Contacts: Brian Grierson, Nikolas Logan
Short Description¶
Manages information from/for the DIII-D NBI systems
Long Description¶
This module is used to manage information from/for the DIII-D NBI systems. It can be used for both visualizing existing shots, as well as planning new ones. The module is capable of generating a NBI Ufile to be fed to NUBEAM and TRANSP.
Typical workflows¶
This module is used to:
Plot existing shot
Compute power, torque, fueling, and gas flow
Generate NUBEAM input Ufile
Generate scans in voltage and perveance
Supported devices¶
DIII-D tutorial (Google docs, PDF)
External resources¶
DIII-D neutral beams pages: https://diii-d.gat.com/diii-d/Beams
List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:
3111 Brian Grierson
3061 Shaun Haskey
857 Nikolas Logan
364 Fusion Bot
116 Sterling Smith
48 Orso Meneghini
30 David Eldon
10 Torrin Bechtel
4 Will DeShazer
1 Brendan Lyons
List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: grierson, boyesw, thomek, wilcoxr, parkjm, lizeyu, burkem, ernst, abbatej, degrandchampg, prechelg, haskeysr, slendebroekt, liud, mcclenaghanj, yanz, nelsonand, rauchj, wangzhirui, bgriers, lestzj, callahank, chrystal, hinsone, hongrongjie, huqiming, knolkerm, xier, clementm, collinscs, cotet, meneghini, prattq, smithsp, zhaob, boyermd, chenxi, colmenaresj, emdeee, horvathl, kimsang, laggnerf, leppinke, lig, liul, nlogan, odstrcil, odstrcilt, paz-soldan, riggsg, rovetoj, shis, stagnerl, wilkstm, yujh, albostar, andreavergara, anguloa, banerjees, bgrierson, bogark, chari, chowdhurys, crowleyb, denks, eldond, fleishhackerj, gagek, gx6180, halfmoonm, holland, jmcclena, kyungjin, liuc, lorej, maxinxing, morosohks, ohtaniy, reimana, samuellc, sciortinof, shabbirk, shafer, tomas, vanzee, victorb, vincenas, wcapecch