Public install at IPP-CZ (COMPASS)

At COMPASS there are public installations of OMFIT available to all users.

The master branch version of the OMFIT installation can be executed by running:

module load omfit

The unstable branch version of the OMFIT installation can be executed by running:

module load omfit/unstable

Setup CDB remote connection

Compass DataBase (CDB) is a versatile lightweight system designed for storing experimental data, originally designed for the COMPASS tokamak, operated by IPP ASCR Prague, Czech Republic. It can be equally well used for any tokamak or generally any experiment that repeatedly produces data. The core is implemented in Python, HDF5 and MySQL are used as data and metadata back-ends. CDB is vendor and platform independent and can be easily scaled and distributed. Source is publicly available on bitbucket and documentation is available at

To remotely access the data of the COMPASS tokamak:

Download the source:

hg clone ssh:// {path}/cdb

Install the Python requirements:

pip install -r {path}/install/requirements.txt

Set the CDB_PATH environmental variable:

setenv CDB_PATH {path}/cdb/src

Mount Compass data directories and start tunnel to CDB (MySQL) server with a script like this one:

echo mounting directories
sshfs $ ~/tmp/CDB/compass/CDB_cache
sshfs $ ~/tmp/CDB/compass/CDB_data_2016
sshfs $ ~/tmp/CDB/compass/CDB_mezisklad/CDB_data
sshfs $ ~/tmp/CDB/compass/CDB_repsilo
sshfs $ ~/tmp/CDB/compass/CDB_data
sshfs $ ~/tmp/CDB/compass/NAS_CDB_data
sshfs $ ~/tmp/CDB/compass/Shared/Exchange/CDB_temporary/CDB_cache
echo starting CDB mySQL tunnel
ssh -N -L $

Secure-copy the .CDBrc file to home directory:


Edit CDB_DATA_ROOT to point to mounted directories in the ~/.CDBrc file:

CDB_DATA_ROOT = ~/tmp/CDB/compass/CDB_cache:~/tmp/CDB/compass/CDB_data_2016:~/tmp/CDB/compass/CDB_mezisklad/CDB_data:~/tmp/CDB/compass/CDB_repsilo:~/tmp/CDB/compass/CDB_data:~/tmp/CDB/compass/NAS_CDB_data:~/tmp/CDB/compass/Shared/Exchange/CDB_temporary/CDB_cache


In case of problems please contact Nikolas Logan or Orso Meneghini.