
Contacts: Francesco Sciortino, Tomas Odstrcil, Orso Meneghini

Short Description

Runs the Aurora and STRAHL codes, displays output, and compares runs. Allows inferences of particle transport from experimental data for several devices, using a number of possible algorithms


Impurity transport, charged states, radiation, emission, LBO, Laser Blow Off, minimization

Long Description

Aurora is a toolbox for particle transport, neutrals and radiation. Its development builds on the historical STRAHL code, also included in this module. Both Aurora and STRAHL can forward-model radial transport and emission of impurities in a tokamak plasma. They do so by solving radial continuity equations for each charge state of a chosen impurity in a 1.5D geometry, i.e. solving a 1D numerical problem with a single radial coordinate defined in terms of normalized flux surface volumes. An ansatz of diffusive-convective radial fluxes is used. STRAHL can also compute neoclassical transport coefficients; this should be considered a reduced model of what NEO can do (see the NEO_GACODE module in OMFIT).

The module focuses on the impurity transport and radiation, while the parameters of the background plasma are typically taken from the experiment. Some variations on this theme are possible though, e.g. to study electron transport via gas puffs or background (bulk) impurities. Neutral particle densities can also be considered as providing an additional recombination channel for impurities through charge exchange.

Typical workflows

ImpRad can be used either for predicting impurity transport and the evolution of the impurity density, or post-diction and inference of particle transport coefficients, either using LMFIT or Bayesian nested sampling. Such inferences require experimental data to be modelled via one of a set of implemented synthetic diagnostics.

Supported devices

Device agnostic

External resources

  • Ralph Dux STRAHL User Manual IPP 10/30 September, 2006 <>

  • Odstrcil, T., et al. Physics of Plasmas 27.8 (2020): 082503.<>

  • Grierson et al. PoP 22, 055901 (2015).<>

  • F. Sciortino et al 2020 Nucl. Fusion 60 126014.<>



List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:

26252 Tomas Odstrcil
 6285 Francesco Sciortino
 2472 Tabea Gleiter
  591 Brian Grierson
  501 Brian Victor
  359 Orso Meneghini
  167 Fusion Bot
    8 Will DeShazer
    4 Joseph McClenaghan
    3 Sterling Smith
    2 Tim Slendebroek


List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: thir, sapnam, tgleiter, odstrcilt, leekuanwei, odstrcil, sciof, stephanet, sciortinof, matejaj, mordijck, rosenthala, mattesr, turnerl, cjperks, shis, yadavn, loughranj, pfzhang, rodriguezsanchezc, amit, razor, cavallaroa, dunsmorej, crs, welsha, balbinj, messers, zamperinis, zunigac, casolari, chabanr, liu, marshalli, eldond, gerrur, howardnt, shinan, duranj, jduns, scottif, thomek, azito, chiribogaj, clarkr, parsonsm, razord, smiskeyj, wangy, bortolon, burkem, carvalhoi, grierson, jlchen, schellpfefferj, slendebroekt, tomie_g, wudonggui, abramst, callahank, casalil, choiwilkie, dingsiye, fjaulmes, fujia, guterlj, hyueheng, jaulmes, jberkery, leem, liyongliang, marinoni, maxinxing, mberg, orlov, shisy, sontag,, wilkstm, zhen.zhou