of %s" % repr(item_str) def attr_line(attr): line = '.' + attr if callable(getattr(item, attr)): line += '(...)' line = line.ljust(n + 5) + ' '.join(str(type(getattr(item, attr))).split(' ')[1:]).strip('\'"><') return line try: n = max([len(attr) for attr in list(item.__dict__.keys())]) attributes = [ attr_line(attr) for attr in sorted(item.__dict__.keys()) if not re.match(hide_ptrn, attr) and not re.match(private_ptrn, attr) ] attributes += [attr_line(attr) for attr in sorted(item.__dict__.keys()) if re.match(hide_ptrn, attr)] attributes += [attr_line(attr) for attr in sorted(item.__dict__.keys()) if re.match(private_ptrn, attr)] attributes = '\n'.join(attributes) except Exception: attributes = "\n\n\tWe couldn`t find the attributes for %s" % repr(item_str) return helpstring, item, item_str, related, source, attributes
# replace help method help = omfit_pydocs()