Contacts: Nikolas Logan, Shaun Haskey, David Eldon, Orso Meneghini, Sterling Smith, Kathreen Thome, Lukas Kripner, Michal Poradzinski, Myungwon Lee, Oak Nelson, Darin Ernst
Short Description¶
Advanced fitting of kinetic profiles
Long Description¶
OMFITprofiles has been used to develop a consistent tool for interfacing with, mapping, visualizing, and fitting tokamak profile measurements. OMFITprofiles is used to integrate the many diverse diagnostics on multiple tokamak devices into a regular data structure, consistently applying spatial and temporal treatments to each channel of data. Tokamak data are fundamentally time dependent and are treated so from the start, with front-loaded and logic-based manipulations such as filtering based on the identification of edge-localized modes (ELMs) that commonly scatter data. Fitting is general in its approach, and tailorable in its application in order to address physics constraints and handle the multiple spatial and temporal scales involved. Although community standard one-dimensional fitting is supported, including scale length–fitting and fitting polynomial-exponential blends to capture the H-mode pedestal, OMFITprofiles includes two-dimensional (2-D) fitting using bivariate splines or radial basis functions. These 2-D fits produce regular evolutions in time, removing jitter that has historically been smoothed ad hoc in transport applications. Profiles interface directly with a wide variety of models within the OMFIT framework, providing the inputs for TRANSP, kinetic-EFIT 2-D equilibrium, and GPEC three-dimensional equilibrium calculations. The OMFITprofiles tool’s rapid and comprehensive analysis of dynamic plasma profiles thus provides the critical link between raw tokamak data and simulations necessary for physics understanding.
Please cite the publications below if using OMFITprofiles in your workflow. Your recognition of the work that went into this is much appreciated.
Typical workflows¶
Raw data collection (the only machine dependent step)
Data selection by channel, subsystem, diagnostic as well as time conditions such as ELMs
Advanced data binning and averaging
Generic mapping of R-Z data to equilibrium quantities
Generic profiles fitting (1D radial or 2D radial + time)
Calculation of derived quantities
Supported devices¶
Tutorial series (Youtube video)
DIII-D tutorial (Google docs, PDF)
KSTAR tutorial [in Korean] (Google docs, PDF)
List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:
6772 Orso Meneghini
6314 Nikolas Logan
4813 Tomas Odstrcil
4547 Brian Grierson
3972 Shaun Haskey
3607 Fusion Bot
1577 Myungwon Lee
1429 David Eldon
835 Florian Laggner
694 Sterling Smith
467 shenders
410 Brian Victor
355 Francesco Sciortino
320 Jorge Ferreira
269 Stuart Henderson
220 Giovanni Tardini
198 Theresa Wilks
172 Laurent Jung
143 Bhavin Patel
140 Galina Avdeeva
137 Ziga Stancar
118 Kirov, Krassimir K
108 Oak Nelson
107 Jiale Chen
103 Teobaldo Luda di Cordemiglia
103 Kathreen Thome
96 Devon Battaglia
68 Christopher Holland
64 Michael Brookman
64 Karel van de Plassche
54 Jorge Morales
44 Lukas Kripner
39 Darin Ernst
33 Garud Snoep
32 Torrin Bechtel
29 Erik Linsenmayer
28 Brendan Lyons
23 Z. Anthony Xing
19 nelsonand
19 David Elder
18 Severin Denk
17 Jisung Kang
15 David Weisberg
12 Will DeShazer
12 Colin Chrystal
11 Matej Peterka
8 Bob Wilcox
4 Joseph McClenaghan
3 Jakub Urban
2 Pablo Rodriguez
1 Richard Kalling
1 Michele Romanelli
1 Laurent Terzolo
List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: nelsonand, meneghini, thomek, grierson, shaskey, callahank, bgrierson, brookmanmw, lindan, odstrcilt, wilkstm, stephanet, eldond, ashourvana, haskeysr, sciortinof, smithsp, xier, tomas, nlogan, houshman, nazikian, chrystal, degrandchampg, macwant, weisbergd, prattq, ernst, hongrongjie, gavdeeva, kathreenthome, logannc, huqiming, victorb, bykovi, shenders, fernandezp, jqw5960, odstrcil, davdak, mortonl, xingz, burkem, cn8435, knolkerm, rutherfordg, chowdhurys, dambaj, lestzj, mattesr, roelofsm, mcclenaghanj, orlov, chenj, cmichael, gagek, herfindalj, stewarts, welsha, pablorf, paz-soldan, zamperinis, zeng, cuil, laggnerf, snoepg, yuguanying, eichingere, g2jofe, parkjm, howardnt, kripner, denk, matejaj, wilsonhaley, bortolon, hinsone, panicid, shafer, vlad, jacksona, zm2756, austinm, sliefj, bleard, davisem, jianx, liud, sciortino, mordijck, ashtonkeya, krietedm, samuellc, sweeneyrm, chabanr, zhaob, leem, trhodes, wudonggui, chenxi, duxiaodi, leekuanwei, marinoni, bpatel2, david, majorm, yanz, abbatej, kinsey, masliner, pshi, dingsiye, pipern, vaezip, khabanovf, kimsang, linsenmayere, matthewwaller, morbeym, vankampenr, yangseongmoo, holland, likai, vanzee, qingyunhu, richnern, unterbee, adiallo, choiwilkie, dunsmorej, g2orm, jleddy, sungc, zstancar, fleishhackerj, gugliadav, jiahongray, kyungjin, lizeyu, marshalli, pbonofig, verao, wakatsukit, wrightw, bgriers, casalil, choudhuryh, cotet, crocker, jparisi, lig, lunsfordr, lyonsbc, messers, razor, scottif, yeoha, avdeevag, beidlerm, evans, jaulmes, kharrata, prechelg, taylornz, wanghuiqian, zhanghaiping, burgessd, diems, iseonjae, jorge, lizj, luoc, nurgalievm, peterka, collinscs, fh3490, kthome, leppinke, molesworths, ohtaniy, orso, pereze, putrab, qinx, snyder, soukhan, user1, aedmonds, blyons, bodnerg, dk4283, karel, ludat, myersr, ql0457, ssmith, todstrci, urban, weixishuo, aaronho, albostar, capitainetema, denks, fujia, horvathl, jberkery, nicholsj, perillor, rhodes, slendebroekt, smordijc, sunxuan, thomas.ogorman, wangg, wuyifan, xiangjian, xug, abhatta2, anelson, baradakk, batteya, bechtelt, boedo, eemdee, emdeee, farreh, fossumk, hallchenv, jiangy, kg7356, kimh, kimkyungjin, lib, liul, lmorton, maniumm, marinic, montesk, mosera, ncrocker, neille, pandyam, pankin, rbrzozow, shoushar, tmacwan2, wangzibo, willensdorferm, wwallace,, benedettt, boses, brauna, camicollins, caomingyun, carterb, dernst, diallo, eggertw, galinaavdeeva, gerrur, gonzalezj, guterlj, halfmoon, hengl, hy5103, izacardo, jmsfer, joungs, jsachdev, junge, kxf, lterzolo, luniap, montes, munarettos, parisij, powersc, rodriguezsanchezc, rosenthala, simonn, sinclairg, taczakb, vancompernolle, wehnerw, xliu, yadavn, yand, zehuag, Trevisan, abramst, aleynikovp, anguloa, balbinj, bardoczil, boyesw, bursche, buttj, carlos, cavallaroa, ceelenl, dbattagl, deshazere, dolbyi, duranj, edeshaze, effenbergf, fila, freibergers, fscotti, ghiozzia, guanqidong, gupta, guptaa, hanxiang, hubbard, huwen, hwong, jamiexia, johnsonj, jrivero, kh5639, kn7062, lanctot, loughranj, mboyer, michaelc, mitosinkova, mknolker, moyer, murakami, neisert, niraje, okabay, pacedc, parsonsm, pigattol, prabhudesaig, reac, renjun, renq, renyang, schmitzl, shis, smiskeyj, songxiao, storments, sulymana, tangs, tangt, thappel, traversop, trevisan, truongd, turcof, vailp, valizzo, wangliang, wilcoxr, wumuq, zhangt, ziegelj, Morton, aashourv, adwiteey, afil, ajsen, alarconp, asalmi, banerjees, bernardt, bogark, brookman, buchanj, caon, carvalhoi, cengher, chenly_dut, chiribogaj, clarkr, clementm, curiem, devitre, dpalade, drsmith, elder, ert, eskewj, fascianam, faurie, g2jmoral, git, groth, guttenfe, hahnsh, halfmoonm, happelt, harichoudhury, holcomb, huangj, igochinev, inyong, izzov, jarvinena, jriqueze, jruizru, jskang, jurban, jwai, jwhughes, kennedyj, kkirov, kplass, lawson, leutholdn, lijx, liujy, liuzefang, liyongliang, logan, logan35, losadau, lupinl, luxin, lvovskiya, margomw, marisa, markovic, mccoyl, mcecc, merlog, mfitz, ml3806, morosohks, moynihanc, muscatel, nave, nfil, noblez, nornbergm, npablant, nthoward, nuckolsl, oizacard, osullivans, palaciosduran, panck, parkj, parkjk, peebles, pfzhang, pharr, plh, podolnik, psinha, psun, puettericht, qianjp, qpratt2, ramanr, ravi, renql, rfitzp, riggsg, rkalling, rovetoj, schaeferc, schellpfefferj, sciof, shirakid, shisy, simeonnachmannn, sjhan00, skvara, smithdr, solomon, stagnerl, sunyouwen, templed, tsingh, twilks, vallar, wademr, waij, wangh, wangxin, wangy, wangyh, wangzhirui, wukitchj, wuxh, wwehner, xc2135, xing, xzhang, yangjeong, zegere, zhangjiayuan, zhangjie, zhangx, zibow, zsun, zywickib