# -*-Python-*-
# Created by bgrierson at 20 Dec 2016 12:38
# This is a basic OMFIT GUI demo
# All data associated with this demo will go in the TUTORIAL module ['INPUTS']['GUIS_basic']
# Set default OMFIT trees for I/O
root['INPUTS'].setdefault('GUIS_basic', OMFITtree())
# Create the main GUI
OMFITx.TitleGUI('Basic GUI Demo')
# The ShotTimeDevice GUI
OMFITx.Label("The ShotTimeDevice GUI")
OMFITx.ShotTimeDevice(multiTimes=True, showSingleTime=True)
# A label
OMFITx.Label('A Label Followed by Separator')
# A label with an image
OMFITx.Label('A label with an image', image=OMFITsrc + '/../samples/test_image.png')
# Create a text entry
OMFITx.Entry("root['INPUTS']['GUIS_basic']['entry']", 'OMFITx.Entry', default=1.0, help='A live text entry')
# Create a text entry with a post-command execution such that
# when the user presses [return] a function is executed.
def post(location=''):
printi('Recieved varable location {}'.format(location))
printi('With value {}'.format(eval(location)))
OMFITx.Entry("root['INPUTS']['GUIS_basic']['entry_post']", 'OMFITx.Entry with postcommand', default=1.0, postcommand=post)
# Create a text entry and enforce the entry to be a string
OMFITx.Entry("root['INPUTS']['GUIS_basic']['entry_check']", 'OMFITx.Entry must be string', default='foo', check=is_string)
# Create a checkbox
OMFITx.CheckBox("root['INPUTS']['GUIS_basic']['checkbox']", 'OMFITx.CheckBox', default=True, url='https://omfit.io')
'OMFITx.CheckBox mapped',
mapFalseTrue=['disabled', 'enabled'],
# Create a combobox with options that map to variables
opts = SortedDict(list(zip(['one', 'two'], [1.0, 2.0])))
OMFITx.ComboBox("root['INPUTS']['GUIS_basic']['combobox']", opts, 'OMFITx.Combobox', default=1.0)
# Create a slider
OMFITx.Slider("root['INPUTS']['GUIS_basic']['slider_float']", [-4.33, 10.9, 4], 'OMFITx.Slider', digits=2, default=1)
# A list Editor
"root['INPUTS']['a list']", ['apple', 'pear', 'banana', 'cherries'], lbl='Two Fruits', default=None, unique=True, ordered=True, max=2
# Create a button that executes a function
def button_function():
printi('Button pressed executes function')
OMFITx.Button('OMFITx.Button runs function', button_function)
# Create a button that executes a script
root['GUIS']['basic_script'] = OMFITpythonTask(
printi('Button pressed executes script')
OMFITx.Button('OMFITx.Button runs script', root['GUIS']['basic_script'])
# Create a button that executes a script with arguments
root['GUIS']['basic_script2'] = OMFITpythonTask(
defaultVars(yesno = False)
printi('Button pressed executes script with argument {}'.format(yesno))
OMFITx.Button('OMFITx.Button runs script with argument', lambda: root['GUIS']['basic_script2'].run(yesno=True))
# GUI elements on the same row
with OMFITx.same_row():
for k in range(3):
OMFITx.Button(f'Button {k+1}', lambda x=k + 1: print(x))
# Create a labeled separator
OMFITx.Separator('A Labeled Separator')
# Create an unlabeled ObjectPicker
OMFITx.ObjectPicker("root['INPUTS']['geqdsk']", objectType=OMFITgeqdsk)
# Create a labeled ObjectPicker
root['SETTINGS']['SETUP']['geqdsk2_dir'] = OMFITsrc + '/../samples/'
root['SETTINGS']['SETUP']['geqdsk2_patt'] = 'g*'
lbl='geqdsk file',
# Add a filepicker object, which just holds a string path, not an object
OMFITx.FilePicker("root['INPUTS']['geqdsk3']", default='')
OMFITx.FilePicker("root['INPUTS']['local_path']", default='', directory=True, transferRemoteFile=True)
root['INPUTS']['remote_path'] = ('/home/smithsp/bin/', 'smithsp@saturn.gat.com:22', 'smithsp@cybele.gat.com:2039')
OMFITx.FilePicker("root['INPUTS']['remote_path']", default='', directory=True, transferRemoteFile=None)
OMFITx.Label('Demonstrating proper use of a lambda function within a loop')
for i in map(str, range(2)):
OMFITx.Button('Press number %s' % i, lambda i=i: print('{}'.format(i)))