Contacts: Nikolas Logan, Sterling Smith
Short Description¶
Generalized Perturbed Equilibrium Code: MHD stability, plasma response, and torque from 3D fields
DCON, RDCON, STRIDE, PENTRC, MHD, Stability, plasma response, resonant coupling, NTV torque
Long Description¶
This module interfaces with a suite of non-axisymmetric stability and perturbed equilibrium codes including DCON/RDCON/STRIDE (stability), GPEC (driven plasma response), and PENTRC (NTV torque). The primary purpose of this package is to calculate the non-axisymmetric force balance in tokamak plasmas, and this module provides a streamlined interface for collecting the necessary inputs, performing calculations, and visualizing the outputs.
It provides a streamlined interface for the critical input parameters, with logical linking to supporting/dependent parameters. The GUI provides a streamlined interface with the OMFIT kinetic EFIT and profiles modules to gather the requisite 2D equilibrium input. It also provides a simple GUI for setting the coil currents based on mode number amplitude and phase or directly from experiments (although this feature is not supported on all machines). Run submission is as easy as pressing a button, and there is a built in utility for running parameter scans in addition to time series scans (which are intrinsic).
Finally, standard visualization provide a quick and informative overview of the results as well as in depth analysis options. These options include post-processing for coil amplitude and phasing optimization based on resonant coupling or NTV profile metrics. They also include 3D visualizations of the perturbed equilibrium quantities and quick investigation of the fundamental plasma property eigenmodes and eigenvectors.
Typical workflows¶
This module is used to:
Set inputs for the many namelists used to control the fortran executables
Interface with OMFIT or external EFIT and profile sources
Apply spatio temporal, functional coil currents
Run the package fortran executables (in SLURM or not), scanning time and optionally additional parameters
Visualize the output with pre-packaged plotting and post-processing
Supported devices¶
Relevant publications¶
J.-K. Park, A.H. Boozer, and A.H. Glasser, Physics of Plasmas 14, 52110 (2007).
J.-K. Park, A.H. Boozer, J.E. Menard, A.M. Garofalo, M.J. Schaffer, R.J. Hawryluk, S.M. Kaye, S.P. Gerhardt, S.A. Sabbagh, and NSTX Team, Physics of Plasmas 16, 56115 (2009).
J.-K. Park, Physics of Plasmas 18, 110702 (2011).
N.C. Logan, J.-K. Park, K. Kim, Z. Wang, and J.W. Berkery, Physics of Plasmas 20, 122507 (2013).
External resources¶
Note that the DCON code was developed by Allen Glasser at Los Alamos National Laboratory, while STRIDE, GPEC and PENTRC were developed and are maintained by the GPEC team at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.
List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:
10632 Nikolas Logan
1272 Fusion Bot
565 Francisco Farinha
147 Brian Victor
137 Matthew Pharr
81 +Daniel Burgess
68 SM Yang
49 Daniel Burgess
41 Orso Meneghini
17 Brendan Lyons
9 d-burg
8 Lang Cui
6 Sterling Smith
4 Qiming Hu
3 Will DeShazer
3 Richard FitzPatrick
2 Theresa Wilks
1 David Eldon
List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: francisco, markovic, huqiming, buttj, syang, leutholdn, logannc, bford, yangseongmoo, nlogan, rfitzp, pharr, jpark, prangrye, xbai, burgessd, roelofsm, ulbl_p, cotet, luniap, peter, cuil, xingz, jsh8708, lammersj, parkjk, fitzpatrickr, mpharr, gus, sjhan00, sweeneyrm, rothsteina, aaron, fstum, pharrm, kimsang, lainer_p, ert, kripner, ashourvana, myersr, seidl, seungho423, fordb, clementm, schaeferc, czhu, pandyam, hfrerich, jaulmes, meneghini, jmlmir, jvanblar, logan, kyungjin, munarettos, smithsp, terranova, ailianiv, boyesw, halpernj, jberkery, knolkerm, mcclenaghanj, mwillens, nelsonand, peterka, tangt, bursche, dterran, eldond, shoushar, victorb, jhalpern, labbatej, sjo, thomek, tmarkovi, ypark, akleiner, benjamins, calbert, epaul, hs_yun, izacardo, jal2351, jianx, leem, liul, logan35, markovict, orlov, panicid, sontag, ubuntu, yuguanying, abbatej, akcayc, andreavergara, aspire1019, barrj, batteya, bgriers, bgrierson, caoxiang, deshazere, eggertw, fila, fridrich, grierson, hansenc, jbutt, jlabbate, kripnerl, liuy_dlut, lix, lyonsbc, mortonl, mroelofs, nazikian, parisij, pigattol, priyansh, qhu, root, smunaret, tomasina, wanghuiqian, xier, zimiz