# framework is running
from .startup_choice import *
except ImportError as _excp:
# class is imported by itself
if (
'attempted relative import with no known parent package' in str(_excp)
or 'No module named \'omfit_classes\'' in str(_excp)
or "No module named '__main__.startup_choice'" in str(_excp)
from startup_choice import *
from omfit_classes.omfit_ascii import OMFITascii
from omfit_classes.sortedDict import SortedDict
from omfit_classes.utils_plot import View2d, View3d
import numpy as np
__all__ = ['OMFITuFile']
[docs]class OMFITuFile(SortedDict, OMFITascii):
Class used to interface with TRANSP U-files
:param filename: filename passed to OMFITobject class
:param \**kw: keyword dictionary passed to OMFITobject class
def __init__(self, filename, **kw):
OMFITascii.__init__(self, filename, **kw)
self.dynaLoad = True
[docs] @dynaLoad
def load(self):
Method used to load the content of the file specified in the .filename attribute
:return: None
if self.filename is None or not os.stat(self.filename).st_size:
with open(self.filename, 'r') as f:
fl = f.readlines()
# if file is empty, make bare bones structure
if not len(fl):
self['SHOT'] = int(re.sub(r'\s*([0-9]+)\s*\w+\s+[0-9]\s+[0-9]\s+[0-9]*.*', r'\1', fl[0]))
self['DEVICE'] = re.sub(r'\s*[0-9]+\s*(\w+)\s+[0-9]\s+[0-9]\s+[0-9]*.*', r'\1', fl[0]).strip()
self['NDIM'] = int(re.sub(r'\s*[0-9]+\s*\w+\s+([0-9])\s+[0-9]\s+[0-9]*.*', r'\1', fl[0]))
self['COMPRESSION'] = int(re.sub(r'\s[0-9]+\s*\w+\s+[0-9]\s+([0-9])\s+[0-9]*.*', r'\1', fl[0]))
self['LSHOT'] = max(6, int(re.sub(r'\s*[0-9]*\w+\s+[0-9]\s+[0-9]\s+([0-9]*).*', r'\1', fl[0])))
except Exception:
self['LSHOT'] = ''
self['DATE'] = fl[1].split(';')[0].strip()
nscal = int(fl[2].split(';')[0].strip())
self['SCALARS'] = SortedDict()
n = 2
end_scalars = 3
for k in range(nscal):
value = float(fl[3 + 2 * k].split(';')[0].strip())
name, desc = fl[3 + 2 * k + 1].split(';')[0].split(':')
self['SCALARS'][k] = SortedDict()
self['SCALARS'][k]['data'] = value
self['SCALARS'][k]['name'] = name.strip()
self['SCALARS'][k]['desc'] = desc.strip()
n = 3 + 2 * k + 1
end_scalars = 3 + 2 * k + 2
# check dimensionality
ndim = -1
for i, line in enumerate(fl[end_scalars:]):
except Exception:
ndim += 1
# generic variable line reader
def setvar(k, line):
tmp = [line[:21].strip(), line[21:31].strip()]
self[k] = {'name': tmp[0], 'units': tmp[1]}
# label independent then dependent variables
dims = []
for i in range(ndim):
setvar('X{:}'.format(i), fl[end_scalars + i])
dims.append(int(fl[end_scalars + ndim + 2 + i].split(';')[0]))
setvar('F', fl[end_scalars + ndim])
# proc code
self['PROCESSING_CODE'] = int(fl[end_scalars + ndim + 1].split(';')[0])
# keep the whole header
end_header = end_scalars + ndim * 2 + 2
for i, line in enumerate(fl[:end_header]):
self['__header%04d__' % i] = line.rstrip('\n')
# find the trailer
start_trailer = end_header
for i, line in enumerate(fl[end_header:]):
if 'END-OF-DATA' in line:
start_trailer = end_header + i
# read data as array (TRANSP scruncher has non-critical bug where format leaves no space between negatives)
flat = ' '.join(fl[end_header:start_trailer])
flat = flat.replace('E-', 'E~').replace('e-', 'e~').replace('-', ' -').replace('E~', 'E-').replace('e~', 'e-')
flat = np.array(flat.split(), dtype=float)
for i in range(ndim):
start = int(np.sum(dims[:i]))
self['X{:}'.format(i)]['data'] = flat[start : start + dims[i]]
# data read in fortran conventional order?
self['F']['data'] = flat[int(np.sum(dims)) :].reshape(dims[::-1]).T
self['COMMENTS'] = []
for i, line in enumerate(fl[start_trailer + 1 :]):
if 'Beams used:' in line:
self['BEAMS'] = [_f for _f in [k.strip(', \n') for k in (line + fl[start_trailer + 2 + i]).split(' ')[3:]] if _f]
if len(line.strip('\n')):
[docs] @dynaSave
def save(self):
Save Ufile to the file specified in the .filename attribute
:return: None
# write empty line if an empty ufile
if not (self['SHOT'] and self['DEVICE'] and self['NDIM']):
with open(self.filename, 'w') as f:
f.write('') # adds leading space to all lines
tmp = []
if self['LSHOT']:
'{:>6}{:<4} {:} {:} {:} ;-SHOT #- F(X) DATA WRITEUF OMFIT'.format(
self['SHOT'], self['DEVICE'], self['NDIM'], self['COMPRESSION'], max(6, self['LSHOT'])
fmt = '12.5e'
'{:>6}{:<4} {:} {:} ;-SHOT #- F(X) DATA WRITEUF OMFIT'.format(
self['SHOT'], self['DEVICE'], self['NDIM'], self['COMPRESSION']
fmt = '11.4E'
tmp.append('{:<11} ;-SHOT DATE- UFILES ASCII FILE SYSTEM'.format(self['DATE']))
tmp.append('{:3} ;-NUMBER OF ASSOCIATED SCALAR QUANTITIES-'.format(len(self['SCALARS'])))
for k in list(self['SCALARS'].keys()):
tmp.append('{:11.4E} ;-SCALAR, LABEL FOLLOWS:'.format(self['SCALARS'][k]['data']))
tmp.append('{:10}{:20}'.format(self['SCALARS'][k]['name'] + ':', self['SCALARS'][k]['desc']))
for i in range(len(self['F']['data'].shape)):
k = 'X{:}'.format(i)
tmp.append('{:<20}{:<10};-INDEPENDENT VARIABLE LABEL: {:}-'.format(self[k]['name'], self[k]['units'], k))
tmp.append('{:<20}{:<10};-DEPENDENT VARIABLE LABEL-'.format(self['F']['name'], self['F']['units']))
tmp.append('{:<3} ;-PROC CODE- 0:RAW 1:AVG 2:SM 3:AVG+SM'.format(self['PROCESSING_CODE']))
for i in range(len(self['F']['data'].shape)):
k = 'X{:}'.format(i)
tmp.append('{:>10} ;-# OF X{:} PTS-'.format(len(self[k]['data']), i))
tmp[-1].replace('PTS-', 'PTS- F(X) DATA FOLLOW:')
for i in range(len(self['F']['data'].shape)):
data = self['X{:}'.format(i)]['data']
dlen = len(data)
for i in range(0, dlen, 6):
j = min(6, dlen - i)
tmp.append((('{:' + fmt + '} ') * j).format(*data[i : i + j]).rstrip(' '))
data = self['F']['data'].T.flatten()
dlen = len(data)
for i in range(0, dlen, 6):
j = min(6, dlen - i)
tmp.append((('{:' + fmt + '} ') * j).format(*data[i : i + j]).rstrip(' '))
for line in tolist(self['COMMENTS']):
with open(self.filename, 'w') as f:
f.write(' ' + '\n '.join(tmp) + '\n') # adds leading space to all lines
[docs] @dynaLoad
def plot(self, axes=None, figure=None, cmap=None, **kw):
Plot Ufile content
:param axes: Axes object or None
:param figure: Figure object or None
:param cmap: Color map name used for multi-dimensional plots.
:param \**kw: Extra key word arguments passed to matplotlib plot function.
:return: Figure
newf = False
if axes is None and figure is None:
fig, axes = pyplot.subplots()
newf = True
elif axes is None and figure is not None:
fig = figure
if fig.axes:
axes = fig.axes[0]
axes = subplot.subplot(111)
elif axes is not None:
fig = axes.get_figure()
im_opt = {}
if cmap is not None:
im_opt['cmap'] = cmap
xlabels = []
for i in range(len(self['F']['data'].shape)):
xlabels.append('{:} [{:}]'.format(self['X{:}'.format(i)]['name'], self['X{:}'.format(i)]['units']))
xlabels[-1] = xlabels[-1].replace('[]', '')
name = '{:} [{:}]'.format(self['F']['name'], self['F']['units']).replace(' []', '')
# 1D data
if len(np.squeeze(self['F']['data']).shape) == 1:
kw.setdefault('label', name)
kw.setdefault('marker', '.' * (len(self['X0']['data']) < 100))
axes.plot(self['X0']['data'], self['F']['data'], **kw)
if self['F']['units'] == self['X0']['units'] and self['X0']['units']:
leg = axes.legend()
if leg:
# 2D data
elif len(np.squeeze(self['F']['data']).shape) == 2:
view = View2d(
coords=[self['X0']['data'], self['X1']['data']],
fig, axes = view.fig, view.axm
fig.view = view
# 3D data
elif len(np.squeeze(self['F']['data']).shape) == 3:
view = View3d(
coords=[self['X0']['data'], self['X1']['data'], self['X2']['data']],
fig, axes = view.fig, view.axm
fig.view = view
'Plotting not available above 3D'
if 'BEAMS' in self and newf: # make a special beam overview
fig2, axes = pyplot.subplots()
for i in range(len(self['BEAMS'])):
axes.plot(self['X0']['data'], self['F']['data'][:, i] / 1e6, label=self['BEAMS'][i])
axes.plot(self['X0']['data'], np.sum(self['F']['data'][:, : len(self['BEAMS'])], 1) / 1e6, 'k--', label='Total')
axes.set_xlabel('Time $[s]$')
axes.set_ylabel('Power $[MW]$')
axes.set_title('Neutral beams power from ' + os.path.split(self.filename)[1])
leg = axes.legend(loc=0, frameon=False).draggable(True)
# Additional info about the voltage, and current fractions
fig_beam_quants, ax_beam_quants = pyplot.subplots(nrows=4, sharex=True)
first_plot_lines = []
quants = [('power [MW]', 1e-6), ('voltage [kV]', 1e-3), ('full frac', 1), ('half frac', 1)]
for ind, beam in enumerate(self['BEAMS']):
for jj, (name, mult) in enumerate(quants):
cur_ind = jj * len(self['BEAMS']) + ind
ll = ax_beam_quants[jj].plot(self['X0']['data'], self['F']['data'][:, cur_ind] * mult, label=beam)
if ind == 0:
if jj == 0:
ax_beam_quants[-1].set_xlabel('Time [s]')
# ax_beam_quants[0].legend(loc='best',frameon=False)
ax_beam_quants[0].set_title('Neutral beams power from ' + os.path.split(self.filename)[1])
fig_beam_quants.legend(first_plot_lines, labels=self['BEAMS'], loc='upper right', frameon=False)
for line in self['COMMENTS']:
if 'tilt' in line:
return fig
[docs] @dynaLoad
def smooth(self, window_x=None, window_len=11, window='hanning', axis=-1):
This built in function makes use of the OMFIT utils.smooth function
to smooth over a single dimension of the data.
If the axis in question is irregular, the data is first linearly interpolated onto
a regular grid with spacing equal to the minimum step size of the irregular grid.
:param window_x: Smoothing window size in axis coordinate units.
:param window_len: Smoothing window size in index units. Ignored if window_x present. Enforced odd integer.
:param window: the type of window from 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'
flat window will produce a moving average smoothing.
:param axis: Dimension over which to smooth. Accepts integer (0), key ('X0'), or name ('TIME').
:return: OMFITuFile with the requested dimension smoothed
# generalize the axis specification
if isinstance(axis, str):
axis = int(axis.lstrip('X'))
except Exception:
for i in range(self['NDIM']):
if axis == self['X{:}'.format(i)]['name']:
axis = i
if not isinstance(axis, int):
raise ValueError('Unable to recognize axis {:}'.format(axis))
axis = axis % (self['NDIM'])
akey = 'X{:}'.format(axis)
# copy if needed
newu = copy.deepcopy(self)
# force regular grid
x = self[akey]['data']
dx = np.diff(x)
if not np.all(dx == dx[0]):
printd('Interpolating to a regular grid', topic='OMFITuFile')
newlen = int(np.ceil((x.max() - x.min()) / dx.min()))
newx = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), newlen)
fun = interp1d(x, self['F']['data'], axis=axis, kind='linear', bounds_error=False)
newu[akey]['data'] = newx
newu['F']['data'] = fun(newx)
newu['COMMENTS'].append('Linearly interpolated to regular {:} grid.'.format(self[akey]['name']))
newx = x
# smooth
if window_x:
window_len = int(np.round(window_x / (newx[1] - newx[0]), 0))
window_x = (newx[1] - newx[0]) * window_len
newu['F']['data'] = utils.map1d(smooth, newu['F']['data'], axis=axis, window_len=window_len, window=window)
# mark file as smoothed
'Smoothed over a {:} window with length of {:} in the {:} axis.'.format(window, window_x, newu[akey]['name'])
return newu
[docs] def crop(self, xmin, xmax, axis=-1, endpoint=True):
Crop ufile data to only include points within the specified range along a given axis.
Modifies the ufile object in place.
:param xmin: Lower bound.
:param xmax: Upper bound.
:param axis: Dimension to bound. Accepts integer (0), key ('X0'), or name ('TIME').
:param endpoint: Keeps an extra point on either end, ensuring the bounds are contained within the range of ufile data.
# generalize the axis specification
if isinstance(axis, str):
axis = int(axis.lstrip('X'))
except Exception:
for i in range(self['NDIM']):
if axis == self['X{:}'.format(i)]['name']:
axis = i
if not isinstance(axis, int):
raise ValueError('Unable to recognize axis {:}'.format(axis))
axis = axis % (self['NDIM'])
akey = 'X{:}'.format(axis)
x = np.array(self[akey]['data'])
# slice axis
if endpoint:
xslice = np.array([False] + list((x >= xmin) & (x <= xmax)) + [False])
xslice = xslice[2:] | xslice[1:-1] | xslice[0:-2]
xslice = (x >= xmin) & (x <= xmax)
self[akey]['data'] = self[akey]['data'][xslice]
# slice data
dslice = [slice(stop) for i, stop in enumerate(np.shape(self['F']['data']))]
dslice[axis] = xslice
self['F']['data'] = self['F']['data'][dslice]
# annotate
self['COMMENTS'].append('Cropped range ({:},{:}) along {:} axis'.format(xmin, xmax, akey))
[docs] def from_OMFITprofiles(self, OMFITprofiles_fit):
populate u-file based on OMFITprofiles fit xarray DataArray
:params OMFITprofiles_fit: input OMFITprofiles fit xarray DataArray
self['NDIM'] = len(OMFITprofiles_fit.values.shape)
self['SHOT'] = OMFITprofiles_fit.attrs['shot']
self['DEVICE'] = OMFITprofiles_fit.attrs['device']
self['DATE'] = now()
self['COMMENTS'] = tolist('generated from OMFITprofiles')
self['X0']['data'] = OMFITprofiles_fit['time'].values / 1000.0
self['X0']['name'] = 'time'
self['X0']['units'] = 's'
self['F']['data'] = nominal_values(OMFITprofiles_fit.values / 1000.0)
self['F']['name'] =
self['F']['units'] = OMFITprofiles_fit.attrs['units']
except Exception:
self['F']['units'] = ''
if self['NDIM'] == 2:
self['X1'] = dict()
self['X1']['data'] = nominal_values(OMFITprofiles_fit[OMFITprofiles_fit.dims[1]].values)
self['X1']['name'] = OMFITprofiles_fit.dims[1]
self['X1']['units'] = OMFITprofiles_fit[OMFITprofiles_fit.dims[1]].attrs['units']
except Exception:
self['X1']['units'] = ''
[docs] def reset(self):
'''Set up basic bare bones structure'''
self['SHOT'] = 0
self['DEVICE'] = ''
self['NDIM'] = 0
self['COMPRESSION'] = 0
self['LSHOT'] = 0
self['DATE'] = ''
self['SCALARS'] = SortedDict()
self['X0'] = {'name': '', 'units': '', 'data': np.array([])}
self['F'] = {'name': '', 'units': '', 'data': np.array([])}
self['COMMENTS'] = []