Source code for omfit_plot

from omfit_classes.startup_framework import *
from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers
from matplotlib import rcParams, cm
from omfit_classes.omfit_dmp import OMFITdmp
from omfit_classes.omfit_data import Dataset, DataArray
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg
from matplotlib.backends._backend_tk import NavigationToolbar2Tk as NavigationToolbar2
import warnings

# ----------------
# patch method
# ----------------
def _patch(obj, fun):
    Patch a standard module/class with a new function/method.
    Moves original attribute to _original_<name> ONLY ONCE! If done
    blindly you will go recursive when reloading omfit_plot.

    name = fun.__name__.lstrip('_')
    ismod = isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType)
    if hasattr(obj, name) and not hasattr(obj, '_original_' + name):
        orig = getattr(obj, name)
        if ismod:
            setattr(obj, '_original_' + name, orig)  # save copy of original function
            setattr(obj, '_original_' + name, types.MethodType(orig, obj))  # save copy of original method
    if ismod:
        setattr(obj, name, fun)  # replace with modified method
        setattr(obj, name, types.MethodType(fun, obj))  # replace with modified method

# ----------------
# modified matplotlib.figure.Figure
# ----------------
[docs]class Figure(matplotlib.figure.Figure): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): matplotlib.figure.Figure.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self.cbar_cids = []
[docs] def colorbar(self, mappable, cax=None, ax=None, use_gridspec=True, **kw): """ Customized default grid_spec=True for consistency with tight_layout.\n\n """ cbar = matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar(self, mappable, cax=cax, ax=ax, use_gridspec=use_gridspec, **kw) drg_cbar = DraggableColorbar(cbar, mappable) # save weak reference self.cbar_cids.append([drg_cbar.connect(), drg_cbar]) return cbar
[docs] def printlines(self, filename, squeeze=False): """ Print all data in line pyplot.plot(s) to text file.The x values will be taken from the line with the greatest number of points in the (first) axis, and other lines are interpolated if their x values do not match. Column labels are the line labels and xlabel. :param filename: Path to print data to :type filename: str :rtype: bool """ with open(filename, 'w') as f: data = [] # Try to avoid clutter in squeeze samettle = True sameylbl = True if squeeze: ylbl = self.get_axes()[0].get_ylabel() ttle = self.get_axes()[0].get_title() for a in self.get_axes(): if a.get_ylabel() != ylbl: sameylbl = False if a.get_title() != ttle: samettle = False if samettle: f.write(ttle + '\n\n') if sameylbl: f.write(' ylabel = ' + re.sub(r'[ \${}]', '', ylbl) + '\n\n') for a in self.get_axes(): if not a.lines: continue if not squeeze: data = [] f.write('\n' + a.get_title() + '\n\n') f.write(' ylabel = ' + re.sub(r'[ \${}]', '', a.get_ylabel()) + '\n\n') # use x-axis from line with greatest number of pts xs = [l.get_xdata() for l in a.lines] longest = np.array([len(x) for x in xs]).argmax() if not data: data.append(xs[longest]) f.write('{0:>25s}'.format(re.sub(r'[ \${}]', '', a.get_xlabel()))) # label and extrapolate each line for line in a.lines: label = re.sub(r'[ \${}]', '', line.get_label()) if squeeze and not sameylbl: label = re.sub(r'[ \${}]', '', a.get_ylabel()) + label f.write('{0:>25s}'.format(label)) # standard axis x, y = line.get_xdata(orig=False), line.get_ydata(orig=False) if np.any(x != data[0]): fit = interp1d(x, y, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan) data.append(fit(data[0])) else: data.append(y) if not squeeze: f.write('\n ') data = np.array(data).T for row in data: row.tofile(f, sep=' ', format='%24.9E') f.write('\n ') f.write('\n') if squeeze: f.write('\n ') data = np.array(data).T for row in data: row.tofile(f, sep=' ', format='%24.9E') f.write('\n ') f.write('\n') print("Wrote lines to " + filename) return True
[docs] def dmp(self, filename=None): """ :param filename: file where to dump the h5 file :return: OMFITdmp object of the current figure """ if filename is None: return OMFITdmp(self) else: open(filename, 'w').close() dmp = OMFITdmp(filename, modifyOriginal=True) dmp.from_fig(self) return dmp
[docs] def data_managment_plan_file(self, filename=None): """ Output the contents of the figure (self) to a hdf5 file given by filename :param filename: The path and basename of the file to save to (the extension is stripped, and '.h5' is added) For the purpose of the GA data managment plan, these files can be uploaded directly to :return: OMFITdmp object of the current figure """ if filename is None: if isinstance(self.number, str): filename = self.number else: filename = 'Figure_%s' % self.number filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.h5' return self.dmp(filename)
[docs] def savefig(self, filename, saveDMP=True, PDFembedDMP=True, *args, **kw): r""" Revised method to save the figure and the data to netcdf at the same time :param filename: filename to save to :param saveDMP: whether to save also the DMP file. Failing to save as DMP does not raise an exception. :param PDFembedDMP: whether to embed DMP file in PDF file (only applies if file is saved as PDF) :param \*args: arguments passed to the original matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig function :param \**kw: kw arguments passed to the original matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig function :return: Returns dmp object if save of DMP succeded. Returns None if user decided not to save DMP. """ # for backward compatibility if 'saveNetCDF' in kw: saveDMP = kw.pop('saveNetCDF') PDFembedDMP = saveDMP printw('`saveNetCDF` keyword is deprecated, use `saveDMP` and `PDFembedDMP` keywords instead') # if a file descriptor is passed, then keep going as usual if not isinstance(filename, str): return matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig(self, filename, *args, **kw) try: callbacks_bkp = self.callbacks try: self.callbacks.process('dpi_changed', self) except Exception: # Hack required to avoid matplotlib error: # AttributeError: 'CallbackRegistry' object has no attribute 'callbacks' # see: class dummy(object): def __getattr__(self, attr): return dummy() def __call__(self, *args, **kw): return dummy() self.callbacks = dummy() # Let's be smart about making a directory if it doesn't exist file_dir, basename = os.path.split(filename) if file_dir and not os.path.exists(file_dir): os.makedirs(file_dir) filename = os.path.sep.join([file_dir, basename]) # See if this file format should be saved as something else and then converted back # Dictionary with instructions for which file types (keys) should initially be saved as other file types # (values) before being converted. convert_k_with_v = {'.eps': '.pdf', '.ps': '.pdf'} extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() convert = convert_k_with_v.get(extension, None) if convert is not None: eps_flag = np.array(['', '-eps '])[int(extension == '.eps')] file_name = filename.replace(extension, convert) path, file_name_root = os.path.split(file_name) commands_ = '\n'.join(["cd {:}".format(path), "pdftops {:}{:}".format(eps_flag, file_name)]) exe = distutils.spawn.find_executable('pdftops') if exe is None: file_name = filename else: exe = None commands_ = None file_name = filename printd('savefig: filename = {}'.format(filename), topic='savefig') printd('savefig: extension = {}'.format(extension), topic='savefig') printd('savefig: convert = {}'.format(convert), topic='savefig') printd('savefig: file_name = {}'.format(file_name), topic='savefig') printd('savefig: exe = {}'.format(file_name), topic='savefig') printd('savefig: commands_ = {}'.format(commands_), topic='savefig') matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig(self, file_name, *args, **kw) if exe is not None: printd('savefig: attempting conversion...', topic='savefig') subprocess.Popen(commands_, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) finally: self.callbacks = callbacks_bkp if saveDMP or PDFembedDMP: try: dmp = self.data_managment_plan_file(filename) except Exception as _excp: printe('Figure data could not be saved as HDF5: ' + repr(_excp)) return False if extension == '.pdf' and PDFembedDMP: try: PDF_set_DMP(filename, dmp=dmp.filename, delete_dmp=not saveDMP) except Exception as _excp: printe('Could not embed HDF5 data in PDF figure: ' + repr(_excp)) return dmp
[docs] def script(self): """ :return: string with Python script to reproduce the figure (with DATA!) """ return self.dmp().script()
[docs] def OMFITpythonPlot(self, filename=None): """ generate OMFITpythonPlot script from figure (with DATA!) :param filename: filename for OMFITpythonPlot script :return: OMFITpythonPlot object """ if filename is None: if isinstance(self.number, str): filename = self.number + '.py' else: filename = '' % self.number return self.dmp().OMFITpythonPlot(filename)
pyplot.Figure = Figure scipy.Figure = Figure pylab.Figure = Figure # ---------------- # modified matplotlib functions # ---------------- OMFITfigureGlobal = {} OMFITfigureGlobal['copied'] = None OMFITfigureGlobal['select'] = None # add support for close('all') and figureNotebooks
[docs]def close(which_fig): """ Wrapper for pyplot.close that closes FigureNotebooks when closing 'all' """ if which_fig == 'all': try: for fn in list(_active_FigureNotebooks.keys()): _active_FigureNotebooks[fn].close() except NameError: pass pyplot._original_close('all') else: if which_fig in _active_FigureNotebooks: _active_FigureNotebooks[which_fig].close() else: pyplot._original_close(which_fig)
close.__doc__ += pyplot.close.__doc__ _patch(pyplot, close) # savedFigure class
[docs]class savedFigure(object): def __init__(self, fig): for k, ax in enumerate(fig.axes): if ax.get_legend() is not None: ax.legend().draggable(False) self.figurePickle = pickle.dumps(fig) for k, ax in enumerate(fig.axes): if ax.get_legend() is not None: ax.legend().draggable(True) def __call__(self): return OMFITfigure(pickle.loads(self.figurePickle)).figure
[docs]class DraggableColorbar(object): def __init__(self, cbar, mappable): self.cbar = cbar self.mappable = mappable = None self.cycle = sorted([i for i in dir(cm) if hasattr(getattr(cm, i), 'N')]) self.index = self.cycle.index(
[docs] def connect(self): """connect to all the events we need""" self.cidpress = self.cbar.patch.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_press) self.cidrelease = self.cbar.patch.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.on_release) self.cidmotion = self.cbar.patch.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_motion)
[docs] def on_press(self, event): """on button press we will see if the mouse is over us and store some data""" if event.inaxes != return = event.ydata
[docs] def key_press(self, event): if event.key == 'down': self.index += 1 elif event.key == 'up': self.index -= 1 if self.index < 0: self.index = len(self.cycle) elif self.index >= len(self.cycle): self.index = 0 cmap = self.cycle[self.index] self.cbar.cmap = cmap self.cbar.draw_all() self.mappable.set_cmap(cmap) self.cbar.get_axes().set_title(cmap) self.cbar.patch.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def on_motion(self, event): 'on motion we will move the rect if the mouse is over us' if is None: return if event.inaxes != return yprev = ylim = dy = (event.ydata - yprev) / (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) = event.ydata scale = self.cbar.norm.vmax - self.cbar.norm.vmin perc = 0.03 cmin, cmax = if event.button == 1: self.cbar.norm.vmax -= scale * dy if event.button == 3: self.cbar.norm.vmin -= scale * dy self.cbar.draw_all() self.mappable.set_norm(self.cbar.norm) self.cbar.patch.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def on_release(self, event): """on release we reset the press data""" = None self.mappable.set_norm(self.cbar.norm) self.cbar.patch.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def disconnect(self): """disconnect all the stored connection ids""" self.cbar.patch.figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cidpress) self.cbar.patch.figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cidrelease) self.cbar.patch.figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cidmotion)
# enriched figure
[docs]class OMFITfigure(object): # SortedDict): def __init__(self, obj, figureButtons=True): # SortedDict.__init__(self) self.obj = obj self.picked = [] self.selected = None self.popup = None self.propWindow = None self.event = None self.buttons = {} self.buttons['enable_on_select'] = [] self.buttons['disable_on_select'] = [] self.timeDiscriminant = 0.25 self.modifier = set() self._idPress = None self._idRelease = None self.buttonLock = False self.buttonModifier = [] self.timePress = 0.0 self.timeRelease = 0.0 self.toolbar = None self.superzoomed = False self.multi = None if hasattr(self.obj, 'canvas'): self.canvas = self.obj.canvas elif hasattr(self.obj, 'figure') and self.obj.figure is not None: self.canvas = self.obj.figure.canvas elif hasattr(self.obj, 'axes') and self.obj.axes is not None: self.canvas = self.obj.axes.figure.canvas self.figure = self.canvas.figure try: if hasattr(self.canvas, '_master'): self.tkRoot = self.canvas._master elif hasattr(getattr(self.canvas, '_tkcanvas', None), 'master'): self.tkRoot = self.canvas._tkcanvas.master self.focus = self.tkRoot.focus_get() except Exception: self.tkRoot = None self.obj.shortcuts = SortedDict() self.obj.shortcuts['p'] = 'Pan/Zoom' self.obj.shortcuts['s'] = 'Save' self.obj.shortcuts['f'] = 'Toggle fullscreen' self.obj.shortcuts['g'] = 'Toggle grid' self.obj.shortcuts['L'] = 'Toggle x axis scale (log/linear)' self.obj.shortcuts['l'] = 'Toggle y axis scale (log/linear)' self.obj.shortcuts['h'] = 'Home/Reset' self.obj.shortcuts['t'] = 'Tight layout' self.obj.shortcuts['left'] = 'Back' self.obj.shortcuts['right'] = 'Forward' self.obj.shortcuts['z'] = 'Zoom-to-rect' self.obj.shortcuts['hold x'] = 'Constrain pan/zoom to x axis' self.obj.shortcuts['hold y'] = 'Constrain pan/zoom to y axis' self.obj.shortcuts['hold CONTROL'] = 'Preserve aspect ratio' self._idPress = self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.key_press_callback) self._idRelease = self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event', self.key_release_callback) self._id_superzoom = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.superzoom) if hasattr(self.obj, 'canvas') and self.tkRoot: for k in list(self.tkRoot.children.keys()): if isinstance(self.tkRoot.children[k], matplotlib.backend_bases.NavigationToolbar2): self.toolbar = self.tkRoot.children[k] for k, b in list(self.toolbar.children.items()): try: txt = b.config('text')[4] except tk.TclError: continue if txt == 'Save': b.config(command=lambda event=None: self.save_figure(self.toolbar)) b.bind('<' + rightClick + '>', lambda event=None: self.save_figure(self.toolbar, PDFembedDMP=None)) ToolTip.createToolTip(b, 'Save figure + data (file & embedded)<leftClick>\nSave figure ... <rightClick>') elif txt == 'Pan': b.config(command=lambda event=None: self.pan()) elif txt == 'Zoom': b.config(command=lambda event=None: self.zoom()) self.addOMFITfigureToolbar(figureButtons=figureButtons) # self.get() #to activate this (useful for inspection), make the OMFITfigure object as a sortedDict def _Button(self, text, file, command, tooltip_text=None): file = os.path.join(OMFITsrc, 'extras', 'graphics', file) im = tk.PhotoImage(master=self.mytoolbar, file=file) b = tk.Button(master=self.mytoolbar, text=text, padx=2, pady=2, command=command, image=im) b._ntimage = im b.pack(side=tk.LEFT) if tooltip_text is None: tooltip_text = text ToolTip.createToolTip(b, tooltip_text) return b
[docs] def addOMFITfigureToolbar(self, figureButtons=True): self.mytoolbar = tk.Frame(master=self.tkRoot, height=50, padx=2) bt = self._Button("Select", "select.ppm", self.objSelect) bt = self._Button("Copy", "copy.ppm", self.objCopy) bt.config(state=tk.DISABLED) self.buttons['enable_on_select'].append(bt) bt = self._Button("Paste", "paste.ppm", self.objPaste) bt.config(state=tk.DISABLED) self.buttons['enable_on_select'].append(bt) bt = self._Button("Trash", "trash.ppm", self.objDelete) bt.config(state=tk.DISABLED) self.buttons['enable_on_select'].append(bt) bt = self._Button("Auto-X", "autoX.ppm", lambda event=None: self.objAutoZoom(None, 'x')) bt.config(state=tk.DISABLED) self.buttons['enable_on_select'].append(bt) bt = self._Button("Auto-Y", "autoY.ppm", lambda event=None: self.objAutoZoom(None, 'y')) bt.config(state=tk.DISABLED) self.buttons['enable_on_select'].append(bt) bt = self._Button("Legend", "legend.ppm", self.objLegend) bt.config(state=tk.DISABLED) self.buttons['enable_on_select'].append(bt) bt = self._Button("Crosshair", "crosshair.ppm", self.crosshair) self.buttons['disable_on_select'].append(bt) bt = self._Button("Help", "help.ppm", if figureButtons: bt = self._Button( text='Open PDF <leftClick>\n' + 'Open PDF+Data (embedded) <rightClick>', file='pdf.ppm', command=lambda event=None: self.openPDF(fig=self.figure.number), ) bt.bind('<' + rightClick + '>', lambda event=None: self.openPDF(fig=self.figure.number, PDFembedDMP=True)) bt = self._Button( text='Email PDF <leftClick>\n' + 'Email... <rightClick>', file='mail.ppm', command=lambda event=None:, ) bt.bind('<' + rightClick + '>', lambda event=None:, ext=None)) bt = self._Button( text='Pin object <leftClick>\n' + 'Pin image <rightClick>', file='pin.ppm', command=lambda event=None:, ) bt.bind('<' + rightClick + '>', lambda event=None:, savefig=False)) self.mytoolbar.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, expand=tk.NO, fill=tk.X)
[docs] def pin(self, event=None, fig=None, savefig=True, PDFembedDMP=True): """ :param savefig: if False, save figure as object, if True, save figure as image. """ location = pickTreeLocation(parent=self.tkRoot) if location is None: return OMFIT.addBranchPath(location) location = parseLocation(location) item = location[-1] location = eval(buildLocation(location[:-1])) if savefig: from omfit_classes.omfit_path import OMFITpath base, ext = os.path.splitext(item) if not ext: ext = '.pdf' location[item] = OMFITpath(base + ext) fig.savefig(location[item].filename, saveDMP=False, PDFembedDMP=PDFembedDMP) printi('Saved rendered figure to tree.') else: location[item] = savedFigure(fig) printi('Saved object figure to tree.') OMFITaux['GUI'].update_treeGUI()
[docs] def email(self, event=None, fig=None, ext='PDF', saveDMP=False, PDFembedDMP=False): """ :param ext: default 'PDF'. figure format, e.g. PDF, PNG, JPG, etc. :param saveDMP: default False, save HDF5 binary file [might have more data than shown in figure; but can be used for DIII-D Data Management Plan (DMP)] :param PDFembedDMP: default False, embed DMP file in PDF """ try: filename = os.path.splitext(self.canvas.get_default_filename())[0] except Exception: filename = 'figure' if ext is None: from omfit_classes.OMFITx import Dialog ext = Dialog( message='Please select the desired extension.', answers=['PDF', 'PDF+Data (embedded)', 'PDF+Data', 'PNG', 'Cancel'], icon='question', title='Format selection', ) if ext == 'Cancel': return elif ext == 'PDF+Data': ext = 'PDF' saveDMP = True PDFembedDMP = False elif ext == 'PDF+Data (embedded)': ext = 'PDF' saveDMP = False PDFembedDMP = True elif ext == 'PDF': saveDMP = False PDFembedDMP = False elif ext == 'PNG': saveDMP = False PDFembedDMP = False filename += '.' + ext.lower() if os.path.exists(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename): os.remove(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename) if fig is not None: figure(fig) pyplot.savefig(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename, saveDMP=saveDMP, PDFembedDMP=PDFembedDMP) attachments = [OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename] if saveDMP: attachments += [os.path.splitext(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename)[0] + '.h5'] prjname = '' if OMFIT.filename: prjname = 'Project: ' + OMFIT.filename eml = tk.email_widget( parent=self.tkRoot, fromm=OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['email'], to=OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['email'], subject='OMFIT - Figure: ' + filename, message='Attachment: ' + filename + '\n' + '=' * 20 + '\n' + prjname + '\n', attachments=attachments, title='Email ' + filename, use_last_email_to=1, quiet=False, ) eml.wait_window(eml)
[docs] def openPDF(self, event=None, fig=None, PDFembedDMP=False): try: filename = self.canvas.get_default_filename() except Exception: filename = 'figure.pdf' if os.path.exists(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename): os.remove(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename) if isinstance(fig, (pyplot.Figure, OMFITfigure)): pass elif fig is not None: fig = figure(fig) else: fig = pyplot.gcf() fig.savefig(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename, saveDMP=False, PDFembedDMP=PDFembedDMP) import omfit_classes.OMFITx omfit_classes.OMFITx.Open(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename)
[docs] def help(self): text = """ -= Select Mode =- Click : Select object/axis Right-Click : Property selector Double-Click : Zoom on object Hold-Click : Object selector Control-c : Copy selected object Control-v : Paste selected object Backspace : Delete selected object -= Keyboard shortcuts =- """ for k, v in list(self.obj.shortcuts.items()): text += '\n{k:13}: {v}'.format(k=k, v=v) printi(text)
[docs] def crosshair(self, force=None): if force is not False and (force or self.multi is None) and self.figure.axes: # interactive = pyplot.isinteractive() axis_bkp = {} for ax in self.figure.axes: axis_bkp[ax] = ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim() # pyplot.ion() self.multi = matplotlib.widgets.MultiCursor(self.canvas, self.figure.axes, color='r', lw=1, horizOn=True) # pyplot.ioff() for ax in self.figure.axes: ax.set_xlim(axis_bkp[ax][0]) ax.set_ylim(axis_bkp[ax][1]) # pyplot.interactive(interactive) elif not force and self.multi is not None: = False self.canvas.draw_idle() self.multi = None
[docs] def get(self, event=None): self.update(matplotlib.artist.ArtistInspector(self.obj).properties()) for k, child in enumerate(self.obj.get_children()): self[str(k) + "_" + child.__class__.__name__] = OMFITfigure(child)
[docs] def getObj(self, obj): tmp = SortedDict() tmp.update(matplotlib.artist.ArtistInspector(obj).properties()) for item in ['figure', 'axes']: if item in tmp: del tmp[item] del tmp['children'] for childName in list(tmp.keys()): if 'matplotlib' in str(tmp[childName].__class__): del tmp[childName] return tmp
[docs] def selectAxes(self): if hasattr(self.selected, 'axes') and not isinstance(self.selected.axes, list) and self.selected.axes is not None: return self.selected.axes elif isinstance(self.selected, matplotlib.axes.Axes): return self.selected elif self.event.inaxes is not None: return self.event.inaxes else: return pyplot.gca()
[docs] def selectPick(self, k): self.selected = self.picked[k] self.toolbar.set_message('Selected: ' + str(self.selected)) OMFITfigureGlobal['select'] = self.selected # update the pyplot.gca() self.figure._axstack.bubble(self.selectAxes()) self.button_manager(self.event)
[docs] def closePopup(self, event=None): '''this function closes the popup''' if self.popup is not None: self.popup.unbind("<FocusOut>") self.popup.unbind("<Escape>") self.popup.grab_release() self.popup.unpost() self.popup.destroy() self.popup = None if self.focus is not None: try: self.focus.focus_set() except tk.TclError: pass
[docs] def poPopup(self, event): '''this function creates the popup which can then be populated''' top = event.guiEvent.widget # enforce only one popup at the time self.closePopup() self.modifier = set() self.popup = tk.Menu(top, tearoff=0) self.popup.bind("<FocusOut>", self.closePopup) self.popup.bind("<Escape>", self.closePopup) self.popup.focus_set()
[docs] def mvPopup(self, event): event = event.guiEvent self.popup.update_idletasks() x = event.x_root if event.x_root + self.popup.winfo_reqwidth() > self.popup.winfo_screenwidth(): x = self.popup.winfo_screenwidth() - self.popup.winfo_reqwidth() - 12 y = event.y_root if event.y_root + self.popup.winfo_reqheight() > self.popup.winfo_screenheight(): y = self.popup.winfo_screenheight() - self.popup.winfo_reqheight() - 12, y) self.popup.grab_set()
[docs] def button_press_callback(self, event): """when a mouse button is pressed""" self.closePopup() self.closePropwindow() if != 'SELECT': return self.timePress = time.time() if not self.buttonLock: self.buttonLock = True self.buttonModifier = 'long' top = event.guiEvent.widget.master top.after(int(self.timeDiscriminant * 1000), lambda event=event: self.pick(event))
[docs] def button_release_callback(self, event): """when a mouse button is released""" if != 'SELECT': return if time.time() - self.timeRelease < self.timeDiscriminant: self.buttonModifier = 'double' elif time.time() - self.timePress < self.timeDiscriminant: self.buttonModifier = 'single' self.timeRelease = time.time()
[docs] def pick(self, event): """this fucntion takes care of detecting which object was selected""" self.buttonLock = False # handling of picking self.event = event self.picked = self.figure.hitlist(self.event) # if `control` was not pressed, remove hidden objects if 'control' not in self.modifier: L = [] for h in self.picked: if not hasattr(h, 'visible') or (hasattr(h, 'visible') and h.visible): if ( h._remove_method != None or isinstance(h, matplotlib.axes.Axes) or isinstance(h, matplotlib.image.AxesImage) or isinstance(h, matplotlib.text.Text) ) and not (isinstance(h, matplotlib.patches.Rectangle)): L.append((h.zorder, h)) L.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) self.picked = [h for zorder, h in L] if self.figure in self.picked: self.picked.remove(self.figure) self.picked.insert(0, self.figure) if self.buttonModifier != 'long': # if it's a short click then select the first object self.selectPick(-1) else: # ask for selection self.poPopup(event) for k, choice in enumerate(self.picked): # nice description if isinstance(choice, matplotlib.axes.Axes): description = 'Axes ' + choice.get_title() + ' ' + choice.get_ylabel() + ' ' + choice.get_xlabel() elif isinstance(choice, matplotlib.lines.Line2D) and '_line' in choice.get_label(): description = ( 'Line (c:' + str(choice.get_color()) + ' ls:' + str(choice.get_linestyle()) + ' lw:' + str(choice.get_linewidth()) + ')' ) else: description = str(choice) exec( ( 'self.popup.add_command(label="""' + str(description) + '""", command=lambda event=None:self.selectPick(' + str(k) + '))' ), locals(), ) self.mvPopup(event)
[docs] def closePropwindow(self, event=None): """close the properties editing window""" if self.propWindow is not None: self.propWindow.unbind("<FocusOut>") self.propWindow.unbind("<Escape>") self.propWindow.grab_release() self.propWindow.destroy() self.propWindow = None if self.focus is not None: try: self.focus.focus_set() except tk.TclError: pass
[docs] def selectProperty(self, property): """open the properties editing window""" # get the property text = self.getProperty(property) # build the property editor GUI top = self.event.guiEvent.widget.master self.propWindow = tk.Toplevel(top) self.propWindow.withdraw() self.propWindow.wm_overrideredirect(1) color = "#ffffff" # pick a maximum width/height wmax = min([max([max(np.array([len(line) for line in text.split('\n')])), 20]), 50]) hmax = min(text.count('\n') + 1, 11) # draw the GUI frm = tk.Frame(self.propWindow, relief=tk.SOLID, borderwidth=1) frm.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frm.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=tk.YES, fill=tk.BOTH) if hmax == 1: label = tk.OneLineText(frm, width=wmax) else: label = tk.ScrolledText(frm, height=hmax) label.config(background=color, borderwidth=0, font=OMFITfont('normal', 0, 'Courier')) label.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='nsew', columnspan=2) label.insert(1.0, text) label.delete('end -1 chars', 'end') if '__' not in property: tk.Button(frm, text='?', command=lambda event=None: onHelp(self), padx=2, pady=1).grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='nsew') tk.Button(frm, text='Update ' + property.strip('_'), command=lambda event=None: onButton(self), padx=2, pady=1).grid( column=1, row=1, sticky='nsew' ) label.focus_set() # bind functions to the GUI def onButton(self, event=None): text = label.get(1.0, tk.END).strip() self.setProperty(property, text) self.closePropwindow() # show again the property selection self.button_manager(self.event) def onEscape(event=None): self.closePropwindow() # show again the property selection self.button_manager(self.event) def onFocusOut(event=None): self.closePropwindow() def onHelp(event=None): pyplot.setp(self.selected, property) if hmax == 1: self.propWindow.bind('<Return>', lambda event=None: onButton(self)) self.propWindow.bind('<KP_Enter>', lambda event=None: onButton(self)) self.propWindow.bind(f'<{ctrlCmd()}-Return>', lambda event=None: onButton(self)) self.propWindow.bind('<Escape>', onEscape) self.propWindow.bind('<FocusOut>', onFocusOut) # set window location not to fall out of screen self.propWindow.update_idletasks() event = self.event.guiEvent x = event.x_root if event.x_root + self.propWindow.winfo_reqwidth() > self.propWindow.winfo_screenwidth(): x = self.propWindow.winfo_screenwidth() - self.propWindow.winfo_reqwidth() - 12 y = event.y_root if event.y_root + self.propWindow.winfo_reqheight() > self.propWindow.winfo_screenheight(): y = self.propWindow.winfo_screenheight() - self.propWindow.winfo_reqheight() - 12 self.propWindow.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y)) # wait for the selection to be made self.propWindow.deiconify() self.propWindow.wait_window(self.propWindow)
[docs] def getProperty(self, property): """retrieve the value of the property as seen by the user""" if property == '__legend__': text = 'legend(labelspacing=0.2,loc=0)' elif property == '__fontSizes__': text = '' else: prop = eval("self.selected.get_" + property + "()") if isinstance(prop, str): text = re.sub(r'\\', r'\\\\', prop) text = re.sub(r'\'', r'\'', text) text = re.sub(r'\"', r'\"', text) text = '"' + text + '"' else: text = repr(prop) return text
[docs] def setProperty(self, property, text): doSet = True if property == '__legend__': doSet = False try: # if text is True, False or None text = ast.literal_eval(text) if text: tmp = pyplot.gca().legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=0) if isinstance(tmp, matplotlib.legend.Legend): tmp.draggable(state=True) else: pyplot.gca().legend_ = None except Exception: try: tmp = eval("pyplot.gca()." + text) if isinstance(tmp, matplotlib.legend.Legend): tmp.draggable(True) except Exception as _excp: printe('Plot legend :' + repr(_excp)) elif property == '__fontSizes__': doSet = False set_fontsize(self.obj, text) if doSet: function = eval("self.selected.set_" + property) try: function(eval(text)) except Exception as _excp: printe('Plot legend :' + repr(_excp)) self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def button_manager(self, event): # handling of buttons after an element has been selected if self.selected is None: return if event.button == rightClickMPLindex: properties = {} properties['Line2D'] = [ 'Line', [ 'color', 'linewidth', 'linestyle', 'label', 'xdata', 'ydata', 'marker', 'markerfacecolor', 'markeredgecolor', 'markevery', 'markersize', 'zorder', ], ] properties['Text'] = ['Text', ['text', 'color', 'size', 'weight', 'rotation', 'position', 'zorder']] properties['Axes'] = [ 'Axes', ['xlim', 'ylim', 'xticks', 'yticks', 'xlabel', 'ylabel', 'xscale', 'yscale', 'aspect', 'title', 'frame_on', '__legend__'], ] properties['AxesSubplot'] = ['Axes', properties['Axes'][1]] properties['LineCollection'] = ['Line collection', ['linewidth']] properties['NonUniformImage'] = ['Image', ['extent', 'clim', 'interpolation']] properties['Polygon'] = ['Polygon', ['facecolor', 'linewidth', 'verts', 'linestyle']] properties['QuadMesh'] = ['Quad mesh', ['facecolor', 'edgecolors', 'array', 'clim', 'cmap']] properties['QuadContourSet'] = [ 'QuadContourSet', ['array', 'clim', 'cmap'], ] # contourf actually just stores a list of PathCollections? properties['AxesImage'] = ['AxesImage', ['interpolation', 'visible', 'array', 'clim', 'cmap']] properties['Colorbar'] = ['Colorbar', ['ticklabels', 'label', 'clim', 'cmap']] # doesn't show up for some reason properties['Figure'] = ['Figure', ['facecolor', 'figwidth', 'figheight', 'dpi', '__fontSizes__']] # properties['Rectangle']=['Rectangle',['facecolor','edgecolor','xy']] # properties['XAxis']=['X axis',['scale','label_text','units','label_position']] # properties['YAxis']=['Y axis',copy.copy(properties['XAxis'][1])] # properties['FancyBboxPatch']=['facecolor','edgecolors','width','height','x','y','linestyle','linewidth','verts'] if self.selected.__class__.__name__ in list(properties.keys()): self.poPopup(event) self.popup.add_command(label=properties[self.selected.__class__.__name__][0], state=tk.DISABLED) self.popup.add_separator() for k, choice in enumerate(properties[self.selected.__class__.__name__][1]): exec( ( 'self.popup.add_command(label="""' + choice.strip('_') + '""", command=lambda event=None:self.selectProperty("' + choice + '"))' ), locals(), ) self.mvPopup(event) elif event.button == 1 and self.buttonModifier == 'double': # todo this should use objects clip_box if isinstance(self.selected, matplotlib.lines.Line2D): Xmin = np.nanmin(self.selected.get_xdata()) Ymin = np.nanmin(self.selected.get_ydata()) Xmax = np.nanmax(self.selected.get_xdata()) Ymax = np.nanmax(self.selected.get_ydata()) # update zoom self.toolbar.set_message('Zoom tight: ' + str(self.selected)) if self.toolbar._nav_stack.empty(): self.toolbar.push_current() Xmin0, Xmax0 = self.selectAxes().get_xlim() Ymin0, Ymax0 = self.selectAxes().get_ylim() if Xmin0 != Xmin or Xmax != Xmax0 or Ymin != Ymin0 or Ymax != Ymax0: self.selectAxes().set_xlim((Xmin, Xmax)) self.selectAxes().set_ylim((Ymin, Ymax)) self.toolbar.push_current() self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def objDelete(self, event=None): try: tmp = str(self.selected) while self.selected: if self.selected.remove(): break parent = None for p in self.picked: if hasattr(p, 'getchildren') and self.selected in p.get_children(): parent = p break self.selected = parent self.toolbar.set_message('Removed: ' + tmp) self.canvas.draw_idle() pyplot.gca().relim() except Exception: self.toolbar.set_message(str(self.selected) + "can't be removed")
[docs] def objCopy(self, event=None): OMFITfigureGlobal['copied'] = self.selected self.toolbar.set_message('Copied: ' + str(self.selected))
[docs] def objLegend(self, event=None): if pyplot.gca().legend_ is not None: pyplot.gca().legend_ = None self.toolbar.set_message('Legend hidden') else: tmp = pyplot.gca().legend(labelspacing=0.2, loc=0) if isinstance(tmp, matplotlib.legend.Legend): tmp.draggable(state=True) self.toolbar.set_message('Legend shown') else: self.toolbar.set_message('No labels defined to draw a legend') self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def objText(self, event=None): pyplot.gca().text(0.5, 0.5, 'text') self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def objPaste(self, event=None): updated = False holdBackup = pyplot.ishold() pyplot.hold(True) try: # -------------------- # paste Line2D # -------------------- if isinstance(OMFITfigureGlobal['copied'], matplotlib.lines.Line2D): tmp = self.getObj(OMFITfigureGlobal['copied']) line = pyplot.gca().plot(tmp['xdata'], tmp['ydata']) for k in ['xydata', 'transformed_clip_path_and_affine']: del tmp[k] setp(line, **tmp) updated = True # -------------------- # paste Text # -------------------- elif isinstance(OMFITfigureGlobal['copied'], matplotlib.text.Text): tmp = self.getObj(OMFITfigureGlobal['copied']) text = pyplot.gca().text(tmp['position'][0], tmp['position'][1], tmp['text']) for k in ['transformed_clip_path_and_affine', 'prop_tup', 'bbox_patch']: del tmp[k] setp(text, **tmp) updated = True # -------------------- # paste LineCollection # -------------------- elif isinstance(OMFITfigureGlobal['copied'], matplotlib.collections.LineCollection): tmp = self.getObj(OMFITfigureGlobal['copied']) v = [np.squeeze(path.vertices[::2]).tolist() for path in tmp['paths']] lastPoint = np.squeeze(tmp['paths'][-1].vertices[-1]).tolist() v = np.vstack((v, lastPoint)) x = np.array(v).T[0, :] y = np.array(v).T[1, :] points = np.array([x, y]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) lc = matplotlib.collections.LineCollection(segments) for k in ['transformed_clip_path_and_affine', 'colors', 'transforms', 'paths']: del tmp[k] setp(lc, **tmp) updated = True pyplot.gca().add_collection(lc) pyplot.gca().plot(x, y, '.') del pyplot.gca().lines[-1] if updated: self.toolbar.set_message('Pasted: ' + str(OMFITfigureGlobal['copied'])) self.canvas.draw_idle() pyplot.gca().relim() except Exception: raise finally: pyplot.hold(holdBackup)
[docs] def objAutoZoom(self, event=None, ax=''): enabled = eval("pyplot.gca().get_autoscale" + ax + "_on") if self.toolbar._nav_stack.empty(): self.toolbar.push_current() Xmin0, Xmax0 = pyplot.gca().get_xlim() Ymin0, Ymax0 = pyplot.gca().get_ylim() if not enabled(): pyplot.gca().autoscale(enable=True, axis=ax, tight=True) self.toolbar.set_message('Auto ' + ax.upper() + ' enabled, Tight') elif enabled() and pyplot.gca()._tight: pyplot.gca().autoscale(enable=True, axis=ax, tight=False) self.toolbar.set_message('Auto ' + ax.upper() + ' enabled, Loose') else: pyplot.gca().autoscale(enable=False) self.toolbar.set_message('Auto ' + ax.upper() + ' disabled') Xmin1, Xmax1 = pyplot.gca().get_xlim() Ymin1, Ymax1 = pyplot.gca().get_ylim() if Xmin1 != Xmin0 or Ymin1 != Ymin0 or Xmax1 != Xmax0 or Ymax1 != Ymax0: self.toolbar.push_current() self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def objSelect(self, event=None, forceDisable=False): if == 'SELECT' or forceDisable: # if was in in select mode, disable this mode and associcated buttons = None for button in self.buttons['enable_on_select']: button.config(state=tk.DISABLED) for button in self.buttons['disable_on_select']: button.config(state=tk.NORMAL) else: # activate select mode and activate my buttons = 'SELECT' for button in self.buttons['enable_on_select']: button.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) for button in self.buttons['disable_on_select']: button.config(state=tk.DISABLED) # select mode disables crossair self.crosshair(force=False) # unset the press binding in the main toolbar if hasattr(self.toolbar, '_idPress') and self.toolbar._idPress is not None: self.toolbar._idPress = self.toolbar.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.toolbar._idPress) self.toolbar.mode = '' # unset the release binding in the main toolbar if hasattr(self.toolbar, '_idRelease') and self.toolbar._idRelease is not None: self.toolbar._idRelease = self.toolbar.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.toolbar._idRelease) self.toolbar.mode = '' # unset the press binding if self._idPress is not None: self._idPress = self.toolbar.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self._idPress) # unset the release binding if self._idRelease is not None: self._idRelease = self.toolbar.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self._idRelease) # set the bindings if self.toolbar._idPress = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.button_press_callback) self.toolbar._idRelease = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.button_release_callback) self.toolbar.mode = 'select/property' self.toolbar.canvas.widgetlock(self.toolbar) else: self.toolbar.canvas.widgetlock.release(self.toolbar) # set the navigation toolbar button status for a in self.toolbar.canvas.figure.get_axes(): a.set_navigate_mode( # set the navigation toolbar message self.toolbar.set_message(self.toolbar.mode)
[docs] def key_press_callback(self, event): # if not event.inaxes: return # handle modifier if event.key in ['control', 'shift', 'alt']: self.modifier.add(event.key) printd('Key pressed: ' + '+'.join(self.modifier), topic='figure') return # -------------------- # delete # -------------------- if event.key == 'backspace' and self.selected is not None: self.objDelete(event) # -------------------- # copy # -------------------- elif 'control' in self.modifier and event.key == 'c': self.objCopy(event) # -------------------- # paste # -------------------- elif 'control' in self.modifier and event.key == 'v' and OMFITfigureGlobal['copied'] is not None: self.objPaste(event) # -------------------- # tight layout # -------------------- elif event.key == 't': self.figure.tight_layout()
[docs] def key_release_callback(self, event): if event.key in ['control', 'shift', 'alt'] and event.key in self.modifier: self.modifier.remove(event.key) printd('Released ' + event.key, topic='figure')
[docs] @staticmethod def save_figure(self, saveDMP=True, PDFembedDMP=True, *args): # Note that self here is the toolbar if saveDMP is None or PDFembedDMP is None: from omfit_classes.OMFITx import Dialog options = ['Figure', 'Figure + Data (file)', 'Figure + Data (embedded)', 'Figure + Data (file & embedded)', 'Cancel'] choice = Dialog(message='Please select Data handling', answers=options, icon='question', title='Data export selection') if options.index(choice) == 0: saveDMP = False PDFembedDMP = False elif options.index(choice) == 1: saveDMP = True PDFembedDMP = False elif options.index(choice) == 2: saveDMP = False PDFembedDMP = True elif options.index(choice) == 3: saveDMP = True PDFembedDMP = True else: return"catch {tk_getOpenFile foo bar}")"catch {tk_getSaveFile foo bar}") try:"set ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenVar 0")"set ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenBtn 1") except tk.TclError: pass filetypes = self.canvas.get_supported_filetypes().copy() default_filetype = self.canvas.get_default_filetype() # Tk doesn't provide a way to choose a default filetype, # so we just have to put it first default_filetype_name = filetypes[default_filetype] del filetypes[default_filetype] sorted_filetypes = sorted(list(filetypes.items())) sorted_filetypes.insert(0, (default_filetype, default_filetype_name)) tk_filetypes = [(name, '*.%s' % ext) for (ext, name) in sorted_filetypes] for k, item in enumerate(tk_filetypes): if item[1] == '*.pdf': tk_filetypes.insert(0, tk_filetypes.pop(k)) try: filename = self.canvas.get_default_filename() except Exception: filename = 'figure.pdf' fname = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename( master=self.window, title='Save figure [Data-file: %s Data-embedded: %s]' % (saveDMP, PDFembedDMP), filetypes=tk_filetypes, defaultextension='*.pdf', initialdir=OMFITaux['lastBrowsedDirectory'], initialfile=os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.pdf', ) if not fname: return else: try: # This method will handle the delegation to the correct type self.canvas.figure.savefig(fname, saveDMP=saveDMP, PDFembedDMP=PDFembedDMP) OMFITaux['lastBrowsedDirectory'] = os.path.split(fname)[0] except Exception as _excp: from omfit_classes.OMFITx import Dialog Dialog(title="Error saving file", messge=repr(_excp), icon='error', answers=['Ok']) raise
[docs] def pan(self, *args): self.objSelect(None, True) self.toolbar.pan(*args)
[docs] def zoom(self, *args): self.objSelect(None, True) self.toolbar.zoom(*args)
superzoomed = False
[docs] def superzoom(self, event): """ Enlarge or restore the selected axis. """ if not event.button == middleClickMPLindex: return full_screen_pos = (0.1, 0.1, 0.85, 0.85) # if superzoomed, restore the axes if self.superzoomed: # resize and make axis visible for axis in event.canvas.figure.axes: axis.set_position(axis._orig_position) axis.set_visible(True) self.superzoomed = False # redraw the canvas event.canvas.draw() return ax = event.inaxes # On middle button click in an axis zoom the selected axes if ax is not None: for axis in event.canvas.figure.axes: axis._orig_position = axis.get_position() ax.set_position(full_screen_pos) # make all other axes invisible and minimize for axis in event.canvas.figure.axes: if axis is not ax: axis.set_visible(False) axis.set_position([0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]) self.superzoomed = True # redraw the canvas event.canvas.draw()
@property def active(self): if compare_version(matplotlib.__version__, '3.4.0') >= 0: return self.toolbar._pan_info elif compare_version(matplotlib.__version__, '3.3.0') >= 0: return self.toolbar._button_pressed else: return self.toolbar._active @active.setter def active(self, value): if compare_version(matplotlib.__version__, '3.4.0') >= 0: self.toolbar._pan_info = value elif compare_version(matplotlib.__version__, '3.3.0') >= 0: self.toolbar._button_pressed = value else: self.toolbar._active = value
# hijack pyplot new_figure_manager_given_figure to make windows transient of rootGUI def _new_figure_manager_given_figure(*args): """ Create a new figure manager instance for the given figure. """ # older versions of Matplotlib if len(args) == 2: num = args[0] figure = args[1] # newer versions of Matplotlib else: cls = args[0] num = args[1] figure = args[2] try: _focus = windowing.FocusManager() except Exception: pass if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is None: window = tk.Tk() else: window = tk.Toplevel(OMFITaux['rootGUI']) window.withdraw() if tk.TkVersion >= 8.5: # put a mpl icon on the window rather than the default tk icon. Tkinter # doesn't allow colour icons on linux systems, but tk >=8.5 has a iconphoto # command which we call directly. Source: # if hasattr(matplotlib, 'get_data_path'): _mpl_data_path = matplotlib.get_data_path() else: _mpl_data_path = matplotlib.rcParams['datapath'] try: icon_fname = os.path.join(_mpl_data_path, 'images', 'matplotlib.gif') icon_img = tk.PhotoImage(file=icon_fname) except tk.TclError: try: icon_fname = os.path.join(_mpl_data_path, 'images', 'matplotlib.ppm') icon_img = tk.PhotoImage(file=icon_fname) except tk.TclError: pass try:'wm', 'iconphoto', window._w, icon_img) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): # re-raise exit type Exceptions raise except Exception: # log the failure, but carry on #'Could not load matplotlib icon: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1]) pass backend_mod = getattr(pyplot, '_get_backend_mod', lambda: pyplot._backend_mod)() canvas = backend_mod.FigureCanvasTkAgg(figure, master=window) if hasattr(backend_mod, 'FigureManagerTk'): figManager = backend_mod.FigureManagerTk(canvas, num, window) else: figManager = backend_mod.FigureManagerTkAgg(canvas, num, window) if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is not None: tk_center(window, OMFITaux['rootGUI'], xoff=(np.mod(num - 1, 20) - 10) * 25, yoff=(np.mod(num - 1, 10) - 5) * 25) if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is not None and OMFITaux['rootGUI'].globalgetvar('figsOnTop'): window.transient(OMFITaux['rootGUI']) if matplotlib.is_interactive(): return figManager if hasattr(matplotlib.backends, '_backend_tk'): _patch(matplotlib.backends._backend_tk._BackendTk, _new_figure_manager_given_figure) else: _patch(matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg, _new_figure_manager_given_figure) backend_mod = getattr(pyplot, '_get_backend_mod', lambda: pyplot._backend_mod)() if backend_mod is not None: _patch(backend_mod, _new_figure_manager_given_figure) # hijack pyplot new_figure_manager to automatically enable OMFITfigure features on newly created figures def _new_figure_manager(num, figsize=(8, 6), FigureClass=Figure, **kw): figureManager = getattr(matplotlib.backends, 'backend_' + matplotlib.get_backend().lower()).new_figure_manager( num, figsize=figsize, FigureClass=FigureClass, **kw ) if OMFITaux['GUI'] is not None and hasattr(figureManager, 'window'): # attribute may not be defined depending on the matplotlib backend global_event_bindings.add( 'FIGURE: show next figure', figureManager.window, '<Alt-End>', lambda event=None: OMFITaux['GUI'].selectFigure(action='forward') ) global_event_bindings.add( 'FIGURE: show previous figure', figureManager.window, '<Alt-Home>', lambda event=None: OMFITaux['GUI'].selectFigure(action='reverse'), ) global_event_bindings.add( 'FIGURE: bring figures to the top', figureManager.window, '<Alt-Next>', lambda event=None: OMFITaux['GUI'].selectFigure(action='lift'), ) global_event_bindings.add( 'FIGURE: hide all figures', figureManager.window, '<Alt-Prior>', lambda event=None: OMFITaux['GUI'].selectFigure(action='lower') ) global_event_bindings.add('FIGURE: close all figures', figureManager.window, '<Alt-Escape>', lambda event=None: close('all')) global_event_bindings.add( 'FIGURE: close all figures (alternative)', figureManager.window, f'<{ctrlCmd()}-Escape>', lambda event=None: close('all') ) OMFITfigure(figureManager.canvas.figure) return figureManager _patch(pyplot, _new_figure_manager) _patch(pylab, _new_figure_manager) # set fewer ticks locators that the matplotlib default import matplotlib.axis, matplotlib.scale def _set_my_locators_and_formatters(self, axis): # choose the default locator and additional parameters if isinstance(axis, matplotlib.axis.XAxis): axis.set_major_locator(pyplot.MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) elif isinstance(axis, matplotlib.axis.YAxis): axis.set_major_locator(pyplot.MaxNLocator(nbins=5)) # copy&paste from the original method axis.set_major_formatter(pyplot.ScalarFormatter()) axis.set_minor_locator(pyplot.NullLocator()) axis.set_minor_formatter(pyplot.NullFormatter()) matplotlib.scale.LinearScale.set_default_locators_and_formatters = _set_my_locators_and_formatters # ---------------- # tabbed figures # ---------------- _active_FigureNotebooks = {}
[docs]class FigureNotebook(object): """ Notebook of simple tabs containing figures. """ def __init__(self, nfig=0, name="", labels=[], geometry="710x710", figsize=(1, 1)): """ :param nfig: Number of initial tabs :param name: String to display as the window title :param labels: Sequence of labels to be used as the tab labels :param geometry: size of the notebook :param figsize: tuple, minimum maintained figuresize when resizing tabs """ # if not in a framework graphical environment, FigureNotebook will simply open new figures if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is None: matplotlib.rcParams['figure.max_open_warning'] = 100 return if isinstance(nfig, str) and not name: name = nfig nfig = 0 if not len(_active_FigureNotebooks): self.num = num = 1 else: self.num = num = max(_active_FigureNotebooks.keys()) + 1 _active_FigureNotebooks[self.num] = self self.figsize = figsize if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is None: self.master = tk.Tk() else: self.master = tk.Toplevel(OMFITaux['rootGUI']) self.master.withdraw() self.master.wm_title(name) = name self.master.geometry(geometry) if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is not None: tk_center(self.master, OMFITaux['rootGUI'], xoff=(np.mod(num - 1, 20) - 10) * 25, yoff=(np.mod(num - 1, 10) - 5) * 25) if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is not None and OMFITaux['rootGUI'].globalgetvar('figsOnTop'): self.master.transient(OMFITaux['rootGUI']) # add the Tkinter GUI tab(s) self.notebook = ttk.Notebook(self.master) self.figures = SortedDict() labels = list(labels) for i in range(nfig): if len(labels) < i + 1: key = "Tab {:}".format(i) else: key = labels[i] self.add_figure(label=key) # resize notebook figures with main window self._update_size() self.master.bind('<Configure>', self._update_size) # allow keys to change tabs (ctrl-tab,ctrl-shift-tab) self.notebook.enable_traversal() self.notebook.bind('<<NotebookTabChanged>>', self.on_tab_change) self.master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.close) if OMFITaux['GUI'] is not None: global_event_bindings.add( 'FIGURE: show next figure', self.master, '<Alt-End>', lambda event=None: OMFITaux['GUI'].selectFigure(action='forward') ) global_event_bindings.add( 'FIGURE: show previous figure', self.master, '<Alt-Home>', lambda event=None: OMFITaux['GUI'].selectFigure(action='reverse') ) global_event_bindings.add( 'FIGURE: bring figures to the top', self.master, '<Alt-Next>', lambda event=None: OMFITaux['GUI'].selectFigure(action='lift'), ) global_event_bindings.add( 'FIGURE: hide all figures', self.master, '<Alt-Prior>', lambda event=None: OMFITaux['GUI'].selectFigure(action='lower') ) global_event_bindings.add('FIGURE: close all figures', self.master, '<Alt-Escape>', lambda event=None: close('all')) global_event_bindings.add( 'FIGURE: close all figures (alternative)', self.master, f'<{ctrlCmd()}-Escape>', lambda event=None: close('all') ) self.master.deiconify()
[docs] def on_tab_change(self, event=None): tab_num = self.notebook.index( if len(self.figures) > tab_num: fig = self.figures.value_for_index(tab_num) pyplot.figure(num=fig.number) else: pass # This addresses an issue in which the main window resets the title # This may not happen above matplotlib > 3.3 but it shouldn't hurt anything self.master.wm_title(
[docs] def email(self, event=None): try: filename = self.canvas.get_default_filename() except Exception: filename = 'figure.pdf' if os.path.exists(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename): os.remove(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename) files = self.savefig(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename) attachments = [OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename] + [os.path.splitext(x)[0] + '.h5' for x in files] prjname = '' if OMFIT.filename: prjname = 'Project: ' + OMFIT.filename eml = tk.email_widget( parent=self.master, fromm=OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['email'], to=OMFIT['MainSettings']['SETUP']['email'], subject='OMFIT - Figure: ' + filename, message='Attachment: ' + filename + '\n' + '=' * 20 + '\n' + prjname + '\n', attachments=attachments, title='Email ' + filename, use_last_email_to=1, quiet=False, ) eml.wait_window(eml)
[docs] def openPDF(self, event=None): try: filename = self.canvas.get_default_filename() except Exception: filename = 'figure.pdf' if os.path.exists(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename): os.remove(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename) self.savefig(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename) import omfit_classes.OMFITx omfit_classes.OMFITx.Open(OMFITcwd + os.sep + filename)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the FigureNotebook master window or a tab""" self.master.destroy() if self.num in _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers(): del _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers()[self.num] if self.num in _active_FigureNotebooks: del _active_FigureNotebooks[self.num]
[docs] def add_figure(self, label="", num=None, fig=None, **fig_kwargs): """ Return the figure canvas for the tab with the given label, creating a new tab if that label does not yet exist. If fig is passed, then that fig is inserted into the figure. """ # if not in a framework graphical environment, FigureNotebook will simply open new figures if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is None: if fig is not None: return fig if label == '': label = None fig_kwargs['num'] = label if num is None else num return pyplot.figure(**fig_kwargs) if label and num: # Implied all three raise RuntimeError("Use only one of label or num or fig") if num is not None: label = num if label in self.figures: fig = self.figures[label] _pylab_helpers.Gcf.set_active(fig.canvas.manager) return fig if not label and not num: label = 'Figure {:}'.format(len(self.figures) + 1) else: pass # User specified label or num figsize = self.figsize tab = tk.Frame(self.notebook) self.notebook.add(tab, text=label) self.notebook.pack() if fig is None: fig = Figure(**fig_kwargs) allnums = pyplot.get_fignums() pyplot_num = max(allnums) + 1 if allnums else 1 canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(figure=fig, master=tab) manager = backend_mod.FigureManagerTk(canvas, pyplot_num, self.master) _pylab_helpers.Gcf._set_new_active_manager(manager) fig.set_canvas(canvas) # Add standard toolbar to plot toolbar = NavigationToolbar2(canvas, tab) toolbar.update() manager.toolbar = toolbar # restore default matplotlib hotkeys def on_key_press(self, event): matplotlib.backend_bases.key_press_handler(event, self.canvas, self.canvas.toolbar) fig.on_key_press = types.MethodType(on_key_press, fig) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', fig.on_key_press) # Add OMFIT toolbar to plot tmp = OMFITfigure(fig.canvas.figure, figureButtons=False) self.figures[label] = fig tab.figure = fig # Override save button for k, v in list(toolbar.children.items()): try: txt = v.config('text')[4] except tk.TclError: continue if txt == 'Save': v.config(command=lambda event=None: self.save_figure(toolbar, self)) # Add open pdf button bt = tmp._Button(text="Open PDF", file="pdf.ppm", command=self.openPDF) # Add email button bt = tmp._Button(text="Email", file="mail.ppm", return fig
[docs] @staticmethod def save_figure(self, _self, *args): # Note that self here is the toolbar"catch {tk_getOpenFile foo bar}")"catch {tk_getSaveFile foo bar}") try:"set ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenVar 0")"set ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenBtn 1") except tk.TclError: pass filetypes = self.canvas.get_supported_filetypes().copy() default_filetype = self.canvas.get_default_filetype() # Tk doesn't provide a way to choose a default filetype, # so we just have to put it first default_filetype_name = filetypes[default_filetype] del filetypes[default_filetype] sorted_filetypes = sorted(list(filetypes.items())) sorted_filetypes.insert(0, (default_filetype, default_filetype_name)) tk_filetypes = [(name, '*.%s' % ext) for (ext, name) in sorted_filetypes] for k, item in enumerate(tk_filetypes): if item[1] == '*.pdf': tk_filetypes.insert(0, tk_filetypes.pop(k)) # adding a default extension seems to break the # asksaveasfilename dialog when you choose various save types # from the dropdown. Passing in the empty string seems to # work - JDH # defaultextension = self.canvas.get_default_filetype() defaultextension = '*.pdf' try: filename = self.canvas.get_default_filename() except Exception: filename = 'figure.pdf' fname = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename( master=self.window, title='Save the figure', filetypes=tk_filetypes, defaultextension=defaultextension, initialdir=OMFITaux['lastBrowsedDirectory'], initialfile=os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.pdf', ) if not fname: return else: try: # This method will handle the delegation to the correct type _self.savefig(fname) OMFITaux['lastBrowsedDirectory'] = os.path.split(fname)[0] except Exception as _excp: from omfit_classes.OMFITx import Dialog Dialog(title="Error saving file", messge=repr(_excp), icon='error', answers=['Ok']) raise
[docs] def subplots(self, nrows=1, ncols=1, label='', **subplots_kwargs): """ Adds a figure and axes using pyplot.subplots. Refer to pyplot.subplots for documentation """ # if not in a framework graphical environment, FigureNotebook will simply open new figures if OMFITaux['rootGUI'] is None: if label == '': label = None subplots_kwargs.setdefault('num', label) return pyplot.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, **subplots_kwargs) original_figure = pyplot.figure def figure_wrapper(**fig_kwargs): return self.add_figure(label=label, **fig_kwargs) # Modify the figure function that subplots will call pyplot.figure = figure_wrapper # Add an exception catcher so that the original figure # function will successfully be reinstated even if this # function is passed some bogus arguments try: fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, **subplots_kwargs) finally: pyplot.figure = original_figure return fig, ax
def _update_size(self, event=None): """ Match notebook size to master window. """ self.master.unbind('<Configure>') self.notebook.configure(width=self.master.winfo_width()) self.notebook.configure(height=self.master.winfo_height()) self.master.bind('<Configure>', self._update_size)
[docs] def draw(self, ntab=None): """ Draw the canvas in the specified tab. None draws all. """ if ntab == None: for f in list(self.figures.values()): f.canvas.draw() else: self.figures[list(self.figures.keys())[ntab]].canvas.draw()
def __getitem__(self, label): if is_int(label): label = list(self.figures.keys())[label] return self.figures[label] def __setitem__(self, label, fig): return self.add_figure(label=label, fig=fig)
[docs] def savefig(self, filename='', **kw): r""" Call savefig on each figure, with its label appended to filename :param filename: The fullpath+base of the filename to save :param \*kw: Passed to Figure.savefig """ # need to select and draw individual tabs to make sure the figure is rendered correctly tmp = basefn, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages files = [] with PdfPages(basefn + '.pdf') as pdf: for k, (l, f) in enumerate(self.figures.items()): self.draw(k) files.append((basefn + '__' + str(l)).replace(' ', '_') + ext) f.savefig(files[-1], **kw) pdf.savefig(f) return files
# ---------------- # modified pyplot functions # ----------------
[docs]def figure(num=None, figsize=None, dpi=None, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, frameon=True, FigureClass=Figure, **kw): return pyplot._original_figure( num=num, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, frameon=frameon, FigureClass=FigureClass, **kw )
_patch(pyplot, figure)
[docs]def colorbar(mappable=None, cax=None, ax=None, use_gridspec=True, **kw): """ Modified pyplot colorbar for default use_gridspec=True. """ cb = pyplot.colorbar(mappable=mappable, cax=cax, ax=ax, use_gridspec=use_gridspec, **kw) return cb
colorbar.__doc__ += '\n**ORIGINAL DOCUMENTATION** \n\n' + pyplot.colorbar.__doc__ def _line_downsample(line, npts): """ Downsample line data for increased plotting speed. :param npts : int. Number of data points within axes xlims. """ lims = line.axes.get_xlim() if not hasattr(line, '_xinit'): line._xinit = line.get_xdata(orig=False) * 1 line._yinit = line.get_ydata(orig=False) * 1 # display notification on first downsampling # if line._xinit.shape[0] > npts: # printw("Automatic downsampling to {n} points (use axes.set_downsampling to change)".format(n=npts)) window = (line._xinit >= lims[0]) & (line._xinit <= lims[1]) # Extend out edge window[window.argmax() - 1] = True window[window.argmax() + window[window.argmax() :].argmin()] = True # Set index based on step step = int(line._xinit[window].size / npts) + 1 index = set(np.r_[0 : len(line._xinit[window]) : step]) # Set index based on masked values index.update(np.where([window]).mask)[0].tolist()) index.update(np.where([window]).mask)[0].tolist()) index = sorted(list(index)) # Show reduced data line.set_xdata(line._xinit[window][index]) line.set_ydata(line._yinit[window][index]) pyplot.matplotlib.lines.Line2D.downsample = _line_downsample def _hitlist(self, event): """ List the children of the artist which contain the mouse event *event*. """ L = [] hascursor, info = self.contains(event) if hascursor: L.append(self) for a in self.get_children(): L.extend(a.hitlist(event)) return L pyplot.matplotlib.artist.Artist.hitlist = _hitlist # support not-object oriented way of adding subsequent subplots after matplotlib v2.2.2 _orig_subplot = pyplot.subplot
[docs]def subplot(*args, **kw): try: fig = pyplot.gcf() if args in fig._stored_axes:[args]) else: _orig_subplot(*args, **kw) fig._stored_axes[args] = pyplot.gca() except AttributeError: _orig_subplot(*args, **kw) fig._stored_axes = {} fig._stored_axes[args] = pyplot.gca() return fig._stored_axes[args]
subplot.__doc__ = pyplot.subplot.__doc__ _patch(pyplot, subplot) _patch(pylab, subplot)
[docs]class quickplot(object): """ quickplot plots lots of data quickly :param x: x values :param y: y values :param ax: ax to plot on It assumes the data points are dense in the x dimension compared to the screen resolution at all points in the plot. It will resize when the axes are clicked on. """ def __init__(self, x, y, ax=None): self.x = x self.y = y if ax is None: ax = pyplot.gca() = ax self.image = None self.plot() ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', lambda event: self.plot())
[docs] def get_ax_size(self): fig = bbox = width, height = bbox.width, bbox.height width *= fig.dpi height *= fig.dpi return width, height
[docs] def plot(self): # replot the axes # matplotlib.pyplot.pause(.1) x = self.x y = self.y ax = xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() if self.image != None: self.image.remove() x, y = (a[(x > xlim[0]) & (x < xlim[1])] for a in (x, y)) IMAGE_DIMENSIONS = list(map(int, self.get_ax_size())) if (IMAGE_DIMENSIONS[0] * 0 + 10000) > (len(x) / 10.0): self.image = ax.plot(x, y)[0] return def fill(vector): listO0s = np.where(vector != np.array([0]))[0] if len(listO0s) == 0: return np.zeros(len(vector)) first0, last0 = listO0s[[0, -1]] return np.concatenate((np.zeros(first0), np.ones(last0 - first0 + 1), np.zeros(len(vector) - last0 - 1))) heatmap, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=IMAGE_DIMENSIONS) extent = [xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]] filled = np.apply_along_axis(fill, 1, heatmap) self.image = ax.imshow( ######## filled == 0, ######## filled ########).T, filled.T, extent=extent, origin='lower', clim=(0, 1e-0), aspect='auto', cmap='Greys', ########cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap( ######## 'k', ######## N=1 # ), interpolation='nearest', )
if __name__ == '__main__': pyplot.plot([0, 1], [0, 1])