Contacts: Oak Nelson
Short Description¶
Efficient computation of NBI fast-ion distribution
Long Description¶
This OMFIT module runs the RABBIT code from a specified DIII-D shot. Inputs can either be automatically gathered from zipfit and MDSplus, or manually assembeled from related modules.
RABBIT is capable of computing the NBI fast-ion distribution in real-time. It uses a simplified beam geometry to calculate the beam attenuation. Finite-orbit-width effects are taken into account by an orbit average of the beam deposition. The time-dependent solution of the Fokker-Planck equation (2D in velocity) is then calculated based on analytic expressions. This code currently takes about 25ms per time step, which is roughly a factor of 1000 faster than the more sophisticated NUBEAM code. Nevertheless, good agreement between both codes is found in a comprehensive benchmark.
Please cite the publications below if using RABBIT in your workflow. Your recognition of the work that went into this is much appreciated.
Typical workflows¶
Generation of beam output files from zipfit equilibira using RABBIT
Supported devices¶
List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:
1235 Oak Nelson
139 Fusion Bot
132 Joseph McClenaghan
132 +Adriana Ghiozzi
57 Tim Slendebroek
40 Severin Denk
24 Sterling Smith
10 Orso Meneghini
2 Torrin Bechtel
1 Brian Grierson
1 Brendan Lyons
List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: nelsonand, ghiozzia, abbatej, eldond, garciaav, loughranj, hansonm, odstrcilt, denks, jessicafu232, liul, mcclenaghanj, riggsg, emdeee, gdong0807, gerrur, guizzos, mordijck, user1, andreavergara, collinscs, denk, duxiaodi, hansec, jorge, liud, orozcod, pankin, rosenthala, smiskeyj, weilandm, weixishuo, xingz