Contacts: Orso Meneghini, Sterling Smith, Brian Grierson, Nikolas Logan
Short Description¶
Tool for plotting experimental data and ensemble analysis
Long Description¶
The high level goals are to view, process, and create publication quality figures from your chosen tokamak.
There are three workflows in the OMFIT SCOPE module:
Scope - plot shots and signals
A common need for plasma physicists is to have a pre-defined set of time traces that are loaded and viewed to examine the discharge development for high-level survey or specific experiments. Some programs such as jscope, dwscope, review and reviewplus are commonly used at the various institutions. OMFIT provides an alternative to these tools with a new SCOPE module.
Database - place various signals on common timebase and compare
Often we observe changes in plasma dynamics, confinement and stability and would like to form a database of signal comparisons to quantify those changes. Some examples are the change in confinement with auxiliary heating, the variation of impurity content with ELM frequency, or the magnitude of a tearing mode amplitude as we change the rotation. Also, we may want to extract profile information from an equilibrium reconstruction, or analysis from a transport code such as TRANSP. Typically the physicist would need to write a program to read the data, place the various signals on a common time base, plot and fit the results. The SCOPE module provides a convenient interface with a library of data processing options that allows the user to compare signals on a specified timebase, plotting confinement vs. heating and rotation, or NTM amplitude as a function of qmin, or energy flux vs. local gradient.
The database creator tool can also interface to the SOLPS module to plot parameters drawn from families of related SOLPS runs. To do this, define the SOLPS dependency: root[‘SETTINGS’][‘DEPENDENCIES’][‘SOLPS’] = “location of SOLPS module”.
NOTE: If using TokSearch for Retrieval at DIII-D, you must first get access to the saga server, by sending an email to Brian Sammuli sammuli at; and David Miller millerdc at
PubFig - create publication quality, annotated figures
Creating publication quality figures can be a tedious operation and difficult to generalize, even for common time histories from MDSplus, because of colors, annotations, units, fonts, etc… The SCOPE module provides a publication figure GUI for performing this.
Typical workflows¶
There are three workflows in the OMFIT SCOPE module:
Selection from existing list of experimental signals
User-defined signals (both as MDSplus tags and MDSplus locations)
Manage (load/save/delete) of groups of signals
Overplotting signals of multiple shots
Overplot of multiple signals
Read session-leader logbook entries
Setup plot appearance
Caching of MDSplus queries for fast re-plots
Plot equilibrium evolution in time and slice electron density and temperature profiles
Project to view multidimensional data
Combine signals into a new derived quantity
Fit relationship between quantities
Scale a parameter with N-variables using a log-linear scaling relationship such as the H-mode power threshold
Database in SOLPS mode
Interface with the SOLPS module
Replace shots with labels for SOLPS runs
Reproduce all the standard database plots and tasks using results from families of related SOLPS runs instead of from groups of shots
Plot signals
Adjust visualization stile
Manage multiple shots
Supported devices¶
List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:
2926 Brian Grierson
1618 Nikolas Logan
1216 David Eldon
838 Fusion Bot
214 Quinn Pratt
212 Orso Meneghini
154 Kathreen Thome
130 Sterling Smith
118 Galina Avdeeva
84 David Orozco
50 shenders
33 Jisung Kang
26 Torrin Bechtel
26 Stephen Storment
5 Myungwon Lee
3 Oak Nelson
2 stephenstorment
1 Michael Churchill
1 Andrew Maris
List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: grierson, thomek, callahank, sunxuan, gavdeeva, meneghini, bgrierson, mcclenaghanj, stewarts, logannc, nelsonand, alarconp, dingsiye, yuguanying, orozcod, eldond, trhodes, denk, prattq, victorb, avdeevag, sliefj, mattesr, montesk, panck, perillor, renq, stephanet, liud, sciortinof, kathreenthome, razor, snyder, wilkstm, xingz, hongrongjie, houshman, bykovi, burkem, cotet, likai, smithsp, weisbergd, shis, knolkerm, snoepg, vancompernolle, khabanovf, mgalante, churchillr, liul, reac, slendebroekt, bechtelt, huqiming, guanqidong, burgessd, laggnerf, nlogan, qinx, samuellc, cuil, deshazere, haskeysr, nazikian, richnern, welsha, wumuq, akcayc, barrj, jianx, mortonl, chenj, panicid, razord, spendlovej, xier, casalil, denks, hansonm, lyonsbc, yadavn, ernst, howardnt, lestzj, odstrcilt, osullivans, wangt, chabanr, chrystal, macwant, mclaughlink, molesworths, palaciosduran, schamish, storments, yeoha, fernandezp, fleishhackerj, hanxiang, huwen, mcurie, tomas, anetepen, batteya, horvathl, marshalli, pbonofig, rutherfordg, sinhap, tangt, Trevisan, aedmonds, choudhuryh, crocker, kyungjin, lizeyu, pajaresa, smiskeyj, zeng, zhanghaiping, zhangp, abbatej, adishcheve, chenxi, chowdhurys, eidietis, fh3490, galinaavdeeva, jiangy, kthome, leekuanwei, lig, lindan, lunsfordr, marinic, masliner, munarettos, nicholsj, psinha, reimana, renyang, rhodes, smunaret, unterbee, wakatsukit, ashourvana, bergmannm, buttj, carterb, gerrur, gibsons, jmcclena, jonnykb, krietedm, logan, lyonss, mlampert, montes, morbeym, neille, serranoj, shaskey, staebler, turcof, wangliang, yujh, zimmermannc, bgriers, bleard, bodnerg, boses, capitainetema, ceelenl, clarkr, clau, cmichael, edwardsonc, efoley, eskewj, holland, jruizru, kapata, nornbergm, nurgalievm, prabhudesaig, prechelg, pshi, ricej, taczakb, templed, turnerl, vankampenr, xc2135, xug, zegere, abhatta2, akleiner, andris, anguloa, asladkom, austinm, baradakk, biswasb, boedo, boyermd, cengher, choiwilkie, duranj, duval, guterlj, hallchenv, happelt, hinsone, hschamis, imadak, jiahongray, junge, jyang, kimkyungjin, kostukm, lmorton, majorm, neisert, orlov, pablorf, parkjk, rea, simeonnachmannn, smithdr, soukhan, sungc, tbarberi, tmacwan2, truongd, wangxin, wudonggui, xuelei, zhaodeng, zywickib, Morton, ailianiv, ameigs, beidlerm, benedettt, bernardt, binksa, bortolon, brauna, brookmanmw, cavallaroa, chenji, chrobak, curtis, dambaj, davisem, dboyle, degrandchampg, diallo, dolbyi, dpanici, drsmith, duhl, eemdee, egilson, emdeee, feyrera, fitzpatrickr, g2orm, garciaav, garofalo, gillk, groebner, imaic, izzov, james.bland, jeon, johnsonc, johnsonj, josephi, joungs, jparisi, jwai, kimboseong, kripner, leem, leutholdn, lib, lijx, linami, liuzefang, lix, lizj, logan35, ludat, luniap, lvovskiya, ly8590, marinoni, marisa, maxinxing, michaelc, mkaur, monahanj, mosera, moynihanc, mparsons, nave, ncrocker, odstrcil, omenegh2, pandyam, pankin, peretm, puettericht, ql0457, root, rossm, saarelmas, sciof, sdiem, sdstewart3, seungho423, shiyf, sinclairg, solano, subboting, sweeneyrm, taylornz, tbechtel, thomas.ogorman, togorman, tomasina, train38, train39, train49, tsuic, vchen, waij, wangg, wangjun, wangy, wboeglin, weixishuo, whitea, wilcoxr, wilsonhaley, yangjeong, yjeon, ymjeon, zehuag, zhangjie, zhaojin, zimmermanj, zstancar