
Contacts: Orso Meneghini, Sterling Smith, Jeff Candy, Payam Vaezi

Short Description

Run the TGYRO code to get inputs for and then run TGLF at various radii


Experimental fluxes, Reduced model, Gyrokinetic fluxes

Long Description

This module orchestrates the running of various GACODE pieces: profiles_gen, TGYRO, TGLF, to start from an experimental power balance calculation, and then perform a sensitivity analysis of TGLF at various radii either to investigate straight sensitivity or to calculate particle D and V from TGLF.

Typical workflows

This module is used to:

  • calculate radial profiles of TGLF growth rates and fluxes

  • calculate radial profiles of TGLF particle D and V

  • calculate TGLF sensitivity to input parameters at various radii

Supported devices

  • Any device for which profiles_gen processing of power balance is available, which includes TRANSP, ONETWO, ASTRA, etc.

Relevant publications

  • See the TGLF module publications


List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:

1663 Francesco Sciortino
 956 Galina Avdeeva
 389 Brian Grierson
 342 Payam Vaezi
 332 Sterling Smith
 269 Orso Meneghini
 250 Quinn Pratt
 135 Fusion Bot
  56 Tomas Odstrcil
  40 Kathreen Thome
  16 David Eldon
  11 Will DeShazer
   5 Pablo Rodriguez


List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: houshman, sungc, sciortinof, grierson, callahank, vaezip, fernandezp, thomek, avdeevag, mcclenaghanj, prattq, pablorf, stephanet, marinoni, cuil, gavdeeva,, galinaavdeeva, holland, smithsp, neisert, dingsiye, likai, knolkerm, gdong0807, schmitzl, zhanghaiping, tomas, orlov, meneghini, panck, chenj, leekuanwei, wangg, xier, bgriers, baradakk, odstrcilt, snoepg, groebner, hallj, chenxi, ashourvana, kimsang, abbatej, carterb, zeng, jorge, yanz, jlchen, nave, truongd, chrystal, renyang, shinan, wanghuiqian, wangy, kaye, mberg, nelsonand, wmq, banerjees, bgrierson, fascianam, guizzos, wangxin, dambaj, howardnt, johnsonj, liyongliang, macwant, mordijck, odstrcil, rlore, sciortino, victorb, xiangjian, xuemiao, edeshaze, fcasson, g2jofe, haskeysr, jianx, slendebroekt, wh4980, DarkConscript, bergmannm, brookmanmw, chrishol, davisem, degrandchampg, hongrongjie, lestzj, nanshi, qinx, razord, sciof, shaskey, sunpengjun, tneiser, welsha, xdyang, zhaob, bassem, capitainetema, guowf, hdudding, kinsey, marshalli, merlog, morosohks, nlogan, normandy, payam, razor, saarelma, wgutten, zhaixm, Biwole, aashourv, asalmi, bpatel2, degrassi, deshazere, duxiaodi, greendl1, kongd, lizj, lyonsbc, mckee, molesworths, mporad, nurgalievm, pankin, petty, poulosm, psun, shisy, sinhap, smiskeyj, ssmith, sund, wangzhuo, wilkstm, wuxh, yren,, zhaodeng, zhouchengxi, zimmermannc