Source code for omfit_classes.omfit_rabbit

    # framework is running
    from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
    # class is imported by itself
    if (
        'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
        or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
        or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
        from startup_choice import *

from omfit_classes.omfit_ascii import *

__all__ = ['OMFITrabbitEq', 'OMFITrabbitBeamout', 'OMFITrabbitTimetraces', 'OMFITrabbitBeamin']

[docs]class OMFITrabbitEq(SortedDict, OMFITascii): """Equilibirium files for RABBIT""" def __init__(self, filename, **kw): OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) SortedDict.__init__(self) if os.stat(self.filename).st_size: self.dynaLoad = True else: self['NW'] = 0 self['NH'] = 0 self['PSIRZ'] = np.zeros((1, 1)) self['NPSI1D'] = 0 self['QPSI'] = np.zeros((1, 1)) self['FPOL'] = np.zeros((1, 1)) self['SIBRY'] = 0 self['SIMAG'] = 0 self['SIGNIP'] = 0 self['RMAXIS'] = 0 self['ZMAXIS'] = 0 self['AuxQuantities'] = SortedDict( { 'R': np.zeros((1, 1)), 'Z': np.zeros((1, 1)), 'PSIRZ': np.zeros((1, 1)), 'RHORZ': np.zeros((1, 1)), 'PSI': np.zeros((1, 1)), 'VOL': np.zeros((1, 1)), 'AREA': np.zeros((1, 1)), 'RHO': np.zeros((1, 1)), } )
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): content = [] with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: line = content += line.split() content = [float(i) for i in content] self['NW'] = NW = int(content[0]) self['NH'] = NH = int(content[1]) AuxQuantities = SortedDict() AuxQuantities['R'] = np.array(content[2 : NW + 2]) AuxQuantities['Z'] = np.array(content[NW + 2 : NW + 2 + NH]) istr = NW + 2 + NH self['PSIRZ'] = np.zeros((NW, NH)) for i in range(NH): self['PSIRZ'][i, :] = content[istr + (i * NW) : istr + ((i + 1) * NW)] AuxQuantities['PSIRZ'] = self['PSIRZ'] istr = istr + ((i + 1) * NW) AuxQuantities['RHORZ'] = np.zeros((NW, NH)) for i in range(NH): AuxQuantities['RHORZ'][i, :] = content[istr + (i * NW) : istr + ((i + 1) * NW)] self['NPSI1D'] = NPsi1d = int(content[istr + ((i + 1) * NW)]) istr = istr + ((i + 1) * NW) + 1 AuxQuantities['PSI'] = np.array(content[istr + 0 * NPsi1d : istr + 1 * NPsi1d]) AuxQuantities['VOL'] = np.array(content[istr + 1 * NPsi1d : istr + 2 * NPsi1d]) AuxQuantities['AREA'] = np.array(content[istr + 2 * NPsi1d : istr + 3 * NPsi1d]) AuxQuantities['RHO'] = np.array(content[istr + 3 * NPsi1d : istr + 4 * NPsi1d]) self['QPSI'] = np.array(content[istr + 4 * NPsi1d : istr + 5 * NPsi1d]) self['FPOL'] = np.array(content[istr + 5 * NPsi1d : istr + 6 * NPsi1d]) istr = istr + 6 * NPsi1d self['SIBRY'] = content[istr] self['SIMAG'] = content[istr + 1] self['SIGNIP'] = content[istr + 2] self['RMAXIS'] = content[istr + 3] self['ZMAXIS'] = content[istr + 4] self['AuxQuantities'] = AuxQuantities
[docs] @dynaLoad def plot(self): # plot contours contour(self['AuxQuantities']['R'], self['AuxQuantities']['Z'], self['AuxQuantities']['PSIRZ'], 50) # plot separatrix contour( self['AuxQuantities']['R'], self['AuxQuantities']['Z'], self['AuxQuantities']['PSIRZ'], levels=[self['SIBRY']], linewidths=2,, ) # plot maxis scatter(self['RMAXIS'], self['ZMAXIS'], 50, marker='+') pyplot.gca().set_aspect('equal') pyplot.xlabel('R') pyplot.ylabel('Z') cornernote(time='')
[docs] @dynaSave def save(self): def print6(f, d): # print to file in rows of 6 i0 = 0 for i in range(int(len(d) // 6)): f.write(('{:13.6f}' * 6 + '\n').format(*d[i0 : i0 + 6])) i0 += 6 for i in range(i0, len(d)): f.write('{:13.6f}'.format(d[i])) f.write('\n') with open(self.filename, 'w') as f: f.write(' {}\n'.format(self['NW'])) f.write(' {}\n'.format(self['NH'])) print6(f, self['AuxQuantities']['R']) print6(f, self['AuxQuantities']['Z']) for d in self['AuxQuantities']['PSIRZ']: print6(f, d) for d in self['AuxQuantities']['RHORZ']: print6(f, d) f.write(' {}\n'.format(self['NPSI1D'])) print6(f, self['AuxQuantities']['PSI']) print6(f, self['AuxQuantities']['VOL']) print6(f, self['AuxQuantities']['AREA']) print6(f, self['AuxQuantities']['RHO']) print6(f, self['QPSI']) print6(f, self['FPOL']) f.write( '{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}\n'.format( self['SIBRY'], self['SIMAG'], self['SIGNIP'], self['RMAXIS'], self['ZMAXIS'] ) )
[docs] def from_geqdsk(self, gEQDSK): gEQDSK = gEQDSK.cocosify(5, True, True) ###### CONVERT gEQDSK file to COCOS 5 signIp = -1 + 2 * (gEQDSK['CURRENT'] > 0) self['NH'] = len(gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['Z']) self['NW'] = len(gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['R']) self['NPSI1D'] = len(gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['PSI']) self['SIGNIP'] = signIp self['SIBRY'] = gEQDSK['SIBRY'] self['SIMAG'] = gEQDSK['SIMAG'] self['RMAXIS'] = gEQDSK['rmaxis'] self['ZMAXIS'] = gEQDSK['zmaxis'] self['FPOL'] = gEQDSK['FPOL'] self['QPSI'] = abs(gEQDSK['QPSI']) ###### RABBIT assumes positive q? self['PSIRZ'] = gEQDSK['PSIRZ'] self['AuxQuantities'] = SortedDict() self['AuxQuantities']['R'] = gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['R'] self['AuxQuantities']['Z'] = gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['Z'] self['AuxQuantities']['PSI'] = gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['PSI'] self['AuxQuantities']['PSIRZ'] = gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['PSIRZ'] self['AuxQuantities']['VOL'] = gEQDSK['fluxSurfaces']['geo']['vol'] self['AuxQuantities']['AREA'] = gEQDSK['fluxSurfaces']['geo']['vol'] * 0.0 # use rho_tor inside lcfs, rho_pol outside... (to be improved later?) self['AuxQuantities']['RHO'] = RHO = gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['RHO'] self['AuxQuantities']['RHORZ'] = RHORZ = gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['RHORZ'] RHOp = gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['RHOp'] RHOpRZ = gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['RHOpRZ'] self['AuxQuantities']['RHO'][np.where(RHO > 1)] = RHOp[np.where(RHO > 1)] self['AuxQuantities']['RHORZ'][np.where(RHORZ > 1)] = RHOpRZ[np.where(RHORZ > 1)] return self
[docs] def save_from_gFile(self, filename, gEQDSK): # Save a gEQDSK file as an self file def print6(f, d): # print to file in rows of 6 i0 = 0 for i in range(int(len(d) // 6)): f.write(('{:13.6f}' * 6 + '\n').format(*d[i0 : i0 + 6])) i0 += 6 for i in range(i0, len(d)): f.write('{:13.6f}'.format(d[i])) f.write('\n') data = { 'NW': gEQDSK['NW'], 'NH': gEQDSK['NH'], 'PSIRZ': gEQDSK['PSIRZ'], 'NPsi1d': len(gEQDSK['QPSI']), 'QPSI': gEQDSK['QPSI'], 'FPOL': gEQDSK['FPOL'], 'SIBRY': gEQDSK['SIBRY'], 'SIMAG': gEQDSK['SIMAG'], 'signIp': np.sign(gEQDSK['CURRENT']), 'RMAXIS': gEQDSK['RMAXIS'], 'ZMAXIS': gEQDSK['ZMAXIS'], 'AuxQuantities': SortedDict( { 'R': gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['R'], 'Z': gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['Z'], 'PSIRZ': gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['PSIRZ'], 'rhotor': gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['RHORZ'], 'PSI': gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['PSI'], 'vol': np.zeros(len(gEQDSK['QPSI'])), 'PSI_NORM': gEQDSK['AuxQuantities']['PSI_NORM'], } ), } with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(' {}\n'.format(data['NW'])) f.write(' {}\n'.format(data['NH'])) print6(f, data['AuxQuantities']['R']) print6(f, data['AuxQuantities']['Z']) for d in data['AuxQuantities']['PSIRZ']: print6(f, d) for d in data['AuxQuantities']['rhotor']: print6(f, d) f.write(' {}\n'.format(data['NPsi1d'])) print6(f, np.zeros(data['NPsi1d'])) print6(f, data['AuxQuantities']['PSI']) print6(f, data['AuxQuantities']['vol']) print6(f, data['AuxQuantities']['PSI_NORM']) print6(f, data['QPSI']) print6(f, data['FPOL']) f.write( '{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}\n'.format( data['SIBRY'], data['SIMAG'], data['signIp'], data['RMAXIS'], data['ZMAXIS'] ) )
[docs]class OMFITrabbitBeamout(SortedDict, OMFITascii): """Beam output files from RABBIT""" def __init__(self, filename, **kw): OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) SortedDict.__init__(self) self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): import struct struct_fmt = 'f' struct_len = struct.calcsize(struct_fmt) struct_unpack = struct.Struct(struct_fmt).unpack_from names = [ 'ntime', 'nrho', 'nv', 'nleg', 'rabbit_version', 'time', 'rho', 'bdens', 'press', 'powe', 'powi', 'jfi', 'jnbcd', 'bdep', 'bdep_k1', 'dV', 'pheatI', 'pheatE', 'pheat', 'pshine', 'prot', 'ploss', 'pcx', 'dArea', 'torqdepo', 'torqjxb', 'torqe', 'torqi', 'wfi_par', 'wfi_perp', ] data_names = {} data_names['time'] = 'Time' data_names['rho'] = 'rho' data_names['bdens'] = 'Fast-ion Density' data_names['press'] = 'Fast-ion Pressure' data_names['powe'] = 'Power Density Profile to Electrons' data_names['powi'] = 'Power Density Profile to Ions' data_names['jfi'] = 'Fast-ion Current Density' data_names['jnbcd'] = 'Driven Current Density' data_names['bdep'] = 'Particle Source Density (per Energy Component)' data_names['bdep_k1'] = r'Particle Source Average Pitch $\langle v_\parallel/v\rangle$ (per Energy Component)' data_names['dV'] = 'Volume of Radial Cell' data_names['pheatI'] = 'Ion Heating Power' data_names['pheatE'] = 'Electron Heating Power' data_names['pheat'] = 'Heating Power' data_names['pshine'] = 'Shine-thru Power' data_names['prot'] = 'Power to Rotation' data_names['ploss'] = 'Beam Power Losses in SOL' data_names['pcx'] = 'Charge Exchange Loss' data_names['dArea'] = 'Poloidal Cross-Sectional Area of Radial Cell' data_names['torqdepo'] = 'Deposited Torque Density' data_names['torqjxb'] = 'JxB Torque Density' data_names['torqe'] = 'Collisional Torque Density to Electrons' data_names['torqi'] = 'Collisional Torque Density to Ions' data_names['wfi_par'] = 'Stored Fast-Ion Energy Density (parallel)' data_names['wfi_perp'] = 'Stored Fast-Ion Energy Density (perpendicular)' units = {} units['time'] = r'(s)' units['rho'] = r'(-)' units['bdens'] = r'(# m$^{-3}$)' units['press'] = r'(Pa)' units['powe'] = r'(W / m$^3$)' units['powi'] = r'(W / m$^3$)' units['jfi'] = r'(A / m$^2$)' units['jnbcd'] = r'(A / m$^2$)' units['bdep'] = r'(# m$^{-3}$ s$^{-1}$)' units['bdep_k1'] = r'(-)' units['dV'] = r'(m$^3$)' units['pheatI'] = r'(W)' units['pheatE'] = r'(W)' units['pheat'] = r'(W)' units['pshine'] = r'(W)' units['prot'] = r'(W)' units['ploss'] = r'(W)' units['pcx'] = r'(W)' units['dArea'] = r'(m$^2$)' units['torqdepo'] = r'(Nm / m$^3$)' units['torqjxb'] = r'(Nm / m$^3$)' units['torqe'] = r'(Nm / m$^3$)' units['torqi'] = r'(Nm / m$^3$)' units['wfi_par'] = r'(J / m$^3$)' units['wfi_perp'] = r'(J / m$^3$)' for name in names: self[name] = SortedDict() try: self[name]['name'] = data_names[name] self[name]['unit'] = units[name] except KeyError: pass with open(self.filename, mode='rb') as f: while True:, 2) file_size = f.tell() # get file size self['ntime'] = ntime = int(struct_unpack([0]) self['nrho'] = nrho = int(struct_unpack([0]) self['nv'] = nv = int(struct_unpack([0]) self['time']['data'] = np.zeros((ntime,)) for i in range(ntime): self['time']['data'][i] = struct_unpack([0] self['rho']['data'] = np.zeros((nrho,)) for i in range(nrho): self['rho']['data'][i] = struct_unpack([0] bdens = np.zeros((nrho * ntime,)) for i in range(bdens.size): bdens[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['bdens']['data'] = np.reshape(bdens, (ntime, nrho)) press = np.zeros((nrho * ntime,)) for i in range(press.size): press[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['press']['data'] = np.reshape(press, (ntime, nrho)) powe = np.zeros((nrho * ntime,)) for i in range(powe.size): powe[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['powe']['data'] = np.reshape(powe, (ntime, nrho)) powi = np.zeros((nrho * ntime,)) for i in range(powi.size): powi[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['powi']['data'] = np.reshape(powi, (ntime, nrho)) jfi = np.zeros((nrho * ntime,)) for i in range(jfi.size): jfi[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['jfi']['data'] = np.reshape(jfi, (ntime, nrho)) jnbcd = np.zeros((nrho * ntime,)) for i in range(jnbcd.size): jnbcd[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['jnbcd']['data'] = np.reshape(jnbcd, (ntime, nrho)) ## test to see if next line exists ## next_line = if not next_line: break dV = np.zeros((nrho * ntime,)) dV[0] = struct_unpack(next_line)[0] for i in range(dV.size - 1): dV[i + 1] = struct_unpack([0] self['dV']['data'] = np.reshape(dV, (ntime, nrho)) bdep = np.zeros((nrho * nv * ntime,)) for i in range(bdep.size): bdep[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['bdep']['data'] = np.reshape(bdep, (ntime, nv, nrho)) bdep_k1 = np.zeros((nrho * nv * ntime,)) for i in range(bdep_k1.size): bdep_k1[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['bdep_k1']['data'] = np.reshape(bdep_k1, (ntime, nv, nrho)) ## test to see if next line exists ## next_line = if not next_line: break self['pheatI']['data'] = np.zeros((ntime,)) self['pheatI']['data'][0] = struct_unpack(next_line)[0] for i in range(ntime - 1): self['pheatI']['data'][i + 1] = struct_unpack([0] self['pheatE']['data'] = np.zeros((ntime,)) for i in range(ntime): self['pheatE']['data'][i] = struct_unpack([0] self['pheat']['data'] = np.zeros((ntime,)) for i in range(ntime): self['pheat']['data'][i] = struct_unpack([0] self['pshine']['data'] = np.zeros((ntime,)) for i in range(ntime): self['pshine']['data'][i] = struct_unpack([0] ## test to see if next line exists ## next_line = if not next_line: break self['prot']['data'] = np.zeros((ntime,)) self['prot']['data'][0] = struct_unpack(next_line)[0] for i in range(ntime - 1): self['prot']['data'][i + 1] = struct_unpack([0] self['ploss']['data'] = np.zeros((ntime,)) for i in range(ntime): self['ploss']['data'][i] = struct_unpack([0] ## test to see if next line exists ## next_line = if not next_line: break self['pcx']['data'] = np.zeros((ntime,)) self['pcx']['data'][0] = struct_unpack(next_line)[0] for i in range(ntime - 1): self['pcx']['data'][i + 1] = struct_unpack([0] ## test to see if torque calculations have been preformed ## if file_size - f.tell() > nrho * ntime * struct_len: rabbit_version_strlen = struct.unpack('i',[0] if int(rabbit_version_strlen) > 0: self['rabbit_version'] = str(struct.unpack('s' * rabbit_version_strlen,[0]) dArea = np.zeros((nrho * ntime,)) for i in range(dV.size): dArea[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['dArea']['data'] = np.reshape(dArea, (ntime, nrho)) torqdepo = np.zeros((nrho * nv * ntime,)) for i in range(torqdepo.size): torqdepo[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['torqdepo']['data'] = np.reshape(torqdepo, (ntime, nv, nrho)) torqjxb = np.zeros((nrho * nv * ntime,)) for i in range(torqjxb.size): torqjxb[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['torqjxb']['data'] = np.reshape(torqjxb, (ntime, nv, nrho)) torqe = np.zeros((nrho * ntime,)) for i in range(torqe.size): torqe[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['torqe']['data'] = np.reshape(torqe, (ntime, nrho)) torqi = np.zeros((nrho * ntime,)) for i in range(torqi.size): torqi[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['torqi']['data'] = np.reshape(torqi, (ntime, nrho)) else: self['rabbit_version'] = 'undef' ## test to see if next line exists ## next_line = if not next_line: break self['nleg'] = int(struct.unpack('i', next_line)[0]) ## test to see if wfi calculations have been preformed ## if file_size - f.tell() >= nrho * ntime * struct_len: wfi_par = np.zeros((nrho * ntime,)) for i in range(wfi_par.size): wfi_par[i] = struct_unpack([0] self['wfi_par']['data'] = np.reshape(wfi_par, (ntime, nrho)) self['wfi_perp']['data'] = 1.5 * self['press']['data'] - self['wfi_par']['data'] ## test to see if there are any remaining lines ## if f.tell() < file_size: printw('Warning: {} bytes remain in file!'.format(file_size - f.tell())) ## eof ## break ## get rid of anything that is empty for key in list(self.keys()): if not self[key]: del self[key] elif isinstance(self[key], dict) and 'data' not in self[key].keys(): del self[key]
[docs] @dynaLoad def plot(self): # plot current density pyplot.subplot(221) contourf(self['time']['data'], self['rho']['data'], self['jfi']['data'].T, 100) cbar = colorbar() cbar.set_label(self['jfi']['unit']) pyplot.xlabel('time (s)') pyplot.ylabel('rho') pyplot.title(self['jfi']['name']) # plot pressure pyplot.subplot(222) contourf(self['time']['data'], self['rho']['data'], self['press']['data'].T, 100) cbar = colorbar() cbar.set_label(self['press']['unit']) pyplot.xlabel('time (s)') pyplot.ylabel('rho') pyplot.title(self['press']['name']) # plot density pyplot.subplot(223) contourf(self['time']['data'], self['rho']['data'], self['bdens']['data'].T, 100) cbar = colorbar() cbar.set_label(self['bdens']['unit']) pyplot.xlabel('time (s)') pyplot.ylabel('rho') pyplot.title(self['bdens']['name']) # plot rotation power pyplot.subplot(224) pyplot.plot(self['time']['data'], self['prot']['data']) pyplot.xlabel('time (s)') pyplot.ylabel(self['prot']['unit']) pyplot.title(self['prot']['name']) cornernote(time='') tight_layout()
[docs]class OMFITrabbitTimetraces(SortedDict, OMFITascii): """Timetraces input file for RABBIT""" def __init__(self, filename, **kw): OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) SortedDict.__init__(self) self.names = SortedDict() self.names['time'] = 'Time' self.names['rho'] = r'\rho' self.names['te'] = r'T$_e$' self.names['ti'] = r'T$_i$' self.names['dene'] = r'n$_e$' self.names['vtor'] = r'v$_{tor}$' self.names['zeff'] = r'Z$_{eff}$' self.names['pnbi'] = r'P$_{NBI}$' self.units = SortedDict() self.units['time'] = 's' self.units['rho'] = '-' self.units['te'] = 'keV' self.units['ti'] = 'keV' self.units['dene'] = r'1/cm$^3$' self.units['vtor'] = 'rad/s, sign wrt. tor. angle phi' self.units['zeff'] = '-' self.units['pnbi'] = 'W' if os.stat(self.filename).st_size: self.dynaLoad = True else: self['n_time'] = 0 self['n_rho'] = 0 for key in self.names.keys(): if key == 'time': self[key] = DataArray(np.array([0]), dims=('time'), coords={'time': np.array([0])}) elif key == 'rho': self[key] = DataArray(np.array([0]), dims=('rho'), coords={'rho': np.array([0])}) else: self[key] = DataArray( np.array([[0], [0]]), dims=('rho', 'time'), coords={'rho': np.array([0, 0]), 'time': np.array([0])} ) self[key].name = self.names[key] self[key].__setitem__('units', self.units[key])
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): with open(self.filename, mode='r') as f: content = f.readlines() flatten = lambda l: [item for sublist in l for item in sublist] content = flatten([x.split() for x in content]) self['n_time'] = n_time = int(content[0]) self['n_rho'] = n_rho = int(content[1]) i1 = 3 i2 = 3 + n_time time = np.array([float(x) for x in content[i1:i2]]) self['time'] = DataArray(time, dims=('time'), coords={'time': time}) i1 = i2 i2 += n_rho rho = np.array([float(x) for x in content[i1:i2]]) self['rho'] = DataArray(rho, dims=('rho'), coords={'rho': rho}) i1 = i2 i2 += n_time * n_rho self['te'] = DataArray( np.array([float(x) for x in content[i1:i2]]).reshape((n_rho, n_time)), dims=('rho', 'time'), coords={'rho': rho, 'time': time} ) i1 = i2 i2 += n_time * n_rho self['ti'] = DataArray( np.array([float(x) for x in content[i1:i2]]).reshape((n_rho, n_time)), dims=('rho', 'time'), coords={'rho': rho, 'time': time} ) i1 = i2 i2 += n_time * n_rho self['dene'] = DataArray( np.array([float(x) for x in content[i1:i2]]).reshape((n_rho, n_time)), dims=('rho', 'time'), coords={'rho': rho, 'time': time} ) i1 = i2 i2 += n_time * n_rho self['vtor'] = DataArray( np.array([float(x) for x in content[i1:i2]]).reshape((n_rho, n_time)), dims=('rho', 'time'), coords={'rho': rho, 'time': time} ) i1 = i2 i2 += n_time * n_rho self['zeff'] = DataArray( np.array([float(x) for x in content[i1:i2]]).reshape((n_rho, n_time)), dims=('rho', 'time'), coords={'rho': rho, 'time': time} ) i1 = i2 self['pnbi'] = DataArray( np.array([float(x) for x in content[i1:]]).reshape((-1, n_time)), dims=('beams', 'time'), coords={'time': time} ) for key in self.names.keys(): self[key].name = self.names[key] self[key].__setitem__('units', self.units[key])
[docs] @dynaSave def save(self): def cropdata_f(data, nw): text = '' if len(data) < nw: text += ''.join([' {:8.7f}'.format(data[j])[:16] for j in range(len(data))]) + '\n' else: for i in range(int(len(data) // nw)): text += ''.join([' {:8.7f}'.format(data[j + (i * nw)])[:16] for j in range(nw)]) + '\n' if ((nw - 1) + (i * nw)) < len(data): # crop the remainder text += ''.join([' {:8.7f}'.format(item)[:16] for item in data[(nw - 1) + (i * nw) + 1 :]]) + '\n' return text def cropdata_e(data, nw): text = '' if len(data) < nw: text += ''.join([' {:.7e}'.format(data[j])[:16] for j in range(len(data))]) + '\n' else: for i in range(int(len(data) // nw)): text += ''.join([' {:.7e}'.format(data[j + (i * nw)])[:16] for j in range(nw)]) + '\n' if ((nw - 1) + (i * nw)) < len(data): # crop the remainder text += ''.join([' {:.7e}'.format(item)[:16] for item in data[(nw - 1) + (i * nw) + 1 :]]) + '\n' return text nw = 5 tttext = '' tttext += ' ' + str(self['n_time']) + '\n' tttext += ' ' + str(self['n_rho']) + '\n' tttext += 'rho_tor' + '\n' tttext += cropdata_f(self['time'].data, nw) tttext += cropdata_f(self['rho'].data, nw) for row in self['te'].data: tttext += cropdata_f(row, nw) for row in self['ti'].data: tttext += cropdata_f(row, nw) for row in self['dene'].data: tttext += cropdata_e(row, nw) for row in self['vtor'].data: tttext += cropdata_f(row, nw) for row in self['zeff'].data: tttext += cropdata_f(row, nw) for row in self['pnbi'].data: tttext += cropdata_f(row, nw) with open(self.filename, 'w') as f: f.writelines(tttext)
[docs]class OMFITrabbitBeamin(SortedDict, OMFITascii): """Beam input file for RABBIT""" def __init__(self, filename, **kw): OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) SortedDict.__init__(self) self.names = SortedDict() self.names['start_pos'] = 'Starting positions of each beam' self.names['unit_vecs'] = 'Beam unit vectors' self.names['bwp_coeff'] = 'Beam width polynomial coefficients' self.names['E_inj'] = 'Injection energy' self.names['part_frac'] = 'Particle fraction of full/half/third energy' self.names['a_beam'] = 'A beam' self.units = SortedDict() self.units['start_pos'] = 'm' self.units['unit_vecs'] = '-' self.units['bwp_coeff'] = '-' self.units['E_inj'] = 'eV' self.units['part_frac'] = '-' self.units['a_beam'] = '-' if os.stat(self.filename).st_size: self.dynaLoad = True else: self['num_beams'] = 8 # THIS IS DIII-D HARD-CODED self['nv'] = 3 # THIS IS DIII-D HARD-CODED for key in self.names.keys(): self[key] = {} self[key]['data'] = [0] self[key]['name'] = self.names[key] self[key]['unit'] = self.units[key]
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): with open(self.filename, mode='r') as f: content = f.readlines() content = [x.strip() for x in content] self['num_beams'] = nb = int(content[1]) self['nv'] = nv = int(content[3]) i1 = 5 i2 = i1 + nb self['start_pos'] = {} self['start_pos']['data'] = [] for i in range(i1, i2): self['start_pos']['data'].append([float(x) for x in content[i].split()]) i1 = i2 + 1 i2 = i1 + nb self['unit_vecs'] = {} self['unit_vecs']['data'] = [] for i in range(i1, i2): self['unit_vecs']['data'].append([float(x) for x in content[i].split()]) i1 = i2 + 1 i2 = i1 + nb self['bwp_coeff'] = {} self['bwp_coeff']['data'] = [] for i in range(i1, i2): self['bwp_coeff']['data'].append([float(x) for x in content[i].split()]) i1 = i2 + 1 i2 = i1 + 1 + (nb - 1) // len(content[i1].split()) self['E_inj'] = {} self['E_inj']['data'] = [] for i in range(i1, i2): self['E_inj']['data'] += [float(x) for x in content[i].split()] i1 = i2 + 1 i2 = i1 + nb self['part_frac'] = {} self['part_frac']['data'] = [] for i in range(i1, i2): self['part_frac']['data'].append([float(x) for x in content[i].split()]) i1 = i2 + 1 i2 = i1 + 1 + (nb - 1) // len(content[i1].split()) self['a_beam'] = {} self['a_beam']['data'] = [] for i in range(i1, i2): self['a_beam']['data'] += [float(x) for x in content[i].split()] for key in self.names.keys(): self[key]['name'] = self.names[key] self[key]['unit'] = self.units[key]
[docs] @dynaSave def save(self): def print5(d): # print to file in rows of 5 i0 = 0 text = [] for i in range(int(len(d) // 5)): text.append(('{:16.3f}' * 5).format(*d[i0 : i0 + 5])) i0 += 5 endtext = '' for i in range(i0, len(d)): endtext += '{:16.3f}'.format(d[i]) text.append(endtext) return text ftext = [] ftext.append('# no. of sources:') ftext.append(' {}'.format(self['num_beams'])) ftext.append('# nv:') ftext.append(' {}'.format(self['nv'])) ftext.append('# start pos: [m]') for x in self['start_pos']['data']: ftext.append('{:16.7f}{:16.7f}{:16.7f}'.format(x[0], x[1], x[2])) ftext.append('# beam unit vector:') for x in self['unit_vecs']['data']: ftext.append('{:16.8f}{:16.8f}{:16.8f}'.format(x[0], x[1], x[2])) ftext.append('# beam-width-polynomial coefficients:') for x in self['bwp_coeff']['data']: ftext.append('{:16.8f}{:16.8f}{:16.8f}'.format(x[0], x[1], x[2])) ftext.append('# Injection energy [eV]:') ftext += print5(self['E_inj']['data']) ftext.append('# Particle fraction of full/half/third energy:') for x in self['part_frac']['data']: ftext.append('{:16.8f}{:16.8f}{:16.8f}'.format(x[0], x[1], x[2])) ftext.append('# A beam [u]') ftext += print5(self['a_beam']['data']) ftext = '\n'.join(ftext) + '\n' with open(self.filename, 'w') as f: f.write(ftext)