Contacts: Orso Meneghini, Michael Brookman, Joseph McClenaghan

Short Description

Run the TORAY ray,-tracing code for ECH waves and the TORBEAM beam tracing code


ray-tracing, paraxial, ECH, beam-tracing

Long Description

The TORAY code is an adaptation to tokamak geometry of earlier work done for mirror geometry. TORAY uses the cold plasma dispersion relation for the ray tracing and various models may be chosen for the absorption. For ECCD, TORAY may use the adjoint approach specialized to ECCD by Cohen. The Cohen approach has been reworked by Lin-Liu to generalize the square magnetic well used in Cohen’s approach. In a third version of the ECCD calculation, Lin-Liu has added the effect of the wave polarization calculated from an externally evaluated dispersion relation rather than the approximation that the wave is right-hand circularly polarized, a condition that is not even approximately true for the ordinary mode as in the ITER design.

This module has been setup to automatically run the beam-tracing code TORBEAM in addition to TORAY. This feature has been tested for the primary workflow loop of running a single time point for all gyrotrons and the multi-time workflow.

Typical workflows

This module is used to:

Setup profiles from ODS, OMFITprofiles, ZIPFITs, PRO_create, kineticEFITtime

Setup gyrotrons for a given shot and time.

Edit gyrotrons aiming if desired.


As stand-alone For entire shot Find critical density of entire shot Scan Density Scan Angle


Supported devices

  • Device agnostic

Relevant publications


List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:

849 Michael Brookman
832 Joseph McClenaghan
453 Severin Denk
273 Tomas Odstrcil
269 Orso Meneghini
155 Fusion Bot
139 Nikolas Logan
 21 Brian Grierson
  7 Tim Slendebroek
  6 Kathreen Thome
  1 Brendan Lyons


List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: mcclenaghanj, denks, brookmanmw, sliefj, xier, lestzj, grierson, hongrongjie, tangs, odstrcilt, rothsteina, meneghini, farreh, yuguanying, prattq, orlov, batteya, chenxi, rossm, thomek, xuemiao, logannc, aleynikovp, choiwilkie, jberkery, liyongliang, nelsonand, turcof, abbatej, holland, kostadinovae, ypark, denk, smithsp, xliu, zpw001, huqiming, jlchen, kimkyungjin, lyonsbc, pwzheng, vancompernolle, vanzee, wangy, xiafan, bursche, bykovi, chenj, chenji, curiem, deshazere, eskewj, fila, izzov, jmcclena, johnsonc, jparisi, kimsang, knolkerm, krietedm, kyungjin, lauc, lig, lterzolo, mingsheng.yu, razor, reimana, renyang, saarelmas, vaezip, wakatsukit, wangzw, weisbergd, wuxh, xiangjian, xugl, ylli, zeng, zhangjy, zhaodeng