Contacts: Orso Meneghini, Sterling Smith, Jeff Candy, Christopher Holland, Garud Snoep
Short Description¶
Runs the steady state TGYRO transport code
Long Description¶
TGYRO manages execution of multiple instances of the kinetic neoclassical code NEO and the gyrokinetic code GYRO or the quasiliear code TGLF. Equilbrium profiles of density and temperature are modified by Newton iteration until measured losses from collisions (NEO) and turbulence (GYRO or TGLF) balance experimental power and density sources.
Typical workflows¶
Setup of geometry
Pick what equations to evolve
Newton solver controls
Iteration with or without self-consistent EPED1-NN pedestal model
Profiles scalings and particle sources
Selection of turbulent TGLF/GYRO/IFS and neoclassical NEO/Chang-Hinton/Hinton-Hazeltine models to use
Support running and viewing multiple simulations stored on remote server
Profiles as function of radius or iteration
Comparison of target, initial and final fluxes
Fluxes convergence for different iterations
Supported devices¶
Device independent
DIII-D * Google docs * PDF * YouTube video
ITER * Google docs * PDF
External resources¶
TGYRO on the GA GACODE website (needs GA account)
List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:
1078 Orso Meneghini
892 Galina Avdeeva
856 Tomas Odstrcil
707 Joseph McClenaghan
701 Fusion Bot
355 Kathreen Thome
344 Brian Grierson
239 Sterling Smith
117 Christopher Holland
59 Tim Slendebroek
58 Garud Snoep
30 Jeff Candy
10 Pablo Rodriguez
8 Zhixuan Wang
6 Francesco Sciortino
6 David Eldon
5 Joseph McClenaghan
3 Chengkang Pan
2 Zhao Deng
1 Torrin Bechtel
1 Brendan Lyons
List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: mcclenaghanj, thomek, panck, grierson, sciortinof, snoepg, meneghini, stephanet, avdeevag, gavdeeva, dingsiye, callahank, odstrcilt, victorb, marinoni, wanghuiqian, cuil, holland, candy, wmq, tomas, fernandezp, carterb, neisert, smithsp, sungc, chrystal, likai, leekuanwei, shis, jlchen, zhanghaiping, bgriers, orlov, wuxh, leem, xiangjian, knolkerm, lestzj, prattq, shinan, guowf, pablorf, vaezip, collinscs, edeshaze, lizj, bgrierson, liyongliang, shisy, wangy, zhaodeng, bassem, kinsey, mordijck, jorge, xuemiao, howardnt, kaye, lyonsbc, capitainetema, galinaavdeeva, jmcclena, renyang, DarkConscript, deshazere, guttenfe, luoyiming, petty, xugl, liujy, odstrcil, degrandchampg, jianx, molesworths, hasan, pharr, renq, xier, ashourvana, lijx, liu, ludat, schmitzl, sciortino, wgutten, haskeysr, houshman, jparisi, nanshi, slendebroekt, wangzhuo, zhanghongming, zyunpeng, Trevisan, cxzhou, gdong0807, lizeyu, mberg, razor, zhangjiayuan, abbatej, ghiozzia, hansonm, lfluo, sizheyuan, ssmith, staebler, wangzw, wfguo, yanz, zhangjy, zhuzj, baradakk, bergmannm, bielajewr, chenji, chenly_dut, fusionbot, g2jofe, groebner, johnsonj, kai.jia, lig, marshalli, qinx, ql0457, roelofsm, shin, sunap, tgleiter, welsha, xdyang, xuelei, yanjie.yang, zhaixm, zhwang, austinm, buttj, chenluoyu, chrishol, dfkong, eldond, garofalo, hallj, huqiming, jlestz, jsachdev, kyungjin, liuy_dlut, lix, morosohks, mpharr, nelsonand, pankin, parisij, parkjm, rlore, root, smiskeyj, solokhav, stewarts, sunpengjun, tang31, ubuntu, wh4980, wxmin, xiafan, xug, xujq, zhen.zhou