Contacts: Sterling Smith, Joseph McClenaghan

Short Description

Run the ONETWO transport code


Transport, Power balance, Neutral Beams

Long Description

This module prepares the input, runs, and postprocesses the output of the ONETWO transport code.

Typical workflows

This module is used to: * Get time dependent profiles in the OMFITprofiles format and convert to the inone format for input to ONETWO * Run ONETWO in snapshot mode, or only evolving the current * Produce a single netcdf statefile output, for use in providing kinetic constraints to equilibrium reconstructions (kineticEFITs) * take the profiles from the profile module and put them into the inone file * run the ONETWO code * run the ONETWO code based on pyped runid, timeid, shot profiles * run the ONETWO code based on ZIPFITs, by means of the IDL autoonetwo scripts (such as is run between shots) * evolve current (time dependent/steady state) * evolution of electron & ion temperature and rotation with BRAINFUSE transport model


List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:

1904 Orso Meneghini
1615 Sterling Smith
 501 Fusion Bot
 254 Joseph McClenaghan
 239 Zhixuan Wang
 184 David Eldon
 109 Jeff Lestz
  39 Brendan Lyons
  31 Severin Denk
  22 Tim Slendebroek
  17 Tomas Odstrcil
  12 Brian Victor
   9 Will DeShazer
   8 Nikolas Logan
   7 Z. Anthony Xing
   7 Bob Wilcox
   3 Zhao Deng
   3 Martin Margo
   3 Alexei Pankin
   2 Torrin Bechtel
   1 Mark Nornberg


List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: kinsey, smithsp, mcclenaghanj, turcof, shilin, wudonggui, zhaob, lestzj, mordijck, truongd, wangg, leekuanwei, nelsonand, baradakk, odstrcilt, kobayashi, wakatsukit, denks, eldond, sliefj, abbatej, marinoni, macwant, zeng, guanqidong, haskeysr, lig, prattq, taylornz, yanz, chenj, fleishhackerj, holland, jianx, panck, renq, victorb, wangy, chenly_dut, tomas, zhangjie, deshazere, yanjie.yang, zhangx, dingsiye, ligq, liyongliang, mckee, meneghini, odstrcil, weixishuo, xier, edeshaze, eggertw, houshman, jlchen, thomek, brookmanmw, burgessd, bykovi, callahank, jiezhang, leutholdn, lizj, luoyiming, shaskey, shinan, sizheyuan, slendebroekt, sunxuan, tangt, wanghuiqian, wangzhuo, xuemiao, avdeevag, balbinj, bechtelt, burkem, chabanr, clementm, crocker, degrandchampg, denk, fujia, groebner, hasan, hhwang, hongrongjie, izacardo, libang, likai, liuy_dlut, lizeyu, mcclenaghan, myersr, nornbergm, oizacard, orlov, rkalling, rosenthala, rothsteina, shis, shisy, ssaar, stephanet, sunap, sunpengjun, sunyanxu, tbechtel, trhodes, user1, wangf, wangliang, wumuq, xiafan, xiawei, xingz, yuguanying, zhanghaiping, zhangjy, zhouwj, zhuyiren