Contacts: Unattributed

Short Description

Run the FOO code


Sample, Foo, Documentation, Tutorial

Long Description

This module prepares the input, runs, and postprocesses the output of the FOO code.

Typical workflows

This module is used to:

  • write foo many times on screen

  • translate the output of the BAR module to the ASD module

  • generate publication quality figures of foo

Supported devices

  • DIII-D, NSTX, C-Mod

Relevant publications

    1. Babel et al. The art of FOO, PoP 2018

Technical info

Set the foo variable to True to run faster


List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:

6273 Joseph Abbate


List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: abbatej, garciaav, farreh, welsha, smiskeyj, bechtelt, jlchen, leutholdn, rothsteina, user1