Contacts: Nikolas Logan, Shaun Haskey, Theresa Wilks

Short Description

Visualize and manipulate DIII-D beam timing files



Long Description

This module provides detailed information about the DIII-D neutral beam injection based on TIMCON timing file control. Power and torque calculations are provided, and ranges are given for PCS control if applicable. Projections for the accessible beta and rotation are also provided based on reference shot data.

Quick, interactive plots provide power and torque scaling projections based on voltage, dutycycle, and Vprobe for planning or control room adjustments.

Typical workflows

This module is used to:

  • Read/write/plot timcon tcnb files

  • Project power and torque based on NBI programmer actuators (voltage, dutycycle, and Vprobe)

  • Provide PCS control ranges and beta/rotation projections


List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:

1842 Nikolas Logan
 139 Fusion Bot
  28 Shaun Haskey
  24 Theresa Wilks
  15 Sterling Smith
  14 Orso Meneghini


List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: wilkstm, yangjeong, shafer, logannc, abbatej, dingsiye, liuc, degrandchampg, thomek, odstrcilt, callahank, eldond, garofalo, huqiming, ernst, haskeysr, kimsang, turcof, grierson, hongrongjie, solomon, baradakk, bgrierson, bykovi, chari, liud, mcclenaghanj, meneghini, nlogan, odstrcil, paz-soldan, smithsp, unterbee, victorb, wilcoxr, banerjees, barrj, batteya, chenj, chrystal, clementm, collinscs, gagek, gerrur, horvathl, lvovskiya, pacedc, parkjm, rauchj, soukhan, stewarts, tomas