# -*-Python-*-
# Created by bgrierson at 01 Nov 2015 16:24
print('Hello world!')
# Define a number
a = 1.0
# Print the number
print('The number')
# Print the number as a string
print('The number as a string')
# Using "%"
# Format the number as a string
print('The number as a string in a string')
print('a=%s' % str(a))
# Format the number (float) as an int.
print('The number in a string as an int')
print('a=%i' % a)
# Format the number as a string from an int.
print('The number in a string as a string from an int')
print('a=%s' % str(int(a)))
# Using .format
# Free-format
print('The number in free format using .format')
# Strict format says take first element (0th element as 0:) and
# format as a float with two decimals (.2f)
print('The number as a strict format float with two decimels')
print('The number as a strict format scientific with four decimels')
# Strict format as an int with two places leading zeros
print('The number as a strict format int with leading zeros')
# Strict format with sign
print('The number as a strict format float with its sign')
# Format the number as a percentage with two decimals
print('The number as a strict format percentage with two decimals')