Contacts: Orso Meneghini

Short Description

Run the GENRAY ray tracing code


ray-tracing, paraxial, ECH, LHCD, ICRF

Long Description

This module prepares the input, runs, and postprocesses the output of the GENRAY raytracing code

Typical workflows

  • update GENRAY input file from OMFITprofiles or profiles module

  • execute GENRAY

  • visualize simulation results (ray trajectories, absorbed power and current drive)

  • perform parametric simulation scans

  • visualize parametric scan results

Supported devices

  • Device independent

Relevant publications


List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:

248 Orso Meneghini
185 Bart Van Compernolle
130 Joseph McClenaghan
 16 Fusion Bot
 14 Brendan Lyons


List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: meneghini, hongrongjie, mcclenaghanj, prattq, jayesh, ashourvana, zhangx, vancompernolle, clau, xuemiao, chenj, lizj, smithsp, test, zpw001, chenji, denk, denks, kyungjin, masliner, willensdorferm, wwehner, abbatej, asperdut, baradakk, beidlerm, chenxi, ddj, dingsiye, ernst, izzov, jlchen, jsachdev, kimkyungjin, kinsey, likai, luoyiming, marinoni, mboyer, pwzheng, rkalling, rnies, ryoneda, slendebroekt, snyder, spendlovej, u10198, waij, wangzhuo, wukitchj, xjzhang, yonedar, zeng, zhaixm