
Contacts: Orso Meneghini, Sterling Smith, Brian Grierson, Nikolas Logan, Shaun Haskey

Short Description

Workflow for kinetic equilibrium reconstructions and steady state predictive modeling


equilibrium reconstruction, kinetic constraints, self-consistent predictions

Long Description

  • GUI guides users through:

  • 0^th iteration: magnetic only-EFIT

  • n^th iteration: kinetic EFITs -> PROFILES, ONETWO, NEO, EFIT

  • Support for saving/reloading iterations

  • Can start from set of kinetic EFIT files generated by other methods (e.g. Osborne tools)

  • Calculations from NEO module can be used to calculate J_boot (instead of Sauter model) and provide E_r correction to MSE data

  • Postprocessing for evaluating goodness of reconstruction and comparison between iterations

  • Evolution of the profiles, current, magnetic field, plasma position and shape

  • Closed-boundary EFIT to modify equilibrium shape

  • TGYRO module (within profiles module) is used to find steady state profiles from TGLF (or GYRO) transport model

  • EPED module for evaluation of pedestal height and width

Typical workflows

This module is used to (for a single time):

  • link together: * run EFIT * run profile fitting or prediction * run ONETWO


List of contributors sorted by number of lines authored:

1297 Orso Meneghini
 325 Fusion Bot
  64 Sterling Smith
   9 Zhao Deng
   4 Nikolas Logan
   3 Zhixuan Wang
   2 Torrin Bechtel
   2 Joseph McClenaghan
   1 shenders
   1 Shaun Haskey


List of usernames sorted by number of module imports: kinsey, wangy, mcclenaghanj, wumuq, zhaodeng, xugs, sungc, likai, zhangjiayuan, renq, meneghini, cuil, guowf, marinoni, jianx, wangqi, chenxi, grierson, schmitzl, garofalo, victorb, panck, luoyiming, zeng, knolkerm, wangliang, haskeysr, nave, xuemiao, hinsone, nanshi, wudonggui, baradakk, lig, yanz, holcomb, smithsp, snoepg, inyong, mordijck, shaskey, chenji, collinscs, wanghuiqian, wuyifan, wangzw, wilcoxr, austinm, zhangb, Trevisan, fernandezp, holland, jlchen, nelsonand, shafer, huangj, chenran, eldond, merlog, mortonl, nazikian, ashourvana, lijx, stephanet, chenj, guanqidong, lindan, lizeyu, paz-soldan, qianjp, soukhan, solomon, yuguanying, lix, luxin, sunyouwen, wuxh, chrystal, churchillr, duxiaodi, laggnerf, nlogan, orlov, wangxin, wilkstm, abramst, effenbergf, evans, okabay, roelofsm, taylornz, turnbull, wmq, zhanghongming, zhangx, zhuyilun, bgrierson, chenm, clementm, dimits1, josephi, kongd, liud, thomek, weisbergd, capitainetema, choiwilkie, lmorton, renyang, sunap, wangzhuo, xiangjian, zhangjie, zhaoyan, zhuyiren, beidlerm, dingsiye, ernst, groebner, hongrongjie, huqiming, imadak, lwsheng, lyonsbc, solokhav, vlad, briesemeister, brookmanmw, chabanr, goodmana, halfmoonm, hwong, kimsang, odstrcilt, poulosm, rchurchi, trevisan, wangh, xingz, xug, zhaixm, zhwang, zyli, bpatel2, dongg, fhaoc, fscotti, fucailong, gongx, halfmoon, izacardo, kimkyungjin, lauc, leem, lgarzot, lishimin, lizj, logannc, majorm, mcecc, oizacard, pacedc, pankin, ramanr, shinan, shisy, ssmith, tang31, wfguo, wingen, xiayanbo, zengxx, adwiteey, carpanesef, chenluoyu, crocker, degrassi, denk, diems, dimitsa, fujia, hexx, howardnt, howelle, huangqh, huxing, kalling, kleijwegtk, kyungjin, libang, liujai, ludat, masliner, mfitz, murakami, neisert, nferraro, nthoward, orso, peter, polifm, qinx, snyder, solano, sontag, sunz, sweeneyrm, tobiasb, tomas, vgraber, waij, wangf, wanghui, wangyh, weixishuo, whitea, xuelei, xugl, ylli, yonedar, yujh, zhongzhihang, zhuzj