
Contacts: Brian Grierson, Arash Ashouvan

Short Description

Runs the GYRO_GACODE gyrokinetic turbulence simulation module


Gyrokinetics, eulerian, turbulence, transport, GACODE

Long Description

GYRO_scan runs the GYRO_GACODE module over arbitrary lists of parameters in the input file.

Operation is flexible, with the capability to scan
  • 1D A single variable

  • 1D Multiple variables co-linearly

  • 2D Single variables and multiple variables co-linearly

  • View convergence

  • Refine any single run

  • Plot the scan as a function of one of the input variables

Typical workflows

  1. Setup GYRO_GACODE module with case of interest (regression, input, experimental)

    • Adjust inputs for desired resolution

    • Test GYRO

    • Run GYRO

  2. Setup scan

    • Determine the scan type (1D, 2D)

    • Set the input file variables and their values for the scan

    • Test all GYRO_GACODE simulations (serial and parallel)

  3. Run scan

    • Run all GYRO_GACODE simulations (serial and parallel)

    • (Optional) Continue all runs by changing GYRO_GACODE execution from ‘new’ to ‘cont’

  1. View scan

    • Enter simulation runid and variable for x-axis and plot

Supported devices

  • Device independent with templates for DIII-D like experimental conditions



List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:

2436 Brian Grierson
 215 Fusion Bot
 198 Tom Neiser
  32 Orso Meneghini
  30 Joseph McClenaghan
  30 Bhavin Patel


List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: ashourvana, grierson, jianx, lizeyu, bgriers, vaezip, holland, marinoni, aashourv, bgrierson, orlov, neisert, hongrongjie, mcclenaghanj, patelb, sciortinof, dingsiye, howardnt, nelsonand, guttenfe, shisy, renyang, tomas, wuyifan, bpatel2, brookmanmw, chenxi, fusionbot, jlchen, schmitzl, yuguanying, zhaixm