Source code for omfit_classes.omfit_uedge

    # framework is running
    from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
    # class is imported by itself
    if (
        'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
        or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
        or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
        from startup_choice import *

from omfit_classes.omfit_ascii import OMFITascii
from omfit_classes.omfit_hdf5 import OMFIThdf5
from omfit_classes.omfit_json import OMFITjson

__all__ = [

[docs]class uedge_variable(str): """ class used to distinguish between strings and uedge variables in the PyUEDGE input deck """ pass
[docs]def uedge_common_map_generator(uedge_dir): """ Parse the bbb.v com.v flx.v grd.v files and generate mapper for common blocks This is useful because the BASIS version of UEDGE used not to require specifying the common blocks for variables. Transition to PyUEDGE requires people to add the common block information to the old input files. To translate old UEDGE files to the new PyUEDGE format use: >> OMFITuedgeBasisInput('old_uedge_input.txt').convert() :param uedge_dir: folder where UEDGE is installed :return: OMFITjson object containing with mapping info """ mapper = OMFITjson('uedge_common_map.json') for common in ['aph', 'api', 'bbb', 'com', 'flx', 'grd', 'svr', 'wdf']: with open(uedge_dir + '/%s/%s.v' % (common, common), 'r') as f: lines ='\n') block = '' var = None for line in lines: # identify block if re.match(r'\*\*\*\*\* \w+:', line): block = line.split()[1][:-1] # append to previous var comment if var is not None and line.strip().startswith('#'): mapper[var]['comment'] += '\n' + line # parse the line tmp = line.strip().split() # nothing to do if len(tmp) < 2 or tmp[0].startswith('#') or tmp[0].startswith('$'): continue # if it is a variable then add it to the mapper if ( tmp[1].strip('_') in ['real', 'integer'] or tmp[1].strip('_').startswith('character') or (len(tmp) > 2 and tmp[2].strip('_') in ['real', 'integer']) or (len(tmp) > 2 and tmp[2].strip('_').startswith('character')) ): var = tmp[0].split('(')[0] if var not in mapper: mapper[var] = {} mapper[var]['location'] = [] mapper[var]['var'] = tmp[0] mapper[var]['location'].append((common, block)) mapper[var]['comment'] = line mapper.sort() return mapper
_uedge_common = []
[docs]def uedge_common_mapper(var=None): """ Parses the uedge_common_map.json and caches it for later use :param var: either variable name or None :return: mapper if var is None else mapping info for var """ import json if not len(_uedge_common): with open(os.path.split(__file__)[0] + os.sep + 'uedge_common_map.json') as f: _uedge_common.append(json.load(f)) if var is None: return _uedge_common[0] else: var = var.split('(')[0] return _uedge_common[0][var]
[docs]class OMFITuedgeBasisInput(OMFITascii, SortedDict): """ Class used to parse input files from BASIS version of UEDGE To translate old UEDGE files to the new PyUEDGE format use: >> OMFITuedgeBasisInput('old_uedge_input.txt').convert() """ def __init__(self, filename, **kw): OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) SortedDict.__init__(self) self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): for li in if '=' not in li: continue k, v = li.split('=', 1) k = k.strip() v = v.split('#')[0].strip() try: v = ast.literal_eval(v) except ValueError: v = uedge_variable(v) self[k] = v
[docs] def convert(self): """ Convert input files from BASIS version of UEDGE to Python version :return: OMFITuedgeInput object """ tmp = OMFITuedgeInput(os.path.basename(self.filename)) for item in self: var = item.split('(')[0] if var in uedge_common_mapper(): mapper = uedge_common_mapper(var) common = mapper['location'][0][0] mapped_item = item if '(' in item: index = np.array(list(map(int, item.split('(')[-1][:-1].split(',')))) - 1 mapped_item = var + '[%s]' % ','.join(map(str, index)) if common not in tmp: tmp[common] = SortedDict() tmp[common][mapped_item] = self[item] return tmp
[docs]class OMFITuedgeInput(OMFITascii, SortedDict): """ Class used to parse input files of Python version of UEDGE """ def __init__(self, filename, **kw): OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw) SortedDict.__init__(self) self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad def load(self): for li in if '=' not in li: continue k, v = li.split('=', 1) k = k.strip() v = v.split('#')[0].strip() try: if v.startswith('array(') and v.endswith(')'): # Deal with np arrays v = v[6:-1] # strip the 'array(' and ')' v = np.array(ast.literal_eval(v)) # This can parse high dimension arrays that fromstring() can't else: v = ast.literal_eval(v) except ValueError: v = uedge_variable(v) if '.' in k: c, k = k.split('.') self.setdefault(c, {}) self[c][k] = v else: self[k] = v
[docs] @dynaSave def save(self): tmp = [] for c in self: if isinstance(self[c], dict): for k, v in self[c].items(): if isinstance(v, uedge_variable): tmp.append(f'{c}.{k}={v}'.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')) else: tmp.append(f'{c}.{k}={repr(v)}'.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')) else: v = self[c] if isinstance(v, uedge_variable): tmp.append(f'{c}={v}'.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')) else: tmp.append(f'{c}={repr(v)}'.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')) with open(self.filename, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(tmp))
[docs]class OMFITuedge(OMFIThdf5):
[docs] def plot_mesh(self, ax=None, **kw): r""" Plot mesh :param ax: plot axes :param \**kw: extra arguments passed to plot """ if ax is None: ax = pyplot.gca() ix = self['com']['nx']['data'] iy = self['com']['ny']['data'] drm = self['com']['rm']['data'] dzm = self['com']['zm']['data'] for jy in np.arange(0, iy + 2): for jx in np.arange(0, ix + 2): ax.plot(drm[jx, jy, [1, 2, 4, 3, 1]], dzm[jx, jy, [1, 2, 4, 3, 1]], **kw) if 'color' not in kw: kw['color'] = ax.lines[-1].get_color() ax.set_xlabel('$R$ [m]') ax.set_ylabel('$Z$ [m]') ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
[docs] def plot_box(self, variable='te', ax=None, levels=None, edgecolor='none', **kw): r""" Plot UEDGE results for a box mesh :param variable: variable to plot :param ax: axes :param levels: number of levels in contour plot :param edgecolor: edgecolor of contour plot :param \**kw: extra arguments passed to contour plot """ if ax is None: ax = pyplot.gca() nice = self.nice_vars(variable) comrm = self['com']['rm']['data'] comzm = self['com']['zm']['data'] bbbte = self['bbb'][variable]['data'] yy = bbbte / nice['norm'] CS = ax.contourf(comzm[:, :, 0], comrm[:, :, 0], yy, levels=levels, **kw) ax.contour(comzm[:, :, 0], comrm[:, :, 0], yy, levels=levels, edgecolor=edgecolor) ax.set_title('%s [%s]' % (nice['label'], nice['units'])) ax.set_xlabel('$Z$ [m]') ax.set_ylabel('$R$ [m]') cbar = pyplot.gcf().colorbar(CS)['units'])
[docs] def plot(self, variable='te', ax=None, edgecolor='none', **kw): r""" Plot UEDGE results for a poloidal mesh :param variable: variable to plot :param ax: axes :param levels: number of levels in contour plot :param edgecolor: edgecolor of contour plot :param \**kw: extra arguments passed to PatchCollection """ if ax is None: ax = pyplot.gca() nice = self.nice_vars(variable) from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection comnx = self['com']['nx']['data'] comny = self['com']['ny']['data'] comrm = self['com']['rm']['data'] comzm = self['com']['zm']['data'] bbbte = self['bbb'][variable]['data'] patches = [] for iy in np.arange(0, comny + 2): for ix in np.arange(0, comnx + 2): rcol = comrm[ix, iy, [1, 2, 4, 3]] zcol = comzm[ix, iy, [1, 2, 4, 3]] rcol.shape = (4, 1) zcol.shape = (4, 1) polygon = Polygon(np.column_stack((rcol, zcol)), True) patches.append(polygon) vals = np.zeros((comnx + 2) * (comny + 2)) for iy in np.arange(0, comny + 2): for ix in np.arange(0, comnx + 2): k = ix + (comnx + 2) * iy vals[k] = bbbte[ix, iy] * nice['norm'] p = PatchCollection(patches, edgecolors=edgecolor, **kw) p.set_array(np.array(vals)) ax.add_collection(p) ax.autoscale_view() ax.set_title('%s [%s]' % (nice['label'], nice['units'])) pyplot.xlabel('$R$ [m]') pyplot.ylabel('$Z$ [m]') ax.set_aspect('equal') cbar = pyplot.gcf().colorbar(p)['units'])
[docs] def nice_vars(self, variable): """ return info for a given UEDGE output variable :param variable: variable name :return: dictionary with units, label, norm """ tmp = {} if variable.startswith('t'): tmp['label'] = r'T$\mathregular{_%s}$' % variable[1:] tmp['units'] = 'eV' tmp['norm'] = 1.0 / self['bbb']['ev']['data'] elif variable.startswith('n'): tmp['label'] = r'n$\mathregular{_%s}$' % variable[1:] tmp['units'] = '[m^{-3}/1e20]' tmp['norm'] = 1.0 / 1.0e20 elif variable.startswith('u'): tmp['label'] = r'V$\mathregular{_%s}$' % variable[1:] tmp['units'] = '[(m/s)/1e3]' tmp['norm'] = 1.0 / 1e3 else: tmp['label'] = variable tmp['units'] = '' tmp['norm'] = 1.0 return tmp