
Contacts: Sterling Smith

Short Description

Process OMFIT framework, modules, and users statistics


Framework, modules, users, statistics

Long Description

This module fetches the statistics that are collected when the OMFIT framework is used and provides tools to hash the data with compelling visualization and metrics.

Typical workflows

This module is used to generate statistics for:

  • times OMFIT has been run

  • unique users

  • number of commits

  • unique hosts on which OMFIT has been run

  • imported modules

  • actions taken (load/save projects, import/reload/export modules)

  • cross-reference OMFIT usage with users participation to conferences as per DIII-D publication database

Supported devices

  • Device independent


List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:

726 Orso Meneghini
386 Sterling Smith
102 Fusion Bot
 33 Nikolas Logan
  1 Torrin Bechtel


List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: meneghini, smithsp, logannc, nlogan, jsachdev, denk, eldond, beidlerm, eemdee, jianx, kinsey, kyungjin, qianjp, sciortinof