Contacts: Wen Wu, Joseph McClenaghan

Short Description

Module for predicting density source from pellet


pellet, ablation, PAM, density, source, fueling

Long Description

This module takes pellet information (size, velocity, material, layers), plasma information ne,Te, geometry, and computes a predicted pellet ablation and density source.

Supported devices

  • Model is currently device independent,

  • DIII-D: specific pellet injectors have been added.

Typical workflows

This module is used to:

  • start with (geqdsk, ne,Te) or ods

  • input desired pellet information

  • compute pellet ablation and density source


List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:

2516 Joseph McClenaghan
 620 Tomas Odstrcil
 407 Wen Wu
 292 Fusion Bot
  97 Valerie Izzo
  64 Jeffrey Herfindal
   4 Orso Meneghini
   1 Gregorio L. Trevisan


List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: mcclenaghanj, herfindalj, zhangjie, plh, mcclenaghan, wuwen, wangy, jiezhang, odstrcilt, valizzo, izzov, lizeyu, meneghini, nelsonand, shinan, burkem, curiem, ghiozzia, jlchen, kalling, merlo, slendebroekt, welsha