
Contacts: Sterling Smith

Short Description

Run GAprofiles profiles fitting tools in a time dependent fashion


Profile fitting, Density, Temperature, Rotation, Radiation, Spline

Long Description

GAprofiles is a tool that was developed at General Atomics for fitting smooth profiles to discrete data. Supports fitting of ne, nimp, Te, Ti, wt, Er, prad, Zeff. The main interface is an IDL based set of widgets.

Typical workflows

This module is used to:

  • Retrieval of existing GAprofiles files stored on local/remote machines

  • Run GAprofiles widgets on local/remote machines

  • Plotting of profiles for a single time-slice (fits, data with uncertainties, and details for different diagnostics)

In addition to the GAprofiles module, this module:

  • Allows analysis of time dependent profiles in their own right

  • Form a Dataset similar to OMFITprofiles so that the profiles can be used in ONETWO ro TRANSP calculations

Supported devices

  • DIII-D and any other machine with GAprofiles installed



List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:

754 Sterling Smith
187 Brian Grierson
119 Fusion Bot
 60 Orso Meneghini
  7 rfxie
  2 Nikolas Logan


List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: vanzee, marinoni, lindan, jacksona, houshman, grierson, bardoczil, dingsiye, liud, browna, dolbyi, kinsey, petty, yangjeong, degrandchampg, xier, khabanovf, crocker, huangj, truongd, lig, wangy, holcomb, howardnt, jsachdev, perillor, richnern, boedo, logannc, smithsp, yangseongmoo, batteya, cotet, cuil, guanqidong, hongrongjie, huqiming, lestzj, marshalli, odstrcilt, panck, pandyam, snyder, tangt, tomas, victorb, zhaob, ashourvana, burkem, fernandezp, guttenfe, leppinke, lizeyu, munarettos, myersr, ohtaniy, parkjm, sunxuan, thomek, wilkstm, yanz, yuguanying, austinm, avdeevag, benedettt, bgrierson, boyesw, burgessd, buttj, callahank, casalil, choudhuryh, dambaj, hanxiang, holland, jianx, jlchen, johnsonj, junge, kimkyungjin, kolemene, kxf, linsenmayere, liuy_dlut, liuzefang, liyongliang, lyonsbc, marinic, mcclenaghanj, mccoyl, mordijck, mortonl, neille, nelsonand, nlogan, onom, qinx, sachdevj, snoepg, songxiao, staebler, stewarts, sungc, sunpengjun, turcof, unterbee, vankampenr, weisbergd, weixishuo, willensdorferm, wudonggui, wuyifan, xug, yadavn, zeng